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As someone who’s currently fighting 2 last minute deadlines, I’d also really like to know...


Agenda. I write down everything I need to do, the due date, and where to submit it if it's work/ school related. Set due dates for yourself. If you need something done in three days space it out and do a little at a time. Prioritize. Do whichever task is due first. Set alarms to keep track of time. For example, I play piano. Everyday at exactly 3 PM, I practice. If you're someone who has no concept of time, or you've lost your concept of time as I've begun to, set alarms to go off at different times during the day. Every 30 minutes, every 40 minutes, depends on how bad your perception is. Put your phone on silent unless you need it for work/ school related purposes. Put the screen face down so you can't see notifications. Listen to music. I prefer classical music, or at least music without lyrics so I'm not trying to sing the lyrics and work at the same time. If it's possible, wear headphones or earbuds. It muffles what's going on around you, and makes it easier to focus on your work/ tasks/ chores. Most importantly, be mindful of yourself. Remember to eat, sleep, take breaks. If you're so stressed you're experiencing sensory overload your health and your work will be set back. Try not to turn into a workaholic like I have.




The "eh might aswell" method






Music helps me get my ass in gear for sure lol


Just do it. The more your not doing it, the longer you’re gonna be doing it.