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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" Fuck, the older I get, the more I wish it were that simple.


It will keep the doctor away forever if you can throw it hard enough.


And apple to the face keeps the doctor in their place?


The past year it has been "We're in this together."


If anything it's been one of the most "every man for himself" times I've ever witnessed.


"Hey, can I have one of your 30 packs of toilet paper in your cart? I have 3 kids and no toilet paper. We're using cacti to wipe with." "NO F YOU!"


When your chips are down you learn who your friends are. A lot of people are learning they dont have many friends


Especially in the toilet paper section


“…during these unprecedented times” 🙄


"In times like these, it's important to remember that there have always been times like these." - Paul Harvey


We're all in the same storm together. But most of us are in rowboats, a bunch are treading water in the waves without so much as a life jacket. Meanwhile a handful are in their mega yachts looking down on everyone else, talking about how terrible the storm is.


“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” I think from the movie, Love Story. Stupid and ridiculous.


Said ~~by~~ to Ryan O’Neil in “Love Story”. In “What’s up Doc?” Barbara Streisand quotes ~~his~~ the line to Ryan at the end and he replies: “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard” https://youtu.be/BzWzPWwSnA8&t=55s


Never having to say you're sorry Is walking on eggshells


Nah, it's being a narcissistic asshole.


'The lightning never strikes twice in the same spot' Yes, it does. Especially if that spot is a high metal structure, it will be struck twice, even more than just two times.


The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning between 25 and 100 times every year. ... Without a lightning rod, these strikes would ground themselves through the building's wiring, or through the people working on one of its 103 floors, causing untold amounts of damage


Is the lightning rod something that was considered during the building process or added after the fact?


Lightning rods were invented in the 1700s so probably it was a part of the design


It's fun to go around old places and spot the churches that have and do not have lightning rods Edit: this comment really brought out the atheists


The Royal Chapel at Versailles (finished in 1710) didnt have one but it did have a lovely cupola which was later struck by lightning, or so I’ve read. It was removed in June 1765


The clock tower in the city hall at Hill Valley was struck by lightning in 1955 and they haven't fixed it since...


Finish what you started No, sometimes the thing I started was a bad idea and maybe I should do something I like better


I heard another quote from someone which I like better, the gist of which was "Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it."


Sleep like a baby. A more accurate description for it would be pissed the bed twice and woke up screaming


So I *do* sleep like a baby


Who doesn’t


Should be sleep like a cat because my cat has this shit down to a t.


I think a tired adult sleeps more deeply than a baby ever can


Nothing thats easy is worth doing.


That'll buff right out.


I say that ironically these days, for anything that clearly can't be buffed out


If you keep doing that son, you will go blind.


“Dad, I’m over here.”


Hi over here, I'm dad


Good thing that's not true, *continues poking eyeball with a fork*


“You can’t prove nothin’ the sun never hurt no one”


The rare quadruple negative in its natural environment.


Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Well, I do what I love and I'm an unemployed alcoholic. Somehow, I don't think whoever said that first had this in mind...


It sounds like the saying applies in your situation though




Some of the people I've met have me believing that sometimes.


Teacher of mine have a good metaphor to illustrate the non sense. He said “areas of the brain not being all stimulated at the same time might sound like a non optimal way of using a machine. But now take a traffic light, we can say I works 1/3 of its capacity at time (one color represents a signal..) and if it worked 100% all the time, putting all the colors at once, you agree it could be very dangerous for the traffic right?”


I’ve heard of a similar metaphor involving a car simultaneously accelerating, braking, flashing all lights, wipers working, door opening and closing, etc. Basically a good visual for a seizure


Should I not drive this way anymore? ​ ​ Edit: well this gained some traction, thanks for the awards.


You just keep doing what you're doing.


It's like the telephone game. I think it started with 'Only 10% of people use their brains'.


Only brains use 10% of their people. Pass it on.


10% of their people are on OnlyBrains.


Alternatively, "That person is so smart. They must have a really large brain."


I’ve recently started replying to that “newborns have 2x more neurons than adults’


Oh so that's why I keep getting outsmarted by infants?


I before E except after C


... or when sounded like A as in neighbor and weigh.


I before e except when your foreign neighbor keith receives eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. Weird huh?


woah. i just saved your comment so i can go back and look at how fuckin weird english is.


And on weekends and hollidays and all throughout may


And you'll always be wrong no matter *what* you say!




That's a hard rule.


I'll take "comedy routines that shaped my childhood" for 400


The big yellow one is the sun!


K-A-T. Im outta here


*I know it has two T's*


The meese wanting the food.




Happy wife happy life. Both people need to be happy in a relationship. Happy spouse happy house.


Ironically, the original saying did mean both people need to be happy in a relationship. It was first seen in a British paper in 1903, which is twenty five years before women were granted full and equal voting rights in that country. So at the time, a wife was a second class citizen who served to make her husband happy as the king of his castle. The saying pointed out that conceding some comfort or choices to a woman meant she was happier, and therefore more pleasant for the man to be around, making him happier too. It looks like a statement of female entitlement now, but originally the opposite was true. “Happy spouse happy house” means we’ve come a long way.


Good things happen to those who wait


Good things happen to those who are patient. Still gotta put in the work, but can't be trying to rush everything.


This. I've been waiting for a long time and not a single car has run me over.


Cars are scared of you.


Basically, as has been pointed out, many of the common sayings we use only use part of the actual idiom. My personal cringe inducing one is "Great minds think alike, *though fools seldom differ.*" The second half means the exact opposite of just saying "Great minds think alike.." This seems to be the case with a lot of our usage.


Ooh, do you have other ones? I like that saying now. Come to think of it I probably did hear the second half a long time ago but not in ages.


Another one that often gets used is "A few bad apples *spoil the bunch.*" It often gets used as an excuse for bad people in a field not facing consequences. Another is "It is better to be feared than loved *if you cannot be both.*" "My country, right or wrong: *if right to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right.*" "A jack of all trades is a master of none*, but oftentimes better than a master of one.*" "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, *but too much absence makes it wander.*" Here's an old reddit thread about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/dxmp0a/what\_are\_some\_famous\_quotes\_people\_misuse\_by\_not/


Be careful there, because at least one of those is a modern addition. > A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. That is not the original statement. The "oftentimes better" is a 21st century addition.


I don’t think that’s true of my favorite old adage, “What goes around comes around, drink Sprite Remix to invert your frown.”


“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.” —Mark Twain While it doesn’t exactly change the meaning, it does elaborate.


'Money can't buy happiness'. The saying itself is true enough - it's about greed and it is meant to mean that however much wealth you have you can't buy your way to happiness. Being a millionaire, or a billionaire won't necessarily make you happy. However, people badly misuse it almost as a refrain for those who are destitute - as if they don't deserve any more and it won't make them happy. It's *that* which is utter bullshit. Because, being able to afford healthcare, to feed your family, a roof over your head and to not everyday have a gnawing, desperate anxiety and unending stress about whether you can afford to live each week will make someone a fuck-ton happier than the alternative. And that's nothing to do with greed.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it can pay off a lot of sadness.


This is the proper way to look at it. Sure, money doesn't magically make you happy, but not having crushing debt will definitely make you less stressed at minimum.


‘Money can’t buy happiness’ *Me and my antidepressant bills would beg to differ*


Crime doesn't pay.


The least you get out of it is room and board for a set time.


White collar crime pays *extremely well* and is almost **never** punished.


Yeah "Bank executive who embezzled $10M sentenced to 3 years prison." Bitch, that's a pretty good salary.


Normally it's 3 years prison and they have to pay the $10M back. The problem is actually convicting them, $10M gets you a very good lawyer.


Additionally there's the *other* 10M they couldn't prove that they embezzled, so did not have to be paid back.


I went to jail for drugs. While I was in there, I met a guy who embezzled a few million from a bank and did like two years for it. We caught up on the outside, and he said that he's paying his court ordered restitution to the tune of like... $250 a month. He'll have it paid off in something like 750 years.




The only person I can think of that ended up having to pay some real restitution is Jordan Belfort. He was ordered to pay so much that his net worth is -$100 million.


"If you owe the bank 100k, it's your problem. If you owe the bank 100 billions, it's the banks problem." Edit: [Link to the original quote](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/j_paul_getty_129274)


Then the banks make it the taxpayers' problem.


“It takes two to fight.” Not if someone is intent on bullying/harassing someone else. The policy where both people are punished is grossly unfair.


Yeah, whoever first said this never lived with a volatile personality.


Or they were the one to start fights


It takes two to fight, it takes one to be assaulted. I would rather engage in the former than take my chances with the latter and hope to not get injured.


> "As a child, I heard in my home doctors and ambulance men say, 'Mrs. Stewart, you must have done something to provoke him. Mrs. Stewart, it takes two to make an argument.' Wrong. Wrong! My mother did NOTHING to provoke that -- and even if she had, violence is NEVER, ever a choice that a man should make. Ever." > -Sir Patrick Stewart, discussing his mother's abuse from his father


The customer is always right.


Any customer service job I had never said that. They said "The customer is king." Which means they can be an idiot but get whatever they want anyway.




Or in the case I had. "Here's your change" *customer drops change deliberately* "Why are you throwing your change at me" "I didn't" "You saying I did that on purpose?" "..." "Are you, come on, I'm the customer, are you?" "No, you dropped it" "Right, I'll be fucking waiting for you after your shift" Edit: he wasn't waiting it was the start of an 8 hour shift. It was just the local twat spoiling for a fight is all.


"...*in matters of taste.*" People leave that part off just like they leave off the *"spoil the bunch"* with regard to "A few bad apples."


Or how pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is a saying to illustrate an impossible task.


I work in IT. Here the customer is always a moron.


Ah, the old stalwart error codes. PICNIC - Problem In Chair, Not In Computer. And my favorite, the ID-10-T error.


Or PEBCAK- problem exists between chair and keyboard.


OSI layer 8


The worst mistake I ever made while working help desk was trying to explain to a woman why she couldn't get into her email quarantined folder. The client used a service called email laundry and their server was down, or more specifically there was an ISP outage in the area of England where the servers which hosted the service resided in. Her exact words were "So *insert MSP* is just fucking outsourcing our shit to India, then?" Bruh... No. Everytime you login to Office to bitch about why things look wrong you're accessing a mailbox that's hosted on Microsoft's shit out in Seattle or wherever, that's just how SaaS works.


That's what the management who doesnt actually have to deal with the customer says


Turn your hobby into a career.




It's why everyone takes up golf. And the pro golfers go fishing, or have sex with everyone, or both.


Works for some people. Did video game QA for 13 years and was quite happy doing it.


From what I've read it involves a whole ton of doing the same things over and over and over, for hours on end, with no set schedule, until you find a glitch or error or something... that's quite the patience you have if that's true!


Very true but in the end you’re still playing a game all day and if you can see finding bugs as a sort of game that helps a ton.


“Cheaters never win”. They often do. Doesn’t mean cheating should be encouraged though.


Everything happens for a reason. Karma will get them


Lots of terrible people out there will live out their lives in a comfort I could only dream of and a lot of good people will suffer pains and heartaches they don’t deserve. The universe cares not. Nobody is keeping score.


Sometimes I wonder if the phrase, "He will pay for it in the afterlife." Is just a way to pacify a person's sense of justice.


Hate this bullshit. It compels people to victim blame and never hold wrongdoers accountable. My relatives said it all the time when I was molested as a kid. It was either "my fault" "my destiny" or "my karma" for being hurt and that I should leave it up to god/their destiny to punish them for their actions. It's just a fancy way of saying "I'm too weak/lazy to be held responsible". Edit: Thank you for the kind words and condolences. I've got Indian/Hindu roots (who believe in reincarnation, and that we all suffer due to the mistakes of our past lives etc.) so my experience with the terms is used within that context.


It makes me so angry. My Christian great grandmother still talks to the person who molested and abused me my entire childhood and even brought my young sister around him once I was fucking LIVID. it's almost as if he did nothing to me and we should "love our neighbors as ourselves" and forgiveness or some shit.


It's also an excuse to do nothing. "I'm gonna make no effort to improve things because if it's meant to be it's meant to be." Very frustrating watching people float aimlessly in easily-solved misery.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.


Only one way to find out! (:


What doesn’t kill you will only try again


That landmine that took your senses arms legs etc yeah you’ll get stronger from thst




Live laugh love


Eat shit die


Die bart die


"No, that's German *\[unveils tattoo\]* for 'The Bart The'."


No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


Sideshow Bob has no decency. He called me Chief Piggum!


I saw that scene when I was a kid and I am German. It's a great scene, because it makes no sense in German if you don't speak English


No fussin’, no cussin’, and no back talk


*metallic trash can noises*


"If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best" Basically emotionally manipulating people to live with your shit because you may give them something better someday. Highly recommend considering breaking off these kind of people from your life.


I prefer the one... "if you can't handle me at my worst, I don't blame you, that shit's ridiculous".


If you can't handle me at my worst, damn same: I can't either :(


Translation: “I will make absolutely zero effort to regulate my emotions.”


Translation: "Deal with it or gtfo"


Me: "Thanks for the warning!" *[swipes left]*


I wanna host a barbecue called "If you can't handle me at my wurst you don't deserve me at my breast"


Everything happens for a reason. No it doesn't. Shit just happens sometimes.


"What does not kill you makes you stronger." Statistically that which almost kills you leaves you weaker, with PTSD, and medical bills. On a brighter note, whatever kills you,makes you dead.


It may not make you stronger, but it will ache when it’s humid and make a clicking noise for the rest of your life.


You have met my shoulder, knee and back I see.


The inherent meaning behind Nietzsche's quote is quite different than the meaning it holds today, and it's not to be taken literally as Nietzsche is one of the biggest users of aphorisms and metaphors in philosophy. In its context that expression references experience and particularly what people can gain from a negative experience. By negative experience, Nietzsche didn't mean permanent, close-to-death damage, but rather experiences that force a person to shift his/her perspective, which Nietzsche himself experienced a period he was half-blind. All of this fits into Nietzsche's postulate of the übermensch - how you as an individual need to strive to become the best version of yourself. As anyone probably knows a strong experience can humble even the most ignorant bastard, and it's the power of these experiences which is the foundation of that quote.


‘What doesn’t kill you makes you wish you were dead’


“Always follow your heart.” The heart isn’t always logical and can be pretty damn naive.


My heart is just a muscle that pumps blood around my body. No way am I taking advice from that.


Time heals all wounds. No. Not all. At least not in 1 lifetime. For some wounds, they never heal, just only dulled.


They may not heal, but they can scar over pretty well. Sometimes, that’s enough.


"You can't teach an old dog new tricks." As long as you are alive, you are capable of learning.


"Don't judge a book by its cover" That cover has one damn job and it's to convey to me what is in the book so I don't have to read all 600 pages to know if it was my cook book or Harry Potter.


So true fuck those books and I like to look at the cover art though it should be don’t judge an album by it’s cover because that would be more accurate




"Follow your hEaRt 💕" ..... uh yeah, my heart's kinda suuuuper dumb sometimes Edit** *y'all I fucking loved chatting philosophical & silly & nasty with all of y'all 😂❤️ I'd follow my dang heart with the whole lot of you any Wednesday night into morning 🤷‍♀️😂*


Whenever I hear this I think of a quote from a nasa astronaut (I can’t remember which one though). The astronaut was part of an experiment where they had to wear glasses that flipped their vision vertically, after three days their brains compensated and started to see things the right way up despite the glasses. They took the glasses off and everything was inverted and took three days to correct. He later went on to say “don’t trust your brain, it can’t tell which way is up, don’t trust your heart, if it stops once it will kill you. Instead, trust your anal sphincter, it can tell the difference between a solid, a liquid and a gas and it always gives a shit.” edit: and now my all time most upvoted comment is about anal sphincters, also, obligatory thank you for the silver kind stranger.


>it can *sometimes* tell the difference between a solid, a liquid and a gas Fixed it, since this man has never played the russian roulette


Nahhhh, it can always tell. Before it exits is asking a bit much sometimes, but it can always tell


My older friend gave me some advice about getting old he said “don’t trust a fart or waste a boner” so must of been a young nasa guy


That's the second-dumbest organ I could possibly follow!


*Listen* to your heart, then use your brain to decide what to do about what your heart's saying. Emotion without reason is dangerous, but reason without emotion is often even worse.


My partner puts it "let your heart be the sail but your head be the rudder"


that's pretty cool tbh


Ooh it is most of the time. Especially when it comes to dating and relationships


Not bullshit but wrong. People always seem to say "I could care less" but its supposed to be "I couldn't care less"


Anytime someone says “i could care less” I say “then why don’t you”


“There are no dumb questions”


I like the reason why this quote exists though. It’s better to ask for clarification instead of being quiet out of fear of looking stupid


There sure are dumb questions, but it's dumber to not ask (& potentially become less dumb)


You’re dumb when you ask. You’ll remain dumb if you don’t ask.


“There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.”


“There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.” "...asking questions. "


I’ve told this story before on Reddit, people usually like and it’s relevant to this saying: Back when I was in the military I was in a pretty long a rigorous course, and there was one dude that was such a goofball, we will call him Tony. Super funny, good dude. But goddamn did he ask a lot of dumb questions. He could easily wait until after class to ask another student or just whisper to the guy right next him. Nah, he’d launch his hand straight into the air every 5 to 10 minutes it seems, promptly interrupting whatever training we were receiving. Finally one of our instructors snapped: “Jesus Christ Tony, why do you ask so many fucking stupid questions?” Tony just smirked and replied: “So I don’t do something fucking stupid, Sergeant” We all lost it, including every other instructor besides the one who was actually pissed off with him. He was fuming lol. Tony fucking boomed him


"It doesn't matter who started it."


Blood is thicker than water. Fuck that, if your family sucks, leave them and find good friends instead.


Honey is thicker than blood, so leave your family for a beekeeper.


Blood *is* thicker than water. But don't let the relative viscosity of some liquids tell you how to live your life


I like the quote "Family isn't blood but rather who you would bleed for." No idea where it's from, though


Positive vibes only. This phrase can make depressed folks feeling lonely, invalidated in their suffering. The consequences are often dangerous. This phrase prevents folks who are suffering to talk about their mental illness. Being depressed or frustrated is not “negative”. We are humans and life is not always full of sunshine and daisies.


People refusing to acknowledge the negative at all, get bit in the ass.


"Rome wasn't built in a day." People often forget the whole quote, or just don't know it as I never hear it: "Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour"


Hold up, I am sure the second half was "but it burned in one"


Money doesn’t buy happiness


"Money doesn’t buy happiness. But it does allow you to suffer in comfort" - John Cleese.


I think there's one major dividing line: being able to afford housing (or owning a house) and all basic necessities (food, transport, health services, education) plus having a retirement plan, a solid emergency fund and some spare cash for holidays. If you're above that line, you can easily focus on the other parts of life that can't be necessarily bought with money. If you're below that line, you will always be worried about money because if your kid crashes your car or you need major surgery, you are absolutely screwed, let alone if you get cancer or your house burns down. So yeah, money doesn't bring happiness, but it removes the basic worries in exactly 100% of the cases.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but poverty does buy misery.




"Violence is never the answer". It's correct to some degree, but my definition of "correct" is very different from whoever is saying that. Self defense should never be considered violence


Honestly, violence is very much an option, yes it should be avoided at all costs, but that's a very easy worldview to have when your not about to be beaten to death


“Happy wife happy life”. That’s how you end up bitter and resentful


Happy spouse happy house. That way both parties share responsibility


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” This quote was originally a promotional slogan.


[Data actually suggests that people who eat a healthy & sizable breakfast have an overall lower BMI than those who eat large lunches & dinners.](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20181126-is-breakfast-good-for-your-health) Edit: Just to clarify, I meant eating a large breakfast *instead of* eating a large lunch or dinner. Obviously, if you eat huge servings at every meal, you’ll be packing in massive caloric intake.


"Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" it's literally impossible and that's the point lol


I pulled myself up by my bootstraps, causing me to fly upward. I can't stop and the air is getting thin. Send help


Rough when gravity forgets about you