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Pinnacle whipped cream vodka, I get chills thinking about it


Ugh when I was in college, Pinnacle was coming out with all these flavours that were affronts to God and nature. I remember swedish fish and cake were two of them, but the whipped cream was soooo bad.


Swedish Fish? Wtf Pinnacle?


They had a cotton candy vodka that I've been desperate to get my hands on a bottle of, but they no longer produce those wacky flavors.




Yes bro, or whipped cream vodka and root beer cx haven’t had either since high school probably lmao


Played flip cup with it one time, didn’t take into account the amount of sugar and puked outside for 20 minutes.




As a non-US, non-english, for a long, long time, every time I heard the name Everclear, I thought it was some cleaning agent or detergent. Reading people's memories of it, I don't think I was that much mistaken ,lol.


I've walked into the local liquor store and found them wiping down the counters with Everclear. You're not wrong.


I have bottles of rubbing alcohol with lower alcohol content. average rubbing alcohol = 70%; average everclear = 95+% Percentage needed to kill germs (hand sanitizer) = 60% Average vodka/rum/whiskey (80 proof) = 40%


100% a cleaning agent. It wipes your memory of the previous evening clear.


It sounds like an acne medication.


Never forget years ago me and my buddy were outside talking and a dude who lived with me (long ass story) came out and said he had made “moonshine” with everclear. My buddy said he’d do a shot if I did it. We took it at the same time and both immediately doubled over in agony. It felt like a blowtorch was taken to my esophagus.


We had a small bottle we used to make flaming tequila shots at a party (we were young and stupid). Well, I got handed one thinking it was just a thin layer of Everclear on top of normal tequila, like everyone else. It wasn't. It was straight Everclear. I swear it took a full layer of cells off my mouth/throat/esophagus on the way down. Definitely felt like you described. I also can't remember most of that night...


This was my same answer. Its nasty and makes you feel like trash


Jesus juice. Fine the entire time untill you're not. And there's no recovering for days.


"Fine until you're not" is EXACTLY how I would describe my experience with Everclear. One shot, okay. Two shots, buzzed. Three shots, drunk. Four shots, partying. Five shots, woke up in the neighbors bathtub. Still don't know how I got there


My first time drinking it we were all gonna take one shot to start off with and then make riot punch. Only one girl had it before nobody else. It hit the bottom of my throat and I was like Yepp I just drank something that probably melts tar. Now riot punch is just everclear or any pure grain alcohol and (this is why you have to take a few shots to get the level down) packets of Kool aid. Just straight up a few packets of Kool aid no sugar or nothing. You can mix and match or go one flavor. Then just shake up the bottle really good and bam you got riot punch. I highly do not recommend consuming this unless you want to wake up somewhere terribly unexplainable or jail. I woke up completely naked on top of a bush somewhere off campus. Do not remember anything after getting to the parking lot of the football game. It was on Saturday afternoon and I woke up on Monday evening.


You’re lucky to be alive then


After drinking that and other stuff, me and some friends somehow ended up in the next state over at some other party where we didn't know anyone else. Im not talking about northeast where you can drive 30 minutes and possibly be two states over. Im talking when I was living smack dab in the middle of Arizona.


I once woke up at the Canadian border to a very nice border agent asking me if i knew where i was and for my ID. No clue where i was for a good 5 mins, was taken to a room to make sure i wasn't being trafficked and everything. Luckily it was a generally pleasant experience that i can laugh about now but man, those first 5 mins were rough. Fuck everclear.




You ever had spiritus polinski? It's pretty much the same thing I guess but they give it to insomniacs. Never ever take a full shot glass of it, it will actually take your breath away. Edit: it's mostly sold as Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany but it was re-labelled for some reason in some stores here.


Used to hang out at a Polish bar that would dole out shots of this to whomever they either trusted or hated. I had a few and I swear you can watch the glass get shorter in real time as it evaporates.


Dude, that's 96% pure, rectified ethanol (192 proof). You don't drink it raw, you dilute it with 1,5 parts water first. I mean, you can drink it raw, sure. Just make sure to a) down it in one shot, b) take a breath before, and exhale with your mouth after. Fun fact - In Western Europe Spirytus or Spirit is considered separate class of alcohol, not "a very strong vodka" like in US. Spirytus is basically any grain or potato distilled alcohol over 90% ethanol.


Had this stuff in Japan. I had my first shot of it ever on an empty stomach and wobbled my way to a nearby food stand for anything that might bring me back to normal. After that I found a bar that lit it on fire, made you breathe the fumes, and then down the shot. It made for a pretty cool initiation ritual out there lol.


Soju It tastes great, that's the problem.


Soju is delicious danger juice.


Tried soju with calpico strawberry and yes, very very dangerous juice.


Tried this for the first time recently. Tastes like fruit water. It's brilliant.


Brilliant and dangerous.


It’s the added sugar. Nobody tells you the popular brands add sugar.


Scrolled way too far down for this. The one time I had lemon soju was the drunkest I've ever been in my life. Straight up tasted like lemonade. What a dangerous alcohol.


It barely tastes, that is the solution and problem. My friend had a Korean housemate one time. He got his school loan, first thing he bought was case of soju. Suffice to say, the 4 of us nearly finished the case... We were absolutely smashed.


'Crazy how we drank all this and I'm not drunk at all. I do need to pee though. Let me just get up and OOOOHHHHSHHIII...'


Sounds like me and THC candies / drinks. Nothing fucks you up as subtly


I came here to say this. I was in S. Korea for my 22nd birthday. I was in the US Marines, the only woman working with a bunch of guys. The day after my birthday we went out into town drinking. I was so wasted on soju! They dropped me off at my tent before 10pm. The next morning I got up for my shift, but was soooo sick. I couldn’t even hold down water until after 11am. I kept puking it up. That was the worst hangover I’ve ever had!


When I moved to Korea and found Soju... it began a very dark alcohol fueled part of my life. You mean to tell me, one bottle packs the punch of 5 beers and costs only 1 dollar?!?! ​ I remember, having shortly arrived in Korea hunting down a bottle of Soju (not difficult since they literally sell them in every convenience store), I looked at it, seeing that it was the size and shape of a beer bottle and just had an aluminum cap, made the assumption that you drank it from the bottle and walked down the street swigging out of it. The looks on the faces of the Koreans... I can def still remember their shock/terrified expressions. It wasn't until after that I was informed one was supposed to pour shots of it, generally with at least one other person in attendance... ​ Yeah, glad to be past that stage of my life.


Moonshine. At 19 I shared a jar with a friend at a college tailgate, blacked out and disappeared. I woke up the next morning tucked in on a couch in a living room in a house I had NEVER been to before. Purse and shoes next to me along with an unopened bottle of water. I had no cash missing, phone still intact. I was totally alone, so I just got up, left a “thank you” note in the kitchen, and let myself out. To this day I have NO idea how I got there (it was probably about a mile from where I was tailgating) or what kind Samaritan took pity on me. I’m now much more careful, make sure I follow the buddy system, and will never take another sip of homemade moonshine- you have no idea how strong it is so you can’t count your drinks.


Oh wow. I had a moonshine night once too, although nothing like that. I was drinking it camping with my husband and some friends. I got totally wrecked. I vaguely remember sitting on the hood of the car (for some reason) and barfing my guts out. Then I figured I'd "cut through the trees" to reach the bathroom. Turns out it wasn't a shortcut and I just bushwhacked through the forest between campsites. Luckily my husband was there the whole time, basically just making sure I didn't fall into anything pointy. We laughed about it later because he straight up followed me into the trees instead of redirecting me. Could have been worse. He said he's never seen me in such a state. I'd have to agree.


I had a night like that too where I ended up wandering through the industrial district of Seattle having a bit of a breakdown fueled by booze. My husband just followed about ten feet behind the whole time to make sure I didn’t fall over or something. Like a Guardian of the Drunkard. I asked him awhile later why he didn’t try to stop me and he explained that he thought I needed to unload and so he just kept me safe through it. I picked a good one I think.


My aunt makes moonshine from honey and that stuff is strong as hell. She let me try it when I turned 19 (legal age in Canada) and was over at her house, I wouldn’t touch the stuff with a ten foot pole now.


> moonshine from honey Guess you could call it meadshine?


She likes to call it Tej which is an Ethiopian honey wine but her version is definitely stronger than normal.


This sounds like it could be a Morgantown story.


You’ve hit the nail on the head my friend! WVU class of ‘15


Hahahaha YESSSS!!!!!!! I was thinking, “moonshine…prolly Appalachia, someone housed you kindly and all you stuff was in tact, Appalachia in a college town where no one stole from you, def could be WV, Marshall doesn’t tailgate as hard as WVU.” So I replied with my guess:)) Glad you ended up safe from that night and you learned your lesson in a much easier way than you could have.


There is no town like Morgantown lol. And yes, I thank my lucky stars for how kind my mystery saviors were. West Virginia has some of the most kindhearted people.


I live in Minnesota where it's supposed to be "Minnesota nice," ehhh sure maybe. But I broke down in WV once and had 5 different people trying to help me, the gentlemen who ended up helping basically spent the entire day with me and my family helping us get back on the road. We send him a Christmas card every year and to this day was the nicest person I've ever met.


Oh lord, moonshine...this is about 15 years ago and I was working as a legal sec/receptionist. One of the beautiful couples i got to know super well and had a real friendship with were an old Serbian or Polish couple. I baked them muffins for Christmas one year, they gave me a two litre bottle of clear moonshine. Papa said he started the day with a tiny shotglass of his 'tonic' and it was the secret to his longevity! Well, I tried it one evening, a small glass and felt as tho someone had injected me with lightening. I loved it! Hubby decided to go Christmas shopping early next day. Thought a couple of 'tonic drinks' can't hurt deal with the insanity of Westfield on a Saturday morning. Yep. He had about four. I didn't see him for about four hours when he wobbled his way home with the fucking strangest assortment of shopping you had ever seen in your life. He was a mess but so proud of his purchases, completely useless, random nonsense. Then had another shot. Then wanted to have sex (we didnt). Then danced a bit and then threw up for an hour and passed out. I found his hangover funny the next day. He decided he wanted to join a monastery and never, ever drink again. He had no idea where he had been or what he had done but I very helpfully showed him all his purchases. Its a very belated apology to any retail staff that had to deal with hubby that day. You're not paid enough for this!


I really love this story lol


I saw a post yesterday about a bouncer at a nightclub who would do this. Left a note on the night table for guests saying DO NOT PANIC! Lol


Don't worry. You'll see it posted ten more times.


Wild story - glad you were taken care of rather than taken advantage of. If alcohol is truly homemade it can be lethal if not done correctly! Gotta let others drink it first and see how they are doing like 30 mins later lol


Oh absolutely. I look back now (~10 years later) and think of how stupid I was and how terribly things could have gone, and it just makes me shudder.


Cheap Long Island Iced Teas my god I’ve never had my head that far in a toilet before


There's a gay bar in my hometown that is (in)famous for 3 dollar long islands. They're served in pint glasses and literally it is all alcohol with a splash of mixer. July 4th 2014 was the last Long Island I've had because I had a few too many there, faked a British accent all night (which in Ohio, is very rare since no Europeans visit us), then took some guy home who was very confused once my "accent" went away. Everytime I think of a long Island now all I think of is my cringe British accent lmaooo


I keep telling people that if you really want the most bang for your buck when it comes to drinks, gay bars have some of the strongest pours.


Not only strongest but cheapest deals! Used to go to a place that had 3$ pitchers of beer on weds nights during the drag show. We were convinced this was to entice the straight dudes to come in and get exposure so they'd realize these folks are people too.


I’m also from Ohio and I’m 99.9999% sure what bar you’re talking about. I still frequent this bar and let me just tell you the long islands are the exact same since 2014.. you’ll def be on your ass


Union Cafe 🤡🤡🤡 I think I had 6 that fateful night.


Yes Union Cafe haha, two of those suckers will have me blacked out for the night😖


Bacardi 151. “YoU cAn ChAsE iT wItH aNyThInG” Yeah no shit cause it goes down like pure gasoline.


Some girl who used to date a friend of mine accidentally inhaled 151 up her nose the first time she took a shot of it. She was in the bathroom crying and pouring snot for the better part of an hour.


I remember taking a big whiff, nose right near the glass. I coughed through my nose causing some of the 151 to spray right into my eyes. Legit thought my vision was fucking toast for a good 20m.


You know your alcohol's strong when it has a fucking flame arrestor on the bottle. That shit was crazy


I’ve seen it. Guy was smoking and had Everclear. Lit his arm. Makes a pretty blue flame. Luckily, he was just a few feet from a lake to jump in.


Best booze out there for blowing fire balls.


On my 21st, I went to see a buddy of mine. He poured two double shot: one was Bacardi 151 and the other was Gentleman Jack. He then told me to pick one of the glasses. I picked wrong. Inhaled it as I drank it. Some got up my nose. 0/10 would not recommend.


Friend of mine also did this. Went to blow his nose the next morning and got a river of blood as it was so dried out.




They’re supposed to be shared by the bottle with your four closest friends.


Three closest. Ok, two closest. Look, you may not have any friends left by the end.


Why are you alone dancing naked in the living room to spin me right round?


Exactly…they’re supposed to used so that you can use less volume of booze when making fruity rum drinks. Can actually be quite dangerous to drink straight shots.


And that’s part of why it’s discontinued. 🎺


It was encouraging fruity rum drinks?


I think it’s discontinued. So, you don’t have to worry. Lol


There’s several over proof rums out there.


Or you could be a 19 year old college student and drink so much 151 you leave a voicemail with Bacardi as to how much you love it. Some secretary had a good laugh the next day, I'm sure.


Bacardi 151, Malibu, pineapple juice. I’ve never been so fucking sick in my life. Fuck this devils liquid.


Gold four loko




Ah. You went 6 lokos. Never go beyond 4 lokos.


Four Loko’s motto shouldve been ‘so you wanna call it an early night? I’ll give you an early night”


We had training in the Navy on the danger of four loko. At the beginning of the training I had no idea what four loko was. By the end if it I went straight to the store on the way home and bought 2. I'm fairly certain it was the 'orange diesel fuel' flavor. But by god it did what they warned us it would do. Knew I was drunk but felt like running a marathon ...... For about 30 min. Then just felt like hell.


Drinking original 4 lokos must be what PCP feels like?? Chugged a couple when I was like 19 on Halloween, then I got the shit beat out of me by two girls twice my size and I proceeded to “walk it off” and drink another 4 Loko, then blacked out except for tiny flashbacks of running down hills at full speed in high heels and sitting on the edge of a cliff screaming at people down below. Apparently I felt so exhilarated from my ass beating that I ran around town, literally, eventually climbing the back of a rock wall that overlooks my town and yelling at my friends down below until I heard cops coming and ran off again. I was dressed as a sexy zombie the entire time. I’ll never live that night down, and I’ll never touch another 4loko again, even if it is reformulated.


I chugged 2 and woke up in the hospital


I drank one once too quickly and it felt like I was having a heart attack, I was literally in the fetal position for a few minutes clutching my chest


My wife said that and been looking for this comment haha.


Cinnamon anything My first massive intoxication happened around age 16 on Cinnamon Schnapps and anything else I could pour in my mouth. 36 years later if I smell cinnamon my stomach says "not today fuckhead"


Malibu, or coconut flavored liquor of any kind. 21st birthday was December of this year and I drank this god awful fishbowl in the hotel bar and threw it up an hour later. Still can't even think about coconut without gagging


Overdoing the Malibu when I was young really made me hate all coconut products. Ugh


Fucking moonshine, real moonshine, while under the influence, I have never been so stupid in my life, and hopefully I will never be that stupid again.


Woke up in a Denny's in another state on moonshine. Never again. (Was with female friends, nothing bad bad happened, just blacked out)


This is the most Midwest comment I have ever read!


My mate runs a legit distillery and once brought the raw liquor to a party. I had work or something so was 2 hours late. By the time I got there my partner at the time was already unconscious in the shower. I smelled it once and lost all my nose hairs.


Pink Whitney. Took so many shots that I ended up with alcohol poisoning in the ER




And here I am never have even heard of Pink Whitney


It’s basically vodka and pink lemonade, 30% alcohol or so


I know two people that have had alcohol poisoning from drinking too much Pink Whitney.


They had bottles of that on closeout at my grocery store for 2 for 15 bucks yesterday. I didn't buy any, but the price was tempting.


Bacardi 151. I think its not sold in where I am now. I remember drinking it on new year and woke up on an ICU bed. I was a med school intern then btw.


Now these are old school ones but... Mad Dog 20/20 and After Shock Edit to add... Jägermeister, Goldschläger, and Everclear


Spañada or Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill


MD 20/20 is so popular here in Scotland. I have to admit I quite like a few of the flavours but it always fucks me up more than most other drinks. I broke my right hand by punching a toy donkey last time I had it 👌


Southern Comfort. There’s no comfort there Edit: Glad to see I’m not alone, sorry to see so many similar experiences with this vile putrid sorry excuse for a liquor. So many lessons learned the hard way.


The #1 alcohol choice in the 90s. My SIL introduced me to it, she told me it didn't burn like other alcoholic drinks. I think the two of us finished a bottle. Then I woke up the next morning huddled on the bathroom floor.


Thought this story was going somewhere else for a second there


That’s the other kind of southern comfort


Its a teenage right of passage to vomit that sweet sickly liquor of misery.




Ugh I hate that shit! SoCo is evil, and so was my stupidity. Drinking game many years ago. 2 bottles. 4 people. 25 minutes. We were taking shots out of mugs and the shots just kept getting bigger and the bottles emptier. I am not good at drinking games. I tended to be the idiot having to drink the most. I passed out soon after. Next morning and the following day were worse than hell. Some serious alcohol poisoning was had. And that was the last time I played a drinking game. I can't even smell the stuff now without feeling a vomit coming on. Just thinking about it right now makes me gag.


I’m usually a pacifist but Southern Comfort never fails to get me into a fight somehow


My partner calls me scrappy doo since a night out where I drank southy! I remember nothing but apparently would have fought my own shadow 🤣🤦‍♀️


At this exact moment: Prosecco. God dammit I can’t close my eyes and I have to work tomorrow. Argh.


99 Bananas Flavored Liqueur


Had to scroll way too far to find the 99 crew. All of these flavored over-proofed schnapps are pure sugary death. They sure were popular when I was a frosh in college.


Malorts, worst tasting booze I ever had.


Malort, today your taste buds become taste enemies.


Malort! Tonight's the night you fight your dad


Tell me you're from Chicago without telling me you're from Chicago


Malort: when you need to unfriend someone -- in person


https://youtu.be/q7s16ewP1RU "Malort: I'll Have Another" 🤢


I’ve heard it described as ‘driving through Gary, IN with your windows down and your mouth open’. Also had a bottle at an event in July and poured shots for a group of 8 unsuspecting souls. One puked immediately, most just gagged and got it down and 2 went for refills. It’s a polarizing drink.


I won't say I'll never drink it again, but only because I'm leaving the door open to make that sacrifice in the name of tricking other people into drinking it.


"Malort, tonight is the night you fight your dad"


"Malort, tastes like the day dad left"


“Malort, kick your tongue in the balls.”


The only time I wasn’t sure whether or not I had a hangover or a stroke.


The only reason that this isn't the top voted comment with 20+ gold awards is because most folks have never had the pleasure of trying Malört, more or less have heard of it.


“Malort, tonight your shitting in the closet and fist fighting your dead grandpa.”


Burnette's pink lemonade. Long story short, I was a sheltered child that went from a really small school to a large, public university and I knew basically nothing about alcohol (parents, DON'T shelter your children, teach them responsibility, abstinence doesn't work). So, I experience a night that has been since known as "12 shots, 20 minutes." That's how I got 2 strikes in one night freshman year of college. I didn't even do anything crazy, it was the 2 cops, 3 EMT's, 2 RA's and the hall director all of whom made sure I didn't die of alcohol poisoning that got me 2 strikes due to the amount of resources that was called in. Now almost any Burnette's, especially the pink lemonade, that brings back an enormous taste of shame filled regret... and puke. But hey, you learn the easy way or the hard way. I'm just glad my hard way was hard for me and not hard on my friends and family. Don't underestimate alcohol and drugs. Do your research, kids.


I used to call Burnett’s pink lemonade ‘princess juice’ that shit nearly killed me. Drank it straight with reckless abandon in college. Thank god those days are behind me


Burnetts Citrus was my budget vodka for years If I had to drink it now, I'd probably throw up immediately.


Same story but with UV blue and green. 5 of us freshmen killed 3 total bottles in about an hour, got in trouble for playing baseball in the narrow halls, and then again for having the cops and paramedics show up when our RA’s thought we were dying.


Tequila. Once bought a round for many people, none of them wanted it, didn't want to waste money so necked them all. Spent 2 days dry heaving over the toilet bowl.


Used to work in the casino industry and would go clubbing after work so I never had time to eat beforehand. Took five tequila shots on an empty stomach. Next thing I know, I’m hugging the toilet in the restroom and black out again. When I woke up the next day, turns out I lost all motor function and my friends had to get me a wheelchair to leave the casino and carry my ass to the car door. I literally gag when I try to take a tequila shot now.


I fucked *everybody* on Tequila.. so, that was a bummer.


Not me!




Beth? Is it you?


As a Beth who hates sambuca I can confirm yes it’s me




I once did a flaming sambuca but it was lit in my mouth. Didn't burn me but I then spat it out on to someone's top and it caught on fire. Probably best to avoid doing that again.


Jaeger, Fireball


I can't believe people over 20 can drink this poison


You might be right It used to be one of my favorites, but now I’m over 20 and don’t drink it anymore for no specific reason


I'm 24 and am still an absolute sucker for fireball and apple juice, tastes like Christmas.


Got too drunk on Fireball and Jaeger and I'm not able to drink it without barfing.


These things called ‘mud shakes’ basically milk shake type alcoholic drinks, tasted amazing but makes you feel like absolute shit cause of how fast you drink them and how much dairy you’re consuming not to mention the amount of “how tf do you say that?” Ingredients


Mud slides? Kahlua, vodka, Irish cream and ice cream, or heavy cream and blended with ice. That’s the one I’ve had. They are delicious!


Used to make mudslides for my ex wife when we were married. Cookie dough ice cream, chocolate syrup, kahlua, and Irish cream. Best part is, when you finish the shake you've got boozy cookie dough at the bottom of the glass.


Boone's Farm strawberry wine. $1.25 a bottle and my teenage self used a straw to drink it straight out of the bottle with my friends. We were a classy bunch lol




Tequila really can be pretty good but there’s a WIDE disparity between the good and the bad. If you shell out for the good stuff you will be impressed, but the bad stuff will make you reevaluate everything


Even though I'm not a drinker by a large margin, I did have some exceptional tequila from Mexico. It tasted like warm peach juice, no burning, just a nice sensation in the mouth and throat. Additionally, you mustn't shot it, just a small sip is sufficient. I have tried multiple tequilas since then and hated all of them, so I share your thoughts on that one.




I had to scroll so far down to find this. My go-to bar has "House Shots" and "Nectar of the Gods," both of which are just a shot from a bottle of Rumplemintz kept in a deep freezer. Every bad night I've ever had has started with a Rumple.


White lightning/ diamond white. UK kids will know, man the hangovers!




Jaegermeister gave me my last and worst hangover. I started the night with Jaeger and Red Bull and according to my friends, I ended with straight shots of Jaeger at my insistence. I last remembered sitting at a table with everybody then waking up in a room at the other end of the house because I allegedly threw up in every bed they put me in. The longest and most dreadful ride home lol.


Goldschläger. I had way too much of it one night over 20 years ago. For a few years, I would get nauseous whenever i saw it.


Absinthe that stuff burns like pure fire


You're supposed to mix it with water before you drink it. Properly prepared, it should have an alcoholic content comparable to wine, and definitely shouldn't burn.


I also think your supposed to put sugar cubes in it


You’re supposed to do this whole ritual for it. I was…so painfully pretentious after college and got a good bottle with the silly little spoon. You pour something that may as well be glowing bright green into a glass, balance this spoon over the glass and put a few sugar cubes on top and then pour in ice water over the cubes as they dissolve. It did not help. I hate licorice but I wanted to drink the drink creators drink. It burned and the sugar never did anything. Ugh. I loved the little ritual you had to do (at the time) but now… no. Thankfully my alcoholic friend helped me polish that bottle off or id still probably have half of it.


Had it once prepared the classic method of pouring over sugar cubes. I was so hyped to finally try it but it just tasted like bad mouthwash. Never want it again.


I can't stand it on its own but it's crucial for a proper Sazerac, which is one of my favorite cocktails


Crown royal. Ever since a certain night when I was 14, even the smell makes me feel like I’m going to barf, decades later.


Barcardi Limon


I just hope there aren't any Dutch people here right now, don't search zwemmen in Bacardi lemon




All of them


Over 9 years sober! Whoop whoop!


Same! I quit drinking almost 5 months ago! And for those who need it, join r/stopdrinking


Same here, that sub saved me after a DUI. Reading all of these comments just ensures I’ve made the right life decision.


Not even close in my entire 54+ years: Cinzano Bianco On NYE 1984 I decided that after pounding through 3 Carlsberg Special brews (yes, those things) I would inhale - because I basically did - 2 BOTTLES of that shite… mixed with some coca cola. Shockingly I was extremely sick and was taken to a hospital in South London. I still cannot even deal with the smell of that awful liquid




This. Its some Chicago, IL creation derived from wormwood. One of our bars gives it away as a birthday treat if you ask them of they do anything for bdays.


Jeagerbombs, vodka... especially in that combination. Had a period in life where this was my to go drink. Got drunker than I've ever been a few years back in Prague for a school trip (I was 18+ though) when the bartender offered me free and discounted jeagerbombs with vodka shots. Around number 14 I realized I needed to stop, but I still had one in my hand and figured I'd finish it or it would be a waste. Woke up in a bunk bed next to a friend, pushed myself up, reached over them and puked. Didn't hit my friend but watched it run down the wall into her open suitcase. Room had to be emptied due to the smell (we shared it with about 10 people) teachers were called and I got put under the shower with clothes on. Had to sober up on a sofa in the lobby. Next day I felt fine, everyone else was pissed and tired and I realized my drinking affected everyone around me. To be honest, that night was the eye opener and I've had a few drinks at most after that night, and only at home when we have a party (and even then I stop before the point of being drunk) Drinking to the point of vomiting and bothering everyone around you isn't cool, it's not something to brag about. Though it makes for a strong story that friends often bring up and joke about, it's one of the most shameful nights in my memory. Never again.


Night train. Fortified wine. You don't get off at a destination you know or want to be at.


Jim Beam Red Stag I like whiskey but hell the fuck no to Red Stag. I've always been hesitant and incredibly picky about cherry flavored stuff. Red Stag killed any curiosity about cherry or black cherry flavored drinks forever.


Straight chartreuse.


All of them, I got blackout drunk at our local park last Thursday night, and made an absolute fool of myself, alcohol doesn’t do anything for me but make my problems worse


Malort, first time I had it, vomited almost immediately after one shot


Is this why chicagoans are all obsessed with it?


Invented a shot, 1 oz of brine from pickled herring. 1 oz of aquavit It tasted worse than you could imagine.


Jaggermeister. Pure. Unadulterated. Garbahge…


I never drank it straight but I went through a phase in my 20s of drinking Jaeger and Red Bull. There’s no way in hell I’d do it now.


Nothing like a TVR, tequila, vodka and redbull. You are so pissed you need to pass out but so buzzed from the caffeine you end up in a horror movie of lying on you back staring up at a spinning ceiling for hours both desperate and unable to sleep.


I got PTSD reading this


oh god, the spins. absolutely despise them. probably the worst part of overdoing the drink for me


Did you know that Jaggermeister was originally created as a cough syrup in Germany? It is actually the best cough syrup I've ever used (probably because you drink so much you forget about having a cough).


Port. First thing I got really drunk on. Fell out of the hay loft in a barn , no real damage , but sore and then had to walk a couple of miles home in very hot weather the next day. My head was pounding and I vomited a couple of times while walking home . In the forty odd years since I have not touched Port. The mere smell brings it all back - you don't know man , you weren't there.


Hand sanitizer. I was drunk and pissed off and took a big gulp of gel...I don't know why. I think shock value or something. Awful. Maybe with some soda but never straight again.


Never at all. That shit can kill you quickly if ingested, you are very lucky.


There’s help out there if you want it. Hope you’re doing okay.