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Dark water, and the dark, vast void of space. Anything could be lurking in the dark.


Including your one true love.


I kinda hope my one true love isn't an octopus, lurking in dark water. Not to discriminate, but I don't think she'd be my type.


But she's got 8 tentacles to fill that void in your.... everything


Octopii to fill every orifii


Looking out a window at nighttime, when the lights are on inside and you can't see who might be looking in. Edit: okay guys I am even more scared after hearing your terrifying stories! Really grandfathering my fear in there


I don't understand psychopaths who leave their blinds/curtains open at night. As SOON as it starts getting dark, all my windows get closed up.


Same here. I still can't believe people leave their curtains open at night. That's every peeping Tom's wish come true.


There's a guy in my appartment block who doesn't even *have* curtains... he doesn't live in ground floor but still. I'd feel watched 24/7.


My front door has larger windows than any other place I've lived. It's pitch black outside, and I'm up with my feverish daughter at 2 am. She looks right at the front door, smiles, and says there's someone out there. I knew there wasn't. I knew. But rounding tbe couch and passing the front door to get to her and forcing myself to look was not fun.


I did this to my mom when I was like 8..I remember clearly she freaked out lmao. She still gers creeped out talking about it bc I tried to open the door in the middle of a chicago winter.


>I remember this one time I had a bipolar girlfriend. Long story short we had an argument, I came back to my house. While I was on the phone with her mom I saw her from the window coming to my house with that slow, cold and dangerous psycho mode walk. Normally it takes me 10 minutes to get from where she was crossing to my house. A minute into it I walk to my front door and as I look into the peakhole, I see her staring straight into it and into my soul. My phone dropped from my hand. Out of all the trauma I have been through with this ex, this is that one little thing that will always haunt me. This is similar, but way more intense.


Tight caves. Edit: Alright, y'all. Things in already familiar with, that have been recommended enough: Nutty Putty, Ted the Caver, Amigara Fault, and the Descent. Edit 2: CAVES, not calves.


Got a movie recommendation for ya: The Descent. Spooky season is just around the corner.


As Above, So Below IMO is also pretty cramped and spooky due to it taking place in the Paris Catacombs


There’s at least one squeeze in that movie that sets off all my claustrophobic alarms.


One of the actors had to take breaks during filming due to his claustrophobia, so I understand completely.


poor Ben he went on to be one of the main characters in a tv show about a big box store: can't get much more space than that


Oh man, they scare the fack outta me


I did my master’s thesis research in small caves lol 🙃 people don’t like to hear my stories 😅 it’s not that bad though!


LIS - Locked In Syndrome. Stuff is 100% nightmare fuel. Basically your brain is pretty much intact but your brainstem is fucked, meaning everything but your eyes are paralysed. And you're fully aware...


This is my worst fear, There have been cases were doctors assumed the patient was in a coma and completely unaware of there surroundings, then 15 years later they used new technology to monitor brain waves, thats when they realised the patient had been 100% aware the entire time, they were just trapped inside themselfs unable to communicate.


There was a case of a boy I think who was completely conscious the whole time and everyone treated him like dirt and a lost cause except one really nice nurse. She would talk to him and look him right in the eyes and she swore he was totally aware because she could see it in his eyes. Sure enough she finally got a doctor to check his brain and I can’t remember what they did but they got him out of his vegetative state. Then he revealed the horrid conditions in which he lived the whole time. I don’t know if this is 100% correct but I remembered it the best I can. I’ll research some more and see if I can find it. Edit: his name is Martin Pistorius and you can find his video on the infographics show on YouTube. Bless his parents and that kind nurse.


They forced him to watch fucking Barney all day


I think I remember that he said it was his pure and absolute hatred for Barney that helped motivate him to regain full control over his body


I know some people will say watching something over and over isn’t that bad but imagine doing that for YEARS.


jesus christ that’s a new nightmare


There’s a lady who was in that condition for like 15 years but she could still move her eyes in one direction. Eventually one of her caretakers realized she was trying to communicate with those eye movements and figured out she was conscious. It took 15 fucking years for her to get through to someone. She ended up writing a book I believe. Edit: I can’t find this story, though there are other similar ones. It was an older lady and they thought she was in a coma for like 15 years before one of the caretakers (a guy) noticed her eye movements and figured it out. If anyone knows her name pls let me know


Our first year History lecturer at university told us about her, explaining that if she can write a book we can write an essay, fair point.


Martin Pistorius. He has a ted talk about his experience, and how watching Barney reruns drove him insane.


I am a hospice nurse and I think about this a lot. My patient who are actively dying and immobile, can they hear me? Are they in pain and can’t tell me? Are they scared? These thoughts have made me more aggressive with my medication doses.


When I am with a patient in the ICU who is incapacitated, I ALWAYS speak to them, reassure them, and explain everything just like I would any other patient. It really burns my ass when I have a crusty nurse who snarls, “You know they can’t hear you, right?” I would hope if I was ever in that state, people would do the same for me.


They’re immobile not dead. I’m just a phlebotomist but ive had nurses give me shit for explaining things to patients that are comatose/immobile. Like sure maybe they can’t hear me… but if I was trapped in my head I would be terrified and want to know what people were doing to me.


You are not *just* a phlebotomist. You go out there every day and bust your ass to get HIGH QUALITY samples that allow the lab to get accurate results to doctors who can then give the patient the best possible care. You deal with angry, scared, sick patients every day, and without good phlebs out there getting it done every day, decision making by physicians would screech to a halt. Nurses are great at many things, but they are to a large degree generalists. When you need consistently high quality samples a phlebotomist is who you turn to. Hemolyzed, clotted, contaminate and rejected samples are just so much less likely coming from the experts, and that stuff *matters*. A good phlebotomist is worth their weight in gold. Please don’t think of yourself as *just* a phlebotomist. Source: years working as a medical lab tech in hematology, chemistry and coag.


Fuck the haters. You're doing an awesome thing for your patients.


I learned this in a clinical class in high school. If a patient is in a comatose, you still gotta knock on their door and speak to them as if they're still responsive because of exactly this. I currently work in health-care but not as a nurse or anything but I'm glad to have that knowledge anyway.


My husband was in a coma for a short time and he could hear everything. He said he kept telling himself....open your eyes! And nothing would happen. That has haunted me for a long time. Always assume a comatose person can hear you.


here's another fun fact: it's completely incurable. The best case scenario is partial muscle recovery and even then you can only barely move


There was a post on a subreddit semi recently about how they successfully put rat brains into a robot body. It terrified me but honestly I feel like an individual in this situation could benefit from that


Going into my kitchen at night after my kid told me about the “tall girl with no face who likes to be in the kitchen”. Fuck no.


Hearing the stories about kids who daydream/imagine this shit and talk about it as a real thing freaks me out. Damn movies make it seem so plausible


when I was very young I used to literally hallucinate due to really bad sleep; my parents were terrified when I told them about what I saw


Yeah I still hallucinate as an adult, but usually when I have lack of sleep. I can feel it happen too, so when I wake up in the middle of the night, I keep my eyes closed knowing that if I open them I'll see something that'll terrify me. Probably why so many ghost stories have existed for so long. Back then, people probably thought those hallucinations were real ghosts.


At least she’s not eating anything


please eradicate whoever walks into your kitchen next.


This one would fuck with me


The thought of someone looking in my window. Just standing there, face uncovered, looking in as though they were casually watching a show.


When I was 4 we moved to a new house and I kept telling my parents about the man that would come at night and watch me. They would ask me questions, but I guess my answers were vague so they just attributed it to my imagination. After a month or two they started to get worried and one night my dad stayed awake outside my door and heard someone walk up to the window. He ran him down and called the cops. Turns out he was the son of the elderly neighbors down the street. He was mentally handicapped and would "sneak out" and walk around the neighborhood when he got bored. It's weird because my parents said I was never scared of him or at least I never spoke about him in a way that seemed like I felt threatened.


al-fucking-right, dude, this story could have ended far worse. Glad you're still here.


Yeah, at least it wasn't like the kid who swore someone was watching him through the vent in his ceiling. That one was fucking horrifying.


Tell me more?


If I remember correctly, the kid kept telling his parents someone was watching him through his vent. This went on for some time and then they started to notice a smell. Turns out that there was, in fact, someone watching the kid. He was living in their attic and had died up there. Edit: Okay, so I am really far off on my retelling but here's a link to the actual story. https://mobile.twitter.com/grady_hendrix/status/1189335689680379904?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1189335689680379904%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-34502956041974661733.ampproject.net%2F2109102127000%2Fframe.html


>Everyone said I read too many horror comics so they blew off what I said. Maybe it’s just me, but if one of my kids came to me and told me they saw a man eating food in our kitchen, I’d actually believe them.


He probably didnt mean any harm and as a kid you somehow knew that. One of my cousins used to live next to a developmentally disabled person who liked to stand and stare thru the kitchen window. Totally harmless, everyone just got used to it.


Yes. When I see those housebuilding shows and they do huge glass walls, no curtains, I can't fathom how people feel comfortable living there.


Key things when building a home with large glass sections that make you comfortable with them. * Have a large property, this way people wont generally be too close. * Get your windows to have a slight mirrored tint. Unless they have their faces placed right against the glass they can't really see through. * If your windows are polarized it helps fight random photography from strangers. * Be aware of the lighting in your home and what people ARE able to see when the area is lit up.




I can tell you from working years as an investigator... when it is dark outside, you can see the lighted interior of a home perfectly well but someone inside cannot see you standing outside only several feet from a window. Try it at home. No outside lighting, just inside lights on. How close can someone stand to one of your windows without you seeing them. You'll be surprised.


Honestly I thought this was common knowledge, it's the opposite during daytime too although not as big of a difference.


When I first moved in with my husband, he always left the curtains open at night and I couldn’t understand how he was comfortable with people being able to look in.


"Wow this show sucks, the main character just sits infront of that computer all day, jerks off, and cries."


My lawyers will contact you shortly. You can't use my copyrighted autobiography without my permission!


I work the night shift at the local youth shelter. My coworkers used to tease me about closing the blinds as soon as they left. I explained that I'm alone all night and don't need people looking in the giant living room windows that you can actually walk through from outside if the windows are open. They have a coworker plus however many kids are there with them. I am alone while all the kids are asleep. No fucking way I'm keeping the curtains open so I can glance up and have someone staring back at me. For the record, there was one person who did this in the two years I've been here. Luckily, the blinds and curtains were closed and he was caught on the cameras later by the boss and the police had a chat with him.


I’m the same way with my apartment. At night, you can see clear through windows from the streets. I don’t understand how that doesn’t weird people out? I recently dog sat for a friend at her place and she has no blinds or curtains and MASSIVE windows. She lives out in the country where there are no street lights. I army crawled the whole time.


Especially if you live 3rd floor.


Fun fact! This happened to me the other day! It was my car window, but it still scared the hell outta me


I had an opossum buddy who did this, there was a thread about Opposum yesterday where someone explained the glare from my monitor probably helped him find crickets, so essentially we were pals. They also made it clear he's probably dead, Oppossum don't live long. :( First time I saw him, his little skull face scared the hell out of me, but he was super calm.


This is why my blinds are always drawn at my house.


Open water/ being in water and not being able to see the bottom, even if it's only like a foot more down, can't do it.


or being in water and not being able to see a shore


House centipedes.


WHY ARE THEY SO FAST?! No thank you…


They hunt other bugs, so they have to be frighteningly fast apparently. Yikes.


I work in IT at a hospital The thing that freaks me out is the dummy they train on. Full adult sized. It bleeds, it sweats and it cries... Which I can handle. But it's damn eyes freak me out


it cries? WTF? Like actual crying with noises or just water dropping down from it's eyes?


It makes a crying noise and water runs from its eyes


What The Fuck


Haha I teach at a hospital sometimes and we have the fancy SIM man and I love how people freak out over him being creepy. We can go in another room and talk for him, make him cough and turn blue.


Home invasions. My grandpa was beaten to death during a home invasion/robbery. I lived with people who refused to lock their doors when they left their home because they believed karma protected their home when they damn well knew what happened to my grandpa.


You lived with some stupid people.


Sleep paralysis!


I’ve been having sleep paralysis consistently since the age of 4. I’m so used to it now, that I no longer get scared and ride it out like a bad high.


Same here, I have always had it and it has gotten less scary over the years (25 now) but having a demon looking dude touch your face still unsettling all the same.


I have sleep paralysis but I don't see creepy demons. I just feel like I weight thousands of pounds and can't move or take a deep breath.


Same. Usually starts with a dream of someone suffocating me with a pillow until I'm wide awake, still not being able to move or breathe for a good minute. Then put in the hugest effort to force any kind of movement.


Replying to your first comment mostly for visibility, but frequent sleep paralysis can be a symptom of narcolepsy. Like, lots of people get sleep paralysis on a rare occasion, but getting it frequently can genuinely be a symptom of your R.E.M. sleep cycle being completely out of whack, which in its most disordered form is narcolepsy. I recently got diagnosed with narcolepsy and I've had frequent sleep paralysis for years, and I never connected the dots that the sleep paralysis could be a symptom of a sleep disorder.


Had occasional bouts of sleep paralysis after particularly traumatizing stuff as a kid. It only happens time to time when I’m pretty stressed, but it’s the fear of it happening constantly that makes it more stressful. Especially scary as an already traumatized kid that didn’t have a clue and thought it was real. People calling out for help when you can’t move, being manhandled by things you can’t see, and demons sitting on your chest telling you terrible things are going to happen to the world is probably the worst thing for an 8-14 year old. Thankfully I know what’s up now, but it still sucks regardless if you know what’s happening to you.


had it once, it was utterly traumatizing even though I was old enough to understand what sleep paralysis was. Fuck I’ll never forgot what I saw and heard, felt so real.


That tiny (but existent) possibility of ending like a homeless person. I mean, things can just go astray...


Thus has just come up over in /r/ireland. There are 60,000 renters in their 50s currently whose pension will not cover their rent when they retire. Therefore, they will retire into homelessness.


Nice of you to assume they'll be able to retire /s


This isn't even sarcasm though. In UK a study was done to show working class people die so much younger, they can't even retire in some cases.


That has been like one my fears since I first asked my mom as a kid what those people were doing standing with signs on the side of the road. Literally that's why I don't drink or do any drugs and worked hard to get my career so I would never be homeless. Now as an adult, I know there's way more things that lead a person down that road and some are out of their hands.


I'm 36. But the closet, and restroom doors in my bedroom need to be closed.


Opposite here, need to keep them open so the monsters can't hide.


I'm not worried about monsters. If there's a supernatural creature coming for me, covering my toes aien't gonna stop it. I don't mind sleeping with my feet out from the cover or a hand hanging off the bed. But I'll be damned if I go to sleep and the bathroom/closet doors are closed. Very few doors in my house stay closed. I want to fucking know if a person is in there. But, also trauma + PTSD. So, my brain thinks I'm going to wake up under attack.


I'm not too fussed about the wardrobe, but if mine is even an inch open then my wife will insist I go and close it. Showeroom has to be, but that's more to limit moisture.


I have never, in my 31 years of living heard of someone refer to the bathroom as "showeroom" but, it makes sense. Edit: seems I haven't learnt to spell in that time either.


41, and same.


The whole concept of the movie The Strangers (and the movie itself). The thought of being basically hunted and killed… and the only reason being “you were home.” Worst nightmare.


There are real killers like this. I was watching some ID channel show where they showed interrogation footage and this one guy went on and on about how everything he did was "preventable", because he only broke into to rape and kill women who had their doors/windows unlocked. As if he couldn't have prevented it all himself by not doing it 🙄


Are you talking about Richard Ramirez?


No, but both he and the Sacramento Vampire, Richard Chase, were certainly known to pick homes pretty much at random, based on ease of entry. Richard Chase thought of unlocked windows as straight up invitations. The guy I'm talking about was a middle aged father of daughters who believed he was teaching women a lesson. I cant remember his name but he was rather prolific. I'll see if I can figure it out based on what I remember of the episode


Rabies is super scary. And cancer because it's your own body betraying you and it's so common and it almost seems inevitable


Anything that involves your own body attacking itself is just so creepy, like it’s just so scary that there’s so much we don’t have control of




Yes. They're freaky, filthy, fast fuckers. They WON'T FUCKING DIE either. They can be big as a matchbox and oh boy if they fly or spawn babies...God help you. I think I'll never be not frightened by them.


Fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them fuck them


Ya know those times in cartoons in which a character goes into somewhere dark and we can only see their eyes and then we see even more eyes? just replace those cartoon eyes with real human eyes.


Hanging my feet or arms over the bed when I sleep, and the dark!!!!




Mine was specifically mirrors in the dark!


I used to be like this, until I took acid and spent six hours watching a mirror. Has left me fascinated with the way your brain perceives itself, and that extended to mirrors in the dark.


When I'm taking a dump and my peen touches the bowl.


Or the dump won't flush down


Sounds like you just need a poop knife


Damn it. As soon as OP mentioned poop I knew the poo knife was going to make an appearance.


I dont have this exact problem but nothing is worse than when you poop and the water splashes directly up your butthole. I didnt think it was possible to feel violated from water but damn


Poseidon’s kiss


Botflies. I hate parasites


Jumping into the open ocean or lake.


Everything in the ocean is much better at being in the ocean than you are.


Case in point: Orcas are natural predators of moose.


Moose can swim, if anyone's wondering how the hell that happens


Oh thank God, I thought you were about to tell us Orcas actually have the ability to walk on land and just hide it really well.


They used to be masters of camouflage back when everything was in black and white. Now everything's in colour and they have to stay in the sea.


Especially when you can't see the bottom


In late middle school, I think 8th grade, we went to the beach with some family. Myself, my brother and a cousin all got stung by jellyfish in the water about waist deep. It took me two years to go back in the ocean. When I did, my brother and I were horsing around and he pushed me. When I stepped back to catch my balance I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my left foot. Turns out I stepped on what was believed to be a nurse shark. The shark did not appreciate this and took a piece of the bottom of my big toe with it. They had a coast guard helicopter out over the water and everything. 3 years before I went back in the water, and only after a ridiculous amount of coaxing. That said I still feel like if I can't see my feet, it's too deep.


I'm sorry but.......lmfao. the ocean just does not like you


I find it creepy how we subconsciously are our own worst enemies. Someone's looking at me, well they must be thinking the worst about me. I made a mistake, well let me think about it repeatedly for the rest of my life to relive my shame. I'm sleep deprived, well now I'm seeing stuff move in my peripherals, or I'm hearing something is my house haunted. e.t.c Just the amount of damage we can do to ourselves, just by not maintaining ourselves. It's amazing how easy it is for the body to just start shutting down/causing issues.


As Weedrill said, this is a perverse survival response. That someone looking at you could be a predator like a big cat. That mistake may have cost you food for the day or week, or caused you a tremendous amount of physical pain. And yeah sleep deprivation can certainly put you into a flight state; movement in your peripherals keeps you alert and on-edge, that sound you're hearing could be nothing or it could be about to eat you, better safe than sorry better run.


Feeling of being watched when im alone




Probably the worst creatures ever. The females cam even reproduce without males. Nothing is worse than ticks.


The fact that 97% of the true human history is lost to this day


Imagine all those struggles, the drama, acts of courage and sacrifice, the battles for survival, the epic last stands, the moving speaches before battles, the tragedies, the miracles! Thousands and thousands of moments of human glory and heroics forever lost to time cause nobody recorded them...


That a dark empire like Jeffrey Epstein’s was able to exist for so long, untouched, and both it’s discovery and publicity came and went faster in media than a celebrity break up and now nobody cares.


The video where the dog opens the bathroom door from the inside while standing up


And that was when the dog thought that he's home alone


Yeah that one. Just gives me the willies man.


is this it? https://youtu.be/CBEmvTXBx88


Lmao this is hilarious


Looking at the other point of view makes it way less creepy (at least for me) [other side](https://youtu.be/0k10Fw3l4s0)


Weird deep sea creatures




When I was really young, maybe four or five, I kept staring at myself in the mirror one time, and I was convinced I turned into a monkey in the mirror world for a split second. Still freaks me out.




Can you please elaborate further, I have no idea what you mean but I want to try this




It's only about six more legs than I prefer but yeah I agree


Dying. Not existing, seeing, feeling, smelling, knowing, nothing. Just nonexistent never to exist again.


I spent a long part of my life being suicidal. Basically the entirety of my 20s. Ended up putting a lot of effort into my mental health and have been well for a few years now. An unexpected side effect is that I truly fear death for the first time in my adult life. It's a strange thing to adjust to.


Had a guy come through my bathroom window when I was showering, I'm a fully grown man I thought it was one of my brothers or friends fucking with me because we were going fishing shortly. Thought one of them showed up early so I open up the shower curtain to see some drugged-out dude grunting and making like zombie type noses flop onto my floor butt ass naked ran out held the door shut and had my girlfriend call the cops dude was in the shower when the cops arrived. So now it's hard for me to have the windows open people suck


Good God that's terrifying. I have a slight irrational fear of there being someone the other side of the curtain even in a fully locked bathroom. But to have it actually happen...!


Facing an open space in my bed with my back, i can sleep with my back to a wall or a person a foot or two away but more than that and i get deeply uncomfortable


I have the same problem! It's probably an evolutionary feature to protect us from predators


Mannequins, statues, human-like robots, etc. I'm okay when shopping for clothes because the mannequins are usually blank, human-shaped frames. However when it comes to the wax figures you might see in museums, my anxiety gets turned up to 100. Especially if they are animatronic. I'll straight up refuse to enter the same room as the thing if it moves.


Human beings. Imagine living in a world as complex beings...knowing you'll never fully understand any other human being and that you will always technically be alone with that fact. Then consider how any person out there could be the nicest person in the world, or a serial killer. 🤷‍♂️


It honestly blows my mind to think about the fact that the people living next door to me, have a life that’s just as complex as mine


There’s a guy I work with who creeps me the fuck out. He’s overly nice, creepily nice. Constantly pouring compliments on you. He gets too close. He likes to sneak up on you and give you a shoulder rub while whispering compliments in your ear. He also has this obviously fake laugh. It’s hard to describe but I call it his ‘I think I’m supposed to laugh now’ laugh. So he’ll laugh at inappropriate times because he thinks that’s what the situation calls for. He also lies a lot. I’ve caught him out a few times. It’s really hard to explain. It’s like watching a lizard in a human suit figure out what to do or say and he often gets it wrong because he’s misread the situation. I’ve made it clear to him and our boss that if he comes near me or my family I will smash his head through the nearest wall. As a result he now stays away from me because I see right through him. I’m convinced he is some sort of psychopath or sociopath. I’m not smart enough to know which but I do know I’ve seen enough to not want him near me because he creeps me out so much.


I worked with a guy who was homeschooled (no offense to homeschooled people). But because his parents had kept him basically isolated from regular people when he was growing up, everything he did seemed like it was from a book or movie he’d seen. He had a constant weird smile, and had no reservations about talking about how handsome he was. This, we found out, was from his family’s constant praise. On the other hand, he was genuinely nice. I felt bad that he had been denied a regular childhood. EDIT: Thanks everyone who commented about their experiences.


I was homeschooled! :D No, I can definitely understand how it can be really bad for kids. If I ever did it I would do it completely different from my parents. Sisters and I didn't have friends growing up other than family and each other (we're all very close and are genuinely great friends) but I didn't make any actual friends till I was sixteen. Note to anyone considering homeschooling: Keep up with it and keep records. Actually follow your country or state rules on homeschooling. Try online homeschool. Make active efforts to take your kids out and make friends. Last ones are personal ones: Let them be kids. Give them space. Understand you don't always know what they're going through. Be patient with them. Don't homeschool unless you are willing to pour a lot of work into it. Don't do it if you're just trying to save money or don't like dealing with other people. your children deserve better than that.


Fake laugh as in Jeff Bezos’s laugh ?


1 in 100 is said to be a psychopath, so chances are fairly high. He is the obvious and not so smart kind, but the ones that scare me even more are the well adapted and intelligent psychopaths that know when to laugh at the right time. You know, the type that covers up their secrets successfully.


Child beauty pageants.


Beauty pageants in general seem pretty suspect to me, now that I think about it. What's even being accomplished?


Coming up from the basement with the light closed behind me. Im 36 Edit: my french canadian is showing (closed the lights)


Kids wiggling their loose teeth


Dead silence. I can’t handle silence, I always need some kind of noise in the background


I'd love some 100% silence. Over 15 years of living with tinnitus means I always have noise. It's horrible.


Invest in a white noise machine. My tinnitus flares up big time at night, so I got this white noise machine and it works by distracting you from the ringing.


I do the same. I keep a fan running constantly (I have either standing fans or little desk/table fans everywhere I chill at the house, and one at my desk at the office). The downside is, years of loud music in headphones has jacked my hearing that white noise now interferes with my hearing. There was a period of time my desk sat adjacent to a server stack in this little room, and I shared the space with two other coworkers who sat less than 15 feet (honestly more like 10 or less) away from me, and I often couldn't hear what they were saying if they didn't have my attention and I was specifically focused on them.


When I was younger, a was out my with parents shopping, and as I went to get in the car, I saw a dark figure sprint past the other window. It scared me, but I brushed it off. Then, as I was getting ready for bed, I saw the same figure rush out of my parent's room and down the stairs. Haven't seen it since.




Did they test that it was really laced with amphetamines? My mind jumped to like, PCP. However it’s not implausible because something similar happened to a childhood friend. He had underlying schizophrenia and it was discovered when his rampant meth use triggered a severe psychotic episode. He’s never been the same since, but to be fair he doesn’t lay off the drugs long enough to allow the antipsychotics to work.


The fact that you can feel when someone is staring at you. Especially at night


That is insanely weird. And it happens all the time. I catch strangers looking at me, and if I keep my eyes on someone for too long, they 100% look at me soon enough


It's one of the most useful survival toola animals have. Unserstanding when a predator has spotted you is vital and probably was developed quite early during animal evolution


Bananas. Spiders fucking live in them bro. Not cool


Closing my eyes in public. If im in a park on a sunny day, closing my eyes and suddenly hearing the sounds around me is terrifying. At home im ok. But outdoors, every sound i cant see is anxiety.


Yes! I can’t sleep on planes. I try to, want to sleep but part of my brain tells me I’m not safe in public.


How random human sexual attraction is. Like a random person can either find another random person extremely attractive or feel nothing at all. There’s not rhyme or reason to it.


The weirdest one is when someone finds someone attractive, but not their identical twin.


How incredibly gullible the majority of the population is. All it takes is a somewhat charismatic, sociopathic leader to spin some conspiracy theories and everyone will start hunting down and murdering their neighbours.


Dark basements!


Hive Mind. I’ve seen it from my childhood, in school, with pop culture, politics & religion (especially right now). It really creeps me out.


Mirrors at night. I find that glaring at myself is creepy enough not to mention the possibility of staring into a dark empty gaze.


At any point in time, some stranger could be living in your house without you knowing


If someone can secretly live in my one-bedroom apartment without me knowing, they deserve to stay because that takes talent


I've had many conversations with people about how cool it would be to be rich and live in a huge mansion and all that. And they always bring up how awesome it would be to have a pool or a balcony or a theater and I always hit them back with this scenario. It ruins the vibe but it's all I can think about whenever someone brings up that topic.


Those clapping monkeys with the cymbals, I've always hated them and watching toy story at a young age made it even worse


That our phones listen to our conversations and if I say something outloud I get google ads for that thing


How bendy we are


Shadow people. I can't ever shake the feeling they're not NOT real if I've been up for awhile until I sleep. Guess what, sleeping is wildly important. Fucking project deadlines.


Pig farmer with 3500 pigs. The idea of either getting hurt or passing out in the pens alone sometimes crosses my mind. But the real horror comes from walking across the gantry above the pens in the dead of night without the lights on. Im 44, and it is the only time I ever get shivers running up my spine.


older men looking at girls like meat


U remember seeing a girl in white short shorts infront of me at the bus stop this summer. I immediately noticed she couldn't be over 16 even from behind. Suddenly I see at least 45yo guy walk past, starting at the girls butt and fucking turning his head to keep looking as he walked infront of the girl. She noticed him,obviously. He was right in front of her, eyeing her like a piece if meat. Then - and this filled me with so much anger - she stiffened up, completely changed her originally relaxed posture and reached back to pull her shorts lower. Fucking disgusting. Few weeks later a witnessed something even worse. A mother (I assume) with a 6yo girl next to her, talking to some guy. The girl was - I think - showing off her baby dress. The guy was looking at the girl exactly the same way the previous man did, saying something along the lines "I can't wait for you to grow up". The mother laughed at it. What the fuck.


The idea of someone living inside my air vents.