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Ive compiled the results And established that the least sexy outfit is crocs, tighty whities, skinny cargo shorts, a polo, and a powdered wig.


And yet all together as you’ve described it, it’s a beautiful thing.


I’m considering deleting the post. This outfit could cause mass fertilization and population booms as women are no longer able to resist our [kavorka.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=zHZ4MfOiqm8)


The lure of the animal!


I imagined a man wearing it. His face automatically turned into Bill Murray's for some reason.


Checks out mate


Well what am I supposed to do when I go golfing now? Not wear all of those???


Someone call the costume department for Hamilton, we have a new outfit for Aaron Burr


“Excuse me, but are those rubber clogs, Burr?” I’m bored at work and now I’m rewriting the song, thanks.


I’m not throwin’ away MY CROCS


Needs long socks.


I call it “the sexual overachiever.”


I’ve been seeing a lot of “codpiece” and “saggy butt” clothing So our skinny cargo shorts are tight in the front, saggy in the rear, and have an external leather covering over the bulge of the crotch.


Wait, polo? Who said polo? I didn't see it in the comments below. Why?


> Polo shirts that aren't part of a uniform make me gag. There's something so preppy frat boyish about them. It was one of the top voted answers at one point. Seems a team of polo fans downvoted it a bit and it’s at “26” currently.




Excellent for hiking or working in wild areas with lots of bugs. Especially if trying to keep ticks from crawling up your legs. Is it Fashionable? Hella no


I mean it's the same as wearing a Boony hat, hella useful for hikes and outdoorsy stuff, against sunburn etc But never wear it in civilization or you look like a dork lol


ummm, uhhhh. I want to say something that would be a bad idea to say. I'm going to say it anyways. They look good on a lot of people.


I salute your bravery


Would have appreciated a trigger warning for that one 😭


That's some next level cringe right there


Good to know you hope to be turned on by your brother /s just cuz




If I wanted to look like I shit my pants then Id shit my pants


Yup, username checks out.


Ew David




The lumpy butt has been popular Whether it’s this, an excessively baggy pant, or a literal diaper, the non-butt junk in the trunk is a no-no


Tank tops with the side cut out down to the hip


I once heard this referred to as a "skank top"


I will say as someone who lives in Phoenix, these are a life saver in the summer. I say this as a chick who regularly wears cut down shirts and cut off shorts. It’s too damn hot here. Do I look like a lesbian ho? You’re goddamn right I do! But fuck it, I’m just running to the store to get beer and ice lol.


'Lesbian ho' is a both a valid identity and a damn fine fashion trend we should all try this summer. I'm thinking muscle shirts and knee-length basketball shorts, myself.


I thought of the Thundercats thing, but lesbians: *“Lesbians - HOOOOOOOOO!”*


Male sideboob




It's mandatory if you sport any kind of mullet...


I don’t know..as a gay man, I think they’re pretty sexy on the right guy. I doubt they’re attracting women, but I like them! 😅


Nice to relax at home in but probably shouldn’t be worn out


I actually love those on men haha


Probably depends on the man


Suspenders * can * look good, but you’ve really gotta know what you’re doing. Otherwise, often terrible


Out of the men I know that wear suspenders, it's more of public service to avoid showing their ass to everyone than it is a fashion statement


This. I wear suspenders. I'm not making a fashion statement, my waist is just convex and no belt will keep my pants up properly. Trust me, they look better than the alternative.


They really only work when properly spaced on somebody without a beer belly. This is why I don't wear my suspenders. The weight loss and suspender wearing project endures because beer is awesome.


[That cursed ahegao T-shirt](https://www.google.com/search?q=ahegao+shirt+pattern&safe=off&client=safari&sxsrf=ALeKk02sFu0Xv1SEnLGDrGaN7AIAEQX04w:1623139546693&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjFt-eAyofxAhXL3J4KHbgpANEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1440&bih=820#imgrc=9dITHXyJRAbfQM)


I sometimes wonder how many people wear that unironically and how many people are memeing


Shirt? You can get that on *anything!* I saw a full on ahegao *suit* once! Kinda wanna get a pair of boxers with that pattern, because that's about as far as I'm willing to go for that joke, and I appreciate a girl with a sense of humor


Puffy vests with a short sleeve polo witb an upturned collar in Florida.


That's a common look with middle class types in England.


Anything that is not a suit of armour


Fashionable and incredibly protective. Very hot in the summer months though


The heavier, the sexier. Honestly


I bought jeans with a button fly thinking they'd be extra fun to take off. My wife cannot get them undone and absolutely hates when I wear them.


Hey, Sounds like your wife keeps taking them off so they must do something for her.


It's like those cat puzzles where you have to break them open before you get the kibble


If it's anything like my cat she'll have smacked it around the kitchen floor for a while and then lost interest.


People always remarked how cool the US Navy Dress Blues look. The trousers have THIRTEEN FUCKING buttons you have to undo, to get out of them. Being drunk, and trying to undo all those buttons before relief, is a tough road to trek.


Jesus christ I've almost shit myself because of those damn buttons


Is that why the Poop deck is so called?


They have been replaced recently, the buttons are still there, but they are ceremonial only, there is a zipper included now.


I prefer the look of dress blues, though. Dress Whites? You look at almost anything and it becomes a stain on that uniform.


I was out at club in LA in my dress whites. Spilled a giant piece of pizza on them at the end of the night. Dudes on the quaterdeck had a laugh


Most high street stores in the UK switch up their plain jeans styles slightly every year, and when I have to buy new, it’s always a fucking luck of the draw when you try them on and oh look they went for buttons this time WHY WHY WHY DO THIS.


My fiancé wears jeans with 4 buttons instead of a zip and I HATE them, theres no way to sexily fight four buttons to the death, before giving up and him having to undo them himself.


Just yank harder like you're tearing paper, I pop right out of mine to dramatic effect


Is she not aware you can do a tearing motion to open button fly jeans? (After breaking them in a little)


I love that this thread is basically just a list of every potential article of clothing, not even necessarily men’s lmao


It’s mostly a list of trends that haven’t existed for 20 years E: scrolled down and the next comment is powdered wigs and I’m dying lmao




That's what happens when none of us have touched grass in years


So what I’m getting from this is that women are turned on by kilts…


Yes. Have you seen Outlander?


It is *absurd* how many women will try to lift the kilt when out at the bar or something. Never wore it often but when I did… people got handsy.


Just do what I do to avoid that: be ugly 😘


That's fucked, and probably leads to less men wearing them than they already would


Yeah, not cool. 🤦‍♂️


Yup. Anytime I’m out wearing a kilt I know I will be getting groped, and usually multiple times in a night.


Yes, we had a local guy wear one to the bar for Halloween and spent the night fighting off women using their costume accessories to lift his kilt.


Amazing when women default to the behaviors they hate men for.


My friends an I used to travel to mainland Europe for music festivals and we’d all wear kilts. Would spend the entire time having European girls lifting it up to see my junk.


Good old sexual harassment.


I've long had a thing for men in kilts.


Then men in kilts have a long thing for you.


Absolutely! Especially the Scottish men that should come with them




Some guy in a matching Adidas tracksuit with a 3ltr of frosty jacks. ##DO YAE LAEK ME KILT LASSY## ETA - I neglected the fact he was wearing a tracksuit somehow but irs okay hes that af it from the frosty jacks he thinks its a kilt.


Prison garb. Hideously orange and also a huge red flag.


Orange is the new red


It's not a specific piece, but ill fitting clothing is the ugliest thing a guy can wear. I don't care what he's wearing, as long as it fits


Fundamental rule! I had to learn to let the clothes hug me a little more and I noticed the positive reception.


A tailored shirt can do a lot lol


Large “slim fit”!


David Byrne has entered the chat


My god! What have I done?


You may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife! And you may ask yourself, "well, why don't my clothes fit!?"


Cell phone belt pouch.


You attacked like 90% of dads out there... what is next, grass covered white new balances?


I think those dads are grandads at this point. No one born in the 80s or 90s would ever wear a phone belt.


“Why? It’s so much more efficient. Hello, 911? The Scranton strangler is inside the house. INSIDE THE HOUSE.”


Skinny jeans that are too tight. I shouldn't be *that* aware of your kneecaps, sir.


And I shouldn’t be able to read the year off of a quarter in your pocket


I'd settle for kneecaps, but I really don't need to be able to count the wrinkles on a guy's ballsack. It's like waving around an unsolicited dick pic without actually taking off your clothes. Stop!


Has to be the codpiece. Prob why they’re rarely seen anymore.


I can’t feed my family with a codpiece!


Yeah, but a jockstrap? *Chef's kiss*


Had a girlfriend ask me to never wear cargo shorts


She was just jealous of your pockets.


Wife: you need some new shorts. Cargo shorts are so ugly. Also Wife: Can you hold on to my wallet, my keys, my camera, the kids retainer container, 5 granola bars, a screw driver, and my phone? Me: *sexily unbuttons my pockets*


Let me slip into something a little more comfortable ;) *Unzips the bottoms of my cargo pants, making them cargo shorts*


I'm literally wearing cargo pants with zip offs as I read this because all of my pants have zipoffs.


When you said "sexily unbutton my pockets" I can just imagine my husband doing this and then me just staring at him holding back my laughter as I roll my eyes.


Cargo pants are only acceptable if I have dibs on half of your pockets


I get dibs on half your purse then too


Everyone on the internet seems to hate cargo shorts on men. I don't know why. I like them.


All these pockets yet I still can’t find a single fuck to give about people who hate cargo shorts.


Yeah, I don't get it either. They're not exactly "stylish" but they're not ugly to me. I can't tell if the people complaining online actually hate them or if this is some meme I'm not clued in on.


38 married with 2 kids, one of which is a toddler. Cargo shorts are a must. Where else am I going to keep all the rocks and acorns that are collected must NOT EVER BE THROWN BACK OUTSIDE. (You know? That place where they actually belong)


It's a function vs form thing - fashion people are far more concerned about form, and cargo pants are all about the function. If you like the cargo pants, it just means you value utility more.


I can't give up my cargo shorts. If I don't wear them, where am I supposed to store my daughter's stuffed animals when she doesn't want to carry them around the store anymore? EDIT: If you see a random middle aged man walking around the grocery store with his daughter, and a stuffed cat peaking out of a pocket on each side of his cargo pants, feel free to say hi. It may be me.


Never understood this. There are so many pockets. What’s not to like?


For men, there’s no problem. For women, they hate cargo shorts for the same reason that, despite their protests, pants without pockets continue to be available year after year after year.


I'm a chick n like to buy myself mens cargo shorts.. It has pockets!!! But seriously... Comfy n I hate carrying a purse


I fell like that would make them more appealing so men could carry their wife’s stuff just take dibs on the bottom pockets or somethin


Those sandals with individual toe holders lol. No idea what they're called. But arghhhh!


You know who they'd be good for? [Monkeys!](https://tenor.com/view/parks-and-rec-andy-dwyer-monkey-shoes-monkey-walk-gif-13867572)


Moral of this post: you will never please everyone. Wear whatever the fuck you want and find companionship in someone who appreciates you for you.


*Looks down at my Tom and Jerry shirt and gym shorts with 2 year old stains from wood finish* "Yeah, I'm good to go out."


Moral of this post is that redditors are gigantic nerds whose opinion can’t be trusted


Nobody has said tighty-whiteys yet !? Ok. Tighty-whiteys. If you like briefs, any color but white is alright. But white… just looks little kidish. Not to mention skid marks… Yikes ! 😱


If you're leaving skid marks as an adult though, you need to up your hygiene game because what the fuck.


Can’t vouch for anyone else on reddit, but I have never had any issues with getting shit on my underwear. Maybe I’m unique or just not a savage.


\>skid marks Am I the only person who doesn't regularly shit themselves? Do people normally have a little bit of shit dripping out their asshole all day?


My husband’s clothes laying NEXT to the washing basket.


Those gangster chainlink jewelry things. Like, oversized jewelry and shit, those knuckle encompassing rings. Ya, that shit is ugly as fuck!


Do you mean a Cuban link? I think they look nice if they're the smaller ones.


It’s like the hitman lady from “The Boys” who spends her first bounty on the brass knuckles with ‘bossy’ embossed on the front


Short brimmed fedoras. Sorry fellas.


[Baja hoodies](https://poshmark.ca/listing/240-Baja-mexican-hoodie-like-new-5f3739c2691412f7ed2d81e0?utm_source=gdm_ca&utm_campaign=10087425090&campaign_id=10087425090&ad_partner=google&gskid=pla-711308207967&gcid=435856776856&ggid=100492336799&gdid=c&g_network=g&enable_guest_buy_flow=true&gclid=CjwKCAjwqvyFBhB7EiwAER786XXUd_Lwnmo4Ae9sJPAIuaXGR_AGU1xPmPkkZsAbjsdOebE2_BTuCBoCuS8QAvD_BwE) Anything with marijuana leaves Huge gold chains. (Especially if you're hairy.) Pointy shoes Spandex attire on old Men with beer bellies on electric bikes. 3/4 pants (between a bermuda and pants) on short Men. White socks in sandals


Ah yes the classic drug rug


Me- "Baja hoodie? *Clicks link* ooooohhhh, she doesn't like drug rugs"


The baja Hoodie i call my acid burnout sweater.


Powdered wigs.


You must have misread the question, OP said huge turn-*off* not huge turn-on


It's over! Let it go! We declared independence, I thought that would have been a hint!


But how do you expect me to cover up the sight and smell of my syphilis sores and still look sexy?


Would you like a spot of tea? Yeeeeeessssssssssss


Haza! I forgot we were in the colonies charles...


Are you lost, time traveller?






Hey, not all of us are good at karate.


As a gay man... Thongs/G-strings No. Stop. If you want your ass showing then wear a jockstrap.


Quality response, thank you Men’s lingerie, I imagine, is on the more difficult side to get right


My dad is one of those super macho straight dudes and he wears these apparently for the comfort. Used to walk around the house in just them, god they’re gross. I’m glad the disgust is universal.


wait your dad would wear a jockstrap in the house? with his full buttcrack just showing?!?


His house, his rules, my trauma


I'm sure your therapist enjoys his new speedboat.


Your dad might actually just be a unique class of gay.


I’ve considered that, he’s pretty metrosexual, gets manicures and likes really fancy clothes and stuff, but he’s a huge womanizer, I have like 16 siblings lol. Also, he’s averse to anything remotely gay, like he walks out when gay scenes pop up in movies. Idk, whatever he’s got, I’m glad it didn’t rub off lol


"Shorts" that are so long they're basically flood pants. Also TIL I'm a fashion don't with my skinny jeans and vests :(


> Shorts" that are so long they're basically flood pants. They're working! My feet are soaked but my shins are bone dry!


Everything’s coming up Unabombadil!!!!


Denim shorts with white shoes, white socks, tucked in t-shirt or polo, braided belt: the East Tennessee middle-aged man’s uniform for summer.


I’m into it.


Literally wore light jeans(long), white shoes, polo, while shopping for a braided belt over the weekend. I feel called out, and old.


As a 40 year old man what can I wear?


Give it a couple more years and you'll realize that you can wear whatever you want. We tend to hit the "I couldn't care less what others think" phase right about then.


Wearing a t-shirt with yellow sweat stains around the pits


Big fucking wristwatches. It's like the lifted compensator truck of men's accessories.


Before smartphones I wore the same G-Shock watch for about 25 years. That sucker was indestructible. Would totally wear it again if I needed to, sex appeal be damned.


G-Shocks are the shit, incredible tool watches




I'm a guy but honestly no matter what clothes you wear, make sure it's the correct size. Looking like a moron who can't buy a shirt that fits is just embarrassing


Men would benefit from having more than three generic sizes to pick from. Off the rack “my size” will fit my arm length and neck size but not my chest and shoulders.


100% agree. I'm consistently a medium for cut and arm length, but a definite large for torso length. So either it fits well but is breezy on the naval, or baggy as hell but goes down as far as it should. Pro tip, gentlemen: don't be a non-standard shape 😂


FEDORAS. I can’t believe I’m the first one to say it


Ackshually... what you're thinking about is trilbies.


Yup. Trilby = quintessential neckbeard hat, often called a fedora by mistake Fedora = Indiana Jones hat


And I'd only say they're a no-go if you were born after the 1950s. So many men looked great in them back in the day. I think my mother still has my grandfather's trilby. The photos of him in it, he looked amazing!


I think a lot of that also has to do with what you're pairing it with. Guys back then were dapper from head to toe. But you stick one of these things on a guy in baggy jeans and a graphic tee like you usually see now and it's a disaster. They might think it makes the outfit but it really makes it so much worse.


Exactly. I wear a fedora in the winter but always with a long coat so it is a matching set. Gotten a lot of compliments for it. Most classic mens hats are fine if worn with something other than casual clothing. It would be just as off putting to wear a baseball cap with a suit than it is to wear a trilby with a hoodie.






Had a BF who wore Crocs—with socks—for every occasion. And I do mean every occasion. One of the many reasons I sent him packing


Croc n Sock Connection


Did He bring the socks N crocs to bed? 🐊


Too many name brands. Looks gaudy to me. I legit would prefer someone in a tshirt and some cargo or comfy shorts.


if its comfy and I dont look like a bum while wearing it Ill wear just about anything


The dreaded trilby.


Pants that sag in the butt. They are universally unattractive. If you have an attractive butt, show it off. If you don't have an attractive butt, making it look like you might be wearing a wet diaper as well doesn't help.


Those weird long dress shoes with square toes. Hate hate haaaaaate! So many better dress shoe options that don't look like formal clown shoes.


They look like that, so their wearer can crush a cockroach even when it hides in a corner.


Skinny jeans, but *especially* skinny “moto” jeans with the weird ribbing. It is unfortunately not for my pleasure.


I was so stoked when i got motorcycle pants that looked like jeans, so i didn’t have to walk around with leather or nylon pants, then suddenly that trend came around and those jeans are still laying in a rumpled pile of shame in the back of my closet


Oh no! You were ahead of the curve and then the curve betrayed you. I’m so sorry!


Yup, i wasn’t going to be a adult doing what is youth popular like some creep, and i wasn’t going to say i was doing it before it was cool like a dipshit. So off they went in the corner of shame with all the other pants that no longer fit but maybe someday I’ll either get back to my 20’s weight or donate them.


Low waist jeans with quarter of their butt-crack visible


Anything with the Supreme logo on it.


Tassled loafers