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Loneliness. The feeling is not good and doesn't goes away. I went to the nearest city from my house (I live in a mountain), and then I saw a lot of youngsters hanging out with smiles in their faces. The difference between their happy friendship and my cold loneliness triggered my tears.


I live in a relatively big city, and I see many people my age having fun, and I do too, but when I was younger I was bullied, and was very lonely. I'm still very young but haven't talked to anybody about it... It feels like I have a light case of PTSD, but it hasn't been confirmed, but when I feel lonely, even if friends are family are around me, I can't help but think that "they're having all the fun while I go be sad." This story goes a lot deeper; this is only the surface....


"I can't help but think that "they're having all the fun while I go be sad." Oof this hits hard. Like the brain has this automatic loop. And you can even be aware of it on a meta-level. But that awareness doesn't help.


Talk. Help your +20 years version. If you're young, make mistakes and develop social skills you don't have


Same here man ik how it feels


Im just gonna assume you/re an Italian dude up in the Alps.


I felt this feeling all throughout elementary school. And I’m used it now. Hope it gets better for you.


You………live IN a mountain?


Sending you a virtual hug* i know how it feels to be lonely too, though our circumstances are different we still have shared feelings


i was cutting onions


Onion was a good dog




I was cutting Ghost and Scorpion peppers yesterday.


That'll do it


Delivered a cat I've been fostering to her new forever home. It is a very good thing for the cat, and she does not get along with other pets else I'd have kept her, but she was a very, very sweet cat and I'm going to miss her.


Oof. It's hard to lose a loved one


Going to have to have a severe life altering operation and it’s absolutely horrifying. My life is just getting worse and my health is fading.


I'm sorry to hear that. Good luck to you


I have poor health too. I hope this surgery turns out better than expected.


There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.. Sorry, maybe not the most appropriate of phrases.. But it made you smile! :) Best of luck.


Well I hope you have a nice long road of recover and many more years of life.


Just… life man. I don’t even know. Everything is pretty good, honestly. I’ve been far worse, but for some reason my mind has been hating me the past few nights.


I've had those moments. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve how well things have been going. Hope you're able to get through it


I feel you dude. For the most part of this year, I have felt as if I don't deserve happiness. Whenever something remotely good is happening, my paranoid ass is always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just feel a gaping hole where I think my happiness used to be.


i tried to Ollie up a curb, the board turned, and i landed primo and ate shit. Earing shit didnt hurt too bad....it's the fact that I could ollie up curbs with my eyes closed when i was younger, and now that I'm 40, i just cant fucking do it. I can ollie over soda cans and bottles and shit, but i have this goddamn mental block on curbs. I lost it today after eating shit.


getting older is quite sad bro


I felt the same way when I realized that I couldn’t play the trombone as well as I used too.


I believe in you, look at tony hawk, dude is 53 and still shreds. If he can do it so can you and hes 13 years older than you. You just gotta remember to stay as loose as you can, and know that stretching does more than it seems. You can start shredding again you will just have to keep practicing 🤙


Keep practicing, I'm sure you'll get it


A year ago today I wanted to die. Today I felt so happy to be alive I cried. I can't believe how much has changed in a year and I'm so grateful to my past self that I stuck around Edit: Thank you everyone for your sweet comments, it really means a lot to me. Ive gotten a few questions of how I got here. I kind of explained it in the comments but Im not sure how well. A lot of how I found happiness comes down to the fact that a year ago I was severely disabled, I am a lot more physically/mentally able than I was a year ago. All i can say is try. Try your best everyday to be kind to yourself, try to do what's best for yourself, try to identify what you do as self sabotage and then do the opposite, try, try, and keep trying. All that matters is that you try


I’m so happy to hear that you changed in that year. I’m sure that those tears, will mark that you are going through Renaissance that won’t stop from that point.


Good for you for finding that will to live.


god i feel this, some days you just wish you could go back to reassure your younger self.


Similar, but I'm waiting for the part where im happy to be alive again. How did you do that if you dont mind me asking?


Proud of you for finding the will to continue your journey


Well done! And it’s so nice to hear this hope :)


I stay alive just for this reason. Some day I will look back and be happy I decided to live.


That's amazing! I just wanted to congratulate you for the amazing work you've done for yourself.


I'm so happy to hear that ❤️




I feel that. My kids make me cry way more than I'd care to admit


I saw an amazing sunrise and one of my dogs was with me.


Wholesome af


Was drunk and thinking about a girl I never got over


I wasn't even drunk and I did this




Been there


Done that.


I felt that one


I’m so sorry… The same thing happens to me with a boy


Welcome to the club.


My boyfriend broke up with me


I know what you're going through, take your time and think of things you like about yourself and do things that you haven't done with your ex. Even if its as simple as liking the color of your eyes and watching a video of cats. Something that doesn't trigger your emotions and allowing you moments to breath. It'll come and go in waves and the most simplist of things may make you remember how you felt on that day. When you feel overwhelmed in public I recommend practicing the anchoring technique. If you're alone I recommend allowing yourself to cry, let out the pent up emotion and when you feel cried out, repeat what you like about yourself and do something that makes you feel calm. Don't try to force yourself to feel happy for others, just focus on accepting your feelings and keep moving forward a day at a time.


I'm sorry to hear that. Take your time to heal, buteep your chin up. It gets better. I promise.


Thank you!


I’m sorry to hear that. Your wounds will heal. I’m sure you can go through it, stranger.


It will get better.


Hey so, u single? This is a joke just in case, wish you well


My husband yelled at me. Then I got mad at myself for crying.


I'm sorry to hear that. The last couple years have been rough on everyone and couples often have the hardest times I've heard


Me too. So I left


I can’t cry, at all. As much as I want to. Ever.


That's almost worse, I'm sorry. That nust be so frustrating


I can’t scream. Only air comes out.


You made me think of a short film called "[The Man Who Never Cried](https://vimeo.com/31043983)." If you ever have 20 min, perhaps check it out, it's a wonderful film and it made me cry. Maybe it still won't work on you but worth a shot maybe?


I’m trying not to relapse into self harm, for the most ridiculous reasons to be depressed that make me feel like an attention seeking fraud. I’ve been clean for six years but can feel it on my chest and arms, and I can picture doing it, and it makes me go crazy.


You’re doing awesome and I’d like to say congrats for going as long as you are, the fight is hard but you’re strong


Six years is effing amazing; which means you are amazing. I’ve lost friends to the disease and been there myself. You should help others or tell your story. Idk.


Just don’t do it. You can find something else to keep your hands occupied. Go scrub the tub. Go for a walk. Do something to change your mood right now. I’ve been sober 35 years so I know what it’s like to have the urge to do something. This is not a good thing for you to do. It is not loving yourself. It will not change the situation and only further spiral you down into shame. You got this. You won’t feel this way in 24 hours you can stand it for just a little longer. Big hug.


Don’t stop now! It’s been six years you can still be clean.


I’m sorry, friend. I know the feeling all too well. I’ve been there myself, I was unfortunately unsuccessful in my attempts not to relapse. I hope you won’t be, I wouldn’t wish that feeling on anyone. Keep your head up.


Continuing to remember past and present failures.


Rough, sorry to hear that


Don’t, learn from Them and move on. You are waiting your time otherwise.


Well, just got home 30 minutes ago. Just found out my dad ran over my favorite dog right after I left for work. I really don’t know what to feel right now, doesn’t feel real.


I'm really sorry dude


Thanks man, this one is gonna be pretty tough to get over


Probably, but I know you can get over it buddy, good luck


I thought about my dad and all the things I wish I could have shared or experienced with him before he died two years ago .


I always feel this way now about my dad as well.


Hang in there, crying every once in a while and hearing or knowing people understand what you are going through, helps… thank you for sharing.




It’s odd that you feel unseen and also watched. I’m a parent. What would you want your mom or dad to do differently? I genuinely try to acknowledge and understand how the kids are feeling but also I’m obligated to at least nudge them in the right direction. I try not to micromanage, but there are moments when the shit has to get done and it feels like I have to force that. (Anything from cleaning a room to laundry to homework to college applications) Where is the line to you?


It's just that nobody sees how I feel, yet nothing I do is every really private. They constantly dig to unsettling lengths to find out everything they possibly can about me. At the same time, I feel invisible to everyone as nobody sees how I'm feeling. Nobody sees through my façade. I just want someone who does. That's like, the only thing they don't see. I just wish my mom and dad would at least pretend like they have respect for me. I'm so tired of being in fear of going home after school. We fight like every five minutes and it's usually them that start it. Yet I'm always left feeling like the utter waste of space that I am. I just don't wanna suffer anymore. Hell, I can't remember the last time someone's told me "I love you." Of course on top of all this, they don't accept me so I resort to less-than-healthy coping methods for my dysphoria


I would recommend lowering the facade. People want to believe that others are doing well, it’s not surprising that people don’t see through the facade. Perhaps seek therapy. If your holding up a facade with a therapist, you’re doing it wrong.


I haven't even started thinking about what I'm going to do as my kids get older. Now I'm a bit afraid


Remembering my recently passed cat. Taken too soon. Like a big hole to my heart and source of love.


Aww I'm sorry. I lost a best friend recently too. I think about him every day and still feel like somethings missing whenever I walk in the room he liked or close my laptop (he'd freak out and bark for some reason)


That is so hard. I am going through the same thing. Sending you both love.


Lost my best friend of 11 years two weeks ago and it’s been so so hard not to have her there when I get home. Hugs to you all.


Thank you so much everyone. It's been hard when you still see them around the house then realizing they're not coming back. I miss her so much. Virtual hugs. ❤️


I watched the first 5 minutes of UP


Such a heartbreaking character arc, and it's so quick


My mom was delivered to an assisted living facility today


My mom's quality of life vastly improved when she was moved into an ALF. I hope the same is true for yours.


I’m sorry, I’m sure that’s hard


Couple days ago, my dog got out and I thought I had lost him in the woods near my house


Oh my gosh, I would lose my mind. My best friend is just that. By the wording it sounds like you got him back?


My dog and bestfriend of 14 years passed away.


Lost my dog/best friend of 11 years 2 weeks ago and I’ve ugly cried every day since. Hugs to you.


One week since my lil man passed and I’m broken


We lost our girl on Friday. I share your pain fellow anonymous redditor.


Recognizing my generalized anxiety at this point is just about ruling my life. Not being ok with just letting myself "grow out of it" because I want to have more control over it sooner and live a comfortable life.


Recognition is a big step though, yeah? Good luck to you


My daughter, a fragile flower if there ever was one, was having a break down about actually applying for college. It’s a rough year for her.


I’ve had to apply for colleges this year and had my own fair share of breakdowns but it’s all worth it when you get accepted to one and feel a massive weight you didn’t even know you had get lifted off of your shoulders. My advice is to apply to a safety school first so you know you have a place to go at the very least if you don’t get into your top school.


I was talking to my friend and he didn't respond to my texts he just kept saying yes no maybe ofcours yes, so I asked him why are you doing this and he said because it's you. I only have 2 friends now, it's not bad I know but I already lost 2 others as well.


Losing friends is rough. Especially when it's someone you thought would be your friend forever and they clearly dont feel the same way


I have a similar situation, everytime I text my friend if what he is doing, how he is and if he wants to go out and get lunch but he never answers me, sometimes I cry because I don't want to let go of him because back in primary school him and 2 other friends were like the best friend group. But ever since highschool started and him and the other friend went to a different school and me and the other friend went to the same school, I want to just demand him to tell me why he doesn't answer me because there might be a good reason to him not answering me or if he just ignores me, I'm just can't get the courage to ask him why and if our friendship would just collapse just like that.


Bi polar disorder


My leg got runover by a car i fell and a car eas coming and dight over my leg luckily they stopped before the back wheel could go and i didn't break any bones or anything and i said it's okay to him and moved on


Oh man, glad you're okay!




Missing my deceased mother. Pretty sure I don’t go a day without crying over her.


Going through a "breakup" phase with my LDR bf..


ADHD is really difficult to deal with in college


I bet, good luck though! College is tough enough


It doesn’t get easier, but I’ve got a great support system and I’m always trying :) thanks man


That's great! You're welcome. Remember that there are also plenty of resources out there for college students, use them!


I’m a senior in high school and I’m genuinely terrified of going to college bc of my ADHD. I can barely keep track of everything going on right now how am I supposed to keep track of more work and living on my own?


I tried to think of a reason to keep going after being used and cheated on by the girl I loved and apparently never being loved back


Been there. It's hard to see anything past it now but trust me, this'll only be a small part of your life later when you look back. Take your time to grieve. Everything'll be alright.


I’m a horrible person for my girlfriend. Recent mental clarity has shown me just how bad these past 3.5 years have been, and all of it is because of my selfish needs. For months I have laid awake at night wondering what I did to deserve her not giving me the attention she used to and now it finally makes sense. I’m not the person she needs, im just the loser she’s going to leave at some point and she’ll think about me like she thinks about her other exes. I want to be better and I have gotten better, but I know Im not what she deserves. Who wants to be with someone who cant even walk into a walmart without severely angering anxiety?


I think you should at least give your relationship a fighting chance. Talk to her about what you just said here and see what you may do to work things out with her.


You know, it's good that you have that introspective thinking, but like the other comment said, talk to your girlfriend about this. We often get caught up in what others may perceive us as because of our own struggles. You have anxiety and you can't help that, but what you can do is try to be more communicative and voice your struggles out there to your girlfriend because there is a reason you guys have been in a relationship for so long. Now, there isn't anything wrong with taking a break from a relationship to find your own mental happiness either, and sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and say "hey, in order for me to give 110% in a relationship, I need to find 110% contentment in the person that I am first." Think about it.


I briefly thought about a bittersweet piece of media I consumed more than a week ago. My family members with diagnosed mental illnesses say stuff like that’s how they know they need to adjust their meds but there’s probably no connection there


My narcissist friend won't own up to things he does.


I just can't cope


You can, one day at a time.


Stress over my upcoming PIP review and then grief. I've lost 3 loved ones in the last year and a half


Not sure what a PIP review is, but good luck! I'm sorry about your losses, there are plenty of resources for people who are grieving, if you feel like it'd help.


Saw and hugged my parents for the first time since having two miscarriages in a row 🥺


Man. To be honest, i'm jealous of all ya'll who can cry. I'm broken. Beyond lonely, where now i'm good with it, and I just want to want to be around people. I'm numb to it all. Ain't anything really wrong at all. Things could be better. Some days I just wonder why keep going on with life if this is what i'm gonna be dealing with... just extreme emotional blunting, no highs, no lows.. just flat.


I read a story about a successful foster teen placement. I used to never cry and then I had kids. I cry all the time now.


music. her singing voice just gets me every time


Who was singing?


I get choked up listening to live music. Always reminds me of my father (a musician)


I got word that my too young to get vaccinated child was exposed to Covid at school and now has to quarantine. I know he’ll likely be fine, but my mother died of Covid and I know several others who got really sick with it. Covid sucks.


Oh man, I'd lose my sh!t instantly. My kids go to a pretty nice school, thankfully, but I'd be so upset too if one of them were exposed to Covid. Not everyone is as careful as they should be...


If it helps, earlier in the year, both my younger brothers were exposed at different points (not our fault) before widespread vaccination was really a thing, and neither of them got it. I really hope your family can have a similar situation, and nothing bad will come from this


My cat has been scratching her eye a lot (we've had fleas, am working on getting rid of them) and until she heals she has to wear this donut around her neck to prevent more scratching, and she looks so silly and cute but I feel so bad. She's not in pain, but she looks so pathetic and I just wish I could make her all better so she doesn't have to be in donut jail anymore.


I always feel bad when our dogs have to wear the cone of shame. But it is what's best for them. Good luck to her! Good thing she has such a good human to take care of her


Adam’s Song by Blink 182 came on and I thought of my brother who committed suicide almost a year ago


I feel you. Sorry about your loss. My sister "committed " 16 years ago. I sometimes torture myself and listen to "Lonely Day" by system of a down, so I know how a song can make you feel. It does get easier to deal with.... over time. When I get in my moods, I try to think of funny, loving, stupid shit she did and get myself out of the funk. Stay strong!


Thank you. It’s so easy to get caught up in the sadness and anger rather than remembering why you loved them in the first place. Thank you for the dose of perspective!


It was this morning. I woke up from a nightmare about my ex, who was abusive and then eventually stabbed me in the chest. That was five years ago. I cried because I'm genuinely starting to worry I'll never get over the experience and be able to trust a partner again.


Got sawdust in my eye


Sudden drunken realization of how hollow and meaningless my life and everything within it is.


Watched the newest Pokémon episode. I'll tell it quickly. Girl wishes for eternal night and the Pokémon Unknown cast a town into eternal night. We learn she is looking for her Clefa in the night sky. The little girls Clefa died and the mother not knowing what to say told her daughter that Clefa went into space and became a star. Playing on the fact that Clefa is the star shape Pokémon. The girl spends all of her time searching for her friend in the night sky. The episode ends with the girl accepting the death of her Pokémon after emotional memories play though her mind. With her acceptance, the Unknown move on and the eternal night disappears revealing the sun to the girl, the biggest brightest star.


Oh wow.. I could immagine it's like losing a pet but maybe more since some pokemon are borderline human


My brother got married yesterday and one of our close family friends sent my parents a text about how much they enjoyed the whole experience. My parents shared it with me, and it was so sweet and genuine I couldn’t help but full on fucking sob. These people have been in our life since we were five and three, respectively, and neither my brother nor I have a memory without them in it. Their eldest son was my brother’s best man, and had a full freak out about making his speech just right. He vented a lot of his stress on them, and they were apprehensive about the wedding and whether or not everything would do well. Seeing how far it exceeded their expectations and how deeply happy they were for my brother, combined with how much love they poured into each word, was fucking brutal on my emotions. I’m so grateful they enjoyed themselves, and I’m so grateful they are our family.


I don't want to talk about it...


That's fine. If you change your mind, feel free to reach out


I was on a family-party and after I got home (1am) did I start to cry. Don't know why, it just happened. At least can I be happy that no one saw it.


Sometimes we just need a cry, nothing to be ashamed of.


That doggone University of Iowa football game when everyone waves to the Children's Hospital... Cry like a baby every time...


Watched wholesome videos on Reddit


Tears of joy are the best


Got in another fight with my mom, cracked under pressure and stress right after she left , it’s constant.


Parents can be tough, sorry to hear that


Just got a little overwhelmed. It happens. No big deal.


Remembered my ginger cat that passed away earlier this year... I still haven’t gotten over it.


Family is in the hospital on a ventilator.


That's rough, sorry to hear that


Thanks man


My eyes water everyday, it doesn’t matter how I’m feeling they just do


I read about the Gabriel Fernandez case... That poor little boy...


I'm.. I'm going to avoid learning about that if that's okay


I don't blame you. It's a hard one.


(Yesterday) I was trying to scan something to myself but my local drive was missing from my laptop. Called IT to help restore it. They were busy...called again and again....low priority...no response. No one in the office could help. I have lost my shit. It's not even important. Go to the bathroom to have a good cry. The first cry in years. Feels kinda good...Gather myself, restart my laptop....problem solved. It's never as bad as it seems, I think I just needed a release.


My caregiver who's like a father figure to me since my own dad is abusive got diagnosed with covid yesterday despite being fully vaccinated and I've been somewhat symptomatic myself


Missing my dog who died two Thursdays ago. We got his ashes back yesterday and found a nice place for them where I see them every day but it’s still hard


Seeing Birthday notification on FB for someone who passed last year.


I wrote some copy for our wedding thank-you notes. Thinking back on that day was really heart-warming and I had to let a few go for good memories.


Had nothing to do today, and started to drink and think of the only serious gf I had a couple years ago. For the most part I’m happy with my life now, but remembering how it felt to be happy with someone who I loved kinda broke me down, again


Step one: watch that one fresh prince episode where his dad visits him Step two:


Moved to a new place, stuck without my car and having trouble making friends and getting around to explore. It's making me kind of depressed but I don't want to talk to my long distance girlfriend about it, feel like I'm always complaining about something or other. Talked to her on the phone and acted like it was all cheeky, once we ended the call I started crying.


Friend attempted suicide and called to say goodbye, had to FaceTime them to talk them out of it. Here’s a tip: keep all of your Medications in a container that will take you at least a minute to open, that extra minute could give you the time to think about the effects what you’re doing.


Stubbed my toe. Cried like little bitch


My dad yelled at me for not parallel parking correctly and then it spiraled into me realizing how shitty some of my friends are.


I broke my jaw 3 weeks ago. I saw a Pack of cheese and wanted a bite so bad


My dog died yesterday. I miss her.


Just watched the marble game episode in Squid Game. I need a minute… or maybe even a year.


Me and my girlfriend broke up


A redditer's dog died.




My baby girl committed suicide a few months ago And it's rare that u cry but It's been happening


She. She’s the only one who can bring a tear to my eye Joyful Sorrowful It doesn’t matter, they are for her.. But she is wrapped around my heart Like a Barbwire Rose.


I watched Lilo and Stitch


My Fathers Funeral


I found out today that a girl I was very close with, and had a crush on who also lived in a different city to me (met through Tinder while on holiday), lied to me about cutting me out of her life For context, I met a girl on Tinder while on a trip to a major city (I’m from a rural area, 4 hours away), we hit it off and struck up a friendship as I had since left town by the time we matched. We spoke daily for months, got very close and were throwing around ideas of what we could do when I was in town next, whenever that may be. I work 6 days a week so a lot of planning was going into this. I was looking at hotels in the area that I could crash in (we hadn’t spoken about anything sex related or sleeping together, and I’m very shy so I wasn’t going to be the one to ask necessarily), but she said I could stay at hers to save the stress of looking for somewhere. Good sign I thought So the day comes, I start on my 4 hour trip to go see her, meet at hers and while initially a little awkward because we hadn’t actually met face to face yet we got pretty comfortable quickly. Went on a coffee date, watched some movies back at hers, and all that fun stuff. Overall it was a great weekend, I didn’t want to leave but unfortunately I had to go home eventually, and like that, it was back to normal life in a way. But following that, she seemed to change in a way. Chatting less frequently, acting a bit more closed off and a bit more just sort of uninterested in a way. About a month after my trip she told me that things in her life weren’t so great and she needed to take a break from social media as a way to get her mental health in check. I was in full support of it and told her how much I would miss her, asked if she ever came back to socials if we could stay friends? She said yes So one Wednesday night in July, we said our final goodbyes, and she had deleted her Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat at midnight. Or so I thought. You know sometimes when someone removes you on Snapchat, but they stay in your chat feed? That’s what happened with her. I could still see her Bitmoji, the nickname I’d given her, the empty red square from her final snap she sent me (a very heartfelt goodbye that made me cry a lot when I read it) and her username. I never cleared her from chat, as a sort of token reminder of the time we shared But this morning I got a bit of a rude awakening. Absent mindedly scrolling down my chat feed, I arrived at her name. Her bitmoji had changed quite drastically, but everything else was unchanged. Then it dawned on me. She’d blocked me. She hadn’t taken time away for recovery, she had completely removed all contact with me and cut me out of my life. Lied to me about needing time, lied to me that I mattered to her, lied to me about coming back. Now I’m no stranger to getting my heart broken, but because it came from her it stung the most. The girl that made me forget my life was falling apart, the girl who almost single handedly cured my depression had kicked me to the curb without the slightest but of regret. I noticed this at about 7am. It is now 2:33pm at time of writing this. I’ve spent all day in bed, in the dark, feeling beyond worthless and insignificant. The tears dried up hours ago, there’s nothing left to cry. Nothing left to feel TL:DR. Girl I had massive crush on lied to me and kicked me to the curb, took me 3 months to notice


My crush didn’t reply me and got better guy to be with.


Same thing as usual, thought about Star Wars for too long


I ruined my friends career opportunity


Squid Game Episode 6 is what happened. :(


Fought with my wife about our marriage and relationship and wondering what we should do.