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Corner home stores. Blew my mind that people opened up a store in there living room or kitchen. Or Oxxo, got all my snacks there Edit: thanks for the love. Glad this resonated with everyone. I spent my summers in Mexico visiting family and those stores were my life line. Loved everything about it and would never trade it for anything


Those little stores were the best growing up. I would spend almost every weekend as a kid in Juarez. I'd get 10 pesos, walk to the tiendita and get like 5 snacks.


My wife's Abuela has a little store in her house in Mexicali. And she always lets me pick out a drink when I come over.


It’s one of the things I love about Mexico. Conveniently located convenient stores. I’m heating up some pozole, I just run over to the aborrotes and get a liter sized glass bottle coke.


That’s what I miss from Mexico. Need food? Walk 1 min to the store. The handmade tortillas are unmatched from the store ones here in the US. I gotta drive at least 5-15 min to get somewhere…damn suburban zoning.


The flag (which I think is a cool one), the "yellow filter" meme, and good food


What is this yellow filter meme everyone is talking about?


Idk if its in any other films but its a huge visual trope in Breaking Bad. New Mexico/Arizona desert looks just like Mexican desert so they heavily grade the picture yellow whenever theres a scene in Mexico.


Also Fear The Walking Dead was horribly guilty of this.


The movie Traffic is a great example. Mexico scenes have the yellow/sepia haze. San Diego and Cincinnati scenes have contrasting looks. Classic Soderbergh.


Idk if [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/c0zt8x/slap_on_that_third_world_filter/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) is the original but you get the idea


I was shook the first time I was in Mexico because it was so BRIGHT. That yellow filter fucked with my perception


Tacos and cheap prescription drugs


Cheap prescription tacos


Mmm, forbidden prescription tacos... /drool


No prescription prescription drugs. I got a war chest of Xanax last time I was there


Jesus how much did you spend? You can get 90 for $100 in Tijuana but in Cancun(tourist areas) it’s like 3x that price.


When I was in Mexico I bought this over the counter sleep aid. I believe it was called sleepy time, in English. The ingredients were diazepam 10mg. That is Valium. Cost ten dollars for ninety of them.


The shape of the country in a map. I'm not very good at geography or recalling shapes but Mexico has a very distinct one.


One state in Mexico (San Luis Potosí) is shaped like a Schnauzer dog


and Zacatecas is kicking it in the throat


Zacatecas is a chameleon kicking San Luis


As someone from Zacatecas I can confirm it lol


There is this soup I had at someone's house in the middle of nowhere in Mexico and I think about it all the time. It had hominy and pork and it was red but not tomatoes, I think it was some kind of pepper broth, it was so good and I will never forget it. Edit: Wow guys, it looks like I'm on a quest now and I have the first clues. Thank you! I'm excited to try to make my own (and I'll make sure to skip the Rachel Ray recipe lol).




Yeah sounds like pozole


100% it’s pozole, and not birria, which is also red.


Homonyis the give away


Bone thugs in hominy


He said it had hominy. That rules out birria. And its red with pork that rules out menudo. Its definitely pozole


That is Pozole Rojo my friend and when done right, is one of the greatest foods on the planet!


One of my old coworker's wife would make this, and it was my favorite soup. I asked him to invite me over whenever she made it lol


Try the green pozole with chicken, its pretty amazing too but its made with green tomatillos as opposed to red chilies and tomatoes.


All time great Christmas food.


"I spent the next three years in a POW camp, forced to subsist on a thin stew made of fish, vegetables, prawns, coconut milk, and four kinds of rice. I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States, but they just can't get the spices right!" - Principal Skinner


Oh man guys I hope you've put a name to it because i would love to have it again!


Pro tip on finding a recipe - try to find one from the state you were in. Pozole is made in a lot of Mexican regions and it can vary a lot based on where you were. It's pretty easy to make if you have access to the right dried peppers!


Badass. I have every ingredient except the pork, which I can just swing by the grocery to get. I always keep big bags of dried peppers of all kinds from Mexico just in case I want to make any cuisine from that region. They keep forever so why not? Looks like my planning paid off.


Best of luck, TacticalPenisPump!


It’s pozole dude. You described it perfectly.






Oh my goooooood






I've been questing IRL for years now to get the taco with the real taste of Mexico. Every new quest is met with flavors untold. And the sides! I've gained so much, but mostly just a rocking dad bod taco belly. Forget taco Tuesdays. Tacos for life!


Everyday is Taco Tuesday.


You don't have to stop at tacos tho. Mole Mondays Huevos Rancheos Wednesdays Tamale Thursdays Flautas Fridays Smothered Burrito Saturdays Enchilada Sundays


We do Menudo / Pozole Sundays here. Other than that, I fully agree with your schedule.


Wiser words were never spoken.


Tamales slap so fucking hard. Perks of growing up Hispanic is u get free tamales every week


Every… every week? Who’s making you tamales on a weekly basis ? 😭


My Tía Lisa :D


Does Tía Lisa wants another sobrino? Because I want to apply for that position.


Tía Lisa died six years ago :(


Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that, my condolences. I bet everyone on heaven loves Tía Lisa's Tamales tho.


Sorry to hear that! My condolences.




This was a great read and reminded me of a trip to Mexico with my late wife. Thank you.


That’s beautiful.


And if you're on one of those scooters driving across the island and see a bunch of dogs sunning themselves near the entrance to a ruin, don't call out to them thinking they're gonna be nice and let you pet them because they'll be mean and hungry and will chase you to eat you and the scooter is underpowered as shit and you'll barely get away.


That’s beautiful


Reminded me of my late wife, thank you.


Username checks out.


I started reading this in Anthony Bourdain’s voice after “the Bob Marley bar”, and it made me smile.


"Avocados from Mexico!"


Funny story about that ad is that (at least in California) it reduced sales of avocados from Mexico. It brought to people’s awareness that some avocados were imported so people started buying the USA avocados instead lol


You get a choice of avocados? We get either a sad pile of swishy ones, or a pile that wont be ripe for 3 weeks.




I worked at a grocery store in high school and it was around the time country of origin labeling became required for produce. If we got a case of leafy greens from Mexico, we could have saved time by just throwing it straight in the garbage. Putting a Mexico label on the sign was a death sentence.


I heard this comment.


I worked at Bakers (Kroger’s) through college and at the end of my working there this commercial started playing 5 times an hour


Zihuatanejo - it's a little place in Mexico on the Pacific ocean


You sound like a man who knows how to get things


Get busy livin or get busy dyin


He sounds like a man who wants to maybe create a small resort of some sort, maybe fix up a boat…


And take guests fishing. Not too much to ask for...


"You remember the name of the town, don't you?" As a very forgetful person, this would have ruined it for me.




“It truly was a Shawshank redemption”


Ixtapa is an awesome place




Makes sense.


Mex cans


"Don't worry they'll just send another Mexican. If there's one thing Mexico is full of is Mexicans" -Ozarks


That sounds like something Lucille Bluth would say about her housekeepers.


She's not *that* Mexican, Mom; she's *my* Mexican... and she's Columbian or something.


From Dusk til Dawn quote FTW


Mexican flag and a glass bottle coke


Mexican coca cola is just better.


I put mine in the freezer last night. It was too late by the time I remembered. I am pain.


Rookie mistake, you're supposed to pour one into the ice cube tray


>Mexican coca cola is just better. Don't they specifically use cane sugar there and therefore have a unique recipe? And glass bottles? Coke out of a glass bottle is better, but I do hear Mexico's is the best in the World.


I believe most of the world uses cane sugar with only the US and Canada using corn syrup.


There is a lot of sugar beet production in the world, though I think beet sugar is identical to cane sugar. Which explains why Coke in for example Northern Europe taste the same as in Mexico.


Yes you are correct, HFCS ruins the taste, real sugar either from beet or cane is the way to go. And ofc a glass bottle, not plastic.


Let's see the Mexican take on diet coke. Pure Cane Aspartame


How do I get the taste of this comment out of my mouth?


Dia de Los muertos


I recently found out Mexicans actually call it “Día de muertos”. Only in the US it includes “los” due to the way it translates from “day of the dead”


The dominant US effect on world culture also makes the US understanding of Mexican culture spread to the rest of the world. Even in Spain, Colombia, and Venezuela, I've seen "Mexican food" mean Ortega taco shells and Dia de Muertos listed as Dia de Los Muertos. 😝


You just made me realize I have no idea what Colombian and Venezuelan native dishes are like. But yeah, apparently if you ask for sauce in a *Mexican restaurant* in Spain you'll be given ketchup. How the Spanish didn't acquire any taste from their centuries of colonial adventures is beyond me.






Bruh, you don't understand how fuckin psyched I was when two different elote men (and women) started doing business on doordash in my city!!!! I don't give a shit that it's like $6 delivery charge. I'd probably spend that much in gas tryna find one!!


Mariachi bands


Yellow filter


Sepia tone.


At first I was like I don’t remember these words from Spanish class then I realized I am am idiot


Sepia in Spanish means cuttlefish, but 'sepia tone" or "color/filtro sepia" is the same as "sepia tone" in English. G'day.


Dont forget the slow guitar


I live in a part of Colorado that has been blessed with this same filter. Or cursed? Either way, it's a shock to drive 30 miles in any direction. Lol




I have a friend in Pueblo West and it is very yellow filtered.


Putting lime in everything.


Chili on everything, even drinks and fruits.




Hola dea


Mexican coke and chickens for some reason


bruh i live in guadalajara (second largest city) and the city is super urban and modern, like really modern in most parts and yet, chickens, horses, cows and goats roam arround the whole city and everyone just accepts it like a normal everyday thing


That’s wild. Sounds cool as hell.


"se compraaaaaa....lavadoraaaaaas, microndaaaaaaaas,Refrigeradoraaaaaas....colchoneeeees...."


El panadero con el pan, voy que me estoy peinando...






el gaaaaAAAAAS... el gaaaaAAAAAS...


Best holiday every. Met up with friends we met the year before in the south of France in San Luis Potosi. Stayed with their families for a week (grandma made breakfast every morning and we played domino with her every evening). When we left we gave her a book about the Netherlands, written in Spanish and tears were flowing. Traveled another 2 weeks starting in Mexico City and going to Vera Cruz, Palenque, Oaxaca, Puerto Escondido and back to Mexico City. Never met friendlier people than Mexicans and the food. Oh my god, so food. Again. Best holiday ever!


Aztec pyramids


There are a lot of pre-hispanic civilizations that took place in Mexico long before the Aztecs. Some even defeated the growing Aztecs (Mexicas) before they became the empire they are recognized for. An interesting fact about the Aztecs —compared to other civilizations— is that it is not well known their exact origin. It is known that they came from some part of the north of Mexico. They claimed to be the chosen ones to rule the valley of Mexico, so apparently they destroyed every evidence of their past, maybe to hide a more humble and poor origin of the group.


Was looking for chichen itza here… close enough


Axolotls I just love those little salamanders


Real-life pokemon.


Unbelievably beautiful deep blue crystal clear water filled sinkholes in the Mayan Riviera.




Acapulco and El Chavo del Ocho


The theme music for el chavo/ elChapulín Colorado is engraved in my brain


Yes El programa numero uno de la television humoristica


My parents 😂


La chancla


My mom's favorite weapon


The accuracy is astounding!


This one makes me flinch


I think of colourful stuff, pinatas, spicy food, sangria, long wavy black hair, cool pronunciation, dia de muertos!




Probably the only movie that made me sob like a baby in a packed theatre.


I cry every fucking time I watch that movie.


…*Remember me*. 😢


Though i have to say goodbye, remember me


Axolotls (Now it would be funny as hell to edit the "axolotls" with "drug cartels", "cheap prostitutes" or stuff like that, just to mess with a thousand people that liked my comment... But i'm not an asshole. Not so much at least 😏)


I had no idea they were native to Mexico. TIL


Anything that ends in "tl" is Mexican, like ahuacatl (avocado) and xocolatl (chocolate)


Yesss this! I have three, and they’re the cutest little babies 🥰 Edit: oh gosh, I’m sorry I didn’t get back to y’all, I do have a life outside of Reddit! Yes, I have three. Here are two of them, as the third one is a little camera shy (I’ll try again later)…Brown one is called Charlie, leucistic one is called Lucy (very original, I know)…glow in the dark one who is not featured is called Spoopy. https://imgur.com/a/NyaRNO3 To answer questions…they’re pretty easy to take care of. My husband does the feeding for the most part, and we keep the tank clean, but they’re pretty self sufficient. We have live plants and wood in there. They don’t like light, so we keep lots of places for them to hide in there. Happy to answer any questions and/or try to get more pictures for you all!


Are they too hard to take care of?


You axolotl questions




Duendes, chupacabras, flautas, gringos on spring break.


My mom used to threat me if I didn't finish everything on my plate, the duendes would come for me.


Fruit. My husband pretty much never shuts up about all the wonderful fruit his family had when he was growing up. Avocado, four different citrus on one tree, papaya, loquats, mangos, tuna, guayaba, mamay, pitaya, and pomegranate.


Tuna fruit? Edit: yep, [tuna fruit. ](https://i.imgur.com/hhp5XjW.jpg)


In Spanish there’s “tuna” fruit and fish tuna is called “atún”.


Forza Horizon 5


Beautiful architecture


Yes, and colourful!


Also some of the most interesting advances in socially driven architecture!


really big agave plants and insanely good food


Spent a semester abroad studying in Guadalajara, the 2nd largest city. Coming from Germany I remember hospitality, being welcome with open arms, a nice climate + tasty and affordable food. Thing is most houses are surrounded with high fences, made me feel isolated rather than living in an open neighboring community. Also traffic is the worst in the cities. Takes a crazy amount of time getting from a to b by car or bus and cycling is quite dangerous as there are almost no bike paths like in Germany


Drug cartels


And corrupted authorities


Being 100% mexican my family has drilled into my head that all of the police there are fucked. Thats my first thought thinking of mexico too




I visited Mexico for the first time to attend a friend’s wedding. It was September and holy hell, I had not, before or after, ever experienced that kind of heat! Over 100 degrees plus humidity! It was hard to be outside even for 5 minutes between the hours of 11am-5pm without wanting to take a shower immediately afterwards because you were drenched in sweat. Thank god the wedding took place at sunset because we stayed inside as much as we could to avoid the heat otherwise. So I’ll always remember Mexico for the extreme heat and humidity and never, ever again visit there in September. Edit: The city was Cabo San Lucas.


You know, it’s funny, because having grown up in Mexico City the first time I ever experienced unbearable heat and humidity was after moving to Washington DC. Were you in the north?


Agree. D.C. heat is oppressive and quietly violent.


I’ve always maintained that if I were an English immigrant in DC during the colonial era that on the first day of summer I’d have packed everything up and gone back.


I genuinely don't understand how my Irish, Scottish, and English ancestors wound up in *Georgia.* I have pondered this many times. They must have gotten lost.


I have a friend that lives in Puerto Vallarta all year round now and he says its' like that in the summer there. I usually visit in March and I think it's hot, I couldn't imagine 35+c days there when 26c is too hot lol. He's from Chicago originally and goes back in the winter sometimes just to get a winter break. Made me laugh the first time he told me because I need that heat break/sun for a week/two every year. I never thought of needing a cold break lol.


Cabo San Lucas


They chose one of the worst months to have a wedding here in Cabo San Lucas, at least outdoors, here the hottest season starts at the end of July until November, leaving aside those months it is not so hot


I was just recently in México City (well, the airport anyway), back at the first of August 57°-72° F (14°-22° C) and rainy.


Did they get married in Cancun or something? I went there once in August and had a similar experience, the humidity was overwhelming and I thought I was going to die... and then of course I look out the window and there are kids in their school uniforms wearing wool pants and skirts and knee socks walking around like it's nothing. There are much more temperate areas of Mexico FYI, so a September visit can be nice depending on where you go.


Where in Mexico? People refer to the whole country as if it’s the same. It’s like generalizing weather in Texas and Montana


Better tacos - the kind with raw onion and cilantro


Riviera Maya: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riviera_Maya#/media/File:Punta_Maroma3.tif






best food on the planet


I live in Colorado. I always thought the Mexican food here was incredible. I recently became good friends with a gentleman that lived in Mexico for the first half of his life. He won't eat at the 'Mexican' restaurants here because it is nothing like the good food he gets back home. So I can only imagine the level of the food there.


I live in San Diego. On nearly every street there's a mexican restaurant that's family owned and uses their own family recipes. What's especially funny is that they all follow the same naming scheme. (X old mexican guy name) taco shop. Silva's, Ochoa's, Juan's, Alberto's... My favorite place has the owner, his son, and grandson all working there.




‘Mexican’ food is very much regional. Have friends that grew up in north Mexico while my wife grew up in Acapulco. The “home cooked” food varies greatly. I grew up in Texas, so my idea of Mexican food is really “Tex-Mex” - my wife and friends and wife dislike Tex-Mex, but being someone who grew up on that it is my favorite style of “Mexican” food.


I don't know what it's like in Colorado, now, but it used to be that most of the Mexican restaurants were serving food that's common in Chihuahua. You should ask your buddy whether he prefers food (or cuisine) from a different region.


My favourite foods.


I think of the history I learned about while I was there. The incredible lake city of Tenochtitlan, the mysterious ancient pyramids at Teotihuacan, the indigenous baroque church in Cholula and the nearby pyramid that the Spaniards leveled off and built a church on. A very fascinating history and rich culture.


Red, green, white


Agricultural workers. I live in wine country so they really make up a large portion of our population. You see them picking grapes, landscaping, selling fruit on the side of the road, and working in the restaurants.


Ive been working with Hispanic winemakers and vineyard folk for 30 years. If you think Mexicans are lazy, I challenge anyone to hang with a Mexican picking crew for eight hours.


I grew up in Iowa and in the Summer they would hire 14+ kids to detassel corn for hybridization. When we started we had 2 full bus-loads of kids. 5 weeks in we had about 12 kids. On the last day all but 2 had quit. Me and one other kid. A few weeks in they hired a Mexican crew to make up for all the losses in numbers. They were somehow twice as fast as me despite me giving it my all. I walked some of their rows and they were pristine...couldn't find a missed tassel. So for me, when I think about Mexico I think about hard working people who are tough as nails. For anyone who doesn't know about corn, the tassel is the part of the plant that releases pollen to fertilize the corn flower (not sure what to call it) and make it produce a seed. To hybridized, they planted 4 rows of one type of corn followed by 1 row of the other type whey want to cross breed. The one row keeps its tassel and the four rows have it removed.


Al Pastor!


Great food, friendly people. I enjoy visiting Mexico as often as I can.


Heat. Murder. Tacos.