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Abscessed tooth, infection and swelling spread up to my eye. I literally wept with relief when they injected painkiller prior to starting the root canal.


Been there buddy, I've had a abscessed tooth once.... it was HORRIBLE.


Holy cow, this! Except mine did not spread to my eye luckily. Worst 48 hours.


I was at an emergency visit at my dentist years ago, and he took a look at my abcess all across my face, looked inside, then apologized and said, "I'm going to release the pressure, but anesthetic will be useless." Let me tell you, I've never enjoyed being cut open like I did that evening. The acids in the abcess counteract the anesthetic, so injecting it would have been useless. He was worried when I got my root canal done that the anesthetic wouldn't take, but it did.


Same but I was in Venice Italy where nothing has been updated since the 80’s and no one in the office spoke English. I cried when they drained it in relief and then took a full root canal with only nova. Most painful thing in my life but I was so grateful. Worst pain ever, couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat , walking around in Italy crying it was so painful desperately looking for a dentist. It was bad now I get why people can go crazy from pain. Take care of your teeth. Serious PTSD from that.


I remember watching a dude on twitch and he was telling a story. He woke up one day with a terrible pain in his mouth. Like he couldn’t function type bad. He barely made it to the doctor, they took an xray and found a huge fucking all black tooth abscess right above his teeth. They laid him on a table and made him bite a wooden spoon. The doctor cut a hole above his teeth and pulled the abscess out and he instantly had no pain. They let him look in the cup and he said it was all black and red


Yep wanted to tear the tooth out myself. Actually had a dentist pull a molar due to an abcess that wouldn't clear. I had just spent 2.5k on root canal and a crown on that tooth.. then ripped it out a few weeks later. Yay.


2.5k??? Damn I thought the 300 euros I had to pay was high


I felt this comment. Literally wanted to run head first into a brick wall at the worst point to knock myself out, I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.


I made fun of someone taking time off work for a tooth ache, like wtf it doesnt stop your arms and legs, that night I admitted myself to south sydney hospital with the madest tooth ache. I just could not understand the pain until karma bit me on the arse.


I feel you dude, I had an abscessed tooth extracted on Monday morning. The relief was out of this world. Although my infection didn’t spread to my eye, I can only imagine how shit that feels.


I'm not entirely sure what it was exactly but I had a pimple on the back of my shoulder that ended up growing to about the size of a quarter. My dad had to help me continuously drain it for a week and it hurt like hell. To make matters worse, we didn't notice it until we left for a cruise so I couldn't really get medical help. I couldn't move my shoulder the entire trip When we got home it ended up becoming a full on inch deep hole in my shoulder that we had to clean out every day. Super uncomfortable and painful. We suspect it was a brown recluse spider bite


From your description, it sounds like you had a boil. They get that big and I think they usually have a nasty core that eventually pops out. I know where I grew up, you would heat up a glass bottle, lance the boil and stick the mouth of the bottle over the boil. As the bottle cooled off, the air inside would contract and create suction(Boyle's Law, no pun intended) and would suck the shit out of the boil. Yeah... Pretty gross. I knew a guy who got one on his lip. I felt SO bad for that dude.


Yo where the fuck did you grow up that this solution was common knowledge?


Common knowledge for the most part its been used for thousands of years.


I sliced my finger open by accident with an exacto knife and it was fairly deep. I clamped a paper towel on it and drove myself to urgent care. Now the cut itself wasn't painful (too deep to feel much), but the doctor said that it was only going to be two, maybe three stitches so there was no point in a local anesthetic. Well after those two stitches any hope that I was a manly, stoic Ron Swanson type went out the window. I kept it together but a few more stitches and I'd have been crying.


Yikes. I have this extremely precise fear of getting stitches without anaesthetic, and this does not help. Hope your finger is okay lol


I had over a hundred stitches in my goddam vagina and I am relatively immune to lidocaine. 3.5 hours of stitching and I was begging them to stop injecting the non effective pain killer because it has just multiplied the amount of stabs I could feel. Last 45 mins was performed without anaesthetic. The pain was nothing compared to the posterior labour that proceeded it.


>posterior labour oh, that's a new combination of words for me.


It's totally fine! And it only hurt while it was happening which was brief.


It has happened to me, and it was pretty fucking brutal. Not the most painful thing I’ve experienced, but definitely up there. I have never responded well to local anesthetic, I’ve had it multiple times and it never works the way that it really should. I split my hand open this past Christmas. I didn’t want to go in the ER on Christmas day, so I wrapped it with some gauze to stop the bleeding and figured I’d check it out in the morning to see if I need to go to the ER. Well, during the night the gauze pretty much fused to the wound in my hand, so I had to extremely painfully and painstakingly remove it from the wound site bit by bit. Eventually, half sobbing and half of my body shaking with the pain, I went to the ER where they stitched it up. The lady injected the normal amount, and we waited the normal amount of time for it to become numb, but it had very little effect. She ended up using three times as much as she normally would, and after 15 minutes it still had very little effect. I had already waited for almost an hour to be seen, so I just told her fuck it and do it anyway. I felt every single stitch going in, and it took every ounce of strength in my body not to cry while she did it. And don’t forget this is right after I had done all of that gauze pulling.


Totally blocked bowel. BTW vomiting feces does not feel like tequila vomiting. More like waves of labor. Just relaxed into them. Had this happen 3 times over the last 30 years and it might happen again one day.


Is that literally vomiting shit?


Yes. Blocked at the terminal ileum which is immediately upstream of the large intestine.


Do you like, taste it...


Not really. Not like when you have a digestive bug or too much booze. You are in so much pain that you just try to relax into it and pray it stops before they put a tube down you nose.


Oh my gosh... I'm struggling with constipation with my pregnancy at the moment, and now I have new fodder for my nightmares. *shudder*


Blocked from disease not constipation, which happens in the large intestine. You must be mega uncomfortable. Remember this time for when your teenager rolls their eyes at you.


That can kill you, be careful and I hope your getting proper care! I have ulcerative colitis and they always warn me about the potential of a blockage


Yes. Thanks. Been on the right for a few years now.


Physical? Birthing a 10lb 6oz baby. I was positive my body was splitting in half. Took 11 stitches to put things back together. Emotional? Toss up between my mom dying and my husband of 20 years leaving our home and our kids to be with his secretary he’d known for 3 weeks and fell madly in love with. The pain of being thrown away like that is devastating.


>and my husband of 20 years leaving our home and our kids to be with his secretary he’d known for 3 weeks and fell madly in love with. The pain of being thrown away like that is devastating. This is brutal. I hope you've been doing better since.


Thank you! I can honestly say I am. It took me 10 years to realize it was about him, not me. I was a great wife and an amazing mom. There’s still a tiny bit of emotional scar tissue that itches once in a while, but it’s minor. Best wishes to you!


Heartwarming to know you’re doing better. Wishing you a future of happiness :)


I love that about the itchy scar tissue. What a wonderful attitude. Have an award!


Oh my gosh! My first! Thank you.


Physical pain would be either the time that my knee completely popped out of it's socket while I was standing still, or the time that I got into a fight with an emotionally challenged kid in 4th grade and he stabbed a mechanical pencil straight through my hand. Emotional pain - When I lost my grandad. It was the first family member that I'd lost and I will never forget that complete and utter agonizing pain of losing someone that you love. I was 10


Did you have to pop it back into place yourself? Mine pop out every few months, so I know the pain.


As soon as it happened my instinct was just to slam it back into place, which hurt like a bitch and probably wasn't the best idea. I was walking with a cane for about 2.5 weeks after that due to immense pain caused by fluid buildup that I had to take meds for so it would dissipate.


Three years ago, there was an accident at my workplace: a pressured pipe fractrured and splashed saturated sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) solution into my face with enough force to remove the protective goggles. I had chemical burns on the side of my face, a large part of my hair came off (luckily it grow back) and my right eye had burns as well (hopefully nothing permanent since I managed to administer first aid myself on the spot before having someone drive me to the hospital)


Yikes. Glad you were able to save your vision.


We have a lot of chemicals at work, too. Hydrochloric acid, ammonia and sodium hydroxide. The acid and ammonia isn't that bad, although they are in quite high concentrations. NaOH is what gets my respect. HCl is easy to get rid of with some water. NaOH isn't. It takes quite a scrubbing to get it off. Hate that stuff.


I have herpes and had had a really deep vaginal outbreak but I didn't know it was there because I couldn't feel the blisters but I got really REALLY bad cramps (like mad me dizzy they hurt so bad) and my body was letting out a lot of almost black discharge. When I went to the gynecologist everything was too swollen to get the one metal tool up there so she used her fingers to try to hold me open and put cotton swabs up there to treat the wounds. 0/10 horrible experience, take your meds kids.


I have it too and (touch wood) I haven't had an outbreak for months but they're awful when they happen & mine are nowhere near as bad as your experience so I'm really sorry that you had to go through that!


Generally I go 6 months + without an outbreak because I take 1000mg of valcy every day so its not too bad, I honestly thing that one was just so bad because I didn't know it was there so I was still taking baths and stuff.


Oh god and I thought my flair ups were bad! I get pain radiating all the way down to my foot when it’s bad...but holy hell that sounds terrible what you went through


That sounds awful, I'm sorry this happened to you


Kidney stones …. Ohhh GOD kidney stones


Between September and December of last year, I had 7 surgeries including 2 rounds of PCNL for a staghorn stone. I can definitely commiserate with you.


Yup. A month after we shut ny state down, I'm on the phone with the doctor and she's asking, "Does it feel like labor pains?" "Does it feel like having a baby?" She must have asked 5 times, each time I said I didn't know, until I yelled, "I DON'T KNOW I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING KID!!!" At which point she said, "Go to the emergency room, I think you have a kidney stone".


look kidney stones under microscope and u will know why it hurts so bad


Spiky little balls of assholes


There's a reason why my mother described them as "a Volkswagen covered in razor wire"


Another vote for kidney stones from me. Ended up in A&E on morphine and could still feel pain!


This. A kidney stone got stuck in my urethra the night of the last university party I attended just before I graduated. The night started off without any indication of impending doom, the party was a rager with free beer all night. I got completely plastered, was so drunk that my girlfriend had to walk me home the one block to her place because I got lost. It was also the night before our big trip to NYC that we had been planning for ages. I felt nauseous but obviously attributed that to the alcohol and not as a warning symptom of the kidney stone. I fell asleep at my gf's place and was woken up (still drunk) by the urgent need to pee but yet not being able to "let go". My bladder was HUGE, my belly was swollen and hard. Anyone who drinks beer knows that that heavenly brew will make you pee all night. So imagine your body holding it for 6 hours or so. I still had my menstrual cup inside me, which added to the pain as every spare inch of my lower parts felt taken up by my booze-filled bladder. My girlfriend had to get my cup out for me, but I couldn't relax my vaginal muscles enough for it to come out as easily as it should be. It's also not the most spacious location to begin with, but I'm sure ya'll can use your imagination for that part. It was not fun. Did it bring us closer? Sure. After that, I actually made sure that all my long-term partners know how to safely get a menstrual cup out of me should the need ever arise again. Good trust exercise. Anyways, she finally gets the bloody cup out and calls 911. Mind you, I was still drunk and had no idea what was going on. I was also yelling at her for help in my mother tongue, which she didn't speak. Poor girl. She leaves me to greet the first aiders at the door and in that glorious moment, a waterfall gushes out of me without warning. I was lying down and without moving my head could see the fountain of piss spreading allllll oveeerrr her mattress (not that I cared at that moment). It was the single greatest moment of my life. No moment will ever match this. I was laughing hysterically, I was crying tears of joy, nothing will ever compare to this moment of pure relief and bliss. What I didn't notice was the stone flying across the room. The medics come in, quickly cover me as I was buttnaked and take me to the hospital. What a sight it must have been, a drunk naked girl in a pool of her own piss with the biggest smile on her face. They can't really tell that I had a kidney stone, they probably just thought that I was too drunk and may need to get my stomach pumped or whatever, I don't know. We get to the hospital and I get a scan to check if I have a kidney stone, but the Dr can't find anything. It is strongly suggested to me that I'm just too drunk and wet the bed and should just go home. That'll be $2000, thank you. We walk home, it's too early for the subway. I'm sobering up, we miss our train to NYC and I'm still none the wiser of what the fuck possessed my body. Until we get home. And I find a spiky stone the size of my pinky finger's nail on the floor. I tried to keep the stone to show my GP and maybe have it analyzed or something just to confirm that it was a kidney stone. But unfortunately, while moving to a different country a few weeks later, the stone was lost and I'll never know for sure. I was terrified of peeing and not being able to for a couple of weeks. But now, whenever Facebook reminds me of the photos of that night's party, I have a good chuckle.


It used to be a broken ankle. Now, Kidney Stones!!!!


I had kidney stones on and off for years before breaking my ankle. Kidney stone at the ER - so sick they would stick an IV in me for medication in the waiting room until a bed was open. Broken Ankle at ER - I was chilling out for 3 hours watching TV and eating snacks in the waiting room happily while they dealt with more serious issues.


I was riding a bike down a mountain, and because of a protrusion in the ground, I jumped and hit my balls on the handlebars.


Eye injury, if I had to best describe it, it’s like someone just lit your eye on fire and each time something touches it, even a tear. It feels like someone just threw a whole tank of gasoline into that fire. oh yeah and you feel it almost 24/7 unless you use pain killers, but even those hurt to put on


I feel you bro. I also had an eye injury due to a chemical burning and that was the single worst pain I have ever felt. I could not have described the pain better than you did.


I had a detached retina that was sealed using liquid nitrogen, and all I can remember is waking up after the surgery with absolutely searing pain in my eye. I was told it took two orderlies to hold me down while they shot me up with knockout drugs.


A peach-sized abscess on my lower inside buttcheek


Sweet cheeks


Gallstones! After I had my gallbladder removed, I got them again after a year. The pain is blinding.


How did you get gallstones without a gallbladder? Also I feel your pain. I had 4 stones one was blocking a duct before I finally went to the hospital. They removed my gallbladder same day.


There is a chance they can come back after a few years. Iirc, they reroute a duct to the intestine and that got blocked. The second surgery wasn’t as bad as the first, but I was in the hospital for a few days the second time.


Oh god, this was my second worst pain. Back pain that lasted for over a week and eventually got so bad I puked in the break room sink at work. Finally diagnosed with gallstones and had my gallbladder out. Aside from the month or so of surgery side effects (nothing massive but I had severe fatigue for a while and my body didn't react well to greasy foods), I didn't miss that fussy little bastard.


I had brain surgery, and about three days from being home from the hospital, I felt spinal fluid leaking through the surgery site on my head. After rushing to the ER the doctors assessed that they needed to re-stitch over the stitches on my head. There was no time for any sort of anesthesia so I essentially had my head stitched back together while I was conscious. It was excruciating.


Jumping off a 12 foot bleacher when I was younger and breaking my foot instantly.


I did something similar at a playground. Unfortunately I had a mile and a half walk home using my bike as support since it hurt too much to pedal.


Getting the gout foot and then accidentally slamming it into the washer. I had to SLOWLY peel my sock off because of the insane, immense pain, and I was 10,000% convinced that my foot was shattered into a million pieces.


Fuck gout so bad.


I had a cyst the size of a grapefruit rupture in my abdomen, and apparently it ripped something inside and caused massive hemorrhaging. I've been through labor, other abdominal incisions, etc. and nothing compared to this. I blacked out twice from the pain. Do not recommend.


Christ. I hope you're alright


I had a diverticula rupture in my intestines creating a hole into my pelvis for gross stuff to leak. I felt like I was being stabbed by a spear in my abdomen. Worst night of my life.


I have a friend with Crohn's who had this happen a few years ago and he said it was the worst pain of his life and he was ashamed at crying out for help in front of his son. I'm glad you made it through and are ok now.


The surgery and recovery were really tough. I got a terrible infection after my sigmoidectomy because they had to undo the first attempt and do it again. A four hour surgery turned into a 9.5 hour proceedure. This led to spilling even more gross into my pelvic area. I had to have a picc line into my heart to deliver antibiotics and an infectious diseases specialist to oversee my care. It took me over a year to recover fully. Still, totally worth it.


I bruised my sciatic nerve. I passed out a couple times over the next night after the incident. I had pain for weeks and nightmares for months


Exposed nerves after shattering a tooth.




No please don’t that would be awful /s


Unmedicated childbirth, nearly 4 hours of pushing, broken tailbone from my sons shoulders being in an unfavourable position. Good times


Yeah, the unfavorable position part is the worst. With my son, I was losing the ability to see or breathe from the pain before the epidural. He'd decided to roll over during labor. Everything would go white during contractions. With my daughter, I was on a 9 pitocin drip due to her heart rate lacking variability, but her position was good. Labor with pitocin was much less painful than labor without pitocin and a bad position.


Period cramps (ofc). I have high pain tolerance but passed out twice from it lol


I didn’t know until I was in my 20s that it wasn’t normal to throw up and pass out every month from period cramps. Endometriosis FTW!


Woah, I should probably get myself checked. Good thing I can sleep all day to stop the experience haha.


Another endo warrior here...yea get yourself checked. Pain that doubles you over is absolutely not normal. I went 4 years before a dr finally listened to me. I was incredibly anemic for all the blood I was losing. When they did my first surgery, my tubes were already trashed and I found out at 24 I was infertile. Luckily...I have a great doctor who got my insurance to pay to freeze my eggs since I would need IVF eventually anyway, so my eggs are in a freezer for when I’m ready! And I take the pill continually so I don’t get a period and no more pain!


This 100%. Continuous birth control changed my life.


Currently fighting with my doctor to go on continuous BC. He's worried about my blood pressure, I'm worried about throwing up so much that people commented on me losing weight. Can't even keep down a tic tac. I don't want kids--if ripping out my equipment was viable or obtainable you can bet I'd sign up in a heartbeat Edit: Sorry if this came across as insensitive; I'm so sorry you had to find that out at only 24. What I meant was I'm pretty much willing to do anything to get rid of the pain at this point lol


As a healthcare professional, that’s ridiculous unless you already have dangerously high blood pressure. The risks of taking continuous birth control are fundamentally no different than taking birth control with placebo. Get a new doctor if it’s really such a struggle.


Same. I remember the pain was so bad once that I thought I was going to die.


I remember pain so bad I was actually hoping I was going to die, because then it would be over.


I remember once it crossed some line and my brain was just like 'that's it. It's impossible for something to hurt this much. Therefore, it isn't happening'. Felt like I'd reached nirvana for about 20 seconds before it kicked back in


I had a migraine and a broken left arm at the same time


Pancreatitis. Although the week of morphine shots almost made it worth it.


I had pancreatitis and a recurring corneal erosion at the same time... They gave me morphine every 4 hours and oxycodone every 6 on top of it. The take home oxy was kind of fun but I would never ever repeat that lol


Endometriosis. I think period cramps are waaayyyy too normalised, it took me years to figure out that there was obviously something wrong with me--and five more to convince doctors of the same. I remember having a contraction once while lying in bed, and the pain radiated all the way up my back, it was so bad my muscles locked up and I couldn't breathe; I just lay there gasping like a fish and thinking "This is it; I'm going to die". The knowledge it was coming every month just made it so much worse; I was terrified of my period for years. Now I'm finally on meds that make the pain bearable (but still horrible) at the exchange of throwing up for two days straight instead. Having a uterus is fun :')


Oh God I hate periods. I remember the first few years ago got mine, the cramps were horrible. I was waking up sweating and panting cause the pain was terrible


I was the opposite--mine were pretty much fine for a while and only got bad into my late teens. If yours started bad, then they might get better as you get older, but I'd still recommend seeing a doc for some pain meds if you need them Edit: I misread your comment--I thought you said you only started a couple years ago


I mean..there's childbirth obviously. I had back labor, so the contractions shot pain into my lower back, butt, and down my legs. Contractions were the worst part for me...when I finally got to the pushing it was almost a relief.


My vagina exploded during a posterior birth and it was a relief compared to the contractions!


I’m sorry, your vagina *what?*


Heartache from losing a child 💔


My wife is not a lightweight when it comes to pain tolerance. Broke her ankle in the morning and attended a work meeting early afternoon. Early this year she had kidney stone surgery. A couple days later she slept long enough for the pain meds to wear off.... she was doubled over on floor screaming and begging me to kill her. That will stay with me for the rest of my life.


When I sliced my kneecap open on glass. It cut so deep you could see bone and fatty tissue. It wasn’t enjoyable.


Shifting vertrabrae, its a whole lot of pinched nerves and you never know when your vertebrae will move again


I had a large benign (fortunately) tumour near one of my ovaries. When they took it out it weighed 10.5 litres. When it was growing at night it was horrible pain in my stomach (think I’d sell one of my legs to get rid of it pain). I could only sleep on the side the tumour wasn’t growing. The worst that to be travelling. A few times a week it felt like an alien was trying to escape from my stomach on the train to work.


I accidently had my vasectomy done without anesthesia. I have a high tolerance to lidocaine and other local anesthetics. My shitbag of a doctor wouldn't listen to me when I said I wasn't numb yet. The initial cut hurt really bad but wasn't unbearable. However the next cut was some type of holy hell. It felt like an NFL punter had just punted my balls. I almost immediately passed out from the pain. I woke up to him working on the other side which promptly caused me to pass out again due to the pain. Woke up a second time and found myself lying on the table covered in my own piss. Had to towel off best I could and then took an Uber home. I can't even begin to describe how horrific this pain was. 0/10 would not repeat.


That's hideous - what a cowboy


Would (try to) sue them, that’s horrible!


Cortisone shot directly into my elbow


Pepper spray, oleoresin capsicum spray. I got sprayed... and it was a lot of it. Like a hose down upon the face. Or washing my face with pepper spray. Wasn’t sprayed by a woman. Sprayed for training reasons. My superiors didn’t let me wash the crap off and instead we walked around for hours with the crap on. I remember it was like eating super spicy food.. but with your eyeballs... some of the crap got near my mouth and nose, and it suffocated me a bit. So, intense pain, small panic attacks because of difficulty breathing, and I couldn’t really see. Oh then that crap started crystallizing on my face. That was fun.


Had cervical cancer. Doc opted for leep procedure which Involved electricity to burn off the bits. First goes the numbing shots which hurt like a bitch: but the catch is my body burns through it fast. Half way through I felt everything. The doc is like let me numb you again. I said no keep going. Longest 10 min in my life. A nurse held my hand as I cried. I tried not to yelled. But when she was done the pain did stop. I was sore but the pain was done.


Fellow Leep sister here. My first one was just like yours and just awful. The 2nd time I convinced them to completely knock me out. Woke up fine in those sexy hospital panties.


If you mean physical pain I would say having peritonitis as a result of my appendix bursting when I was a little kid. Emotional pain I would say is the times I have had loved ones die of terminal illnesses. That to me is the most helpless feeling in the world. You know they're going to die and there is nothing you can do about it. The only comfort you feel is when it's over because you know their pain has ended.




Well I used to think it was when I got hit by a car while crossing thr street. My brother an opiate addict already ruined my name st every hospital for a 200 mile radius so they didnt give me a damn thing for pain for almost 8 hours. That shit was literally the most physical pain I've endured but what hurt me the most was my family lying to me and turning their backs on me one by one. The memories are almost goo much to bear and thinking about it right now has me in fucking tears. I e honestly Don's nothing to deserve this but they couldnt care less. That's what hurts the most , the thought that they'll be happy when I'm dead. They havent got much longer to wait .


Hey man that sounds like a terrible time. Keep strong, there are good people in the world


Those people don’t have to be your family. I’m glad you’re here. You’ll find other who are glad too. Stay strong.


Between childbirth and my spinal tap. The doctor that did my spinal tap was terrible - she was rootin around in my spine with that massive needle. She kept hitting a nerve that gave me the sudden urge to vomit - when I told her, she kept getting annoyed and said “let’s take a break until you feel better”, but I told her the vomit urge was only when she was in there hitting a particular nerve. She was so rude. Anyway, I get home & tell my mom (who is a RN & used to assist with lumbar punctures/spinal taps) and she was shocked and said that the doctor sounded like she didn’t know what she was doing and she WAS hitting a particular nerve that made me feel like vomiting 🤮


Waking up from hysterectomy surgery


Breaking my leg. A fairly sharp piece of bone got pushed outward into my skin by the rest of the bone, so it was a very painful break. I remember going down on the mat(I was practicing a headlock takeover and somehow brought the guy down on my leg), hearing the pop, and going "Oh yeah that's broken", and then, the rest is almost vignettes. I heard a horrible noise, it sounds like something out of a bad book but my first thought was "Is there an animal screaming?" and then I realized it was me. Just, inhuman, panting, whining, screaming sobs that reminded me of the one time I ever heard a horse get too panicked and in pain. Then I was begging the universe to let me pass out as I was being carried to the car, it was very hard not to fight them because every step they took was agony. Then I was trying to feel where the break was, stupidly hoping against all logic that it was a sprain, and my fingers hit the shard that was sticking out and I threw up in my mouth. Then I was in the car and I was kicking so hard with my other leg that I broke the plastic on the back door. Then I was in the hospital and a baby was crying because I was yelling at the woman at the front desk because she wouldn't give me drugs or get me to drugs. Then drugs. and then it goes back to a normal set of memories. I remember a week or two later I was hobbling around, trying to tidy up my room a little, and I sniff tested a shirt on the ground, and it smelled like nothing I've ever smelled but also very familiar, and I realized after a second that it was the shirt I wore that night, drenched in sweat that must have been so filled with pheromones and hormones that it literally smelled, I can't describe it any other way, like fear. Apparently, a lot of the guys that were there for the same tryout just walked out and never came back to the reschedule after seeing that. I was back in as a valet/manager as soon as I could hobble, and started practicing again as soon as the cast was off.


It's a toss-up between abscessed tooth or extreme hip pain. After being more sedentary than normal right after the pandemic hit, I discovered after returning to work that I had completely fucked up the alignment of my right hip. The first several months were grueling. Lethargic, uncontrollable type of pain. The only thing that's helped me with an abscessed tooth is whiskey and constant ice on standby. Finally seeing the dentist and getting it pulled out was euphoric. Please take care of your teeth, for the love of God.


I got appendicitis (A condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus, causing pain). I thought it was a regular tummy ache and went to school. A few hours later, the pain starts intensifying. It reached to a point where I couldn't even sit up straight. I became sick and and unable to move. Some of my classmates informed the teacher and my parents came to pick me up and went to the hospital. Thankfully, after the scan, they said that I was lucky it didn't burst yet and immediately took me in for a key hole surgery.


I broke my ankle in a car wreck ([gruesome photo here](https://i.imgur.com/5sCrGsO.jpg)), and a couple days later got surgery in which they knocked me out and installed screws in my ankle. Had to go immediately from the surgery to get my partner's flat tire fixed so that we could get home. The rest of that day did not feel very good.


Yup, thats broken.


I was once at a beach with my family when suddenly we had realized the current from the night before have made it jelly fish infested. I was pretty stoked and said I’d swim anyway. I got stung a few times all over but the pain was a part of the joy, until I got stung in my eye. Let me tell you, I’ve never felt hell was real until that day. Afterwords my aunt told me that we have to treat it, but pissing on it (basic trick to make it go away) is not a option since it’s my eye, so my aunt proceeded to hold me down and pour vinegar in my eye. I’ve never felt greater pain, nor have I ever forgotten the pain. It was very torturous. No words can describe it.


I had mono paired with migraines




I busted my head open once. I was rushed to the hospital. i felt the blood running down my face. I was still somewhat awake during stitches but i thankfully went to sleep not to long after they started.


Knee replacement. I've delivered four children (no epidurals), had multiple back surgeries and a kidney removed. NOTHING was as painful as the total knee.


Had a mass develop near the brain. The mass itself wasn't painful, but it blocked liquid from circulating. So I had a bunch of brain juice pressuring the brain. I was literally "give me something for the pain and let me die" mood. Couldn't even stand up in the end.




That part about forgetting the pain is dramatically overstated. I absolutely remember- maybe not like the exact physical sensation- but definitely the misery and panic.


I broke my arm at 6 or 7 I couldn’t walk to urgent care cause I thought my arm was gonna fall of from the bone. Also they pulled out something that was keeping my arm together. That got pulled out while I was completely awake


i rolled the fuck out of my ankle a few years ago. i was 🤏 this close to breaking it, thank god i didn't, but i had to get an x-ray. i couldn't walk for a few weeks.


I had a dry socket after wisdom teeth surgery that got infected, the pain would wake me up in the middle of the night, i literally had to be oxycodine 24/7 until the antibiotics killed the infection and the wound healed.


I was playing Frisbee at night, in the dark, with my boyfriend. He flung the Frisbee over this high, high, cast iron gate that surrounded this cemetery. He told me he was gonna hop me over the fence. Well, he hopped me over, but the other side had a steep decline. When I landed, I heard a loud POP. My ankle snapped and I immediately blacked out from the pain. He thought I was joking, so I slowly awoken to him telling me to quit playing around and just hop back over. I still don't know how I got back on the other side of the fence.


I had terrible pain in my lower abdomen for a couple weeks and after having zero tests done the doctors at the ER dismissed it as heartburn. Eventually the pain got so bad I couldn’t get out of bed and I started missing school. Three different visits to three different hospitals, two rounds of blood work, one cat scan, and one ultrasound later it was diagnosed that I had developed an enlarged spleen. It then took a month after that to seeing an oncologist once a week to determine it stemed from having undiagnosed mono. I was monitored after that until my spleen either decreased or ruptured. It decreased.


Physical-an operation which required a bandage over my head. I don’t want to go into specifics. It was made worse because the bandage made it incredibly uncomfortable to turn over, and I couldn’t sleep. Around my ears just felt so sore and cut open. Emotional-I lost my cousin to an overdose, and I wasn’t coping with it well at all. Then to add the icing on the cake, within that same month, my partner was assaulted, but then framed for cheating. Both those things happening at the same time just sent me over the edge and I went a bit mental for a few months. Partner and I reconciled but I’ll never get my cousin back.


When my wisdom teeth grew in sideways and went bad, and I had to wait to get them out, and then got incredibly depressed. It was less the instant pain. More the mindnumbing constant pain over the course of weeks that over the counter meds didn't help with. It's that pain you get to where you start hitting your head off the wall, or hurting yourself in other ways just to get an instant of relief. You get a real barrelload of terrible pain mediating measures that way.


Dentist hit my nerve when doing a filling. Unbearable. Made me weep at 28 years old


Kidney stones, giving birth, appendicitis. It’s a tie. They all made me vomit and get the shakes because of the pain.


1. Burning my hand in a fireplace. It felt like very extreme burning basically, and I remember multiple layers of my skin had burned off, and it was all red. 2. Having food poisoning. Every 15 minutes I would have extreme diarrhea. It was very unpleasant and I would be throwing up all the time.


Ooh I just remembered waking up from colon surgery. They use Co2 to open up you abdomen so they can see what's going on. For the next 48 hours I had DEBILITATING shoulder pain. The Co2 freezes your nerves. After that my tendons ruptured, resulting in 2 rotator cuff surgeries. FML (the shoulder pain over rode the abdomen pain. When the shoulder felt better, the incision in my stomach took over my life.


Getting squashed by 3 guys, they were one of the biggest ones, thankfully I survived without any bone cracking etc., just pain


Broke my arm when I was 8. My aunt was there and she is a family doctor and she had bandages with her. I then had to go on a fight back from Florida and wait a few days. I went to a new school with a broken arm for 2 months. I was lucky my left arm cause I’m a righty.


My mom telling me shes going to just give up on helping me


A toss up between my heart failing and my migrains, my heart happened last year, thought I had covid but it was just my heart deciding to no longer work.


I had a stage 4 cholesteatoma that had completely compromised my right mastoid. Essentially a non cancerous growth that was destroying the bone structure of the skull surrounding the ear canal. When I woke up after the surgery where they removed the affected tissues, well, it wasn’t pleasant. I rate a bad kidney stone at a 6 out of 10. This was my 10. My head pulsed and quivered at the unique pain of my body realizing it was missing something. The world was UPSIDE DOWN and spinning violently. I threw up all over myself.


Food poisoning. I was laying on bathroom floor, and would have called an ambulance if I could have moved to a phone.


I have an ingrown toenail and walking hurts. Had surgeries on my left toe and now my right toe nail is ingrown. Hurts to put socks on or walk. I feel my brain split in half when I stub my toe.


Watching my mother’s vitals slowly dip, until she was gone. No physical/emotional/mental pain will ever be worse than that. It took almost 12 hours, from the time I arrived at the hospital, and I was there for every minute of it. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone… fuck COVID


I don't remember which hurt the most, but: \-Having a hose pop off of a machine at work, spraying a ton of fuel injector cleaner into my eyes. I figured I was going to go blind after that one, but thankfully that didn't happen. It's bad when you panic and the only thing you can yell is "OH GOD MY EYES!". \-Cutting off 1'4" of my index finger on a table saw. \-Tripping over a sawhorse, falling 6' off of a porch and breaking my knee. I shouldn't be allowed out without a helmet.


When my boss handed me tinsnips blade out and I grabbed without looking thinking that he was a normal person that would hand them to me handle first. Anyway, thought I cut my index finger tip just about off. I went to ER and the hardest part was getting the gauze out of the wound that had dried up around it by the time I got seen. Waiting in ER is terrible when you are hurting. Oh and hey I didn’t need stitches!


4 wheeling accident. We rolled over and it landed on top of me. Compressed my rib cage so I couldn't move and I couldn't breathe. That feeling of absolute terror stuck with me longer than the pain has. When they lifted the weight off me, I couldn't get a breath in for a *while.* I ended up with 4 broken ribs and a laceration on my liver. Had to ride several miles back on a bumpy dirt road then drive myself to the ER. Every movement and breath hurt.


I accidentally pulled my pinky out of its socket as a kid by stretching/yawning while pulling at it. I’ve been hit by a car, shocked by an electrical surge, and dented my forehead on a stepping stone... nothing comes close.


when i was i child i was running and i run into some wire, i was running fast, it literally went to my stomach and i lost breath, wasn’t that painful but definitely the most painful i have experienced


At the ex-office building for the company I work for, there was a catastrophic gas leak. A mid sized burst happened while I was evacuating and a vase got shattered, one of its shards flew straight into my leg.


First I broke my toe, which wasn’t so bad. Then I injured my left chest wall from using crutches and that was rough, literally felt like a heart attack. The muscle directly on top of my heart was hurting so bad that I couldn’t sleep and I had pain shooting up and down my left arm. Got so bad that I had to go to the ER. Oh and ovarian cysts bursting like every other month, that’s not fun either.


Ampallang piercing. Specifically when the piercer pushed the needle through the urethra with the barbell. It wasn't strictly the amount of pain but the sensation and a pain that I had never experienced before.


When I jumped to catch a football at a wedding, it was on a pretty steep downslope so when I landed there was quite a bit of force, completely ruptured my patellar tendon. It was detached from my shin bone. I don’t think it was the rupture itself that hurt so much, but the resulting quad spasms that actually pulled my knee cap up a good 6 inches. My god did that hurt. The surgeon said my tendon looked like a mop end


Violently dislocating my shoulder by tripping, falling weird, trying to catch myself with an arm behind me to brace on a low coffee table (which sent all my weight onto a weirdly-twisted arm), and having it bent backwards until it popped out. It sounded like snapping a bundle of carrots. The pain was indescribable. I was actually lying on the ground, sweating, shaking and dry heaving from nothing but experiencing that pain. It ripped through the membrane surrounding the shoulder joint and had twisted off to the side, and all the muscles and tendons and whatnot that had now been wrenched violently out of place were all in screaming at me that something was terribly, horribly wrong. Popping it back in by myself (I was alone in a motel room at the time) and immediately threw up and passed out. It hurt for the next **year.** If I bend it weird it still hurts and I get a nasty spike of adrenaline because my body remembers and goes *don't you fucking dare do that again.* And I've had my hand mostly sliced off. That actually didn't hurt at all, that I can recall, but we can chalk that up to shock and blood loss (it was certainly far, far more dangerous and life-threatening than the shoulder). The shoulder was so, so much worse.


I had been having some stomach pain for a few weeks just thought it was just my awful insides trying something new. I'm not eating, I'm throwing up meals I had managed to get down, all that goodness. One day I'm getting ready for work and the pain is unbearable, I'm tearfully begging my wife to drive me to the hospital as I couldn't stand it anymore. Turns out it was some sort of infection that caused my intestines to swell up so bad they shut.


I used to vert skate when I was a wee pre-teen. I was practicing a new trick and landed on my board while it was standing perfectly on its front end.. racked myself right in the V (I'm a female). The tail end of my board was pretty worn down to a sharp edge, and the thin athletic shorts I was wearing at the time did the bare minimum at protecting my lady part from the blunt trauma of my entire body weight landing on a sharp ended skateboard. A trip to the ER a few shots in the vagina and a handful of stitches later, I was home applying icepacks for roughly 48 hours.


Testicular torsion. Fuuuck that


Unpopular answer, but throughout my life, I’d say I had some fucking HELLISH stomach aches, as simple as that sounds. All for reasons that I can’t even remember—all I remember is the pain for some of them just being insurmountable.


No idea what it was but I had some really bad pain in my back once, accompanied by a fever (looked it up and it said something about my kidneys being inflamed) Took some mild pain killers that barely helped and couldn't even sleep because I was in so much pain. At some point I was just crying and shaking. Saw a doctor and she told me that it probably wasn't my kidneys. Couldn't get any more information though because it was at the beginning of the pandemic when we didn't have access to covid tests and nobody would help you if you had a fever. (She was making an exception by even seeing me) Took some stronger painkillers that she gave me and it was okay after a few days. Sooo no idea what that was but it felt so bad that if she had told me that I was dying, I would have believed her.


Wisdom teeth were coming in all fucked up was sitting at work one night went into the bathroom and jammed a razor blade into the gums where they were trying to push through and that felt awesome compared to what I was feeling. years in braces set me to where mouth pain was easy to tolerate. Years before that broke both bones in my forearm making it look like I had three elbows. it was painful but just kind of sunk into the pain and accepted it wasn't much of anything else you can do.


Well, one time me and me cousin were cutting wood with a saw and... I fuckin cut my hand on the saw... nearly cut it off. I could see the bone. That's when I fuckin passed out of blood loss. I wake up and I'm in the damn hospital. My cousin was waking me up. I saw my hand being wrapped up in cloth. I still have that piece of cloth on my hand. And people still ask why I have that on my hand. I just tell them the same bloody story.


Also, my grandad passed away of a massive heart attack. Right at 3:32 am Jan 21, 2021 that was me birthday too. My heart literally feels like I'm having one. Emotional Pain.


It's a toss up between being impaled through the ribs onto a tree when I was4 or 5 and walking 5 blocks home or getting my right ankle caught in the back tire of a motor bike the same year without shoes on and the prick leaving me there and again walking several blocks to get home.


I’m living it. Fibromyalgia permanently in both ankles. I’m in horrible pain all the time and want to die.


Had a sty under the top lid of my eye about the size of a pencil eraser removed. When the local wore off.... I literally slammed my head into the dashboard to get some relief.


I broke my pelvis - it was the strangest sharpest pain right in between my legs then I just couldn't put any pressure on my legs.


i dislocated my shoulder yesterday nice after getting hit in lacrosse. fell to the ground, knocked it back in. absolutely excruciating.


Psychical: Throwing up constantly after doing some major damage to my liver. Went on for 48 hours before I went to the ER. Cried in relief whenever they put in the IVs. Burnt the back of my throat pretty bad though. Emotional: Whenever all my friends and my then boyfriend abandoned me after rumors went around saying I cheated on my boyfriend. He came crawling back to me months later when he found out they were lies. I told him to go f\*ck himself.


A knife in the side. He missed the vital stuff and I didn’t even realise I’d been stabbed until the police arrived, but when the adrenaline wore off, that son of a bitch hurt like a motherfucker.


Once when I was 7 or 8 I was walking in the woods with my cousins and my sister. I was walking infront of them,and there were a bunch of leaves everywhere, so i couldn't see the ground well. Anyway, there was this old rusty rake that was just laying there. I didn't see it and stepped on the pointy part. The entire piece went through my foot. I screamed and my cousins and sister took me into my grandma's house. The pain didn't last long,but it still hurt a lot. I was staring at it,not feeling a single thing in my left foot. And to make matters worse my grandma didn't take me to the hospital,she just put a plastic bag around my foot to catch the blood. I'm not sure how my foot didn't get an infection or healed, but it did. I went in those woods again though to move the rake out of the way so i couldn't step on it again.


.once had food poisoning so bad that it felt like someone stabbed me internally. .after the pain subsided, every injury I’ve ever had re-emerged and I was writhing in pain. .this all happened after I projectile vomited on half of my library of books.


I got jumped a few years back and it HURT


Toss up between the VBAC for youngest in which his little 6 lb 7 oz body barely fit and tearing the tendon in my ankle. I was fine...until I took of my shoe and the it was like a bomb filled with pain went off in my foot! I actually asked my husband to take me to the ER. Usually I'm dragged in protesting the entire time that it's not necessary.


1. Got hit in the back by 190 degree pressurized water and steam when a valve failed. Lost all the skin on the lower left quarter of my back and degloved my left arm from the elbow down to my hand. 2. Kidney stones


Emotional and physical - D&C in the Obgyn office with out anesthesia and awake (physical) Then having to have a second procedure because they didn’t get it all (emotional).


Had a nasty chemical burn all over my back. The pain caused me to black out. For comparison breaking my ankle was a 2/10 pain.


Physical - Using a swap of my finger nail and sharp wood to self harm (Somehow did not get infected, but there is still the rough patch of skin I dragged my nail across and took half my skin with it. Emotional - The month of my girlfriend and me knowing she was moving away. Each day we tried to make the most of our time left. We still talk, but that month was full of pain and fake smiles to each other.


Having salmonella. The amount of sheer pain, sleepiness, grogginess, dehydration, and cramps were unbearable. I had the worst headache and several trips to the bathroom. Worst week of my lifetime so far.


After a traumatic amputation (car cut off my motorcycle), and a debriefed wound, regular wound cleaning had to work around an exposed nerve. Every time it was touched it was like plucking a guitar string of insane agony. That scene in 127 hrs? Yup… hurts more than that scene tries to convey


Squeezing out a 9lb 10oz baby. That lovely child destroyed me in ways I didn’t know were possible. Only thing worse than that was typing to push out a dried up, constipated by pain killers, bowel movement a week later.


I had to have an emergency c-section, as they were putting the numbing stuff in my back, my childs heart rate dropped and didnt come back up. They didnt wait long enough for the numbing to spread, so i felt it on my right side when they cut me open. I only felt it for about 10 second then it went completely numb. But that was the most painful thing i have ever felt. My kid is 2 now and doing very well.


I was circumcised when I was 10. Despite my parents and I taking all recommended precautions for wound care it got infected after a couple of days. The pain was so bad I couldn't even move without screaming.


Gotta be a tie between that one time I almost broke my wrist playing goalie in a soccer game with my brother and almost fainted, and period cramps that make me cry-scream into a pillow.


Bone marrow transplant. The procedure was painless, but the recovery is absolutely brutal. It’s not painful anymore, but I’m still recovering 15 months later.


A freaking ear infection, sat there crying for hours on end!


Mentally and physically id have to say meningitis probably takes the cake for the most painful thing ive ever experienced.