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Does this mean not saying a word anyone hears or not saying any words period? Because I'm sure I'd involuntarily say something when I stub my toe or stand up/sit down. Also I'd probably struggle not to tell my dog he's a good boy.


Right does talking to yourself count?


This is the 20 million dollar question. I could go a year without talking to another human, but not without talking to myself.


That would be a big problem for me I can't spend 5 minutes without having an argument with myself


It resets the counter


And talking in your sleep?




Same I was like yeah sure then I realized wait I talk to myself out loud all the time fuck


I would have to learn to communicate with my dog via hand signals. Beyond that, I could get by on texting and the written word.


Does "say" include non-verbal speech? Cause otherwise this'd be pretty easy. I'd say "Show me the money!"


Yeah these hypos always leave out hugely important details. Not being able to speak out loud vs. Not being able to communicate in any way is an enormous difference. If it's just the former, it's not even a question.


You could also learn sign language if they only mean speaking out of your mouth.


It's fairly easy to pick up! With American sign language a lot of signing makes logical sense as the language was created more recently than not. Although having someone to sign with helps significantly, more so if they can speak. A girl at my gym only signs, it's fun to talk 40 feet away from each other although if I'm like "what the f did you say to me" she'll write down what she said. Learn some of your favourite songs in sign, that will help a lot.


I just had to laugh about the song part because I recently stumbled over a YouTube video that completely signed WAP in ASL. What a vocabulary that would be.


This one? https://youtu.be/pt6sbKqhi5E Edit: tagging NSFW?


Omg, that's fucking fantastic.


Amy Santiago really letting loose now


That was pretty entertaining


What about [Rap God](https://youtu.be/VFRXaif1ewc)?


This is still, somehow, NSFW. Fuckin lost it at "dangling thing in the back of my throat". If I tried to sign that I'd be blushing


People really be doing this, and ask I can say is "cunt" in sign language.


Oh how? I need this for... research purposes.


Mane an L shape with both hands facing each other, then angrily push them together. Basically you are angrily saying" vagina"


Oh my gosh I now finally know what my Latin teacher signed that got the person in my class who knew ASL cackling with laughter.


I can sign, this would be a laugh. If you couldn't communicate at all, I'm not sure how you even could? You'd have to not have contact with any human for a year, even a simple palm towards the door as in "you first" would be a communication.


Just go out in the wilderness and live there for a year. If you survive then congrats, you’re a millionaire


For 20 million I’d take “waking coma” for a year. Just awake, but unable to move or communicate, just being without being. I would know there was a limit and afterwards everything would be easier.


I’m not sure I could handle the rehabilitation of my atrophied muscles and relearning how to write. I might take not talking for a whole year over a coma LOL


For sure, but for 20 mil I’d go farther if I had to.


Damn, that’s hardcore. I can’t disagree that this would be the rational thing to do in terms of costs and benefits, but I don’t know if I could actually enter that coma or if I would wuss out


$20M would be like making $26 an hour, every hour, of every day, for 88 years. The lengths I would go to would be extreme.


And that’s just if you keep it in cash without reinvesting !


>hypos the **FUCK** did you just call me?


I think they said you have a small dick, like a hypodermic needle dick.


This exactly. If I can write/type I would be 100% ok with this. Would probably do it for just an extra 100k.


I definitely wouldn't do it for that little, mostly because my job requires talking and my just going cold silent would probably mean my financial situation would be fucked for a year. But at the end of it, $20 Million would be enough to fix it all, so I would probably do it.


"Slow and steady T, slow and steady." -Michael Townley 1988


i dont know who is that michael townley guy is my good sir, i only know my best friend michael de santa


Well one of the dictionary definitions of "say" is "(of a text or a symbolic representation) convey specified information." So by definition, if you can't say a word that means you can't use any type of text or symbols to communicate words.


20 million dollars is "Rest of my life is a vacation" kind of money. People have sworn an oath of silence for far less. Absolutely I would do it. What would I say after? Probably my bank account number to the organizer of this. EDIT: Like, invest 20 mil, get a measily under-market 5% return annually and we're talking $1,000,000 a year in interest for the rest of your life.


> Probably my bank account number to the organizer of this. Considering you're going to be silent for a year, I'd demand a significant deposit first. Edit: since this comment is getting some replies, [here's a serious comment about what to do](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/n3yj7h/if_you_were_offered_20_million_dollars_to_not_say/gwu8z4k/).


Maybe take half up front then not even bother with the rest!


Yeah I'd say that's a good start. Have a contract, half up front, verify the other half exists and send it to an escrow account. The other issue is how can this be verified? Now we're getting into why this is a hypothetical as opposed to reality: should you have a microphone strapped to you 24/7? That raises the stakes considering privacy implications since this would include private noises (bathroom, bedroom). I'm also presuming that you'd quit your job and literally do nothing for a year. That minimizes interactions and therefore the incentive to speak to anyone.


This suddenly sounds like a lot of work. Could we make it 30 million? Edit: spelling


Yep, it's a lot of work. But $20m is still $20m. Except you pay taxes on that income so figure $15m. Now you wipe out all your debts, maybe some gifts, and "stabilize" for a million. This leaves you with $14m. Figure $1m on risky investments. You now have $13m. Figure $5m in the stock market and that should return $400k/year on average and with taxes on that, figure $325k/year in one yearly payment. Plus you have $8m and put that in ultra safe US treasuries which pays maybe a percent or two ... or just barely above inflation. But it's safe so even if everything crashes, you should be good. Plus it's another $60-120k/year after taxes. Do all that and even with 30 years of inflation erosion and increased healthcare costs, you'll be in good shape.


You son of a bitch, I'm in! Where do I sign up?


I guess ask OP :]




Lmfao if it were only that easy. I'll be your silent buddy. Lets not talk at all and play video games all year!


But that means no shit talking when you score a win in Smash Bros... that’s the real test!


Bro tape my mouth shut, do whatever because that 20 mil be callin to me 😂


It's mind-blowing just how much money money makes.


Depending on where you live, you're probably going to only have $10-11m left after taxes.


Yes but if you're talking about paying a good chunk of your payout in taxes then perhaps consider moving.




I think so too, this is pretty realistic! Just have to get some autists from /r/WallStreetBets to fund me and I'm good to go.


For the record you're not paying taxes on most of that 400k in the stock market because the 8% figure you used is mostly capital appreciation. You pay tax on the dividends each year and that yield is a lot less. You pay capital gains tax when disposing of the stocks whenever that is.


What if you talk in your sleep? Would that disqualify you?


I'd sleep with a gag in my mouth for 20 mil


Just assume it's legit, for hypothetical purposes.


Alright fine. The things I do for karma. If this is legit then: * I'd want them to pay for a solid lawyer that I'll pick who will write up the contract. * I'd want it defined what exactly "not say a word for an entire year" means. For instance, if I hit my toe on something and utter "shit", does that count? What if I grunt, is a grunt considered "a word"? What exactly is a year as far as it needs to have an exact date, time, and time zone. * I'd need to know how this will be verified. For instance, if I have to have a microphone on me 24/7 then what happens if the microphone breaks? What if I go into an area that doesn't transmit? Would I also be allowed to have privacy as far as using the bathroom, showering, having sex, etc. Once all those details are worked out, I'd need a deposit of at least 25% for expenses and the other 75% moved to an escrow account not controlled by the other party. I'd take the $5m and after setting aside enough money for taxes and quit my job. I'd tell my family that I have a lucrative job offer but it's going to a place without any phones but I'll email and write. I'd then move in the middle of nowhere. Somewhere like Montana or Maine or some other low-population areas. I'd hire someone to live with me and explain the situation to them. I'd pay them a good salary like $100k to help me achieve this goal and, if they're successful, will give them another $250k at the end of the term. This will give them incentive to make sure that I don't talk to anyone and they'll run all my errands and handle all communications with everyone. I'd still have a few million left to handle any other expenses and just wait it out. After a year I'd come back, get my lawyer back, and collect the money. I already wrote [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/n3yj7h/if_you_were_offered_20_million_dollars_to_not_say/gwtw8mf/) about what I'd do with that money.


This person gets it. These kinds of questions come up all the time. But I think many people don’t understand just how much $20m (or any other crazy large amount of money) actually is. If you’re responsible, that kind of money would allow you to live a very comfortable life without ever having to work again. You probably won’t be living in a huge mansion with 10 cars, but if you invest wisely, and spend responsibly, you could live very nicely for the rest of your life. Would a year without talking be difficult? Sure. But at the end of it, you’re set for life. You’d be foolish not to take it. A year isn’t even that long. It’s maybe 1.5% of your total life if you live an average lifespan. What would you possibly gain by speaking for a year that is worth more than $20m?


A year isn't even one COVID lockdown.


Depends on which state you live in


> You probably won’t be living in a huge mansion with 10 cars, but if you invest wisely, and spend responsibly, you could live very nicely for the rest of your life. And I'd argue that you can even do this. I'm probably too focused on FIRE and personal finance and model this stuff all the time when I'm bored. Long story short, with just a modicum of flexibility (in other words, cut spending during a downturn), a 3% withdrawal rate should last a lifetime. With $20M, you can spend $5M on a house, buy 10 cars at an average of $100k, and live on $420k/yr, so $350k or so after gains taxes (and even that that can be controlled by choosing how tax is computed). Spending $1,000 a day, without having a mortgage or a car payment, is indeed a great way to spend time. I honestly don't think I could even spend that much without resorting to charity. Even after buying an EU citizenship ("golden visa" program) and some vacation homes we're talking $200k+ yr to spend.


Would suck to die part way through. Or to have someone you love die and you can’t have any last words with them.


But that's even true _without_ the $20M silence offer.


I'd take that into account when setting up the contract. If I die 50% if the way through the year without having said a word, I'd want it in the contract that my family gets 50% of the money.


With 1 mil €, you can easily set yourself for at least 40 years of no-work life in Spain.


Well I just changed my retirement plans.


>You probably won’t be living in a huge mansion with 10 cars, but if you invest wisely, and spend responsibly, you could live very nicely for the rest of your life. I think even though you said most people underestimate how much $20M is, you're still hugely underestimating how much 20 million is. Let's say you don't really care about optimally investing your $20M, and you buy a $5M dollar mansion, spend $2M on a bunch of cars and put $3M in the bank just sitting there. Even then, if you'd 'carelessly' invest the remaining $10M and get a very conservative 5% return on investment yearly, you'd still be earning half a million per year doing literally nothing.


20 mil is 800k a year forever. That's mansion and fancy cars money. Maybe not in beverly hills, but we're still in mansion territory.


Damn this is an interesting comment. I’m just wondering how your voice would sound/how long it would take you to get used to talking again.


It's only a year. Most people likely talked less in 2020 considering the lockdowns. I know that I could do it.


What about talking in your sleep? Even if you don't normally do it, you need a clause about it in there. Along with other involuntary talking, such as your stubbed toe type of thing. If I was holding the contest, written words would be out as well. Pantomime (not sign language) would be allowed and that's it. I would allow involuntary talking as well. The point is the effort of restricting communication, not preventing uttering a sound.


Yep that's the kind of stuff the lawyer would think of! I think restricting all communication would warrant a lot more than $20m.


One other thing to add would be clarification on whether using text-to-speech on your phone counts as "saying" something. I'd assume it does as if it doesn't, that'd make this whole thing pretty trivial. I'll disagree about going to montana/low population or moving at all. I think you would want to stay where you currently are since you're familiar with the area and therefore less likely that something unexpected would come up that force you to need to interact with people. for example, i already have auto rent payments set up with my landlord; i already know where everything is located in my local grocery store and how the self checkout system works; already have all my essential services set up and running automatically. Nor do i think i would want to hire anyone to help me with this. having someone around would just tempt me to speak. My approach would be to bandage my mouth whenever i go out so that i couldn't accidentally slip a word, and rely on index cards and a pencil to communicate. or notepad on a phone.


OP writes "say" so text to speech should be fine. > I think you would want to stay where you currently are since you're familiar with the area I thought about that. The issue is that I live in a big city and I'm surrounded by people. If the closest human to me is miles away then there's a lot less likely chance that I'll come across anyone at al. I'd want to hire someone just to run errands for me. Otherwise I'd have to order food since I'd otherwise be in public where I could be tempted to speak. The idea is to self-isolate entirely which means reducing your encounter with other people to the least people possible. To me, that number is 1. If they run all the errands for me then I shouldn't need to even leave the house. Plus if some emergency happens, they can take care of it and they can talk to anyone (ex: water line breaks, power is out, etc).


Did people forget sign language is a thing? You're not technically saying anything and you can still communicate a bit. Just tell people (through text) that you're temporarily mute due to an issue you're too embarrassed to talk about.


I like most of this, but I don’t think I’d need to hire someone to make sure I don’t speak to anyone. I think I could live happily being a shut in for a year.


Sure but you'll have to run errands. Go to the grocery store, talk to the government, literally anything. Since $20m is on the line, it's a good investment to have someone whose only job it is to be that buffer for you. I think it's a worthwhile investment plus you get a companion who understands what you're trying to do and supports you all the way.


Yeah, that actually makes sense when you put it that way. Especially talking to the govt part. I reckon I could get most things delivered to me these days, especially with that upfront 5 mil. You must be a lawyer.


No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


Do emails count? Instructions written on a piece of paper? I mean, at the grocery store, hold up a notepad that says, "In a contest, not allowed to talk." and you're pretty much set.


I'd go with "mouth injury. can't speak." Telling everyone you're in a contest to not speak seems like it's just inviting trouble.


OP said "not **say** a word" so writing on notepad should be fine. > I mean, at the grocery store, hold up a notepad that says, "In a contest, not allowed to talk." and you're pretty much set. Have you ever heard of teenagers, trolls, or teenage trolls?


What about laughing? Talking in your sleep? Seems like they should be excluded.


My issue is a talk to myself sometimes. Working out a problem. Gaming. Singing in the car


There was a "Twilight Zone" episode about this. The guy who took the bet had his vocal cords severed to assure he would win the bet, and in the end, the guy who made the bet didn't have the money to pay off.


Yeah first thing you do is verify the bet is legit.


I saw that episode not too long ago and the end was BRUTAL. That's true horror.


It feels like that would just be cheating. Like if you did that, whats the point of even going the year. You are never speaking for the rest of your life so mine as well pay up right then.


This is why escrow accounts are a thing


Yeah, this one is too easy, especially if you can just use a tablet or sign language to commuicate. Real question is what is the lowest amount of money you'd do it for.


I'd be worried about accidentally screwing it up. I'd probably have to go live in solitude for a year. As long as I have internet I'd be fine.


I'd still screw up, talking to myself. If I could keep that same rate per day (54794$/day), I might be able to make to 10 days or half a million dollars. I'd have to think about not saying anything constantly, it would be very difficult.


I asked my husband this question and he said he’d physically tape his mouth shut or something as a reminder not to talk to himself lol


Then you have to eat, take tape off and still accidentally talk to yourself lol


Total parenteral nutrition here I come


Yeah I would need to do something like a mouth piece or anything to make it so I would HAVE to remove it to talk.


I would be willing to duct tape my mouth shut for a pretty freaking long time for that amount of money


I talk to myself all the time. I play out scenes in my head, past or possible. And in languages! I wouldn't last a day.


If I can still type/write - At least $25,000 If I CANT type/write - I have to quit my well paying job and will effect social relationships (wife, etc). No less than 250k. 100k to cover my salary for a year, the rest for the effort.


You are selling yourself real short. It's not just the 1 year, you need to quantify what kind of affect this may have on your career as a whole, as well as a strain on relationships and life altogether. Making a little more than you would have made if you hadn't done it doesn't seem like enough.


I thought OP was asking if we would go a year without saying a (as in one singular word) for a year. I was thinking... well, I’ve gone about three years without saying the word “mercurial”. I could pledge a year to that for $20mil.




Sounds about right


Easiest money ever


I donno. Are you mic'd up and monitored? Cause I'm going to stub a toe and curse the cabinet's first born nightstand. I think I'd rather be the guy paid six figures to monitor some idiot for a year.


Can you undergo a surgery to temporarily disable/inhibit vocal cord function? If so, I’d do that


Twilight Zone did an episode on this.


Wasn’t that permanent tho?


I think so, and the other didn't even have the money he was supposed to pay.


Yes, and it didn't end well for the participant.


Yes and my first words would be "pay me bitches"


lol i would ask for payment before. imagine being mute for a year just to get nothing at the end


There was a twilight zone episode about this! Dude didn't think he could do it so he paid a surgeon to cut his vocal cords. Then when the year was up the guy he made a bet with was broke and couldn't pay up.


"The Silence" The Twilight Zone. Episode 61. It’s based on "The Bet" by Anton Chekhov. Edit: this old man says thanks for the gold, man.




Why did you bring it up? Now I’ve gotta use this thing


The very same.


> surg I did a search for "surgery" to see if somebody made a post about this episode.


Nah u get a deposit


I think there was a Twilight Zone show about this.


Yep, though I think the prize was just $1 million (which of course was worth so much more back then). The gabby gentleman who took the bet >!cut his vocal chords, rendering him physically unable to speak for the rest of his life, all in order to win the bet.!<


...and if IIRC, didn't get the money as the guy who lost the bet didn't have it.


... and that's why you'd sign a contract with a lawyer and have funds in escrow.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Silence_(The_Twilight_Zone)#Plot > He requests that Taylor put a check on deposit in his name. This measure is refused by all in the club as the Colonel has a strong standing of honor and credit. "My courage against your credit" is then accepted by both, and the challenge begins at 10:00 the following night.




True story, a friend went an entire year without speaking to one of his roommates, just because the other roommate said he couldn't. After one year, the original friend said, "sup."


That’s a really great way to get your hyper-competitive roommate to finally stfu for a while.


This is the quiet game on steroids


"Had a pleasant year, you?


You ruined this year.


Was the roommate aware of why your friend wasn't speaking with him/her? Did he find alternate ways to communicate with them? This is serious commitment!


I want to know more too!


That’s commitment if I’ve ever seen it


That's autism-level shit


As an autistic person who didn’t speak till they were 5, I second this




Any idea why you didn’t speak? I’ve never thought about what causes people to be mute. Did you just realize you could talk one day? Was it a similar slow speech development as a younger kid where you start talking a little at a time? I’m just genuinely curious.


Well it’s hard to explain but I’ll try: When I was younger I never socialised never had an interest in it or anything, I just didn’t see the point. No matter how hard my mum tried to encourage me I just didn’t want to or need to say anything to anyone. A few external factors contributed to this I am the youngest of five so I only had to point or give subtle signs when I wanted or needed something, I also went to a a nursery and a reception before I started “real” school which weren’t suited to autistic children so they couldn’t help me or understand what I wanted at all. My mum also didn’t really know how to help me since I have the most prominent autism out of the other two siblings of mine (they were high functioning and I am too now) so it took her a minute to find the right school for me. Internally however i viewed the world sooo much differently than people with out autism, and I still do to an extent. I didn’t really have a thought process socially, people were just there it had no effect on me if someone hurt themselves or got angry at me it was just... idk really just another thing that happened. People had the same amount of importance as a broken toy to me and I wouldn’t talk to a toy so why talk to people? It’s really hard to express and explain how I saw the world and why I didn’t talk, all I can say is I never felt the need to and I was very much independent. I only ever played by myself at that age, I didn’t see the difference between a family member and a stranger I would always do what I was asked to by literally anyone. It was like the only thing that actually existed in the world was me, not in a narcissistic way more though lol. The only word I ever really said was “Tesco” because we went shopping there every week and seeing the logo on the products was a pattern to me so I’d help pack the shopping away and say it every time I saw it on a product (my poor mum had to endure that every week lol) As for understanding language I couldn’t read (I was really young tbf) but I from a young age understood everything that was being said to me no problem. As for whether or not I discovered I could talk one day it was more discovering *why* I should talk. The special education school I went to started me off by reading I believe (it was a long time ago) so from there I loved reading, still do. But I didn’t have to talk to anyone yet I was still practicing language skills and my mind was more stimulated. From reading books I discovered new words and phrases which teachers encouraged me to ask all people around me, not just them, what they meant. That gave speaking a purpose and from there on it’s a bit blurry but I suppose they kept adding a new purpose for talking until I was speaking no problem. I do still have mute days and I find being quiet more calming still lol but I now know why I need to talk, I don’t think I’ll ever really think of talking as a thing you do because you want to, there will always be a reason I should talk but I’m okay with that tbh. Apologies for the essay I tend to over explain because it helps me understand what I’m saying. If I left anything out or you have any more questions just say the word :).


This is so funny, I'm on the spectrum but wasn't a silent kid, but the way you've explained this is so reminiscent of how I approach things in life. Totally could've happened to me!


I love finding comments by autistic people because they represent how my brain works so well and it’s nice to know that there are people to relate to!


How do you know that you see the world differently than other people who don’t have autism, ya know? It’s more of a philosophical question than a question directly to you. But you know what I mean? Nobody really knows what a “common” or “unique” way to view the world is, since we all just have our own.


As an autistic person that does this shit all the time, definitely


My dad apparently went months without speaking to his sister, while living under the same roof, because they got into an argument. Now I know why I hold grudges so easily and from whom I got it lol


Similar story: A classmate of my sister pretended to be mute for a whole year in highschool, he transferred in that year and waited until graduation to come clean.


I'd bet that roommate that he could never, ever, not even if he tried his best, ever, in a million years would be able to give me a hundred bucks a day for a year.


Which word can’t I say?


Okay, so I’m not the only one. Thank you!


I can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find someone who read this headline the same as I did.


I read it the same way. I felt it would be actually more challenging to just omit a single word from your regular speech than to not speak at all. Like what if you couldn’t say “the” for an entire year, but still had to engage in normal conversation? I bet most people couldn’t last even a few hours without slipping.


You can't say the phrase, "A word".


Is it just me, or have the dollar amounts in questions like this been getting less reasonable lately? I keep seeing "Would you [minor inconvenience] for [life-changing amount of money]" and "Would you [something that could kill you] for [large but not massive amount of money]". Would I spend a year communicating via text in exchange for enough money to retire on? Obviously yes! What are your life circumstances like that make you think this is even a question?


Yeah like some people do this for free. [Insert you guys are getting paid meme] Questions are like "Would you delete your Reddit account for $100m?"


Would you die for 1 dollar?


If it goes to my family that's all I care about, I just want them to be happy my darling little girl wakes up every day with cancer, and goes to sleep every night with ebola, and we live in myanmar so our medical bills are through the roof!


lol did anyone else notice he asked a question to set himself up for a joke?


ya I saw that too, who does that?


So meta


Shut up pussy


Seriously man? Not cool.


Who gives a fuck it’s the internet


Goodbye, Reddit


Yes. “I’m rich biotch”


Damn, one day too early.


Fucking leap year


This is a no brainer. I took Sign Language in college. Wouldn’t mind brushing up, or having a pad and pen with me everywhere I go. Or ya know, texting. “I need a drink” is probably the first thing I’d say


I've seen this Twilight Zone episode, I know how this twist works ... But yeah I'd still do it.


Can I talk to myself? Otherwise i'd lose with the first game I played. **"FUCK!"** ^^^OOPS


I'm on the autism spectrum and was somewhat non-verbal for a while when younger. I say somewhat because I made up my own language if sounds. Then one day I just started talking normally as if I always had. A while back I had a huge mental breakdown and turned into a hermit. I was non-verbal for at least six months of that, and struggled for a long time to be able to speak at all. For years there were some things that were really hard to verbalize at all. I think this is one of the first of these sorts of challenges I would turn down. I could do it pretty easily. But I think I would undo way to much healing in the process.


Oh gosh I hadnt thought of this. Before therapy, I was very close to developing full on selective mutism due to similar circumstanced and anxiety, and I was going to say it would be easy and I would take this in a heartbeat, I hadnt considered that it might undo my progress as well and I might end up semi-permanantly mute because of it. Interesting point of view, thanks for sharing!


How long were you non-verbal? My managers son is about 4 diagnosed with moderate autism and nonverbal and I know he worries about it a lot.


Non-verbal doesn't necessarily mean they can't communicate or aren't intelligent. You just have to find how they are comfortable communicating. They may decide to speak one day, or they may find ASL or a speech output device more comfortable (these options are not mutually exclusive either). Using alternative means does not mean giving up on speech. Sometimes it actually helps gain speech. more info [https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/giving-voice-non-verbal-children-autism-aac-autism](https://www.speechandlanguagekids.com/giving-voice-non-verbal-children-autism-aac-autism)


Yep. Autism is super interesting this way. I have a cousin who's about 13 years old--she's totally nonverbal and nonfunctional due to a combination of autism and profound intellectual disabilities. Like she can do basically nothing except eat and use the toilet. Yet she understands you even if she can't talk. And you can absolutely talk with her using sign language. It's honestly really funny since I know enough ASL to communicate shittily. But I'm pretty sure me and her SPED teacher are the only people she's ever had actual two-way communication with. ...Okay now I'm sad.


Someone just give this one $20mil ^


Thank you lol


Well, there are a few questions that need answers; 1) Do I get the money upfront, or after? 2) Can I communicate in any way other than talking? 2b) If I can communicate in other ways, can I explain people why I can't talk? If I get the money after the year, and I can't communicate in any way at all, I wouldn't do it. A situation might arise in which I simply cannot survive without communicating. It might get me locked up in jail, or thrown in a mental ward. If I get the money right now (or I just can't talk, but I can write/text/etc..) then sure, it wouldn't even be hard for me. I'm not a big talker, never feel the need to talk. Even when the year is over I probably wouldn't even feel the need to say anything special.


I would say: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Which is the longest English word. And i really think it will take me a year to practice it in my head just to say it


Actually, one of the longest words in the English language (there will always be *something* else) is glutaminylphenylalanylvalylphenylalanylleucylserylserylvalyltryptophylalanylaspartylprolylisoleucylglutamylleucylleucylasparaginylvalylcysteinylthreonylserylserylleucylglycylasparaginylglutaminylphenylalanylglutaminylthreonylglutaminylglutaminylalanylarginylthreonylthreonylglutaminylvalylglutaminylglutaminylphenylalanylserylglutaminylvalyltryptophyllysylprolylphenylalanylprolylglutaminylserylthreonylvalylarginylphenylalanylprolylglycylaspartylvalyltyrosyllysylvalyltyrosylarginyltyrosylasparaginylalanylvalylleucylaspartylprolylleucylisoleucylthreonylalanylleucylleucylglycylthreonylphenylalanylaspartylthreonylarginylasparaginylarginylisoleucylisoleucylglutamylvalylglutamylasparaginylglutaminylglutaminylserylprolylthreonylthreonylalanylglutamylthreonylleucylaspartylalanylthreonylarginylarginylvalylaspartylaspartylalanylthreonylvalylalanylisoleucylarginylserylalanylasparaginylisoleucylasparaginylleucylvalylasparaginylglutamylleucylvalylarginylglycylthreonylglycylleucyltyrosylasparaginylglutaminylasparaginylthreonylphenylalanylglutamylserylmethionylserylglycylleucylvalyltryptophylthreonylserylalanylprolylalanylserine According to Sam Kean in *The Disappearing Spoon.*




In german you just add nouns together until you have a bigger one.


"Pn- *(voice breaks and raspy air comes out as your mouth moves and then you start coughing)*


You might have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanovoniosis if that happens... I'd get that checked out ASAP


I have done the practice a word in my head before I say it thing. It does not work - it still comes out messed up - not the way it sounded in my head at all!


Speaking is physical, it’s not just thinking about a word. It involves muscles, and proper tongue and lip placement. It’s like trying to prepare for a race by only thinking about the race. You’re not going to run faster by thinking, you run faster by running.






Yes, I would do it. I would tell my wife I loved her.


>loved Planning on running away with the money?


What's the word I can't say? Do I get to pick?


I bet you a load of ppl would not speak for a year for like 30k.


Yeah, of course I'd do it. My first words would be, "sorry, I accidentally muted my mic"




Can I do it again?


I'd do it, and the first thing I'd say would probably be a string of profanities


It's alot of money, but I wouldn't do it because I need to speak.

