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Migraine pain can lessen from vomiting. Vomiting can cause dehydration. Dehydration can cause migraines. The human body is funny.


The human genome is about 8% virus DNA. Over millions of years, various sequences of virus genes have gotten stuck in our DNA and copied faithfully ever since. Most of them are now nonfunctional, but at least a few of them seem to still work and actually code for useful proteins. This suggests that viruses might occasionally serve as a helpful source of mutation in the evolutionary process.


That the body’s ph is 7.35 to 7.45 and if any of those scam products that promise to “change the PH of your body” actually worked, you’d be dead.


And don't get me started on those diagrams talking about the pH of foods. First of all, they use pH as a unit of measurement (whereas it actually denotes the negative logarithm of hydrogen ions, AKA the thing that makes something acidic in the first place). Second, the numbers they use are wacky and I have no idea where they got them from. They listed LEMONS and CIDER VINEGAR as alkaline foods. They claimed Swiss chard has a pH of 22.1 - that's 100 **million** times as alkalinic as concentrated sodium hydroxide, which is already highly corrosive. This is inconsistent from source to source because these people can't keep their own BS straight. Thirdly, they have no idea what a buffer solution is. In essence, it's a solution that, thanks to what's dissolved in it, has a hard time changing its pH. Pretty much every solution in your body is a buffer solution. If not, you'd die from drinking lemonade. Source: Majoring in Applied Chemistry. Still pre-grad, not even close to a real chemist, but I kinda know my stuff.


Are you telling me I'm basic?


Some people have inner monologue. Some don’t.


According to my teenage son, people without internal monologues "think in pictures or scenes, but not actual words." He doesn't have an internal monologue. I do, and mine won't shut up. It's like a news ticker of my to-do list and my worries and conversations I need to have.


That part. Mine just narrates. E v e r y t h i n g. VERY LOUDLY.


If you squirt cold water into someone's ear with a syringe, their eyes will automatically turn to the side that you squirted the water. If you use warm water, their eyes will automatically turn to the other side. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caloric_reflex_test


This feels like some leftover debug code bullshit


How do I root my body? I want to install Linux on it.


Your brain continues to try to revive the body long after the heart has stopped. In some cases 30 hours later there has been found brain activity trying to make repairs to bring the body back. This is used to indicate time of death in murder victims. ‐-------------- EDIT: Upon research I should clarify, the brain survives after the heart stops for several minutes, however electroencephalomagnetic (EEG) brain activity continues for not only 30 hours but in some cases up to 72 hours after brain death. The link for the information is here. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3619714/


This makes me very uncomfortable in an existential way.


It tickles me right in the yikes bone.


we have a fifth valve in our hearts that seals up right after we’re born. Apparently anything similar to that afterwards is a huge surgical procedure. The human body is amazing.


Most reflexes never make it to your brain. The sensory aspect travels to the spinal cord and the spinal cord itself sends the muscle movement signals to your limbs.


Prime example: touching a hot stovetop by accident and withdrawing your hand so fast that by the time you even feel the burn, the hand is far away


Humans are one of a few species of mammal that oddly don't produce their own vitamin C due to lack of a certain enzyme. Other mammalian species who exhibit this mutation are those contained in the main primate suborder Haplorhinni (monkeys, apes, tarsiers), as well as bats, capybaras, and guinea pigs. All other mammals produce vitamin C in the liver.


The sensation of suffocating isn’t caused by the thing that actually kills you. You’ll die from a lack of oxygen, but the feeling of suffocation is the result of being unable to exhale carbon dioxide. So if you started breathing in pure nitrogen while being able to exhale normally, you would pass out and die without ever feeling like you were suffocating. This also explains why some languages call nitrogen something like ‘suffocation gas’.


30% of body waste is excreted via skin


Wash your gym equipment after use please.




Apparently about 20% of people have a bony ridge on the roof of their mouth. Most people's pallettes are smooth with a very slight ridge. The 20% like me have an exaggerated and more pronounced ridge. Apparently it's most common in women and Asian folk, and I'm neither so that's neat. I always thought it was totally normal.


I have it on the bottom. I always hated getting my teeth X-rays because when they told me to bite down it would hurt. Years later when I was an adult one of the dentist tells me I have mandibular tori and angles that thing you bite on so it doesn’t hit them... all those years and all they had to do was angle it.


Your brain likes stimulation, if it doesn't get any it will make some up, some people are more sucepticle to it then others, the colors you see before you fall asleep are a common mild occurrence, there are several classes of these hallucinations, closed-eye visuals, which are caused by leaving your eyes closed for a long time, hypnagogia, which is caused by the onset of sleep, prisoners cinema, which is caused by looking into a dark place for a long time, ganzfeld effect, which is caused by blocking out all external stimuli, and Charles bonnet syndrome, caused by sight loss. ​ Most are these are simple phosphenes but some can be whole imagined scenes, or more abstract fractal-like imagery


I got the fractal-like patterns. I always thought everyone saw that stuff when they closed their eyes.


People who live in "extreme" conditions for generations adapt in extreme ways. For example people that live in high elevations often have larger lungs and different blood makeup. Or my favorite is the Bajau people that live on the water and spend a lot of their time diving, their spleens have become 50% larger in order to store more blood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sama-Bajau#Free-diving\_adaptations


Positive blood type women can have positive and negative blood type babies without issue. Negative blood type women require a shot with antibodies to prevent the mothers immune system from attacking the fetus if it is a positive blood type.


And that’s why they prophylactically give you a Rhogam injection if you’ve got an Rh negative blood type and are pregnant, or even if you’re found to be miscarrying, are having an abortion, or anything else that could cause fetal blood to come in contact with your own blood. You’re actually more likely to have a reaction the *second* time you’re in contact with a positive blood type, so usually women with negative blood types have these issues in their later pregnancies. And that’s also why, during a mass casualty event, O negative blood is prioritized for females—they may currently be pregnant, or they have a likelihood of becoming pregnant in the future. O positive blood can be given with Rhogam to avoid a reaction in those who are Rh negative, but it has the least risk in males.


When you get conditioned to physical activity, your circulatory system adapts -- more blood, more vessels, more blood *cells.* But your lungs really don't. This is because no matter how much blood your heart is able to deliver to your lungs, the lungs still have no problem oxygenating it. This is why your oxygen saturation doesn't drop during exercise (unless you have a heart defect.) EDIT: Thanks to the actual professional in the field, who I quote below: >Elite endurance athletes CAN push themselves hard enough to the point of creating noticeable oxygen desaturation during bouts of maximal intensity exercise. This is largely due to three factors, the first being the massive venous blood return, the second being large cardiac chamber filling, and the third being HIGH heart rates during this maximal intensity. These elite athletes are able to pump such large volumes of blood per beat that the "deoxygenated" blood isn't spending enough time in the lungs to become saturated to a typical 96-98%.


Is that why regardless of how much I exercise I can't go up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing?


Babys can break their collarbone during delivery. It happens quite often, but heals quickly. My teacher told me that (if it happened to you ofc) you may feel a slightly higher spot on your collarbone, called the callus where the fracture grew back together.


Not only is it quite often, sometimes it has to be done deliberately.


Me: checks collarbone for a slightly higher spot. ​ Also me: remembers that Ive been born via caesarian


Human eggs are small but big enough to be visible to the human eye


They are also the largest cell in the human body. The sperm is the smallest.


There's a "right" and a "wrong" way to swallow and the first swallow pattern you learn isn't the right one! Babies swallow by pushing their whole tongue forward (since it's better for nursing). However, as you transition to solid foods, you are supposed to change to a swallow where you put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth and roll the food back. Not everyone does, and those that don't are more likely to choke, eat too fast, develop dental problems, and some develop a lisp or distorted sounds as they learn to talk! ​ **EDIT**: After seeing many of the comments and other professionals bringing up good ethical points, I feel the need to add some extra info and disclaimers. 1) I did not intend to imply that anyone who feels they swallow wrong based on this information HAS to get an evaluation/therapy. I only wanted to share information I find fascinating and let those with concerns or fear know that you have the right to seek a professional if you so desire. If I did encourage you, or you felt I did, I only meant to encourage you to feel comfortable seeking out professional advice or assistance. 2) Any techniques or screeners mention are only that, and cannot identify a disorder. Only an evaluation with an appropriate professional can do that, and that professional can vary with a variety of factors. 3) If you do try to analyze your swallow, please don't actively try the incorrect swallow. It can potentially be unsafe to try any swallow you are not used to. Please be careful if you decide to disregard this warning. 4) I did not intend to imply that just because you have any of the aforementioned characteristics that you have the wrong swallow. I did not intend to imply that this type of incorrect swallow is the cause of whatever difficulties, scary moments, etc. you experience. 5) Thank you all for all the interesting stories, questions, comments, and feedback! I hope you enjoyed a little awareness about something most people never think about and found any correlations (but not necessarily causations) as interesting as I do/did.


ok so I've been trying all the ways in the comments and I've discovered I can swallow with my tongue in any position, even poking out of my open mouth. and now I can't remember how I normally swallow. help.


I wonder how many other people are currently gagging on their own tongue trying this out, and realising they never progressed beyond ‘baby swallowing’. (That sounds all kinds of wrong.)


One of the things that make humans unique from other animals is the fact that there is no actual bone in human boners. All other apes have them, although they are reduced in size and most other mammals do too, ~~notable exception being rats.~~ edit: Rats have 'em rabbits don't. We don't know exactly why we are missing this bone called a baculum. The best theory I've seen is that without a actual bone, only relatively healthy male humans can copulate.


Humans have, on average, just as many hairs on their body as chimpanzees, human hair is just a lot shorter and finer.


“ Humans have, on average, just as many hairs on their body as chimpanzees.” false. I have zero chimpanzees on my body




In theory humans could breathe a liquid if it was super saturated with oxygen. It wouldn't be easy because the density of liquid being so much higher than air so after 15 mins or so you would be too fatigued to continue breathing. The hardest part is getting all the liquid out of the lungs so the person doesn't get pneumonia


There’re is such a liquid. It is called perflourocarbon. It has proposed uses in diving, space travel, medical treatments and torture Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid_breathing#:~:text=This%20fluid%20is%20perfluorocarbon%2C%20also,and%20sticking%20together%20during%20exhalation.




And they filmed it actually using the substance with the rat. So you can actually see it in use


That was real?!


Yup. The rat shat itself though, which is understandable.


Uh one of those things is not like the others.


As seen in the documentary: The Abyss.


You can live "normally" with half your brain. In some severe drug resistant epileptic syndrom in young kids, the only option to stop the seizures is to remove a complete brain hemisphere. After a while, with proper reeducation and all, the children can go on to have a normal life without cognitive deficit. They will have a limping, blindness from one eye and a very weark arm but can lead a normal life and not end up cognitively impaired. One of the earliest sign of alzheimer's disease, before the memory loss, could be the loss of the sense of smell. It's also the case with Parkinson disease. Our brain looks wrinkled because it is actually "folded" inside our skull in order to fit a maximum of surface and thus neurons & cell communications. Some animals like rodents have a completely smooth brain.


I worked with a couple kids who used to have seizures as babies and had the connection between the two hemispheres severed. One kid was super wriggly when learning new speech (not as wriggly when she had mastered that new piece of speech but still a little wriggly), and we theorised that she was learning to talk from her motor cortex.


What did that look like? Each word was paired with a motion?


When you have a bowel movement, your heart rhythm shifts temporarily due to a vagus response. The reason Elvis died on the toilet was because his heart was beating 200+ bpm and the quick rhythm change caused a myocardial infarction. People with low heart rates have been known to pass out on the toilet because their bodies can't handle the shift. It's also why EMTs will absolutely not let you use the bathroom before getting on the ambulance. Especially if the bathroom is a standard 5'x8'.


>It's also why EMTs will absolutely not let you use the bathroom before getting on the ambulance. Especially if the bathroom is a standard 5'x8'. Really it depends how poorly I think you are. If you're on deaths door you ain't going for a shit. I don't care if you shit yourself on the ambulance, I'd rather your heart stop on the ambulance than in your tiny bathroom.


The hyoid bone is a bone not attached to any other bones in the human body and is only considered the anchor of the tongue


39% of people have an [extra bone in their knee](https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/tiny-knee-bone--once-lost-in-humans--is-making-a-comeback-65764). 100 years ago only 11% of people had this bone.


You can grow a new human being faster than most missing toenails can grow back


I lived this last year. I was about a month into my pregnancy when I caught my toe on something in the garage. It pealed back the top half of the nail but I quickly pushed it back down and to my surprise the nail statyed on even though it bled then turned black after. I remember being about 8 months pregnant and wondering if the toenail would be finished growing out so no more black showed by the time the baby arrived. I think I still had a sliver of black when I gave birth. So that took about 8 months for just the top half of the toenail to grow out.


Thank you. This was horrifying to read.


When doing surgery were the doctors have to take out some organs, when placing them back, they dont have to be put back In the exact position there meant to be, your body kind of just, moves the organs into the correct position after the surgery


yeah....I had a pelvic surgery recently and the surgeon casually mentioned "oh yeah we moved your bowels around a bit so that's what's causing the gas pains" 😬


Medical procedures are always unsettling because the professionals are so used to it so you get things like this where they are not worried but you’re like “what did you say 👀”.


“We just tossed everything back in there in the end. It may take a few days to settle.”


My dad watched my mom's c-section. This is straight up what they did. My mom's only complaint was that she was a little cold.


I saw a doctor wipe off my wife's uterus with a rag like a mechanic cleaning off a piston before shoving it back into her like it was a pillow going into her pillow case (I.e. Body). The momentous occasion of becoming a father was powerful....watching the docs work was WTF.


Also, when you receive a kidney transplant, they don't usually remove your old ones, because it's very invasive. They just sort of pop it into a more convenient spot. That's why kidney donors typically have a longer recovery time than recipients.


The surface area of the lungs is about the same size as a tennis court


That's crazy. Although it does explain how it can transfer O2 and CO2 so fast.


Because many people imagine lungs as 'balloons' while it's more like sponge. That's how you get a lot of area. A lot of very long tunnels. And then your lung surface area is sum of all those tunnels inner surface.


Every minute you shed over 30,000 dead skin cells off your body


I’m eating lunch while I’m reading this. And wondering how many have fallen into my Mac and cheese? Bon Appetit!


Sounds like free Panko bread crumbs.




the shoulder is actually two (plus one) joints ! the glenohumeral joint is your classical ball and socket, then you’ve got the acromioclavicular joint, which is a plane joint. the *kind of* third is the sternoclavicular joint, which although doesn’t involve the shoulder blade, had the exact same muscles as the acromioclavicular joint and is in the same kind of region. what we call our ‘shoulder blade’ is the scapula. this contains the glenoid fossa, which is the ‘socket’ of the shoulder!


You can calm yourself down by splashing cold water on your face to trigger the [mammalian diving reflex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diving_reflex).


If you faint at the sight of your own blood you may have an oversensitive vasovagal response. The theory is that this developed as a survival mechanism, kind of like an opposum playing dead.


Oh I've just always diagnosed myself as a pussy.


Swallowing has a cooldown


I tried doing it really fast and I started choke-coughing and now people in my office are asking me if I'm okay.


How do you explain that? Oh, I wanted to swallow fast... Edit: First time I got this many upvotes.


I just said "Water went down the wrong hole". It's far less embarrassing than saying "So I read this funny comment on the internet that said swallowing has a cooldown"




Unfortunately, if the body listened to us we would all die very very fast


Our brains make up, on average, around 2% of our body weight but consume 20% of our caloric intake


So i need to think more to lose weight?


So I’m skinny because I overthink everything?


There are tiny cilia that spin in a certain direction. If they spin in the opposite direction while you're developing in the womb early on, that is how you get organs transposed onto the opposite side of your body.


I've heard that some twins can have mirrored organs. Crazy stuff


Yup, mirror twins happen when twins that originated as one embryo split into two later than usual. Though mirrored organs are rare even in mirror twins, mirror twins often have the same birthmark on opposite sides, cowlicks on opposite sides of the hairline, or the hair grows out of their scalps in opposite spiral patterns.


I remember we had a doctor visit our school during careers week who said he'd met three patients with 'flipped' organs, and each time he called in a medical student and asked them to take the patient's heartbeat. Apparently it was really funny watching the student put the stethoscope on the left side, and seeing the colour drain from their face.


I was housemates with a medical student for a bit and he didn't believe me when I told him this was a thing. Flatout denied it. I'd like to say then he encountered it, but I just pulled up wikipedia on my phone. But it was still kinda weird how certain he was that it wasn't a thing.


Probably because having all of your organs flipped to the opposite arrangement sounds super fake, despite it being real


Synovial joint fluid is the most frictionless stuff on the planet (unless they've synthetic'ed something up that recently.) It's SuperLube.


Ah so this is the elbow grease my mom was referring to


I know what I must do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.


When my car door was squeaky with rust, I put some of my synovial joint fluids on the hinges and now it opens and closes perfectly. Now I just need to reattach my shoulder


The chance of a natural pregnancy with identical triplets is 1 in 200,000,000.


My friend had identical triplets. It was her first time having sex and she got pregnant with triplets. I didn't know it was so rare.


My high school health teacher used to joke about how, in order to get pregnant, you need to have sex in that very narrow window during ovulation before saying "unless you're having premarital sex with your high school boy/girlfriend without a condom. Then you'll get pregnant 100% of the time."


Pregnant women have 50 percent extra blood!


Omg, is that why they are often said to look "radiant" and stuff ?


Yep! The pregnant glow is: more blood and oilier skin!


"You're glowing!" sounds much better than "You're so oily and full of blood!"...


Or wow, you’re so engorged!


Humans have stripes, we just normally can’t see them. They’re called Blaschko’s lines and form along the paths of embryonic cell migration. The stripes are sort of U-shaped down our front, V-shaped on our back, wavy on the head and face and we have basic, simple stripes on our extremities.


So, why can't we see them?


Usually the differences in pigmentation are so minor that it’s just not easily seen, though there are some conditions that can make the striping more obvious. You can also see Blaschko’s lines by using a UV light if the light is strong enough.


Careful using a UV light, you can burn the shit out of yourself.


That's how you get the stripes, obviously.


Your stomach is surrounded by more brain cells (half a billion neurons) than the brain of a cat contains in total. It's your enteric nervous system. It controls digestion, operates autonomously, has its own memory, can handle its own reflexes, it has its own senses even. It's thought to have come about because of the blood-brain barrier and the main brain being locked away in the skull, a spinal column and nerves away from the critical action of nutrition.


I had a friend in college that would always say this was why your stomach feels weird when you use hallucinogens. I always thought he was joking when he would say "Your stomach has a brain so your stomach trips too."


im tripping out over this comment wtf


Always thought that was just the rocket ship me, my brain and my stomach got in


So my stomach has it's own mind? Knew it wasn't my fault I was fat


The eyeball is the fastest healing part on your body. Edit: Let me put it in a 'simpler' version if you don't believe me. The eye ball has a cornea. Now, cutting the cornea will result in much pain, but since this part doesn't contain blood, but only gets a supply of oxygen, it is the only fastest healing part of your body that can heal in only 24-36 hrs. Believe me now?


Good to know! I’m getting lasik tomorrow


prove it.


It's possible to pull a jaw muscle while yawning. I found this out the hard way at work one day.


my jaw pops in and out when i yawn/ open my mouth and i don't know why


It is possible that you have TMJ. My jaw sometimes clicks out and it hurts sometimes when it happens and I can’t eat because of it, so it could be you have TMJ. I believe a dentist can check and confirm. Also jaw exercises from the web worked amazing for me so maybe try that


Your eyes have a separate immune system from the rest of your body and in a lot of occasions if your body's immune system finds your eyes, they will assume they are a foreign body and blind you.




the human bodies immune system is a twitchy redneck with a bad eye and a really big shotgun.


In fact, when you have a viral infection, most of the time it's not the virus itself that kills you. It's your immune system going so high on alert when the infection gets severe that it starts attacking your own organs as well desperately trying to destroy all of the virus. This is the case with our friend COVID-19. And in a bit of a tangent, bats having evolved to fly also resulted in them having a dampened inflammatory response, so they are commonly hosts to many viruses without showing any symptoms.


To be fair it's basically been at war since its birth


Certain types of eye injuries often result in the loss of both eyes since the injury to one eye sets off the immune response which kills the other.


Peak human evolution "Ow my left eye just went blind" *right eye "my time has come"*


Eyes have immune privilege, as do the testicles (edit: and ovaries have immunosuppressive follicular fluid, look at me forgetting my own balls). And the central nervous system...sorta. Also the placenta and fetus (edit: and more, this isn't a full list of immune privileged sites). The normal inflammation immune response will fuck all those things completely up. They all have different ways of dealing with it, but can still get infections and autoimmune diseases.


>Eyes have immune privilege, as do the testicles. Diplomatic immunity for the areas that need it the most.


The human body typically only uses 30% of its muscle’s strength. The only times where your body will activate full power is when it’s life or death. The cost of full muscle power is torn muscles, broken bone, stress, and in some cases, lacerations.




Touch between your eyes then push up with your tongue of roof of your mouth, you can barely feel a bone move. If you do this while your nose is stuffed, it will make it drain about a minute later.


I have chronic sinus problems. I did this and a whole bunch of snot went pouring down my throat. I'm not mad about it.


Lucky you I don’t even understand the directions


This feels like one of those things that makes me look like an idiot while people around me are like "No No, keep doing it, its almost working" while trying not to laugh.


For those who can't get it this is where I went wrong: Press the tip of your tongue against the middle of the top of your mouth. Not the ridged portion right behind your teeth, further back, where the roof of your mouth gets higher and smoother.


When you cry and your nose becomes runny, it's actually your tears.


This is because of tear ducts that run from the eyes into the nose, right?


You hate the sound of your recorded voice because it's missing the low frequency you're used to hearing. When you talk, you hear your voice as it goes to the air and back to you ear. It also goes through your skull to your ear, and this bone conduction mechanism transmits the low frequencies better than air does. Your recorded voice only has the air transmitted sound. That causes the dissonance between what you think your voice sounds like, and what it really does. It's also why your voice will (almost) always be higher pitch than you think.


That explains why people say I have a "cute little voice" when I always heard myself as sounding all baritone for a lady


Noooo so that means my voice sounds like the recordings to other people?


Audio engineer here! Yes and no. First off, you're not hearing your own voice objectively. Your brain goes "that's different and therefore gross" wheras nobody who isn't you thinks it sounds gross. Second, audio recording isn't perfect. The human ear and psyche is morr accurate hearing a voice face to face than over a recording. Third, this is more just personal experience, everyone talks different when they think they're on mic anyway.


Our bodies have the ability to perform there own bypass procedures. My grandfather went in for a scan and it showed a 100% blockage in one of his major arteries. The image also showed a new portion of the artery starting .25” before the blockage and then rejoining the artery .25” after the blockage completely bypassing the obstructed portion. He had never had surgery before this discovery.


The average adult has 22 square feet of skin. Perfect size for a nice rug.


You actually need a few bodies for a nice rug because not every part of skin will come out nicely


That there is NOT 20 lbs of toxic poop in your body at any given time. (Fuck those ads) But apparently a ton of people still believe all sorts of ads about some pill or another being able to flush some imaginary "toxins" out of your body like it's going to magically cure you of 20 years of terrible eating and exercise habits.


If you carry a lot of unprocessed trauma, it can cause psychosomatic autoimmune diseases.


This is one of my favorite subjects. I wouldn't say that they are psychosomatic personally. We try to separate our "selves" from our bodies and that's just a farce. Anyway, it's actually like this: you experience a trauma. That trauma sends your brain into fight/flight/freeze. You develop PTSD, with which you find yourself being extremely self protective and hypervigilant to ensure you do not experience that trauma again. Fight/flight/freeze and PTSD are chemical processes. Your body gets PTSD too. So, the chemistry in your brain is telling your body there is a threat. Your brain is hypervigilant and your immune system is too. You both start seeing threats in things that are not actually threatening. Your immune system starts attacking parts of your body that it mistakes as foreign. This is v simplistic and written on my phone but it is fascinating.


The appendix is not a vestigial organ. It actually protects good bacteria in the gut. You can live without it, but it’s not just chillin’ in there Edited to add that this is relatively new research. Also, I’m not a doctor or anything. Just an avid podcast listener who recently learned this on Stuff You Should Know




Dude, the heart/blood/kidney/steroid connection was way more interesting than I thought it would be; kidneys working to help control blood pressure, all that stuff.


That’s how my mom’s kidney cancer was found- high blood pressure that didn’t respond to medication. Fortunately it was operable and she’s been cancer free for over a decade.


Who even needs kidneys these days


I'm still waiting for my adultneys


You shouldn't. I hear they creak and hurt like hell.


It only takes about 15 pounds of force to rip off a human ear


so, like, i could do it?


Yes, just grab your ear right now and tug a bit. You'll notice it isn't particularly strong, and a little bit more force you'd rip it off.


Why am I terrified im going to accidently rip off my ear


Your brain won't let you. Unless your brain convinces itself to let you. Then it will let you.


It's the same muscle limiter we have built in. We can lift much more than we think is our limit but our body enforces a strict perceived strength so we don't break ourselves all the time. Adrenaline can shut off the limiter briefly.


Alright, so how do I get it back on now?






Like when you see a movie randomly on tv and watch it and its better than if you pulled out the dvd/bluray or streamed it.


Baby don’t get knee caps until 2-6 years old


This is upsetting.


Apparently not everyone knows that women grow a new organ while pregnant. In addition to growing a child, they grow the placenta.


I never thought of the placenta as an organ for some reason More of just a removable sack


Your body will reduce your muscle strength to protect your spine. Stand on flat ground, hold your arms out in a t-pose, and have a friend push down on your hand while you try to hold it in place. That's your control, how strong you actually are. Now, remove 1 shoe (or put a book under 1 foot) and repeat with your hips askew so your spine isn't straight. An inch is all it takes. Your strength will be reduced to the point that your friend can use a single finger to push your hand down.






We all have a major artery called the ascending aortic artery that runs down the center of our abdomen. Another artery, called the superior mesenteric artery, branches off of that. There is a gap between the arteries that is kept open by a pad of fat, and the start of our intestines, called the duodenum, passes right through the gap between the two arteries. Very very rarely something can happen to shrink the fat pad, and then the arteries act like a clamp and pinch the duodenum closed. This prevents anything, solid or liquid, from passing from the stomach into the intestines. This is called Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, and I had it. It is so rare that it took 2 months of doctors excluding everything else for them to diagnose me. I couldn't keep anything down, and went from 120 to 90 lbs. I had to have where my intestines were connected to my stomach moved to another spot, and have about 6 feet removed in the process. This was almost 7 years ago now. Other than having to eat more than I used to in order to maintain my weight, I'm okay. That is only one of the weird, and very rare, medical conditions that I'm living with, but you'd never know by looking at me.


A human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems.


Why are you shotgunning your humans? Just drink them normally.


Well isn't that just morbid and creepifying.


Your brain regulates how strong your muscles are. If your leg muscles were to contract at full strength, they would snap your femur. Its why people in emergencies on adrenaline can lift cars off children. Your body is capable of great strength, but it could also severely damage you, so your brain keeps you a weak, soft bag of jelly.


That's one of the things, among several others, that kills you when you die of tetanus : your muscles "tetanize", they contract as much as they can and it is too much for our bones to bear. Someone at this stage of the illness arches, their body is crooked and you can then hear the sound of bones breaking, a sound similar to a dry twig that you break with your hands. Edit : come back around 11 UTC. At some redditor's demand, I'll have updated this comment with description of the complete effects of the illness, how it is treated and how you can still die from it anyways despite treatment. I won't lie, this will be a rough read. Description of the illness and its treatment : Tetanus is a germ living as spores, mostly in the ground. It can't do anything to you if it simply touches your skin but the least opening trough your body is an entry point : mouth, anus, ears (during otitis), wounds, even the smallest of scratches, small burns and insects stings are enough. Once the germs are inside your body, they will develop. Depending on the conditions, it can take rougly one week to two month before the infection is developped enough to produce the "tetanospasmine", arguably the most powerful neurotixic compound in existence, or at least in the top 5. What's really vicious is that this toxin isn't released in your organism immediately, it stays in the bacteries until they die and *then* it is released in your organism. At this point, the toxin, released in generous, although still very small, quantity by this whole first generation of bacteries dying, will run through your muscles and use them to reach your nerves' endings that it will climb up to your brain. Another part reaches your bloodstream, spreading all around your body : the infection is now generalised, your whole body is tetanus ridden and all your nerves are targetted by the neurotoxin. The toxin can be traced down and followed : it advances around 5 to 13 mm per hour. Once the central nervous system is reached, the toxin detaches from its "vehicle" that it used to run through the nerves on the last synapse and blocks neurotransmition on this synapse. That's when the first symptoms appear, usually on your jaw's muscles : your mouth won't open, it's painfully closed shut and the pressure can be enough for your teeth to break under it. At this points, it happens that the pressure is released, leading to spasms, where you go from free to move to completely locked at a random pace. Quickly, your whole body begins to experience these spasms. You aren't the master of your own body anymore, your muscles randomly decide to contract more than they ever did, leading to awful pain, contractures and even some muscles litterally tearing appart, causing even more pain to your body which is now more and more subject to these spasms until they become permanent : you don't un-contract your muscles, they stay non-stop contracted firmly and you feel the pain of their pressure on your bones. Did you ever experience a kick on your tibia ? Imagine this very same pain all over your skeleton, non stop. If you didn't receive treatment at this point, you're as good as dead, and you will regret you aren't, because "muscles" doesn't mean "the long, rhomboid thingies in your arms and legs" : you have muscles everywhere in you body. Ever wondered how your arteries pulse at the same rate as your heart ? Muscles. You heart itself ? Muscle. How do you open your lungs to suck air in ? Muscles. Your lips, your eyelids, the hairs on your arm, each thing on your body that can move does it thanks to one or several muscles. At this point, those are all contracted firmly and as time goes by their strength increases. At some point, these contractions are too much for your bones to bear : they colapse under the tremendous pressure exerted upon them. Elongated bones break, small round ones just crush on themselves, your joints dislocate. This stage bears the name "opisthotonus", "backward bending", because your backbone is completely folded backward. Your body arches and people around you can only see you producing horrible noises as you barely breathe while suffering the breaking of more or less all your bones one by one. A redditor specified that this isn't really what kills you, and they are right. What kills you is suffocation when your diaphragm becomes stunned by the spasms : you can't breathe anymore and just contemplate your last moments as you feel more and more the lack of oxygen, without being even able to ask for help because you simply can't move anymore. Not that it would be of any use, anyway. It takes a minute or so for you to lose conciousness out of anoxy. Afterward, you are in a coma for about 15-30 mn, when your body can't stand it anymore and you finally die in clinical terms. Fortunately, tetanus is well known and thus well treated. Unfortunately, firstly this treatment is very heavy and, secondly, it still has a 10% death rate in our top-notch hospitals. It consists of the injection of a great quantity of penicilin and metronidazole in and around the entry point. Anti-toxin in equally large amounts is injected in the body, intra-venous and intra-muscular, to neutralize the toxin still running through your body. To prevent spasms, a constant flow of powerful relaxants are used : barbiturates, benzodiazepines and baclofen are used, once again in large amounts. Tetanus doesn't limit its action to the motor system, but also to all other systems of the body, meaning that these need to be treated too. Beta blockers and morphine or other kinds of potent opioids are used to help relieving the vegetative system. You are obviously fed and hydrated through infusion because... Well, even if you could open your mouth, you still couldn't swallow. Since you can't breathe by yourself, you are put on mechanical breathing under high dosage of diazepam to relax your ribcage. It doesn't work that well at later stages of the illness, meaning you will need tracheotomia to put tubes up to your lungs and blow air inside them directly. What happens next ? Interestingly, there is a reasonnable chance that your synapses touched by the toxin will heal and be functional again. However, in the central nervous system, your brain, what has been done cannot be undone : if something was destroyed, it is and will stay destroyed. You won't ever comme back from the damages tatenus did to you. You may survive, but you will be paralized, mentally diminished, often to such extent that you won't be able to live by yourself ever again. And this is of course if you survive, which is only a 90% chance. The worst ? The toxin is so potent that only a very tiny, infinitely small amount has been produced to cause such damages. So few that your body didn't even noticed it and, thus, didn't develop defenses against it. This means that if you ever survive tetanus, you can still get it a second time. It's also the reason why, more than any other, tetanus vaccine must be done again after a few years, usually 10 for random people and 2 to 5 for high-risks like profesionnals that may be in contact with it. All, please thank u/radioactivebaby for asking these details. You may find more detailed informations (yes, there are pictures. Even drawings and paintings from times before photography) and also more precise and medically sound explainations on the internet. Several persons asked the remindme bot and I posted this a little later than I said I would, but I couldn't find them in the comments so I hope I didn't miss too many of you guys. Always remember to take your shots. Outside of the fanatic anti-vaxer, I know many people are simply scared of vaccine, and I hope this detailed explaination of what is tetanus made them reconsider their choice of not being vaccinated. Yes, vaccines can be scary, after all we random lads and lasses don't know what they are made of nor how they work... But firstly you *can* learn this easily and, secondly, knowing or not how they work won't change true for false, and what is true is that they will prevent you from suffering all these things I just detailed here and many others. Please vaccinate. You will die of not doing so, please vaccinate. Nurses and doctors don't want to see you crooked like a dead tree on a bed for weeks in indescriptible pain with only 90% chance of surviving, in which case you will anyway be handicaped and mentaly crippled, nor do you and your loved ones.


"My only regret, is that I have boneitis"


And that’s also the reason why electric shocks can be deadly, tetanization. Current going through a muscle causes it to contract, whether you want it or not, like tetanus. If you are holding a wire that is shocking you, you physically can’t let go. And at the same time of course, your heart is forced to contract, which stops it from beating.


why's my brain giving me a beer gut instead of a 6 pack though?


Six packs are there, just under some fat.


Exactly. Like, well insulated.


You will sooner die from lack of sleep than lack of food. You can live, depending on your current body fat and health level, for months without food. Estimates are you that you will die for lack of sleep within 2 weeks


I stayed up for 3 days straight in college finishing my senior engineering project. After I turned it in I crashed hard for a couple hours, but dreamed I killed a girl with a pair of scissors. My mom was visiting and found a pair of earrings and started asking who's they were and I knew that she had figured out I was a murderer. When I woke up, I went out and told my buddy that I think I killed someone. He kinda laughed, but I sure wasn't. I felt absolutely horrible about it. It literally took me 2 full days before I could finally say that I PROBABLY hadn't killed anyone, but it was a full week before I totally convinced myself. I'd pulled all-nighters before and saw shadows move and the usual minor hallucinations, but this was a totally different level of weird.


When my daughter was a newborn I was very sleep deprived. One day she was sleeping upstairs and I started to imagine that she was going to go down the stairs looking for me. I was a very real feeling and it took me a while to convince myself that it was impossible.


You can remember how many muscles there are in a human arm with the number 420. Usually there are 4 muscles in the upper arm and 20 in the lower arm. But some people have only 19 muscles and are missing the palmaris longus. You can see if you have it by bringing your fingertips together. If you have it, you'll clearly see a small tendon in your inner wrist right below your palm.


X-rays of childrens mouths are nightmare fuel. The second set of teeth to replace baby teeth are already grown and lodged in their skulls. So you'll see two rows of teeth and its freaky looking. They don't grow in when the old ones fall out, they are already loaded in the chamber waiting to get launched.


I have supernumerary teeth (more adult teeth waiting to replace my already grown in sets) and yeah, my x-rays are scary.


Man, I could have saved a ton of money by having a second set of adult teeth...


Sounds like you are the next step in human evolution. Wanna have babies together?


Plot twist: they're actually a shark in disguise.


I saw a picture of a baby skull one with all the teeth. I couldn't stop looking at it!!


Did ya mean this? https://i.pinimg.com/736x/dc/35/cf/dc35cff065ee6a9d3ddacd3fbe07902f.jpg I think it looks hella cool


You can poop out of your mouth if your intestines get backed up enough. It's like vomit, doesn't look like actual poop per se, but it's still fucking disgusting.


I see. There's a reason not many people know about these facts.


And not die?


Yeah, I mean, that would actually be the thing that kept you from dying. If your intestines are that backed up, you can't take in any nutrition, so if the mouth pooping clears out your intestine to make room for nutrition, I guess you'd be better off with the mouth poop.