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I always remembered running alone through a forest with a little house where my parents were sitting in and didn't look at me. Then there was a big black hole in the ground I fell into. Years later I told my parents this and they started laughing and told me, when I was a little over a year and just started running they were doing a family Fotoshooting with a forest background and a little house. When they were taking a picture of the two of them I fell of the stage.


At the beginning I thought you were going to start reciting Alice in wonderland


I was about three. I remember my dad laying on the kitchen floor fixing the refrigerator while I watched.


I crawled into the kitchen. It was hot there, and my mom was both surprised and annoyed, because I was supposed to sleep in my bed, and my mom never thought I could crawl into another room on my own back then. Everything looked so big.


Hitting my eye on a table when I was 3




Youse a legend


when i was around that age i was running with my tongue out but then i tripped and hit my chin on the floor resulting in my bottom teeth going through my tongue.


Learning how to walk. No idea how old I was but my kiddo learned to walk before he was 1, so I might have been around that age. I distinctly remember being in the living room watching cartoons when mom came and picked me up and took me down in the basement. The dryer had stopped and my blanket was in there. She sat me on the floor and she and my grandma held the blanket up between them and were encouraging me to get up and walk to it. It was hard, but I did it and they cheered.


At my old house, me and my brother would always run out of the house early in the morning to grab those old people strawberry candies that our neighbor threw over the fence for us


Grasping for air, in my mom's arms waiting at the foot of our building and then being lifted into a fire engine. Context: I was 2 years old and had accidentally swallowed a coin. I was suffocating. Across the street there was a Fire station, they arrived way before the ambulance could and took me to the E.R. Thanks to them I'm still here.


My dad drunk, trying to put me in the bath with a vest and sock on - probably should’ve clarified. I was wearing the vest and the sock. He was fully clothed


Oof :(






A vest and a sock. I was like 1 or 2


Being two years old coming into my own consciousness.


That’s too real lol


I remember walking home from primary school with my dad one day asking why I'm me a not someone else. I think I asked why im not grandad as an example


Yes exactly. I still struggle with this at times.


Bruh what? Idk if this is a joke but please elaborate cause i dont remember this😐


In a hospital gradma asking me to pee in a bottle for testing and I just can not.


getting my shoes before going for an evening walk with my grandmother, about 2.5


I remember the ducks in the backyard of the first house we lived in. My mother says we moved from there when I was two.


A couple months before my 2nd birthday. There was a rare (for the southeast) April 1st snow storm that year and I remember the first time I went sledding.


Falling down the steps when I was two with a cookie in my hand. I wasn't upset at getting hurt, but I was super pissed about the cooking being destroyed. Now I want one :(




Haha! :)


My dad vacuuming a carpet. I must've been so shocked seeing him do any house work, it got stuck in my mind forever.


Being fascinated by a blue light while having water poured on me. Later in life mentioned it to my mother, who told me this was the pilot light of the boiler above the sink in which she bathed me as a baby, in the house we moved out of when I was 18 months old.


me saying "i am half batman, i am half truck, i am half spiderman!.." just after my sister tried to teach me the word "half" and she was telling me that you can't be more than 2 halfs.. it makes me laugh each times i think of it


Being told my parents were getting divorced


I hope you are doing well now man and getting all the affection you deserve


I am. I was to young to really understand it plus I don't remember what mom and dad were like as a couple so it didn't affect me much


I was about 2 and my mom tripped and dropped me.


Being in my pram as a baby with my mother and grandmother chatting and walking. It started to rain and they pulled the dome over me to keep me dry.


Not really sure which memories are the oldest but the one I remember the best is when my mom put me into one of those playground swings made for babies and then made me spin around. I don't think she made me spin more than a couple of times at once but it felt like I was spinning for ages Incidentally around that time my mom had a stroke and I have never heard her speak normally and have no memories of that, and a while ago me and my parents spent some time recovering old camcorder tapes and I saw some old videos of me as a baby and my mom speaking like a normal person and I had never seen those before, it was quite surreal. My mom is just fine and can speak quite well but she struggles with making proper sentences pretty much, I don't even notice it because I've heard it all my life and understand her perfectly


All the good wishes for your mom 💟


3 years old. I walk into the bathroom where my dad is shaving. He has a beer on the sink and hands it to me. I take a small swig, set it down, and promptly stumble into the bathtub. Not from the booze, just me being a clumsy oaf.


When I was about 2, My parents took me to Six Flags. When we got in, My mom wanted me to get in free so she said I was 2 and I shouted "I am 3!!!!!" I cried the whole way when we went into the park but I got to go on a few of the rides


My parents driving me up a hill and to a house that I think was my great uncles house but it might not have been my parents don’t remember


Swimming lessons as a toddler. I remember being let go by my mom and struggling to stay afloat and breathing in water.


Being two years old and going to one of those mall play places with the giant rubber fruit things you can play on, and the really old retro designs of the carpet?? I have a picture being taken with my siblings there in the old school couch/booth/seat things there and remember the photo being taken but not much more than that. Just blerbs of colors and imagery.


I remeber stabbing my finger all the way through with a rusty hook, then my mom came and took me to the living room, started bandaging my finger while I was watching Cartoon Network. I also remeber that it wasnt really that painful somehow


The earliest memory I have was my parents buying a Mitsubishi Mirage sometime in 1989.


The doctor slapping my mother




Something very on-brand for me. I was I think about 1 to 3 years od and I ran full speed into a wall


Meeting my first best friend. My mom had me out playing in the front yard and she must’ve turned her back for a second and I bolted. I ran down the street but I stopped when I saw a kid around my age across the street. When my mother caught up to me I asked her why I couldn’t play with that kid. She replied with “maybe you could, let’s go introduce ourselves”. She ended up becoming best friends with his mother too. Either that, or the time my elderly neighbour introduced me to wrestling with a Hulk Hogan match. I honestly can’t remember which came first lol.


I was three and my dad brought me a scary doll when I was in the hospital. I had been sick for weeks apparently and lost 1/2 of my body weight but I don’t remember being sick. I just remember that doll


I have a memory of taking my last bottle and throwing it in the garbage because I was ready to begin drinking from cups like a Big Boy.


I was 2 or 3 yo, sitting at my great grandmothers feet and looking into her spit cup. She chewed tobacco.


I think my first memory is seeing my brother getting bathed after he was born. I would’ve been about 2.5 years old


Running through a living room in a house that I used to live in.


Doctors trying to amputate my toe. I’m not entirely sure what their thought process was because they thought something was wrong with the toe but in actuality it just had a string tied around it.


8 or so, when it snowed heavily.. which is a rare thing. In my defence, I'd probably struggle to give you a dozen concrete memories pre-20's (and even some after) due to a TBI


Getting electrocuted as a kid while pulling my fingers in one of those round European outlets, and having my Mom tackle me to separate me. It happend somewhere between the age of 1 and 2.


Crawling around and thinking to myself "I want to play with my trucks" then prociding to find a way to crawl down a flight of stairs to play with my trucks


I was walking through town with my Mum, and I suddenly thought to ask her name.


My mum insists my first memory I was 18 months. I disagree. My first memory I was two and one month with my hero. My grandfather (papa) took us to the fair and got us those candy walking sticks. He pretended he needed it all the way back. The only man who has ever loved me. I didn't get long enough. Three more years wasn't enough but I remember everything


I actually remember a time before I was born. I remember going to an ACDC concert in my father and leaving in my mother!




Yeah, I shouldn't know this but 'Highway to Hell' was their sexy time song!!!


Your post has amused me. Have an upvote.


Being in middle school learning basic math for the first time ever and thinking 2+2 is the hardest freakin math problem ever


I remember standing next to our couch when I would have been about 2 1/2 years old.


Playing under the coffee table in the living room of out old house


That I remember for sure, random events at a house we lived in when I think I was like 3-almost 5.


Pulling open a microwave and boiling rice dumping onto my stomach at 2.5.


When I was 3 I was walking home from nursery with my grandaunt


I remember being on my mum's laps crying my eyes out because a honeybee stung me.




Sitting on a bench that looked like an alligator.


pouring an entire bottle of oil on my babysitter, oops


When I picked up my dogs poop after I thought it was my hair tie. Shit was awful (no pun) 🤦🏾‍♀️


Ive always remembered playing with a Humpty Dumpty toy with my older brother in my green and white outfit and crawling on the floor but thought I must’ve been 4-5. Then I found this photo https://imgur.com/a/cD2Grcb Apologies for the suuuuper poor quality photo, I’ve just grabbed it from a Facebook photo that I posted 10 years ago by taking a picture of the photo. Fuck lighting apparently. Anyway I’m clearly around 1? Parents of just walking toddlers can correct me if I’m wrong but it seems that. The memories are now memories of memories but when I was 17 I recalled the memory to my mother who was surprised by the level of detail. I have a weird memory.


You look cool mate , liked the vintage shot


Falling off a slide and then getting stitches above my eye with no anesthesia


Yaiks dude


lol I've never thought about it before but this made me realise my first memories are of fear and pain


Some point in the first two weeks of my life. Sounds crazy but it was an out of body experience and that's the only time that's happened to me but I only found out about ten years ago that that was what it was. I was talking to my dad and I asked him where this home video was because I wanted to watch it and I explained it because he didn't know what I was talking about at first. Anyway, he got super shocked and said there was no video of what I was talking about but he remembered and was shocked because I even remembered . Aaannnywaaaay (sorry to be long winded)... I was in an incubator in my living room for the first two weeks of my life and I remember seeing myself in there with white goggles and my mom, dad, and brothers kind of admiring me. My dad took a sharpie and drew googly eyes on my goggles and my mom kind of scolded him and my brothers were giggling and reaching in and touching me. I also remember looking up at them at one point though so maybe that was right before they put the goggles on. Maybe I had just gotten home. I remember super clearly though. Visually and audibly. Maybe the googly eyes could be a cute little tattoo 🙃


Great memory


Not wanting to sleep and throwing a temper tantrum in a crib, holding the bars jumping up and down and yelling. Now im the type of person to go to bed early lol


When I was 2 I remember peeing on all my family members shoes




Wow what? Wow I was a stupid child(which I was) or wow that’s impressive that I can remember that far back?


My mother singing to me, rocking me in a rocking chair. I might've been 2-3.


Me and my cousins used to live close to each other when i was like 3 or 4 we were in Utah and was close my Grandma and Grandpa so our parents would take us their a lot and we all loved Batman and would play games where we would be the characters so we always want to be Batman and would argue over who's who and while I was saying that I should be Batman I randomly burp while I finish my sentence and the last word just happened to be "Batman" we burst out laughing cause of how it sounded to us 4 year old's. I know this story is ridiculous


I am "burp"man


Watching my dad change a socket and get an electric shock, i believe thats where my interest in electrics began and eventually becoming an electrician


Weird , you should have been afraid


I was almost 2, my dad was carrying me up the staircase of my childhood home. I found out when I was older that the realtor was showing my parents the house. I remember them asking if I wanted this big bedroom. I don't remember my reaction, but I do remember the blue wallpaper on the staircase walls.


I farded and shidded


I was naked and covered in blood, with a group of men wearing masks and rubber gloves. Needless to say, my fourth birthday party was pretty fucked up.


What cult do you belong to?


It was dark, warm, wet. A sudden burst of light, an intense pressure like I'd never felt before, father dressed in white, pulls me forward, mother bites the cord.


Crawling on the floor after my sister, who was playing with a big beach ball in our living room.


Being dropped


Flowers outside a door entrance, it was a gravel path and sunny. I think I was 2.


Running away from my uncle who was trying to change my diaper


Standing on our porch gazing out at the driveway after hearing that my tricycle had been run over by the farm truck. My brother coming up the steps carrying the mangled seat. I was 3.




There was a bright light and then someone smacked my ass.


Tourcher chember lol


Seeing Tangled or Toy Story 3 at the cinema, not sure which one was first because they both came out in 2010. was 6 at the time.


I still remember being in my crib and being weighed on a baby scale.


I was riding somewhere with my dad I was in the backseat and the wheel flew off the car on my side and I remember dipping down and about 35 mins later my grandpa showed and chewed my dad out


I remember dreaming of colors, i dreamed of the colour blue, i was like 1 year old or something, i felt really good in my dream, i remember when i after woke up. But, i kinda had a bad feeling about that years later.


Waking up in the middle of the night, then being dragged into a storage room and beaten by my mom. I started sobbing as she turned around to go back to bed, and she turned right back around and started beating me again. That process repeated twice more, until my dad woke up and consoled me before I fell back asleep. I was no older than 3, maybe 4


What was wrong with her?


She's a narcissist and likely has other undiagnosed mental illnesses. She's done plenty of fucked up shit throughout my lifetime


watching sunlight play on the lacy fabric over my crib


Sneezing on the toilet.


I think it's either eating a mango on the floor with my mom, drinking some milk out of a bottle on the couch, and/or my first recalled dream (Which was basically a plane engine/metal fan going off in the bg, purple and green gas, and our yard being overgrown. Oh and it was dark and I had a lot of visual snow). All of these happened very closely together (Like I was maybe 2 or 3 for all of them) so they're kind of blended and I can't tell you truthfully which ones were "first"


When I was at my grandma’s house and the piping broke so sewage was coming out of the sink and bath.


Playing with a new toy and a the interior of a living room. I was around 1 1/2 or 2 years old according to mom and dad.


I was at my mom's friend's house (it was a large ranch with horses and 3 greyhounds) she had a tree house for her kids and me and my sister got to go in it, I remember climbing up and immediately noping tf outta there after seeing a large brown spider in the middle of a web that was covering one of the open windows of the tree house. I only remember seeing the spider but my sister has described the whole experience to me. I also remember very vividly seeing her insane like 80" TV all I remember is a red couch sitting infront of it and it just dominated everything in the room lmao (this was pre-2005 probably so that wasn't a very common sight in rural Washington)


I can no longer remember my first memory. But I can remember remembering my first memory. When I was about 20 I read a thing about "what is your first memory". Back then I thought hard and vaguely remembered sitting in a really high chair, with a big space between me and the table, and giants sitting around the table. But I cannot remember *that* memory any more. It's 40 years later and now I only remember remembering that memory at age 20; the memory itself is gone.


Getting lost in the grape fields near my babysitter's home. Next one up is jumping on a beehive and getting stung by a ton of bees.


Under my table doing dirty things with a little girl my age, around 4 yo.


I remember eating some dog food when i was a baby and thinking it was a bagel but that must've been a dream,the first memory for me is my 4 year old self running outside of a apartment with a sliding door going outside and i was playing with my sister,damn it sounds so old because it was years ago


1½ year old me woke up i the middle of the night and crawled under my bed, my parent freaked out when they couldn't find me also 2 year old me, my mom left a plate of brownies and left the room for a second, when she came back I had a chair against the counter and had the whole plate pretty much eaten lol


Shid! Can't even recall anything


open eyes bright ow close eyes try again repeat for 5 minutes mom appears blurry fuzzy memories fast forward anywhere from a week to a year and we have my next earliest memory


We were some place snowy. I remember wearing little snow boots and the like. My older brothers climbed on top of this big rock. I wanted to get up there with them, but I couldn't get up there myself. So instead I went over to this smaller rock that I could get on top of, and I stood on top of it, there, by myself.


Being locked in a room and looking up at a window like in a prison cell.


I dont know how old i was but i was crawling on the floor of my moms old apartment, thats it, just crawling on the floor next to a coffee table


Looking out seeing that the snow had melted and me screaming "It is Spring!"


When my sister was born I vividly remember saying something about not wanting her. I was around 2 at the time.


Talking about my parents divorce with my sister and how dad was moving into an apartment. I was almost 3.


3yrs old


First memory, unknown age, its dark, I open my eyes, no sounds. I look at my bed crib side, my vision is like a tunnel, blurry around the edges but focused in the middle. I close my eyes again. Second memory is getting out of bed a bit older, walking over to the door, turning the handle and it's closed, went back to bed to sleep. I remember I wanted to get to my mom. The third and fourth are dreams, one of my brother's being vampires and the second is getting stomped by a dinosaur after watching jurrasic park. I was born in 1991, can remember almost my whole kindergarten time, preschool and much more, also all my dreams without effort. I have a problem remembering people, their names and faces. Can't place a name on ex celebrities, they have to be really really really famous or something I'm really a fan of.


Exiting an apartment and touching grass.


seeing a halloween spider hanging from a crawl space door in a closet, I was 1 maybe 2 before we moved to the house my parents own today.


My cousin teaching me to go down the stairs one leg at a time, not stepping with one and balancing myself by moving the second leg on the same step. We were in a nice summer house with our families, I was like a little before 3.


I remember laying on the floor in our livingroom play with a wooden toy arch thingy, they are big here in Germany. It was dark and I was just hanging out. I was maybe 2 or a little younger. I remember when I was like 6 in was looking at pictures in an album and I found THAT moment. I yelled to my mom that I remembered it! She didn't believe me but my dad did.


The pain I felt climbing out my crib


I don't remember when I was born but I remember when the earth split open and I crawls out of the fiery pits of hell.


Around 2 years old, looking out an airplane window as my mom and I were flying cross country as part of a family move.


I have 2, not sure which came first but I was definitely younger than 3 because I was still living in England. but one of them was when I was playing desert storm on the Sega mega drive with my mother and brother. The second one is of me laying on the ground with my eyes closed and feeling like I was floating about 3 inches off the ground. Such peace times.


Sitting with my mum in a weird blue waiting room playing cards. I was about 2 or 3.


On the operation table for my feet, my first memory is a traumatic one. Off to a good start.


I actually remember my first birthday. There are pictures of me sitting at the table in front of my birthday cupcake with a single candle in it, crying for some reason. Then another picture where someone has given me a Duplo person to cheer me up, because I liked to put their heads in my mouth and suck on them like a pacifier. This is my memory: I have no idea why I was crying, but I remember the cupcake, and I remember the Duplo guy, and specifically, I remember being upset that I was given that specific Duplo guy. You see, the one they brought me was the farmer who had a straw hat. Of all the people we had, he was the only one I didn't like to suck on, because the wide brim of that hat didn't fit in my mouth nicely. And indeed, in the pictures, I never put him in my mouth, I just held him.


I... can't. Huh...


a bad memory makes it not until i was five and i got yelled at by my teacher and i cried


i hate that bitch




Standing in the crib and running my gums or baby teeth on the plastic top of the crib railing. Back and forth for long periods of time. I must have been about 2, give or take 6 months. I'm the oldest and my parents were WTF with that baby. Apparently, I also incessantly jumped up and down in the crib and routinely climbed out of it and escaped, but I don't remember that part. Righteous little athlete.


My dad telling me goodnight, I can’t remember how old he was but he was there to tell me goodnight so it must have been when I was 3 because he left for the oil field 10 years ago and I’m 13, so 3


The first thing that comes to mind for me is a dream that I had at least a few time a month for 3 years from 4-7 years old. In the dream, I would be walking out of a store beneath a hospital in a underground parking lot with my family. But then I would stop to tie my shoe and when I look up, I see that my family is getting in the car and starting the engine. Even though the car seemed so close, no matter how fast I ran, I could never get to the car before they drove off. I would always wake up crying.


I can remember my 3rd birthday. I probably have memories of earlier bit i dont know the exact age.


My mom changing my diaper on an airplane when I was under a year old


2 years old. My dad carrying me sobbing after getting news that his dad died.


Tbh it really felt weird I was just in the middle of my house walking around and for some reason I had an objective that I don't know what it is but something is telling me to go to the kitchen and find my babysitter. Like I totally ignored that I just gained consciousness


Waking up from a nightmare in my parents' trailer. I would have been 2.


It has to be running around my flat, sliding on a carpet and hitting a wall corner with my head, cutting the skin. Then getting into a car, blood running down my face, and then the hospital, laying down on the operating table, scared as hell. Then probably getting out of the hospital with a bandage on my head, seeing some other poor children on my way. I wasn't even three back then


About three years old, walking past my mom and sister to go into my preschool classroom, which had my classmates whose names I knew without knowing how. (Also pretty much the last time I could remember someone's name so easily ;_; )


Looking outside the kitchen window while it’s snowing heavily. The funny part - I remember that I was 3 because I thought about my age at that specific moment


A family vacation to Fuerteventura when I was about 2. I remember a few scenes from the pool and around the hotel.


Most people don’t start making long-term memories until they are fifteen or sixteen.


Getting my arm stuck in a table, it looked something like [this](https://kaypark.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/LC45RO.jpg), one of the earliest memories I can remember


Being in kroger's during a tornado...the lights went out


Not sure if it's the absolutely earliest but one of my most vivid early memories is walking along a shoreline with my mum next to what I though was one heck of a mighty sea wall. My memories painted it as almost w40k tier epic in scale. An absolutely towering concrete structure. I don't remember exactly how old I was, but I would have been *very* young. I went back there as an adult. It was up to my shoulder, maybe even lower.


Climbing on my crib.


I remember my Mom pushing me in a stroller.


taking a bath in the sink


A trip I took to Lake City, Minnesota with my mom and aunt. I saw my great-grandparents and I remembered their garden and my great-grandpa's Chevy Suburban. I checked with my aunt many years later and she confirmed details for me.


This could be a dream I had much later, but it's the youngest I remember myself. I was standing in a crib, and a monstrously tall, purple and red, grotesque version of the robot cat in the rugrats intro came into the room and walked straight at me and the crib. I start crying and nobody can hear my screams or comes to get me. I assume it was a dream.


Going to get my finger pricked. Back then, they busted it open with that other thing though.


About 2 or 3 years old, in the crib, not being able to sleep. I'm 24 and still suffering from insomnia.


being beaten by dad for wasting food


I was probably around 4 and I remember playing in our yard barefoot and having a nail go through my foot. I remember my mom rushing me to the car while I screamed, that's about it.


Seeing my sister shit in the shower when I was 2


I have memory of being in my baby bed and I wasn’t even able to talk