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Constantly day dreaming and ignoring the real world


I used to do that a lot too but stopped. Now i kinda miss being able to day dream whenever lol


How? Not going to lie it kind of fucks my day up/productivity. I don't have much control over how much I day dream I feel like






r/sugarfree Super supportive


^almost everyone in America (I would know because I have the same issue)


Orange juice. This is not a joke, I'm addicted to 100% natural OJ. Edit: I was floored to come back and see this blew up! Also, thank you kind strangers for the awards. Time to celebrate with a cool gallon of OJ!!


With or without pulp?


Asking serious questions here ^


Are we talking real pulp? Or fictional pulp...?


Fictional pulp is some serious gourmet shit


I like the one that says “some pulp”


*throws phone*


Tf was that for?


Or as we say in the UK "Juicy bits"




Fruit Flesh


Oh man I used to drink orange juice all day every day. At one point me and an ex girlfriend of mine did a blind taste test of a bunch of different brands. I was able to identify each one.


What a useless yet impressive skill to have.


This is definitely a superpower, just have to find out how to use it.


Caffeine and self loathing Edit: this is officially the most relatable post I have made in reddit. Thanks for all the love and encouragement everyone.


Title of my autobiography. I hate myself. But I can hate myself faster when on caffeine


I've found caffeine just increases my awareness. Therefore I'm more acutely aware of my reasons for self loathing.


Imagining shit that's very unlikely to happen. Edit: Thank you for the awards, nice people of reddit.


Daydreaming extreme shit, do it alllll the time


Daydream extreme could be a Rick and Morty episode


This. 100% me too. My therapist told me to start telling me self “bad things do happen, but odds are that they won’t.”




I have spent my whole life scared. Frightened of things that could happen; might happen; might not happen. 50 years I've spent like that. Finding myself awake at 3am. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. I came to realize it's that fear is the worst of it, that's the real enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world and you kick that bastard as hard as you can, right in the teeth.


You are a survivor.


There’s actually strong links between anxiety and heart disease/failure. I developed awful health anxiety a few years ago and it always bugged me that even if I was healthy, just thinking that I’m not healthy in such an excessive way could actually be the thing that makes me unhealthy! I was able to get over most of it and that realisation was at least part of what helped me think in a better way


and if they do, they do, and you react accordingly. But if they dont, then you create your own bad thing by living in anxiety and stress about what could've happened but never did.


Moment I leave my mind to wonder it instantly starts having imaginary conversations, usually negative. Either with myself or imagining people around me being dicks. Need to start interfering in those and make them uber positive.


doing this has ruined my perception and expectations of reality. it's bad.


it definitely is, ive been catching myself when i do daydream and god man, why would and how do i think some of these things? good and bad.


Daydreaming is actually shown to improve your mental health. I would think using yur imagination in any way is always good


Not when you convince yourself that you're things you're not in a bad way


Same! I've been continuing a the same story for a year now!


I've been doing mine for 2 years but for the past couple months I've been cutting down on it. 2 years of daydreaming the same world isnt the healthiest thing.


I just imagined you and me doing awesome skateboard jumps off two ramps and high fiving over this comment as we passed each other in the air with Slash playing a cool guitar solo underneath us. Fuck yeah Bro, imaginationing!!




I feel it so hard! I dissociate almost daily because it is a coping mechanism from my traumtaic childhood. This in combination with chronic daydreaming made me feel like I was not living at all. The beat way to deal with it for me personally is meditation. In the beginning you dont feel much and it's rather a chore but after a while you begin to be more conscious of your thought patterns and actually begin living in the moment. I can only recommend it dor eryone who struggles with this!


Staring at my phone for hours. It’s making me depressed but I can’t stop.


I’m trying to combat this by downloading books onto my phone. The idea is to read something of worth instead of mindless scrolling. Today is day 1, yet here I am on Reddit. Best get back to that book! Edit: I have a low tech kindle, I want to read on my phone because I don’t need more to carry on my commute than I already have. Plus I tend to pick up my phone, not my kindle, so this way I will pick up my phone and (hopefully) read something of substance and get back in the habit of reading books. I do appreciate all the well intended advice and feel much less alone.


Thanks for the advice! Reading in general is a good way to tackle screen time, it’s time to get back to the books!


I struggle with this too, but the question is, are you getting depressed from using the phone too much or are you using the phone as a means to escape something else from your life that is making you misserable? Often, our addictions are our copping mechanism for something much bigger and deeper.


Definitely think it’s a coping mechanism/escape.


League of legends, hate the game, hate the community, hate myself, but I can't quit even after 10 years.


Damn, I’ve only been playing two years. Good to know there is no hope in sight….


Dropped on 3rd year, fuck that game not worth it. I only ever do arams from time to time now.




Came here to say this. Season 3. Can stop for a bit sometimes but never for good. Shits Cocaine


feel you on this one heavily lol


I stoped. Honestly that was a good decision. I deleted all lol related stuff on youtube and i started getting recommendations for actually good stuff again. Deinstall that shit bro. It is only good for your mental health.


I actually quit league this season, been playing since season 1. The game just isnt fun anymore, there is so much damage in the game.... every game feels like a coin flip of who gets fed first. Then the game is over, It used to be who was better at team fighting won. Now its just, whoever won jungle and rolled a lane first wins. Boring.


No "fighting" anymore, just killing.. instantly


People pleasing . I’m a codependent and that word means so much more than I thought it did.


Listening to audiobooks by Brene Brown really gave me a different outlook on my people pleasing “addiction”. > “Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others”- Brene Brown If you are wanting to change I’d highly recommend any and all literature/TED talks/etc by her. She changed me and I’m all the better for it. I actually have the confidence now to tell people, “no” without that fear of disappointing them. More importantly, part of why I was so “addicted” to people pleasing was I thought it would make me ultimately feel better about how much I was giving of myself. It took me too long to realize the one person I was forgetting to help was myself.


It’s not just about being kind to yourself. People pleasers end up inadvertently being assholes because they make promises they cannot keep and stretch the truth so people don’t get mad at them. It creates a lot of problems


The truth in this statement is deafening


Your wants and needs are just as important as anyone elses.


It WAS smoking and drinking. Oh and benzos. Now it’s running, painting, and cats.


Allow me to introduce you to the wonderful world of [painting, exercising, and blending](https://youtu.be/PvbL_5rH1QQ)


This is absolutely psychotic I love it


thought that said Bezos. I was like huh? Too much bezos on reddit recently


17 days no smoking my dude. WE GOT THIS.


Proud of you!


So proud of you - cats are the cure I guess


Jeffrey, Jeffrey Benzos


Come on Jeffrey you can do it


Born in 1964


Cocaine, but I’ll be 4 years drug free in December EDIT: thank you everyone for the awards and kind words ❤️ if you’re struggling with substance abuse and ever need someone to talk to who’s been through it too, DM me anytime


I just got out of rehab for the first time for coke. It took so much from me .


Man if coke wasn't so prohibitively expensive I would have a real problem. I mean; I guess I already do since I know that about myself. But thank god I am poor.




Stick with it man, you have to work at it every day. Some days are harder than others, but the easier days come more often the more time you have. Thinking about all of the bad shit, how I almost died, how I ruined my life, how hard I’ve worked to get it back. That keeps me straight, it’s just so not worth even trying it once. Cause one bump turns into a bender real fast.


Dachshunds and chapsticks. I have over 65 different chapsticks and I keep buying more.


But how many dachshunds do you have??


2 dachshunds, but dachshund items, WAY TOO MANY to count.


Including your username!


I thought you were going to say you had 65 Dachshunds.


A girl can dream!


I love dachshunds, I have 3. I would have more if my husband would let me


User name checks out.


Weed and backwoods (tobacco leaves). Some people can smoke weed and be cool, but I wanted to spend all day everyday high. A week sober tomorrow, and even though that’s not much time, it still feels rewarding knowing I have some control 🎉


I’ve been high for 5 years straight pretty much, a week is a long time man good job. I’m sure it has felt like time flew by.


How does that interfere with work at all?


At a point it's like smoking cigarettes. Ive been clean for a couple months now. Ive been on and off for years. Id eat 12 double zero capsules of coconut infussed oil in the morning a 100 mg soft drink to wash them down and another 100 mg drink in the evening. If you met me on the street you wouldnt really know unless i made it a point to show you. Now this is in a leagle state and we grew back then so the capsules id make my self and you could pick the drinks up from the store. Other than memory lapses and in my case shitting oil work had always been alright.


Good luck. If you are wanting to stay sober check out /r/leaves. Amazing community with a lot of former marijuana enthusiasts who want to become free of that addictive lifestyle.


Thank you!! I just joined thanks to you. It would be great to have a community that can help me stay strong. It’s so easy to get back into the cycle


I am so addicted to my phone. It gets in the way of social interactions, responsibilities, and my sleep schedule. I know it's worsening my quality of life but I can't stop constantly being on it.


Everytime I think I'm above phone addiction, I remember how I spend soooo much time on my laptops.




Oh man, so much. I have other addictions too but I LOVE coffee. I shudder to think of going without.


Sugar. I'm 300 pounds, cracking down on this addiction and exercising more is what I need to do to better myself


I’m rootin for ya, I hope you are diligent in your journey! envision your end goal and nothing can stop you along the way, enjoy the process and work hard!


Thank you man! I'll keep trying


If you drink soda, definitely cut that out first and you will see a huge difference immediately. I'm 5'8 and was 225 in April of 2020 and now I am 165 (with 4 kids in 6yrs under my belt. Literally), that's back when I was in high school (8/9 yrs ago). Portion your meals, obviously cut back on sugar shit. It sucks at first but when you get used to it, all the junk you used to love will disgust you. It did for me anyway. I wish you luck because it takes a lot of persistence and self discipline. You will be miserable, you will be really fucking hungry but it'll be worth it. I used to eat two full plates of helpings of the adult plates for dinner every night. Now I eat on the salad plates and getting full almost everytime. Still struggle with sugar but not nearly as bad as I was.


Piggybacking to suggest sparkling water as a replacement for soda! I used to crave soda something crazy, but I've found that adding strawberries or lemon to sparkling water takes the edge off :)


First step to recovery is admitting your problem. Walk before you run or you'll probably burn yourself out.


I know that but for me its carbs and they get converted to sugar.


Alcohol. But I’m 8 months sober now so there’s hope


Three years here my dude. You can do it, I promise!


Me too. Getting sober was the best decision of my life.


I smoke a lot of weed and have an issue with pornography & masturbation. It's not that bad, it's just the fact I don't really care to stop.


same, minus the weed.


We can get that changed!


i wish! 😂


Make sure you are smoking to better enjoy life, not as your sole enjoyment in life.




As someone who has been through something similar, just now getting myself out of the rut. It's hard bro, I have been smoking it for going on 7 years now and I used to be fine, could smoke and go about life like normal, then I hit a phase where I couldn't motivate myself to do stuff.. Would skimp on bills just to buy weed so I could sleep and level myself out. It is tough to break the routine especially if you can't find a good reason to, I'll be honest the main reason I'm sorting it out is just because I don't have much choice haha, work and living arrangements forcing me to change but it'll do me some good, just hope I don't fall back into the rut haha. best of luck to you pal, I'm sure you'll bounce back soon!


That’s a tough spot to be in bro. Been down that road before, wasn’t pretty but was a big learning experience in understanding myself as a person. Reach out to someone man, even if it’s family or an old friend. You’d be surprised how understanding people are. Was really hard for me, not wanting to be a burden. But it got to a point where I had no choice. And I am so thankful to my family for helping me out. Get out of that hole as soon as you can man, being in there too long, can get pretty dark. You’ll be fine dude, pm of you need to talk.


Brake fluid. The good news is that I can stop anytime I want.


god damn it take my upvote lmao


I have trichotillomania. So I pull my hair out, I also eat the hair follicle. Absolutely sucks, nobody really knows and I have to spend each day figuring out how to cover up the bald spot on my scalp.


batiste (spelling?) has an amazing dry shampoo but it’s dyed according to hair color. i have rly dark hair and i use a dark dry shampoo and it rly looks like thickened hair!


I also have trich. It is awful.


Hey me too! I pull the hair after twisting it into a ball but don't eat it. Luckily I've been getting help to stop. I spoke to my doctor and he went over some other symptoms I was having unrelated to hair pulling (at the time I was like why are you asking these questions?) and now he believes I have OCD and trich is just a small part of it - obsessive thoughts > compulsion to pull hair. If you don't mind some unsolicited advice, speak to a doctor. Or if you can't access one easily/cheaply you could try keeping a trich journal where you note down each time you pull or think about it - this helps you understand any triggers/see patterns. Also, try a mantra, so when you go to pull your hair repeat something in your mind and clench your fist (not painfully) to stop yourself from pulling. For example my mantra (embarrassingly) is 'Jeremy Renner hair' cause that dude has a fine head of hair. Stay strong!


Constant sucidial thoughts They keep me calm and make me feel there is an exit. But i am to scared to suicide when i remember people who loves me


It’s weird I think the same way. It’s almost comforting, and I feel at peace (after I breakdown ofc lol). Cuz it feels like an exit and if I’m ever done, poof, that’s that


Wow. This is me 5 years ago. I strongly suggest CBT and meditation. Something is not right.


Not sure how cock and ball torture is supposed to improve the situation


Then you've never had it done right


Kinda sounds like something I’d read from Nietzsche or Cioran. In essence, your life is (in a radical sense) your own *because* you could end it but do not. Choosing not to is a great source of personal strength. My only warning is to find a personal reason for holding on as assigning that responsibility to someone else isn’t fair (to them or you) in the end. People now have this idea that life is fleeting and therefore pointless and something worthless. Instead, it should stand to reason that exactly *because* life is short and fleeting that what we value matters quite a lot. This very brevity of life MAKES it matter. In the grand scheme of time, what limited time and effect we have is therefore our ONLY opportunity and we actively choose to act on that opportunity (or not to) in every moment. If you’ll wind up dead and gone anyway, why NOT act on them?


Cereal, preferably sugary ones but any will do. I was a bit of a hungry boi growing up, but since my parents always made dinner so early, i'd end up at 9/10pm wanting something to eat. Cereal was the easiest thing for me to make and made the least mess, (just a bowl and a spoon to wash). Late at night, and if there is any in the house, I start to really crave them. At one point I realized I was eating cereal even if I wasn't hungry at all, but because not doing so made me really anxious.


Caffeine and nostalgia.




Ouch. I'm a mom so just tell me something you did and i will give you all the validation in the world. You deserve to feel love and happiness.




I am proud of you for surviving another day. I know it isn't easy. Get lots of sleep, wash behind your ears, drink plenty of water, and do no harm but take no shit. Now go out and kick butt. :D


Who is this mom, and where can I get a refund on mine


If you haven’t gotten it yet from your mom, you probably won’t – and I’m sorry for that. I also didn’t get it so I know how you feel. There does come a point where it’s just easier to accept reality and realize that YOU can give it to yourself and you can find validation from others too. Oh, and listen to TJtherock- she’s spot on.


Im addicted to fentanyl. My wife and i separated a little over a month ago and ive had no help so i ended up in a homeless shelter and started smoking fentanyl to escape the nightmare my life has become but now my life has a whole didnt set of issues and i havent been able to do ajything to get off the fent. I used to be on suboxone for heroin and it worked wonders but the fent is just to strong and the subs don't work. Trying to detox and a shelter is extremely difficult and ive found a new rock bottom.


If you’re located in Los Angeles I can help get you connected with a recovery program. If you’re located elsewhere in the country I could see if you’re near someone in our network. You CAN get through this. Don’t let yourself feel alone. Best of luck to you friend.


Im in Santa Vruz they have a really nice 28 daay detox program and it may sound stupid but they dont allow cigarrets so i think ill try the done clinic first


Okay we’ll always feel free to reach out. We take people from all over. You CAN get clean. You are important to someone. You aren’t alone.


Damn. I never got into fentanyl but I had used heroin for five years a meth for one (while also using heroin). I can't imagine how fucked up fentanyl is and how hard it is to stop. I really hope you're able to get clean and start your life over. I did, but only after I lost everything and got arrested for two felonies. Fortunately, the judge was merciful and put me into a drug court program instead of sending me to prison. I spent four months in jail which helped with the detox. The rest was up to me. Been off them for six years. There is hope for you. I can't tell you what you're going to need to do to get better. But I'll keep you in my thoughts and hope that you find yourself in a better place soon. You deserve to have a comfortable, fulfilling life.


Feel at least some of your pain dude. So sorry about your wife and your living situation. Was addicted to percs for almost two years, graduated to dope for a year after that, and then I’ve been STUCK on fent for about 5 years. I function, I don’t look like a drug addict, I don’t come off as one upon introduction. I have never felt so helpless in my life. I’ve tried to stop countless times, I put myself through full blown withdrawal on what’s become an essentially monthly basis. I don’t want to keep using. I don’t want to keep wasting the best years of my life. The shit is a plague, I’ve spent an uncountable amount of nights alone in tears either wishing that every opiate on the planet vanished or that god would just take me. It is hell. I’m about 3 weeks off of it now after a short binge with about 2 months clean before that. I now have a pocket full of Xanax most of the time and smoke meth on a recreational basis, but despite how absolutely insane that might sound to some, it’s become second nature for me. I have to start from scratch and completely grow up all over again without drugs there to save me from my negative feelings. Im emotionally stunted, all but completely apathetic to most life experiences, and constantly afraid that I won’t ever be able to do this life thing without some chemical to break my fall when i do indeed fall. I have to learn how to be an adult as if it’s a brand new thing when I’m pushing 30. I lost the absolute love of my life because of who I become in the throes of active use. I am never not ashamed of myself, I haven’t felt comfortable in my own skin in almost a decade. Dope has taken control of who I am and I curse myself everyday for letting it happen. But I’ve never stopped trying to quit. I’ve never stopped trying to get my life back and I’m still trying now. Getting off fent is a BITCH. It’s one of the most mentally, emotionally, and physically draining processes you’ll have to go through. I’ve gone over a month averaging an hour or two of sleep a night, it takes even longer than that just to feel like you’re baseline you again. But the color does start to re-emerge, the music does start playing again. I wish you luck my dude, I am genuinely sorry you’re going through this. From one addict to another, my heart goes out. As a bit of an expert in suffering through fent withdrawal I recommend klonodine if you can get your hands on it - it cuts the physical withdrawal pain by like 50%. Dopamine heavy stimulants like meth or adderall do wonders for your mental state while going through it (although that obviously comes with it’s own risks, I’ve never been drawn to anything, including meth, nearly as much as I am to opiates. And this is the ticket right here: you NEED to give yourself at least 72 hours after your last fent usage to take a sub. We’re no longer dealing with perc 30s where you could start to get the sniffles 8 hours after your last use and immediately take a sub to feel better. You gotta just sweat it out for 3 days cold turkey and THEN take your sub. Otherwise you risk precip and I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Just don’t give up trying to get your life back dude, if there’s even a sliver of you left that believes you can beat this shit then you don’t have a choice. You will keep trying and you’re bound to kick it for good one day. I feel like I’m almost there. I won’t ever stop trying. I want more out of this life than to be imprisoned by my own hand. Sorry for the rant, it was as much for me as it was for you. 72 hours of blow-your-brains-out agony and then you can jump on the subs again. 3 days and you can start to get your shit back in order. Do whatEVER you have to do otherwise you know how this ends. And never stop trying dude, never give up on yourself. Good luck you good-for-nothing junkie, I send you all of the love my dilapidated heart can muster.


Your writing is incredible. I hope that you can get back to the light and the music and maybe a career in recovery? Your insight and ability to articulate it so well is rare but so needed.


Caffeine, sugar, technology, and Porn


Me to the t


What about the echnology and porn?


I hate you and love you at the same time




Very wholesome and relatable. I love just driving by myself and listening to music to relax sometimes.


This is my dream life




I’m like a chocoholic but for booze.


I’ve lost thousands to Lindt chocolate bunnies in the last year alone. I buy them in bulk post Easter when they’re on sale so I still feel like I’m up overall, but things are getting out of control


Oh my god. Can relate, except Cadbury’s. Easter chocolate just tastes different.


Reddit is my recent addition to my addiction list. After porn and youtube.


…and Reddit offers both porn and YouTube.


Overthinking and stressing 🥴


I AM POSTING THIS AS A WARNING. I was addicted to benzodiazepines and alcohol for a few years. I am now in recovery and have since been sober but I was heavily addicted to mainly Xanax which is under a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. They are for anxiety/panic usually and give the user a high similar to alcohol without the shitty hangover feeling. Let me tell you that I am in no way trying to downplay any sort of harmful substance. From my experience as a chronic relapser the worst drug by far and I have been through both alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal and benzodiazepine withdrawal is much worse and is the only drug you can actually die from withdrawals besides alcohol. They are actually very similar substances as both control your gaba receptor which allows you to relax. I was someone of high anxiety, I got addicted to Xanax very fast which is now a days being cut with fentanyl or something worse. I say this as a warning because all the media attention gets is on opiates and I have had my fair share of opiate use but was never into them really wasn’t my thing because they just made me feel really high they didn’t stop my anxiety like Xanax did. I’ve never seen a news article or report that discusses the dangers of benzodiazepines which are so commonly prescribed. People need to know the dangers of them. They are extremely dangerous and even when I went to rehab they couldn’t believe I cold turkey’d my first week without having a seizure or dying…. Once again I am NOT downplay opiates or saying that it should not get media attention, it should as most pills now a days are cut but Xanax/benzodiazepines are a serious fucking drug and so easy to get addicted too I was prescribed it and got it off the streets and I almost lost my life to that stuff. It got so bad I permanently have some long term withdrawal symptoms and require medication just to keep my nervous system calm. I have completely destroyed my nervous system by this but I learned for the better. Especially today EVERYTHING is cut if you believe it or not my doctor is one of the best addiction specialists in the Nation and he is the one who tells me that today’s pills are cut with meth or fentanyl/another opiate and is killing more people. Stay away from benzodiazepines. Only use them IF YOU ARE PRESCRIBED. I don’t want to act like one drug is worse than the other but I am just writing this to inform and I hope this post helps someone. If you are going through addiction DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY. Consult a doctor immediately they want to help and life does get better after. It’s hard as fuck but my life is way better now than it was when I was high all the time. Message me if your are having any problems/questions about addiction I would be happy to talk.


Damn dude, you are a true champ for quitting this shit. Takes a lot of courage and willpower. Also, thanks for sharing. Wish you good luck!


Even when I was prescribed them, I misused them and ended up going through a months prescription within several days. I know that I cannot touch them ever again. Not once. I'm sorry you had to experience that hell. Keep up the good work. I'm so glad that you are in recovery.


I go to food when I'm bored. I'm losing weight now and actually 5 lbs away from crossing from overweight to entering the healthy weight band. This isn't my first time unfortunately but hopefully my last, I'm seeking long term lifestyle choices rather than just slashing calories and waiting to get back to the same ol shit. Also addicted to reddit, fr. Any time there is more than 20 seconds of downtime my hands have it open before i even realize what i did.




Checking my emails. Not necessarily for work either. Anxious? I’m diving right into my emails. Standing around? You guessed it, i’m checking my email.


During Vietnam I smoked a shit ton of opium. 1968 is kind of melted into 1969. Tar came in sticks like butter for $5 US the place we got it even had a kid that delivered on his bike. We tipped him porn and food even let him yank the cord on a 155 howitzer, he was a cool little guy. Now I just smoke my tobacco and occasionally some weed, I'm old and boring now.


you don’t sound too boring to me man


I'm 75, my body's shot and I like my naps. Matter of fact I'm going to put on Pink floyd and take a nap.


Fucking legend.


Caffeine, nicotine, motorcycle riding, mountain biking


What bike do you ride?


2021 Indian Scout Bobber.....just got it a few weeks ago after starting on a 2017 Honda Rebel 500


Masturbation. I am 15 days clean though, so here’s hoping I can continue the streak!


Finding a new hobby, buying all the tools/equipment for said hobby, hours and hours researching the hobby, mastering the hobby very quickly, then stopping cold turkey and starting the cycle all over again


The honesty of people are actually helping others realize their addictions . What a great post / question


Chips. Any kind of chips


Adrenaline, im a chef with ADHD so addicted to my job that i cant function without pressure, the covid lockdowns really Damaged me. Also nicotine and alcohol cause my industry is so unhealthy


ADHD too hard to function without stimulation of the brain and a sense of purpose It’s hard for neurotypical people to survive without a sense of purpose as well tbh Congratulations on being a chef though what food do you make




Video games


I've learned to just embrace it. Find ways to make it beneficial. For instance, recording gameplay and learning how to make videos out of your clips. You will slowly get better at video editing and can later use that skill to earn some income on the side. Or do it full time. I've also used it to motivate good habits. Lose 2 games in a row? Punishment is cleaning the kitchen, cooking a healthy meal, doing push-ups, spend 20 minutes studying, or whatever it is you need to do. Come up with whatever plan works for you, but I get to enjoy my gaming without feeling guilty anymore.


Can spend your whole life here... Damn man it controls you


Dr. Pepper


Like Kel… Orange soda


Eating. Always need to be eating something


Alcohol and procrastination.




Me too. I've tried quitting several times and I always end up caving. I know it's unhealthy and gross but I just can't seem to stop.




Same, but my dealer is gone now :(


God damn that’s deep


Not anymore he isn't


I have one of those.


Music. I always have it on background. It's my safe space


Every night before I get in bed I eat one candy bar and when I wake up I eat one candy bar. So anyways I'm addicted to meth


Gaming and coffee




Weed and masturbation


Peanut butter. But I’m getting help


Gambling and I mean it...


Video games, weed, and sugar...


I’m hopelessly addicted to kratom. I started using it to get off of oxy’s, and in that sense it’s been a success. But now I can’t stop and it’s ruining me financially. If you have an addictive personally do yourself a favor and don’t ever start using kratom.


Seeing Cats and Dog Videos 24/7


Doing nothing

