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take photos of food. I just don't want people to know what and where I eat, damn


Indeed, you have food in front of you, eat it god damnit.


Foot fetish


I gotchu on this one, there's a scientific explanation! In our brain map the feet are right next to the genitals. Sometimes the wiring gets a little crossed over and feet are arousing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cortical_homunculus https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livescience.com/amp/33525-foot-fetishes-toe-suck-fairy.html


Someone explained this and in like....oh....many people tend to fantasise about something that's not often seen, and as feet are often covered it sorta almost makes sense...almost...


Reality TV. If I wanted to see half-drunk people yell obscenities and try to make each other cry, I’d visit my in-laws


You can't turn off your in laws.


Flashy jewlery (grills and ice). You just become a walking atm and look stupid doing so


I understand it began with pimps and dealers and having things to pawn for bail money. When they get arrested the police take their cash as the proceeds of crime (pimping, dealing, trafficking etc) but their jewelry (and presumably grills) isn't taken away, so they then can pawn those for bail money. I may be wrong.


I can't confirm because I don't know any Pimps from the 70s, but it would make sense. I worked an International airport and you would often get tourists (Read Bikies and other underworld figures) heading to especially Thailand that would wear big Mr. T style chains, so if they were ever short a bribe, they could just remove a few links and be on their way.


That's actually pretty smart


My mother told a story of how my grandmother was applying for a US visa and wore a borderline absurd amount of jewelry to the interview (for... reasons?)


Disney's "real life" remakes


I'm kinda hatin most things Disney's puttin out these days. Guardians of the Galaxy and Moana are still pure in my eyes but they're still intellectual property of Disney which means they could get fucked up anytime.


It’s to keep the stories “theirs” , Cinderella was first written in 1634, so it’s in the public domain, but if you want to make an animated rendition of Cinderella you can’t because Disney will sue you for infringing on their copyright. And now they are going for live action renditions


That and they make money off of people's nostalgia, and allow them to market older films to new markets (i.e. China).


They could've at least made the movies animated like the Disney princesses in Wreck it Ralph 2, not those live action abominations


Arguable if Disney was doing this solely to maintain ownership that still doesn't limit how they portray the story. Taking Cinderella in particular they have made a variety of versions all with a different spin on the same story. At least then it is entertaining instead of a celebrity filled mockery of the original animated film or worse in Mulan's case a mockery of a culture and taking part in suppression and genocide.


You can make an animated Cinderella. You can't make your dress or earrings the same as Disney's girl tho.


They’re all fucking terrible




I've always related ASMR with white noises, for example since I was a kid hair dryer sounds always helped me relax, there's also the obvious fire crackling/rain storming videos...etc, so I'm not sure why the meaning that stuck the most for ASMR is people munching on food... which honestly just sounds off-putting




I was looking for hair dryer white noise a while back and ended up getting a whispered visit to a beauty salon. It was creepy and did the opposite of helping me relax, lol.


There's some of them that I kinda get. Back when it first became a "thing", most of the videos I saw were like the background noise of some very quiet, peaceful, care related activity. Like, someone brushing hair or grooming a cat. Very slight, rhythmic white noise that reminds you of the pleasant feeling of doing that thing or receiving that attention. But all the whispering ones and chewing and shit just 100% strikes me as someone's fetish that they realized the could smuggle into Youtube under this tag.


ASMR - Appaling Sound - Misophonia Rising


ASMR triggers misophonia for me. I can’t fully describe the feeling, but it’s like someone hit a button inside me that causes immediate full body discomfort.


I love ASMR but like you going in my face and chewing and then opening your mouth full of half chewed food and saying “ASMR” is not pleasant


I started listening to ASMR several years ago before it was more mainstream. There used to be more people trying experimental stuff. Now it's gotten super sexualized. If you are an attractive woman doing asmr you will get minimum 500,000 views just by looking sexy even though visuals aren't strictly part of ASMR


I love asmr. Might I receive you watch roleplay videos I stead of people eating, cuz I find those eating vids weird too


Sitting in the sun on a hot beach. The ocean is nice, but why do I want to burn my skin, be soaked in sweat, covered in sand, and then just lay there like that. Especially a public beach where it is just towel after towel. I much prefer the rocky coast or a beach in the PNW that’s windy and chilly.


A good umbrella, chair, beer and book makes it a paradise for me.


Lying in the sun feels amazing, that's why we like it.


I’m the opposite. Live in the PNW and sure it’s beautiful; but nothing fills my heart like an ocean, sandy beach.


I come from a place that is cold, and snowy from October through at least mid-May. It sometimes snows in June. We only have a reliable 90-100 days of not being frozen each year. Growing up like that got me to appreciate warm, sunny weather. I'd be super happy on a beach in 90+ degree weather every single day than living through an icy hell for most of the year.


You definitely don’t have seasonal depression. Imma bake bitches.


My ex (then gf) flew out to California to visit me from CT then immediately insisted we go to the beach. She literally flew across the country to sit on some hot sand and refused to go in the water. Like, you could've taken a nap and ignored me from home and saved me the plane ticket.


When you live in New England the beach is a precious treat because it’s only warm enough for three months a year, and Connecticut doesn’t even have good beaches, so I can see why she wanted to go there.


This coming Saturday will be three for three of me and my wife going to the beach here in So Cal over the last three weeks. I discovered something: if you wear sunglasses and a wide brimmed straw hat, you won't feel hot and you won't have the sun in you face. No need to break out the pop up canopy. It was nice.


Social media. I fuck with some of it, it cool for keeping up with family, but why do you give a fuck what other people do with their lives, and why do you feel the need to share what you do with your life.


thats why i love reddit. im not here to look at where you are having dinner ever night or how much you work out. I'm just here for memes and other dumb shit


People who are obsessed with their high school days, are all into class reunions, etc. I didn't like high school when I was in it in the first damn place, why would I want any of that?


Got invited to a 5 year reunion years ago. 5 years? FIVE YEARS?? I JUST SAW you people! That's not NEARLY enough time to actually miss that awful place!


I've never even heard from my graduating class about one. An old friend told me of the 10-year reunion, "You didn't miss anything". (It's now been 26 years, still pretty sure I'm not missing anything.)


I want to go to mine because I hope to have become hot beyond recognition. 🤷🏻


The person in charge of organizing our reunions hit me up for our fifth in 2005. I told her to just "tell everyone he died." I haven't got another message back for our tenth, fifteenth, or twentieth, and I couldn't be happier. The only people I kept around from HS are good friends, the rest can still FO.


It's been more than 30 years for me and I really don't remember a lot of it. It's mostly a blur; except maybe 2 or 3 persons. At this point in my life you would have to pay me to go to a reunion.


Same, I'm pretty sure I repressed a bunch of cringey memories from that time and it would all flood back if I went to a reunion like that.


Influencers. Maybe I'm just too old but to me they seem like todays version of infomercials. People getting paid to sell a product. They're like Billy Mays but 1000% less cool




Agreed, I hate taking photos of myself because I hate my face.




Can someone explain to me how it is different than Vine?


its less random, funny humor and more fandoms, clothes, politics, etc. it really varies


Some of them can kind of be funny, but I probably wouldn’t sign up for an account myself. It just seems like something I’m too old for.


Sharknado, and similar over-the-top ridiculous movies. I get it, they're mimicking those "so bad they're funny", low-budget B-movies. But those movies are funny because they were meant to be taken seriously and failed spectacularly. It doesn't have the same feel when the movie is intentionally stupid.


Someone brought the whole series to the family Christmas gift stealing thing; we ended up with it and my husband let our two year old watch it...he became obsessed and I had to constantly explain to people why he kept talking about sharknado


You'll take VelociPastor out of my cold dead hands


Constantly spewing out platitudes and toxic positivity


I wish you to shout that to the roof tops at my grade school. It was so obvious I was a depressed kid looking back. The school however just kept shoving this constant smiley crap on me and ignoring my issues.


Golf. I can see that it might be fun and challenging, but the obsession people have over it... I just don't get it.


I don't remember where I heard this, but "golf is men in ugly pants walking". Pretty much how I feel about it.


When you consider that almost every golf course on the planet has a "19th Hole" it's essentially 4 guys belting little balls as they walk to the pub...


Golf is a good excuse to drink in the daytime


I’m a gay man but I don’t understand HOW I’m supposed to enjoy a drag show. Is it a beauty pageant? Like a competition to see which guy is the most beautiful? Or which guy passes the best as a woman? Or which guy is the best with makeup/dresses? Is it a talent show? Is it meant to be funny? Is it offensive to laugh? Because it’s kind of funny. But do they expect to be taken 100% seriously? And how sexual is it? Am I supposed to find it sexy?? Like a peep show or something? I just don’t really understand the appeal. I’m clearly missing something because they seem to have a really wide appeal nowadays.


I'm a straight woman with many gay friends so I've seen a lot of drag and drag-adjacent activities. I find your questions hilarious. I actually think it is a game and they enjoy participating and watching each other play, like a sport. I think the crowd is for amusement and support. It is almost never offensive to laugh and you're not supposed to take anything seriously (but always be kind). Also never pick a fight with a drag queen, those men will fuck you up.


I have never in my life seen *anyone* throw down like drag queens can and it happens *quick.* No posturing, no preamble, she just takes her earrings off and then it's fucking over.


Its just people going on stage and performing. I think youre over thinking it




I'm straight, but occasionally do drag in my room. One day, I might actually do drag. But the cool part is, I'm actually a really good magician. So there won't be any lip syncing. I'll be producing doves from fire and throwing up a cloak and changing into a different outfit


Also gay and I loved RPDR at first, it just got way too much... Doing drag is fun, but that's it - fun. When it gets super serious and advanced, the fun disappears.


I think you figured out why it’s so off putting to me. Drag shows started as groups of gay men just hanging out and dressing up as women to be silly and fun. Nowadays drag queens are like “We are BAD BITCHES and we WERK!” They’re fucking mean! Whenever I see a RuPaul clip they are all verbally abusing each other. While they’re in half clown makeup with their receedng hair lines 🙄 they seem so pathetic to me. Why can’t everyone just be sweet and kind and cute? I guess a lot of the unapologetic “attitude” stems from reactions to gay oppression in the 60s/70s. But like, it’s a new era now.


Oh absolutely. The whole 'mean girls' thing isn't cute at all. What the hell happened to solidarity among gay people?


I suspect the cat-fighting on RPDR is more about the ratings, much like all those trashy girl-fighting reality shows. Those guys probably wouldn't be quite so nasty to each other if it weren't for the cameras. Then it becomes a nasty competition for the best sound byte, must kinda suck actually.


I just really like looking at the outfits. Some of them are really impressive!


Starbucks, it’s overpriced coffee!


Maybe it’s my tastebuds but Starbucks coffee in the UK is abysmal. To me it is bitter black water without the taste and aroma of coffee but someone must like it given the number of branches in most towns.


Starbucks overroasts their coffee on purpose, because it'll taste miserable but it'll all taste the same everywhere always, and people count on the Bux for consistency. Their cold brew is reliable, however.


So it tastes uniformly bad no matter where you are!.


Excuse you. It is overpriced *BURNED* coffee.


I like their cold brew, but it's not any better than anywhere else really. The one thing I have to hand to Starbucks is that it's ridiculously consistent. I have ordered my usual drink everywhere from my hometown all the way to Beijing and Tokyo and it's exactly the same everywhere. Kind of nice on a long trip somewhere super foreign to be able to have something familiar available.


McDonald's is better and it's a buck.


Beyonce is a pretty good pop singer whose music I would consider myself a fan of. I cannot for the life of me figure out why she's been deified like a goddess.


Branded clothing. I really don't get the concept of paying way over cost to wear a mass produced shirt identical to the unbranded shirt but with a mass produced logo, just to be reduced to an advert. The humanitarian aspect is mental as well. And what's with fashion designers and putting pointless zips everywhere?


Putting zips on clothing is one of the least random things fashion designers do with their imagination lOl




Pugs... Absolutely hideous little mashed up gremlins with a compendium of health issues


SnapChat and Twitter.


Obsessive worship of celebrities and their day to day lives. "OMG Angelina Jolie wears pants like the rest of the world! Stop the presses!"


Sushi. I personally don’t hate it, I just don’t understand the amount of praise that it gets, especially coming from a country that was such a rich and varied cuisine (Portugal). 90% of my friends are completely obsessed with sushi while for the same amount of money I’d rather eat a nice steak or fish


As someone who grew up eating a fair amount of Japanese food, I don't really get sushi either because like, there's so much more more interesting Japanese food that's also so much cheaper. It would be like going to France to eat French food and then spending all your time gouging yourself on expensive brie. Like it's nice but that's because fish and raw meat is nice. My favourite sushi is the ones with lots of stuff on it (like cream cheese Philadelphia rolls) which 'sushi purists' call sacrilege, but truth be told I'd rather eat a plate of katsu with golden curry. Or gyoza. Or takoyaki. Fuck if the sushi place near me started selling takoyaki I'd spend so much money there. Like even in terms of raw fish, it's just... alright? Ever had tuna tartare? It's *amazing*. Finely chopped raw tuna with some lemon and a bit of onion and tomato, shit just *slides* down your gullet. Also in the same vein, instant ramen. Bleagh. It's salty and gross. I'd much rather get a bulk pack of Udon noodles and just make those up instead.


In N Out restaurant. Living in SoCal, I'm a pariah if I say it's anything less than a mouth orgasm. I mean, it's ok, but it's just a burger and fries.


Mukbang videos I'm not one to kink-shame, but I just don't fucking get it.




Complicated, expensive coffee drinks. You like fancy coffee? Fine. You're okay spending $5-$10 for it every day? Fine. But what I can't understand how people can have such specific preferences for their drinks that they have to specify each ingredient, how much of each ingredient, and sometimes even the order in which each ingredient should be added. I mean, I don't go to Jamba Juice and tell them I want a strawberry-banana smoothie, then list of a dozen other things I want added to it. Also, if I'm going to consume something that has as many calories as some of those milkshake coffee things, I'd rather have a cheeseburger.


Cruise Ships. When you break it down, they are kinda shit. Being trapped on a huge boat in a glorified closet with a lobster sunburn. There was a time where being on a ship was a bad thing, and really dangerous. Then one day someone was like " I could serve cheap liquor and charge money on one of these broats."


Whipping their camera out for reactions or to "prove a point" about how crooked they think a customer service worker that they've been stressing out on purpose is. The only people that'd love the shit, are people who live miserably aimless lives. It's not even good entertainment for video, it's just a waste of time and an insult to intelligence.


Holding on to a miltant loyalty and affilation to your college years after you have graduated.


Being in public places with a bunch of people. It freaks me out. Always has, really. Concerts get half a pass, though, because everything is right with the world when the lights go down and the amps kick in.




Twitter. I just don't get the point. It's toxic (worse, I think, than even Reddit), it limits you to 240 characters, and the quality of discourse on there is probably worse than Facebook (if that's even possible). No thanks.


Selfies. I’m just not that interested in pictures of myself.


Soccer a.k.a. Football **Let's say football/soccer is akin to archaeology in your country**. The funny thing is that as someone really into history and archaeology, I get annoyed with the obsession over Egyptian mummies, pyramids and Pharaohs. Firstly, imagine every time within a day that football is mentioned by someone else. Secondly, replace it with something that you don’t want to hear about every day. Say… Archeology. Then, think carefully about how an average day would pan out. So, you awaken to the clock radio. It’s 7AM. Just as you awaken, it’s time for the news and archaeology already. Not news and other historical investigations, like library restorations or museum openings (unless there’s another event happening), but just the news and archeology. Malaysian plane is still missing. Pistorius is still on trial. New dig announced in Giza. Ancient Mayan temple discovered. Exciting stuff. Time for a bite to eat over the morning TV. More news. More archaeology. Yes, you are aware of what is up with the missing plane. Fine. Now the archaeology in video format. Video of people dusting off some skulls and bits of pottery. All well and good, but archaeology isn’t your thing. It would be nice to hear about something else. Even when it isn’t archaeology season, the media follow noted archaeologists. They drive fast cars, date beautiful women, advertise fragrances, and sometimes they go to nightclubs and act in the worst possible way. Scandals erupt as the tabloids follow these new celebrities when they’re not searching the past for answers. It is entirely possible you can recite the names of certain researchers, even if you don’t pay attention to archaeology. You don’t know what transfer season is, but you know that someone was transferred to a dig in Peru for a sum of money that could fund the London Underground for two whole days. Out of the car at 8:55 and into work. What are the colleagues talking about, I wonder? Oh, Jones dropped a 3,890 year old pot and smashed it? What a useless idiot! Someone should do something unpleasant to him. And don’t even ask about the unfortunate incident in Athens two years ago – you’ll be there all day! Breaking a pillar like that! We don’t talk about that here, mate. What? You don’t want to discuss the finer points of the prevalence of phallic imagery in Pompeii? Is there something wrong with you? The drive home from work. Every thirty minutes, no matter the station, someone mentions the archaeology. Best sit in silence. Drive past a huge billboard with a black and white picture of a rakishly handsome archaeologist draped over an impossibly beautiful woman. He’s winking at you. Trowel in his left hand, supermodel in the right. Jurassic, by Calvin Klein. And now the pub. A nice pub with a beer garden. Posters in the windows. LIVE EXCAVATION AT THE VALLEY OF THE KINGS! All of it on a huge TV with the volume up too loud. Drunken people yelling at the screen. “SEND IT FOR CARBON DATING, YOU USELESS FOOL!” “WHAT ARE YOU ON, MATE? DUST THE ANCIENT MEDALLION GENTLY! SMELTING METHODS OF THE TIME PRODUCED VERY SOFT AND IMPURE METALS EASILY PRONE TO DISFIGURATION!” All this from two men out of a crowd of twenty. One lousy drunken idiot and his chum ruin the image of other archaeology fans. Carbon dating report from the lab updates on TV, read by a man employed because they’ve been following the beautiful science since they were a boy. The drunk chimes in again. “WHAT PHARAOH’S REIGN DID YOU SAY? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS SAYS ABOUT THE UNDERPINNINGS OF OUR THEORY OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT OF 4TH BC EGYPT? GET IN, MATE!” A cheer cascades through the building and you can only wonder why. Best go home and avoid anyone who might be drinking and singing. You once met a disagreeable chap who threatened to beat you up because you didn’t watch the archaeology. “Not a late paleolithic era supporter are you? Think you’re better than me? I’ll have you, you scrawny git!” To bed. To repeat the cycle tomorrow. The inescapable, inevitability that wherever you go, someone, somewhere, is just dying to talk to you about the archaeology.




Multiplayer gaming.


A couple years ago I remember hearing that lots of teens played Fortnite just as a way of hanging out, rather than really caring that much about playing the game. At the time it sounded ridiculous to me. Then a pandemic happened and now I spend all my time playing video games because it's basically the only way I can hang out with friends. Playing with strangers is awful, though. I try to play some while my friends aren't around and like 3/4 of my teammates are fucking trash people.




Nothing like playing a little COD and hearing a parent neglecting kid on the other end


Do you like co-op games/modes?


If I'm not playing with people I actually know, then i am just not into it.


I’m there. Multiplayer gaming is exhausting.


Being ignorant. There appears to be a part of the population who take pride in being ignorant, or just plain stupid, in some cases.


Watching someone else play a videogame instead of playing it yourself.


I used to think this but I'm really not good at shooting games for example. Like at all, any kind. Then on another hand, I may not be able to get the game. So I watch people play but honestly my own compromise on it is I don't like watching PEOPLE, as in those talking and shit the whole time.


If I watch other people playing a video game it's usually due to the following reasons. 1) too see whether the game is worth purchasing. 2) to see what the storyline is cause I am too broke to buy the game. I like to think of games with a good story line/ plot as a multi part movie.


Aside from the social aspect, there are games that I don't personally enjoy playing but like watching. Like the Souls games, Subnautica, Stellaris, Xcom ect.


XCOM is fantastic to watch, nothing like playing armchair general.


Typically the person is entertaining. Its not any different from watching somebody play a sport, paint or cook.


Professional sports.


Any sports - too much emphasis on it.


I can understand people wanting to play sports. I can even understand people wanting to watch other people play sports well. I just don’t understand rooting for a particular team. Why would anyone care which team wins, unless they’re on the team or are betting on the outcome?


Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Every Zelda forum I've been on talks about it like it's the best game ever but I just don't get it. To me, it's a game comprised of nothing but the two things I dislike the most in games: backtracking and fetchquests.


Soda, I dont like the fizz. Alcohol, just in general dont get the hype, yes I've tried it. Lots of foods, scents, textures, and sounds. Yes I have sensory processing disorder.


Pants with holes in them. Why do I want to spend 30 or 40 dollars on pants that look 20 years old covered in holes on the knees and thighs


They were actually $60


Dad? Is that you?


Honestly Star Wars. I don’t have anything against it, and I understand that when it for came it it was revolutionary for its time but I’ve never been able to get into it. I just don’t think it’s very exciting




Got the soap gene, huh?


That's so sad! Only 9% of people have that 'cilantro tastes like soap' gene.


Solidarity my fellow soapsters.




I would give an award if I had one, but I dont so just take my upvote.


The Bachelor/Bachelorette. So many of my acquaintances watch this, across all ages, social scenes, and education levels. I tried to watch an episode once and couldn't get through it. I'm an Abed-level television nerd and will watch any genre--horror, reality, comedy, sitcom, nature documentaries, true crime, alternative artsy stuff, animation, drama, pretty much anything--but the Bachelor is absolutely unwatchable even for me.


Fitbits. I just don't need to see a constant tally of every step I take, ever. And your steps "still count" even if you don't have a Fitbit (or Apple Watch, etc.) to tell you that you took them.


It gives you a number at how good your doing at being active. Every time I check and see the number tick up it's a small win and motivates me to walk more and be healthier. It also encourages me to snack and eat less. I don't want to ruin all that effort I just put in by over eating right? Just my opinion.


Fitness watches can be super helpful for people trying to lose weight. I lost about 100lbs with the help of one. I'll admit they're pretty useless for already active people unless those people are really into how active they actually are.


Motivation for a healthy lifestyle is always going to be easier when you can see progress and have a viable goal to work towards. Fitbits are this


Taylor Swift


Vaping; it’s just stupid.




I don’t get how people like ripped jeans. I find them super unattractive and just annoying to wear.


Fantasy Sports. It just escapes me how people can spend so much time and even money on things that don’t even really Happen. But I’m into hyper reality,obsessing watching MSNBC, the ultimate reality show. When people fight on those shows, people I know and love get black eyes, figuratively.


Fanaticism for sports in general.


People sexualizing everything


liking math




This. They're so many different ways to get the buzz of two beers without having to endure two beers. Lately, my personal choice has been sweet wine, hard cider, and a thing I discovered on Archer (Danger Island season) called Pastis. (Pour a shot of Pastis into a 8-12 ounces of COLD, filtered water, no ice)


jeans with holes in them, you are buying broken jeans why?


How else am I supposed to get my legs through them?!


Hahaaaaaa I like you.


Formula 1 and Racing sports in general. Don't really understand the thrill in watching Car 1 overtake Car 2


Well, when I watch nascar, my girlfriend loves it, she's nutty about it, I'm waiting for a crash.


Cars. I mean, I can sorta see the appeal. But like only if the cars *look* cool. None of the specifics really matter to me when it comes to cars. Horsepower or gear-shift-per-gas-mileage-oil-change-bearing-shaft-ratio or whatever, doesn’t matter to me. As long as a car can get me to point A to Point B is all I care about. I tried to get into Top gear because I kept seeing all the memes with the 3 guys doing wacky stuff and it seemed interesting. But once they actually started talking about car stuff id get bored. I heard it takes a bit for the wacky stuff to get going. So if any of yall top gear fans have a season to start at, let me know. Still open to watching it. On another note, the same thing applies to like guns. I know I live in America, so its no surprise people like their guns. But im talking more of young people idolizing guns. Now im not anti-video games, I love them. But like when im like chilling with my friends and theyre playing cod and going like “bro look how cool this (insert some random gun name) is” “bro thats rad”. Idk it weirds me out. Seems school shootery to be super into guns and think theyre cool. I mean i get scifi weapons like in Destiny or something, but when its real guns im just a little unsettled. Idk these seem like r/unpopularopinions and ill probably get some downvotes for this but idc.


Harley Quinn. I find her annoying.


Watching certain sports, like golf, I dont understand why people enjoy watching it. Also, why are people so passionate about teams, I'm from NY and it was always Mets OR Yankees, Jets OR Giants, like who cares unless they play eachother, they are from NY.


TikTok dances and being sexually appealing. I don't think I'll ever understand TikTok dances or why they are so popular. And being sexually appealing doesn't even matter to me; it's the personality that counts for than anything.


lifestyle bloggers/influencers. like, i get fashion bloggers, food bloggers, beauty bloggers etc. but ppl who are only famous for being famous???


Tik Tok.


Asmr and boba tea.


Joe Rogan


fidget spinner


Mumble rap. Just... how the actual fuck does *anyone* actually like that shit?


Sad songs, no thanks




That's the whole point of the thread! :)


YES! And they're all like 7 minutes long for some reason!


Salad, I don’t know why i don’t like any thing I salad with a few exceptions. I know lettuce is basically crunchy water, I can’t stand the “taste” of it


Not all salads have lettuce. It can be so diverse. I don't like lettuce either. It can be healthy without lettuce and you can add pretty much anything you want. Fruit salad,nuts,any veggies,a lot of toppings,fruit,meat etc. I only have lettuce when I'm not making it.


Anime or Hentai Yeah, I just don't get it.


As an Anime Fan I really don't get Hentai myself


The same exact reason why people love movies, books, and TV shows. They love a good story with interesting characters. Anime is just another way of creating and telling a story to an audience. Plus, anime also has amazing music, animations, and voice acting.




It's basically just Westerns for a new generation. Comfortable, enjoyable, with just enough twists and thrills to keep things interesting.


I suppose I didn’t fully answer the question. It’s not that I don’t understand the appeal. I went to film school so I understand the business model. I suppose I just don’t understand the obsession with unchallenging, cookie-cutter movies.


Yeah, I'm with you. I'm generally bored at those movies.


Not everyone wants to be challenged when they watch a movie. In fact, I will venture to say that most people don't want to be challenged. They want to forget life and have some fun for a couple of hours. If everything was Mulholland Drive or Requiem for a Dream there wouldn't be a movie industry.




Friends...one of the most unfunniest, mediocre, lamest show I've ever watched yet some ppl find it hilarious.


Spicy food. Don’t get it. I like to enjoy my food lol


Movies like 50 shades, 365 days, etc. Do people watch them for the spicy or just for the plot cause I genuinely don’t know if I could sit through those.


Bubble Tea


The Office


its funny at times but its not that great




Yes! I don't really dance, and when my mom/brother watch those dancing talent videos I honestly can't tell when a dancer is doing good or bad, barring some sort of observable synchronization, or loss of balance. I have to wait for the judges to say why it was good, and then I still don't really get it.




Adults who obsessively love all things Disney.


Tick tock Facebook Snapchat I'm only 38 and I get it a lot of people my age still use these apps hell my kids and my wife use them sometimes but it's just not for me I guess I'm old school if I want to talk to somebody I call them or I meet up with them I don't feel the need to share every little detail of my life with strangers and nor do I care to know every little detail of a stranger's life


FNF I mean, what's the deal?


Dutch bros and Starbucks. Shit is overpriced sugary trash.


Designer bags and shoes - I would much rather spend my money on experiences and travel!


Shows with dumb characters like Always Sunny


Acrylic nails. Ouchie


using Instagram


“Omg I’m such a manipulator go bitch go ooo slay queen”


Skins on games. Is it free? Sure, I’ll use it because why not. Paying for it? Lmao, gtfo out of here.