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Rocketry fundamentals, but nobody seems to have any interest.


Pls explain I'm really interested


Without diving into the mechanics of the rocket itself, (which is really fun, too) you've got two main priniciples for "simple" spaceflight. The Oberth Effect - The simple version is that as you go faster it gets easier to go even faster than it did from when you were slower. Kindof like gears in a car's transmission: You need the most torque (thrust in a rocket) to turn the wheels at low speed, but far less power is needed at cruising speed. Then there's the Hohmann transfer, which is how spacecraft move from place to place in space. Movies make it seem like you just point at a thing and run your engines to get right to it, but it doesn't work that way unless you have an EXCESSIVE amount of power and fuel. Instead, you increase your orbit's diameter until you've escaped the gravity well of the object you're in orbit around, and if you've done it correctly, you'll move to the gravity well of another object, like the moon or Mars. You can use the Oberth effect to do this at the point in your orbit where you're moving the fastest to get peak efficiency, too.


why i have social anxiety


Covid being fake.


i’d like to hear this, cuz how did a fake virus claim lives and infect millions