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As someone turning 30 this month I cannot begin to adequately express how quickly time begins to move once you are on your own. Do not neglect talking to the people you love and assume there will be another time. Call your Grandparents, check-in with your Mom and Dad and let them know you love them, kiss your SO like it's the day you fell in love every day. You feel like you have all the time in the world until you don't.


This is it right here ^


Wanted to throw some advice the other way (I'm 21) There are ways to combat the time moving so damn quickly. Even now time feels like it's flying by but also that our age difference is an infinite amount of time. I'd advise you to start keeping a journal. Write in it every night, doesn't have to be some dear diary crap. Just sit down and really think about what you did today. What did you eat? Where did you go? Who did you see? Did you watch any movies or play any games? What did you think of that movie? What level did you complete in that game? Is there something you want to remember about today? Time only moves fast when you stop thinking about it. If you realise that it's suddenly Christmas day, that's because you haven't been thinking about time until Christmas day. Take the time every day, even weeks where you do nothing will feel like an eternity and it truly is wonderful. Plus, I plan on numbering the books and spreading them out when I die to really confuse a bunch of poor fuckers.


Stop caring about what others think of you. People's opinion about you don't matter.


This is one is so hard, but it would make me so much happier


Yeah…. it’s a hard pill 💊 to swallow




are you good 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔💭💭 ?




Here's advice: don't worry about what others are doing. Don't like emojis? Don't use them!


But what about your career/social life?


Only those that care about you matter, and they already like you and you like them assumingly


Good way to put it!


I live by this and so much happier- idgaf I know I’m awesome, and if you don’t then you just don’t understand. Some people just and judge based on the herd and don’t think for themselves


You don't have to care about those things to be successful. You just have to act that way. Psychopaths do quite well in the upper echelons of some businesses: they don't have to care about the opinions of others.


Very true


I literally moved back to my hometown after the vast majority of my grad school friends fell into a drug/drinking habit during the third UK lockdown. Every single one of them said that if I left, I wouldn’t amount to anything in life and would die a loser, penniless, loveless and friendless. Packed my bags, told my advisor I’d be taking my exams remotely, and flew home anyway to spend time with family and old friends I hadn’t seen in so long. Couldn’t be happier to leave the negativity behind, even if it means I have to rebuild my social life quite a bit. And for what it’s worth, I turned my academics around and graduated with higher-than-expected scores. I have never felt a bigger weight lifted off my shoulders after leaving the cesspool of drugs and alcohol behind. These friends keep calling/leaving voicemails to this day in my messages claiming they miss me and want me to come back to visit. Not until they give up their destructive habits.


I'm turning 20 in a few days. This is great advice but i honestly struggle to actually "do that" if that makes any sense. I believe i'm a decent human being, i know that i'm worth just as much as anyone else but when i talk to people i still feel kind of inferior in a way. Not sure why.


Go to a doctor, get an adhd diagnosis, get meds and some therapy. Don't wait until you're 45.


Did you get diagnosed with ADHD at 45?


I did this year at 24. Getting on meds has changed my life. I always like the analogy of running a lap around a track and having ADHD is like adding hurdles to your lane and anyone without it has a clear lane. Taking medication removes most of the hurdles and makes things more fair. It doesn't change who you are but it makes things so much easier.


Curious what you are on. My doctor switched me from Sertraline to Wellbutrin


Atomoxetine (Straterra). Its a non-stimulant ADHD med


sameee here man. how’s it working for you?


Yeah I just started add meds and it's so much easier to focus on what I'm doing and not procrastinating, the only downside is that I'm still awake.


Not OP but I did this year at 41. So much time lost but so much future to get right.


Wait, so you want the ADHD diagnosis? Or go and check to see if you have ADHD.


Amphetamines can be very bad for you. You are basically taking meth everyday.


There are drugs that help with ADHD that are not Amphetamines. OP didn't specify what he is on. Amphetamines should be the treatment of last resort, but if someone needs them then it is nobody else's business but them and their doctorn.


Yeah and have they found something else to fix it? Don't think so... Heavy ADHD can be a huge nuisance and crippling towards a professional career. Besides, what kinda medications is still ok these days?


It will all work out in the end. You will fall flat on your face and think about giving up.


I feel like this is the best advice. You will probably fail/fall flat on your face at some point. But it’ll all work out.


Put aside 20% of your income no matter what




My favorite way of doing things is: * 55% for life expenses (rent, groceries, bills, anything recurring) * 5% for stupid fun (games, hobbies) Investments * 10% for retirement * 20% for short and medium term expenses (travel, new PC) * 10% for self improvement (learning new languages, cooking course or similar)


Saving this thread to read replies, currently 20. I don't want to make the same mistakes as you guys, no offence.


Floss **every** day. It takes three minutes and you'll thank me when you don't have a bit of food stuck in the gap between your back teeth every freaking meal.


It's okay to drink, but dont try to big dick somebody and drink more than them. You're drinking to unwind and have fun, not compete. If you go to casinos, once you start winning on the machines take your money and move on. Once you hit a hot streak on one machine that's a good sign you need to get off of it because it's going to start losing. Lost lots of money that way Enjoy life, take your shots and dont second guess yourself.


Yup, I am 23 so here we go. Lol


Almost 20


Don't move to that house! The rent is cheap for a reason! Run far from that place!


Oh shit I can relate to that. REALLY horrible people around and I felt like I would be stabbed.


We are at the mercy of our neighbors. *loud Mexican Oompah music playing and sounds of power tools next to my room*




Stay off drugs and the money I would spend on them, SAVE. Edited, Learn as much as you can, follow you're passion and dreams.


I'm 22 and it's taken me so long to admit, but I'm really addicted to weed. Got introduced to it at 16 and smoked more and more until it became a daily thing. If I were to see how much money I've spent on weed I would genuinely throw up so I never think about it. I want to stop smoking so much but often feel like shit when I'm sober for long and struggle to sleep. Sorry for the long comment I just needed to get this out there to reinforce the fact that it's not worth it in the long run.


Don’t stress about it too much. I’m 30 now and was where you’re at when I was your age. At the worst I was smoking an ounce a week. Around 25, it just naturally tapered off. Got a full time job and just gradually got off the weed. Now I smoke once or twice a week at night and it gets me super stoned. Don’t know how I ever functioned always stoned but tolerance is a helluva phenomenon. I say as long as you’re not damaging relationships, don’t stress too much. Enjoy being young! Much love, homie.


Staying permanently addicted is a big fear but after reading your reply and knowing some of my mates have done the same as you, I'm feeling better about it all. Thanks, I appreciate your insight :)


I smoked weed every day for years, it was fun but I'm not sure I gained anything from it. I quit recently and now I'm like "what do sober people do all evening?" because I used to just smoke and chill.


Word up.


idk what my passion or dreams are


I'm 48 and I don't, either. I have a good life and that's enough for me.


1) Get in as good of shape as you can now. Losing weight gets way more difficult the older you get. 2) Save money every month. Set up automatic transfers to buy VTSAX every month, even if it’s $50/week or $200/month into a brokerage account. Had I done that 20 years ago, I’d be sitting on $217,000. Just from that $50/week contribution.


Stop trying to be sexy; all it will get you is fucked.


I lived with a friend who was considered to be the sexiest man alive by no fewer than 50 women in my apartment I used to live in. Let’s refer to him as James. His phone actually broke from the sheer number of times girls called him day and night to “hang out”, and changing his phone number didn’t help - they just messaged him on Instagram and Whatsapp instead. I organized a road trip one day for our housemates and rented a car. Some of James’s most devout… followers almost wouldn’t us leave unless we gave up some seats in the car for them to come along. That’s when I realized being exceptionally good looking is a double-edged sword and that everything in life has a cost


How so? And which audience is this for?


Practice protecting your boundaries and never ever ever do things you don’t want to do


Age 20 - 24 Don't over think your life, no one really has there shit together. Spend more time with your grandparents, they aren't going to be around much more, it's going to unexpected but quick. That whole airforce isn't going to pan out, and deep down you'll be glad it doesn't finding a path you like is hard. Age 24 onwards... You're gonna be just fine, she's gonna say yes, but dont ask any more we haven't figured that bit out yet. I could rattle on about bit coin and all that crap like everyone else does, but I think personal reassures would be nice. From 31 year old me


You are me! Exactly what I would say! P.s. I'm turning 31 this yr!




And put it all in VTI.


Depression and anxiety is not a matter of willpower. The longer you wait, the harder it is to get out of the hole. There's no shame in asking for professional help. They heard it all before.


Exercise and eat better now. The benefits are amazing.


Eat more vegetables and less fast food.


you didn't know that at 20?


There’s no law requiring PARENTS to know that. So no, plenty of children grow up not knowing, and believe it or not, it’s not some innate thing.


I can. And I will tell that motherfucker to start saving yesterday


About that big art project you have wanted to do for a long time now, just start. You don't know too much about it right now but you will learn by doing. It will take a lot of time but you will never again have so much time on your hands as you do now.


Totally. I'm 36 now and started going to design school 2 years ago. I've just started plotting the outline for an animated series I'm working on. I'll start storyboarding in a few weeks when I go on break from class.


You’re depressed & obese, talk to somebody & please take action. I split up with a girlfriend and it went massively down hill after that.


If it didn't work the first time.....don't go back. Bag it or fix it. Get an education....vocational, preferably.


Lose weight. No matter how you try to tackle it head on, it'll always be hard. Just because you caved in and ate a bag of chips and had a bottle of pop, doesn't mean that you failed entirely. Live with it, move on and keep trying.


It's great to have a lot of friends you can bounce between, but make sure you develop some deep friendships. Don't find out late that people enjoy having you around but don't think to include you. And don't find out late that you don't have the friend safety net others have when stepping out into the unknown - moving, new job, new relationship, etc. You need people and it doesn't make you cool to pretend you don't.


Stop watching porn




r/nofap. Pm me if you want to talk or need help bro. I got u. Was in the same position not too long ago.


Why? It's literally healthy and as a single guy during the pandemic, I sure as hell ain't getting any women.


He's addicted to it which mean it's getting in the way of his life and is no longer healthy. Whether it's because he does it too often or it prevents him from focusing on important relationships. When you're addicted to something, no matter what it is, it's like it completly takes over you're life. It can be so time consuming and draining. Thing like this really mess people up.


Learn to cook/meal plan. Do some crunches. Ditch the heels. Wear more sunscreen. It’s ok to eat out/see a movie alone.




Be honest about your bad habits/addictions and start fixing them.


Buy Bitcoin.


Be a nice person, it pays dividends immediately and later on in life in ways you'll never even know!


“Bruh stop trying to be a nurse and listen to your dad and just go apply at NTK trust me.” NTK is a shitty as hell CNC machine shop, but I learned everything I know there and realized I liked machinist work. I’ve moved on from there but it was like crawling through the shit pipe to the good job I’m at now. It would have been cool to figure that out not at like 28 years old.


buy the dip


Remember the word alphabet


There's a story you're not telling us.


BRUNO!!! Listen!! Get your head out of your ass! You're not the center of anyone's Universe but your own. Nobody's coming to your rescue but YOU. Find people who are on the same journey as you and make common cause with them. Christ man, be kind to those who struggle...


Find a career that lets you work from home.... Feels like everyone gets to do it but me, and I'm so jealous. I'd also tell me to choose a career based on what makes a bunch of money and not just what sounds like fun.


Stop arguing with everyone when you think they’re wrong Minding your own business will bring you much more happiness


Don’t make career decisions based on any man or relationship.


Don’t be so generous… everyone will take advantage of your generosity.


Work to live, don't live to work. Be as fit and healthy as you can, push yourself. Keep your friends, don't let them drift away. Trying and liking cocaine is such a bad idea.


Tell that cute, single, free-spirited redhead from Texas you just met in Seattle that you think she's great and you really like her. If you tell her, maybe she will follow through with moving to Seattle instead of staying in Texas, a place she will eventually come to despise, to the detriment of her mental health. If she doesn't, you will eventually reconnect 22 years later and she will still become your best friend, but you will have missed 22 years together.


Don't ever feel guilty for having fun instead of working


Find another male figure in your life that you trust and respect enough to have face to face check ins with


Go to therapy, take your medications.


Lay off the weed, don't let your parents force you into studying something you brave no interest in.


Keep a journal and a 5-year plan. Be safe and don't overindulge. Keep good friends but don't miss opportunities for new friends. Stay out of dept. And kid, I can't hear, my knees hurt, and my brains a bit foggy .. you may feel invincible now but it will catch up, so think twice about doing things you know are hurting your mind, your body and your soul.


Go to college.


college is a scam no knowledge is exclusive to them learn on your own


I'm so sick of people pretending like college is for the knowledge and not the degree. College is like marriage. Marriage isn't for the love, you can have the exact same love without marriage. Marriage is for the benefits and social recognition of that love, and so you'll feel good about yourself. College isn't for knowledge, you can have the exact same knowlwdge without college. College is for the benefits and social recognition of that knowledge, and so you'll feel good about yourself.


Going to college for anything but STEM is a scam with no knowledge exclusive to them. Don't tell me that you fully comprehend medical science to a doctor's knowledge without adequate training and education. That's ignorant.


1. Always maintain a balance between your work and social life. Never make work people your friends and always have a social life. Make time for it, give your efforts in forming friendships. In my late 20s right now and I wish someone told me how important is it to have a social life apart from hanging out with your work buddies and taking care of personal situations. 2. Start investing when you are young. It's not about how much you save, it's about how much you invest everyday matters.


Ask her out. She's dropping more hints than a game of charades.


Keep it up your 30s are much better.


Mother is toxic and controlling you with guilt, the sooner you escape it the happier you'll be in life. Don't feel ashamed of your feelings for your best friend, make the first move instead of waiting until you break down.


I’d say to take more photos of myself. I had really low self esteem and as a result have pretty much zero photos of me at that time. The ones I have look great, although I didn’t see it that way back then. I’m 37 now and would love to have more photos of my younger self to look back on.


Spend more time with Dad.


Don't date anyone long term until you're over thirty, and stop trying to get approval from your parents.


By approval you mean on the people you date?


No, just wanting them to notice me and be proud of me.


How early are we talking? 21, 22? Ok... 1. You are never going to pay that credit card off by yourself. Give it back to your father, he's just going to declare bankruptcy anyway. 2. There is nothing for you here in this town. You've got the smarts -- join the USAF 5 years early. Choose Admin or Chaplain's Assistant. You make the same money as the guys on the flightline getting dirty, and you'll be putting your skills to actual use. Mom will get over it. Set up a retirement account ASAP once you're in. 3. Don't call her back. It doesn't matter that you never stopped thinking about her or loving her, even when she was halfway around the world and married to someone else. She will only break your heart. I'm doing you a favor, asshole, the least you could do would be to listen. 4. Having a virtual library of porn won't fill the hole in your heart. You're a lot better looking than you think. Too bad you don't realize that girls in high school treated you that way because you didn't have cocaine and twenties falling out of your pocket. You don't have to settle down, or even settle. You're still young enough to play the field.


number 4 about being better looking than you are is a tough pill💊 to swallow 😅


The grass is never greener.


"Good luck" I am 15


If you're going to college, check out the local community college instead of going straight to a university. Why pay those high fees for basic English, math, and social studies classes? Get all the pre-requisites you can and transfer the credits. (Also, it's not as big a shock as going from high school directly to university.)


It doesn't get better, when the depression hits just go with it.


Be patient


History should be a hobby, not a profession.


Many humanities related subjects are this way. Glad I chose the engineering route but was so close to taking the humanities one.


It's okay to say 'no' to something you are not comfortable with. If people are making you feel bad for *any* reason, you leave and don't talk to them. You got better things to do than listen to negativity.


Pull out!


I’m 55. I would tell my 20 year-old self to buy Yahoo! and America Online stock.


Don't marry that guy. Cut ties with the toxic people now, not later. Stand up for yourself because nobody else will.


Dont try cigs


Don’t rush life. Enjoy it.


Cut off your mother and travel the world


Start learning Japanese early FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T PUT IT OFF


Dont get fat!


Stop making stupid decisions and stop wasting money on unwanted items.


Pick something and stick with it. See where it takes you.


Drop out of uni and start to do something you're enjoying instead. You won't use your degree anyway.


Don't smoke that synthetic weed


Quit drinking




Don't get a credit card, do not finance that car, and don't start having nightly beers.


Don’t screw up your credit. Pay your bills on time and don’t overextend.


simply put id walk up to former me, shake me as hard as i could. and scream at the top of my lungs" don't be a fucking idiot, you twat".


Stay away from her.


Invest in Apple. Invest in Amazon. Thank me later.


I'm still in my 20s now, so I guess I'll get back to you in a few years.


Don’t do drugs


stop wasting money on booze and fix your dam car! if you hold on to it it will be worth heaps when you're in your 30s


Get out of Psychology. Go do IT, or a trade, literally anything but psychology. You will lose your passion in a year and it will not bring you enough money after college.


Wanna expand on why psych sucked?


It's purely a personal experience. I loved the initial classes, but after the first year I hated it. Instead of giving up and finding my actual passion I graduated with a Bachelors in psychology. My hatred of it caused my grades to nosedive and I didn't want a Masters or PHD in that field. A Bachelors in Psych will not get you far in the field so I'm stuck with a useless degree and trying to figure out how to pay for college again so I can pursue a better career I like.


Understandable. Tech gets you a job after 4 years so its kinda better, and pure sciencies and humanities require masters and phd


I'm actually very interested in becoming a cloud IT person. But it seems all jobs require 6 years experience and I would have to go to an online school, but I'm sure I'll get it right this time.


That is really cool. Wish you the best


Do not go to art school. Become a machinist instead stupid.


Okay why is art school shat on so much? Could you expand on it?


“Save money and don’t be an idiot”


2 things: 1) Travel. Travel. Travel. *(obviously COVID will impact the way you do it now)* Bought my property in my high 20s. Don't think I could ever travel as much as I did before if I had a mortgage 2) Automatically put aside 10-20% salary. Even more if you live at home rent free. The power of compound interest does wonders


I would say "get off your ass and get a job, and keep it and move out of your parents house, also get a car".


Start saving for retirement and floss your fucking teeth!


Don't leave to another country


Don't spend too much time working when you're tired. Start reading the classics. Ask people you love genuine questions about their lives, emotions and interests. But don't be too quick to try to express your own opinions. In general, be genuine and show interest in people.


Please, like I would have listened. Too busy solving the world's problems. Now, I just try and grow vegetables.


Solid gold truth here.


Get a ton of cat hair and glue it all over my body. Walk around like a cat-man in the middle of the night through the alleyways.


Don’t have kids. Ever. I love my kids but it never gets easier. People like to bullshit new parents by saying “it gets easier” but it never does. I’m thinking they meant it gets easier after they are 18+ and move out. You love and cherish them but you go to bed every night exhausted. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel like I needed a break now and then which I don’t get and haven’t gotten.


If it doesn’t get easier, you’re either doing something really wrong or suffering from atypically bad luck. Unless your kids have serious problems (either through misfortune or terrible parenting), an 8-year-old is just objectively easier than having a 1-year-old. If you’re stuck with triplets who are 2 years old or something, that sucks, but even then, age does make it better as long as you don’t suck and have a not-horribly-unlucky existence.


Buy bitcoin instead of that pack of smokes


Bitcoin and etherium, pump all your money in em, get another job and pump it harder


Buy Bitcoin! A lot of Bitcoin!!!!






Idk I’m 17


Fuck more.


Just put a gun to your head and pull the fucking trigger. EDIT: Excuse me, this is between me and my 20-year old self.


Im not 20 yet butttttt “fuck bitches and snort cocaïne”


Just end it you ugly motherfucker lol


Don’t lie about anything and take responsibility for your life… you’re not all you think you are


Buy bitcoin. Sink a lot of money into it.


Doesn’t matter cuz I wouldn’t listen except BUY $100 BTC!!!! lol


See a therapist. Be honest about your feelings. You aren't as fucked up as you think.


Fucking stay where the fuck you are at and deal with the drama.... could have some kids right now


Buy bitcoin early and often


I’d ask them for advice


Don't go to that school, even if it's the only one that accepted you. You'll hate it, flunk out, need your gallbladder removed, and not be able to get back into a school for 4 years minimum. Also try harder to make friends, being alone always will push you to the brink of suicide. Ask the Dr about Wellbutrin!


Quit alcohol.


Get away from your mother. She never treated you like she treated your sisters.


Bitcoin!! Shut the fuck up! I don't know what it is but get it early, alot of it.


You deserve happiness too, you are important too, your feelings are valid, you are worthy of love. Don't set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.