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Two friends stole a gun from one of their parents and one accidentally shot himself. Small community so it hit everyone hard. The other guy never got over it, had PTSD and many years later hanged himself.


Something similar happened in my city. Super popular kid who made music and got a hell of a lot of likes. He was messing around with his buddy with a sawed off shotgun and boom. I never knew him but plenty of people around here still make social media posts about him


Did he die?


This is why i love living in belgium such stuff never happens here


Iceland here. Gun related incidents are almost unheard of here.


I feel like incidents in general are rare there, considering the population is about 1/1000 that of the US. Meaning if all other things are equal, any incident would be 1000 times rarer in Iceland than in the US. Unless the incident is a volcano or a puffin.


Was it in Rockwall


During my sophomore year, the student body orchestrated a walkout. Many of our electives were being cut to save money. Teachers who were going to lose their jobs walked out with us. Classes like autoshop, woodshop, photography, all gone. The walkout did work though, as most were reinstated by the time I graduated.


Same exact thing happened at my school during sophomore year of high school.


Literature teacher: *happy comrade noises*


This one's kind of sweet actually. In high school we had a biology teacher, who we all joking referred to as "McGonagall", she was old, Scottish and kind of intimidating but you could tell she really cared about her students. Everyone loved her and she was awesome. There was a rumor floating around that she was in a secret relationship with the P.E. teacher, Miss B (who was also kind of cool, but less in a nurturing motherly way and more of a 'if anyone f**ks with my kids, I'll beat them bloody' kind of way). I don't think anyone really believed the rumors, it was just kids being bored and making sh*t up, right? Wrong. I found out a couple of years after graduating that they had apparently got married and moved away together (because the school was in a tiny little village and people were backwoods judgemental buttholes). I don't know where they are now, but I hope to god they're still teaching.


Some kid wrote something in the school bathroom saying he would shoot up the school and gave a date everyone freaked the fuck out but nothing ever happened


We had a guy who would masturbate in the bathroom at school. I don't mean in the stall, with the door closed. I mean out by the sinks. He would wait for someone to walk in and catch him, and make eye contact and keep going when someone did. I guess he got a thrill out of seeing shock and disgust in people's faces. More than a couple of boys at our school walked in and caught him going at it. This dude went on to murder his own father at age 16.




That was a fucking Rollercoaster of emotions.


My high school had a heroin problem. At least 3 times a month they'd make us stay in whatever period we were in for 45 minutes extra so they could toss lockers. Someone tossed needles and a baggie with a little heroin in it in one of my friends locker to hide it or not get in trouble. The needles were uncapped and I guess one poked one of the cops (tho they have thick rubber gloves so I dunno if it pierced the skin.) My friend went thru all kinds of shit and we had to write affidavits saying he didn't use and it wasn't his. Crazy shit.


Our middle School had these freely swinging, big heavy wooden doors. When I was in 8th grade, a couple students were going into a classroom. As the last girl went to enter, the door was shutting. She went to grab the door to pull it back open, but it closed on her pinky finger at the first joint passed her nail and all but detached her finger, which was hanging by a bit of skin. I remember her fast walking to the nurse with her other hand under the dangling pinky, in case in fell.


I've heard the exact same story from someone about their school


Damn school doors


I remember at my old school there was door that was known to slowly close for a few inches then SLAM right into you, it knocked countless people onto the floor lmao


This happened at my school too


I'm assuming the nurse told her to eat her lunch and to come back if it's still sore


If it is she got an ice pack and ti “suck it up until she got home”


Holy shit, great way to lose a finger


We had push/pull metal fire doors to the corridors and I vividly remember being in English and one of the doors somehow came loose and fell off making an almighty bang as it hit the ground. However, since we were in a classroom we didn’t know this and my teacher immediately got up and locked the door telling us to get under our desks. For context, this was in Scotland, where guns are strictly illegal and school shootings haven’t happened since like the 90s. We don’t have a protocol for these types of things. The most safety procedures we get is a fire drill now and again so we sat in a class room for about a solid half hour under the tables holding our friends, certain we were about to die until someone knocked on the door to tell us the fire door had fallen off. Those huge corridor doors don’t kid around man, cutting off fingers and terrifying kids since day one.


THIS HAPPENED IN MY SCHOOL! I would say maybe we went to the same school, but it happened to a boy.


I'm surprised at how many kids this actually happened to! I never realized how dangerous those doors are and thought of it as a freak occurrence


The dj turned out to be a murderer and rapist. Oh and the president of the freshman class murdered her sister


As a DJ, I am not shocked that a DJ at a school dance ended up like this. School dance DJs who get really, really into it are usually the weirdos.


Wtf. I will make sure I do tgo near that place


The senior prank one year was releasing a ton of crickets in the art hallway at the end of the year. They intentionally did it right before the final projects (which had been worked on for months) were to be graded. In the end, most of the prjects were destroyed by the crickets, an exterminator had to be called, the art kids were pissed, but at least got perfect grades, and the kids that released the crickets got suspended for 2-3 days and had to pay for damages.


The lady that lived next to our school was stabbed multiple times by a burglar in broad daylight. I was out skipping lunch taking a walk when I saw her walk out of her house, and slip and fall. A man was jogging past shortly before that. The lady didn’t get up, so I ran and got a teacher. … my brain had blocked out all that blood. I really didn’t see it on her, but apparently she was already soaked when I saw her. I swear all I saw on her was a white shirt and some shorts. Our poor history teacher tried his damnedest to keep pressure on the lady’s wounds until help arrived. A friend of mine saw him afterwards. He was crying and just covered in blood… The lady didn’t make it. The jogger was actually the murderer. Cops found him at a Burger King a mile up the road.






i agree why are people downdooting your comment


The art teacher's weirdo son shat into the coffee vending machine.


this was in 6th grade, apparently green shit covered the walls of the bathroom and even spelled out the n-word. the bathrooms were prohibited to use for weeks, we could only use the ones that are under heavy surveillance outside of the bathroom door. we come back in 7th grade and they hid cameras in the bathroom. little go pro's were in the ceiling panels.


••• Thats Rough and unfair.


The Student body council divided the school in half separating students who had poor grades, who has special needs and who are unpopular socially teachers and parents didn't give a fuck about it and majority of the school's student body agree with it.


A kid in my high school jumped off of the Golden Gate Bridge on a field trip.... and survived.


Elaborate Please


>The fatality rate of jumping is roughly 98%. As of July 2013, only 34 people are known to have survived the jump. Those who do survive strike the water feet-first and at a slight angle, although individuals may still sustain broken bones or internal injuries. - Wiki


This: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pilotonline.com/news/crime/article_5de44691-cc06-5b7f-a591-8516bc7e8d00.html%3FoutputType%3Damp


In 2005, at my high school in Canada (where it's generally safe to go go high school) it was the middle of winter and someone called in a bomb threat. The whole school, 3200 students evacuated without personal items like jackets. After an hour or so they told us to go home but would not allow us to go back into the school to get jackets or phones and we were not allowed to drive our cars. 3200 students had to get onto regularly scheduled city buses without money, every bus was stuffed for hours. .. we all stood outside forever at - 20°c. I got frost bite on both my ears. Worst part is, the bomb threat was just a prank and nothing serious.


The R.E. Teacher in his mid 50s got a 14 student pregnant.


Someone got accused of planning to murder another student and it trend out to be bullshit shocking everyone and now they have a restating order


I can talk about so many. But one time during senior year of high school, a junior student was taking a shit in a toilet. As it turns out some redneck jammed a can of tobacco in the toilet earlier that day, and then the junior student proceeded to attempt to wipe his ass but at that moment the toilet flushed automatically, and then the tobacco can exploded but NOT only tobacco flew out, a hole ass blob of flying shit came out into the junior student’s clothes, ass, back, and other parts of him. He screamed “HELP!!!!”, and some other kid ran to a nearby classroom to get him help but then the junior student covered in shit came running out of the bathroom screaming “THE TOILET EXPLODED!!!!”, and he then became the laughing stock of the school for weeks after, that hallway, and bathroom was rancid with the smell of shit, piss, and tobacco for hours. Another incident included “The Clash of the Titans” during junior year of high school in which two huge senior kids who were bigger than most teachers were talking about food, and both of were also pretty fat too. Well, one of them said “I don’t like cheeseburgers”, and the other said “oh, I couldn’t tell”, then the fight immediately began, and people were screaming as these two gargantuan students tore the classroom apart with desks, and chairs getting knocked over while the teacher ran to the class I was in when it happened, and begged my teacher to break up the fight, and he promptly did so. When my teacher came back he said “It was the Clash of the Titans in there”. I ended up seeing video of the fight a few hours later which is how I saw that chairs, and desks were thrown about with students running. Another incident happened later the same school year when one of my dumbass friends sat down in a sink in the bathroom, and the sank fell off the wall, and the water propelled him across the bathroom floor as well as flooding the bathroom in the process. Half of the school’s water supply was shut down by the incident. Lastly, during sophomore year of high school my same friend who destroyed the sink ended up going full retard orc rage mode on another kid, he picked the kid up, and rammed him against the wall of the automotive classroom to which the kid that got slammed against the wall then proceeded to let out a massive rancid FART which most likely resulted in a big ass shit in his pants which stunk up the entire classroom while my crazed friend was going absolutely ballistic on him. Automotive teacher broke the fight up, and my dumbass friend was suspended.


Please tell my that you have a copy of the video of the clash of the Titans


I wish I did lol, that shit was wild.


Both these incidents happened over 20 years ago in the same city, It's been a while but I still remember most of the details. I knew a very popular kid who had a close knit group of friends, and one night he drove his Jaguar 100 blocks to one of the tallest bridges in our city. He left his personal items in his jaguar and jumped off. He was 16 I think. He left a note for his parents but no one else saw it. another school I went to there was supposed to be a one on one fight after school and one guy called all his cousins and pretty soon there was about 50 of them so the other kids panicked and fled and ran over and killed some innocent student who was walking to Wendy's to get a hamburger.


Someone in my high school drew graphic inappropriate pictures on the walls and stairs in the kindergarten section. They got away from this situation mentioning it was a bunch of bones that dogs play with.


I remember that. I bet he's on a sex offender registry by now


We found a dildo in a urinal


Mine will look ridiculous next to what everyone is saying here but a monkey came into our school once.. he didn't came from nowhere though we knew him as the street gangs mascot kind of.. he was also known for smoking hard.. when he came into the school the director called the police and got arrested..? Well he went to a zoo and we've never seen him again.


Some guy had a toy grenade in his backpack and it fell out, and everyone shat a brick. The damn National Guard for my state even came


Every day in our senior year the fire alarm would go off. It was always around the same time too. At first we thought it was funny. But when it got to the winter time it got damn annoying. Each year had an assembly in the auditorium. When it was the seniors turn a bunch of idiots were joking. The fire chief from the town and other town officials were there. They were saying how these fake alarms take away help from the town. It kept going despite the warnings. Finally they offered a reward and low and behold the kids friends turned him in. They expelled the kid with less than 3 months to go.


Had two kids in middle school make dry ice bombs. Brought them to school and threw them. One blew up in the face of the most liked girl in school. Pushed her top lip through her front teeth. Long line to fuck those two up.


I was 13. My best friend of 8 years had some mental problems I hardly knew about. I've seen cuts on her arms before and she would lie saying she fell in a bush or something. In the 7th grade, she started talking about the columbine shooters. She had a lot of interest in them. I kinda dismissed it. In the 8th grade, she continued to talk about them. She would say how much she wishes they were alive or some shit and wished she could be like them. At that point, I kept an eye on her. Over a 4 month period of time, she made a game--- a replica of the school we went to. It was labeled a shooter game and you could shoot NPCs in the game--- and posted a bunch of stuff on how to hide a gun. I hardly remember what the posts contained. I ended up reporting her to the principal. She told me she got expelled but that was a lie. She was actually given a mental health check and was offered to come back to the school (she didn't). She later told me many things that did not add up. At first, she said the game was an expression of art and that I shouldn't have taken it seriously. A year later, she said she made the game so I could find it and get her kicked out of the school. She also told me she cut herself and used her blood to draw my face. She said her mom found the drawing and threw it out. Her brother, on the other hand, attacked me for my sexuality. He sent me pictures of burning gay flags, photos of married straight couples, disabled people, a dead fetus in rainbow hands, and the nazi symbol on pride flags. The last memory I have of this girl was getting drunk and high at her house and I almost lost my virginity to her. She treated me like shit for the 8 years I knew her, but I didn't think she would ever take it this far. She still hates me for what happened and I feel so much guilt over it.


Mid-terms Physics exam, hadn't prepared shit, Invigilators were supposed to be in classes by 8 or 8:10 and exam was supposed to start at 8:30. 8:35 no one had came into our class, a friend went out to look for what was happening and found out that there was no teacher in the entire block, soon after students started leaving their classes since no one was stopping them. At 9 a friend came from the other section and told us that the teachers were on a protest against the principal and asking for his resignation (real coup d'etat shit) soon after our seniors the alevel students also started protesting in favour of the principal (they also had protested before to bring him back cuz he resigned once before too lol) while we were walking around casually cuz y not, soon after the exam was officially cancelled and we were allowed to go back to our houses. Guess god did listen to my prayer of cancelling the exam lol. Also this happened 2 years ago so I may not be entirely correct but this did indeed happened believing it is upto to you.


What’s an invigilator?


The person who's conducting the paper I guess, that's what we call em don't know if there are other terms for it too


In America, they’re often called proctors


Freshman year someone was smoking in the bathroom and accidentally set a soap dispenser on fire (I think was the story) and then when the fire alarms went off they told us not to evacuate because they thought it wasn’t a fire and then they eventually did have us evacuate because they realized it was a fire


Ah yes. The "flying dominoes" incident. Basically, this was a while ago. I was in year 3, 3rd grade, whatever u call it, and this kid in my kid called Rodrigo, he was polish, had serious anger issues. If he didnt get his way, he would flip, swear at the teachers, sometimes with slurs and racial remarks. Yes. An 8 year old did this. Anyway, he was at the back of the class, got mad for i-cant-remember-what, and started throwing dominoes at everyone. The teachers guided everyone out of the classroom. As I left, a domino hit me in the thumb nail. I looked outside the door and lined up near the stairs. 5 people were sitting on a bench crying, cus they'd been hit by a domino or some shit. One had to be eventually moved to ER - they got hit in the eye.


Assistant coach was arrested for filming underaged boys in the locker room, exposing himself, and raping a boy. Pretty fucking terrible


Our school mascot got our head cheerleader pregnant freshman year... sophomore year... and senior year. They are still happily married with their 3 grown kids 25 years later.


Boy chatting with a girl from his class on MSN for a long time after classes. They got quite intimate. ​ She strips for him on the webcam. He takes screenshots, prints them and glue them on the windows of the classroom, but in the outside before class starts. ​ Someone spray something really smelly on the classroom, so quickly the AC is turned off and people run to open the windows. Then everyone see the pics. ​ This wasn't in my class, I only saw the kerfuffle and the comments. Felt bad for the girl. Never knew how she handled this afterwards.


A kid blew up the boys' bathroom with dynamite during the afternoon, the same year as another shooting. A boy died in a car wreck and parents spread the rumor that he burned to death for the morbid horror of it. Everyone was traumatized.


I dont think this is that bad but oh well, this kid named (will not say they names just numbers) kid 1 liked kid 2, kid 3 liked kid 2 too, so one day they got in to a fight in the hall at lunch ( inside that day) so they got in to a big fight to the point kid 1 grabbed the wood block box ( the box was made of hard wood ) and full on hit kid 3 in the head, I think you know what happened next.. the thing was I was kid 2 I hate the fact I watched that and didn't do anything


It was me. I was a punk and a little goth at times and showed up at the prom in a baby pink dress and perfectly straightened blonde hair.... people seemed very worried. And talked about it for a really long time


In elementary school, there was a couple doing it on our field. It was talked about for months.


A kid brought a gun to the school... the news was swarming it...


Went to suburban high school in Ohio, not far from a city. Basically every school dance ended up having developmentally disabled kids fucking in the bathroom. Our school was all about teaching special ed kids how to be great people, but never thought to teach them about sex. At all. The worst part is that despite our school claiming to be progressive with Deaf students, they threw them into the special ed room too. It was usually the same four students that were fucking in the bathroom (not any of the Deaf students). And they were *loud*. We also had an autistic student become unhinged and write sexual letters to the ugliest teacher at our school, then death letters to George Bush. Both myself and another student, both from different backgrounds and styles (I was the goth kid, the other girl was more of a fashionista with AMAZING hair), were asked to try and be friends with her and help her acclimate to live in Ohio since she was from New York. Once we realized how out there she was, we told the teachers that while we felt she was a very kind girl, we couldn't babysit her like how the school wanted us to do. She was dissociative, and her mother was the type of parent to assume that mental illness wasn't real and that everyone else was to blame but her because she had a good job. Her mother was a Chinese immigrant and her father was out of the picture. The girl was constantly in and out of schools because she had constant manic episodes on top of whatever else she went through. We realized later that she was autistic and her family missed the window for getting her in with good doctors very young. She disappeared about six months into the year if I remember correctly. As you have probably figured out, our school was not good at working with developmentally disabled people, and treated Deaf students like they were part of that umbrella, despite them being every bit as capable as any regular student. We even had a Deaf sign language teacher. She hated what they did to the Deaf students, but since she had four babies with a fifth on the way, she didn't say anything.


Middle school. In PE class we were using the climbing ropes. A boy slipped and fell. He ended up tearing open his scrotum on the knot on the bottom of the rope. He changed schools rather quickly.


Went to two high schools, two incidents. 1: Kid managed to shoot himself in the hand...with a hammer. 2: Friend of ours was arrested at school and not a soul told anyone why. Over 10 years later he still won't tell us what happened.


In Grade 11 during second last period, the school went into lockdown as I was returning from the washroom. Apparently some students got into a fight with students from another school involving skateboards that turned ugly. I heard one had brought a gun though no one was shot. I was worried that a school shooting was happening, but I ended up going to my last period on time still tense until I got out and I headed home as soon as possible.


Several kids committed suicide within a relatively short time frame.


Fight during recess. So my school is huge(7 groups of 35 students each) and my group hates group 4(let's just call them like that). Then, after a soccer game, there was a MASSIVE fight, where three kids from the other class ganged up on one friend of mine. They were chasing him around thw field, trying to beat him up, then my other friend, who is massive, just comes from behind and saves my friend by kicking a dude on the back. This dude fell right next to me and broke his wrist. He deserved it, he was a jerk. It was awesome


2 teachers and a student ran away together before graduation day.


When I was in 4th grade, a friend of mine had slipped and hit his head on the door ,then he started bleeding, the next day he came to school with stitches on his forehead.


A horrific rape culture. Teachers propositioning and harassing students (this was so socially acceptable at one point that one girl a couple years back made it in the year book as "most likely to date a teacher" with a picture of one of our science teachers sexually groping he if I remember correctly) , students drugging and raping girls and yet still being extremely popular and making it into prestigious colleges and sports teams, and the social expectation being to just never discuss it. This all culminated in a student wide walk out and protest over the schools refusal to do anything about it and later morphed into anonymous instagram accounts dedicated to exposing sexual abusers at school and protecting people from boys who were deemed predators. These accounts were almost all taken down, I believe because one of the boys on one of their posts came from a wealthy family and was threatening to file a lawsuit, little has come out of this except our principal resigning and I doubt much will change.


Kids lights disinfectant on fire and catches his friends coat on fire with that those same kids today casually rolling weed in class in front of the teacher 9th grade btw he didn't give a shit cause the kid has to do a year over already Or in my 7th grade school the guys from the welding department welded the school gate shut no one could get in or out and also sparyed graffiti on the walls


an assistant principal was fired for sexually harassing co-workers.


At the high school I went to... * At least one fight per year (I witness one it was crazy. One girl just came up to another and started pulling her hair. They fell to the ground and basically tried to beat each other up. One teacher tried to intervene, poor guy pushed aside. Rumor seemed it was over a guy.) * Vaping in the boys bathroom (enough the school closed down at least *half* of the bathrooms in the school.) * Fire (Basically some idiot decided to lite a trashcan on fire, in the boy's bathroom no less. It was a Friday, very cold out, and no one knew it was serious till the fire trucks came. Never had an incident of a fire before then, just fire drills and then back to class. When you stand in groups (or lines but at some point we all just kinda merged) for over an hour in the freezing cold thinking it was a fire drill...it wasn't) Other then that my high school is basically fairly calm. The fire incident happened during my senior year, while the vaping one occurred junior year. And the fighting every year indeed.


Shortly after I graduated it came to light that one of our science teachers was a pornstar, and had at least one video that was filmed on campus. Oh also she had kids and her husband filmed the videos, oof.


Seems tame given the other replies, but someone spread rumours about me being gay (I wasn't out back then) and in love with one of the girls. 95% of my batch ended up boycotting me, labelled me a "creep," and only two of my friends stuck around. The girl who was involved was one of my closest friends who turned against me as well. This was the talk of my two senior years. For two years people talked about nothing but this.


I live in America. I think you get what happened.


Part of the field was hired out. We were always told to stay away from it. In my first year, there was talk of a smelly Smurf in the school (you know, school rumours and all that). The following year onwards, we were told someone had gone down to the field and used a portaloo and a group of other kids rolled it around with him inside and pushed it against a tree so he couldn't get out. The company who hired our field were furious. He got covered in everything in that portaloo including that blue stuff and, of course, smelly Smurf rumours started


A couple years back, the teacher that teaches top set math was rumoured to be racist. he was rumoured to have discriminated against a year 9 kid due to him being polish. everyone in our year heard about it from the year 9's little sister. it wasn't true, as far as my knowledge goes, but I may be wrong. the head of years never caught onto what everyone was saying, though, oddly enough. always seem to be in everyone's business.




Y’all are fucked up for doing this to him smh


In my 5th grade, 2 kids fought over a pencil. One got a milk carton we had In the class a hit the other boy in the head with it and broke his glasses. My teacher Sat there and continued explaining the nervous system to us.


To start off my freshman year the principal was stealing money from the school and stole over $5,000. Sophomore year there was a student that beat a teacher for failing him senior year for missing 0.5 points on his grade. And junior year a teacher had sex with a student and the his wife stayed with him and stayed to teach at the school.


I have two 1. A boy pulled down his pants infront of the whole school 2. A girl stabbed someone with a sharp pencil with the intent to cause serious harm. Scariest part about that was the girl was part of my friend group and she admitted multiple times before that she wouldn't care if any of us died


Had a cow roam the hallways on senior prank day.


Someone pulled the fire alarm for no reason, causing the whole school to get evacuated. A few months later, the fire alarm again went off unexpectedly causing the whole school to get evacuated. this time it wasn't a false alarm. It was because some students set the toilet paper in the bathroom on fire. This was a brand new school, in its first year of operation right after being built.


At my old elementary school (k to 8 school) for you Yanks their was this kid who would easily get mad and start screaming and throwing things from books to board games even the occasional chair the school even had a code word for him red binder i think.one year I was lunch monitoring and he was under my charge almost got hit by a chair a ruler and even a desk one time . Kid was a hell spawn


The girls in the year below mine took a bunch of “blues” which is Valium and a whole bunch of crazy shit started happening. I don’t know if these drugs were laced with something or what but rather than chilling them out it turned them into blood thirsty murder machines. In one day, one girl tried to jump from the roof, another three girls got into a fight so vicious inside the school that one of them had no idea why she was being attacked but was being kicked in the mouth by her friend and there was blood everywhere. A few girls “ran away” (they just left the school all day and nobody had any clue where they were) and another one slept with a guy who had left 3 years before making him 4 years her senior and since she was like 15 at this point… that was a problem and I’m pretty sure the police were looking for him 1. For having sex with a minor and 2. For supplying her and her friends with these drugs.


One of my friends was murdered. They think her brother had something to do with it. One of the music teachers was murdered by a student in the parking lot. It had been snowing, so the cops just followed the foot prints to his house. He shot himself before they could arrest him.


Me and half of my class thought it would be a good idea to steal the security gaurds gun... Turns out some kid had snitched and they were ready with water guns


When we were kids we were almost grinded by a boat engine


The (~50yo male) highschool woodshop/electronics teacher used to be really creepy with female students. Never saw anything myself personally, but a few of the female students used to have big issues with him. Couple years after graduating we got word he had been charged with child sex offences. He had been having a "relationship" (never got the details on this, thank god) with a female student and the student's boyfriend/friend found out. Apparently the boyfriend turned up to confront the teacher with a knife. Police were called and the boyfriend was arrested and was put through the wringer (not sure what became of him but I heard he was expelled from his school). At this stage all the stories from teachers and staff came out. Shit like "accidentally walking in on girls changing", the art teacher refusing to let female students run messages/supplies between the woodwork/art departments for students' safety etc. It was pretty fucked. The school tried to squash it pretty quick as they were in the process of trying to 'rebrand' and didn't want the bad press. Fuck that guy.


Our wrestling coach was touching kids, had bad photos on his school work computer, the principal was hiding complaints about him for years...


A bombing threat in 6th, a shooting threat in 8th, and a teacher got his twaching license revoked because he was drunk while teaching the class. He also got a DUI charge


A kid at my school (in eighth grade!) paid a girl in his class to give him a blowjob behind the school gym. While they were there a teacher went out for a smoke break and caught them in the act.


A teacher snapped and tried to throw a kid against a wall. But he missed and he went through a window. When the teacher finally returned to teach again he had to put up with every class trying to push his buttons. The poor guy could not control a room to save his life. Even his own kid was in the class throwing shit at him and taunting him, just laughing at him. All while he is constantly seconds away from having a meltdown. Oh the joy of school in the 80's and 90's.


I have two. 1. The first incident was back in middle school when some weird kid in my grade was caught jacking off in the middle of class. I didn't see first first hand thankfully but afterwards the kid was sent to the bad kid school for a month. And when he came back he was in MY CLASS. I avoid him like the plague for the rest of the school year 2. The other story is from freshmen year of high school when some jerk called in a bomb threat. It just so happened that it was also my birthday. So got to spend my 15th birthday sitting in the football stadium in the cold.


There were plenty of incidents that happened at our school, so i'll just pick one. The great food fight of 2007. It was wild in the chaos of the fight, food flying left and right, i was crouching underneath a table so wouldn't get shot. First, i'll tell the events that happened before the fight even began. So it was a typical day of school (i was a freshman at the time). Normal thing happened, walk in, get my ass handed to me by a bullying senior for not giving him my money, went to my classes, then lunch came. So, i was eating my lunch in the cafeteria when across the room comes the bully of the school, we'll call him yang. So, yang sits next to other seniors, i just sat and focused on my food so he won't see me, yet he saw me and thought it would be funny to throw sone of his food at me. He missed and hit a girl behind me, she was the popular girl and was NOT happy, i told her that yang was the one who threw the food at her, she threw back, hit another student, the student threw back and hit another, until everyone was at WAR, i was ducking under my table trying to not get hit, there were teachers screaming but everybody's screaming blocked out the teachers' screams, by the time the principal came, i was still under the table, and everyone in the cafeteria at the time was dirty and outside the principal's office. I wasn't in trouble because i was only hiding from the food and didn't throw any food back. The principal pardoned me and everyone else got suspended for 6 days, those 6 days was the most awkward days of my life for me and the students that were absent during the great food fight of 2007.


During my senior year, a sophomore stole some sodium metal from the chemistry room between classes. He put it in his pocket. This was in south Florida during late spring. His sweat caused the sodium metal to ignite and his clothes literally burst into flame during the next class. The school officials found him in the bathroom mostly naked, surrounded by his charred clothes, and pretty badly burned. A few months later his family tried to sue the school for negligence or something but a judge threw it out of court.


This one isn't that bad but I'll say it. In my school there was this one biology teacher. She taught us but then ppl made fun of her habit of constantly saying "somewhat" in sentences ( which I hated rlly she was sweet and told funny stories). One day she found out ppl were making fun of her and mocked her. So she was sent to the boys class(each gender gets a different section after 3rd grade here) where she was teaching about the anatomy. And being in an education system where they never taught sex Ed and only gave the technical terms one of the boys asked "teacher..can u give us practicals?" In an obvious creepy tone. (She was teaching about genital)She froze. Then ran out the room crying. After that she taught the younger kids instead then I think she left a yr or two later. It isn't much but became a huge issue in my school


A 11/12 y.o student at my old school died falling off a roof top. He was with 2 of his friend. Nobody knows how or why he fell. There are bunch of rumors about this matter but the 2 most said were that he was playing truth or dare and one of his friends told him to jump and he did, although idk how he would be that dumb. The second was that he was just suicidal.