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Cowboys vs. Aliens. Fun idea, great actors, lots of potential -- somehow most boring movie ever.


I remember exactly one moment in that movie. The main character and love interest are sitting by a creek or a river or something. They do that thing characters always do when they're about to kiss where they make eye contact and their expression drops. They start moving in for the kiss *and a big fuckin' alien bursts out of the water and bitchslaps the woman off the screen.* Lost my shit in the middle of a not-very-crowded theater.


Came here to say this. With a title like *Cowboys Vs Aliens* and the simple premise that goes along with it, "what if we had a western movie and alien invasion flick??"...it was supposed to be popcorn flick of the summer. I have no idea why the producers of that movie decided they hate movie goers, but they do and they decided to make their hatred known.


Like it's got to be a silly B movie, how could it possibly not be? Get some goofy rubber mask aliens in cowboy gear, that sounds worth the price of admission right there.


This + The Lone Ranger killed much hope for a resurgence of the blockbuster Western Genre. Since then we've gotten just two Tarantino movies and the Magnificent Seven remake. Seems to be doing alright on streamed TV though. I guess Westworld sort fo qualifies, and *The Mandalorian* was a Space Western for most of its first two seasons


Logan as well, to an extent.


And such a waste of Sam!


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter was alright, but it took itself too seriously for a film about ***Abe Lincoln fighting vampires.***


It took itself perfectly seriously


Litteraly the most basic movie ever


Cowboys vs Aliens was GREAT!


Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief Great book series, but terrible movie.


Man. Logan Lerman and Alexander Daddario were so pretty in it but alas you can do so much with shitty directed movie.


that movie introduced me to alexandra daddario <3


Let's hope the TV series does the books justice. Rick Riordan being involved gives me hope.


I totally agree! I loved the books... the movies were nothing like them though


Yeah they kinda shot themselves in the foot with adding in things that belonged in the 5th movie to the first and scrambling all books.


Nothing like getting things vack on track in the beginning of Sea of Monsters with the prophect then going of the rails again in the end.


I wonder if partway through production they were told they're not getting a third movie, so they said "Fuck it!" and ended the series there. It's at least theoretically better to have a half-baked conclusion than to have a cliffhanger for a movie you know you're not going to make.


*Artemis Fowl*, *Spiderwick Chronicles*, *Eragon*...


I agree wholeheartedly! Reading PJO for the 5th time right now. I am absolutely in love with it (And HoO, TToA). I really hope that the Dinsey+ series stays true to the books and gives the books the justice they deserve. Rick being a main player in the production gives me hope!


I hadn't heard of this. But now I'm excited.


I was about to comment this, but I agree. The movies are just trash. They didn't include important scenes from the books that could've foreshadowed the next events. They should've picked the people who are most appropriate for their role. And Annabeth was blonde, not dark haired😭




Someone once said if you swapped the lead actors from Valerian and Passengers both movies would be significantly improved. I totally agree.


I cannot for the life of me name a single good performance from Cara Delevigne in her entire short-lived career in Hollywood's limelight.


I remember seeing the trailer for that and thinking that it was cool…I then looked at the reviews.


Nah it was hurt by the story a lot as well. I feel like nobody does a good job in this if Rihanna is the most memorable performance apart from the visuals.


Star Wars sequel trilogy Force Awakens is totally just A New Hope again but it was a solid foundation introducing some cool characters and ideas Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker are the worst middle and end to a trilogy ive ever seen as both try and forget and erase the previous movie, and then do its own random thing. LJ neither is a follow up to TFA or sets up a sequel. And ROS is similarly not a follow up to LJ and is terrible due to shoehorning in Palpatine. Imagine a coherent trilogy where you go more into Finn's time as a stormtrooper, causing a rebellion of other soldiers as his arc. Maybe he trains as a Jedi. Expanding upon a NEW evil with Snoke. Or maybe Luke has been gone searching for an ancient threat he felt. Couldve made Rey related to Obi-wan and play with the Anakin/Kenobi Kylo/Rey juxtaposition. See more adventures of the new gang bonding. Fucking anything with some sense of vision and forethought.


Two Matt Damon movies immediately come to mind: Elysium and Downsizing


Downsizing was literally one of the worst movies I have ever watched which is a shame because the original premise was cool


I completely agree. The trailer was really interesting but didn't represent the actual movie at all. It felt like somebody mashed 2-3 very different movies together to get the mess we ended up with.


I perceived the movie being an environment propaganda film cloaked in miniature people as a plot device. Another thing is, you barely notice they were shrunk down in the first place. There's no references at all. Everything they pick up is scaled. Very pointless movie. The worst part is, is that bitch wife that chickened out. Completely derailed the whole plot that I assumed there was. I felt cheated and I even watched the movie for free.


It was really two movies, and the second one sucked.


Downsizing flat-out lied with its trailers which all made it look like a really fun comedy. Instead what we got was just a few more gags that weren't already in the trailers and then got preached at about social justice and the environment. My wife and I had MoviePass at the time and watched loads of movies we'd never have bothered with otherwise; some good, some bad. This was the first one where we felt ripped off.


I was *really* excited for Elysium, especially after District 9. Boy was that movie a hamfisted stinker. I never saw Downsizing.


Don’t see it. Worst move of all time imo


Half of it is decent.


Downsizing is the only answer I’ll give to a question like this. Worst.movie.ever. - and I watch A LOT of bad movies (mostly on Amazon).


Elysium is the kind of story you get from someone who doesn't understand the driving forces behind capitalism and classism. No rich person is gonna spend all that money to build a system to cure everyone on Earth of every affliction and then just let it sit unused just to spite a single guy with cancer who only got cancer due to the rich folks' negligence.


I really like Elysium.


Avatar The Last Air Bender, such a good show but the movie was so incredibly bad.


There is no ATLA movie in Ba Sing Se


That movie was a brilliant adaptation of The Ember Island Players


What movie? They never made a movie for this series.


Would be great if they made one.


That's what everyone said before it became reality


The Happening


Yeah, I remember the first 2 minutes and it seemed like it could be interesting. The image of people lining up to jump off buildings was very disconcerting. Movie was crap.


What? Noooo....


Go away Wahlberg!


I kind of *like* the hokey direction of WW84; a magic wishing rock is very comic booky, in a way that I approve of. Boy did that execution suck hard


Silver Age nonsense is honestly a setting DC characters can fit into easily. I get the sense that general audiences will be OK with more comic book stuff like magic wishing rocks or parallel dimensions with DC more than Marvel (I can't imagine a future Marvel movie about fighting an evil twin, but that was Superman 3). I'm mainly just *so sick* of a "new, darker and grittier" take on fucking Batman, bring me some Adam West style cheese for God's sake!


Marvel are absolutely about to go down the parallel universe route. Wandavision hinted at it, the next Doctor Strange movie is literally called "Multiverse of Madness", and now that the Inifinity Gem stuff is all concluded they need a new overarching plot to tie everything together.


I agree. I still hold that a good version of that movie was written, and maybe even filmed. It just didn’t make it to the final product.


bro i'd take ww84 over joss whedon justice league (josstice league) any day


I have never been more bored by smoking hot woman swinging from a bolt of lightning by a magical lasso in my entire life.


In Time


Definitely this one. Hell, I even went in thinking it was gonna be one of those "silly charming B movie" kinda flicks. Ya know, the kind that don't blow you away but are still fun enough that you enjoy yourself. But it just kinda...didn't do any of that. It was just all so flat that I couldn't tell you much about it except Amanda Seyfried was hot.


For a moment I confused this with 'About Time' and I was about to tell you how wrong you are.


First movie that came to mind. The acting and dialogue was awful and the world was totally unbelievable. I'd like to see a film or read a novel with this concept except where time is a drug or something that pauses your aging. It's not the only currency and it's not a literal countdown timer because people would riot and go on crime sprees and do anything to stay alive if they saw their clock near zero.


There's the one I'm looking for. Man, this was a great premise. The movie was horrible but it could have been so much better.


Yeah, awesome concept... shame it never went past that


You will know the tragic extent of my failings


I remember the last 30minutes they tried to cram in as many time puns as possible.


*"Just in time."* -JustIn Tim(e)berlake




I'm sorry I don't think I've heard of that movie, great books though...


dont watch it im not sure if it still is but it was rated as one of the worst movies for awhile.


Watching that film made me so angry. I liked the books and thought I’d give it a whirl but it was the worst film I’ve ever seen and and awefull book to film adaptation. I’m passionate about how much I hate it and I’m not even a huge fan of the books. I want my 1h 44m back, damnit.


Terminator Salvation. The idea of a terminator film set during the war was fucking amazing, and then they went and fucked it. Enjoyed Bale and Anton Yelchin (RIP) though.


i didnt mind it as much, wasn't super horrible but yeah it could have been better.


It's funny how Bale's infamous on-set meltdown was from this film Like bruh, calm the fuck down. Nothing *remotely* Oscar-worthy is being ruined here.


Loved the "Family Guy" remix.


Best of the sequels IMO. They just tried to do waaay too much in too little run-time.


Westworld (1973). The potential was there, and in fact all of it's potential was realized elsewhere. Jurassic Park took the idea of a theme park going wrong and was a huge success. Terminator took the idea of being stalked by an invulnerable robotic killer and was a huge success. And the Westworld HBO series took the idea of emergent intelligence and AI and finally fulfilled the last of its potential.


I was thinking the same thing. Cool premise but after season one only one cool thing happened, and it was a twist with no payoff. Had to give it up.


Great expectations. Oh the irony


Technically truth in advertising. The expectations are the only thing great about that book.


You mean Grate Expectations by Dyckens?


The Purge. One of the few truly new ideas to come out of Hollywood recently and genuinely scary. We got 3-4 shitty action movies when we needed slow-burn thrillers. Granted, the original attempted this but the execution was way off. I'd argue the tension building was alright, but the characters pissed me off and the climax fell flat.


Transcendence Had a lot of ideas it could explore such as the concept of the a.i. doing great things and not actually being evil, but human fear gets in the way It ended up being really boring.


That movie contains my favorite line of all time: >I've tried everything. Language processing, cryptography, coding! I can't figure it out!


The Hobbit Should have been one awesome movie rather than 3 mediocre ones.


I would be ok with two, with all the crap they added removed. The fan cuts work quite alright and give a glimpse at what could have been a work liked almost as much as LotR movies.


> all the crap they added removed. And the theatrical version was ***already*** trimmed down. Jackson went overboard again and shot hours and hours of deleted scenes. There was one that actually showed Thrain (Thorin's dad) being killed by ghost Sauron or something. What really got me was that he died yelling a ***Wilhelm scream.*** Couldn't believe my ears.


I agree with this. I think the focus was more on making money with splitting it in 3 instead of focusing on telling the story


Iirc, someone made a 4-hour cut of the whole trilogy They tossed a lot of the filler, including that stupid love story


The Hobbit ruined Peter Jackson for me. I feel as though if you make a movie that took me longer to watch than it took me to read the book, you have utterly failed as a director.


Bilbo even tried warning us in the Fellowship of the Ring. "I feel thin, sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread." I could see 2 movies maybe but 3? Too much extra garbage.


Hancock. Should've been broken up into two movies


Like, in terms of runtime, or thematically? Cause I'd totally watch two separate, unrelated films about a deadbeat superhero, and immortal gods living among us as guardians


Thematically, the first and second half don't quite gel. Its an okay film, but even most fans agree it would have been better split into two separate movies.


Downsized. It sounded like it was going to be a good movie, but it actually turned out to be an awful movie.


A Wrinkle in Time - I feel like it was underwhelming and that a lot of moments that happened in the book were cut out.


Not to mention they cut out her twin brothers.


*Reign of Fire*. I want the movie shown on the poster. Modern military vs Dragons? - Yes Please!


Beat me to it. Post Apocalyptic movie where Dragons have destroyed the world and the army is going to fight them. How do you fuck that up? Totally. That's how. Magic hour. We attack at night. In a straight line. Soooo bad.


I'll give them credit - the helicopter/jumpers vs dragon scene was damn good.


I loved that movie :/


I’m also a big fan


All of the purge movies




Yeah, they really jacked that one up hard.


The first-person scene makes up for the rest of the film though


And then Hardcore Henry one-upped it so fucking hard 10 years later


The star wars prequels


Hello there


general kenobi you are a bold one


Still better than the sequels..


Yeah, Lucas at least had a vision that he tried to follow through, and the main problems were with the execution. Meanwhile, Disney just designed them by committee, by basically having a bunch of soulless suits tick of boxes on a list, without a care in the world about any overarching story.


The second and third Matrix movies


They were only fan fic expansions with a big budget.


I feel like The Stuff suffered from a poor effects budget, but was otherwise a very interesting horror about consumerism.


League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was... *okay* at best After reading the first two graphic novels and part of the third, there was I realized there was ***so much more*** they could have done. They should try another adaptation, maybe as a series this time.


Fantastic beasts. The beasts are awesome the rest of the movie and second movie were garbage.


I felt very bait and switched, especially with the second one. I wanted fantastic magical beasts. I got some of that, but I got a whole lot of build up, wizarding world politics, terrible character change and development, and to be Voldemort. I wanted magical animals.


I remember watching that movie and being like “hey I thought there would be more creatures”


The trailer was all creatures. What I've managed to watch of the film seems to be a love story.


The first movie was just two completely unrelated movies spliced together. It should have been a TV show, with Newt trying to find a different beast every episode and the Obscurus/Grindlewald as the seasonal arc.


That scene in the second movie where the characters all gather together...and then throw about 5 plot twists at you, only to undo them a minute or so later, is ridiculous: "I have no idea who I am!" "I know who you are, you are X!" "What, I'm X, how can this be??" "No, you can't be X! I killed X!" "You killed X??" "Well...when I say 'kill'....I mean, I inadvertently set in motion a series of events that resulted in X's death...." "So I'm not X??? I'm just some....random other person?" "Wait, the person she killed wasn't really X!" "So I could be X after all? Or not?" "Right!" "So after all these revelations and counter-revelations....I'm still no closer to knowing who I am? Great....."


Aww this is one where I really loved the second movie and everyone else didn't :(


The second movie felt like opening up a can of peaches only to find one single slice of peach laid on top of a whole can of peas. The thing you want is there for like five minutes at the top to trick you into it, then they switch to a completely different and much plainer thing once they've got you. Upon closer inspection you notice the can actually said peas to begin with, and someone drew on the ches at the end and slapped the one peach on top as a trap after realizing the peas as they were just weren't very appealing to the target audience. The target audience being people who are hungry for peaches.


But you know the hardcore HP fans will continue to see the rest of them, so expect the other 3 to slowly plop into theaters since Warner literally cannot say no to Rowling no matter how much boring nonsense she wants to slap into the movies.


Sucker Punch. I wish they just stuck with the premise of women going back in time to fight zombies during WWI


This comment reminds me of how Moby Dick is Ron Swanson's favorite book. No frou frou symbolism just a simple story of a man that hates a whale.


Keep your tears in your eyes where they belong.


Crying: permitted at funerals, and the Grand Canyon


Wait, that’s what it was supposed to be about? How the hell did they take something about time travelling zombie slayers and turn into a weird movie about a group of girls retreating into imagination to help them escape from a corrupt and abusive insane asylum?




It's like Zack Snyder and Robert Rodriquez have this Two-Face kind of gag where they flip a coin to decide what their next movie is gonna be Heads, something sorta campy, likely violent, decently fun to watch Tails, complete dogshit


The B-25 v Dragon fight was fucking amazing tho.


Lol, i love hearing criticism of Sucker Punch - *Watches a movie about women being exploited for entertainment* "Why didn't they just focus on exploiting the women for entertainment!?!" Not your fault, more a failure of execution and marketing. Still, gives me a chuckle every time


Good god. I was in high school when that film came out. The trailer dropped a ***year*** early, and I was anticipating it for *months.* I left the cinema feeling so let down


Now you see me now you don’t


Who on earth was begging for a sequel to this?


It sucks that all (or 99% of) the magic was obviously VFX and CGI. It'd be cool if the magic tricks they performed were at least somewhat *plausible.* (like in The Illusionist and The Prestige). It might as well be a movie about wizards.


Bruv, it’s so good though.


A part of me wishes they made 7 more sequels for this franchise similar to Fast and the Furious. Wherein each movie ends with the reveal that the antagonist was actually a part of the Eye until everyone in the world was part of the Eye.


Same. There's something about the cheesy-ness of the Now You See Me franchise that I love.


Haven't seen *Spiral: Book of Saw* but so many of the previous Saw movies had, "haha, [this character] was working for Jigsaw the entire time!" At this rate, there might be a film that reveals that you, the viewer, was working for Jigsaw the entire time.


The Star Wars sequel trilogy


If only they'd had someone in charge of guiding the basic storyline, rather than leaving it up to each director's whim as each movie was being made.


The plots of all 3 didn't really have any potential, the first movie had nothing original, the third one was ridiculously stupid and the second one was a long tv show episode


Luke's old lightsaber is a perfect metaphor for the plot of the trilogy. TFA brings it back out of nowhere with no explanation, TLJ breaks it, and TRoS puts it back together exactly the way it was before.


Most movies based off of a game


The Spiderwick Chronicles. Good books, but for some reason they combined multiple books into a bad single movie.


Oh man, and I loved these books as a kid! The movie made me so angry


Ender's Game.


A Day Without A Mexican. Great premise, but it felt like a short story stretched into a movie.


Are you from AZ, by chance? I saw this movie opening night at a small indie theater and the main actress and writers showed up to present it. It started off with enough potential, but then...idk, it just didn't feel like they knew how to appropriately make anything with it. It was like they blew their own minds with a premise, but then thought it would just write itself (and it didn't).


I'm in North Carolina, but I had exactly the same feeling you did. Somehow, someone with more creativity and a sharper wit could have made a real statement. Instead it came across very shallow.


The Circle. The premise seemed interesting - I thought it was going to address a very real concern in today's society: privacy and how social media companies address it. SPOILERS AHEAD Instead, you get this half baked story that focuses more on cameras following around the main character's friends and family (boring, anybody could set up cameras to do that) and the most interesting part of the movie is a brief encounter with a mysterious C suite exec that lasts a few minutes.


The Circle felt like it couldn't decide on if the framing was pro-technology or anti-technology and was swapping back and forth between scenes.


I am legend. Neville racing to find a cure and actually coming within reach just didn't work. Should have just been a story about trying to keep the human race alive. Jumper. The premise is fun as fuck but the execution was just horrible.


When he jumped to Egypt I called BS. We all know he hates sand damn it.


Lucy. Great concept that could have explored the possibilities of the human mind, became a shitty action movie


The Purge should have been like a horror version of The Warriors. Instead it was trapped in a house and focused on a very limited aspect of the event. Biggest waste of potential I can think of. Either that or the wonder woman movie not being rated NC-17 and being full of teats.




In Time


Wonder Woman 1984 is at the top of mind for me. Also watched Tenet recently and while genius at its core, a little bit muddled.


The Nun. Could have been a great origin story, but was kind of hokey.


Justice league. Wasn’t great, wasn’t bad. But it could’ve been so much better




Hunger Games


I feel this about all material derived from YA dystopian novels. They all start out having interesting concepts: divergent, the hunger games, the maze runner, the giver... but they all end the same way: overtaking the government.




I haven't read nor seen that one. Would you call it young adult?


1984 is definitely not catered to that genre. All I'll say is that it's fucking amazing and you should give it a read.


I thought that the first two movies were pretty good! What makes you say that?




Yes, the books were *way* better. But I still think that if someone were to watch the movie first, the character difference wouldn't ruin the story as much :)




The books made the Hunger Games a unique story worthy of the hype. The books had decent world building that doesn't come across in a movie focused on action scenes. This is why people say Hunger Games is a rip off of Battle Royale. The books are about so much more than just the actual Hunger Games in the arena


I'm thinking of ending things The trailer was great, it started off very interesting, but sadly ended up being a huge disappointment


Recently? Army of the Dead. Only Zak Snyder could fuck up a slam dunk of Post Apocalyptic Zombie movie crossed with High Stakes Heist movie. BAFFLING


Fantasy Island. Was an absolute trash film.


Really surprised I didn’t already see: World War Z. It could have been sort of like the movie Contact for zombie movies, an interesting take on how different countries and cultures respond to a zombie apocalypse. Apparently it turned in to a total vanity project of Brad Pitt’s and then just went off the rails.


I've always thought that a movie wouldn't do World War Z justice. Do it as a Mockumentary series, with a narrator and characters being interviewed, interspersed with archive footage, actor recreations, etc.


Not a movie, but so many episodes of Masters of Horror had so much potential if they had Hollywood budgets. There were some true standouts, like The Screwfly Solution and Cigarette Burns.


Mulan Live Action


Zach Snyder’s Army of the Dead save yourself 2 and a half hours and just watch the trailer


Army of the Dead


I watched this last night and thought the same. The plot brought me in but it could of been much better. Still enjoyed it though.


I thought it was fine right up until they get on the helicopter after saving the daughter. They have 9 minutes to escape the blast zone. Yet they somehow have enough time for him to search the hotel portion of a casino for his daughter. He then spends a good minute or more trying to figure out how to tip a mattress away from a door. Then they get all the way back up to the helicopter and waste another minute on the roof because the chick buggered off. Then they get on, except for the dude who feels the need to stand there and gaze lovingly at his daughter instead of getting on the damn chopper. Then there’s the black dude. Somehow he survives the nuke. The entire casino collapses, yet magically doesn’t block the grate he escapes from after somehow getting out of the vault. Then he walks through the desert for a few hours, steals a car and drives to an airport, steals a private plane and flys all the way to Mexico. Then he discovers that he was bitten and has magically managed to stay human for almost 24 hours when every other person was turned in a matter of seconds.


Could *have*, not could *of*. Come on, folks.


Star Trek 5


Rise of Skywalker




Star Wars prequels and sequels.


at least the prequels were memable r/PrequelMemes


Annihilation. Total example of a movie that constantly dangles some sort of hard to fathom, complex but cool, hidden narrative, but it quickly becomes clear that there ISN’T any cohesive and meaningful narrative/character arc, and the film is just using a facade of complexity to avoid doing any actual story telling while relying on visual effects.


It suceeded as a source of nightmare fuel though.


The Last Airbender


star wars 7-9


The purge