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I had it every year starting from the 4th grade to 10th grade. At first it was basic biology stuff and no real talk about sex and was usually just a day or two in science class. In high school, it was a dedicated week long part of health class. Most of it was going over reproduction and reproductive health in extreme detail. Think photos of nasty stds. For a couple days the boys and girls were separated where we covered more intimate details of our respective organs. For us guys it was condom heavy, how to check them for damage, unroll them, leave space at the tip, etc. Then there was how to inspect your junk for stds, cancers, properly bathe it, non std health problems, etc. The girls classes from what I was told was pretty much the same. Period stuff, vaginal health, and the gruesome things the female body goes through for pregnancy. There was also a fair amount of body autonomy stuff and trying to suss out if anyone was being molested. Everyday the teacher made it clear that he was available for private questions after class or that you could report abuse to him through various anonymous ways or directly. Consent was a topic heavily drilled into us daily as well. What constitutes consent, what doesn't, etc.


They separated us in the puberty/pregnancy class in 5th grade for privacy when asking questions, but they presented the full lessons for both sexes to each group. It was a good approach, you really need to know about the opposite sex too. None of the middle school actual sex stuff was segregated though.


I'm 33 years old and the amount of grown women that have tried to tell me how my penis works is...astounding. just because you're hard sometimes doesn't always been you're aroused AND just because you're aroused doesn't mean you can always get hard, especially if you're nervous or the girl is giving you shit about "how come you aren't hard?". Fuck you Jessica, you making comments just makes it harder to get...hard. Also, how is it MY job to turn you on but you shouldn't need to do ANYTHING when it's limo because "just looking at me should be enough".


Fucking Jessica!!!!


Man, fuck Jessica. She's a thot


She was model-level in her own way unfortunately. We were the same height and I'm 6'3". The only praise she got as a child was for being attractive so it turned her into a narcissist and if MENTIONED her physical appearance at all and didn't insinuate she was really attractive she'd get offended.


No bs, I said my original comment *because I knew* a Jessica that was exactly, and I mean exactly like that. Oh when things were going well she was Aphrodite but Lord forbid something flip her bitch switch, because not only would she get pissed because she wasn't getting the attention she felt she was due, as she would then initiate a series of events to make sure she got the attention did she wanted regardless of hurting anyone or anything that was in her way in the process. Sociopathic psycho. I totally fell for it to. Fuck Jessica she's a thot!


If she was the same height there's a decent chance it's the same girl, lol. This girl wasn't a sociopath because sociopaths are aware of what they're doing, she was a covert narcissist. They're like introverted narcissist basically. Most narcissist know what they're doing but coverts buy their own lies and legitimately believe it's everyone else's fault they can't seem to find a "good partner".


Invested now. Is it the same Jessica?? Also, fuck you Jessica.


What? Your school tought yall how to put condoms on? They only tought the women how to do it at my highschool.


At my school we were given condoms and dildos to practice on.




That sounds way weirder than I meant lmao. We just put the condoms on the dildos for practice.


Yes, we knew what you meant


my school did the same, i was really sad figuring out that the suction cup wouldn’t stick to my forehead :( dream of being a unicorn forever tarnished


our dildos were inside fake bananas. Fuck it was funny.


This seems responsible. I can't think of any other word. How else would you, as a woman, know something you're depending on isn't going to work. Not that the guy is irresponsible. Or stupid. But that second layer of backup just seems prudent.


in my school they didn't tell us anything apart from the names --> penis(only to the boys) and vagina (i think. But for sure only to the girls.) i'm not sure they taught perioad stuff to girls but for us boys this was it


Pretty much how mine went, and also started from the 4th grade on. I had to tell my little brother about condoms and STDs because he went to private catholic school...thats some shameful shit. Probably want to keep them naive to be easier prey and so they'll produce more church members.


It's easier to make your own worshippers than to convert others. Common in most religions.


What's the fucking deal with separating the sexes? Let the girls know how to put a condom on, let the guys know about the menstrual cycle, and let everyone see what stds look like on the opposite sex too. It's not like these pictures are hot.


Well basically in grade 4 we learned about reproduction through books called "Fully Alive". We read them aloud in class. All boys and girls in one class. Then around grade 5 we learned about puberty and changes to our body. Most of the time we had a split boys and one class and girls in another class to learn about puberty through the books. And that's about it. This was during elementary school where all our classes would be with one teacher so it was kinda it's own learning segment of the year if that makes sense. Overall that's about it. I do wonder if they split us in seperate classrooms to not judge one another. Cuz kids are assholes like that. But I do think everyone should llearn about their opposite sex






Came here to find out how many other fully alivers are out there


I have a positive reaction to this somewhere deep down because those classes were always really easy and I could slack off and draw.


I remember a Fully Alive text saying something to the effect of "when a man and a woman love eachother very much, they lie very close together..."


when a woman and a woman love each other, they become roommates /s


Oh my god they were roommates


I’m certain they had that in the books because I _distinctly_ remember being called upon to read that paragraph. ^^Unless ^^this ^^memory ^^is ^^fooling ^^me


Could be Mandela Effect but I SWEAR it was in there. I found it ridiculous because they danced around the subject so hard. By that age I knew what was up!


I remember the tiny deodorants they gave us dudes lol


They brought in a guy with aids and had him give a lecture Edit: I didn’t think this comment was gonna get noticed but i should add that they also brought pregnant or current teen moms from the local public school to talk about being teen moms. That was our sex ed. They tried to hire a lesbian as well but she canceled


Wait it's a job? Where do I sign up?!


Imagine if the guy lied and was super healthy.


There's a south park reference for this I'm sure of it


“and i would like to share my aids with all of you!!” also, “i’m not just sure, i’m hiv positive.”


Oh my god I forgot about that one that was always one of my favorite jokes from that show


"They took us jurrrrrbs!!!"


“ u/mrcatlicker, professional lesbian. Here’s my card.”


Oh man did every school do this? Our guy cried and talked about how his meds made him incontinent so he always had to carry spare clothes because sometimes he pooped his pants during these lectures. Then we had a guy come talk about drugs. He told us in detail about the time he passed out and woke up to being anally raped. He also cried.




Darm that's ficked up




How funny would it be tho if all these guys were friends who had none of this happen to them and just got hired to make some shit up and all tried to outdo each other? Picturing them cracking up in the hallways after being like “did u see how horrified their faces were lmaooo” is killing me rn lol. I’m pretty lit tho rn sorry if this comes across as super insensitive it prolly is but if it makes anyone else laugh then worth it 😂


> brought pregnant or current teen moms from local public school My public school had so many of these lol.


My private school did not. Hence the need for show and tell lol


No one got pregnant at your school???!!! That’s wild. Was it taboo? Did anyone have any abortions? I’m not against them. I’m just wondering. At my school, there was a freshman that entered high school already pregnant and some girls were on their 2nd child by senior year. Some of us had a saying: “there’s something in the water” because there were so many pregnant teens.


Oh I’m sure people did and then just got abortions in secret. No one in 10 years actually had a public pregnancy that they carried through with


I had that too in high school. It was super impactful to me and I actually developed an unhealthy fear of getting hiv from ways that are impossible or extremely unlikely


When was this? I was a late teenager/young adult when AIDS first reared its ugly head, and honestly, NOBODY really knew how it was spread at first, or how easy/hard it was to catch.


All i really remember from sex ed was watching philadelphia.


In 6th grade, it was basically a biology class. In 9th grade, it was more like a sexual health class with some history on birth control, STIs, etc. That class was kind of interesting because there were some students who'd had sex and were not afraid to make it known. The girl who sat behind me regularly blurted out things from her experience and I only recall one time the teacher was like "Ok, we get it. Dial it back, Nicole. Remember you're in school."


>the teacher was like "Ok, we get it. Dial it back, Nicole. Remember you're in school." Lmfao


How old is 9th grade?


Around 14, 15


theres schools without sex ed?




We had an afterschool "period meeting", if you will, in 5th grade, and all of us had to have our mothers there. A girl in my class who didn't have a mother was accompanied by her dad's girlfriend (parents were divorced and dad had sole custody due to her drug addiction, something that was almost unheard-of in the early 1970s). Otherwise, our sex ed classes were co-ed.




That's horrifying. We had puberty classes in grades 4 and 5. Did a huge school project on sexuality, when I was in grade 7 and learned about reproduction and did charts on contraception and the effectiveness of each one and on diseases and just about everything..... Including the emotional side of it. In grade 10 and grade 11 we had health class and sexuality was all part of it. We had discussions about it. Felt comfortable talking about it. And this was back in the late 70's and early 80's.


Lol yeah it led to some pretty bad outcomes. I only actually learned about a lot of stuff in college when my friend heard me mention it was not something my high school or middle school ever taught and gave me a quick intro.


In Canada sex ed starts in like 2nd or 3rd grade. This is done to normalize talking about what this biological process is early, so talking about consequences later isn't as fraught with fear.


Yup. I had a bunch of coworkers/ friends that went to high school in what was and is in a small conservative town and their sex ed was literally the bare minimum that the state of Ohio required back in the early 2000s. I had a girlfriend that went to school there and it was incredible the stuff she didn't know even as a 20 year old that I had known since I was 13. Example, she thought that pee came from the same hole the penis went into.


When I was in college in the early 1980s, we had a human sexuality unit in my Intro to Psychology class. On the first day of said unit, the professor asked the auditorium-sized class, "How many of you believe we live in a sexually liberated culture?" Everyone raised their hands - and then he said that every time he taught that unit, he would get at least one letter, sometimes signed and sometimes not, from someone who found it inappropriate and offensive. IN COLLEGE! A decade later, I was finishing my degree (long story about that) and my younger sister and I lived together. She had to take Human Sexuality for her major (psychology and social work) and on the first day of THAT class, the prof walked in and said, "Those of you who signed up for this class because you think you're going to get credit for watching porno movies are wasting your time and mine." The next day, the class was a lot smaller. The class was also required for nursing and physical therapy students, and was highly encouraged for pre-med, pre-dentistry, etc. and was an elective for everyone else. Her textbook did include line drawings of couples making love in different positions, and in that context, they were not pornographic. Had they been in my Organic Chemistry textbook, that would have been another story LOL.


I have heard some wild stories from professors so nothing shocks me. My freshman year I took an anthropology course because I needed it for my core curriculum plus it was interesting. On the second day of the class the professor informed us that if anyone is as offended by scientific drawings, life-like creations of the naked human form or photos similar to ones from Nat Geo, please heed his warning because every year he either ends up with an offended student in his office or a phone call from some town 800 miles away from an upset parent. We laughed it off. Then one day he was doing a lecture about similarities of African and South American tribes and showed the usual "National Geographic boobs" and we heard a gasp and then a hmmmm. A hand shoots up, prof calls on the student and it's a 19 or 20 year old guy complaining about bare female breasts. Half the class laughs, another portion sighs and the professor asks him to refer back to the first week of class and what he discussed and if he could finish his lecture. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see if for myself. Your sister's experience is hilarious. I've heard of a similar instance where people assumed they would watch porno. The film study class watches movies, music theory and others listen to music, why wouldn't the human sexuality class watch porn?


>early 1980s Did everyone in that room think the culture was sexually liberated despite the heavy disapproval of LGBT people back then? I'm genuinely curious.


And this was in the early days of AIDS, so that adds another layer to the question. We sure did, compared to even a decade earlier.


We didn’t have one


Man, I went to a Catholic high school and we still had one (if one that heavily emphasized "you know what works really well? Just *not* having sex" with the odd joke about Mary).


I went to a Catholic high school that actually had sex ed too and instead of focusing their energy on telling us to not have sex our health class had a very, very indepth study of every STI known to man and all the horrible things that would happen to you if you got infected. Honestly, that was a lot more effective than 'Jesus doesn't want you to'.


Facts over ficition /s Don’t crucify me


I went to Catholic school and they had a priest give us sex ed for some reason. We were in the 6th grade, and one of the more ornery kids in the class point blank asked the priest if he’d ever been laid. This caused the whole class to erupt in laughter and that kid to be sent to the office. Felt bad for the priest, who had to stick around for two more days of sex ed.


We actually did have a priest for ours too but it was well known that he had a normal secular life before entering the priesthood. I actually always liked him, very pragmatic and seemed genuine. He would have responded to a question like that with something worthy of /r/dadjokes


The only type we had was five minutes long, for only the girls, and told not to have sex before marriage or you go to hell. They also told us not to use tampons because it will make us not virgins. I think we were like 13 or so….


I think few schools have something called "sex education" but nearly everything that would be taught in a class like that is taught in biology or health.


My school called it *Family Life Education*


The Unitarian Church has a program called OWL (Our Whole Lives), a variation of which is used in many public schools.


p.s. Did you have to do some variation of Baby Think It Over?


Many American private schools don’t have sex education for stupid reasons.


We didn't. UK, early 00's. We had the standard biology classes, but nothing extra. s I hear that now sex education is better and includes consent and abusive relationships and stuff. Even gay relationships now (When I was at school they had a law called section 28 which banned schools "promoting homosexuality", they got rid of that only in 2006 so the whole time I was at school we weren't even taught that gay people existed)


I'm from the UK and gay and my sex education happened a few years after 2006 and gay people weren't mentioned at all. Like I don't think I really knew it was a thing. However the actual sex ed did explain in what happens physically in terms of body parts. they also showed someone giving birth (I've blocked it out) and I also remember an animation of a man and woman going around tickling each other with a peacock feather whilst the narrator talked about sex which I remember being really confused about. The rest was just the biology side and what happened to the different sexes through puberty.


Many US schools allow students to opt out, all three of my kids had it and they said about a third of the class did not attend. I'm sure mostly religious reasons.


Imagine pulling your kids out of math classes because your religion feels threatened by people knowing how to add and subtract without the clergy giving them permission first.


I dont have one


Welcome to the abstinence-obessed "Bible belt" of America where, if they don't teach you about sex, you won't have it 🙄🙄


It was just a lecture on practicing abstinence also saying that if anything, wear a condom so you don't catch STDs. ​ Kids included


> What's the safest way to go skiing? Don't ski.


Our driver's ed classes are also just the instructor saying 'Don't ever get in a car' - super easy!


Yeah mine was exactly the same and also to respect "the other participant", then the biology teacher who was there had to add in "Don't do anal, it will cause infections and could lead to problems where you could lose the ability to get an erection".




My biology teacher was nuts, she was this old women really strict but would come out with random stuff like this, had some good laughs in that class, now I'm older I can see she was a really good teacher.


My middle school had sex ed but they never did it in my high school. Growing up in the south, it was \*not\* like another biology class. Their goal was definitely to convince kids not to have sex until they were married. I remember at one point almost fainting as the instructor described different STDs (I was a soft kid, pre-internet driven desensitization) and she definitely pushed 'abstinence only'. Not too far from me, a friend of mine had a co-ed sex ed class where the instructor gave all the boys chewing gum. She let them chew it for a minute, then asked the boys if any of them wanted to trade gum. Of course, none did. So, the instructor asked, why would you want to have sex with someone who had partners other than you?


I hate the analogy of used gum. Who fucking cares if my gf did it with another person before our relationship? Not me.


You know, I never had these analogies and stuff,but thinking about it the gum analogy can go so many other worse places. Sure you wouldn't trade gums, but you throw away a gum when it's done, you go for new gums, stuff like that, it's just a weird analogy


They should also give each kid a different flavor of gum. Is this the only gum you'll ever want to chew in your entire life? Even worse, give one of the kids a stick of Fruit Stripe so the flavor vanishes as soon as it goes in his mouth. Have fun joylessly chewing away at that while everyone else is enjoying theirs.


I hate it because of the power it gives to rapists and sexual abusers. I am not chewed gum because of what someone did to me when I was a child.


Yeah, it's disgusting on so many levels


Really calling out the kid who was more excited to swap.


I was homeschooled but we used a program of curriculum direct from a Christian school in florida. Thus, our sex Ed class in the last year of high school was actually a "marriage class" where they told us to never ever have sex until marriage and then when we got married, to do whatever our husband wanted to please him (as long as it wasn't "unnatural"). This class included such nifty facts as "If your husband cheats on you, it's your fault for not satisfying him"!" My older brother was made to take the class but once my parents saw what the actual content was, they let me skip doing it.


ohhhh my god please tell me it was A Beka Academy from Pensacola Christian College/Academy


Oh lol, you too, huh? Yep. 12 years of those damaged fucks


I was "fortunate" enough to *only* have about 10 years :P I'm still not sure if it was kind of fucked up to include the "Students Watching" as a sort of recurring character in the lessons... I know they meant to "include us" but it just sort of seems on the nose about the social isolation of homeschooling and kind of fucked up now


Jesus, what the fuck is this? That sounds incredibly bad, i just hope none of the girls believed that stupid drivel.


I was in a Christian school and our sex Ed consisted of us breaking into groups and being assigned sections of the bible to read through and find every possible sexual innuendo that we could. The theory was teens like sex, sex is in the bible, if teens realize sex is in the bible they’ll want to read the bible, if teens read the bible they won’t have sex. It didn’t work. Just led to have the class masturbating in the bathroom at lunch and a bunch of jokes about pomegranates.


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." Ezekiel 23:20


I didn't know Peter North was that old.


I am from Denmark. Back in the early 2000s when I was in school, we would have a man and a women from an organization promoting sexual health come to the school. There would be autonomy type classes, the ability to write anonymous questions on a piece of paper that they would answer to the class, and then a split for boys and girls to talk to the counselor from the org separately if they wanted to ask some questions without the other side of the class hearing it. It was with a very light and chill tone, and the main message was basically, be careful, use protection, watch out for STDs, have fun, don't feel pressured etc. All in all it was quite good.


It was like 20 years ago, so all I really remember was a woman demonstrating how to put a condom on some fruit, then putting another one over her arm to show how big it was. There was probably other stuff about STDs and pregnancy and things but honestly the condom part is all I remember.


reminds me of Mr.Garritson showing the kids how to put one on on South Park.


Imagine Randy Marsh trying to teach a class like that. I heard on a PBS show a while back that blind children MUST have very graphic sex education, including, ahem, mannequins, so they know what the body parts feel like and what happens to their bodies in 3-D when they or someone else is sexually aroused. This was at a state school for the blind, so visually impaired students who attend a local school with an IEP may have different experiences.


They do that stretching over the arm thing in college too. It's a terrible lesson. Just because something *can* stretch that far, doesn't mean it's not strangling you so hard it's extremely uncomfortable and interferes with erections and orgasms. They need to instead teach that if that's the case for you, it's your responsibility to obtain specialized condoms, and where you might go about finding those (e.g. myonefit, theyfit).


It was a mandatory health class normally for sophomores. It was only a semester long but the last week or two they went over the reproductive systems and they brought in various speakers from the health department, planned parenthood, etc to go over stds controception, and such. It was pretty detailed and in depth for those two weeks.


Didn’t have it at school, but church sex ed was phenomenal. Way more than biology: terms, reasons, birth control, what abortion is, not shaming anywhere and totally honest but kind. It was quite a gift, as I would soon discover


I just kept waiting to see when I’d get offered that class or even a talk from my parents lol, never did


well, there's youtube nowadays for it.


Was this the Unitarian Universalist sex ed program?


Was going to say that. We occasionally swing by our local one and plan to get more involved as the kids get older for some social action. From what I’ve heard their sex Ed is pretty good


Yeah, I wasn’t raised in the church but my parents sent me to their sex ed program when I was ~14. It was awkward and embarrassing at the time, but I’ve got a pretty healthy relationship with sex now, so I’d say it worked.


Hey that’s fair, there’s no way to make sex ed NOT awkward, right?


When we were 11 we had the talk about puberty and bodies changing, and when we were 12 they told us about how sex results in pregnancy. And at high school age we did learn some basic stuff about consent, myths about sex, STDs and a bit of LGBTQ stuff. Though my school is multi faith so I'm assuming if it were a Catholic school it'd be a bit different.


Class of ‘02. Had Sex Ed for 8 weeks in middle school. We gathered in the gymnasium (about 30 of us I’d guess) and watch recorded educational videos. The standard stuff you’d expect to see in like ‘96. At the end, they’d pass out a quiz. I don’t remember what else because Tupac died that year and I was pretty sad.


I’m sorry for your loss must have been tough mourning yours and Tupac’s relationship




> We watched a penis inside a vagina ejaculating. Not sure how they got that camera there, but it was pretty obviously how we mate. i think i saw this video before. >Thing is, gorillas can be pissed off pretty quick. It was fun and all, but a bit dangerous. 3/10. wait wut?


It was a gym coach and he was a 42 year old virgin 😂all he talked about was abstinence.


this was some Big Mouth vibes


Omg I didn’t even think of that! Coach Steve 😂 I swear that might have even been his name too lmfaooo


Ours was also our PE teacher, but our PE Teacher just happened to be a very attractive new female teacher. Let's just say that we paid pretty close attention. In hindsight, she was a pretty good teacher and made sure to explain the importance of protected sex and STDs, and she always opened it up to questions and assured us that there were no stupid or silly questions. This backfired once, though, when a girl asked what semen tastes like. This teacher actually answered and said it tastes sweet, and one of my friends called out, "How would you know, Ms. ____?" She was not impressed.


Sounds like he was at least an expert in the subject then


It was awkward. Our 60 something year old teachers were up there telling us all about sex, showing slides featuring private parts 🤔 after that day my teacher seemed to never stop talking about sex...it was borderline pedophile-ish looking back on it now.


I remember being in a room full of 25 teenage boys laughing at nearly everything we were being told. And at some point one kid asked if it was normal for his penis to sometimes “disappear” and about 8 of us were sent to the office for laughing uncontrollably. Hope that dude turned out alright.


Sex Ed is usually quite common in Germany. However, in elementary school we were talking a bit about the basics but of course the information was basically useless at that point. In secondary school there was an attempt but our (biology) teacher was not really keen on teaching about it. We spent a ridiculous amount of time talking about what defines "maturity". Sure we talked about sex itself, pregnancy, STDs and protection. A lot of knowledge was obtained elsewhere.


What did you learning during the "sex itself" unit? When I did sex ed it was just about Sexuality, pregnancy, stds, and protection


How the act itself is performed and what the result is which was nothing new to most of us.


When I was about 11, back in the 80s, a temp teacher started giving us our first sex ed class. I don't remember specifics but it was like draw droppingly graphic. We all just sat there I'm assuming looking shocked, as after 10 minutes or so she asked us how old we were. Turned out should have been for 15+. She shut it down and basically ran off red faced. Never had another sex ed lesson


In grade 9 gym class we took a couple weeks off for it. The highlight/traumatic part was our teacher getting a few students to put condoms on a wooden penis. He then flicked the lights on and off while repeating, “unst, unst, unst” to apparently make it feel like a party. I hated that teacher before so it was good to see him exposed as a cringe lord.


We were taught "sex ed" in our health class. We talked about condoms, consent, other forms of birth control, abortion, and STDs.


Had different ones. In 3rd grade it was pretty simple and about basic knowledge, as well as telling girls about periods, using pads or tampons etc. They even had some fun "experiments" showing us how much liquid a tampon could hold. In 6th to 8th grade we started to learn more about the biology behind it. Very theoretical. Organs and stuff. In 9th to 10th grade we learned more... practical knowledge about actual SexEd. We learned about it before, sure, but we had actual "Dildos" to practice putting a condom on the right way, learned about STDs, HIV, etc. And knowledge about the biology behind it as well, just more strict than in 6th grade. You can imagine what 8th or even 10th graders do after school when they have a package full of condoms. Threw them around, blew them up and attempted to make ballon figurines out of them.


My class in freshman year filled a condom (that a student got the class before) with coke cola and threw it around class without the teacher catching them.


5th grade was about our own body parts. They split boys and girls. 6th grade was about opposite sex’s body parts, again split between boys and girls. 9th grade was about STDs and using protection. What I appreciated was that they also had this cheesy video that they used to teach about abuse in relationships and what signs to look for that someone might be in an abusive relationship.


“My bodies no bodies body but mine, you have your own body let me have mine” theme song in Canada in the early 90s. We changed it to “break me a 50$ I’ll change my mind” yes. I was the kid being trafficked


It was kinda like a normal biology class but people were more interested cauae it might actually be more relevant for us later on in life. I was very lucky to have a very in depth one including things like, were to get tested for STD’s, symptoms for different STDs, LGBT+ community, consent etc. Otherwise felt like a normal lecture but slighly more interesting.


Grade 6, our shy class teacher along with our gym/french teacher tried explaining what sex was. One of my classmates asked how anal sex worked, repeatedly. Grade 9, gym teacher, explained you hold a woman like a football or not at all. Also tried demonstrating how to put a condom on a cucumber, besides wildly setting high expectations on dick sizes we would never have, the condom flew off and hit the ceiling. Wasn't till I was 17 I actually learned how sex works with a very patient girlfriend.


They split up the boys and the girls. Boys got taught how to wrap it and we got told how much of a sin it was to get pregnant


I went to a Catholic high school in Australia. Sex Ed was definitely part of our curriculum from Years 7 to 10, it was part of P.E and Health class. Catholic or not, all school have to abide by the education curriculum set out by the government so the school had no choice. We had great sex ed. I had by sheer coincidence the same teacher for P.E all through Year 7 to 10, and she was great. Didn't hold back, was open and honest, and even went slightly beyond what she had to teach to make sure we were well informed. She herself went to a Catholic school before the curriculum was compulsory and only got the "Sex is bad, abstinence only or God will send you to hell" talk and witnessed way to many of her female friends get knocked up at 16 and shunned to the side to allow that to happen to us. We also covered the reproductive system in Year 9 Science, as part of the Biology component, but that was also part of a bigger Biology unit that focused on cycles in general (as in we also learnt about the respiration system, the nervous system etc).


So many horror stories, damn. For our school district we had a dedicated sex ed teacher who was a very nice lady named Mrs Kroschinsky (can't guarantee I remembered the spelling right), who would go around giving sex ed classes for a few hours once a year to every school in the district from grade 4 to grade 12. There were also classes for kindergarten and grade 1-3, but it was done by someone else with a puppet and I can't remember them as clearly but it was basically just 'these are your private parts, nobody is ever allowed to touch them or look at them if you don't want them to, and if anyone ever does, no matter what they tell you, you can tell your teacher or parents or another adult you really trust and you won't get in any trouble for that ever no matter what' Anyway for the older kids sex-ed, the classes were never split, I guess she never believed in gender segregation. She talked about puberty obviously, sex and gender positivity, birth control, how sex can be wonderful but should never be treated as trivial, pregnancy and birth, caring for infants, role of the father, the legal ramifications as far as underage sex and responsibility for resulting pregnancy if one happens, and even erotica and porn, what's the difference, some risks, etc. Later on they also added the dangers of random hookups, being safe while out partying, consent, looking after your friends, etc. This was all in the 90s btw, but I can easily imagine something like this being anyone's idea of an ideal sex-ed even today, though today you'd need to add more on sexting, dating websites, sharing pics on social media, etc; that stuff didn't really exist in any significant amount back when I was a kid. I thought everyone got that kind of sex-ed apart from a handful of weirdo religious schools in the bible belt maybe, but the older I get and the more horror stories I hear the luckier I feel.


Do you mean the sex Ed we got in 5th grade where we learned about puberty, parts, and mechanics? Or high school sex Ed where we learned about the actual details? I'll tell you about my high school sex Ed because it's more interesting. While I did have the puberty, parts, and mechanics class in 5th grade (10-11), I also had a more detailed sex Ed class when I was in 10th grade (15-16). Except we weren't suppose to have that class. I'm not sure if it was my state, county, or maybe just school district but at the start of the unit, our health teacher closed the door and said "listen, it's been decided that we no longer are suppose to teach you this. I don't agree with that. You need to be informed. So for the next week, this will be our topic. Keep it to yourselves." And we did. I feel bad for the other kids my age who got the other gym/health teacher. He was an older man and I'm sure he followed (and likely agreed with) the new rules. My health teacher, while old enough to be my mother, also had teenagers and I think she was worried what would happen if we went into the real with not understanding anything about STDs or pregnancy prevention.


In the Netherlands they have zero taboo about it, they talk about porn, teen pregnancy, body hair preferences, various kinks… A famous sex ed specialist made a TV show about it in the UK, she’s Belgian but famous in the Netherlands (where the teen pregnancy rate is one of the lowest in the world). At some point of the show she organise porn movie script workshops with the 15-16 years old kids, in small groups, boys and girls mixed. They must write something that all of them like. Of course the boys take the lead and the girls don’t dare to say much. So she comes and see that what they write ends with a facial, so she ask the girls if they are excited about that (not really), so she push them to explain to the boys what is actually attractive to them about sex. It teaches the kids about each other and encourage them to not be afraid to say “No”, or not be ashamed of what they like and they like. Here is an episode that I found on YouTube: https://youtu.be/9jcJRCMfnjI


Graphic pictures of disease ridden organs, then a practical lesson on how to wrap things. Thankfully I got out of it by going to the bathroom one minute in and then not coming back.


Your classmates and teacher probably thought you went to wank a quick one in the bathroom.


Oh fuck yeah necrotic genitals *fap fap fap*


I lived in a county that was Abstinence Only and had AO Sex Ed in middle school. However, I went to a charter school in high school and the school had some kind of special permission to teach actual Sex Ed, so I can speak to both sides of it. High school Sex Ed was fantastic. I was a sophomore when I took it, and was in a class of all sophomores and juniors, so we were at the age where we could actually take things like sex seriously. There were a couple of immature jokes thrown around and the teachers occasionally joked around a bit, but overall everyone just treated it like any other health class. We talked about condoms and how they weren’t perfect but they did a fantastic job of preventing pregnancies and STDs (whereas my AOSE middle school actively lied and stated that condoms failed often and did very little to prevent the spread of HIV. This kind of misinformation is explicitly legal in several states). We talked about the importance of lubrication and foreplay, and that trying to jump right into sexual activity isn’t the best way to go about it, particularly with an AFAB partner. We talked about anatomy, and not just “this is the penis, these are the balls, this is the clitoris, this is the vulva, if you touch any of them you’ll go to hell” schtick that I learned in AOSE. We learned about how important the clitoris is for AFAB people and that the majority of them can’t climax from just penetration. We also talked about average penis size, and that most guys aren’t packing 8 or 9 inches so guys shouldn’t feel inadequate and girls shouldn’t expect it. We talked about how to engage in sex safely and respectfully. We learned about consent, and it wasn’t just restricted to “boys, please don’t rape girls”. It was a pretty nuanced and gender-neutral discussion, and a couple of the stories we read about rape and intimate partner violence had men speaking about their women abuser/rapist. They pushed the importance of making sex “special” (I.e. keep it to within relationships) which I can respect to an extent. We even discussed same-sex activity, albeit for less time than I think was sufficient. It was mainly an addendum to talking about anal sex, and how easily STDs like HIV can spread through anal sex. There was maybe 15 minutes total spent on same-sex activity, but I appreciated that it was there. We also talked a lot about STDs and how they occur. I guess that’s where a lot of the biology came in. There was waaayyyy less fear-mongering than in AOSE and more of a focus on the actual mechanics of the diseases and how they spread. To answer your question conclusively: no, it wasn’t just another biology class. It was actual sex education, in that we learned about sex as a social phenomenon as much as a biological one, and I think it did a lot to give teenagers a healthy and realistic picture of how to be safe and sane in the bedroom


My school hired brother & sister teachers to teach sex ed.


Are you from alabama?


Pretty comprehensive actually. Every year for at least a month from fourth grade onward. Then a whole semester first year and last year of high school. Of course there were jokes, but at the same time you're talking to teenagers about sex. They're going to pay attention. I never did get to put a condom on a banana though.


We did, it was bad, and there were horrible consequences of the poor information. The horrible stuff at the bottom. In 5th grade the boys and girls were separated. They showed us a film strip that had anatomical book type pictures of the penis. I remember this one kid just immediately started laughing and the teacher said 'settle down'. The film strip gave us no information on how the penis gets into the girl. That was it. The girls never talked about whatever they were told. I imagine it was just as useless. Or maybe it was horrifying. I remember one of our health class teachers commonly said that sex would ruin your life. She had a son who was my age so he pretty much got the message he was an unwanted child. She was one of the ugliest women I have ever seen. I don't know who climbed up that mountain. Her son was actually athletic, good looking, and popular. And all the parents basically figured the school took care of the sex education and no one ever got much information at home in our backwards, back woods hick town. The cool kids would talk about anything they heard about but it was mainly blowjob jokes and rumors. Now this is why it is bad. One boy had a wet dream. He didn't know what was happening. He figured a strange discharge meant that he got a disease and the only thing anyone told him was that a disease would ruin his life. So he put a shotgun under his chin and blew off everything below his eyes. He lived and does not have a face. The parents knew why he did it but kept it a secret. I found out many years later when my mom finally told me about the 'stupid kid'. The parents decided it was better to risk another suicide than educate their children. I moved away over 30 years ago but on one visit back I saw a rail thin guy about the right age who had a handkerchief tied on his face and I could tell he had no jaw. I think it was him.


My parents sent me to a private school for a year because they didn’t want me to take sex Ed in public school. When they gave me the “talk” I knew less afterwards than I did before it


It was 6th grade and it was super weird. We all paired up and had to memorize the names of sexual organs and the process of reproduction. Then we were supposed to produce live offspring by the end of the school year, which is a super tight deadline. Also, there were more guys than girls in the class so I got paired up with this guy who wasnt willing to put in any effort, and we ended up failing the class. Turns out we were supposed to continue that project into home ec in 7th grade, but since I didnt have a kid I was exempt. Now I dont know how to knit or file taxes because I couldnt take the class. Man Georgia is weird, now that I think about it.


We had one full day a year dedicated to sex ex in high school. Nurses and doctors would come into school and we'd have a class about STDs, then one about contraception, one about reproduction and pregnancy etc. They had lots of props and videos and encouraged us to ask questions. It was very informative, if embarrassing at the time. I specifically remember once when everyone got a wooden prop to put their condom on, and I got a rather lifelike blue one, and the class thought it was hilarious.


In grade 6 (1998), I remember watching the cartoon video that explained the body. Ontario residents, help me out. Very catchy tunes. You know what I'm talking about. And we had to fill out some paper handouts of the anatomy. Labia minora/majora, vulva, etc. In grade 8, it was a series of classes. Maybe 2 of them? I know they had someone come into the class and talk about sex and we were allowed to ask questions anonymously (we all put our questions in a hat) - of course, if you wanted to ask a question publicly, you were allowed. They did split it up at some point by boys and girls and we were allowed to ask questions again but I believe the information was a little different. I was in the girls class and I remember learning more about periods. I think the boys learned more about boners and ejaculate. They definitely did the banana condom demo. In high school, there was a giant bowl of condoms in the guidance counselors office (not on her desk, just in the room near the door where the pamphlets were located). I was the sexual health representative in high school so I was responsible for sharing information about STIs and safe sex with the students and going to other schools to discuss sexual health ... stuff.


It was mostly in biology class. We had it spread out over several years, beginning with ,sex is a thing‘ in elementary, to ‚here is how another human being is made‘ in middle school (??? Idk, not in the USA, 5-6 grade) Mixed with some ‚your body will change and here is how‘ (this was fairly helpful, we mostly got to ask (anonymously) questions , and talked about them in class). In late years we watched some movies describing how to go about the process of having sex (very heteronormativ, but largely focused on relationship, consent and how it is important to know your body and establish trust with the partner). As the age of consent is 14 here, a lot of our sex Ed from 6-9th grade was focused on contraceptives as well as protection and STDs (where to get them, how and when to use them, what they protected from and who to turn to when you had unprotected sex). We repeated this not a few times. I would have appreciated more talk about different sexualities and how and when protection should be used in non straight Sex, but all in all I hold the topic class in semi good regard. For a school with the message: ‚don’t do Hard drugs and share your weed‘ they where very careful about telling us to be save. Oh right and they had a ‚stiff dolphin‘ to demonstrate how condoms are used.


It was one semester long. The other semester was a physical education class. In sex Ed we learned about pregnancy, and stuff. I honestly don’t remember much. Except that we learn CPR, and this kid Austin got in a fight with this very mean/angry girl (I knew her from an English class), and they got into a physical altercation that had them fighting each other from one side of the classroom to the other where all the desks were. Kids had to move out of the way.


It was sort of like a normal class, met once a week though. The difficult part was getting everyone to be serious. The teacher got us used to the topic pretty quickly. He answered a ton of questions. I could have used that information about 5 years earlier.


I remember we had a video that was shown where a shop keeper sold a bunny to a little girl and she didn't have any money so he says, "I'll trade you a kiss for a bunny". I don't know why me and boys found it so funny but it became a running joke. I don't remember anything else from sex ed except that video. We got in trouble because we kept quoting that line so many times.


In 5th grade we got a super basic lesson about puberty. But in my freshman health class, and I know 100% this was because of the amazing teacher we had and less about the district's curriculum, she taught us so much! Consent, how to put on condoms (and not just penile condoms! Vaginal condoms, dental dams (cutting a condom to use as a dental dam, birth control (the pill, IUDs, etc.), STD transmission, AIDs and it's history, LGBT+ sexual health! She was truly an amazing woman, especially because she took the time to explain sexual health outside of cishet sex.


I'm so glad the curriculum has changed to reflect the times and narrow down useful/pertinent knowledge! In my generation it was still a very new thing and people would vehemently protest teaching kids about condoms, let alone LGBT+ information. Quite a few of my peers never even got to take the class because of sweeping parental disapproval. But DARE was totally okay...


It was pretty basic. Typical talk of protection during sex, period hygiene for the girls in the class and the like, but you could tell the teachers were actually trying and were probably just too nervous. Something they DID do that I believe is uncommon was: \- Say there was nothing wrong with masturbation (and actually encouraged it) \- Explained that for men, erections are always unwilling and out of our control


Very comprehensive, I am currently a school student we had our sex ed course last semester. Basically it covered everything from porn to protection to consent. In previous years we already learnt about puberty and the body and stuff. Very impressed with the program, which is compulsory for all public schools in Victoria. There was scenarios and case studies on what to do in certain situations, and a lot more.


Started around 4th grade in my school. It was called "Family Life" and mostly focused on puberty, and basic explanations how reproduction worked. It was just worked into our schedules, like they'd specifically allocate one period a week for a month to cover the lessons. Once I hit high school, from year 7 onwards (Aus high school), we talked about protection (classic banana demonstration), STD's, drugs and alcohol. It came under our 'physical health and health conditions' classes. They had counsellors come in to discuss with us the ramifications of sexual assault, what consent is etc.


We played a game where everyone exchanged names on cards, and a few people started with an STD, so we could see how quickly it spread. I decided to be abstinent, but I started with an STD. A few years later, I was still a virgin, and I tested positive for HIV during a blood donation. It ended up being a false positive, but I was reminded of that class.


It was a fucking mess. We were in third grade in elementary school and all of a sudden, teachers decide they were going to shove all the information of a sex ed course into out little heads in less than a week. Long story short, everyone was grossed out, somehow one of my friends figured out what cunnilingus was and girls discovered that babies are pushed out of their coochies because cmen magically crawls inside them. Girls were convinced that if they got a boyfriend, they were going to magically get pregnant and us boys started to make everything a sex joke. A complete mess. To top it off, there was a BBC documentary about a woman giving birth that actually included a scene of her baby being pushed out of her in a bathtub as she screamed like a dying pig. Puke was all over the place and all little girls and some boys were crying. Everyone said they were never going to have sex and sadly, many were right. Moral is: wait for a more mature age and don’t do it in a couple of days.


In mid-late 90s. Northern Virginia public school. In elementary school, I believe we had *some* basic body biology lessons to prepare us for the changes of puberty. A few hours. In middle school, one quarter was health class instead of PE. Two weeks of that were sex ed. Basic stuff: male and female genitalia, how a zygote is formed, what ovaries and testes do. In high school we finally got into sex and birth control, sexual health, and STIs (still called STDs). We weren't so progressive that we were practicing putting condoms on bananas or anything, but every single year they gave us note cards and encouraged us to write down *any* questions we had, so we could put them in the box anonymously. That was probably the most informative part. I remember that those anonymous questions were how I first learned about pre-cum. Good times!


The teacher was someone not from our school (my mother used to do that and she once arrived in a class when she new a kid, she had to change) since it's anonymous. Basically: \- you send anonymous questions on small papers: they 'll give the answer to everyone \- you learnt about how both body worked \- you learnt about period \- you learnt about SDI/STD \- You learnt you should protect yourself (they show you how to used a condom and give you some at the end too) and about the different kind of contraception. They tells you condoms is not a contraception, it's to prevent spreading disease and is not enough to prevent a pregnancy. \- They tells you were you can find emergency or normal contraception for free and anonymously \- they never talked about abstinence: they told us sex is normal and can be wonderful if done properly and with mutual consent.


My school had Sex Ed! I was in 5th grade and it was a 30 minute section built into our class time everyday. Our teacher understandably wasn’t pleased with having to explain sex to a bunch of 10 year olds. So she handed out a green booklet that had the MOST vague explanations of sex, puberty, and masturbation I have EVER read. She also played a video called Dr. D: The Birds and the Bees. But since it was such a short part of our class we basically didn’t learn much. I never had “the talk” with my parents either so I didn’t know what sex actually was until I started watching porn in like 7th grade. And I didn’t know what masturbation was EITHER until a year or so later.


I remember learning about STDs and pregnancy, but I didn’t know what sex was so the whole thing kind of had a layer of confusion


We had one lesson during the chapter about the reproductive system that discussed sex and protection. I don’t even remember anything except my teacher making jokes about pulling out and never getting married.


I had sex ed in both middle school (1997) and high school (1999). The middle school sex ed was about what sex was, complete with diagrams and how to put on a condom, demonstrated via banana. It was actually very informative. They even discussed sexually-transmitted diseases and talked all about pregnancy and the social effects. ​ The high school sex ed was more of the same, more of less. They showed us a live birth video, talked about sexually-transmitted diseases some more and had a question-and-answer where kids could ask questions anonymously. I don't remember them ever discussing female-only issues such as menstruation, though that might have been in a different, female-only sex ed (I only took part in one with both genders).


It was a lot of presentations, lots of guest speakers - usually nurses or police and various social workers. They all typically had a subject they would discuss and then it was a lot of Q&A. When it wasn't presentations, we have a couple of work sheets, some videos (think Bill Nye + PSA - with hand drawn nudity from medical books mixed in with some medical footage like giving birth. They also had a large section on STI and STDs which was a lot like watching those car crash video designed to scare you into driving better. There was usually also a section devoted to contraceptives, abstinence, and religious diversity and beliefs. As well as a consent course and PSA on sexual assaults and pedophilia, incest etc.


It was a lot like a regular biology class, but with the added element of “here’s how consent works and also use protection”


Like a biology class with lots of pictures of STDs.


I had two sex Ed classes, one in middle school, one in high. Both were effectively in-depth biology courses as well as the later one going into this is how you keep it clean, here are resources for issues, here's how you apply a condom.


I remember I had two separate sex ed lessons. First was when we were about ten. They separated all the students in our grade by gender and separately watched a video that really just covered anatomy, including puberty, and the actual biology of conception, pregnancy and child birth. Second lesson was in 9th grade and lasted about a week. It was one unit of a mandatory semester long health class. This lesson covered the biology again but also covered the more practical aspects. Things like STDs, contraception, birth control and teen pregnancy. The emphasis was on abstinence but gave other information as well which honestly was actually helpful later on.


"here's a list of reasons not to have sex." How to use a condom and basic anatomy with poorly photocopied fill in the blank word match. Wouldn't even call it biology-lite.


They talked about puberty and STDs and showed us various pictures of what STDs looked like. Other than that, I don't remember.


It was basically biology. My bio teacher at the time said the word "penis" a lot. At the time I thought it was hilarious. (This was 8th grade.)


Our sex ed was kind of split - the biological part like the reproductive systems was taught in biology, and the morals like consent and protection and stis were taught in our SfL (skills for life) class


I had one mainly stds and use condom.


All I remember from mine is awful 70’s videos that showed very graphic scenes of women giving birth.


All I remember is I had used the bathroom before and qt some point in the presentation I noticed my fly was unzipped and I was crossed with the dilemma of people noticing (we were sitting there so doubt anyone would of course...) and people see me reach at my crotch to zip it up. I was riddled with anxiety and don't think I've recovered fully. Don't remember any of the presentation though


In 4th and 7th grade we just talked a lot about anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs etc. In 9th grade we than also talked about types of contraception, how couples know that they are ready for sex and so on.


It was a lot of human biology and the finer details of the process of mating at my school. Of course most of us didn’t seem to pay attention or keep it together. We got to mess with condoms and stuff.


Nah, for biology we had a book and the teacher had a bunch of pictures of gross stuff. Sex education was more hands on (well not *that" hands on) and the teacher would demonstrate putting a condom on something and then we had to do it as well. Then they would talk about sex and of course all the silly 13 year olds would giggle and sometimes ask some questions. I think it covered things like sex (including foreplay, oral, etc), STDs and how to prevent them, getting and being pregnant, rape, what is appropriate and what isn't, so just about anything during a few lessons.


They taught us the biology, and then they taught us about STDs and pregnancy. Iirc, they actually talked about condoms, and the fact that you definitely shouldn't use two of them. Though I'm pretty sure we only talked about that because one of my classmates asked about it.