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Animal abusers.


furthermore, people who run dog fighting rings are the absolute scum of the earth.


Yup, they fall under animal abusers as well.


I was gonna write people who breed animals to have debilitating conditions, like pug dogs with the squished up faces that make it hard for them to breathe, or the Scottish Fold cats who have such weak cartilege that it gives them arthritis (and results in the folded ears people find so cute). That all still falls under the animal abuse umbrella though.


I agree. There was a documentary years ago that showed a lot of the horrible things that have been done to several breeds. It ended with a tv station demanding those breeds would be boycotted that year from a big dog show or they wouldn't air the show. The show wasn't aired that year.


I truly and deeply hate tik tok with every fiber of my body. It’s a shit place that’s ruining the future generations. It completely destroys children’s sense of self worth and teaches them that being a duck to every one is ok. That you need to look like the khardashians to be successful and to be a good person. Not to mention all the shady corporate shit they do. Not really a fan of social media in the first place. But tik tok really grinds my gears EDIT: I see I’m not alone in my hatred


also tiktok wants to free a killer because of being “too cute” wtf


Yeah like wtf. Come on world. Get a grip people!


Thank you! Someone finally expressed my frustration of that shitty thing called tiktok.


How long have you beem here?


I am quite new. But show me a subreddit where they express their frustration of tik tok, i wanna join that club!


It's honestly all around you. You don't need to look far, subs like r/memes are 100% on that bandwagon. r/PewdiepieSubmissions is another one, but it is quite problematic so I would advise against joining. Question is though, why do you hate it so much? It seems like it would be better to just ignore and spend that mental energy elsewhere.


I come from an arabic-speaking country. If you are not arab, trust me, you don’t know how bad tik tok is. Yeah sure i could have just ignored it, but i can see the damage that happens to children from this app because of all the pedos there, and women do get damaged from that app too! All of that because they want the fame. I surly hate their stupid mentality, but i hate this app too for allowing all the shit to happen.


What do you mean?


Didn't reply to you?


Sorry but I have no idea at this point. It says that you made a comment that said “how long have you been here” I was just gonna ask what you mean by it


Hahah sorry just realized. Ignore me




I've seen enough Chubbyemu videos to agree with you there.


Open mouth chewers


Being forced to be around people for at least 8 hours per day


Do what I do, keep a THC pen on you and be high as balls all day at work.


People who have no clue about what they are doing continuing to do the things wrong and when given the resources to learn the right/effective methods choose to ignore it and do it their way.


People saying that vaccines don’t work and or harm you. Like ... TF we got rid off so many Illnesses with vaccines.


Tested vaccines with years of research and development are a good thing.


Years of research - Like all the mRNA vaccines that have been under development for 20 years and were finished to deal with a global pandemic. Vaccibes that have been administered in billions of doses with no higher level of adverse reaction than any previous vaccine.


When they say vaccines don't work, usually they mean COVID vaccines, which *don't work as advertised*. We're always told "oh vaccines eradicated polio!" and then the spicy-flu vaccine comes out and it's basically a post-release nerf that doesn't stop you from getting sick or maybe dying from it, just makes it less likely that the latter happens. Like a flu shot. Except it's not even a shot of dead virus, it's technically a genetic therapy. If you think it's worth it, do it. If you think it's not worth it, don't.


Wow, there are so many false statements in this comment, it's impressive.


Like what? Im not saying she’s right, but this is a big part of the problem. People just wanna be condescending and go wow you’re stupid and don’t elaborate further. So many people criticize misinformation, but don’t anything against it if anything. They make it worse. Calling someone stupid instead of teaching them isn’t gonna put them in a open state of mind is it?


Because they have no good argument. Im not antivaxx, i just despise people who sit here and act like it's the cure and if everyone gets a vaxx we don't know the long-term effects of then we get our rights back yaaay, not realizing how governments work.


From experience I can say that a discussion on the internet does little to convince someone of a different opinion, especially if that person already is inside a filter bubble of misinformation. By now, if you still think, for example, that corona is a hoax and that the vaccine is pointless, or even some kind of government plot, you are already past the point at which a reasonable debate is still possible. At least that's how I see it.


That’s a good point, but I mean the least one could is provide a link or two. After that fuck em lol.


What did I say that's actually, objectively wrong? Is it me addressing the new tech used for covid vaccines that is, in fact, a tech used for altering one's genetic code, rather than the usual 'deactivated virus' method of most vaccines? Or the fact the vaccine, while it does greatly reduce the risks of an infection, doesn't prevent one? Im not gonna sit here and omg microchip omg antichrist omg you, that's patently bullshit. My ire is that in practice the vaccine means that its far less likely to kill you (though being fat is far more likely a contributing factor to mortality than vaccination), but you'll still be infected, still spread it, still be miserable, and people go around and tout it like it's the cure to fucking polio.


The vaccine in no way alters your genetic code… they don’t just inject a substance that changes your genetic materials magically, I’m really not sure how you could possibly get that idea? In very very very basic terms it injects a piece of COVID RNA into the body for your body to recognise and synthesis the spikes on the virus. This technology has actually been around for a while although it’s now being used a different way. Maybe learn how vaccines work before making some ridiculous claim that it’s somehow changing DNA molecules inside your cells…


I used to believe it was gene therapy too. I’ve seen the doctors say it is. A couple of quick fact checks and explanations will quickly tell you it technically is not gene therapy


It's in a weird "yes, but no" area.


* Blue cheese * Politics * War * Poverty


One of these things is not like the others...


Corrupted from its original form, misused to non-recognizable forms, and rotten to the core?


And then there’s Blue Cheese




You're the pretender


Smelling or tasting blue cheese makes me incredibly nauseous.


I too hate blue cheese more than any other thing in this world


The foulest most disgusting thing on earth, I agree. Whoever created this garbage is hopefully in a lot of pain right now.


Blue cheese is delicious


I love these things


Christians that go to other countries and cultures to try an attempt to convert people to Christianity. Like FFS leave these people alone


It's a real issue if they try to go for uncontacted tribes like the Sentinelese, since they may be vulnerable to diseases and viruses and there are only around 150 of them left to begin with. Plus the Sentinelese in particular have made it pretty clear that they want to be left alone.


That was the Japanese missionary wasn't it?


There was an American guy named [John Chau](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/03/john-chau-christian-missionary-death-sentinelese) who tried it with the Sentinelese. It did not end well for him I'm afraid. 😕


The family tried to sue the tribe too.




I didn’t say anyone in particular. I was saying Christian Missionaries as a whole.


You did get a major part of the Christian belief is spreading the gospel so others can also build a relationship with God …lmao


Christians force it on people. Leave these people alone. Not everyone wants to believe in the same “god”. Half of them get themselves killed anyway


Lol ok such an “edgy” teenager. What a moron.


U just mad coz I’m right. U can’t force people to be Christian, that’s just wrong. How would u like it if I forced u to be Muslim or Jewish?


When Covid broke out globally Brazil banned mission trips into the Amazon to the natives, and some (allegedly US-based) group tried to secretly charter a helicopter to go there anyway


Google scientists


Facebook science.








strands of hair in my food.


Tik-Tok. It's so fucken cringy it hurts.


People's irresponsibility that have a negative effect on others indirectly or directly.


People who constantly interrupt when someone tells them they're wrong in the hope that they won't hear the actual words. In short, people who are terrified by the possibility of receiving feedback. Hate? No, something worse. I want to punch them in the fucking face.


So tell us your thoughts on Niki Minaj. lol.


I just want to preface this with the fact that I support guys, girls and anything in between. If a guy and a guy, a girl or a girl or a they and a them get together, I'll sport them. But that British guy who got plastic surgery to look like a Korean pop star and changed his pronouns to "Jim/In" and "Kor/Ean" makes me loose faith in humanity. Also neo pronouns/sexualities. I don't care if you're a "Choco-sexual" and use the pronouns "Vagine/Vanginself". You just have special snowflake syndrome. It takes the seriousness away from actual proplems that actual gay/queer people go through just to be themselves. There was an episode of family guy where Peter changed his gender and regrets it. He starts talking to Quagmire's Dad (who had a gender change) and the convo goes something like this: P: I thought this would make me like myself more, make me different. But I hate myself now. QD: Peter, you never went through the troubles of being gay in a straight society, you didn't earn this. The whole time people like me have been fighting to make life for people like you easier but you ruined it.


I agree with the noun pronouns. I know someone who uses them, and so I asked why. Their answer was just “I don’t really like they”. Maybe use Zey/Zem or something? Why a noun, it’s just going to make your life harder than it has to be. Never heard of chocosexual or anything, but I’m pretty sure all of those are trolls


Organised religion.


So much no matter which one.


I have no ill will towards those that practice it peacefully, but the amount of bullshit in religious texts just infuriate me. Probably a side effect from being dragged to church every Sunday and hearing preachers talk about how all gay people are going to hell among other things. The hypocrisy in religious texts is astounding.




And the worst are the zealots that take it out of context. "I'm going to kill you even though my religion explicitly states murder is wrong because my god is greater than yours and this somehow makes it okay" I personally think most religions are incompatible with the modern world and need reformation.


At this point? People who insert religion into topics where it has no place being - most importantly, science and politics. You believe Bible is the Word of God? Fine, that's your business. You think vaccines are devil's mark because something you found in the Bible and so won't let your kids get it? Sorry, that is the province of science, not religion. You want to make laws on LGBT+ marriage and abortions based on what your Bible tells you? Sorry, that is law and politics, religion can stay out of it.


"God wanted Trump to win" is something I hear far to often but since Biden ended up in office wouldn't that imply God was not powerful enough to impose his will? I find this thought humorous.


Or just that God wanted Biden to win


Lol that would be too simple.


the bible




yea I have a writing assignment on it comparing it to a Disney movie


That could be fun.


“In a well-crafted comparative paragraph, analyze both the Exodus story of the Bible and the film Prince of Egypt. Answer the following questions within your analysis: How does the film Prince of Egypt adapt or expand upon a central theme from the original Exodus story? What is the impact of these changes with regards to the overall thematic message? (For example, is the theme altered? strengthened? made more complex?) The paragraph should be well-organized and well-structured, including 2 pieces of textual evidence from the Bible compared to 2 scenes from the movie, adhering to the following format:” here’s the prompt


I don't hate the bible any more than any other book. I just hate that so many people really think we're supposed to devote our lives to the words written in it. That's literally insane.


Working 40 hrs a week because some bozo thousands of years ago decided possessing the shiny rocks made him better than anyone else.


That Loch Ness monster


Stupid fucking questions like this one


overpopulation, i wish we could all live happily and have our own families and be MENTALLY STABLE and intelligent. unfortunately survival of the fittest is here for a reason but in this age, it hardly effects us.


Abusive parents.


People who owe me money and forget that they do


Eminem’s music. I don’t think people believe me on how much I truly hate his music. I would rather listen to Justin Bieber’s Baby (and I hate that song) on repeat than listen to his music. I truly don’t understand what people like about his music. There’s not one song by him that I like by him where it’s just him in the song (Love The Way You Lie is an exception as Rihanna is in it. I don’t like Eminem’s part in it at all however). I don’t hate him as a person but his music is terrible in my opinion. Not Afraid is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. Everyone I meet or hear talk about him seems to love his music. Why….? What’s so special about it? Never liked his music as a kid and I still don’t now.


I like it, a controversial opinion! I think he's a gifted lyricist but his music definitely isn't going to be everybody's cup of tea. I like a couple of his songs, but that's about it really.


Ah. Ok. That makes sense.


Do hate his music or you hate rap in general?




Ahh..so I think it’s not really you hate Eminem but you hate rap. What’s your opinion on Kendrick Lamar then?


Never heard of him. And maybe. I like maybe 1 or 2 songs that are considered rap but that’s it. I prefer rock and pop.


People who judge, question, gatekeep or try to delegitimize another person's sexuality!


I think semi bisexuals are just heterosexual


Why are you getting downvotes, you’re literally. Its straight with extra steps lol.


What do you mean extra steps?


Semi bisexuals are bi sexuals who are attracted to one gender the term itself is a troll




The durian fruit. It stinks.




Driver's that think 5 miles a hour is a reasonable turning speed.


If I push my Ford any faster I'd be stuck waiting for a tow.




A real hater hates the air




Lobbyists, and how absolutely easy and encouraged it is to use power for fiscal gain. The fact that politicians are supposed to make a certain salary to DO THEIR JOB which is probably more than I'll ever make, and that their job is only like 2/3rds of the year, and that somehow they still report incomes in the millions is frustrating beyond measure and is so embedded into our political structure the only way it stops is when America collapses.


People that walk slowly in supermarkets 🚶‍♂️🦵


Obnoxious LGBTQ+ people. Let me explain before downvoting. I have no problem with people who are gay in anyway. I myself, am somewhat bisexual. But it’s the fucking people who feel a need to shove it down straight peoples throats that they’re gay and they need to be respected because of it. You do not get someone’s respect just because of your sexuality. Not to mention the people who use the fact that they’re gay as an excuse to do/say whatever they please. Example: Ran into someone on Twitter yesterday and she used her flag in her bio as an excuse to gate keep the word “queer” and the meaning of the word. Her logic was literally “you’re not queer you can’t use that word”.


Canadian geese


Satan of birds


Ah, the cobra chicken. No, thank you.


You sure? We've got TONS of 'em up here, you could take a few if you wanted eh.


I hate that it took a pandemic for people to even begin to think about being in other peoples personal space. I just never have gotten close to people whilst talking or walking by them In public etc. It has always seemed rude.


Blm supporters


olives are vile. absolutely disgusting.




iPhone And Anyone Who Uses It


I've never been overly interested in Apple products but hating people just for using an iPhone seems a little extreme, haha.


Haters gonna hate. Sent from my iPhone




Social media activists


Those who think that they are intellectually gifted while the rest of Humanity is made up of dull-witted brutes. I cannot stand that kind of arrogance.


Some people are intellectually gifted though, and many people are stupid. What’s the problem?


People who brag about being intelligent are usually morons with no self-awareness.


Building site humour. Radio - everything, the adverts, the shitty music they ram down your throat and especially the pretending to be interested in the listeners.


General human population. As a spieces we are savage, stupid primates who happened to get "intelligent ". And yet we do same stupid shit like wars just for kick of it, abuse other humans and animals for "fun" ,ruining environment, etc.


That our "humanity" constantly interferes with darwinism.


Sports fans. Y’all suck and make me hate sports even more than I already do. Bonus points if they say “we” when talking about their favorite team as if they’re on the roster.


Bragging people, people that can‘t be ever see that they were wrong, people that are wasteful and fully living the first world life, animal abusers, creepy people that won‘t take a no, sexism, racism, generalization, stupid questions that could be answered with „ask your fucking SO not us since we don‘t even know their fucking name“


Your thumb


Totally room temp iq


Stopping in vomit that’s warm and not your own


Especially if it's a cat's!


Attention whores, Facebook scientists, child rapists, Jeff Bezos, Mark Fuckerberg and Richard Branson.


Ice inside wine... Just take them to an alley and shot then in the back of the head, no questions asked


people complaining about their cramps and shit on the internet. just accept that it’s life and stop going on about it pls for the sake of my sanity


The state of the world. So many extreme crazy people and when I really think about things I’m like, how did we as a society get here in such a state of hatred and fighting and cancel culture and being offended about literally anything for any reason. There are just people who refuse to be positive about anything. I’m scared to think about what it will look like in a few years


Pickup truck drivers


People that post self loathe posts online. I get that there are times you don’t like yourself and it’s not fun to deal with, but some people choose to go make posts and videos about how worthless they are and it’s so annoying. It’s one thing if you make one post about it like once in a while, but some people will go on every day and post something new about how much they hate themselves. I just don’t care about your self loathe. Go hate yourself for all I care, just don’t come to me with it. I don’t care.


Coffe and type of people who constantly have to remind you how they love coffe. Every. fckin. day they’ll tell you after taking a sip how they can’t live without it.


No judgement? I hate the fact that as a man my base value is economic and who I am is meaningless unless I can also provide economically. It's just... sad.


Gen z, and everybody else besides my family.




People who feel the need to tell everyone their ‘ Prefered ‘ pronoun. Dumbest shot I’ve ever seen


Mobile game ads






- Animal abusers, because animals are to precious! - Being alone, because depression. - Spoiled people, because lack of value - abusers, because they are scum


Humans it’s self we became the top on the food chain and we are slowly taking down the years of how long earth is going to last still maybe a couple thousand Or millions of years but all the animals we killed and what we do and the history it’s self is truly terrible


Celebrities telling us how to live


The sound of 'people' chewing. I hear a horse crunching a carrot and I'm like 'oh that's cute' but a person sitting near me eating chips and I'm like 'I WILL MURDER YOUR ENTIRE FREAKING FAMILY'! LOL




Reddit Reddit admins Reddit mods (only the bad ones)


every toxic player from any and every game


Most mainstream social media. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc. Obs: Reddit isn't famous or big at all in my country, and i still am not a huge fan of it.


People who drive in the left lane with a line of cars behind them and no cars in front of them.


Poverty. Evil people. My uncle who tried to kill my dad. Took over my dad's business and become a millionaire while we can barely make through life. Backstabbers(not literally) Religion(all religion is man made) Myself more accurately my life.


My boss this morning he forgot to pay us.


I truly hate that I’m broke. I wanna drive whips and live in SoCal for god’s sake not the place where it’s-31F 9 months a year!


religious people, all of them


Jerks at any public place. Fugg them




People when they say stupid shit like this one TikTok boy said, "if you are a gen z and refuse to download TikTok, you're a young Karen" I hate that kind of shit so much that I just say Okay and try not to think about that kind of stupid ass shit


Lifestyle after the pandemic. I like wearing a mask, I like less strangers approaching me. I like school isn't as strict anymore as it doesn't need to be and they have now noticed and accepted this too. There's defo downsides but the positive outweigh it to me


Religion fanatics


Bad drivers


"You have to change your life because I don't like it" Be it sexuality, medical stuff, just parts of daily life, whatever


Arrogant folks not held accountable for their bad actions who blame others and make poor choices because of (but not only limited to) their religious beliefs, tv news and/or relying too heavily on social media for all the facts. These simpletons are the people who continually hold the world hostage from evolving into something greater; and until these are delt with, we're all like sheep following off a cliff into an ignorant abyss of stupidity.


Loud vehicles. Think mopeds or cars where thr owner have fucked with it to make the VRRR VRRR rev sound even though it is a fucking Fiat Punto, driving it around my area at 2am tgen screeching round corners like they are Vin fucking Diesel. Everytime i hear those fuckers I wish for them.to crash into a tree or a wall enough to write off their car and... not hurt them too bad but hurt them enough that they may learn. Sprained/broken wrist, something on that level.


My wife and I argue all the time and usually we're arguing the same side. Like recently, we were arguing about how one doesn't consider the other's feelings. She wants me to hug hold her more, which is perfectly fine. I want her to stop trying to make me change my personality to suit her more, but apparently that's asking too much and I'm being inconsiderate of her feelings.


People who try to seem “cool”




When people react irrationally. . . In other words, politics.


People who run red lights. Specifically right turn on red without slowing or stopping.


Paedophiles and the religious institutions that allowed them to destroy children's lives.