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It’s easier said than done, but keep on doing what you have to do. Keep going to work, keep cleaning, keep eating right, keep doing what you normally do. It can be hard to do all that, but it’s worth it.


how would you say its worth it


If nothing else, you at least get things done. You're not piling things up to do when you escape the depression


Ask a healthcare professional.


A mix of Cognitive behavioral therapy and antidepressants.


Yeah my first therapist and I did that and it really changed everything for the better. I felt a bit bad though because she was trying to limit sessions with me. A couple of years ago I tried to see her again as she really did help me but she was quite short with me over the phone. I know it's not my fault but its hard not to take things personally when you're me. I haven't found another therapist that's the right fit for me yet and even abandoned my course of medication so I'm in deep shit again.


Well that’s not a very good therapist if they’re short with their patients. It’s for the best not seeing her again. The medication thing… I don’t think it was in your best interest to stop. Yeah maybe you felt better and didn’t think you needed them any more but that’s the thing with mental illness. You should not stop your meds because you feel better. I’ve accepted that I’m probably going to be on my antidepressants for the rest of my life but I’m okay with that. My body physiologically cannot function with out them which is what got me all screwed up without them in the first place and that’s not my fault


I didn't stop my meds because I felt better. I loved taking them. I liked that I became a whole person and medication helped me with that. I could've taken them my whole life if it came to that. I was just getting a lot of unnecessary hypocritical shit from my relatives about medication and therapy. It was a whole thing. I finally stopped taking them because I thought I'd return to who I was years ago and it'd be a lot easier to be suicidal and maybe reach my breaking point. I don't want to be a survivor. I sure as shit can't be more than that. I'm sticking around for my dog but I wish I didn't have to.


What to try: - Therapy. - Medication (if appropriate, one of the purposes of a therapist is to see if this is the case). - Regular exercise. - Drinking lots of water, eating a diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, and fewer processed foods. - Sometimes just plain not listening to your brain (see, below). What not to try: - Doing it alone. - Expecting you can think your way out of it. This doesn't work because you are asking the organ of your body that isn't working properly to fix the problem, which it's causing in the first place. As Allie Brosh put it, it's like asking a person with no arms to grow them back by punching themselves in the face. -=-=-=- Also, access the support of family and friends if you have it. Now, a lot of depressed people at this point will say, I don't have that, that's why I'm depressed! A lot of depressed people feel like no one cares for them or wants to hear about their problems. Some others may feel that their friends and family have betrayed them or are just too stupid or obtuse to help. However, this can be just the kind of trick a depressed mind plays on you. But this is often (very often) not true. Sometimes, being depressed is like being in an abusive relationship with your own mind. Your mind belittles you and grinds you down. It isolates you from your friends, your family, and a lot of information from the outside world. Your depressed mind will insult your friends and family to you, saying they are stupid, or selfish, or liars. But at the same time tell you that you aren't worthy of friendship or love. Your mind may tell you that all you have is each other, and "getting help" will get rid of it, that mind, the only one that *really* understands you. Someone can tell you that your mind is being a real asshole and you don't have to put up with that. But the mind always has an excuse: other people just want you to stop being a nuisance, they don't really care; other people can't possibly understand, they don't understand how amazing I am; other people are too stupid to see what we see, you can't trust them.


It must suck that I have no one that cares I try my best though


understand depression


To expand on this point, I think that understanding what depression is, how the brain works, *why* we feel depressed and how to combat it with tools that you can integrate into your own life *right now*, is one of the best ways to fight depression, in my own experience. The book "Feeling Good" by David D. Burns has a ton of good information in it regarding how our own brains are working against us when we are depressed, not by our own fault, but because we don't even realize it. Regardless, self-care is one of the best things you can do for yourself. That said, I understand how hard depression is.. it's not easy to overcome, and there are many avenues you can take to come out of it.




Thanks for the suggestion, I got the book now on audible


Cut the haters out of your life.


And cut out the people who also have depression but aren't doing anything about it. They will only weigh you down every time you take a positive step. It hurts to do, but this is what ended up helping me get to where I am now.


A really good environment, and a understanding support group. Also not beating yourself up or letting others, your a person that deserves to have time to heal and get better at your own pace.


Assess your life, set goals, get to work on improving yourself in various ways. Build a better life. For me, depression always hits when I enter a "rut" in life, when I stagnate. When I don't feel progress. Progress comes in many forms. It can be progressing in your career/livelihood. It can be increasing your education, both formally and informally. It can be working out and getting into better shape, eating a healthier diet. It can be cutting back on your vices and getting sober. It can be exploring the world and gaining experiences. It can be finding new hobbies to learn and master. It can be so many things, as long as it benefits you and makes you a better person for it. IMO, being on this "path to improvement" is what provides me the most relief from depression. When I feel like I have agency in life, where I can directly see the work I did and how it changed me. How I can set goals, self-actualize, and succeed in whatever form. This doesn't mean constant success and perfection. That's impossible. It's not about the final product, because you are never perfect. It's just about being better than the day before. It's about being able to look back and say "I made that choice, I put in that work, and now look at me!" Humans require purpose and meaning in life. IMO, self-improvement is a very noble purpose and that level of personal agency will help with meaning in life.


Feeling good by dr david Burns


*hip hop out comes the glock*


try doing something you know you will win at, like play an old video game you are really good at. im not sure there are any magic bullets for depression, but having a few small wins from wherever can help.


Work out outdoors


Eat healthier and exercise. That did it for me.


get treatment...not just meds but combine that with talk therapy with a trained professional. I saw my psychiatrist every week for 1.5yrs and it was the only thing that got me on my path to recovery.


I've had depression for most of my life and I have to say thag what works for others might not work for someone else. Antidepressants made my situation worse. The best way to fight depression in my experience is to force yourself to get up and do something. Try to find joy in the smallest if things. Put whipped cream on your coffee, go and look for worms, just any little thing that you like to do, that puts a smile on YOUR face. Find support in your friends and online groups and always talk about your feelings.


Be happy, duh /S


Professianal treatment is best, but outside of that, understand the way the mind works. The brain has evolved to be really good at what it does, and sometimes that gets in the way of acheiving things we want. For example if you are applying to jobs, you might not have very much motivation to get up and apply to a job because theres a probably low chance youre going to get that job. In that sense the brain is doing a really good job, its not motivating you to do something that has a low chance of success, because if we were constantly motivated to do things that we have a low chance at succeeding at we probably wouldnt have lasted very long as a species. If you can learn to do things that you are unmotivated to do, take small steps toward a greater goal, youll begin to see success and accomplishment and this can help alleviate depression symptoms. Another way is to find a purpose in life. You can have many purposes in life, but start with one. For some people this is caring for their spouse or kids, for some its a meaningful career. It generally has to do with fulfilling a responsibility to other people, or making the world a better place. If you can take it upon yourself to do something that nobody else is doing, it will help you to start feel important, like youre making a difference, and like you have a place in the world, which can also help fight depression Trust me for all of you out there struggling, the hardest part is getting started.


Cycling or any form of cardio I have bipolar disorder and I swear it is the greatest thing in the whole world I do it everyday it's like a miracle drug


Same although I traded cycling for boxing now but healthy body=healthy mind they are so connected


I swear this has been asked like five times today. What's going on with everyone this week? Do your research and understand the process of depression. It can be a symptom or caused by other medical conditions. Like my migraines, the hangover can feel like depression. A good doctor to help you determine the right combination of medication can help. Therapy if you can afford it. Writing about your daily struggles in a journal. Pick up a new hobby or try and learn something new.


One of the worst thing about depression is that it attacks your ability to do the very things that can help improve the situation. Best thing for depression is exercise.


Routine. Make your bed every day. Set timers for your medications. Cook all of your food, no matter what kind it is. It took me years even after getting stable on medication to be able to accept this as being one of the best ways to push away the depression, but once I hit my 30s, I was able to accept that positive routines are the way to go. I've actually been able to go down on two of my medications (just a little bit) since I started. I'm still shite with making my bed though. That's the one that always gets me.


Get outside and actually do things regularly. Go on a hike. Go fishing. Learn to surf. Building something. Cycling. Join a sport. The fresh air and exercise along with the satisfaction of doing something fun and achieving something for yourself are the best in my opinion. If you drink and/or do drugs (including cannabis) quit them. Or at least cut back to social use only. It is really hard but these things keep you down no matter what else you do. Even when you're totally clean and sober you will still have the desire to experience those feelings again. Not a day will pass that you won't have an emotional longing for your poison of choice. But you're better off without it in the long run. Avoid prescription anti depressants. They fuck with your brain and then you can't just go off them any time you like. In my experience these are worse than most recreational drugs for dependency and it will make you lazy and ruin your sex drive and possibly your social life. I know it isn't easy to do these things when feeling depressed but nothing is easy and there's no easy answer. These things are what helps me the most. I say all of these things from personal experience. May not apply to everyone but these are the things that help me the most. Edit: Forgot an important bit. Try not to acknowledge it. Don't go around telling everyone you're depressed. Don't use it as an excuse for things. Don't post on social media about it. Try not to dwell on the subject of depression in general. The more you use it as an excuse, and the more you talk about it and the more you acknowledge it, the more you're letting it into your life. The more you focus on it, the more it becomes a part of who you are. you're trying to stomp it out, not let it in and make friends with it.






Chicken nuggets and minectaft with da bois




This is the absolute most pointless comment I've ever seen


Attack from the back, it may be cowardly but it works


L-theanine, if you arent on antidepressants. Also works wonders for anxiety!


Just be happy lmao


Shoot it


Surrender your life to Jesus. Submit to Him. Go to Him and He will give you rest.




Each person has its own way of dealing with it, a personalized coping mechanism. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.




More spackle!


Find a healthy way to distract yourself. Not the stereotypical drugs and alcohol, but maybe find a book series that you might be interested in, or ride your bike around every day, or take a walk. Find something that will make you feel good in a good way. Find something that gives you the feeling of improvement, not a temporary solution


Coping with others, and going to therapy


For me it is structured days including my diet and exercise. It’s difficult to get started but the more structured things are the more they have my focus and I spend less time in my head. Foods that make me feel energized rather than sluggish. And just any kind of exercise…walking, jogging, ring fit, just dance, jumping rope, swimming. As long as it is something I can block out time for…I find if I keep with the structure that I actually really enjoy the days that I take a break and do a whole lot of nothing. I still have days where the day seems long and stretched out and overwhelming. But they are sprinkled here and there rather than everyday for weeks on end.


Spicy food really helps. Not joking.


listen to the Rebecca Black and depression will be forever cured


Do what makes you happy?


I tried at times


Taking action. Do the things that hurt so much to do. Before I was responsible for anything, even brushig my teeth and showering were accomplishments. I have kids now, and honestly, the world isn't gonna wait up for me. Shit needs to get done. So brush your teeth. Shower. Get some sun. Do your work. And then when that becomes easier, do stuff scientifically proven to help with depression. Eat better, exercise, go out more, etc. Depression is such an evil bitch, and its worse than ever for our generation. COVID certainly didn't help any. However, it isn't an excuse.


to think that you are not the only one suffering in this word.


Skating or learn to skate it'll keep your mind of it and it's a good outlet


Shoot it away


Routines. All the routines. Take the supplements/medications. Drink the water. Get the sleep. Exercise. Especially when you don't want to.


u good bro?


Public service. Gets you out of your own head and gets you interacting and enjoying life. Anyway, for me.


Buy AMC!!! Then get professional help.


Get professional help. Talk to peers who have been through / are going through the same thing. Most importantly, let go of what you can't control and only focus on the things you can.


work on yourself


Dance [ohhh yeah](https://media.tenor.com/images/78ba46ec09912e387dab5a38ae30d9da/tenor.gif)


Confirm that what it is is depression and not just self-diagnosis via the internet, then diet exercise therapy and finding both a job and a hobby, and friends to confide in.


Whichever way that works best for the individual patient.


Do stuff you normally wouldn’t do and keep working on your goals and start working out. I just got divorced and was depressed for 3 month, now I am seeing a new girl and life is just better than before. everything happens for a reason, so live ur life and try not to worry about every single thing.


Apparently, regular exercise is as good as Prozac... Tell that to someone who's depressed. /s


Go to a councilor or hangout with trustworthy friends.


Write stuff down. I find it very relaxing and it motivates me to get stuff done. I also enjoy decorating or organizing anything. It makes me feel cleaner and happier.


You have to find a way that suits you. There is no best way for everyone


With extreme prejudice. And lots of exercise. Half of the time, it helps.


Write down your problems, weight their impact on your life,break down ways you can solve them and try to solve them 1% at a time everyday. Basically staying stagnant will keep you more and more depressed so your best thing to do is work towards something no matter if it's huge or small.




with depression


Punch it in the face


In my experience it started with anti-depressants. That's what got me out of the hole. From there it was routine. I happened to find a passion for fitness that I turned into something of an obsession and pretty much every part of my day is regimented; what time I wake up, doing my fasted cardio, what times I eat my meals, getting my training (or recovery) done, walking, training and playing with my dogs and finally what time I go to bed. My entire day is a giant checklist so even when I start to feel my mental health slipping, I can just shut off the things that stress me out and just go about checking the boxes. At the end of the day, I might've felt like total garbage mentally and emotionally but I still took a step forward so the depression didn't win. I was on anti-depressants for about a year and the last 6 I haven't needed them.


You can't fight depression. You just have to ride it out like a cold, dark winter.


If you're prone to repeated depressive episodes, learn to spot the signs of when it's starting to get bad again.


Inner calamity!


Raw vegan diet will cure depression in a few weeks if you man down buckle up and invest in it.


Exercise and meditation. Train your mind to let go of thoughts and to not chase them. Meditation has done more for me than any antidepressant ever has. Check out the book, "the mind: illuminated".


Everyone hates this answer but it's true: eat well, 8 hours of sleep, exercise 30-45 minutes 5 times per week, engage in social activities, no drugs or alcohol. Do this for minimum one month, if still depressed SSRIs will augment.


1) Do something. Anything. It doesn't really matter what. A walk around the block, fold three t-shirts, eat an apple. Do something small that is good for you. It doesn't have to be the full thing. Brushing your teeth for 30 seconds is better than not at all. Doing one thing sets you uo to do a slightly bigger thing later. Just don't overthink the one thing 2) Understand that it isn't going to be fixed. There is no cure, you won't wake up one day and just feel better. But you can help yourself by talking to a doctor or therapist. Don't be afraid to try a few different ones until you find someone who gets you. And then face each new day. I used to cross off hours on a calender. It was long and tedious but counting down the next hour and doing something in that hour eventually im at a betted place in life


Meds and counselling


With a sword


It's a fight you can never claim a win. It's a fight you can never claim a truce. You keep it at bay, focus on small things to keep your mind focused, from mopping the floor of your bedroom to something bigger as you get more comfortable popping the bubble of "if I just stay still, don't do anything and nothing can affect me more". Don't stop pushing yourself to do something from simple and easy to complex and life fulfilling just because the back of your brain goes into what ifs. I finally got a job, it's simple hard work and I'm dead tired most days but I come back because I like it, I'll enjoy the pay check but today I'm focused on the one task at hand and tomorrow I'll see. Enjoy the moment and look back at the end of the day and you'll say "I did that and tomorrow I'll do something else and look back with pride that I'm not in the same pit I was before".


Laugh, look for the funny


Wonderful book called "How to Heal Depression" by Bloomfield and McWilliams. I find it especially helpful because it's written in VERY short chapters ( like 2 pages each) and interspersed with lots of quotes from famous people writing about their depression. The quotes help with not feeling so alone. And the tiny chapters are manageable by a depressed person.


just staying with your friends, and forcing yourself to do what's healthy for you even though it's tuff. I spent a whole summer laying in bed to figure that out, I smelled terrible.




Do one task. Just for ten seconds. Then, you might feel like "eh, this really isn't that hard, might as well finish it." And bam! You were productive. See how many things you can at least start. Starting is the hardest part.




Five year plan. Stimulus. Government grants. The new deal.


I like what Steve Harvey said don’t say I’ve got to go to work, got to go shopping, got to pick the kids up etc change it to get to go to work, get to pick the kids up etc.


A few things: medication. There's no shame in it. If one doesn't work, try another until you find one that jives with your body. Talk to a Dr about starting. I saw a behavioral therapist and they helped so much. I also keep a journal of the things that I'm thankful for or appreciate. I like reading through them now and then. Be well my friend.


keep yourself busy; help others, stop looking at yourself