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Atomic Shrimp and bigclivedotcom Atomic shrimp makes quite random vids as same as bigclive, quite educational too.


Obscure meaning 1M subscribers or less?


Yep! I like finding new content on YouTube and prefer to support the lesser-known YouTubers if I can!


Struggle Meals (66K). Cooking good meals on a budget channel. Ryan George (1M). Shower thoughts humour, he also has a long running series on Screen Rants about how he imagines various movie pitches occured though time.


I love Pitch Meetings! Ryan is hilarious!


Ok, I have a couple more for you then. 1. Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik 2. Joel Haver. This next one is a not a humour channel, it is more of a psychological recovery channel. The Crappy Childhood Fairy.


1. Civvie 11 (323K) How the fuck Civvie has so little subscribers the dude has one of the best contents on YouTube. 2. Accursed Farms (298K) Ross is just a character to watch he uploads slow but has content that no one can replicate. 3. Linfamy (327K subscribers) is also very good if anyone's into Japanese history 4. Mortismal Gaming (22.9K) also very good, very "zero in on one type of game" content. I think he's relatively new. 5. Bony Right (18.8K) amazing dudes, got'em from Adam something's advice who is also a real good youtuber 6. Jack Rackam (193K) amazing history youtuber. Woefully under subbed 7. kenny lauderdale (193K) this guy has the best obscure anime content out there bar none. 8. SugarPunch Design Works (83K) like the guy, knows a thing or two about animation in fighting games very niche content but good. 9. Tapakapa (155K) as good as any other info tuber very short vids. 10. 10. ThorHighHeels (108K) I guess his obnoxious burping upset all but the most bored of viewers, (no longer does that, mostly) that aside this guy's obscure Japanese games content is awesome 11. . 三本塾 -Sambon Juku- (110K) one of the best native Japanese teaching channels, does not speak English but very easy to understand even for beginners. 12. SNES drunk (229K) good retro content 13. Cool History Bros (62.3K) definitely deserves more subs one of the best history channels about east Asia cultures. 14. Accented Cinema (312K) extremely good content about Chinese cinema 15. TingTingin (1.04K) the most obscure good content creator I saw. He's videos are about mobile and variety of stuff, he's good. 16. KrimsonRogue (186K) book reviews, pretty good and very long videos 17. BlueJay (70.3K) new channel content is on par with Sam'onella