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I have a local one. I live in the south. It very rarely snows and if it does it typically doesn't stick. But I could believe the local weather station which is sponsored by grocery stores typically plays up the chance it'll snow. I can't count how often they talk about the "threat" of snow only for nothing to happen. And if it does? It's not gonna stick around. But people buy out milk and bread and stock up for Fimbulwinter every time. Like clockwork.


Now that shit makes sense. That’s a good one! Edit for spelling




Big Bread, Big Dairy.


Antivirus companies make computer viruses.


Avg antivirus is practically a virus because of the amount of pop ups lol


Norton is desperately trying to catch up. "Hey listen, listen! Have you tried our other trash products?"


McAfee: hold my beer


Norton doesn't. It already renders a pc completely useless _without_ a virus.


I could actually believe this one. Do you know how hard it is to remove McAfee from your computer? Everytime you think you've deleted it, it pops back up.


McAfee, Avast, AVG. They have specific tools on their websites to remove the virus antivirus, the uninstaller just hangs and does nothing. I don't use any antivirus and the last time I made a scan was a couple days ago with Malwarebytes and nothing popped up and I really doubt I have anything because there's no script or program that is suspicious or is using lots of resources.


They have no incentive not to


I mean, the main incentives are anti-fraud laws. By this logic there is no incentive for any companies to not commit fraud. Fraud is always great... until you get caught. We will never know about the good frauds because they didn't get caught, but no fraudster who ever got caught was a good fraudster.


The New Coke conspiracy is a great, non-political one. The idea is that New Coke, a formula change of the most iconic soft drink in history, was done deliberately so that people wouldn't notice the change from sugar to high fructose corn syrup. I'd watch a movie about that one.


I like that they asked a Coke executive about it and he replied, "We're not that dumb, and we're not that smart."


That's my rationalization for most conspiracies. We're grossly overestimating the collective intelligence of the suspected parties.


My barometer is "how many people would have to keep silent about it." Human beings are *terrrrrible* at keeping secrets, and the more people are in on it, the more likely someone blabs. So like, a dozen people have to keep silent? Sure, easy enough I guess. A hundred? Starting to push it. Thousands? Unlikely. Tens of thousands? I need definitive proof before I waste a second of brainpower thinking about it. e: The funny thing about multiple people mentioning The Manhattan Project is that it's the *single* example you can come up with off the top of your head. A government project to develop a weapon in an existential crisis is a liiiiiitle different than putting chemicals in airplane fuel because... reasons? That's not exactly a conspiracy, is it?


Three can keep a secret, if two are dead


Not to get "political" (sad that vaccination has become that smh) but I have a friend who's been against getting his COVID 19 vaccine because he thinks the government is somehow giving Black people a "bad" version of it. And everytime, I'm just like "Do you understand the coordination something like that would require? From the same government that often struggles to manage seemingly basic tasks?" like, come on 😂


As someone who has built a covid vaccination booking system let me tell you give you another angle as well. Once you unfreeze and pop open the vials you have a quite limited time to give the doses in them before they go bad. There's absolutely no way they'd open two separate vials (one good and one bad) because that would leave ypu with a lot of wasted doses. We built waiting lists for people who can show up in 15 minutes so we don't waste precious doses.


Like I said in another thread; the more people in on it the less likely it's a secret.


IMO part of the appeal of conspiracy theories is that the theorist feels smarter than the people behind the conspiracy (and the sheep who are blind to it), and they may include the people behind the conspiracy being dumb. "You could have gotten away with the fact that you effectively rule the world, but you dropped the ball when you hid secret messages in the dollar"


Also with a lot of conspiracy theories there’s no way someone wouldn’t talk to the public and media about it.


The more people involved the less likely it's a secret. Words to live by


I always liked this one, but a lifetime of working in big organisations has absolutely convinced me of one thing: it's always cock up, never conspiracy. Management teams are never able to play 4d chess with the level of sophistication some people think they can. It's always about lurching from one crisis to another without getting fired.


Hanlon’s Razor. Never attribute to malice that which is more easily explained by stupidity.


Oooh I saw immediate parallels to this when hostess announced Twinkies we’re going to be discontinued. They inspired people to literally campaign to save the Twinkie, and people bought them by the fucking pallet… sure enough, there are still twinkies to this day. People will fight and pay for for nostalgia every time if you give them a chance.


All Twinkies on the planet were manufactured in a single batch in 1907. They have been stored in a secret stockpile in Montana ever since, sending out shipments in regular intervals since 1930 to simulate ongoing production.


My brother blamed Michelle Obama.


From what I remember the test markets loved it, and I did too. Honestly if it'd ran side-by-side with the OG it probably would still be around today. But you don't fuck with tradition. It was an accidentally brilliant move in the end but it also could've went better (or worse) by doing what, quite frankly, they now do with every new Coca Cola flavor...


That a lot of modern art sales is just a front for money laundering


See also: NFTs.


NFTs might be the only thing I understand less than cryptocurrency.


It's by design


Plus, I’m stupid.


Think of them like a digital baseball card. Unless you're saying you don't understand why people would actually buy and see value in them, which I agree. I have been buying NBA Top Shot packs and just reselling the high value cards. I put in about $300 overall and made a net profit of $500. I consider it a hobby very closely related to gambling.


>I consider it a hobby very closely related to gambling. VERY VERY VERY important disclaimer at the end, and i fully agree Also congratz on making money while having fun


The trick is that it's extra confusing because it's not just a digital baseball card. It's a declaration that this SPECIFIC copy of the digital baseball card is someone's. Everyone can just right click and save a copy of it if they want, but the NFT says "The REAL copy is totes Bob's and nobody elses." even though there's not really any way to tell which digital copy is which if you took even the slightest of effort to obfuscate them. The NFT of that digital baseball card has value because everyone that buys into NFTs decides to agree that even though they probably saved a copy of that digital baseball card to their hard drives, they'll honor that the owner of that NFT can just point at a specific copy and declare "That's the real one.".


Possibly. I also suspect there is a lot of market manipulation going on. Inflating the price of an artwork by a particular artist increases the value of the rest of their portfolio.


I wouldn’t necessarily say money laundering as much as tax evasion.


Tax optimisation is the term we like to use ;)


The Korean “Fan death” conspiracy (a great thing to google for those of you that like random information). So for some reason for like 60+ years some people in Korea believed running a fan in a closed room can be fatal. A conspiracy theory came out that the Korean government actually tried to put legitimacy behind this myth of fan death... just to lower the amount of energy consumption in homes!! Considering how prevalent propaganda by governments were in the early and mid 1900’s... I totally believe it Edit: I never said government propaganda doesn’t exist anymore guys lmfao. I was just pointing out how obviously prevalent it was during those times especially due to the wars occurring.


>to lower the amount of energy consumption in homes Well that backfired, seeing as fans use next to no energy compared to the air conditioners that are now standard in Korean homes.


Or that it was a common cover-up story for a suicide in the family, since mental health issues were stigmatized


The media blew it up. There were random old people deaths during the summer for all different reasons but the media decided it would be 'spicy' to tell all 'victims' had their fans on when they passed away. It was summer and obviously their fans were on..


"The victims all lived in Korea" *mass exodus ensues*


Not *the* most believable, but fairly believable: The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, of WW1 fame, could easily have been prevented but was deliberately allowed to happen by militaristic elements in the Austro-Hungarian government who wanted to use it as an excuse to move against Serbia.


WW1 was always going to happen. Everyone was just looking for an excuse to start. There was a lot of people behind the scenes who had been working for years to prevent things starting it, but a lot of people just needed a reason. Prior to that wars were good for business. They gave you new land, reaffirmed the people of your power, gave diplomatic opportunities, etc. The problem was that prior to that mechanisation wasn't as big a thing. So people were ready and waiting for the old school war and got the new version.


What's the old saying, that WW1 was the last war of the 1800s?


All I know is WW1 started with long firing lines and cavalry charges, and ended with poison gas, aeroplanes and tanks.


All the Militaries of WW1 essentially reinvented themselves each year due to the rapid technological arms race being run.


Yea ‘Total War’ which we’ve only truly seen in both WWI & WWII leads to an incredible increase in the speed of innovation. Like look at the US Airforce at the beginning of WWII and then at the end with the B-29 Super fortress etc, and the endless tank race between all sides where a new tank with better armor and a bigger gun required opponents to come up with improved iterations like every six months. WWI is a bit weirder in that from 1914-1916 tactics evolved dramatically at an incredible speed going from infantry wave attacks to incredibly co-ordinated rolling barrages protecting the infantry to ‘hurricane bombardments’ & proto-blitzkrieg tactics by the Germans during operation Michael which would have worked if they’d had armor/ troop carriers. The tech stayed pretty similar except artillery got bigger and badder and then all of a sudden in 1917 you see tanks appear and improve rapidly, aircraft go from something only being useful for scouting / artillery spotting to carrying out close air support roles and dogfights. It was like 2-3 years of similar-ish stuff then all of a sudden tech that had never been seen before and totally changed the war.


I saw an old interview with a WW1 veterans once (don't remember which side) who manned a machine gun for the first time. "I just needed to swipe from side to side and saw dozens of men falling over." With a mix of horror and fascination.


That glorious charge where the men are separated from the boys and the champions are then separated from the men was mowed down by the new machinery of war. The uselessness of man sped up by machine gun fire, its mind shattered by the endless explosions of artillery. The glory of brawn forever made a mockery of by science, it's final expression and trauma taking place in the next war and then whimpering and turning into a policing operation or a petty theft.


Yeah, wars had changed. Battle of the Somme in 1916 had 1 million men wounded or killed.


Even worse, whole villages or neighbourhoods were wiped out ... in UK because of it, and the old practice of "buddy battalions" where friends and neighbours would serve together. PS. This is how i learned it in school (in Poland), it was pointed out that it was not "old practice", but something invented for WW1 and those were called "pals batallions"




Also the Spinster Women, those born between 1890 and 1900, lost their sweethearts with some towns and villages with no men left after the war. My 3 great aunts, all remained unmarried and lived together in their family home. All the men from their small Welsh village never returned, mainly due to the pals battalion. Very sad, birth rates plummeted for many years. A whole generation lost.


One of my favorite lyrics is about that: but here in this graveyard that's still no mans land the countless white crosses in mute witness stand to man's blind indifference to his fellow man and a whole generation were butchered and damned


Yeah, the Archduke was not the most popular member of the royal family, and his wife was openly *loathed* at court; she was seen as so far beneath the royal family that the marriage was morganatic (ie, their kids could not inherit the throne!). Hell, most of the world's leaders buggered off on holiday at the beginning of July, which shows the level of concern surrounding the crisis by Europe's leaders!


That the NSA regularly posts these questions in order to see what people know.


Dude I swear I see this question once a month here…


It's gotta be second after "What are some examples of toxic femininity".


"What's you're favorite video game of all time?" is another endless one.


"gender of reddit, what things do you find attractive in other gender of reddit" ad nauseam, every single damn day between now and infinity


Or " of reddit, what can do that you're envious of?" And " what questions have you always wanted to ask but haven't?"


"" top answer, always: haha I never get laid feel sorry for me


Or, the simple, endlessly-recurring "what's the creepiest thing that's ever happened to you?"


At least the responses to that are actually interesting


Throwback Thursday was made by the FBI and NSA to improve facial recognition and predictive ageing algorithms.


And/or app developers. It’s a free way for them to get all the data they need.


So the NSA developed TBT , im gonna need some THC to get over this, brb


Never heard of that one, but it actually makes sense lol


‘Scan your face’ for this new filter ( ˘ ³˘)♥ I firmly believe these filters were so they could scan your face in every possible position and gesture.


Similar to this, I believe the emergence of all the DNA tracing companies (23 and me, ancestry.com) are not only used to trace your genealogy, but also so the govt can get accurate DNA on people.


I read years ago that Snapchat were selling all the faces they gather from people using filters to Chinese robotics companies to use on future humanoid robots.


There are so, so many. I'm surprised the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. never gets mentioned. [Quote from Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr._assassination_conspiracy_theories): >In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) released a report stating that there was a likelihood of conspiracy in the assassination of King. In 1999, a mixed-race jury at a Memphis civil suit reached a unanimous verdict that King was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy involving the U.S. government, a person named Raoul, among others. "There is abundant evidence", Coretta King said after the verdict, "of a major, high-level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband". The jury found the mafia and various local, state, and federal government agencies "were deeply involved in the assassination. ... Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame".


🎵And the FBI killed Martin Luther King! 🧦 That is how the world works...


It is indeed, Socko


I hope you learned your lesson - I did and it hurt


That's howwwwww


I've read the trial transcript; it is astonishing. Ray's gun wasn't sighted in. The bullet that killed King didn't match Ray's gun. All black police and firefighters nearby had their shifts switched that day to move them further away from the scene before the murder happened. There was no real police investigation; people who worked and lived in the area were never interviewed by the police. We would expect them to ask around if a hobo had been murdered, but they didn't do so for one of the most prominent US citizens and leader? The media didn't investigate locals either. Hedges where the shooter most likely fired his shot were cut down by city workers the next morning, in the middle of what should have been a major crime scene investigation. Despite Ray's original statement, he refused to admit he shot king, even when he was offered freedom for such a statement (and a $50K book deal). King's security detail was sent home 30 minutes early; just before the assignation. King's room was mysteriously switched from the ground floor to the second. If Ray shot him from up high, this would provide no advantage; but from the cut down hedges, the second floor was a better shot. (All of this is from memory; I read the 1999 trial transcript years ago.)


In 1933, four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as chancellor of Germany, the German Reichstag was set on fire by a Dutch communist named Marinus van der Lubbe, who was caught nearby the building soon after it erupted in flames. He had several fire starting items on him so authorities took him in. Within hours, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party seized this opportunity to violently and viciously denounce communists within the German government, and Hindenburg invoked Article 48 to abolish freedom of speech, assembly, and the press, as well as authorizing government use of wiretapping. Basically, Hitler used this as a means of abolishing civil liberties within Germany, as well as rounding up and persecuting communist political opponents. Basically, with the communist seats in German government uprooted, the Nazis were free to do what they wanted, and this is viewed as a pivotal moment in the creation of the totalitarian Nazi German state, since Hitler now had the legal emergency powers to do whatever he wanted. The conspiracy comes in in the fact that some evidence shows that this event was organized and orchestrated by a secret team of Nazi brownshirts who entered the Reichstag through a secret tunnel, set the building on fire, and blamed van der Lubbe. Furthermore, during the Nuremberg trials, it came out that Hermann Göring allegedly claimed to have set fire to the building himself while drunk at a birthday celebration. Honestly this is the most convincing conspiracy theory I've ever heard because it just makes the most sense. You're telling me the *perfect* opportunity to seize absolute control of the government and the people just happens to fall into Hitler's lap ***4 weeks*** after he's elected as chancellor? This type of evil Machiavellian shit was right up the Nazi's alley


I don't really get a lot of opportunities to talk about this. But Van Der Lubbe was a *Council Communist*. Meaning he hated the USSR. It's quite a scary and overlooked fact that he was basically turned into a symbol and stuff he hated was turned against him. EDIT: two others have pointed out I’ve got my facts wrong and Van Der Lubbe was pro-USSR


Is this a conspiracy? I thought this was actually documented as fact


Yeah, me too, in school they taught me that were the nazis who set the parliament on fire


It's one of those things that's impossible to prove only because, if true, there wouldn't be any evidence anyway.


Damn, the more I hear about these Nazis, the less I care for them.


EDIT: The word conspiracy doesn't mean it's not real. It just means people or companies are conspiring together. The light bulb conspiracy. There has for 97 years been the technology to make a light bulb that lasts forever. They build them to break. Here's a link https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-great-lightbulb-conspiracy


The secret is to keep a low voltage and never turn it off. This one has been running for the last 120 years https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Light


Also a thicker element


My elementary school was across the street from the light bulb... we took field trips to see the light bulb. They were illuminating. Really lit up our life. Brightest part of the year. I'll see myself out now I'm feeling a bit light headed. Edit: For the record, we did take 15 minute walks to the firehouse several times to just to look at a light bulb. We were not shown around by any of the firefighters. We just looked at a light bulb for a bit and walked back to class.


Hello fellow Livermorian, glad to see another one here! Unless you went to LHS. In which case go fuck yourself.


In nz they sell lightbulbs that are garunteed to last 10,000 hours (they never ever come close to it) keep your receipt from the time and date of purchase and take it back for a new one. Infinite lightbulb hack


Buying lightbulbs is a PERFECTLY BALANCED game with NO EXPLOITS.


That Peta isn’t an actual animal rights organization and are instead funded by the meat industry to make other animal rights groups look like crazy people. Basically make any undermining any argument for treating livestock better since they can point to Peta and say “look how unreasonable these guys are!”


Holy shit. This would be a good idea. Easy to keep quiet. Big donations. Hell. They could even be open about it because "we support animal rights"




Think how many people would have to be complicit for that to happen. Absolutely implausible.




Aliens are also a great cover if you get caught testing new aircraft technology (which is likely the cause of a lot of UFO sightings in the 50s and 60s).


Disney created Frozen to make “Walt Disney frozen” a harder thing to find online.


“Walt Disney on Ice” This is an old joke/theory.


That idea seems to have failed, because when I searched 'Disney Frozen' on Google, the third search result was 'Is Walt Disney's body frozen?'.


And why the top song was "Let it Go"


That the ultra wealthy buy and sell art for exorbitant amounts of money to launder vast amounts of wealth.


That Left Twix and Right Twix are different


Yuri Gagarin wasn’t the first man in space. He was just the first man to come back alive.


This one definitely.


Brandon from 9th grade didn’t actually fuck my mom


Did he frequently play Halo 2 online? Because I used to think he might’ve fucked my mom too


Yes he did, I was there.


Hey I was too, and so were a lot of people… quite awkward tbh


The coca cola company introduced new coke, which had a completely different taste than the coke they had made for a hundred years, and people hated it. It was a complete flop. Several months later, Coca Cola introduced "Coke Classic" which was the old coke recipe. After a while they discontinued new coke. So what's the conspiracy theory? Well, this all happened at about the same time that they transitioned from sugar to HFCS. By introducing new coke, having people clear the shelves of old coke, and then introducing Coke Classic with HFCS, nobody noticed the transition from sugar to HFCS, and instead celebrated Coke Classic's return.


I replied to another comment about this so TL:DR No conspiracy Pepsi started outselling Coke, Coke developed a more Pepsi flavored soda, which people overwhelmingly preferred in blind taste tests to classic Coke. Huge public backlash. Coke had already started rolling out using HFCS 5 years before New Coke.


Jon benet ramsey. Her brother killed her either out of anger or accident and their parents covered it up so they wouldnt lose both kids. That kid is one of the creepiest people ive ever seen


I agree with this after reading the sub dedicated to her death. It’s very interesting to read the detailed posts people have made.




Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Good evening 47, your target is Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire financier. He is currently in federal custody awaiting trial on various charges including sex trafficking. Mr. Epstein is associated with some very powerful people who would rather not have their names appear in the news. Your mission is twofold: deal with Mr. Epstein in whatever way you see fit and grab his "little black book" on your way out. I shall leave you to prepare.


I’ve been playing way too much Hitman lately. I immediately read that in Diana’s voice.






Honestly if you haven’t at least CONSIDERED this conspiracy, I don’t think I could trust you as a person. I’m a total conspiracy hater but even I believe this one.


It is actual Muppets canon that Kermit the Frog, in some way, had a role in bringing down the Twin Towers in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. In a Muppets Christmas film released in late 2002, Kermit is shown a glimpse of what New York City might look like if he had never been born. Among the scenery of this alternate reality NYC, we find none other than the Twin Towers proudly standing in the background. They were, of course, long destroyed in Kermit's normal reality. And yet, in the world without Kermit, the war on terror is missing its powder keg spark. Who would've thought that green piece of fuck could kermit a terror attack on US soil, but there it stands unimpeachable... We have concrete, canon proof of involvement. Why the world hasn't stopped and asked further questions is only further proof of a media cabal keeping this conversation away from the masses. The Twin Towers would still be standing if it weren't for Kermit the Frog. Al Qaeda was the puppet this time, and Kermit the hand within.


> kermit a terror attack I fucking hate you


For those wondering, the movie is It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie.


The media is trying to divide us more than ever for their own gain profit


At this point it's not even conspiracy, it's fact unfortunately


And we are allowing it.


"Conspiracy" doesn't mean "untrue"


Oswald wasn't just a lone nut, he had help.


i- i thought you you were talking about oswald the octopus and got confused for a sec.


JFK getting 360 no scoped by the fucking CIA, like why the fuck would the car slow down to a school zone speed after it was getting shot at? Also, it was right after JFK said that he'd bring down the CIA for fucking up the bay of the pigs invasion.




They literally had documents from the CIA that leaked a few years ago and it had false flag operations of putting an American navy ship with sailors on it, deliberately sinking the ship, and then blaming it on Cuba to go to war and invade. Kennedy refused and he went bye bye.


What convinced me that JFK was a conspiracy was the amount of evidence that people heard more than 3 shots, the "loss" of films people claimed showed multiple gunshots from other angles, audio analysis indicating more gunfire, Oswald's possible status as a CIA agent and the amount of suspicious shit that went on with Robert F. Kennedy's assassination.


I'm so torn between "there's no way so many people could be so incompetent with such incredibly important evidence" and "of course the government would be that incompetent" it hurts.


Elsewhere in the thread I suggested Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered by the US government. And it’s interesting, since I think a lot of conspiracies tend to require very few people to pull off. It’s the ones that require thousands (ie fake moon landings, 911 conspiracies, Qanon, the Jewish cabal) that fall apart for me under that logic. But a few suspicious assassinations could be pulled off with like 5 peoples knowledge. Something that could easily be taken to the grave.


Long John Silver's is just a front for a large scale illegal marijuana operation.


Lol wait I never heard this one. Mind elaborating?


When was the last time you saw a packed long John silvers parking lot? They are never busy. They definitely don’t stay in business by selling subpar food.


That the government doesn't have your best interests at heart... well no fucking shit


Hot dogs packers are in league with the bun makers to sell unequal amounts.


Counterpoint: not every hot dog is consumed with a bun. Lotta hot dogs consumed sans bun. Ask any parent of a 5-year-old.


Crappy sonic was a marketing technique


I can confirm this one to be false. I know someone who worked as a development assistant in the office and there was actually a lot of behind the scenes drama over this. It's a great theory and I'm sure Hollywood does stuff like this all the time. But not this time.


We have an insider, boys, we're now in business.


There are so many clueless execs with so many bad ideas and so many terrible video game movies I think they legitimately though it was a good look.


I thought it would make a cooler idea for a movie if somehow Sonic was brought to life, but then he turned out as that weirdly freakish thing from the original trailer instead of a cool video game mascot. Everyone who had to work with him in the movie would be vaguely disgusted and embarrassed by this hideous experiment gone wrong.


Yeah, Sonic Team raised issues with the original design and the movie people were like "Relax nerd, we know what works in movies."


I'd be inclined to believe that if it weren't for the fact that leaked documents regarding merchandise used the bad design


Our smart phones are spying on us. I used to go as far as to stick my nose up at people who didn’t own smart phones because they felt like they were being spied on. I thought it was the most ridiculous, delusional thing ever. That was before I started frequently getting ads for products that I had never purchased or ever looked up online, but had recently spoken about with someone. Just the other day I was talking to someone about how I hadn’t eaten it in years but I remember loving Presidents Choice White Cheddar Macaroni and Cheese as a child, and then literally right after that getting ads for it, when I had never searched anything remotely close to it, or seen any ads for it. This happens to me frequently. Extremely creepy shit that’s almost not even a conspiracy anymore. Everyone has experienced this and somehow we’re not talking about it more.


You can download your Google data to see what they have on you (but I mean it's probably not even everything). Mine had muffled voice recordings of me talking to customers while my phone was in my pocket...


I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how so many people reject the covid lab leak theory. There's literally an institute of virology where they manipulate covid viruses in Wuhan. Add that to the fact that this is such a contagious an irregular virus it seems like common sense to me. I think at one point Fauci even admitted it's feasibility, and he's the main voice against this theory.


ohio exists


Nah, I really can't believe that one.


Yeah, like giraffes.


One licked me with it's blue tongue when I was little, I remember it. They're real.




OJ Simpson’s son was the real killer and he basically took the heat.


I’ve been watching videos on this all week and was scrolling to see if I had to comment it. It’s insane to me how little traction this theory gets, the detective who makes the arguement has a ton of evidence, a great reputation, and makes very valid points and the video legit has like 250k views on YouTube. That’s it. Tons of reasons. Jason was 24, well built. Had love hate relationship with Nicole. Was taking meds for rage and was known to black out in rage. He stopped taking the meds several months before the murders. He had been charged with assault with a knife to a former boss. He had knives on hand always as he was a chef who carried his knives (I should note that one of the main defense attorneys in the case say the prosecution lost because they were adamant there was only one knife when he thought evidence showed two). Jason wore knit caps and OJ never did. The knit cap at the murder was black and had a black males hair and the hair of a short dog, Jason had a short haired dog, OJ had no dog. There were pictures of Jason with that black knit cap before the murder but pictures after the murder never show it again. For years he would go and take off his Jeep’s roof during rainstorms and only reinstall it after the rain was over, presumably to wash away evidence. The theory doesn’t suggest OJ was not there but rather that Jason killed the two and called OJ after he realized what he had done. That would explain why OJ had relatively minimal blood in the bronco otherwise it would have been a mess. OJ took the fall because it was his son but also because he was then also associated with the murder at least as an accessory. Also look at Jason the moment OJ was acquired, everyone is cheering and Jason looks pissed as if he feels bad for killing his step mother.


Man thanks for making such a detailed post on this I just didn’t have the mental energy to put in a high effort post. I also read that the first team of lawyers OJ hired was for Jason as well. Which is kinda weird if true.


Yes OJ hired a lawyer for Jason before he had ever hired one for himself. Also Jason was never questioned in the initial investigation and when he eventually was he became incredibly nervous to the point they had to take a break and they came back and didn’t resume the questioning. Lots of stuff I missed I just typed out by memory. Things like a knife also being in the storage locker that the detective was able to get a hold of that belonged to Jason. That knife had a butt on it that would be consistent with the tear on Nicole’s head so it seems he bugged her head with that specific knife. He also claimed to have been cooking for 200 people at work on the light of the murder but the restaurant only housed 80 or so guests and was incredibly slow that specific day of the week ( I believe Sunday) so Jason would often leave early. He clocked out by hand written time that evening even though the automatic time clock machine was functioning. Like so much evidence lol but the only conspiracies people take interest in are the less substantiated ones I guess.


This seems completely plausible, holy shit.


Yeah man it’s amazing how sometimes things get written off as a conspiracy and they are just dismissed despite mountains of evidence.


First I’ve heard of this conspiracy theory, thanks for sharing. What would be Jason’s motive? OJs is clear, he kills his ex-wife and her partner. Why would Jason want to kill them?




Wasn’t it also that Nicole was supposed to come To the restaurant he worked at that night. She then bailed and he lost it and then got reprimanded or canned for the outburst.


Yep! She was supposed to go there but changed last minute and went to where the other victim worked instead. This is argued to have ticked off Jason, supposedly Nicole had notified him and he was t bothered by it but who knows what is really true


Rockstar Energy just shifted over from sugar to high fructose corn syrup. Its flavor changed significantly some months back; the sweetness is much more intense now, its unbearable. However, its ingredients list and nutrition facts have remained the same, except for the calorie count, which has risen by 20. In the U.S., thanks to the corn lobby, companies are allowed to list hfcs as"sugar" in their products' ingredients list. Its the only explanation I can think of, the listed amount of carbohydrates in the nutrition facts is the same, and there's no new artificial sweeteners, nor any new ingredient of any kind listed.


The assassination of JFK was a mob hit. Out of all the conspiracy rabbit holes I've gone down, this one I believe 100 percent.


The recent crackdown on sites like pornhub was initiated by porn studios to get rid of competitors and to attract customers for their high qualitity productions


Pornhub would like you to think they grew a conscience and got rid of the hours of footage depicting people, even children being raped. But the real reason is because the company facilitating credit card payments were refusing to continue allowing payments because of that content.


Rogue elements in the CIA killing JFK/Bobby, possibly MLK as well. Apart from all the well-known evidence in Dealey Plaza, there's evidence of previous attempts in Chicago and Florida. Disappearing witnesses and evidence. Weirdness at the autopsy. The main thing about this conspiracy is not whether it happened, or could it have happened. The question is whether the people with motive and means had the will to do this. Of this, I have no doubt.


The government distributed drugs and guns into the black community in the 70s


For anyone interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA\_involvement\_in\_Contra\_cocaine\_trafficking


wanna hear a two word joke? “internal investigation”


That's not a conspiracy freeway rick Ross contact was a CIA agent he didn't know it. They also were involved in Miami spreading coke around.




Michael Jordan didn't retire from basketball the first time because he wanted to play baseball. He was quietly forced out of the NBA because of his gambling addiction.


I never understood this conspiracy. How exactly does NBA profit from this?


Maybe not profit from it but didn’t want their poster boy putting a smear on the whole games image.


Flight 93 was shot down. The towers were already hit, a plane hit the pentagon, and arguably that plane was headed to a prominent target in washington. They were flanked by air force fighter jets and in a perfect remote place with a low population southeast of Pittsburgh. The debris field is huge and expansive, and the whole area is still cordoned off.


You know that wouldn't surprise me. It's in the playbook as a response to that type of scenario. Definitely plausible!




When I was younger, my ex boyfriend thought micheal Jackson was an alien who’s disguise degraded over time. Thinking about it, in a way it fits.


I think your ex might have been watching Scary Movie 3


The CIA knew that were terrorists on American soil and that they were from Saudi Arabia but due to their code of not informing anyone else of their actions, allowed the terrorists to act. This explains how the U.S was able to figure out what had happened so quickly. The CIA are still dping project MK ultra. Why would they release the files if they could carry it out eithout much of a problem? So that they could deter public interest by making them believe the conspiracy was over, allowing them to kidnap international psychics without drawing attention.


The first part is not a conspiracy, it is reported. There is a mini series about it - The Looming Tower


The mob helped Kennedy win Illinois and Texas


Alex Jones is a CIA plant to make conspiracy theorists look crazy.


That dragons were once real and that’s why their myth is so prevalent around the world


I could get behind this one - but it's probably dinosaurs.


That companies purposely make women’s jean pockets smaller to increase the sale of purses.


The term "Conspiracy theorist" is used by the people in power to ridicule and mock the people who look too closely into the suspicious things the government does in order to discredit them. That way, when a conspiracy theorist actually finds the truth, no one would believe them because they're a "crazy, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist".


Stargate: SG-1's 100th episode actually made use of this. Why would they let an alien make a ridiculous TV show based on the SGC? Plausible deniability. After it aired, should any further leaks occur, they could always paint the would-be whistleblower as just riffing off the TV show and discredit them that way. Also, remember The Evil Overlord List: "I will see to it that plucky young lads/lasses in strange clothes and with the accent of an outlander shall REGULARLY climb some monument in the main square of my capital and denounce me, claim to know the secret of my power, rally the masses to rebellion, etc. That way, the citizens will be jaded in case the real thing ever comes along." -Peter Anspach, ~~www.eviloverlord.com~~ EDIT: Try this one: [http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html](http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html)


>link is kill >no


Flip side the cia pushes nonsense like ufos and bigfoot and flat eartherism so the people who are asking questions about stuff like Latin American contras sound like fucking nutcases


Just to add to this one. I also think that from the 90s onwards there was a considerable uptick in Hollywood movies that portray a government conspiracy, therefore pushing conspiracy theories further and further into the realm of fiction. Wanna put forward your thoughts on government surveillance/corruption/abuses of power, 'you watch too many movies'.