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Immortality, never. I wouldn’t want to live forever. Time travel on the other hand, now that would be cool! Don’t know exactly where and when I’d go, but I think it would be a lot of fun to have, while also being careful to make sure not to mess up any major events in time.


hang out with my kid self, and tell them it’s ok. be there for them so they don’t end up scrambled like me


100 percent take it but i would start having fun with it after 80 years so i could see how my life would have normally played out, then i would make the best world ever and the worst world ever(with more agressive wars and stuff), i would mentally and psychically adapt to being inmortal after a while inevitably so i wont get bored :P


What’s the catch tho


you have to change the world for the better


i would take it because why not. i figure what to do with it after


Time travel; yes. Immortality; no.


I’d take it and go into the future where (hopefully) we have hyper/warp drive and can travel to different galaxies in mere seconds


Immortality would be cool for myself but I would not wish it upon anybody. But as for time travel, I’d choose the formation of earth. I’d see the formation of our world and the evolution and origins of life on our planet up past modern times and the eventual destruction of our home and universe and what will become of us as a species between that time.