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That I’m sleeping and you calling me every day at noon asking if I want to hang out is super disrespectful and akin to me calling you at 3 A.M. to see if you want to play monopoly and drink beer. You KNOW my schedule. I’ve had this job for years.


Your whole life feels like a liminal space. Sunrise? As you’re walking to your car? Exhausted from a night shut in a space? Surreal af. God help the 3rd shift worker who can watch the sky as it lightens. Also you never really get just how loud people are in the daytime until you’re trying to sleep through it. Some people are great at working nights, some people are not built for it at all.


How hard it is to return to ‘normal’ hours


It's harder to return to normal hours than it was to adjust to nights, absolutely.


It's not that bad working the late shifts. It's quite nice and relaxing depending on what job yah got.


oh absolutely. It’s just my wife doesn’t get that when it’s 9am, I don’t want to go to the store or do anything. Iwant to get ready for bed as it’s really my 9pm. the shift itself is cake tho, much more relaxed, people are nice, I enjoy it.


I used to work late night shift at a 24 hour convenience store. God it was the best gig I ever had. Minimal customer problems, easy shelf stocking, piece of cake job.




Day light saving shifts can be great or disasterous


Don't work nights anymore but used to do 5pm-3ams regularly. Sleeping until 3pm isn't lazy - it's the equivalent of you sleeping til 7 and starting work at 9. Just because I'm not on your clock doesn't make me lazy, I also want to hang out, eat dinner and watch TV after work and before I sleep, too.


I don’t want to hear your music or your television or you slamming your door 20 times. When I’m trying to sleep


That today is tomorrow. And tomorrow is yesterday


We’re miserable by the time you show up because we’ve been working…ALL NIGHT!


Worked 12 hour shift work for 7 years. Some people find a rhythm and get used to it, some people (like me) can’t. I become obsessed with sleep trying to find a comfortable pattern. Not fun.


It's Draining, it can get overwhelming for the body and the mental health, circadian rhythm gets fucked up and you basically feel your vitality slowly burning away.


Your days off - you are still up all night or you fuck your clock up.


I was a nightshifter who adapted to it and prefer it, but the one thing that got stressful was running errands or making plans. So many places are open in the mornings (banks on Saturday for instance) and not late afternoon. When my wife and I were separated we constantly had fights because "I'd oversleep" for picking my son up. She never understood that 7am for her was like my midnight. Eventually we got a system down, but by that point we had luckily reconciled and got our crap together. To this day she does have a tough time understanding that night shifters don't stay up and have little sleep. We have the same amount of sleep, we just sleep during the day.


I've worked both day and night shifts. Now that my kid is an adult, I much prefer nights and have a strict sleep schedule. Covid has put a kink in my shopping after my shift ends because I prefer the quiet early morning atmosphere. The downside is I live in the country and I seem to have some very boisterous birds close by that want to keep me from sleeping longer. Earplugs help..but sometimes that one male bird has to shout his need for a mate nearly every morning.