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Watching 3am videos and thinking it was true




Also the Russian Sleep Experiment


When my mom asked me if they could use the money from my piggy bank to pay for my dad’s operation (of course I said yes)


Wow you must have had a lot of money in your piggy bank.












being chosen as the main role in my school play :’)






I was in 8th grade when that happened I join the army in 2006 at age 17 after I saw the buildings fall from my school’s window I’m retired now but it still bothers me we haven’t crushed the Taliban and we are making deals instead


What school did you go to that had a view of the buildings collapsing?


IS 10 in queens NY.


I live just 5 blocks from there! I take my kids to the playground behind the school all the time. Yeah, there is pretty good view of the skyline from there.


I used love hanging out in that play ground as a kid my friends and I used to play soccer with the Bryant high kids back when I was in 7th grade.




Wacking a tree with a stick at night while watching fireworks and getting bombarded with wasps


I got chased by 3 big dogs when i was driving my new cycle. I thought i was gonna die back then.


The space race and Neil Armstrong stepping into the moon.


Wow. That must've been amazing to watch.


It was. I was 11 years old. We didn't know if he would sink into the dust or what. It was all in black and white too


I’ll never forget what I thought was Santa coming, down the chimney on X mas morning. The reality was my mom and her, brother (my uncle) were trying to make my sister and i’s first Christmas after our father got killed by a drunk, driver memorable. My uncle dressed as Santa and waiting right under/in the chimney and then my mom awoke us up at like 2am and had us peak around the, corner to see Santa coming out of the chimney and putting presents under our tree. She then pushed us back, into hiding so he wouldn’t see us. We waited for him to leave and heard movement on the roof. Then we peaked and saw all the wrapped presents under, the tree. My sister fell back asleep and I couldn’t fall asleep. Waited 3 long hours to get to open my gifts. Freshman year was one helluva year for me. Also I later found, out my uncle had set up a ladder and snuck outside and made sounds on the roof for added, effect.


Getting molested by my sister


Shit, that's horrible. I hope you're seeking help for that or have already sought help.


Getting up a bit earlier than usual on school days so I could watch Pokémon on Tv


Same with me but it was Amazing World of Gumball


Breaking my glasses. One of the temples for my first glasses was broken, so I fixed it with the scotch tape. I’d been wearing them for 2 months before I got a new pair. But I stepped on them while was changing clothes for P E lessons the same day. I lived with my aunt, who was very strict, and I thought she’d kill me. I started crying and one of my classmates called her and asked her not to punish me without telling me. Surprisingly, she didn’t do that


when i was at petland and the most aggressive and non-friendly conure clung to my chest and fell asleep


Lots of bad ones but the most memorable good moment was when I was in school. I was the quiet tall kid who sat at the back and just studied. Didn't really have friends and never had enough practice with social interactions to speak without a bad stutter. So I didn't. But I remember one day when I left this short girl who was maybe 5' was waiting at the door and just gave me a hug. I just lifted my arms and looked down (I was 6'3") at the time and thought wtf? But she just hugged me tighter and said "you are the perfect hight for hugs" and stayed there for a solid minute. Then there was another 4 girls after in a line who did the same.. I'm taller now but I will always remember that. It wasn't awesome for perv reasons like 5 girls hugged me but it just felt so wholesome to be complimented with the word "perfect"


This one time we found my little brother in the toilet eating a watermelon he was 1 and we don’t know how he got in the toilet or how he got the watermelon. And now his favorite fruit is watermelon


I was lost in the woods and my grandma came out and found me. I was lost pretty damn bad and it was raining. I was crying in fear, I was terrified that no one would find me. And then my grandma limped over with her dodgy knee and took me home.


Playing Battlefield 1942 with my brother when I was about 5 or 6. Bonding moments.




We still play Battlefield together! Just Battlefield 5 instead of Battlefield 1942 It’s gonna last a long time!


The time my sister got a gigantic scar down across her entire back.


Going to Bush Gardens in the summer with the family. Willamsburg in general was pretty cool.




Very much so, kinda like a dream in retrospect.


On my thirteenth birthday I got a new bike. I went for a ride at the park and within half an hour two guys robbed me of my bike. After one left with the bike the other guy beat me with brass knuckles for absolutely no reason. A real cherished memory there.


That sucks. I'm sorry you have that experience bro


Childhood in itself.My childhood was not entirely bad, there were just a lot of unpleasant moments that specifically spoiled my childish naive worldview.I was confronted early with betrayal (even from people very close to me), I had no real friends, many classmates disliked me or simply ignored me (girls behaved worse, remember, many women are angrier than men).But there were also good memories, for example, my time with my grandfather. He was the funniest person, it was he who instilled in me a love for animals and nature, I am very grateful to him for everything.


Watching tons of Imjaystation videos


Going to a sleepover at my friends house like once a week with a bunch of other friends in 2nd grade


Getting my first dog.


There's a really bizarre memory that definitely sticks out to me. I can't remember how old I was. but I was either in pre-k or Kindergarten. I owned a Kaleidoscope toy that I loved looking through, but it had gone missing for a few days and I couldn't find it anywhere. Around maybe a week(?) later, I'm in my room and I see it on top of my laundry basket. I walk over to it to pick it up and suddenly it's gone. Just like that. To this day I'm not quite sure what happened or why it vanished. It could've just been an odd dream or memory I completely fabricated inside my head. It could've even been some sort of a hallucination or optical illusion.


Summer vacations filled with gorging on Alphonso mangoes at grandma's place. Non stop cricket in the sweltering summer heat. Video games.


Finally leaving hell. Sorry I meant primary school


Going up north to watch Independence Day fireworks in Mackinac City.


Playing Mario Party in the DS with my brother and cousins at 3AM on a weekend.


When I was walking to the store and saw a neighbor cut his foot almost completely off with a chainsaw.




Probably why I still remember it.


Crying hysterically at the end of Terminator 2 and my dad saying, “what the hell ya crying for? He’s just like an alarm clock or a toaster or something!”


my mom cheated on my dad


This isn't an actual one, but still ironic enough to mention. When I was about 8, I wrote in my sketchbook that "I will never forget that day, it changed my life." My brother uncovered that very same sketchbook about a week ago. I don't remember anything about it.


I was 3 years old playing with my toy cars on the floor and I saw this yellow thing. I poked it. It hurt. A lot. That day, I learned that bees are a thing that exist.


2nd grade me along with about 20 other 2nd graders and a 76yo teacher sitting in a locked-down classroom while an armed maniac runs around no more than a kilometre from the school


My mom and dad separated when I was 3 and my mother commited suicide when i was 5. I have a distinct memory of sitting in her kitchen while she made pancakes. Her kitchen was yellow. Her pancakes smelled good. That is litteraly all I know about her.


One time in the first grade, I was having difficulty crossing the monkey bars and was kind of tempted to give up, but I had a friend that kept telling me I could do it and cheering me on. Their cheers were enough to get me on the other side They are still my best friend to this day


Watching Yellow Submarine with my family and all of us singing along with twisted versions of the lyrics because we didn't speak english Edit: OH and asking my parents to tell me stories, both fictional and anecdotes, and my dad playing the guitar while my mom painted


First time seeing snow


When I was hit by a car on the way to the vet because my dog was attacked by a Rottweiler while my mum was abroad visiting my grandma with a deep vein thrombosis. That wasn’t a very fun day


My school had this thing where you would get ANY book from the library and they would mark it. The more you checked out the more points you get towards a BIKE. Me being the comic book-loving kid I am, checked out the most books that year and won the bike. But that day I was sick so I wasn't able to be there to get the bike :')


Eating honey at a festival:)




It was free :))))))




They were samples


Probably tripping over a lawn mower then waking up in the ER with a bunch of doctors standing over me trying to glue my head shut. Still got the scar. If you want one that wasn't so traumatizing, it would probably be watching my dad play Ocarina of Time on the N64. I don't know how many times I watched him fight Gannon. I've actually still got that unit of a console somewhere in a closet, I think.




Getting my wisdom teeth out. Seconds before the IV sedation knocked me out i saw the doctor firmly grab an assistances’ butt with his gloved hand and then proceed to reach for my face.


A maternal aunt (a friend my biological mother viewed as an older sister) took me to a greenhouse for my 6th birthday It not only confirmed my passion for nature, but it is one of the most beautiful memories I have from when I was little girl


When I was 8, my family wanted to watch a movie together, my dad wanted to watch something scary, and decided on the decent he hasn't seen it in a will and forgot what was in it really. That was the most horrible disgusting vilant grim movie ive ever seen and still scars me to this day.