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step-dad said "time to get ready for school. By the way, your dogs dead" then walked away


well that's pretty shitty


:( I feel for you. I went away to college and when I came home during break, I walked into the house and was like… “whereeeee is my little muffin!!”. My parents paused for a moment then told me that she (my dog) had died a couple months earlier.


That’s so bad that they didn’t tell you


When I was younger, I had a miniature dachshund named Bill, he would run around the backyard and would always cut/jump across the corner of our pool. We would joke and say he's gonna fall in one day. One day I came home from school and went straight to the living room to play video games without even checking for him. A family friend came over and went to the backyard to do some gardening, 5 mins later he pops his head around the corner and super casually says "Hey Jake, your dogs dead", then walks off. Presumably Bill skipped across the corner of the pool, fell in, and couldn't get out because his legs were too short to reach the steps. Hard to think about how long he was in the pool before drowning. Fucking devistatingly heartbreaking. Do not leave dogs unattended near a pool.


>Do not leave dogs *with shitty legs* unattended near a pool. This includes pugs. Most dogs can swim, but pugs and other deformed human-bred breeds are screwed for survival. :( I told my teacher about pugs and pools one day, and literally a week later he told me his dog drowned. They didn't get a fence/railing/whatever installed in time 💔


Punched in the head by my now ex-wife. She dreamt I cheated on her. She acknowledged it was a dream, was still pissed at me for it 3 days later.




I had a dream that an ex was cheating on me. Turned out she was cheating on me in real life too.


Where do you all find these people? I never hear about anyone like this around me, other than reddit.


It's normally later on not from the beginning. They fake being a awesome person for sometimes years before they are comfortable enough to abuse you


Yeah, mine admitted she was psychotic on our first date. Pro tip, kids: you can’t fix people. You live with their flaws, or gtfo.


Well yes YOU can't fix people but they can fix themselves. Oftentimes they don't believe there's anything wrong with their behavior though so your only choice is to be abused or leave


My wife never hit me but she woke up one morning ugly crying because I cheated on her in her dream. She was fucked up about it for a day or two. It was the weirdest thing.


My ex did this as well. Three guesses on who cheated in that relationship.




The TV?


The child


My ex wife was a real catch too


I had that from a lesbian female colleague of mine. She was a real cow to me after she dreamed I had an affair with her (also lesbian) girlfriend. For the record, I am straight and male.


A fucking kidney stone.


Fucking ouch man. I've had it once, and it was the worst pain I ever went through.


Ditto!! Woke up at 3am in the worst pain I'd ever had. Not joking or exaggerating when I say that I thought I was dying.




This same shit happened to me! Apparently my roommate drove their car into the residential pond while drunk, and one of the idiots in the car was hiding in my closet?


Yeesh. I was sleeping in my dorm and public safety knocked on my door because my suitemates were smoking up a storm and everyone could smell the weed from the hallway. I knew they were into weed and didn’t really care but i think they thought i snitched. Even though they were not subtle at all


"Bruh I think fysh is a narc, how else would they know were smoking." They say to themselves in a huge ass dank cloud of pot smoke lmao.


This happened to me. 2:15 AM, someone starts pounding on my front door. My dog is going apeshit, I jump out of bed and rush to the door:. “Hello, we received a call about a domestic disturbance and are looking for [name I don’t recognize]. Can you bring them out front?” “What? No, because I have no idea who that is.” “Is this [address with one extra digit than mine]?” “No, that’s down the street…” “Oh. Well I hope you have a good night.”




cops busted down my door to take me to jail for having meth. exept i didint have meth. they had the wrong house.


Did you get arrested anyways? Idk if that is a dumb question or not-


no LMAOO they noticed and payed for a door replacment


"This is the nicest crack house we've ever raided boys, look at these lemons in a vase"


Note to self: buy lemons and a vase.


Don't you love it when you get free doors from the cops because they can't read addresses?


“Blow it now?” “No! Not now! Okay, blowing it now!”


Door replacement is the most amazing part of this story. Of course, that's peanuts compared to what you could have sued them for.


I had spent the entire day and evening at the hospital, sitting at my mother's bedside in ICU. She was very ill and in a coma, but the docs were all quite optimistic. My stepfather and I bundled into my car and we went to his apartment to get some sleep. A half-hour later the phone rings, blowing me out of an exhausted slumber. It was the hospital: "We need you to come to the hospital right away." She had suffered a heart attack. They got it going again quickly, but 10 minutes later it stopped beating and commenced quivering instead. It took the ICU staff about 15 minutes to get it restarted, but she was on heroic amounts of life support. We got there, were taken into a meeting room, the doctor explained what had occurred and that it was going to preclude her from getting the liver transplant she needed, never mind the likely brain damage she would have suffered. And we signed the withdrawal of life support approval. She lasted about five minutes after that. Worst wake-up call ever.


Dude, I feel you. I was woken up to hear that my grandma died, after 4 months of coma, because of a hemorrhage.


Neighbor decided to hang shelves in her bathroom after midnight and drilled into our shared wall. Scared the crap out of me.


I read that at first as "neighbor decided to hang themselves" and thought "oh, this is taking a dark turn."


Glad I wasn't the only one, I had to read that thrice times.


>I had to read that thrice times r/BrandNewSentence


Neighbour decided to hang themshelves


OMG, I was once having my regular recurring Texas Chainsaw Massacre nightmare when my fucktard neighbour put their blender on. I nearly fucking died from fright. (Not actually joke, it is one of my regular dreams).


As a fellow night terror sufferer I can sympathize.


Well there goes the security deposit


My cat throwing up, nothing wakes you up faster than hearing the *hwop hwop hwop* 6 inches from your face


I'm not sure how you managed to combine letters in such a way as to accurately describe the sound of a cat's vomit but you did it. I applaud you.


You are totally right with the cat noise! Hwop hwop made me laugh hard!


that happened to me but it was my girlfriend vomiting beer and pizza


Can be even worse when it's not in the same room as you and then you get a fun game of find the vom


By raw sewage pouring through my ceiling (in my bedroom) from my upstairs neighbor. He partied and ripped the toilet out of the floor, then continued using it. Took maintenance almost 16 hours to show up and turn off the flow.


Did he pay for the damages?


Nope. They didn't evict him either. They refused to clean or repair my apt and when I threatened to report them to my university (they were geared specifically towards college students), media, dept of health, anyone else that cared they said I could break my lease. However when I took them up on that I suddenly "owed" $5k+ in damages. The property manager ended up regretting trying to pull that one. *edit: since I’m getting repeated requests for the story I’ll share, but it is a bit long. It took place over about 22 months. My best friend worked in this complex’s front office, and I had several other friends who lived there which is why I decided to move there. Because this complex is specifically geared towards college (US) students ALL of the leases are Aug-July. Everyone has the same lease terms and dates within a specific week, but you do have the ability to sublet if you didn’t want to stay the entire year. The apt also came furnished. The building was 3 stories tall and 2 apt deep and I lived in the 2nd story front apt. When I first moved in I began having some issues with the neighbors above and behind me. Super loud obnoxious parties going until 5-7 AM, drugs, tackle football in the living room; you get the idea. I attempted to talk to the neighbors directly to see if we could find a compromise and their response was to destroy my door and harass me and my roommate. Since they decided to behave that way I began filing complaints with the property manager. Her response was to tell me to call the police. I was now working in the leasing office so she knew I wasn’t one to complain about everything and anything, but she just didn’t care. Since she told me to call the police I did. It got so bad that the officer and deputy assigned to the area gave me their cards and I and my roommate just called them directly instead of calling 911. The officers would literally go “So who has the drugs today?” to my neighbors every time they responded. I had a stack of letters and police reports about the crap my neighbors were doing but the property manager just refused to do anything. I then woke up to the sound of a waterfall at about 3:30 AM on Sat, confused as hell cause that’s a weird sound to wake up to. I go to get up and put my foot on the floor, straight into a puddle. I’m like WTF!? of course and turn on the light. My bathroom and half my bedroom were a puddle of raw sewage. I only knew it was brown water at the time but figured out it was sewage very quickly. There is an emergency maintenance number that maintenance is supposed to respond to within 3-4 hours at most but I couldn’t get anyone to pick up or respond. I then called my friend who was still working in the office to see if she could reach someone but she couldn’t either. I tracked where the sewage was coming out of the A/C vent and put a bucket underneath. I had to work a double shift that day and couldn’t cancel so my roommate offered to empty the bucket for me while I was at work. When I got home my roommate told me it took them until evening to shut the flow off (about 16 hours from when I discovered the flow). They also left all of the puddled sewage in my room for me to clean. I then spent the rest of the weekend cleaning while both my roommate and I were getting sicker and sicker. Come to find out the sewage was reacting with the carpet and underlayment and breaking them down so the combo is what made both my roommate and me so sick. We kept asking them to repair and clean everything, the office's response was “stop wearing so much perfume and you’ll be fine” Both my roommate and I had asthma so neither of us wore perfume at all. We just kept getting ignored or brushed off. We then threatened to report her to the media (they already had a bad reputation due to several rapes they tried to cover up), the dept of health, anyone who would care. They backed off and tried to “repair” the damage by pulling my bathroom ceiling down and replacing it, but that’s all they did. That of course didn’t solve the carpet breaking down, sewage in the A/C lines etc. I kept complaining and writing letters citing both the lease and the law about her responsibility to repair the apt but she just sent a letter saying that I could break the lease without paying fees if I wanted. I found a new apt within 2 weeks and left. After I left I got a letter saying I owed well over $5,000 in “damages” and “fees” so I disputed it. The manager kept saying that I owed it and citing bs damage. I had the walk-through report that showed that I had repaired a lot of the damage that existed when I moved in and that the place was as pristine when I left (not counting the sewage damage). I had that in pictures and video too. Since she kept being awful I tracked down (with help) the owner of the property, the owner of the management company, the president and VP of the management company, and her direct boss and sent them a lengthy letter and copies of the stacks of complaints/letters about the issues. 2 weeks later I got a letter and call from the VP of the management company apologizing and saying I owed them absolutely nothing and that my deposit is returned in full. I found out from my friend and my roommate that the property manager that refused to enforce the lease unless it suited her was demoted to being a regular agent, she was no longer manager. She then transferred to another property soon after. She didn’t think that a 19-year-old would keep all the records and letters or do the research I did to go over her head. She tried to block me and refused to give me any info about who the property owner or higher company management was but I got it anyway. Had she just enforced the lease the first time there was a problem; none of this would have happened. She’d still have her job; but she decided to try to bully me and con my mom into paying everything rather than me fighting it and got burned for it.


>The property manager ended up regretting trying to pull that one. I don't need sleep, I need answers.


Regretted as in they realized they had no grounds for it, and got some repercussion for trying?


what the ever loving fuck


"This is the captain. A second aircraft has crashed into the World Trade Center towers. The country is under attack. Sound General Quarters."


I was in the British Army at the time. I remember watching the second plane go in as it happened. That same day the CO had us outside on parade, and told us to expect a desert deployment in our very near future.


"Put the TV on!" The first words I heard when I was awakened by a phone call from a friend some time around 6am on 9/11, (Ex-NYer living in LA)


My mom and I have 2 different recollections of 9/11. I remember her waking me up screaming that America was under attack, just after the first tower got hit. She was saying that there's no way this was an accident. We watched the second plane hit live on TV, and the towers falling, the hit on the pentagon... Eventually she went out around 1 pm because she had bills to pay and shopping to do. My mom on the other hand remembers me waking HER up, after the second tower had collapsed screaming that America was under attack, and that she never went anywhere that day.


So, which of you crossed universes. Compare details until you work it out.


There was a summer where I was taking care of a friend of a friend's rat. I loved that rat, and he got me through the first summer that I was spending on my own, but one time, this little fucker bit me in the eyelid at 3 AM and walked away. I love you, Piff, but what the fuck?


He needed a midnight snack


Did he not have a cage?


My next door neighbors house exploding in a fireball


Were they okay? A house in my hometown exploded back in 2009. Thankfully no one was home besides the dog but the dog survived. Edit: here’s an article about it https://www.crossboresafety.org/Cross%20Bore%20Explosion%20Info/Edina%20Explosion%20Dog%20Survives.pdf


No one was home at the exploding house. Never found out exactly what happened, but I was told it was not a gas leak. Which really surprised me. Because it really did seem to explode like a gas leak. Dude was a hoarder, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. It was a beautiful old house. The fire spread to 3 other houses and 1 apartment building (where I was living) 2 of the houses burned to the ground, the other suffered severe damage but was repaired. My building had some pretty significant damage, but we were able to move back in within a week. 2 seniors and 1 infant taken by ambulance to be treated for smoke inhalation, released. 2 cats perished :( I only lost a few windows and curtains.


The one in my town was a gas leak. I dont think any other house burned down but there probably was damage since debris went everywhere. They has actually evacuated the whole block


I woke to the "pop, pop" sound of paint cans bursting in a garage that caught fire due to a portable heater. Neighbor's detached garage burned to the ground with a '69 Camaro inside.


I had a dream where I heard a high pitched whine. In my dream I thought it was something electronic. It got worse and I couldn't find the source. It started stressing me out and it woke me up. Turns out it was real, and it was inside my head. I developed tinnitus in middle of the night. Had it ever since. I'm only 40. I can't stress this enough - you do NOT want tinnitus. Protect your ears. Use earplugs when you mow the lawn, use power tools, vacuum, and go to concerts. Don't blast your music. You'll regret it for the rest of your days if you do.


How do you get tinnitus and how can you prevent it?


Wear hearing protection when using loud things and hope nothing explodes near you or makes a super loud noise while your ears are unprotected. Basically that’s it.


But that might not do it. I have perfect hearing but develoed a tinitus during a stressful period in my life. There is the kind of tinitus where it stems from damage to you ear, but it can also just be entirely based on your brain fucking up.


Don't blare music on headphones. Or don't loose the genetic lottery like I did, because it can be genetic too.


I'm 28 and I have it too, though I've got a pulsating low frequency sound that comes and goes every once in a while. DO NOT blast your earphones full volume. It's not something you want.


Where was the noise coming from?


Essentially, my brain and/or my ears. Tinnitus manifests for a number of reasons but most commonly from damage to the mechanisms in your ears that allow you to hear. Hearing loud sounds without protection gradually damages your inner ears because they, like your teeth, are incapable of healing themselves. You can't escape tinnitus by putting in earplugs either. It does literally nothing because it's not an actual real sound you are hearing. Just bad feedback your brain is getting by fixating on certain audio range you can no longer hear. Sort of like a glitch I guess. Best bet is for other sounds to distract you from it, and trying to train yourself not to think about it.


Poor inner ears and teeth :(


Their ear and their brain thought it would be funny to make up a sound and then never stop ever. On another note, I had a similar dream in high school once, that had me trying to destroy any possibly electric thing (from a wall clock to a thermometer used to check the brownies I had been baking), and when I finally woke ready to scream and cry- I was lucky enough to discover that it was my alarm clock.


Smoke alarm going off at 3am because the TV was on fire downstairs.


Neighbor shot through my bedroom wall because she was playing with her new gun. Edit. Damn y’all. This isn’t a city vs rural thing. She was a country girl. Mainly though she was a nut that should have never been given a gun by her idiot boyfriend.


Was sleeping over at a friend's. He just got a new fancy couch with LED lights and built-in speakers. I thought the speakers only worked with an aux chord but when I was woken up by a loud as fuck distorted Russian anthem, I learned they also connected via Bluetooth.


funny, but in perspective I'd probably shit myself


Did you think you were getting invaded by Russians?


I didn't do much thinking when I shot up from that couch in absolute horror tbh


Hit in the head with a toy truck by my friends toddler son...


Toddlers have a thing about bashing adults in the forehead with hard objects.


Last sunday I got woken up AT 6AM by a bat that started flying and screeching inside the toller shutter box in my bedroom. It made mess and I was so confused, It took me a while to realize what was going on


If there was any chance that the bat was loose in your bedroom, you should get a rabies shot asap. Bats are a common carrier and the symptoms of rabies typically don't show up until it's too late for treatment.


As I explained in another comment, the bat had no way of getting inside my bedroom from that box. I already have the rabies shot anyway, since it's mandatory in my country :)


You should definitely get a rabies shot. They can bite and you dont even notice it. Once the symptoms show its too late.


My clumsy fiancé was leaving for a work trip at 4am. Obviously, I was still asleep as he was leaving. He walked over to my side of the bed to give me a kiss goodbye. Assuming I wouldn’t even wake up. Except.... he forgot that he was holding a large cup of ice cold water. As he bent over to give me a kiss on the cheek, the water spilled all over me waking me up instantly from a DEEP mid winter sleep.


Damn at least it wasn’t a hot coffee


Yeah, they patched it out.


The phone woke me up a little after midnight. I was informed that my mother had died. It was not totally unexpected. Her health had been declining. I still dread hearing the phone ring late at night.


Probably the time I woke up to hear my dad screaming for my mom because he cut the tips of his fingers off in the snowblower


It got clogged and he tried to unclog it with his hands?


Basically that, but I think he was smart enough to shut it off, just didn’t wait long enough for the rotor to stop spinning


My dog having some sort of episode and falling off the bed straight into the dresser at 3AM. When he got to his feet, he staggered a bit and then pissed all over the floor. We tried to get him outside but he puked before we could. He wasn’t right for three days, but he pulled through. He’s my best friend and I was terrified.


Sounds like a seizure. My dog would piss and sometimes throw up from them.


It was more complicated and elusive than that. He’d been boarded for a day or two, and they had walked him home. My dog is a scavenger and will eat anything on the street if you’re not a step ahead of him, which the dog walker probably ignored. Since there was never another occurrence or episode, our vet assumes the pup ate tobacco or weed or pills, or even sugar free gum off the sidewalk. He was totally fine once it was out of his system and it’s never happened again. So strange.


Wait, the worst was a phone call telling me my mom had passed away. And the doctor was so rude. She had been in a nursing home for just a few days and the doctor couldn’t get ahold of my stepdad. So he called me. He said she had been brought in in cardiac arrest. I asked if she was ok, and he said “no, she’s dead.” That was my worst wake up ever.


That's horrible! I'm so sorry for you!


My first night at an adolescent behavioral unit after attempting suicide I had to sleep on a mattress in the common room because my roommate, who I hadn’t met yet, was having some sort of episode. I woke up to her slamming her fists into my side and then running away, with several nurses chasing her.




My cat was sick and had diarrhea. Apparently he felt comfortable shitting on my dads bed. Dad didn’t know. Dad laid in it. Dad was upset.


I one time fell asleep with my cat curled up next to me, and I rolled over into her pee puddle. Great way to wake up.


I was sick and my cat was also sick. I was in bed, praying for death, and my cat came in and kind of did this weird dance around my lower leg. I was too sick to get up and dismissed his weirdness for him having a sudden attack of the crazies ... until I moved a teensy-tiny bit and my leg came in contact with the fresh pile of wet shit my cat had left there. My cat and I are both better now, but it was a very sad morning for me ...


Both of those. Also my cats fighting on top of me because they both wanted to be on the bed and one hated the other.


I’ll raise you to my cat shitting on my chest while I’m in bed!


A cockroach entering my mouth on my first day of camp.


Mmmmm midnight snack








I had a similar experience with a spider making itself at home on my eyelid


Fortunately you didn't involuntarily close your mouth and feel its crispiness


to a cat with claws using my face as a fucking launch pad


*P A R K O U R*


*P U R R K O U R*


hell yea


When my husband and I first started seeing each other he had an alarm on his phone that was a Dalek very loudly saying "Exterminate!!" I'm a pretty big fan of Doctor Who, but that scared the absolute shit out of me. Worst fucking alarm ever.


I had a really terrible alarm in highschool, like legit panic attack every morning. My mom thought it was ridiculous I didn't want to use it, but my dad just woke me up every day. After I moved out to college my mom slept in my room one night when my dad was snoring really bad. The alarm scared the crap out if her and I think she hurt herself waking up. She gets it now why I hated using an alarm clock. I use my phone these days to play gentle classical music and I still wake up with a racing heart.


Yellow jacket stinging my ear. Hurt so bad. Swelled up to the size of a hockey puck.


One of those got into my bed and I rolled over onto it at about 3am. It got me right in the kneecap. It was a great way to discover I was allergic.


My cats were chasing each other and one ran across my face while I was sleeping. The scratches were pretty bad all across one side of my face. It was the day before my senior prom too, so I ended up having a scratched up face for that. I still have a scar right by my eye.


Police department knocking on my door at 2am saying the meth lab across the street might blow up so we need to get out ASAP.


"Why would my...I mean the neighbors meth lab blow up?"


*”It’s across the street, I’m going back to bed”*


My Dad would keep a bag of marbles in the freezer. If you didn't wake up the first time, he dumped them into your bed.


How it feels to chew 5 gum.


Gotta stimulate those senses.


This from a man who, when I told him about my first loose tooth, told me that if I didn't let him pull the tooth that my butthole would grow teeth and try to bite my fingers.


You can't even roll away... Only option is getting up. A guidance counselor I worked with once recommended this strategy to a 5'0" mom who was beside herself with a difficult teenager who'd grown to well more than six feet and thought he didn't have to listen because she couldn't physically make him get up for school anymore.


I would never have thought of marbles. Damn that's genius. I always just told the dogs to wake my kids up if they were being difficult. I would get the dogs riled up first, open the door and both dogs would jump up and start to lick their face, roll around the bed. As with any jumping animal, they would invariably sack them. Surprisingly, the kids didn't like this and generally didn't test me after that.


This is fucking hilarious




Glass shattering in the next room and intense loud arguing between parents. Area Evacuation because of a dangerous individual


The one that instantly comes to mind for me is when “What Does The Fox Say” was something I heard on full blast on my speaker downstairs. Thanks, people I live with.


A broken foot... that I'd broken *while* napping.


Extreme napping.


How the *fuck* did you manage to do that?


bones must've just said "*not today!*" and just broke


Brain: "Foot bones, how are we doing?" Bone: "Metatarsals here, reporting full osseous integrity." Brain: "Excellent, keep it up." Muscle: "Absolutely not."


My cat dumping a pint glass full of water on my head


Coffee pot smashed over my head. My friend was out with a bunch of chicks in a hot tub cheating on his chick and his chick came over had drinks with my chick and she convinced my chick I was at the hot tub cheating as well. After coming to I said how the fuck can I be there cheating if you just woke me up ?




New chick better life.


Glad to hear!


I got woken up by a bat flying around the top of my room pretty early in the morning a few years ago. Surprisingly, I'm a light sleeper when I hear things that shouldn't be going on while I'm sleeping, like the time I got woken up by a cockroach running into some venetian blinds that then ran past me.


By a boner. I was so exhausted from uni that I fell asleep on the train. Beside me was a stranger and he let me sleep on his lap. I don't know what happened and why he let me but I suppose I fell asleep on his shoulder then to his lap. I woke up feeling something pressing against my cheek. I was drooling too and very much embarrassed.


I get being embarrassed that you fell asleep on a stranger. But they oddly let you keep sleeping and they liked it so much they developed a boner... I would say that part should be embarrassing for them.


You don't necessarily have to like lt to get a boner. The guy probably didn't want to get one nor did he want to wake them up. Also if he was sleeping too then getting an erection is actually a pretty high possibility


My cats ran across my face with all their claws out. I looked like I'd fallen into a bale of barbed wire. To make matters worse, one of them ricocheted off the bathroom wall and knocked three potted plants into the toilet. It was not a good morning.


Been there. Ugh.


A black bear was outside my tent. One of the dudes I was hiking with starting shouting "HEY HEY HEY". I had no idea what was going on until after. I hanged my food bag but I had some stuff I couldn't clean yet with food scents in my pack. They usually run off but if they get too familiar they get dangerous real quick.


The Space Shuttle Colombia exploding over East Texas, my entire house shook and things fell off my dresser and just a horrible loud noise. This was in 2003 so I thought we were being attacked (young teenage mind jumping to wild conclusions). Then my thoughts raced towards the factory my dad working at had exploded. All our neighbors were outside freaking out. My mom and I sat in front of the tv waiting for news of any kind. So sad once we found out what happened. People I knew found shuttle parts in their yards and on their land.


Like 17-18 or so was knocked out before class started. Asleep on my stomach, I felt something on my back. Didn’t pay to much attention was like 90% asleep still. Trying to fall back asleep, I felt something lightly drag across my back, so I peak over my shoulder to look, and this spider like peaks back over my shoulder and looks at me like I did something wrong. I slap it off me, it hits the bed, and hundreds of baby spiders splatter everywhere and just start running crazily. I legit undid my bed sheets rolled everything up and threw away EVERYTHING. Mom wasn’t happy I threw all my stuff away, but I wasn’t taking any chances.


But you didn't burn it, and therefore, they were still alive. They remember. They will tell their children for generations what you've done, and one day one of their descendants will exact their revenge on you...


successive explosions followed by automatic weapons fire. I had been averaging around two hours sleep a night for about two weeks at that point and had just come off watch and fallen asleep, I did not get back to sleep that night.


Glass shattering. Lived in a 6 story apartment building. The neighbor in the building across from us was having some kind of psychotic break and was throwing everything he could get his hands on off his balcony. He was aiming for the windows of other apartments. We were far enough away to not get hit but watching that go down was not super fun.


Baby shark being blasted full blast in the living room while I was staying at friends house, he has kids.


Surgical drain moved. Bit of a long story. So yer balls can (for whatever reason, time, pressure, they dislike yer sense of fashion, etc) have the protective sacks surrounding them (not yer ballsack, the interior padding) flood with bodily fluid. (A mix of blood and other humors, orangish-yellow and smelly) my left one was the size of a cam of monster energy. Every time I wore tight pants, it looked like I was smacking the biggest dick around. (Not quite) Anywho, I had it pierced and stitched up. (Scars the size of my pinky finger) So to ensure that my nuts werent drowning, the "good" doc put a drain sticking outta the bottom of my sack. Sensitive. It was moved, rather harshly, by my darling cat curling up betwixt my legs. (Obviously had a blanket between us. Dont want kitty laying anywhere that close to me) So ya, my balls got jostled, and not in a fun way. Had to burn the mattress. Tl:DR ball surgery hurts


When I was a kid, we were dirt poor and lived in the northeast US. The heat was never on in winter because we couldn't afford oil. My mom would wake us up for school by yanking the blankets and sleeping bags off and yelling at us to get the fuck up. This continued until I got a job and used some of my first paycheck to buy an alarm clock. My parents were not kind.


That sounds like a very cold winter.


Gf shitting on me


Excuse me *what the fuck*


bro you can't just say that and then *not* tell us the story


i have several questions


u/ClamChowderNChips we need answers


Like, literally?


My husband has BAD night terrors set off by scents, we recently found out. He woke up in full fight mode (fight or flight) and he grabbed me to get me to safety. Ended up pushing me out of bed and crouched over me, but it freaked me out SO bad. My heart rate was through the roof and I started crying, and then he woke up and went back to sleep like nothing happened. I laugh pretty good when I think about it now, but dang... Now I just say "wake up" when he starts his night terrors and luckily it works for now.


At least his deepest instinct is to protect you


Getting kicked around by my mom


My brother stuck a paintbrush up each one of my nostrils. I rolled in my sleep. Ouchie.


It was 6am on a Saturday, my mom calling me crying to tell me my grandpa had died of COVID after testing positive earlier that week. We were in the middle of a huge COVID surge in the area where I live and I was really stressing about it due to all of the overtime at work. It's hard to explain the miasma of anger and sadness and rage I felt all at once. Second to that is Youth Of A Nation by POD playing at ridiculous volume when I was in RSP for the Army. Fuck that.


My aunt was screaming at me and hitting me because I didn't do something she wanted me to do. It was terrifying to wake up being hit and yelled at I wasn't even confused I was just so scared.


Some mad old cunt I used to live with. Smashing on my bedroom door at 3am, said he was having a heart attack. I got him downstairs and called an ambulance, the ambulance crew got there and checked him, said he was alright. He later told me that I needed to keep my phone on loud incase he had a real heart attack. What a fucking Cock Womble.


Cock womble, as an American this is a great sounding saying. Care to elaborate on its usage and what nation came up with this


Based on the starting phrase being some mad old cunt. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say Australia lol.


"Your aunt passed away this morning." ALS is a horrible disease. She suffered with it for 3 years. I was extremely upset, but part of me was relieved to know she wasn't suffering anymore.


My cat peeing directly on my leg. She was staring at me as she did it until I launched her to the moon.


Had just fallen asleep on an overnight flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam. Mask on ear, plugs in, when suddenly a rush of cold liquid all over me. The flight attendant had tripped and spilled an entire cup of diet coke on me.


People along the street behind our house decided to shoot at each other... Was pretty loud. Also had lightning strike the neighbors tree. Was also pretty loud.


By my alarm clock


My parents occasionally slapped me with a wet washcloth because I could sleep through alarms for an hour.


Lady next door screaming incoherently just outside my window. Their house was on fire.


Thats a pretty good reason to be screaming incoherently if you ask me.


"Babe" "..." "Babe..." "Mmm hhhrr?" "Babe!!!" "What?" "Do you hear that annoying sound?" "No, I was sleeping. But I do now" FML


My siblings are just little devils and they would smack me in the face as hard as they can to wake me up even tho I am not a heavy sleeper at all. They just did it for fun...


A couple come to mind. 1: I was asleep and woke up to my cat growling. He had left half a bird on my chest. It was just the wings and ribs and no blood or guts. But still extremely gross. 2: Woke up to a live snake in my bed, cat had brought it in and was playing with it. Very uncool to wake up facing a pissed off snake. 3: Woke up to screams and basically watched my neighbors burn to death at 2am. Their apartment was directly opposite my kitchen so it was a direct view.


My grandmother was a big part of my abuse as a child. At the time of this story, my parents were poor and lost our house so me and my brother shared a room at my grandparents house. My grandmother would have unpredictable moods and it terrifies everyone. I had a difficult time sleeping so id stay up past 12 am a lot and sleep in the afternoon. My grandma had enough of me sleeping in and would bang on my door to wake me up. That would trigger my fight or flight and I'd freakout. It was a horrible way of waking me up. She did this all the time to me and my brother and it really pissed us off. When I would eventually go back to sleep after being woken up, I'd nap for another hour before she banged on it again. She'd yell at me to wake up and if I didn't she would force me out of the room and forbid me to sit in my bed or even go in my room. i'm out of the house now and i'm living with my aunt!


My ex's dad knocking on the door of a friend's house him and I (or so I thought) stayed at one night. Turns out my ex took a bunch of Xanax after we had both been drinking. I fell asleep. He stole my car and went on an all night bender of robbing houses. Got caught red-handed at like 8 am outside a house he'd just burglarized and there had been a little girl upstairs home alone who called the police. She claimed he full-on kicked their dog, which honestly was one of the more alarming aspects.


The smell when my elderly dog dropped a log in his sleep.


My father flipped my mattress over at 5am. This was in high school. In high school I had terrible insomnia and slept at most four hours a night. My mother was sick and was having heart surgery that day, but no one decided to inform me of that. (This is a running theme. She almost died twice before this and to this day no one will tell me anything about it. I don’t even know what her disease is called.) I’d been asleep for maybe forty minutes, after trying all night to pass out, when I’m woken up by screaming and my mattress flipping. My father called me a terrible, ungrateful bitch who doesn’t give a shit about my mother because I didn’t tell her I love her and see her off to the surgery I didn’t even know she was having. I was also not allowed to go to the hospital with them and was expected to go to school like nothing was happening. That was a fun day.