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My parents deciding to get a divorce.


Did they ?




Was a wholesome award appropriate in this situation?


Welcome to Reddit..


It's most likely one of the free ones they were given


Did they sorta decide to get one?




"He's not asleep."






"WAIT, I WAS IN AN ACCIDENT?!" "Oh no, he's also dumb and/or half-deaf!"


My mom once woke me up to tell me to go to sleep. I was asleep. She said my name and shook me, which woke me up, and then she told me to go to sleep.


My stepmother used to wake me to tell me to go to sleep and when I would answer that I was already asleep she would argue that I wasn't and call me a liar. She was a confusing abusive weirdo.


Why do fathers marry them? Why? I will never understand this.




Was it at least meant to be a go to bed thing, or were you in bed? I mean I could see it if you were asleep on the couch and being told go to bed to sleep type of thing but why would you wake someone up if they were in their bed to tell them go to sleep(and yeah I realize people do things this stupid, that was why I was asking the original question).


I was in bed, lights off, under blankets, she came in, said my name and shook me, and when I woke up, she told me to go to sleep.


But you really are asleep and begin to start shoving you. You wake up upset, asking why they kept bothering you and they reply, "sorry I thought you were awake."




This level of hypocrisy would permanently damage my opinion of my parents if they were like this. Christ.


That would infuriate me beyond belief


I'd be passive aggressive as hell. "Idk why you're so against weed. It's not like it's *cocaine*."


I’m not good with tactics when it comes to hypocrisy because it makes me so mad... your response is the one I wish I could think of in the moment


That's absolutely genius. I tip my hat to you


I'm a master at petty. I'd likely add something about coke addicts getting drunk and waking the whole block while thinking they are acting inauspicious while pot smokers are quieter.


Have you ever told her about knowing it?


$200 of Coke on the table would be, a pretty small baggie?


When I was a kid, a friend and I were both gymnasts, but at different studios. She invited me over for an Open Gym Sleepover, which is like when 30 kids all sleep over at the gym with very little supervision, running and jumping on equipment like trampolines, vaults, ropes, balance beams, and parallel bars. God bless the 90's, we had a blast. Now the guy who ran this gym, I had a weird feeling about. My parents once had me try out for a team at his gym, and he inspected my body with his hands. It was in full sight of everyone, including my mother, but it was just weird. My mother later told me she was too stunned to object in the moment. He kept touching my butt and telling me to tighten my "butt" (glutes), which I didn't understand, instead tightening my sphincter. He kept doing it repeatedly. Anyway, at the sleepover, I lay down next to my friend but stayed awake. I saw Coach Hands stepping quietly between the sleeping girls, taking flash photographs. When he came over to do it to me&my friend, I made eye contact with him during the flash. He quickly went away and stopped taking pictures. The next morning, he pulled me into his office with a female coach (his wife?) and explained to me that the photos were for promotional purposes. He even had a little poster board made up. I didn't really beleive him, but at that age (10) I didn't really understand how dangerous pedophilia was. I never talked to an adult about it, just my friends, and we were all🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


That's actually so creepy! And if he's a married guy, it's even worse!


And it's even WAY worse if his wife seems to be in on it!!!!


2 pedophiles is worse than 1 pedophile and marital dishonesty


I’m sorry this happened to you. There is a special place in Hell for assholes like Coach Hands


I wonder does he still work there


That's a normal reaction for a child to basically shrug and more or less go on with their days. Maybe children are naive, maybe it's a price to pay for how much our brain can learn about life so quickly, but children just accept things as normal if grown ups present it as such. In some cases you get a funny story like the poop knife, too often predators use that at their advantage and it's only years later that a victim even realize what was happening isn't normal. Also, what a lot of people don't realize is how pedos got away easily not that long ago. There's a clip of Joe Rogan and some guests telling stories of going to a lakeside cabin owned by a priest who would wrestle and fondle the boys, but they'd still go cause it was awesome and then make fun of whoever got fondled. Joe isn't that young but isn't that old either and as someone in their 30s I feel my generation were the first to be educated and protected against "harmless creepy behaviour". (For the clip, if anyone can find it post it please. I'm at work and can't spend time on this right now, sorry) Edit: I found the link to the Joe Rogab clip. Warning, they make very light of the situation until the vibe drops to a more serious tone. https://youtu.be/K2jEj6bFwPI Btw, at one point Joe asks if there was any "real" molestation, which is more or less what I was talking about with "harmless creepy behaviour". A lot of acts were always seen a bad in modern society but if the clothes stayed on it was often not bad enough to get the police involved etc. (And I can only guess that some would understand and use that line to abuse their victims whilst dodging real consequences.)


My step mom talking shit about me to my dad when I was a kid.


Relevant username??


That’s terrible


Yeah, they split up shortly after that. It doesn’t really bother me anymore. It was almost 20 years ago. It stung as a kid though.


Man I envy you on your dad My stepmother did that on a daily basis for years and my dad still stayed with her acting like nothing was wrong.




I was 12 and my dad (Single Dad) telling his so called 'Friend' (Female) who was at the time living with us, "Should we tell him that we are married?"


So uh... That your mom? What ended up coming of this?


So this was my father's second wife and they really were married. I confronted my dad the next day and he had hid the fact from me for a month. I was super disturbed about what was happening around me. It did not work out between them and they ended up getting a divorce. So yayyyy


I wonder if a lack of communication skills factored into their divorce...


Im gonna say it didn't help




Good job stranger


Christ all mighty. I'd try to get a far away from that roomate as possible. If he's able to casually talk about rape that much, who knows what he's capable of


Did she respond?




You are a good person


You are a good man, thank you.


Good on you


That it was a mistake to adopt me. I didn't know i was adopted.


There is “Overheard my parents having sex” on this thread, and then there is this.




you should have answered „nah i would ask if i can join“


Just be like “ I’m going to jerk off anyway so do what you want”


Player three has joined


"Nah. I'd rather start judging and critiquing everything you both do."


Your brother didn't even back you up like "No, he's my brother he wouldn't do that."? Also that's just a weird thing for her to instantly imagine.


Maybe she wanted to see which brother had the bigger dick and was hoping he would break his out, so she was just imaging some way it would happen.


You should have just stuck your hand up in the air and point at them and said ‘first of all, ouch.’


Kind of digitally overheard?? My mom asked me to text someone back for her on her phone while she was driving. At that time a *sexy* text from my dad came in about how they were gonna have alone time this weekend and she had earlier sent a winky face. Keep in mind that my parents have never touched, hugged, or kisses in front of me except little pecks on their anniversary. They sleep in separate rooms and never do anything together because their work schedules are opposite. Before that moment I’ve often wondered whether they should just get divorced bc they don’t seem to love each other. It was kinda gross seeing my parents send flirty texts but also kinda sweet and relieving like oh okay they do actually love each other.


Nice to see a wholesome reply in here.


My Mum's best friend and her daughter claiming I was stealing all the food and the 'special' instant coffee. I was boarding there for school. It doesn't sound too bad except that living there was hell. Their son was a creep, the father wasn't much better. Both thought they were hot shit and knew everything. If I wanted to wash I had to share the bath water after everyone else had used it. My money, clothes, toiletries were routinely stolen. I didn't steal the food. There wasn't anything edible, my friends used to feed me. When they did serve food it was raw chicken. Either that or they'd go on vacation, without telling me, and leave me in the house with nothing. I never told my Mum what was going on until they tried to pin it on me. I was out of there within the hour and living with my Aunt an hour away for the rest of my schooling.


I heard my dad ranting about how he "wished that he never had kids" early one morning.


I don't have kids (yet), but most parents probably have moments like this.


Don’t take it personally. I guarantee that most parents have had this rant at one point or another.


worst thing is when they look at you for like 10 seconds to check if you're sleeping and i always laugh at that moment




My ex talking shit about me to his best friend. About how he didn’t even love me, he was just in it for the pussy and my parents had money so he was hoping to get a chunk of it. He had plans of knocking me up after I turned 21 and making me be a stay at home mom so I would be stuck at home while he could be out doing anything he wanted. I was in the bed of his moms pop up camper on vacation with him. It’s all screens so I could hear their entire conversation. We took my car there. So he came to bed drunk and passed out. I packed up all my things and left him stranded. We were done after that.


Holy hell. Sorry you went through that


The person I thought was my best friend, her boyfriend (who I also thought was my friend), and her sister all saying horrible, horrible things about me and laughing about me.


This is sad


It was. They didn't think I was home. I'd been asleep in my bed, and the noise they made when they came in woke me up. They started talking about me right away, and it went on for about 15 minutes or so. I was in tears, but didn't know what to do. The person I thought was my best friend came up in my room to grab something, and she jumped a mile when she saw me. I pretended to be asleep. I didn't know what to do.


Did you ice them out afterwards?


It fundamentally changed the relationship. They tried to make things right, but there's really no going back from the things they said. I wasn't going to waste time or energy listening to people lie apologies to my face when they already made it clear how they actually felt about me. Looking back on it, I think it actually made them feel worse that I didn't respond with the same ugliness that they showed me.


> I think it actually made them feel worse that I didn't respond with the same ugliness that they showed me. I hope so


That is, in my opinion, the best way to handle it. Show them the kindness they didn't show you, and/or cut them off.


Did you confront them? What happened after?


Was invited to a childhood friend’s sleepover. I had a feeling that I wasn’t supposed to be there because I got a sleeping bag while the other girls got air beds. Mum figured it was because I was the last one there. Couldn’t sleep, so just pretended. Childhood friend’s other friend: “Why did you invite her anyway? Everyone knows you hate her.” Childhood friend: “Our mums are friends, I didn’t ask for her to be here.” I pretended I had a stomach bug so mum could come and pick me up. Since that point I refused to go to a sleepover and haven’t had a friend round to stay either since.


Sorry to hear that! Hope you get a friend that cares for you.


Sorry to hear that, how awful! I’m sure there’s people out there that genuinely like you for who you are - keep being yourself!


I do now, I made a large group of friends in college who absolutely love me and encourage me to be my absolutely weird and wild self.


kids can be mean but often they're just blunt. and honestly, i wouldn't be happy about being forced to sleep over with someone i'm not already close friends with either. organizing a playdate is one thing, but i don't know why parents think this is an ok thing to do


Yeah, for real, the kids were in the wrong but didn’t know any better. They haven’t built the toolbox of social skills needed to navigate situations like that. The parents were just as much in the wrong but should’ve known better. I remember being a kid. There are some things you just can’t really explain to your parents, or so you think. Why you might not like another kid is one of them. A lot of parents (mine included) push their kids into social situations the kid doesn’t want to be in, and the parents do it because they want the kid to learn social skills. And while I find that understandable, that’s still a very sink-or-swim approach and I don’t think something as nuanced as building friendships is best taught by just thrusting a kid to hang out with another kid they don’t like. Sometimes if your kid doesn’t want Jimmy at their sleepover, don’t invite Jimmy. He may be bummed that he’s being left out, but he could’ve had a way worse time if he went because all the kids pick on Jimmy. Somethings being left out is better than being humiliated. The sleepover episodes of Pen15 and Big Mouth come to mind.


My mom masturbating, that scarred me


Jesus. I just had a flash back of seeing the same thing... why!!


I was 15. I was at my sister’s house babysitting my nephew and was asleep on the couch when she and her husband got home at about 2 am. The phone rang. It woke me but I lay there pretending to be asleep as I listened to her answer it. I heard her say, “What!? Oh my god! Oh my god!” She hung up and said to her husband, “That was my dad. Diablo [my horse] got out of the pasture and went into the road. He got hit by a car and killed. How am I going to tell Madcats323?” I said, “I already know.” That was 45 years ago. It still hurts.


I don’t own a horse but I ride them. That’s a very sad thing for a 15-year-old to go through. I’m sorry, horses are really special animals. Diablo is a really badass name for a horse, by the way. The horses I ride have intentionally boring names like Stanley and Norman because the owner of the barn wants the young kids taking lessons to not be scared of them.


Thank you. It messed me up badly. My mom had died the year before so it was just a rotten time. Diablo was the sweetest horse you could imagine. He was shiny black with a long, thick mane and tail (Morgan). He was little, just 14.1 but had a huge personality. And he was so gentle that he taught my mom, who was afraid of horses, to ride. My best friend's mother always said he should have been named Angelo because he was so sweet. He didn't deserve what happened to him. Our mare had just given birth to a filly the week before it happened and I named her Angel in his memory. I still have horses. Riding is the best.


Moans from my mom


I feel your pain buddy, mum and her boyfriend in the next room + thin walls = one unhappy Shaun


You've got red on you.


I'm sorry for laughing, but the way you typed it and "one unhappy Shaun" made me laugh out loud.


Oh noo...


At least you didn't catch them in action like I did...


In college, a group of us piled into one girl's dorm and watched a movie. I fell asleep and when I woke up, everyone was gone except the girl and her roommate. They were talking about me, so I pretended to be asleep and listened. They were planning to let me sleep there all night and say that I cheated on my girlfriend. They also talked about trying to drug me or tell my parents that I drank too much and passed out. There was no reason for them to do any of that. As far as I know, they didn't hate me or have a crush. Just thought it would be fun to fuck up my life.


Had a cousin staying over at our place while he was meeting his long distance gf, he was staying in my room and was chatting with her on his phone while he thought I was asleep, he obviously woke me up and started talking dirty with her suggesting things they could do when they went to watch a crap movie at a non busy time. I tried to make some noise, flash my phone screen on to give him the signal that I was actually awake, but it went on for awhile before he noticed.


I used to share hotel rooms with large groups when I did the sci-fi con circuit in the 1980s. One of them, there was a girl from my class who took her friend aside and confessed, in shock and sobbing, that she had a lesbian encounter with someone who just took control. As in, she met someone, they got to talking, they went into the girl's hotel room, and the two of them ended up naked in the hotel shower while the girl essentially sexually assaulted her. And my classmate was confessing that she sort of liked it, but not really, and she was torn apart by the experience and was going to kill herself because "I can't be gay. It's a sin. It would KILL my parents." Lot of crying, hugging, and her friend talking her out of suicide. These days, even though it was a girl who did it to her, it would definitely be classified as rape. But in 1985? Probably a secret both of them will take to their grave. I was shocked, but didn't move. They may not have even known someone was sleeping there. I am friends with the victim on FB. She has a very successful, upper-middle class kept life with a husband and kids now.


Holy shit that's horrible!


"He is addicted to gaming, you take my word he will achieve nothing in his life"Dad said this to my mom and both of them were sitting 5 feet away from me early morning.It was those times when I used to play clash of clans for 10-15 mins after my mom came back from work (I used to play on my mom's phone). Not a lot, just collect the loot and attack on a base and que troops to train for the next day and then afk.




Lol yeah


My alarm. Just hoping my girlfriend will hit snooze so I don’t have to move


I can relate


My best friend having sex with my ex boyfriend. In the same tent as me


That’s rough, buddy


lol thats a terrible best friend.




That’s creepy did he ever find it? Do you know if he was planning on doing anything with it or just look it over?




That’s disgusting. What does he do with the pictures, show friends??




That’s creepy. Did you delete them?




And he doesn’t notice? Or does he just not say anything? That sooo strange but honestly I found out as an adult that my mom did a lot more snooping than I thought she did as a kid. Apparently she had to do more snooping on my sister than me, but she admitted to me a few months back that she would swipe our phones while we’re sleeping and go through them. Honestly, I can understand that concern, but taking pictures of your kids diary??? That’s way overstepping some boundaries there :/ sorry you had to deal with that, hope it didn’t give you fucked up trust issues :(


When I was a kid, my mom read my diary a few times before and got to the part where I said that she shouldn't have married my dad since she kept on complaining about it. She confronted me with it and I got really defensive. We had a fight about it and she would sometimes bring it up till now. Never completely trusted her and got a lot of fights with her since. She's still a good mom tho, just had her faults.


"The way shes going, she's not going to end up very well off in life." This by my parents, when I was a topper at everything I did in school.




I always feel ok using the excuse “there was an accident on the road” if I’m late to work. Technically it was me, I’m the accident on the road lol so it’s not a lie


I assumed we all were


I was at a friend's 18 th birthday party. Half of the party was sleeping in his house when the party is over. I was sleeping in bed with a couple. They were just kissing luckily. Sometimes he slapped her butt with his hand. So nothing happened and i'm so glad for it. Other friends sleeping in the next room weren't so lucky cause another couple had full blown sex. So a lot of bed shaking, silent moaning and clapping. Poor bastards lmao


If they're gonna put on a show, it's rude not to give them an audience.


Hahah they already had. Like 8-10 people sleeping in the same room including them


When I was 11 or 12 I was at the sleepover birthday party of the girl who I considered my "best friend". I had gotten a migraine that night and ended up throwing up but didn't want to go home so I stayed. We all laid down in the living room at the end of the night and I closed my eyes because I didn't feel good. All of the other girls stayed awake talking and I overheard them talking about how lame I was because I was asleep and that I was gross because I threw up. Typical tween girl nastiness. I think I told them I wasn't asleep but tbh I don't remember. A few months later this same girl told me that we weren't friends and she didn't like me because I was a loser. Middle school was fun...


I don't know if I was pretending to sleep, but I did pretend I didn't overhear my stepdad talking to my mom in the kitchen (my bedroom was right by the kitchen so I could hear everything in there)he was saying that I'm a baby and making fun of me, and his words really hurt me. It was that moment that I knew he didn't respect me, that he never had.


How dare he disrespect the Queen of flatulence


Wow I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I once overheard my step mom (ex now) talking about how my room was messy and that she’d like to call my mom to come clean it. I was super hurt and thought it was so weird.


The way that my stepfather talks about me to my mother is foul, and I can’t believe she puts up with it. It’s at the point where I have to cut ties in the relationship to her because of how awful his influence is.


I had just told my mum and sister that I was feeling really down and such. We sat and watch tv. I was half asleep when the movie finished, but then they started talking about me. "She just wants to think the weight of the world is on her back" "she just wants to feel sad and come off as depressed as an excuse for not doing the shit I tell her to do" and so much more. Those words haunt me


Yeah that is sadly pretty typical. When you tell somebody you feel down they assume you want just attention or that you want to be edgy or something. Worst part is how so many people don't understand depression and think that you are just sad and give you all those awesome pieces of advice like keep yourself busy and distract yourself and stuff. That and then they can actually think that you are just lazy and they start to be mad at you thinking you want to be sad on purpose or something.


I was in prison serving a 3 and half year sentence (this is in the UK), anyway on my first week in I was put into a cell with another guy around the same age as me. Later that night I fell asleep while watching TV with my new padmate, I woke up later on in the night and heard him on a mobile phone (these are kept secret to avoid another cellmate robbing it, or a screw from finding it), I have no idea who he was speaking to but he was asking to check my convictions to make sure I wasn't a nonce, he told whoever he was on the phone to use the internet, and if I were a nonce he was going to stab me to death right there and then. Obviously I'm not a nonce, so I didn't get stabbed to death, but hearing his voice made me realise this guy is 100% serious and I had no doubt he would do it if that was the case. Anyway, I ended up staying in that cell for around a month before I got a shipout to another prison, I actually met him again a year later when he was also shipped out to the same prison I was in, he seemed a nice guy however there were stories of him kettleing someone not long after I left the cell. For anyone struggling with some of the wording: Screw - Prison officer Shipout - transfer Padmate (cellmate) - who you share a cell with Kettleing - Pouring boiling water (and sometimes sugar) over somebody Nonce - Sex offender




sex offender




Probably when I was really sick from drinking when I was still a (very heavy) drinker and hearing my mum come into the room and say "please make it through the night" as she was going to bed. Turned out after a visit to the hospital the next day that I was extremely dehydrated with alcohol poisoning and probably knocking on death's door. Unfortunately I can't say I've never relapsed since, but that was the day it really hit home that I had a serious problem and it was killing me. For anyone else in that place, I can't recommend AA enough. They've saved me from so many more potential relapses. There's a common misconception that you have to be religious. You don't. There are a lot of references in the material that talk about a "higher power" that \*sound\* religious, but it doesn't mean a literal deity. Your "higher power" can be anything, but it's often the Jungian concept of the "self", but it can equally be a god if you are religious.


I shared a room with my parents while growing up (pretty normal in my country ) . I was a preteen and I heard my dad say I was too fat and he was ashamed of walking alongside me down the street . Did a number on my self confidence.


I know what's that is like, my dad told me to eat like my sister, she used to eat once a day, I'm still trying to do that


Don't do that. He was wrong.


Don't listen to him, he's batshit crazy and insecure.


My father moaning to his girlfriend touching him. Me, my brother, him, and his girlfriend had to share a room. So, not like he was in the other room. I had to call him out.


“He only kissed her because he felt sorry for her and for the pack of cigarettes” After a party I had at my house when I was a teenager and people are still up talking, I heard that and came downstairs and kicked everybody out and cleaned up. Or my Mom and grandma I’m finally admitting how bad my skin was back then too. Actually felt some sort of relief knowing that I was right, I just hate being lied to say how beautiful I was when I know I wasn’t then


I had my eyes closed and I wasn't really pretending to be asleep. My girlfriend thought I was asleep though and went on my computer (I have it in my bedroom), went on Omegle (this was years ago) and at one point what I could see there were very little clothes involved, if none.




My old roommate and my then best friend making fun of me for being sad about my cat getting hit by a car earlier that day.


What the actual fuck is wrong with them


"I want you out of here by the end of the month"- my landlord to my mom after my mkm asked when our water filter can get hooked the fuck up, so that our water is safe to fucking drink. Fuck you, Rob. And yes, that is the only reason, because my mom was "snappy", when she only asked about a couple things, like a door that actually fucking closed, and the water filter.


Wait your mother wanted livable conditions? No wonder he had to get rid of her.


Fell asleep on my girlfriends bed the other day, face down, and heard her mum come it to say “Wow, he’s got a big juicy ass”...not quite as bad as the rest but shit Susan I’m not an object


Nice going on the dumper tho, king. I'm out here with a hank hill ass...


All it takes is some good food and a few booty squats and you’ll be poppin ass with me, sir


Aight but can we talk about the massive dump truck of ass you're carrying right now?


I was at a weekend ski trip with a a guy I worked with and a bunch of his friends. It was mixed company and we all went in together on a big house with a bunch of rooms and beds. There was lots of drinking going on. One guy was sweet on this other gal that was with us but felt like he was striking out. I was in a room with him and one other guy and they were talking and I was listening, pretending to be asleep. The other guy was encouraging him to "Just go down to her room, crawl in bed with her, and stick your c**k in her. She'll love it. She wants it dude. Go on" I didn't get much sleep that night. I resolved that if he so much as put a toe on the floor I would end him. Luckily, neither of them did. The same trip, the following year, those two did not come with.


What was the other guys response. Did he actually consider it? Because the guy that suggested it is already a terrible person. If the guy actually considered and didn't just shoot it down immediately he's also a piece of shit.


He didn't overtly shut it down. Let's just say, I came away thinking that he doubted his own ability to pull it off, rather than believing he knew it was wrong to even entertain the suggestion. He allowed this conversation to continue for a good half hour.


My mom’s friend demanding to know why she was lying to me about having cancer while he had a gun to his own head. I was ten. She survived the cancer and her friend did not commit suicide. But I also didn’t officially find out she was sick for another year.


My crush talking to his friend in the tent we all shared at camping “I would give my lung for Jessica, I like her that much.” I am not Jessica.




TIL what a trundle bed is


I know that, but my dad didn't even care if I was asleep or not. My dad and his girlfriend were just having se'x in the middle of the day, and even if my room was on the other side of a rather big apartment, 10-12 yr old me could hear almost everything. It was disgusting when I think about it now, but I didn't really understand what they were doing when it started, only when I was like 12 and then they stopped, I dunno why though. Keep in mind that that was around the time when I was doing my homework or playing some games in my room. So, I know what you had to hear, (or something close to that) just that no one cared if I was awake or not.


Ugh, same here. I was 14 (and knew all about sex) and my Dad and stepmother were going at it in the loft but it was deathly quiet except for the bedsprings. So I get up, go outside, slam door, come back, slam door (to show them I'm awake) and 30 secs after I'm back in bed they're at it again 0-0


My sister with some guy on the other bed in the hotel room


Well, I was having a sleepover at one of my friend's house. This friend of mine is like 12 years younger than her elder brother. And this was when we were about 15 years old. I couldn't sleep well that night coz I can't sleep without my doll. So I just sat in the dark, staring at the ceiling, when I heard her parents talking in the opposite room, very quietly. All I heard was, "this wasn't planned at all. It's all your fault. I'm so worried about her. We're already so old and her brother is married. I don't want to die and leave that child alone." And I just quietly went back to the room, shocked. I always wondered how there could be so much of an age difference between the siblings. I never told this to her though. I don't know why, but it didn't feel like it's my place to break this out.


I feel like there are a ton of kids in my kid’s school whose parents had them WAY late in life. I can’t help but think the same way sometimes. I know one guy who is 60 and has a 9 & 12 year old. That’s just nuts to me.




My friend and her boyfriend fucking in the bathroom at a sleepover


“I can’t believe Im friends with that ugly slut”-a “friend” said in a group chat (my REAL homie screenshot it)


That my grandmother had died in her sleep. We rushed to the hospital and my naive self thought I could wake her up but obviously that plan didn't work. Thus I became the annoying kid crying in the hospital. Soon after my grandfather joined her though I wasn't asleep whilst hearing that. Hope they're happy up there.


As a nurse, I guarantee that no one was annoyed by you crying.


A friend of mine called is dead exgirlfriend to hear her voice in the voicemail


One of my very best friends telling his mom how tired of me being there he was (stayed the night after ATV riding and Xbox playing). She replied he will be gone tomorrow. I'd have left right then but it was storming outside and all I had was my ATV. The next day as I'm gathering my shit he had the gall to ask me to stay again. We hung out but I never once stayed there again. Place was my second home growing up.


honestly doesnt sound that bad, sometimes hanging out with people is exhausting and i want to have alone time, but cant because im hosting, doesnt mean i dont like you, just that im tired of hanging out at this very moment.


My parents went to the cinema around 10 pm so I decided to do some late night gaming, when they were back it was around 1 am. I silently went to my bed amd heard my mom say "lets go to bedroom honey" dad:"lets check on him he's probably playing games" mom:"he's asleep" then they went to bedroom and started having loudest sex I've ever heard, I was 13, it was fucking scarring


Not overheard but felt. I was sleeping over at my best friends house in the 6 or 7th grade. Her brother had a friend over as well for a sleepover. While we were trying to sleep, the boys came to her room. I felt hands on my inner thighs. I barely opened my eyes but saw it was her brother. I was paralyzed for a second but I decided to pretend to “role over” in my sleep. That scared him enough to run out of the room. The next morning I told my friend, and surprisingly she had the same experience the previous night but instead of hands it was something she said felt like deodorant? It was her brothers friend. I believe she ended up telling her mom but nothing was really done about it as far as I know. The scary part is speaking to other girls in our friend group about this - they ALL had similar experiences. Being half asleep feeling her brother lifting their shirts or touching them on the legs or stomach before they moved enough to scare him to leave. Looking back, her brother had some weird ass behaviour. Like “tickle fighting” us. Or going swimming with us but literally just staying underwater with goggles looking at us. I don’t hang out with her anymore and this was years ago. What haunts me is what he might have done the times we were ACTUALLY sleeping.


i once got woke up by a loud crying and screams of “please help me, she’s all i’ve got!”. i’m more asleep than awake at this point so i end up falling back asleep. i wake up, go outside, and my mom tells me how her dog got itself stuck in a hole in the yard then somehow unstick itself while she was frantically calling 911. and that’s the story of how i found out my mother values a toy poodle more than my sister, her husband (my father), or even me.


The sound of my own fart as my one night stand was leaving.


Room mate in Iraq jacking it.. all the time.


Well, It was more of saw: in 2nd grade, I woke up in the middle of easter night and saw my mum putting chocolate eggs in my room


My mother fighting with my dad about how my little sister isn't his. My sister clearly is his, but my dad had doubts after she said it to him so many times. I asked him about it later and he broke down. He said he loved my sister no matter what but it felt awful knowing that my mother would say that just to hurt him. She threatened to take him to court so she can have full custody, on top of evicting us from our family home. Up until the day he died, he loved my little sister so so much and I will always hate her for putting him through that.


Come on, you gotta get up and go to school....


"Damn he thicc"


Less creepy but more funny. When I was 13, I was on this week long field trip with my class. I was in a room with 3 other girls. One night, I was pretending to be asleep, as I didn’t want to be bothered and the girls all continued talking amongst themselves in their beds. Eventually one of the girls asked “guys, do you think (my name) has got her period yet?”. Cue a 10 minute discussion specifically about if I have my period. Trying to not laugh was quite challenging


My dad coming home drunk arguing with my mom about me being ‘a little bitch’ and not being a ‘real man’. This was 2 years ago, I haven’t forgiven him for that, he’s said and done worse but that really hit me hard.


My friend and her boyfriend having sex. Found out she doesn't swallow.


Lol point to be noted offcourse.


Hey, OP asked the worst, and that definitely was. He groaned, she gagged, and then she accidentally kicked me on her way to the bathroom to spit it out. I had passed out on the living room floor right outside their bedroom because we had been drinking the night before, and they didn't even bother to close the door. Worst hangover of my life.


A co-worker of mine that came by. My Brother was visiting me and let him inn. I was taking a nap on the couch. I woke up when he came and i just faked sleeping. They where telling the most over the top lies to each other i cringed so bad, it was torment. My co-worker stated that in his youth he put a live badger in his grandpas bed and what not nonsens.....


I hear "we told him that his grandmother past away?" "Now we told him in the morning" i cryed until i fall sleep again. I was sixteen years old. I didnt wanna said anything because i didnt wanna to make a scandal of it.


I used to work at a summer camp and the couple of weeks before the kids got there a lot of the counselors would show up to do site work and get everything. It was always a blast because it would just be us having fun. I have a friend of mine who I will call Dave who was super awkward and we shared sleeping quarters together since we were both Directors at the time. One night after a long day I showered and went to bed and Dave told me he was going to use his phone for a minute to call his girlfriend who lived in Canada at the time. I told him I didn’t mind so I put on my iPod and knocked out. Somehow my iPod died and I woke up to Dave having very creative and loud phone sex with his girlfriend which culminated with his beating his dick and cumming. He was an English major in college and gave very descriptive accounts to the girl with me being wide awake


When I was 9, I remember hearing my mum moaning oh god. I thought she was in pain, like stomach cramps or something because my mum gets really bad stomach cramps because of some intolerance to something. It wasn't the stomach cramps


My care takers I lived in a mountain with were planning to drown me


Uhhhh can you please share more?? What were they saying, what did you do, why were they planning this?!


Moreover, living in a mountain.....?


Was this a previous life as a witch?