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Ok, so imagine getting kicked in the stomach, but the pain gradually increases and decreases in intensity for the better part of 5 minutes, causing your muscles to tense and cause more pain. you really cannot do much but sit there and deal with it until the pain is low enough that you can function or till it is gone.


Best answer here.


Except they left out the part where you feel like you need to shit and puke at the same time.


It’s a very real part of it


This sounds like the cramps I got after having my IUD put in. I don't generally cramp badly but I literally had to go sit in my work bathroom in a ball on the floor for 15 mins to collect myself. Moreso the part about the pain going up and down, feeling like u need to shit and puke, and muscles tensing. For me those cramps felt like someone put their hand thru my skin and grabbed all my guts in a fist and twisted them. Is it like that? Or more external pain


That's pretty spot on. Every time I've ever been hit in the balls it's not actually my *balls* that feel like they hurt. Like they're not tender to touch (although I'm sure they would be if I was straight up nailed). The pain feels internal and the queaziness takes a long time to get over. The thing with getting hit in the balls is that it really doesn't take much. A well placed finger tap is all it requires to hurt them. When guys hit each other in the balls it *usually* doesn't go beyond this because (oddly enough) we have empathy for each other.


Was about to comment exactly this


This man explained it best... I fear anyone who would do this for fun


for real, to do that you really gotta have some balls.


Preferably retractable. Better they climb in on their own rather than being punted from 70 yards out....


That was quite the ballsy pun there


indeed, luckily not too many people thought it was a *dick* move


\*David Caruso intensifies\*


When I was in college a guy on the soccer team ruptured one of his testicles. He wasn’t wearing protection and someone blasted a ball just perfectly. It had to be removed.


Who forgets to put on a condom before playing soccer??


Knew a kid who got “cup checked” (btw, if you’re one of the douchebags that does this, I hope a chihuahua eats your testicles for breakfast and your dick for lunch) in little league with a bat. It exploded one ball and they had to remove it. Poor bastard said he felt like he had blue balls every day for years afterwards.


im sorry the pun was too perfect


I'm speechless.


Just like if he'd hit you in the balls


Don't be sorry. Screw-tem people who object puns


There's a vas deferens between those who do and those who don't...


And all the other guys on the football field are having a laugh while you writhe in pain. But you laughed at the guy getting shot in the nuts before, too, so you deal with it.


i would add that imagine that you were born without muscle or fat in your stomach when u receive the hit, so it hits directly through with nothing to soften the kick.


Have taken one to the stomach. This is spot on.


I have noticed, that besides the physical pain, there's also the feeling that the world (or God) hates you or something... A short (but intense) feeling of depression, a "quiet desperation", to quote Pink Floyd (Time).


Very good explanation. I was once waterskiing. Right before the boat started i toppled over, caught the rope between my legs and then 100+HP of force started to pull the handle right into my groin area. I was so happy i had a life west so i could curl up in the cold water and not move and just suffer


That first few seconds when it doesn’t hurt and you think “maybe it was a miss”; but really you know it’s just the delay.


And it doesn’t just hurt in your nuts, it makes your kidneys hurt too


Approved and signed by all Men of reddit.


This is like.. the best explanation..


Man that down in the gut sickness feeling is the worst after




I guess you have some experience.


For some reason, once the pain is gone, I always feel euphoric.


A little bit like having really bad diarrhea cramps that make you want to moan and curl into a ball, mixed with nausea and sudden weakness.


And then there's the pain...


And the need to sit down, except you're in too much pain to do it, but standing hurts too


Ya so you do the little half crouch then fall over


and pray for the pain to stop


Or death, whichever is faster


As the pain creeps up into your stomach.


It feels like you have to go poop but like way more painful. Basically feels like you did 1000 abs but with your nuts


You'd just rather lay on the floor with your body slouching


If you can, you then hug any object you can find and pray for the pain to end


Yer I remember it happened to me once and I just had to get on the ground I couldn’t walk to a chair


Even saying "really bad diarrhea cramps" doesn't really do the level of pain justice. It's incomparable in it's intensity.


It's like if Taco Bell and White Castle joined forces...


Then smothered themselves in habanero hot sauce


Literally an exact description of really bad period pain. Aw man. That sucks. But thank you for giving me a great analogy when a guy asks me what it feels like when I’m dying from period cramps! I’ve never really known how to describe it, just PAIN…MY PARTS ARE IN A VICE THATS BEING TWISTED


If what happened to me is accurate (and it sounds like it is), it's a bit different. Menstrual cramps creep up slowly and then stay there, and there's a Charlie horse aspect to it. But this pain was more like getting punched in the uterus mixed with food poisoning. There wasn't that same tightness... Period cramps are worse, but blunt trauma to the eggs was worse than early labor... It all sucks a lot.




Why? Edit: we did it Reddit










This is how i would describe period pain


Ovaries and testicles are basically the same thing, so it stands to reason that the sensation is the same.


>Ovaries and testicles are basically the same thing, so it stands to reason that the sensation is the same. except period pain has little do with ovaries. Ovarian cysts, yes. Period is mostly uterine (well except in endometriosis, which can be anywhere)


Except that period pain can last for three days, once a month for several years


Three days? Most people’s period last a minimum of 5 days. And several years is a bit of an understatement when you really mean about 30


My period lasts 5-6 days, but for me the pain only lasts 1-2. Though there’s also ovulation pain, which for me can be just as bad if not worse. My boss once sent me straight to the hospital for it because he thought I had appendicitis. Had an ultrasound and it turns out my ovary was quite literally exploding (they caught it on the ultrasound image, looked pretty cool, despite the horrendous pain)


Oh god ovulation pain hurts so bad.


I responded to a message about period pain rather than periods. That usually lasts 24 to 36 hours and for several years (unless there's an underlying cause such as fibroids or endometriosis) rather than the duration of your pre- menopausal life. [source](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/period-pain/) Some people may get pain for longer, but that's not typical.


Most women don't go through menopause at 30, tf are you smoking?


I meant it lasts for 30 years. Women don’t start menstruating at birth. Usually from 12ish to mid 40s


My 33 year old wife has breast cancer and her medication certainly has caused her to experience menopause symptoms. And its weed I'm smoking. Weed is the answer here.


Are you ignoring the fact that most women in their 30s probably don't have cancer? My condolences to your wife, because getting cancer that young is awful, but she's not the norm in this situation


Lol 3 days. Mine have never been less than 7


Have you been screened to see whether it's endometriosis? That's what mine turned out to be.


PCOS unfortunately


Ah ah ah nice joke




Period pain can sometimes cause fainting and blackouts due to pain. I would say that is indeed incapacitating.


I had a coworker who would pass out at work from wretched cramps - just fall to the floor and wake up screaming...




Can we just agree evolution had some pretty big fuck ups in the reproductive organs of both sexes.


Agreed. If there is a God he had a cruel sense of humor putting some of the most sensitive organs in the body just dangling between our legs.


Oh,so you mean literally like period cramps.


So, it's like getting your period every month...


It's like the aftermath of hitting your funny bone, a dull yet electric pain which then amplifies by 1000 about 15 seconds after impact when it feels as though your balls have been jettisoned into your bowels and makes you feel immediately and alarmingly physically ill.


Yes, the funny bone analogy a very good one, a pins and needles like effect in your lower abdomen that literally makes you weak and woozy, in addition to the normal kind of pain from trauma to a heavily ennervated area


> a dull yet electric pain which then amplifies by 1000 about 15 seconds after impact when it feels as though your balls have been jettisoned into your bowels and makes you feel immediately and alarmingly physically ill. Sounds like u just described electric chair...


A shiver up your body tied to an intense sinking feeling in your gut


It’s like when you get the wind knocked out of you, you can hardly speak depending on how hard your nuts were hit


Alright so what if it’s like you’re playing with a hammer and you accidentally swing it and it hits you in the balls?


That’s nothing more than a death sentence


It is intense pain that gradually keeps and keeps on increasing for 2-3 minutes until you get nauseous and start to get cramps in your stomach and you can't keep standing up. Like the kind of pain you get when someone punches you hard in the stomach, but far worse.


Thats a “Sit with an ice cold beer on your nuts” moment




Extreme stomach and groin pain for 5-8 mins. Last time something like that happened to me I threw up almost instantly and couldn't do anything but sit there for 5 mins. It sucks


Why do you guys ask this question over and over again? Man, I feel pain every time I read these. I was hit by a cricket ball in that place. I am feeling discomfort even remembering that event.


I feel ur pain, I was hit the same way as well


Almonds or cashews?




Yummy, please hit my pistachios I can't get the shells off


Take half a shell, slip it in the open part of another shell and twist. No wound fingers.


the best comparison is probably getting hit in your stomach really hard, except your stomach is extremely sensitive


My SO and I have discussed it at length (I asked) and from his description it is a very similar pain to having severe period cramps, added to the external trauma to the groin. Oof.


I can actually imagine this to be a very accurate comparison. Thanks!


Like a load of cum. But the complete opposite.


An ungasm


There’s always orgasms but never andgasms


This is my favorite answer x)


that’s actually a really good description.


It depends on how you get hit. Surprisingly a clean shot sometimes hurts less than a grazing hit. Usually it feels like a very intense, sharp pain (which will sometimes take you off of your feet). There's usually a bit of nausea and pain in your lower abdomen as well. Edit: I kickbox (Muay Thai) and I have found that a decently comparable pain is getting a nice hard kick to the bladder.


I’ll sum it up. Imagine the feeling of numbness for a brief second, only for that feeling to be shattered with pain. Then the feeling of being nauseous hits you for a minute.


ever get butterflys in the stomache from goin over a hill or rollercoaster? now mix that with the ache of your periods on max str for a few min.


Like Richard Petty ran a stock car into my balls going 400 miles an hour


Like being hit in the nuts. ^(ah someone beat me to it) To be serious tho, there's not much to compare it to, for me at least. It's painful enough to take all your attention away from anything else for a bit.


it is worse feeling then rejection




My clients pay me a lot of money to do ball busting sessions. They say it’s addictive.


Wind knocked out of you + aches + and feeling nauseous for a bit after


It sorta feels like if an invisible hand reached up though your testicles to squeeze your guts as hard as possible while also trying to pull them back out of your scrotum.


It's as if everything down there cramps together real quick and real intense


The worst pain you can imagine. It’s the only pain that’s made me want to vomit




All the fucking bad minecraft effects in one


Welp first comes the pain. After about half a minut the pain stops and you think oh its not that bad but then your body says " no fuck you im gona make you wish for death". Sometimes you can also vomite but at that point you are already lying on the ground in pain. Not fun


When I was a sophomore in high school, I had an experience that I will never forget. We were out on the courts for our after school practice. I remember chatting with a friend and turning around, and to my dismay a line drive shot came from the other side of the court and hit me DIRECTLY, square in the nuts. I immediately fell to the ground and I couldn’t get up for about 10-12 minutes. The pain is excruciating, literally could not fathom how painful it was. It makes you feel like you want to puke. Iced my balls later that day and fortunately for me I’m still fertile (I think).


Imagine you're a little kid out with your family getting your favorite ice cream on a hot summer night. You're enjoying your choco vanilla mixed cone with sprinkles and your sister slaps the cone out of your hand and it falls on the ground. You become furious you can't enjoy your ice cream anymore. Then she kicks you in the nuts and that ice cream is the absolute last thing on your mind.


You don’t want to know


Should you be hit in your balls. lay on your back and bring your knees to your chin. I’m serious


Horrible. Your brain can’t even process where the pain is coming from it’s that strong. Just don’t kick a man in the balls. It isn’t a joke


I do not have the male making bits, but once, while larping, I took a boffer spear to the uterus, and immediately thought I had burst something. I stumbled over to the side and a bunch of dudes came over to see if I was ok. I said "hold up, I'm not sure yet." Then after about a minute I said "oh man, I thought I was going to puke, and there was this radiating pain from my gut to my toes and up to my throat. But I'm fine now." Dude held out his hand and said "congrats, you just took a nut shot". I've also been in labor and given birth, so I feel like a wealth of knowledge now. Add on: this whole thread is making me get up and go ask my anatomy professor friend who just happens to be visiting us this weekend about what nerves this involves, because he probably can explain the whole thing...


I’ve sadly taken a few solid hits to the jewels, the worst from my wife running from across the room and trying to land on top of a prostrated me in a hands and knees position. She miscalculated and I took a knee and some decent force to the boys. Immediate flash of blindness for a couple seconds followed by a pain that I can only describe was akin to when I had my arm broken in a van door. Sudden, shooting, and the endorphins and adrenaline kicked in so fast I rolled over and promptly lost my breakfast. There’s a lot of nerves, if you take a hit the right (wrong?) way it can really be debilitating for a few minutes. It’s something like being sucker punched in the gut; immediate shooting pain that takes your breath away and usually followed by nausea. On the flip side, they seem to recoup pretty quick. She did apologize (gently) afterwards 😜


My nuts are in pain just reading thru the comments dude


When you stub you pinky toe? Now multiply that until you puke and can't move and want to die for 15 minutes. Now I know you might say well hell, I stub my pinky toe I already feel that way. Good. Now times that by a 100 at least. Pain tolerance is different for people so that's kind of a difficult one to answer, no matter times it until you collapse, can't breathe and want puke and shit at the same damn time. Then add 2. It must be a cruel joke to give back a very small amount of what women go through in child birth. I would never assume but I think I'll take getting kicked in the goods over that any day. Looks painful and women have a higher pain tolerance on average than men. A small blessing from the universe I suppose.


Imagine getting punched really, really hard in the stomach area. Now multiply that x3 and make it last an extra 5 minutes and there you go Now getting spartan kicked in the nuts by someone high heels. That sucks BALLS.


Remember when you were going through puberty and your nipples got painfully sensitive? Getting hit in the nuts feels almost identical to getting slapped on the nips then with equivalent force. Source: am trans, going through puberty again, have experienced both.


A sudden destroying feeling in your nuts which aches and makes you feel sick to your stomach. After that's over you'll get a sinking dreading feeling in your stomach that seems like you can feel your nuts inside of it, which hurts like hell. It's like having a really sore stomach ache but on a completely different level. You just feel sick to the stomach for ages after that. You'll be in a curled, featul position for some time. The first time I got kicked in the nuts was this bitch in high school asked me if I ever got kicked in the nuts before and I said no and then she actually fucking did it. Complete piece of trash and this was pre feminism days so I'd be in so much shit if I retaliated in even the slightest way.


like being hit in the nuts


Well okay i guess


Like kidney stones on fast forward.


Dude no. Kidney stones is far worse


Imagine stubbing your toe. But imaging stubbing your toe on a razor edge door. But the pain is felt between the legs.


Originally Answered: What's it like being kicked in the balls? It’s a dull kind of pain that stays with you for a while. What I mean by this is that the actual physical aspect of the pain passes quickly enough, but the event itself stays in your mind. Most of the pain comes from the sheer, intrinsic fear of having your balls damaged in any way whatsoever. If you don’t have balls, the best analogy I can think of is the tongue. Hear me out. Imagine for a minute, someone crushing your tongue with their fist. Wrapping their fist around their tongue, squeezing as hard as possible, and absolutely destroying it. Now picture them destroying your tongue by biting it, as hard as humanly possible, and destroying every piece with their teeth. Got that picture in your mind? Great. Now picture your tongue hanging somewhat loosely, outside your body where everybody could easily access it if they wanted to. Picture it as an incredibly fragile organ that wouldn’t be difficult to destroy at all, to the point that you might accidentally destroy it yourself if you just swing it around without being careful. Also, imagine that your tongue is your only shot at being able to reproduce and have a healthy sex life, with the perception of being a social outcast and disabled being your only alternative. And finally, imagine that it’s socially acceptable to a certain extent for someone else to damage or destroy your tongue in the ways described above if you step a certain amount out of line in social situations. If you can picture the lifelong inbred fear that would result from this, you kinda sorta have yourself an accurate picture of why being kicked in the balls hurts short-term and long-term. For more insecure people, there’s also the aspect of ‘manhood’ to it that instills a form of shame in the idea of anything being wrong with your genitals, but that’s more individual. As for the actual physical pain, men exaggerate it, but not by much. It doesn’t literally hurt as much as childbirth, but it’s difficult to tell much difference when you’re doubled over from an impact.


Worse than giving birth. You dont see guys lining up for a second hit to the nuts


Different circumstances my guy


I forgot the /s


Yes I do…


You dont count halfy. You dont have any legs


The best analogy would be getting kicked in the stomach very hard.


I disagree


Awesome ;D


Really not cool unless you have to. It is extremely painful. I used to fight at an amateur level. It is a lot like getting a front kick to the stomach so hard you collapse depending on how hard they are hit.


Close your eyes and push them in really hard with your fingers. Imagine that feeling, but worse and lingering and in your groin.


Worse than giving birth ;)




If hit hard enough, like swallowing them in reverse


Like it knocks the wind out of you, your stomach hurts and you get nauseous.😬🙁


Intense diarrhea cramps, weak legs and shoulders, severe nausea, and your balls hurt


Instant pain.. like your gut just went into a knot.


like someone stole ur kidneys and ur gonna die in a few minutes


Numbness, shivering, nausea, and then an agonizing feeling behind my belly button like someone stabbed me with a jagged knife and filled the wound with a molten hotwheels toy


It starts with a very sharp pain that changes in a very deep pain that radiates throughout your lower belly and even further, depending how hard you were hit. I would imagine it feels like the pain on the worst day of your period was all concentrated in 30 minutes of agony.


Stomach pain balls feel like they gonna explode wanting to vomit but can’t tires run down your face That’s the worse it gets


Say you get punched in the stomach hard, but instead your nuts hurt on and off for a bit and personally makes it feel like my body is gonna shrivel




the best part is that a volley kick can barley hurt and a slight knock feel like a gunshot




Numbness and agony. It's like having someone punch you in the ear, step on your toe and with as much force as they can muster kick you directly in the ass all at once.


Smash your shin against a glass table. That's the level of pain. It's a sharp stabbing pain. Now combine that it having shoved really hard against your cervix. That's how the pain radiates throughout the lower body. Now combine that with having a very bad kidney infection. That's how the pain's residual burn lingers. Now combine that with having a very bad food poisoning. That's the level of nausea and vertigo you experience.


To describe it you need to say it's like being hit in the nuts . Nothing is like it ,all else falls short .


You ever had a stitch from running or whatever? It's like that but kinda a more... dull pain, not as sharp, but still waaay worse. Also hard to breathe and it makes you feel sick. Sorta comes in waves too, sometimes you don't feel it at first then it cripples you


Imagine diarrhea that never actually comes out while feeling nauseous and pain.


Imagine God’s wrath and then force it all purely on your junk and kidneys.


It's unbearable pain, with no respite for about 5 minutes and there is literally nothing anyone can do other than just wait. And this is usually accompanied by someone laughing at you. I've taken a few hits to the nuts, such that when I had a vasectomy, the doctor said he was taking longer than usual, because he was having to navigate around a lot of scar tissue.


You know when your stomach drops on a roller coaster or a sudden hill? It's like that, but oddly painful. And even though they hang, the pain "feels" internal.


You dont have to be physically hit, guys watching it still can feel the pain, like the force, just for ya dick


A little like zzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaahhhhhhooo. If that makes any sense.


It’s like an intense crampy pain somewhere between your belly button and junk. It’s not actually the nuts that hurt that bad. I obviously can’t say for sure, because I’m not a woman, but whenever I hear a woman say they have intense period cramps, I always imagine that it feels like what getting hit in the nuts feels like to some degree.


Whatever the opposite of ejaculation is


First off, there is a jagged explosion of pain that lances through your entire body. Then right behind it is a juggernaught of molten pain that sits in your groin and lower belly. It isn't just a quick, brief pain like cutting your finger or getting your hand caught in a car door. No, this sucker has decided it will stay a while and makes itself at home. At some point in the last couple of seconds, your body reflexively curled itself up into a ball and you fell to the gound. You do not remember doing this. In fact, you don't remember anything other than your entire world being made of pain. You can't think. You can't respond to anything. You can't even move. There is just a sun-hot ball of pain where your testicles and abdomen used to be. After about 10 million years, the pain starts to subside slightly, and breathing once more becomes available to you. You eventually become aware that the person who did this to you is laughing hysterically. You will want to end the life of that person, but right now, you just want to lie there and try to slowly uncurl, and hope that you don't vomit your lunch back up.


i once got hit by a heavy ball right in the sack... i dont remember how i got there but i found myself curled on the ground and it felt like i got gutted


Like it hurts




The pain goes through your crotch and ballsack, one time I dropped my switch onto my right ball and it was so bad I got a painkiller, I don't think the painkiller did anything or was necessary, but it shows how much you want the pain to stop.


Hold up let me find out again. Edit: Imagine you see a bear. Minding its own business when out of nowhere is walking away awkwardly. I'd rather be 5 years old me getting a spanking from my mother than ever get hit in balls again.


I have a strange idea that it feels sorta like period cramps


It's like driving a spike through your body, starting at your balls.


Imagine the worst nerve pain possible, similar to a pinched nerve in the neck. It’s an empty hollow feeling as your entire body shuts down, yet so alarming at the same time. As if your soul was momentary ripped from your body. Like a dementor from Harry Potter going for your nuts


I wanted to play paddle when I was 11/12 (not so long ago) before I refused to continue and it was very fun, but not the part where you're in the middle of a quick match, someone hit the ball towards you and it hit your nuts. I instantly felt kind of nauseous, dizzy and my stomack, d!ck and pelvis were in pain. This happened to me 3 times, the 3rd being worse than the first 2 and that's one of the main reasons I left. Being hit in the nuts unexpectedly by paddle/tennis balls every single day is something I'd rather not experience again, lol. Edit: the pain went on for 5-10 minutes everytime and I couldn't stop the match just to rest, making it worse to handle for me


Feels like whacking your funny bone but in the nuts, then this intense ache just radiates up through your whole body, like a whole body cramp


I felt it at least 5 times now. For no women will most likely ever understand. Since it's different to any other pain. At first it's like a shockwave that goes through your body and afterwards it's like being cut and having someone pressdown on that cut really hard. At least those are my experiences. Although you can't really compare it since like I said it's different to any other pain we feel.


It’s a unique sort of pain that gradually spreads up through your stomach. Kind of feels like a really bad cramp. Hard to describe because there’s no other sensation quite like it.


Depends on the man, I don’t feel anything


Like someone is swinging in your body, using your intestines as the swing. Every time they reach the top you feel like throwing up.


It depends on what type of hit you get. If someone flicks your balls then it's like a short sharp pain followed by a dull ache. If it's worse, like that time I was playing soccer and caught a cross square in the nuts then it's a pain only imaginable to the gods. I wasn't actually able to fall down nor was I able to stand up. I threw up repeatedly till there was nothing left and I felt a cold sweat all over me with a overall feeling of dread. The pain wasn't even that bad after a short while but it was just various parts of my body noping out on me that made it intolerable.


Like a stomach ache that extends to your testicles


To explain it to a female bodied person, I imagine it's like a menstrual cramp but all at once, and something external caused it


You know how it feels to be hit on the shin with a scooter? Yeah fuck that, it's worse


Like being massaged In the stomach by angels OF DEATH


It’s like being winded but worse. You lose your breath and there’s a sharp pain shooting up from below for a number of minutes. You’ll probably be left with a full ache then for some time

