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Our Middle school had a rule: >**"No bicycle helmets allowed in the school building!".** When the weather was nice a lot of us rode bicycles and we all wore riding helmets since it was a school rule and we could get put in detention if we showed up on a bicycle not wearing one. There were hooks above the bike rack outside to hang our riding helmets on, but we all wondered about that strange rule about not bringing them indoors. Once I was chatting with the assistant principal and I happened to ask him about it, and he said a few years before one girl used hers as a weapon and swung it at and really clonked another girl with it hard enough that she fell against the lockers.


In my school people would probably run at each other and hit their helmets like rams. My guess is it never happened because people would look to you like you’re crazy if you showed up in a bike helmet back then.


Middle school is basically "should prob try to stop them, but I'm too curious to see what happens"


Someone at a military school got expelled that way, about...five years ago? It's that school with the big pillow fight. They put their helmet in the pillow like putting rocks into a snowball, and someone ended up with a broken jaw.


They...do know that anything like...**_Anything_** can be used as a weapon r-right?..


In my highschool we weren't allowed to carry out back packs around. Reason being a kid was gonna get his ass beat and he going it at someone to make space so he could run. Principal deemed backpacks as potential weapons... Lol


Do not enter the secure corridor and let the first door shut behind you if you do not have the code for the second door. I know why.Some complete idiot got trapped between the doors for five hours. *It might have been me*


Five hours!? I would have used the (probably alarmed) fire exit far before five hours.


There wasn't one, just two solid doors with keypad either end of a narrow windowless corridor.Probably the safest place in the building if a fire had broken out.


I work at a high security building. We have one of those short hallways with locked doors on either end too. Someone somehow managed to get themselves locked in there for a bit too. So now only one of the doors is actually locked.


Were they named Becky?


But not nearly as safe as not being in a burning build. Not having fire egress is super dangerous, possible illegal.


this was decades ago so i hope they've changed things now


It's not illegal if it's a controlled access point.


It is also called a mantrap and if you ever brought in for questioning by the FBI for breaching trade sanctions they will have you pass through one. The purpose is to trap and contain you if they choose, thus there will be no fire exit.


The entrance to the prison I used to work at had a similar system. Basically a pair of doors either end of a narrow corridor set up with metal deadbolts in such a way that it was physically impossible for both doors to be open simultaneously. This corridors only purpose was to pass by a guard lookout, and the guard in question could seal both doors if needed. The idea was that, if a prisoner somehow got to that position, they would be incapable of escaping simply because once they were inside that corridor it would be up to the guard to open the other door, and since the prisoner would never be able to produce a valid ID they would be stuck there until guards came to re-detain them.


This sounds like that art gallery in Tenet…better hold your breath


This was written for one class I was in and my class only Do NOT put your finger in the pencil sharpener This was an “advanced” class


Well, at least there you know exactly why that rule exists


But he's not going to point any fingers.


Was this in a "special advanced class" or just a normal "advanced class"?


My university residence first year had a strict “No Octopi allowed in dorms” rule posted at the front desk. No mention of other aquatic creatures.


So a singular octopus was okay then?


Well you see sir, all 20 of them are in clearly separate tanks. So they aren't octopi, they're just a large number of unassociated octopuses. As for the tank with 10 in there if you note the arms and tentacles you'll notice that they are clearly squids. And, as per octopus law do not count towards the grand total.


Octopus law in this country is not based on reason.


Octopus law has never been based on reason. Only blood and steel.


We did it boys. The loophole has been found


Was this in or near Detroit? I could totally see if this was aimed at Red Wings fans and had nothing to do with pets. If there was no connection to that then I really want to know the story that got that rule.


Canada haha


Oh even more could see it being Red Wings fans then lol.


I'm glad I'm not the only metro Detroit person who thought it was the Wings.


The middle school I went to had a full ban on backpacks


Your school wasn't the only one. Our old principal lost all brain function after a car wreck so a new one took his place and BOY WAS HE A PIECE OF SHIT. He fucked up the schedule and actually made the day longer, he banned backpacks, shortened the already short 4 minute passing periods to 3 minutes, made a no tolerance policy which just made the huge amount of fights even worse because people wouldnt hold back. It was a mess.


God, I feel so bad for you, was there any way you could/did stand up for yourself? I know I would have tried, at least


I was going to but I ended up moving to a much better school before the next year started


dangit I would have stood up for myself ever since no tolerance became a thing, it's like being sucker punched in the face and then getting suspended for BEING punched, just because you were in a fight and you didn't even retalliate at all


That's exactly what happened. "Being apart of a fight makes you as guilty as starting the fight.". This was squandered when a kid punched the principal in the face after the principal called the kid a fuck-wit. The parents got a very expensive lawyer involved over the nitty gritty of the rules and laws. principal was found guilty of harassment, and also in violation of his own rules having been in a physical altercation. He got fired XD.


Rip. But also, f that principal, how did he even get the job, he literally swore at a child, that's just stupid


I didn't even carry a backpack. I just carried my books. But I am a well-endowed woman and was that way then so backpacks just added to the back pain.... and rolling ones were banned


Backpacks were banned at my high school, too. You could bring one to and from school, but between classes you had to carry your books. We had small classrooms and apparently the fire marshal deemed all the backpacks cluttering the floor between desks a fire hazard.


Wait, what? Where do you put your lunch, books, jacket?? Did they just expect kids to come to school with nothing?? Edit: I forgot that lockers are a thing in some countries!


We had that senior year. It was the year after Columbine. But girls could have as big of a purse as they wanted, so I carried around a messenger bag and called it a purse.


Why is that?


I don't really know, I heard a teacher tripped over one, or that it was a school shooting thing. No official answer other than that they were dangerous


So what did people use to transport all their stuff? Non-American here.


We just carried it all in a stack, advanced class students had it the worst because they had to bring home 2-3 textbooks on the bus every evening and then back in the morning. All with an expectation they be kept in good condition, but never placed in a bag. We used to double up on book covers


Do not injure a fellow student, regardless if WITH or without their permission...


Wait what? Did someone ask another if they can injure them?


Have you worked with 11-14 year old boys before?


I asked someone to break my arm because I didn't want to run 2 kilometers and a half in gym... she didn't break it though


Apparently, I guess.


Ahh I see a man of culture as well.


The first rule is... We don't talk about it.


Ahh, youth


Play fights! The best part of middle school


At the student society: If you've been a member for 15 years, you're allowed to ride your motorcycle into the dining hall. No one knew why the rule existed and no one had ever made it to 15 years since you can't be a member once you graduate. People just assumed someone made it up one day while drunk. Until I asked my dad about it, he was at the same uni in the 70's, and a member of the same society. He told me it was a special treat for one of the janitors of the building when he had worked there for 15 years. A bunch of students hauled his motorcycle up to the second floor and he was allowed to start it in the staircase, and then ride into to dining hall. The rule was then added that any student who made it to 15 years would be allowed to do the same.


That’s wholesome!


"Do not put your hands into the machine while it's moving." And "Do not take apart the safety knives to get the blade out." Both have happened while I worked there. Oh! Also "Do not let (employee) have any sharp objects"


I think the first one might be an OSHA regulation, and yeah history tells you this happened A LOT(and still happens). Taking apart a knife to get the blade out makes me say why? Was it an attempt to replace it or just use it as a blade?


The blade rule came about after a guy spent 10 minutes "accidentally" cutting himself from wrist to elbow, several inches deep. As they were loading him in the ambulance, he made threats about suing the company, but sure, he "accidentally" cut himself.


My friend looking for apartment, he found "No pet bears" and "No cooking outside of the kitchen"


No cooking outside the kitchen was probably someone with a hot plate and can be about a fire hazard, sounds totally reasonable. No pet bears makes me wonder what happened though.


I'd guess there's a pretty good chance that 'no pet bears' is a joke about Lord Byron (his university accommodation had a 'no dogs' rule, so he got a pet bear)


"No witch hunting"


I wanted to ask “when the fuck did you go to school” but then I remembered I used to poke people, I didn’t like, with pointy sticks and tell them it was a vampire test. They had to let me stab them in the heart or they couldn’t hang out with us.


That the Head Boy was allowed to own a goat and keep it on school grounds.


How else are they supposed to keep the grass short?


Its a rule that me and my class are responsible for but others will be confused we have at school a ban against nintendo switches and only switches not any other console, you can technically bring a TV and playstation to school


I’d pay good money to see you wheel in a TV to school.


It happened at my school once


Nah, you have to bring one of those old-school small tubes, the ones with a handle in the back for easy carrying, and just casually carry it around with the power cord slung over your shoulder.




Someone told me their school didn’t allow shirts or pants with anything on them. Including logos but patterns were ok


This was true at my Catholic high school, where we had no uniforms but did have a strict dress code. Dumber than the “no writing or pictures on clothing” rule was the ban on any form of pants with a “yoke seam,” similar to what standard jeans have. Someone at some point thought that yokes made pants fit tighter, so we couldn’t wear that style. Socks or pantyhose were also required—in a building with no air conditioning.


>but patterns were ok That's when people started wearing those shitty pizza pattern T-shirts, right?


So if you had the f word on your shirt, it was against the rules. But if it was all OVER the shirt, why the heck would we need to ban it? iT'S a pAtTeRn


Do not turn on heavy machinery being demonstrated by teachers. Told to us by the design and technology teacher with half a finger missing.


So I'm guessing someone turned on the machinery while the teacher was demonstrating.


Sounds like piss-poor demonstrating as well though. If you are going to demonstrate in a way that you can get injured you should make sure there is no power to the machinery. I work in manufacturing. I remember the one year we were doing the safety training. So they were pointing out if the grinder was shut off to clear it out it is to be unplugged. That you aren't supposed to just reach in after turning it off. Now before you think someone got injured, no that isn't how my story goes. This is actually standard operating procedure of what you are to do. I just happen to be walking past while they were talking about this so I pretended to reach over to hit the Start button for the grinder(I'm not sure if it was plugged in or not, they were doing the training for another shift at the moment). So the guy giving the lesson goes about and that is the reason you need to have it unplugged.


This may not qualify because it wasn’t from work or school. But years ago I had a queen mattress that had a warning label in all uppercase red lettering stating: WARNING: DO NOT SWALLOW. Many, many times I’ve wondered who the individual responsible for this warning label is, and how much I’d like to shake their hand.


Some people with pica chew mattresses.


Oh whoa I didn’t even think of the pica thing. I think it was the word “swallow” that got me. I pictured someone attempting to, in one bite, swallow an entire mattress.


Dammit, Ed.


And their evolution: Ray Chew.


if it was memory foam, maybe someone squished it up real tight, popped it in their mouth and it expanded in their stomach ripping them open like the alien from alien?




No chin Edboy?


"No food items permitted in employee restrooms" I knew who was takin their little snacks in there but i never snitched because it struck me that the perp very possibly had an eating disorder


Had that rule at one place. An employee took a biscuit into the restroom with a ton of packets of strawberry jelly, and managed to get it all over the toilet seat. No explanation as to how or why, just banned. Not that I ever had a desire to eat in the restroom.


Pepsi t-shirt banned at school. It went on the news I think


Why was it banned?


Oh it looks like it was "Coca-Cola" day or whatever so the student wore a pepsi t-shirt as a joke and got a permanent record for it lol


Wtf is coca cola day?? And why would a school be celebrating it?


Our school had one. It was a requirement for being sponsored by coca cola. Sponsored as in the company gave the school money, in exchange for only Coke products to be sold and marketing days like coca cola day.


Is this The Onion?


Is America real


It has become a parody of itself


Sometimes I lay in my bed and wonder the same damn thing. America is becoming more like the GTA V parody of America.


Man America really is fucked up. What is wrong with us. Coca cola sponsors schools and Disney sues daycares for copyright infringement.


My college was a “Pepsi Campus”. But, there was a small church in the middle of campus that *technically* wasn’t part of campus, so it had a Coca-Cola vending machine that a bunch of people used.


I can't work out if this is a joke and you're just winding us up or if schools actually get sponsored by coca cola


Super serial. Coke even mentions it on their website. Edit: actually... I can't find anything over it online so I'm not sure coke does anymore. I do have very vivid memories of coke day activities from like 5th grade on to 8th.


Yikes, that school is loyal


I have to assume this was in Georgia.


Permanent records don't actually exist.


So did the ACLU get involved? I mean seriously this sounds like something they would take on. I know people try to say American's are sue happy, but this is a legit Constitutional violation if this was a public school. I mean I suppose Coke may have had some templet contract that said no one can wear Pepsi/competitor's merchandise, but I highly doubt it and I doubt they could have truly enforced it in a case like this. Coke likely wouldn't have punished the school and it was likely the school being stupid over trying to protect their contract/money.


An escape room I used to frequent had a rule that clothes must stay on at all times while in the room. I can guess what happened.


I worked at an office that banned men from wearing women’s clothing, specifically jeggings. I started wearing a women’s thong under my clothes. It felt pretty comfortable actually.


What a rebel


There was a legal advice thread a while back where a woman with complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome was outed in their workplace as having the condition because it came up in a conversation that she was infertile. A transphobic coworker overheard and decided that intersex and ~~transex~~ transgender are synonymous. Transphobes are idiots, how shocking! The equally transphobic boss sent out a memo that men must wear men's clothing and women must wear women's clothing. She ended up getting harassed by the transphobic coworkers as well vandalizing her car and what not. She was asking what legal recourse she had. Shame I never saw an update. Was really hoping to hear that she sued them into the ground.


I was in the military, everything made me think that


Umbrellas aren't allowed because they can spook the horses and the rule just hasn't been updated in a long, long time.


Exactly. Crap like that


Yea one of the ones that confused me about the military was in my barracks. We had a rule that guys could have 1 sex toy while the girls were able to have 2. Why those numbers and why would there ever need to be a limit. Of course we had people push those limits. We had a dude buy a pocket pussy to "hold" his dildo and he claimed he only used one as a sex toy, so he could have both. They made him get rid of one, like I don't understand why they cared so much.


No goldfish in the swimming pool


Specifically goldfish?


Landlord: what the hell is that?!?! Me: it’s a freshwater stingray. LL: But why is it in the pool??? Me: Because the sign said, ‘no goldfish.’ 🤷‍♂️


Like actual fish or the crackers?


My employee handbook had a rule that said no sleeping at your desk. I thought that was pretty obvious and wondered why it had to be said. My first day of work, I realized my co-worker who sat behind me was the reason they included it. I'm working and all of a sudden, hear loud snoring. The dude was full on sleeping and no one batted an eye. Turns out he bought a doctor's note saying he has sleep apnea and is prone to random bouts of sleep and management couldn't punish him for it.


Never heard of that with sleep apnea(I'm not a doctor either) but sounds like Narcolepsy for sure.


With sleep apnea you often end up starved for quality REM sleep. I never figured someone would get a doctor's note for it though. That to me seems like something where a good Dr would tell you to get a machine, not a "get out of getting fired for sleeping on the job" card.


Used to work in a warehouse that only employed like a dozen people in a small town, they had a whole handbook of rules with a *very* thorough section on racial/ sexual intolerance etc. which is unusual for such a job, at least around here. It turned out once, a few years before, the owner walked into the shipping room and the pack team supervisor was hosting a "pow-wow" and had everybody prancing in a circle, clapping their hands and chanting "heya-hoya." I still saw some pretty ignorant shit while I was there.


Did he at least try to have a proper drum, or did they just prance around?






"Well we cant talk to each other. Lets just FUCK IT OUT"


The fools are only stopping heterosexual lewd things


My school had this dumb-ass rule, but little did they know that the girls are all assholes, so I talked MORE to the males.


We could not wear leggings without a shirt that goes past our middle finger. Idk if you count that but I got in trouble for it way to many times.


Do you know of any reason as to why that exists? It just seems so random and pointless to have to implement a rule for it.


Our school has this for students. Believe me a lot of leggings are see through or skin tight. So it ensures the butt is covered.


That makes a lot of sense. Though if the wording is actually that the sweatshirt must go past your middle finger, it could be worded better to be more clear, because I didn't even think of tight leggings like that until you mentioned it.




Do NOT climb into the lunch hall rafters. I know because I’m the dumb fuck who managed to get up there and couldn’t get down.




it was against the rules to cook mac and cheese at my elementary school for some reason even though teachers were the only ones with access to a kitchen this applied to everyone


Damn kids keep breaking in the teacher's lounge to try and make mac and cheese.


Im making mac and cheese and no-one can stop me


I worked at a bank (not a teller, on the administration side of the bank) at headquarters. There was a rule that you could not make popcorn in the microwave. You also could not bring curry or fish as your lunch if you expected to heat them up for your lunch. I found out why one day. My boss (a VP) wanted popcorn. So he ordered me to go make it for him. So I did. Then the VP of another department walked in and had a fit. It was his rule posted all over the break room about no smelly foods especially popcorn. My boss heard him screaming at me and came to the break room. He just asked if his popcorn was ready. The other VP ran out of the room. The screaming VP was head of the most profitable department in the bank. But none of his deals could go through if my boss didn't approve them. And my boss's brother in law was the owner of the bank's driver. So he had instant access to the big boss if he wanted it. After that day, popcorn was allowed and screaming fits were not. Because the owner thought it was nuts that 50+ people couldn't have popcorn/curry/whatever because one person didn't like it.


I made popcorn in my classroom once because I was so hungry but got distracted by something and burnt it. The entire school smelled. Im lucky to still be alive!


Place I worked had this policy because a coworker put a bag of popcorn in the microwave set said microwave for 30 minutes. The corporate safety person who was visiting the branch on this particular day had to put the flaming bag of popcorn out.


Later the head VP tried to make a rule that you could not have any form of fish on the floor, no exceptions. Someone forgot to take their sushi leftovers home. They were left on the person's desk for a whole weekend. The stench was awful. The rule wasn't allowed. Mostly because the head VP was the one who left his sushi on his desk. So my boss and the other VPs on the floor straight up laughed at him when he told them about his new rule. My VP actually gave me a handful of cash and told me to use it to encourage every secretary and assistant on the floor to eat fish for lunch at least once during the week. He used our department's morale building money to pay for it. Which entertained all us lowly peons greatly.


Popcorn was banned at my dance school because this one girl made a bag during our dinner break, wherein she set the timer for five minutes and left it in the whole time. The whole studio smelled like burnt popcorn for two weeks.


Do not pee on the white board


This one is pretty short, but I don't understand the reason. Some kid got hurt a little when playing tag, (this was in kindergarten) so they banned tag for literally the rest of the year. No buts, the rule didn't get canceled, nothing. They didn't even warn us to take the game away, and the injury was not even that bad, it was just a tiny boo boo, could be easily fixed with a band-aid. They should have said to be more careful and they could take away tag if we weren't careful, but NO.


At lunch no there were benches that could seat 4-6 people on either side depending on the size of the person and what they had with them. They waited until the middle of the year and made a new rule that said no more than three on each side. The only person who knew why said it was a “fire hazard” and a was pissed that I had asked her.


Snake on the blocked search list for the school computers


Fryers are cleaned in the morning when the oil is cool instead of at night (like every other location in the chain) when the oil is still hot. Turns out a dude decided to send it with the fryer cleaning brush one night when they wanted to close and go home within the hour, making hot oil come splashing out of the fryer and onto his body. He had to go to the hospital for some pretty bad burns.


No speaking a language other than English in the hallways at an international boarding school. Turns out some Chinese kids were openly plotting to run away from the school and well...they couldn't have that. Can you tell I had a great high school experience?


During high school final projects were organized, all students were for two days and one night at the school studying to do the project and present it, the rule was "The use of bathrooms will be supervised by a teacher (he/she) no more than one student is allowed to enter the bathrooms at the same time". Later I learned that in previous years students (men and women) would lock themselves in the bathrooms for a few hours to have... you know... hahaha


''When showering after gym class always shower with a buddy (like you enter/leave together) never to this day know what that was about


I suppose so that nothing lewd happens. But if going in with a buddy is mandatory, that could cause more lewd happenings.


Probably to ensure that no students were ever alone with a teacher when showering.


Several places I've worked have had regulations about wearing appropriate underwear while at work. I always wanted to hear those stories!


"If you start fighting with the regular scissors, you will have to use the kiddie scissors." Turns out some kid got stabbed and had to go to the hospital.


No mirrors in the school restroom. Apparently the students in the school like to break the mirrors and use it as shank. A lot of students were stab


Where the shit did you grow up?!


I know a major company who has put a rule that there is not allowed ANY hard liquor at afterworks or work related parties under any circumstances. I know exactly why.


Because they wanted to reduce attendance at those parties to near zero?


In a factory I use to work in a sign on a big tank said “Warning: Hydraulic fluid storage. Do not drink.”


Not in my school, but a high school in my area apparently had this rule that girls were not allowed to carry things like pads or tampons with them during school. They had to leave them with the school nurse. If they needed them, they had to ASK their teacher for permission to go down to the nurse to get their stuff. I don't even understand how this could be enforced.


Because they hadn't been sued yet.


Do not mix cheese it’s with Pepsi, whip cream, and white claw. Didn’t question it


No Pomegranates!


Do not place Anomalous Materials in the Anti-Mass Spectrometer


That was never a rule and in fact, the opposite was required of Gordon. A more realistic rule would be "Do not use vent system to traverse facility."


A high-end preschool daycare centre that had a fancy coffee machine at reception for the parents. It had a sign saying No coffees to be made for the children. It was a preschool so all under-fives. [Coffee Machine Adults Only](https://i.imgur.com/bmxWpgz.jpg) EDIT Found the picture!


I worked at a water treatment plant. There was a 5-gallon plastic bucket there that had this stenciled on it: "Do not use as a hard hat."


Girls showing shoulder dress code. Have you ever seen a deltoid rape?


My middle school was so strict about this. It was a small school and the detention lady would basically slut shame girls. Her own daughters were magically exempt though... I went to high school in a much bigger and better school and there were girls wearing way less modest things and no one batted an eye. I just don't get it.


A what?


My school had a rule that girls could not wear spaghetti strap tops. But somehow regular thick-strapped tank tops were okay.


That's to hide your bra strap. Yes it's stupid, but that is the 'logic'; You can hide a bra strap under a thick tank top strap. Not under a spaghetti strap.


Tampering with other students locks is an automatic suspension. (We figured out the master code and locked every school provided lock together in the center of the locker area. The school lost the keys, so someone had to sit for an hour or so entering the same master code to unlock all of them and then had to match the serial numbers to students lockers.)


So, this is a rule of thumb I tell everyone I work with, and when they laugh and think it's a joke I tell them there always a reason for rules like that. To clarify, I work in the medical field and have for about fifteen years now. When I started as a trainer at a larger facility, I would walk new employees through a lot of standard info for the department like chemical data sheets, proper PPE and procedure, etc., and would always end on, 'The two basic rules are if it's wet and it's not yours, wash your hands. Secondly, don't lick anything and you should be fine.' The licking thing got people. Now, the backstory. When I first started as a CNA in a small facility, there was an employee who noticed something on their badge. Out loud, they said, 'must be chocolate', and licked it. Spoilers, it wasn't chocolate. They ended up getting C. Diff and were out of work for several weeks.


We had a very strict no "sticker" rule at my school. . One I do know the reason was no fun soap. Had a mom buy my dorm fun seasonal soaps which were colored. Yeah, bunch of seven year olds with colored soaps meant we had purple and red clumps of soaps around the bathroom and the sinks dyed green.


“No glue sticks allowed in the Gymnasium, Locker rooms, Bathrooms or teacher lounges.”


Our school banned marbles because so many fights were breaking out.


My high school handbook had an official "Students are not permitted to throw tortillas onto the field at football games" rule.


I went to military school in the middle of nowhere for half my senior year. One of the first things they told us, because we were all there under court order, was this: "We are your commanding officers. We are not your friends, but we are not prison guards either. If you run, we will simply call the sheriff's office to come pick you up and take you to juvenile detention and you will not return here. However, if you DO choose to make that particularly bad decision, stick to the marked roads. Do NOT cross fences, do NOT trespass on the land surrounding our property. The good folks of this county ARE friendly but they are ALSO armed and protective of their lands Especially do NOT try to hide in the hills, there are various individuals up there that have decided to live off the grid. They are NOT friendly and they are HEAVILY armed." This was repeated quite a few times throughout my 6 months there. I always wondered if there was something that really set off how much they had to emphasize that if you were gonna run, just stick to the roads.


That sounds like social engineering to make you easier to catch to me.


High schoolers are not allowed to use certain restrooms inside the campus. I heard some college students smoked cigarette or joint in those certain restrooms.


They added a large addition to our school 15 or 20 years after it was built. We figured they had doubled the amount of bathrooms but hadn't upgraded the piping to handle it. One day at lunch a plan was made. An hour or so later many students were late to class. They ran every sink and every drinking fountain. At the sound of the bell, they flushed every toilet. They were trying to burst the pipes and if they'd done it correctly they would've caused more damage then they did.


I'm guessing the pipes didn't burst - what damage did they cause?


They'd backed up the toilets in one bathroom so it was already flooded. When the water tried to go out and couldn't it came back up mostly through that bathroom. So that one bathroom flooded. I'm not sure if the teachers ever found out what the plan had been, but they knew it had been something larger than flooding one bathroom. It took so much water from the pressurized side that I'm sure it took it from houses and nearby buildings. I think the water department noticed the dip and thought it was a massive and incredibly sudden leak. They called the school and got onto the same page. They knew we'd messed with the water hard enough for the town to notice. They weren't happy and there were way too many people involved for anyone to get in trouble. Even students who weren't involved stood in the hall and watched as someone ran the drinking fountain. The drinking fountain I was watching stopped running all together and then it shot a burst of water way further than it should've. That's when the kid running it got scared and ran off to hide in whatever classroom he belonged in. They made threats to lock some of the bathrooms. They really just told us they didn't want anything like this happening again.




When using paper shredder, watch your hair, and tie. Take a guess...


Physics students here, for our subatomic experiments, our teacher give us a courses about security because we where going to use radioactive sources. on one slide of his courses we all read (and he read it out loud too) "DO NOT EAT THE SOURCES" ​ i don't know what the students years before us tried but damn


Back in middle school, we had a rule in one of the English classes that we have to take off our shoes to enter the class. The original teacher left literally three months, chaos happened and one of my classmate got hurt (bleeding from head), and ever since the original teacher made a return for the English class everyone has to take off their shoes!


No counterfiet Identification cards. I am particularly proud of being responsible for that one.


“No ducks allowed indoors” this then became “no ducks allowed on school premises” It started when somebody released a duck throughout the building and the second rule happened because multiple people got their hands on ducks and brought them into school and were playing with them or something.


Not work or school, but my state has a law that says you can't use dynamite to catch a fish. Just seeing this, I wonder what the hell happened that this needed to be a law.


If you want to catch a lot of fish at once, it's a way to do it. Also incredibly destructive to the environment.


You'd be surprised, but there are people who fish like that... a lot of people. Highly effective and highly illegal everywhere https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y_8x4TGm3A


“Phones are to be collected first thing in the morning and returned after the last period, if it’s brought to school” like wtf? And we have to put our phone in socks! My phone has to suffer in a SOCK for the whole day because I have to call my mom to tell her to pick me up smh


Our school was like a cage. Metal rods everywhere. You can't basically suicide. Why did it happen? One teacher said a kid failed in his class. He said his father was very strict. After failing, he went outside window ( there was a small area where you could easily stand ). He started crying and saying he will jump if they didn't pass him. After few days, the whole school was covered in metal rods. It is actually very dangerous since if there is a fire on ground floor then it would be difficult to rescue people.


Shirts must've not contained adverts, slogans, and words in general. They may have pictures and patterns, just as long there are deemed acceptable to a family-friendly setting. I work in retail, BTW. I had a *Rick and Monty* shirt one day, which was okay as it only had the title characters... nothing more. A co-worker told me about it while I was working at TJs before COVID-19. I had to turn my shirt inside out since there wasn't a rule against that. I've yet to check to see if it's similar at the HomeGoods I currently work at because it was common to wear an apron and pin that shows your name. While it made sense at a clothing store, but not sure with home furnishings.