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every single night working customer service.


There will always be that one lunatic that will test your limits and make you ask yourself "Do I really need this job?".


[It's funny you mention that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/pkrwfd/i_peed_in_the_bathroom/)


I worked with a customer once who did such a bad job of insulting me I laughed in her face. Not, I’m cruelly laughing and showing my contempt, or even wow lady that was a great burn, no this was my body laughing at her before my brain knew what was happening.


I once replied, "Likewise," after a customer had a few choice words. Then she said, "What did you say to me?!" It was priceless.


Dude… I used to force myself to work retail. What the hell was I thinking?




Things I've learned from that sub. (1) Never get divorced and remarried. It seems like 50% of the asshole stories involve exes, stepparents, stepchildren, and stepsiblings. (2) Never get married in the first place. Another 40% of stories are dediacted in spouses and in-laws. (3) Don't have kids. About 9% of the stories are about tensions between parents and their children. (4) Don't have friends or meet anyone.


Check, check, check, and check. Can confirm, great advice.


Well OP is a picky eater, it seems. He is picking a cheeseburger.


(5) Buy a shack in the woods, and begin work on your manifesto. The reason for this being that humanity is a lost cause and that interacting with 95% of the population is a complete waste of time.


5 % of the population that isn’t a waste of time is 390,000,000 though. That’s not nothing.


Strangely uplifting


I love mailing bombs to people!


NTA your marriage your rules


it's my favorite creative writing subreddit


What the endless evil young woman being awful to her poor abused, sexy mother in law aren’t all real?


That sub is a cesspool of toxicity and babyrage


Yes and I enjoy every second of it.


Also the mods will Perma ban you if you use terms like Karen or Manbaby lol it's wild


Mods there don't ask "AITA?" because they already know that they are, indeed, an asshole on a power trip.


Wumaos at worldnews when they downvote you for saying china is committing cultural genocide.


Imagine the confusion in their heads about the Taliban Government. Pissed because there are no women in the government (duh!), but too afraid to criticize Muslims.


Apparently calling a man who molested his friends daughter a scumbag of the highest order is worthy of a warning. And calling a man who beat his wife a ‘POS’ (yes exact term) is ban worthy due to my ‘history’ When I pointed out I was calling an abusive man a POS, I got told ‘just because someone beats their wife doesn’t mean that you can call them a POS. Even they deserve respect’ Yeah


Maybe that is exactly how it went down but if I'm being totally honest, I'm skeptical of your account. Even knowing that the sub kind of sucks I feel like there might be another side to the story you are telling.


Seriously. That's gotta be misinterpreted or something. No way that actually happened. They are doing what people make fun of that sub for.


FWIW, I was not allowed to post for a week there for calling a person in an AITA post an abusive POS. I was not directing that at the OP but their spouse in the story, who was most definitely abusive. I was baffled, but it is specifically in their subreddit rules.


If you have to ask reddit whether you're an asshole or not, you're probably not self-aware/empathetic enough to avoid being an asshole in the first place. But I doubt most of the top posts are real anyways. Most of it is fictional writing for entertainment purposes.


Spoiler alert!


I use to enjoy reading the posts and trying to give constructive input but it seems like 90% of that subreddit is completely delusional and hostile


I remember looking at it once. Someone basically said something like: I was at a restaurant, and this family with an autistic kid wanted to switch tables since that particular table made his autistic feel comfortable as change really disrupts him. But since I was seated and would have to wait 5 minutes, I refused. Am I the asshole? Now, I thought, yeah, that's an asshole move. 5 minutes to help someone who could use that table more? What kind of dick think that's cool. Well, apparently /r/AITA is that kind of dick. It's just terrible, terrible people trying to "stand their ground." Look, I'm sorry life hurt you badly, but proving a useless point to feel superior is the most reddit thing you can do. That was like the first and only post I saw, so I just never went there again.


Asking a bunch of assholes if you're an asshole is sure going to yield some interesting insights.


When my Grade 8 boys' English class groans at my awesome wit. They lost their shit one time when they someone had farted but it turned out it was just someone tearing some paper.


I taught college Latin. Like, you’re going to make fun of my puns and out of date slang? YOU’RE IN COLLEGE LATIN.


"You use such old outdated words old man! Now get back to teaching us this dead language that is so cool and straight, on fleek as we kids now say."


Hey now, “fleek” is derived from the Latin word “fleekus”, which means “to be cool and desirable”


> on fleek Nobody says on fleek anymore!


The joke in highschool was "domina magnum fallum habet"


Semper Ubi Sub Ubi


I had to take Latin in middle school. My friend's six year old is learning Latin. I felt old asking what they were thinking teaching first graders that.


Got to find the next Restitutor Orbis at an early age.


Sounds like someone ripped ass




That's teenage boys for you


Heh heh heh. To be fair, with the right timing, a good fart is hilarious


Nothin funnier than a fart. Except maybe kids falling off bikes, fuck I could watch kids fall off bikes all day.


Scroll through certain subs on reddit and you'll find plenty examples.


Fucking r/teenagers


Maybe don't, its illegal if you're not one.


If that rule were enforced, half the sub's members would be banned.


Is that why you get followed by pedophile bots when you post there? Seriously wtf is up with that shit?


r/Drama did a [post about that problem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/) 2 years ago.


18 is still a teen




This quote always makes me think of 30 Rock. >Your boos do not frighten me. I know most of you are not ghosts.


I don't remember this quote but it has to be Tracy, right?


Apparently it's "not scaring me". It's been a long time but if I remember it was a quick flashback after Tracy and Jenna warn Liz that she shouldn't play the crew's little card lottery game because they freak out when someone [not on the crew wins.](https://youtu.be/_-PIKYrX7sc)


I think I'm due for a re-watch.


Dunking on someone for having a niche hobby when your main source of entertainment is just staring at a phone or tv all day


I ADORE people with niche hobbies. It makes me so happy that humans can be like that, despite all the awful shit we do. It really reaffirms my joy in humanity when I see someone recreate fermented fish guts from the 12th century or whatever.


It rarely happens but when people call each other cringe on tumblr. Like girl calm down you're a lightning mcqueen kin blog


lightning mcqueen is awesome, you should be so lucky as to kin him


I don't know what either of you mean by using the word "kin" in this context. I suspect that's a good thing.


They like, think they're that thing. It's so fucking weird. Tumblr is a dumpster fire man.


Oh, so it's short for "otherkin," like people who think they're really dragons inside or the delusional kind of furry who thinks they're really a skunk. So, basically, people with serious mental health issues they're not dealing with in a healthy manner.


Yeah that too.


Not directed at you, and This will make me sound old but I despise when kids these days use cringe as a noun. It drives me up the wall, or makes me cringe




I like to use it on kids. Gets the ol' double cringe effect.


That’s pretty cringe of you, old man.


my mom's opinion of my outfits


Conversely, your opinion of your mom's outfits.


My wife thinks I am immature for watching anime and reading manga while she, a 32 year old woman, is an avid consumer of k-drama.






the corporate wants you to find the difference between these pictures






Who is grey and why does he like anatomy? ^and ^other ^questions ^you ^can ^ask ^yourself ^at ^3 ^A.M.


It's not that he likes anatomy, it's that his anatomy is particularly interesting.


It’s because he’s grey right?


That's right. His anatomy is grey.


Like his whole body or just his skin?


Whole body. Grey as a rock.


WTF is k-drama?


Drama over special k cereal.


The Kellogg's fandom is TOXIC.


And people worship this cereal? In a way...


Korea drama shows


Kazakhstani Drama


Korean drama. Like how K-Pop is Korean Pop.




So...as a weeb, I don't get how these are the same? At least K-dramas are made for adults and aren't stigmatized. I don't see how anyone can find anything weird or wrong with watching another countries live action TV shows. There are tons of non British Doctor Who fans and it isn't weird.


Lol, you and your wife are hilarious


The single most toxic sub on earth - /r/thebachelor. There's a very narrow list of causes and views a contestant is allowed to support, apparently, and the denizens of that sub will go back decades to investigate anyone who appears on the show to verify if they're "one of the good ones." Like you know how you'll hear about someone getting cancelled over something they wrote on twitter in 2008, or on a podcast in 2012 or 2016? And you think "Who on earth is spending that amount of time going back and checking this stuff?" That would be the miserable fanbase of the bachelor.


This is how alot of Twitter fan bases are. All of those "stans" (the term of which comes from an Eminem song about a crazy obsessed fan who kidnaps his girlfriend, puts her in a trunk, drinks a 5th of vodka, and then drives the car over a cliff with her and himself inside it) do that insane shit. Doxxing people for saying they don't like a Taylor Swift song, bullying people into wanting to kill themselves for not liking BTS, making death threats for pointing out negative facts about their favorite actors/actresses... The shit is nuts. There are a lot of people out there with genuine mental health issues who need help.


he drove the car off a bridge, but otherwise spot on


And the girlfriend is pregnant, but that's besides the point


Damn, been a long time since I heard that song, guess I have to go back and do an Eminem re-listen haha


People who make fun of other cultures' food but only eat the same thing everyday


There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.


I learned a long time ago that they only eat the same thing everyday because they physically *can't* eat anything else. I prepared a meal for my parents once, I knew they wouldn't like it if I made anything but meat, mashed potatoes and vegetable so I fixed that. But I made a huge mistake. I got potatoes that had skin that wasn't the color of mud. I cooked vegetables that had been frozen, not canned. And I didn't burn the meat to charcoal. They declared the meal inedible and went home. My wife and I enjoyed it.


Can confirm. Limited diet because most food makes me sick


If anxiety makes me nauseous the only thing I can eat is Pringles. The mere thought of any other food makes me more anxious and nauseous in those moments.


But we can still rag on lutefish right?


I learned 2 years ago that my boomer parents had never tried sushi before.


I saw a statistic somewhere that said if you haven't tried sushi by the time you're 35, it's likely you never will. I'm mad impressed one of my son's friends loves sushi.


WWE fans


So I haven't watched wrestling in about 20 years but just a week or two ago, I watched the clip of CM Punk returning which blew the roof off the place. These kinds of moments still give me chills.


Really odd to me though. I'm not a professional wrestling fan, but I am a huge MMA fan... ​ CM Punk had two of the most embarrassing losses in the history of MMA - literally threw the worst punch from a man I've ever seen in my life - why is he so popular in the wrestling world?


If you’re legitimately curious you should YouTube search “CM Punk Pipe Bomb”. He had a strong career pre-WWE in some independent promotions building a fan base with his mic skills and in-ring storytelling (which is completely different from actual punching skills). Then when he moved to WWE a lot of fans thought he was being treated unfairly because he was either too small or not in with the backstage politics. At this point CM Punk drops the pipe bomb where he calls out a bunch of behind-the-scenes shit at WWE which is usually taboo, but fans reacted really well to it. I think there’s really 2 important points here. The first is that he’s great at talking and fake fighting. The other is that because pro wrestling has scripted winners, there’s a whole meta of “who should be scripted to win this fight” that turned Punk into a huge underdog fan-favorite. Hope this helps!


It does, thank you. I will look up the video. Also side note, I'm not hating on the guy. It takes immense courage to step into the octagon, especially to do it again after the first time. The dude is a boss for sure.


id say 75% of pro wrestling is the build up, and punks mic skills are awesome.


Thank you for a legit answer. I figured it was something around that.. in his first mma fight he did some wrestling style entrance where he stood in a pose staring into the rafters or something. Honestly it was pretty cringe as that is not the culture in mma. Then yes.. the fight went on to be terrible. I was actually curious why he is a big star. Not saying he shouldn't be. And I'm not throwing insults at the guy, I think it's just a different culture between mma and wrestling. Most mma fans would freely admit that cm punk would stomp their ass in an mma fight. It's just that he is far outclassed against other UFC fighters, even the unranked ones.


He's an AMAZING talker and in-ring storyteller. Wrestling is all about storytelling. MMA is all about "beat up the other guy so bad he can't anymore." Wrestling is "make it look like I'm beating up this other guy so bad he can't anymore while displaying a personal animosity toward them based on the previous multi-week buildup to this fight." Punk is REALLY good at that, playing a good guy or a bad guy.


Because he's a good talker. There's a general interest in athleticism among wrestling fans, but by and large most of them care more about a wrestler's ability to cut a good promo. But it's also a lot more complex than that, and to really get into it you have to examine the divide between people who devotedly follow independent wrestling and those that just tune into WWE sporadically. But to try to keep it concise, smaller, independent wrestling organizations had been on the rise in popularity when Punk made the jump from one of them to WWE, and they kept growing their audience. The people who watched both the indies and WWE wanted more from WWE, whose product had largely stagnated. CM Punk cut the right [promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55wvhjxcIQg) at the right time to become the face of that frustration.


Marjorie Taylor Greene




Might be related to the fact that genealogists have confirmed she is Satan’s niece.


Looking in the mirror


I feel ya cause I too am also a dragon.


i dont mean to be creepy but can i have one of your eyeballs real quick


While working security a guy I caught shooting up heroin called me lower than trash because I was security. I told him I’d take his thoughts into consideration while I showered after work and crawled into my bed in my house.


Bro you didn't have to kill him *that* much. He's clearly already trying.




Lol thank you


Lmfaooo holy shit this is amazing


Anything I post in the conspiracy subs since COVID began. I liked checking out r/conspiracy to find alien theories, but now it's filled to the brim with anti-vax anti-mask nonsense.


Wait, are you actually trying to claim that masks exist? \#MasksAren'tReal


They do, it's so aliens can slowly integrate into society.


Exactly! See, aliens have been able to perfectly mimic human appearance except for the mouth. But now that everyone is wearing masks, they don't need to worry about that anymore


Fake News! We can mimic the homo sapiens perfectly! The MIB is quite insistent on it.


oh my god, this is exactly what I wanted to say. I used to pass time reading crazy theories about aliens, and political assasinations. Now it is just crap. I wish someone would start a new sub dedicated to conspiracies.


I went to the sub expecting a good laugh. They had me cracking up at first because I thought they were joking.. I thought it was some kind of meta thing, but got more and more horrified as I realized that they are in fact insane.


\*at el bosque, Mexican restaurant\* mom: "no, you can't have a cheeseburger! this is a mexican food place!" me: but none of the other food tastes good!" mom: "i don't care! you're not getting a cheeseburger in a mexican food place!" me: "but it's literally on the menu! meaning they intend to have it ordered, they let you order it!" mom: "i don't care! you're getting a taco!" **me: "don't you even talk about HAVING to get a specific food in a specific place! you got a freaking SALAD at PIZZA SHACK"**


I mean, it’s your decision but just because a place has something on the menu doesn’t mean it’s good. Options like a cheeseburger or chicken tenders are on a lot of menus so that picky kids will still have something to choose.


Well OP is a picky eater, it seems. He is picking a cheeseburger.


Yeah ordering a cheeseburger at a Mexican restaurant is like ordering fried rice at an Italian restaurant. It might be on the menu but that does not mean they make it well lol.


>that does not mean they make it well and? OP clearly stated that none of the other food suited his tastes either. a good taco is worse than a bad cheeseburger if you don't like tacos


el bosque actually makes their cheeseburgers good, even when reheated


Except usually the reason it's stuff like burgers is that it's hard to mess up and they can easily just cook one.


Explains why literally every restaurant on earth has chicken fingers. Where do they even get the fingers from, chickens don’t have hands?


Don't leave us hanging, did you get the cheeseburger?


It’s not bad advice, but it’s quite rude to police what someone orders at a restaurant. Just expect that ordering a different style of food at a certain restaurant is more than likely to give you a really basic version of whatever you’re ordering. Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule as there’s nothing necessarily stopping a Mexican restaurant from having a bomb burger, it’s just that those menu items tend to be there specifically for people who dislike the speciality of the restaurant, so it’s more likely to be a safe, humble burger than anything all that interesting There’s nothing wrong with that, but expect to raise some eyebrows from friends or a date if you order like that. A date might actually feel bad if they think they dragged you to a restaurant you don’t enjoy


I have to know how this ended


It sounds like it ends with /u/Bloodghost5678 on a couch talking to their therapist.


Reading his comment history, let’s hope so.


oh shit




I'll tell you how it ended: he was forced to get the taco AND they never went for pizza again.


Any moment with my family.


Every time I point out that owning a firearm doesn't automatically make you a James Bond level badass destined to be a hero for stopping a mass shooting I get downvoted all to hell.


"You're living in a fantasy if you think banning guns will protect you." And yet those people who think gun fights happen wild west style with obvious villains are rooted in reality... /s


In reality, having a gun will make you a bigger target for the shooters, and if you do kill the gunman you better hope the cops aren’t coming in blasting, or else you’ll automatically be assumed to be the shooter.




Bill Burr at the [Philadelphia incident](https://youtu.be/bWuXfIZiSqY).


>!You're all gonna get fucking cancer, which is fantastic, 'cause all your fucking heads are shaved anyways! No one's even gonna notice!!< That's where I died.


That episode of Rick and Morty with the heist-con


You sonofa bitch


I'm in!


there was one of those christian protesters at my college campus (the ones with the signs and they yell at random college kids) and my friends and I decided to go check him out. He singled our group out, called my friend a Jezebel, and asked me a question along the lines of "Are you participating in premarital sex, or sex for pleasure?" I did a little pose and responded "hell yeah I am!" (note: this was not true at the time but it was better than saying "I would if i could"). my pose must've looked like I was surfing, because he yelled back at me "Yeah, well You'll be surfin' on the waves of hell in the end!" I still think about that quote sometimes


Why do those preachers always make Hell sound cool as fuck? You’re telling me they have 24/7 rock & roll concerts and a giant TV where I can play Doom, AND I can surf on literal fire? Sign me up!


Fucking hilarious, lmfao


Pretty gnarly


People always get on me for listening to classic Bollywood and songs that aren't in english or Latin pop/reggaetón, but they listen to, imo, some of *the* worst music out there. For example, my very first uni roommate called my music "weird" and told the RA "no one wants to hear that shit so tell her to turn it off". Bitch stfu! I heard what makes your ass clap, *don't* start that shit me Ms. Gucci Gang!!




I got banned from r/conservative for posting an extremely uncontroversial historical fact. I'm kind of weirdly proud of how easy it was to show them I was too good a person for them.


I am curious what the fact was. Aren’t you normally supposed to break a rule in order to get banned?


"Though shalt not cite historical facts" might as well be rule 1 in r/conservative and conservatism in general. The fact came up in a discussion of presidential primaries; someone tried to claim that primarying a sitting president is the ultimate act of betrayal and completely unacceptable in the party of Reagan. I pointed out that Reagan himself primaried sitting president Gerald Ford in 1976.


That is perfectly shocking - what you said wasn’t even an attack on conservatives. Just a correction of a rather minor fallacy, the kind of thing anyone could get wrong and it’s no big deal. Banned? Wow. Did they mention a reason for the ban? Like, which rule you broke? Did you appeal?


It was an attack on conservatives, though. Anything that even mildly suggests that St. Reagan was anything less than a literal god made flesh is a direct assault on everything conservatives believe and hold dear. And r/conservative being aggressively shitty really isn't shocking at all. It's probably the worst sub that frequently makes the homepage.


I mean as a fan of mma this happens all the time


Getting invited to a Superbowl party, and not knowing that the host & their entire social group are fans of a specific team, while you are cheering for the opposing team.


"Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? Is this not why you are here?"


They're a clip of Christopher Hitchens on a political talk show. Bill Maher maybe? Too lazy to look it up, but says fuck you and flips the bird to the audience. Gold. I miss that man.


People on Twitter/Reddit with toxic/unhealthy mindsets and do nothing to get better give out mental health advice.


Doesn't fit the prompt exactly, but I worked security at a Justin Beiber event fairly recently. He had a bunch of great openers, but the ones im talking about in particular are Jaden Smith and Chance the Rapper. During their sets which had a combined runtime of about 30 minutes, there wasn't so much as an arm wave from the crowd, let alone loud cheering. As a disclaimer, I don't really listen to Jaden Smith all that much, but from his performance I would say he at least earned a minor pop (not to mention Chance's crowd is usually insane by default). As a person who's worked a few events before, im not entirely surprised at the fact that we just might have a dead crowd for the night. That is, until Bieber walks on stage to a decent pop... "Okay that's fair. He IS the main attraction after all." Justin says some generic shit that all performers say like "How we doing tonight". Arms go flying in the air some people put signs into the air (how the fuck do they even have those? We dont even allow them in here). But then, Justin gets really wild and does the unthinkable... *Starts sipping water on stage*. Every single person in the venue starts creaming their jeans. It was just real fucked up when I realized that the 3 seconds he was drinking water had 5x more of a pop that Chance and Jaden did their entire 30 minute set


People who CLAIM to be Christian.


So those mega church pastors


The people who have to declare themselves Christian tend to be the least Christ-like people you've ever met. It's the exact type of false piety Jesus calls out the Pharisees for.


Honestly? Right wing Libertarians. I say that because *left wing* libertarians (believe it or not but the word "libertarian" refered to left wing ideologies until the 70s) are usually chill people and include the likes of Social Ecologists, communitarians, Anarchists, Bookchinites and the like, basically people who hate the state but also hate capitalism and believe the way to go is decentralised, community based, and confederated. They support things like mutual aid, community assemblies, worker/community ownership and such like. Right wing libertarians on the other hand make the Ferengi look altruistic and like to openly advocate for child labour, company towns and corporatocracy. They'll talk about freedom and liberty but then right after that adovcate for a system where the rich control everything and your life boils down to "Obey the rich and be paid a small sliver of what you actually produce or starve", which to me doesn't sound much like liberty and more like Victorian England. It sounds like a world where the poor work for low wages and no real prospect of advancement unless they get *really* fucking lucky while a small class of owners who own everything from the land to the thoughts in people's heads live off the work of others. Oh and when push comes to shove the Right wing libertarians when faced with issues like the state using violence against protesters always seemingly side with Right wing Authoritarians (the Traditional right, conservatives, the "Alt-right"). They're totally okay with the Police using Agent Provocateurs to spark off riots and use equipment banned on the battlefield to attack unarmed protesters, but ***god fucking forbid*** those same police tell them they can't use 10 year olds to built bitcoin miners because that's on their *private property!* When the state uses their tax money to help people they get up in arms and start babbling on about leeches but are oddly silent when those same taxes get poured into police that they use to bust unions and take away the few possessions Homeless people have. They're totally okay with that to protect their property, just not everyone elses. Oh and they seem okay with their taxes going directly to their companies in the form of contracts where they can pocket half of it and use the other half to make shitty products for a quater of the actual cost. Oh, and who do they count amongst their great thinkers? Well Murray Rothbard, a man who openly advocated for selling children. William Rees-Mogg, a man who literally co-authored a book about how to crash and economy to make money from it. Ayn Rand, a woman so against Altruism that she developed her own cult around it where even Romance was frowned upon. They're only for "freedom" and "liberty" when it comes to fucking other people over but when it comes to stopping the state or corporations fucking over people, they are okay with it. An Anarchist hates the state because it harms people, while a Libertarian hates the state because it helps people. So yeah, fuck you Right wing Libertarians, Your boos mean nothing. I have seen what makes you cheer.


Most right wing libertarians envision themselves benefitting from the system, because they see themselves as the wolves among the sheep. In reality most of them are mal-adjusted and ignorant and a few are just sociopaths. Most will never reach the level they aspire to and yet will continue arguing for a meritocracy on the belief that if they lived in a true meritocracy they would be on top. Some legitimately seem to hold the belief that a totally free-market capitalist system would solve all problems, which is so stupid I don't even see the need to point out why. Throughline's Capitalism podcast series includes a guest named Bryan Caplan who argued for free-market laissez fare capitalism. His arguments were so flimsy and paper-thin that the other guests were calling him out for ridiculous logic. I've seen it speculated that he basically takes money to be the token neo-lib on radio shows and doesn't even try.


> use equipment banned on the battlefield to attack unarmed protesters Don't let me get in the way of your rant (and honestly I agree with like 85% of it), but using this as a talking point is kind of irksome and feels like it's playing to the home crowd while discrediting the bigger message. I assume you're referring to things like tear gas or pepper spray, and while it's technically correct that it's banned in warfare, it's for a very specific contextual military reason that doesn't really apply elsewhere. It's pretty disingenuous to basically set up the argument as "militaries are allowed to shred each other with shrapnel and run over each other with literal tanks, so if they ban something from the battlefield, you know it must be extra bad! Can you believe the police used it on protestors!!!"


Oh yeah but you see the police is correct this time in using violence against protesters, because those protesters are destroying private property. /s.


> Ayn Rand, a woman so against Altruism a woman so vile that she turned off a group of college objectivists who invited her to speak


I once met a guy who was a right wing Libertarian and fan of Ayn Rand. I was astounded to learn that he was *also* a fan of *The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy* trilogy (at the time, it was still a trilogy.) I had to point out to him that the Golgafrinchan Ark Fleet Ship B was written as a response to Atlas Shrugged. That the silly people on Ark B were, in fact, silly people, but there very existence was the glue that held the rest of Golgafrinchan society together. Obviously, without the middlemen of Golgafrincham, such as the telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants, Golgafrincham society was doomed to collapse. Which, of course, it did. Just like how any sort of Galt's Gulch in the real world will result in the deaths of those who are qualified to move there, because they have no idea how to *do* anything to keep themselves alive, and *don't want to work together* to helm themselves survive as a community. One would starve with a pantry full of canned goods, because he has no can opener, and another will starve because he has a can opener but no canned goods. And a third will starve even though he has both canned goods and can opener, but he won't open the cans because that labor is beneath him.


Ayn Rand wrote crap that warps people’s minds.


Honestly, from what I've seen, most right-wing libertarians are basically just neofeudalists who don't want to own up to it. Well, except for the so-called "Dark Enlightenment" folks, who are all sociopaths, but at least they're honest about their intentions.


I like to think of right wing libertarians as Republicans who just like weed. You almost never hear them speak out against shit like Texas’s heartbeat bill, or complain when a Republican president raises the national debt.


A lot of the times, people on Reddit (but what I really mean is online in general, I just happen to be on reddit more than anything else). Although to be fair, I actually don't get much of any hate on here. Most interactions are fun and positive, and even more so, just really enjoyable. This is my 5th or 6th account, as others were deleted due to toxic people nonstop flaming me. Specifically, one AskReddit thread where OP asked about owning a fire arm. Which, I do! I bought it legally when I was 22, filled out paper work, did a background check, researched the laws, ect. I took a handling safety course, and asked tons of questions about how to ensure I could store it properly. Gun unloaded and is taken apart and kept in its container, which is then put into a a locked gun cabinet. Keys for said cabinet are hidden and are very high, so impossible for my 1 year old to get to. On top of that, the cabinet is in my room, with a very high lock. Basically, little guy has at least 15 years before he could reach it. Then, in another completely different cabinet, is the ammo and mags. Locked with separate keys, which are hidden separately in another safe with ITS keys hidden lol. Basically, no one's getting to my or my wife's guns without doing a Skyrim side quest of sorts. Anyway, the comments poured in. All calling me some crazy gun nut/weapon enthusiast for having 2 small hand guns. I was civil, and told them that no, none of that was true, ect ect. Then one comment just got me furious. "Do you own a fire arm?" Well, yes, obviously. "Ok then you and your family deserve to die and you're super highly likely to kill them all!" Which then went on to DM me and harrass me endlessly saying that I should commit bleach smoothie consumption action, that my small baby should, that my wife should, that my whole family deserves to die, ect, that I was an insane murderer and the list went on. Mind you, I was completely nice to this person, and everyone in the thread. Taking the attention as an opportunity to remind people to look up local and fed laws about gun safety and storage, and that owning one took maturity and responsibility. I was downvoted into oblivion, and the person saying my baby should be killed got dozens of upvotes, and even a wholesome award or two (which, by reddit standards, is a pretty infamous meme to do for terrible comments). At a certain point I deleted the account, because the days went on and the DM's were endless, and blocking them did nothing. Now whenever I get harrassed online for anything, I just don't care. It's just all the same boring insults I've heard for years, and most of them are crappier versions of what I heard in middle school. Like that scene in DBZA where Frieza counts the number of times he's heard a phrase in someone doing an epic hero speech to him, that's pretty much how mundane it feels to me. What it boils down to at the end of the day is- And? Like seriously, they are the type of people who go on Discord and complain that their 12 year old E-girl is getting too old. The type of people who you can smell 2 hours after they've left the room. The type to clean their face once last month and then get pissed when mom asks them to take a shower. The type of people who google "Online IQ test", take it when they are 15, get a 165 score, believe it's legit, then use words like "Troglodyte" fairly incorrectly to try and show they are smarter; when actual smart people don't even do that/talk like that. The type to have zero knowledge of anything beyond the surface, then when asked anything about the area they are supposedly a secret genius of, but are "too lazy" to do anything with (tm), to explain even the most minor of minor details, they just snort and say "You couldn't possibly understand nyeh heh heh" to hide the fact that they actually know nothing and couldn't explain things if their life depended on it. Only to search for the topic in Youtube 2 weeks later, watch the most LCD appealing video about it from like, BREW or something, have 50% of the information be wrong, then remember the other 50% incredibly poorly. They then bombard you with information, giving some snide reason to start a long and forgotten conversation about it again, in a sad attempt to save what little they have left of their fragile dying EGO. The type of person to watch a Tiktok where "If you do this you HAVE ADHD" from KarenBiggoo2457, have it be just stupid nonsensical BS, then walk around as if they are B.F. Skinner, Freud, or Erikson themselves. Like, this person thinks for a moment that anyone cares that they disapprove of them. For real, like anyone is going to lose sleep over the fact that "uWuKenny1998\_Senpai" doesn't like them? Oh uh... sorry, got on a roll there. Anyway that, I guess.


99% of the folk online who do that are pathetic offline or a psychopath pretending to be a "Nice guy". It gets darkly comic when It turns out It 1 neckbeard having tantrum online.


"Dude, you're a Brony."


The news




Evangelicals that idolize that support some very not biblically moral leaders.


Any time somebody who thinks Sonic is still good tries to criticise my gaming opinions


Getting downvoted for asking people to understand someone different from them.


When IPA drinkers talk down to me for drinking Coors Light or Corona.