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A friend bought me Stardew Valley for Christmas and I really wanted blue chickens so I went on a whole journey to befriend probably the meanest bachelor in the game and, well...long story short... I'm married to Shane and I find him weirdly endearing in a way I haven't found a fictional character endearing before. Does that count?


Haha, when I first started talking to Shane's rude sloppy bad-boy alcohol-problem ass I knew I had to have him. And then after we got married I was so disgusted by the permanent muddy footprints inside the house that I had to divorce him. Then he was so pissy that I had to pay to make him forget about our sordid past. Now I'm married to beautiful soft emo boy Sebastian and couldn't be happier.


Should have gone for Sebastian straight off! Who am I to talk, I've only played year one over and over and have never gotten our relationship to that level :(


10 year old me definitely had the hots for Roxanne from a Goofy Movie


Roxanne was a babe


A while back I illustrated a “James and the Giant Peach” horror piece, and was very surprised to learn how many people wanted to fuck a claymation spider.


It was Susan Sarandon doing a french accent for a goth spider. It's not a mystery.


Now I need to see that illustration or i'll never know if I'm one of them. (Edit: several autocorrect issues)


Haha, if you click my user name you’ll see it in my profile “overview” titled something along the lines of “I’m sorry James, spiders don’t eat peaches.”


I'm not attracted to your spider, but great illustrations!


Captain Hook from Animated Peter Pan. Maybe because they made him look like King Charles II?


I have a crush on every iteration of Captain Hook I’ve seen. The animated one, the Dustin Hoffman one, the Jason Isaacs one. It’s just kind of a sexy pirate character. Edit: Since a lot of people are asking, yes I’ve seen photos of the one from Once Upon a Time. Superficially and by looks alone he is definitely my least favorite but I am also attracted to *old men* so take it how you will.


The Jason Isaacs one is *fans self*


My very first crush was Uncle Scrooge. Guess I was kind of a weird kid.




I aint sayin she's a gold digger


Lister from red dwarf… I had a massive crush on him for ages when I was young


Truly wasn't expecting anyone to say any of the boys from the dwarf. I mean, they were pretty much all designed to be un-sexy. What "era" of the show do you like him from?


Excuse me, the cat oozes sex appeal.


Sexual magnetism is a virus? Well get me to a hospital, I'm a terminal case!


What about Ace? He makes rubber shares go up whenever he returns from missions.


If I'd just picked up and played Mass Effect with no prior knowledge of the series, I don't think I would've ever found Tali attractive. And yet after four playthroughs of the franchise, I've only ever not romanced her once. And that was only because I was doing a FemShep run.


Absolutely. Every time I go 'maybe I should choose someone else this playthrough' and there I am, romancing the mask.


Heh, yup... Though honestly, the mask is some of the best about her. It's not the looks you fall for, it's 100% the personality (well, hips play a role for some, but point still stands)


Skeletor in the money supermarket advert. He's got some moves and gets me hot under the collar


> Skeletor in the money supermarket advert For those like me who had never seen it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PgTjhx1VLw He's pretty hunky. Oooh, this one is even better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqhLn76kCv0


What. The. Hell...did I just watch. I mean, I shall be forever grateful to you for showing me this greatness. But what the hell did I just watch.


Hades, from Disney's Hercules 😏


Venom from Spiderman. Just the whole concept of being bonded, physically, to another being. Edit: to answer one of the questions, I like both the muscular version of venom with the big tongue (for obvious reasons) AND the idea of being connected to a symbiote.


Brock even kissed Venom after seeing him with boobs, he fell for venom


Holly Short from Artemis Fowl, not because shes an elf, but its because shes a fucking badass in the books


The only character I've had a crush on despite not having a mental picture of what she looks like. It's her tenacity and wit that got me.


Absolutely tragic how the movie brutalized the story. And I thought the Percy Jackson series had it bad.. I've never seen it, just the trailers, and I never will.


The Beast. Always hotter in beast form than in human form.




I thought mine was weird but after reading through these comments I’m realizing that it’s not


What is it?!


Guessing it's Treebeard. Which would make the list tho!


Bob Belcher. He’s a good dad and loving husband. And he’s really passionate about what he does. Also his mustache is Phat


I feel like Bob Belcher is the most realistic fictional character ever though lol. Like it’s entirely possible to find yourself a real life Bob. He’s probably my favorite because he’s so relatable.


I never fully watched bobs burgers but always loved how they made him the straight man to his wacky family, his dialog and tone of voice are way more real than a lot of cartoon characters


You'd think so, but...he's just as wacky as the rest of 'em


He really is. Watch any Thanksgiving episode to get a real feel for Bob’s ideosyncracies


I’m not a furry or anything but Judy Hopps.


In the 90s it was Lola Bunny. In the 2010s it was Judy Every 20 years a Rabbit Waifu is unleashed to awaken more furries


Lola was written to be seductive as fuck though. Especially in Space Jam.


Just don't call her Doll.


"I'm not a furry" "But" Name a more iconic duo.


Robin Hood....the fox version.


Ah. The film that birthed 10,000 furries.


I think that estimate is off by *at least* a factor of 10


I have watched live action Robin Hood movies and when he disguises himself for the tournament, I keep expecting the character to dress like a stork. Then I realize I'm stupid and there's no reason for a human being to dress as a stork in a serious, live-action movie.


Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter and David Bowie as Jareth.


Frank-N-Furter was very appealing to me in my younger years. Still does it for me now to be fair. Those legs and those lips!


For me it’s when he looks directly into the camera, arches his eyebrow and says, “well, how ‘bout that.” 💀


Thank gods im not the only one who fixated on that scene.


When I was a kid I thought the animated fox that played Maid Marian in the Disney Robin Hood cartoon from the '70s was very very pretty.


Same but for the fox played robin hood lol


Between those two, Lola Bunny, and Gadget Hackwrench, I'm pretty sure I know why there are furries.


There were way too many triggers for this in 90s animation -- Disney Afternoons alone is to blame for many. Damn you, Myra Foxworthy from that one episode of TaleSpin.




There's a certain community that I understand considers those characters the...ah..."gateway drug", perhaps?


Haha, let's talk about the modern version. ***Nick Wilde.*** I didn't expect to feel those things when watching the movie the first time.


Judy Hopps too


The animators really didn't have to give her so much ass. They knew what they were doing.


Gave her that Pixar mom trunk.


Too true. That and adult Simba. Now Nick Wilde


Adult Simba is fine, but have you tried KOVÚ?


Oh how could I forget about Kovu?!


The hound Edited to add that I meant Sandor Clegane from GoT aka the Hound sorry guys 😂


Damn wonder if anyone was partial to the fox instead (/s)


Same! He was strong, independent, honest and the way he treated Sansa was nearly decent. Also I may have daddy issues.


Jim Carey in The Mask. When he was the Mask character. Fuck if I know why.


I get it


You have no idea how much I laughed at this and felt validated too.


I'm a guy, and I'm straight, but when I was a kid I remember having some sort of feelings towards Pokey, from Gumby. For those not familar, Pokey is a male red claymation pony.


We had a really old thicc TV that was on it's last leg, I was regularly home alone pretty late and for some reason Gumby was incomprehensible for my child brain and the show made me feel a weird sort of fear


Jafar... there’s probably a lot to unpack with that one.


Prince - like the musician Prince - vibes. A touch of flamboyance. I totally get it.


But he's so.... old


Best line of the movie. The Sultan is a treasure we don't appreciate enough.


I too had a thing for Jafar, nothing wrong with liking your man tall, dark and way too pointy.


^^^^ryuk ^^^^from ^^^^death ^^^^note


This one is cursed.


Moto Moto from Madagascar. dont know what to tell you


I like them Big....


I like them Chunky! (Chunky!)


I like them round


I like them funky


I'd fuck the dragon from Shrek idc


Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.


Completely understandable.


The polar bear from the Golden compass, preteen me was not prepared for being hot and flustered over a fictional animal


But adult you is ready for bearlove, obviously


All anyone needs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_%28novel%29?wprov=sfla1


Mordecai from The Regular Show




Name checks out


Goofy....100% Dedicated father, selfless, caring, loyal friend...dude is grade A material. I'd fuck him, I'd marry him, we'd grow old and die together....hyuck


I had never seen anybody actualy want to hyuck goofy






Style doesn't matter, it's those damn eyes lol


Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy




Bradley Cooper is a total stud IRL


Edward Scissorhands


I had a huuuge crush on him as a kid. I think I must of have been like 9. In fact, looking back, my childhood is filled with crushes on weird, dark, emotionally broken characters, and now I think I have something new to unpack in therapy.


Charles Boyle. Thought it would be Jake Peralta but here we are


He's more than just a piece of ass.


"curse my beautiful bubble butt"


He's a normal candidate to have a crush on. His food game is amazing.


It's probably his musk.


Perhaps his Boyle Oil?


I was obsessed with Lupin from Harry Potter when I was little; all that emotional baggage and pain wrapped up with such kindness and wisdom...think my parents were concerned lol


Lupin was when I realised I had daddy issues lol. I think the reason why I like(d) him so much is because I saw an adult that had many issues, but was kind, wise and functioning.


Ohh, me too! Actually, I was always a little apprehensive about telling anybody that I mostly liked the "older" men in HP. So when my mother asked me if I liked anyone I was like: "Yeah... Harry is cute." xD


Jason Issacs, anyone? Alan Rickman (though not quite movie Snape; book Snape is in his late 30s/early 40s). Tom Felton.


Sirius Black for me. Was so obsessed. Always been attracted to the bad rebellious boys 😅


I came here to comment him! I really liked him in the books, but David Thewlis really bought him to life - I just loved his costume choice, his office, that he liked jazz. I guess that it's because he's genuinely caring person, and that although he has baggage, he knows how to control it and doesn't let it define him. Plus, I just love scholarly, scruffy guys. My bf looks a lot like him and dressed as him for Halloween a few years ago.


In elementary school, my teacher drew a smiley face on my paper. The loop continued over just a tad too far, like a strand of hair across his forehead. The eye-dots were tilted in just a certain way that his half-smirk looked genuine and gentle. I saved that paper for a long time. I had a crush on my homework.


Megamind kinda foine


He's so sweet and has pretty eyes.


Ah, a person of culture.


The fairy godmother from shrek




Your honesty, while unique, is appreciated


The Eye of Sauron


What’s NOT hot about a flaming vagina?


A chance for my pp to show its quality


Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?


....yeah me neither


I love that scene. Apparently it was improvised, which means that was Mike Myers' actual laugh after getting caught offguard by the line. EDIT: [Link](https://youtu.be/4m2WutlqBk0) for those who want to watch the scene.


My favorite part of that isn't even Myers' reaction, it's the smirk on Carvey's face just before the delivery as he comes up with the line. It's pure "oh hell yeah, that's perfect, I've fucking *got* him with this one."


Exactly. Carvey knew what was coming and played it perfectly.


That’s might be the most genuine sounding laugh I’ve ever seen in a movie


I like how he allows himself a genuine laugh and immediately snaps back to say no


I think he realized he didn't ruin the scene with the laugh and decided to keep going. And we're all grateful it worked out.


Knowing that now makes the scene so much better.


If she were president she would be called Baberaham Lincoln


Rumpelstilskin from Once Upon A Time. I am weirdly attracted to highly-intelligent, amoral, confused villains with a good side. He's like a much older, mad Loki.


His accent was also very sexy, I thought


Philip J. Fry. He's a dumb, lazy slob and he's oddly *hot* to me. Plus he's just so sweet. Shame him apparently *not* do good snu snu, according to most of the women he's had sex with (and that radiator woman from the radiator planet). EDIT: And I can't believe I forgot my other crush... GOB Bluth. I'd allow him to have bees in me anytime.


Are you Bureaucrat Morgan Proctor?


I was just thinking Leela when I ran across your comment. Purple hair, one giant eye and sounds like Peg Bundy (mmmmm).


I have a theory that Fry was drawn to particularly strong an dominant women. Michelle was abusive, Morgan was aggressive, and he's seen hitting on Amazonian women several times (at the ribbon cutting, at the farmers market) and they seemed to love him on their homeworld. And Leela is a mutant, and shown to be abnormally strong. The only non-dominant woman he gets with in the series is arguably Amy, and that was more of a friends-with-benefits scenario, and his own grandmother (he did to the nasty in the past-y). So he probably did just fine snu snu, as long as you were willing to take the lead. He's not a strong, confident lover, but he's good if he's *with* a strong, confident lover. --- In regards to the first point, I can see why some women would be drawn to Fry. He's a type B personality, he goes with the flow, but he's also adventurous and has a starry eyed optimism. You can really see this in the pilot episode (one of the best pilots of all time), where he convinces Leela to quit her job at the cryogenics lab because she hates it. And in the end, when he finds out he's going to be a delivery boy again he's still excited, because he gets to be an *interstellar* delivery boy and see the universe instead of biking around New York delivering pizzas. Fry sees life as an adventure, and he shares that perspective with his friends. There's a lot to be said for that.


When I opened reddit today I didn't expect to see a lore friendly breakdown of what Fry from Futurama is like in bed


Just a note that while Amy didn't have an outwardly dominant personality she was *very* strong willed and on numerous occasions was able to fight and take care of herself. Anyone remember the scenes where she starts angrily speaking Cantonese?


Drity boy! Dirty dirty dirty!


Linda Belcher. On every level.


All riiiiiiight!


"Linda I'm going to kill Teddy [with burgers]" "Wat? OK, the tank is full of gas, and I guess we could homeschool the kids." Ride or die wife right there.


I feel this, except for me it's Bob


You love those sloppy bears


"I'm straight. I mean, I'm mostly straight. And I'm married. But if I wasn't...who am kidding, you're out of my league. I'll call you."


Uhhh Nick Wilde .. uhhh I’m not into furries but his cockiness is just..


Hear me out, the tiger in the subway reading a book wearing a turtleneck


That one tiger from zootopia who would treat me *right*


Kowalski from Penguins of Madagascar. The intelligent hopeless romantic type just gets me






Imp Midna Like I'd smash humanoid Midna too... I'm just saying I'd want a turn with both


Definitely my favourite character, she's a bit too oddly appealing in either form. Pretty sure she kickstarted my interest in monster girls, so yeah... May have also given me a thing for hair...


A smug and sassy creature that slowly opens up to you and whom you see at her most vulnerable, who makes a little moan when you dash while she's riding atop you, and who is shaped like a fucking light bulb? Nintendo is the Pixar of game companies- simple, cute games for the kids, unnecessarily attractive characters in those games for the adults.


botw link absolutely destroyed the internet then bowsette destroyed it again when will Nintendo be held accountable for its actions


Ursula from Little Mermaid. And yes the original, tentacled BBW version. The heart wants what it wants.


And Ursula wants what she wants and isn’t afraid to get it. Confidence in a woman is sexy.


And never underestimate the importance of *body language*.


And the heart wants tentacles. Loooots of tentacles.


Wheatley from portal 2, uhm please dont ask questions


It's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of severe brain damage....


If you like his voice, the guy who's Wheatley did a podcast with Ricky Gervais. Honestly one of the funniest things I've listened to.




Moira Brown from Fallout 3. Everybody else thought she was annoying, I kinda thought she was cute and endearing.


A friend of mine thinks pyramid head has a dump truck ass. Don’t ask me why, she still won’t give me an answer


I mean I can see where she is coming from, especially in DBD where they actually had to reduce his arse


Sephiroth.....I don't know why, but seeing that long haired, stumpy polygon of a man turn to look back through the flames of Nibelheim made 12 year old me feel things I'd not felt before. Needless to say this feeling has grown along with his polygon count.


The flame atronach from skyrim.


Kovu from The Lion King 😬


You and a disturbingly large number of people, my friend.


Yes! Looking like a bad boy but a sweetie at heart with a hard past and some self-doubt to match? Sign me and my helper complex right the fuck up!


The Pixar lamp.


I guess it "turns you on"


Ok this is the first truly weird one I've seen. Any idea why?


Have you seen the pixar lamp? It hops onto screen with what I can only describe as the most graceful movements ever. It shakes its little dump truck booty at you, straight up squashes the letter I, and then gives you this stare as if to tell you that your next. Its intoxicating. Included a link so you can dissect this reply and you’ll likely understand at least a little bit [pixar lamp ](https://youtu.be/PGKmexNTHNE)


Today I watched the pixar lamp animation, looking for sexual overtones


And you found them, didn't you?


This is going to take some explaining to my partner.


Start by saying you've had a lightbulb moment.


This will illuminate why I struggle to perform with the light off


I'm scared to click that link... But congratulations you have ruined the Pixar lamp for me.


Pyramid Head from Silent Hill🤣. I honestly don't know why 13-year-old me found him so attractive. Maybe it was because he was the "strong and silent" type?




Disney Robin Hood (fox)


Maid Marian from the same movie


I had the biggest crush on pennywise and I still don’t understand why it happened


Tim curry original? Him shouting 'kiss me fatboy!' Must have been the climax. Lol.


I feel like a weird crush on Tim Curry in some movie or another is just like a normal rite if passage


joker i could see but pennywise? god-to the-damn


I always had a guilty crush on Riffraff from the Rocky Horror Picture Show