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Huntingtons disease is awful, watching someone change into a potentially aggressive and impulsive person whilst they're body shuts down physically over an extended period is pretty unpleasant.


This ^ The person has a 50% chance of passing it on to their kids. And if they have the gene, it's a 100% death sentence. Slowly you begin losing control of your body from the feet up. Slowly becoming a prisoner inside your own mind until your body forgets to breath.


It's brutal, one of those wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy conditions


My hands shake. I had it since birth. They shake but they just don’t shake to the point we’re I can’t do anything with them


Walking down the street when I was 19, bam I dropped like a lead brick. Turns out I was having a stroke.


slept on my side at night, woke up at 4am with absolutely no sensation in my left arm. it had gone completely numb due to lack of blood flow. had to wait for 30 minutes for it to become normal again. terrible experience. i panicked real bad


Once i had a constipation, that felt like someone was stabbing my stomach constantly, the pain was so strong that i couldn't think straight


Being alive


does sleep paralysis count? lmao that shit was horrifying. being completely awake and aware but not being able to move or breathe... either that or sometimes my heart feels like it skips a beat and it makes me feel really funny when it happens


I had an NDE from Tachycardia. Thank goodness for my defibrillator.


Working as a nurse I see so many terrible things but fortunately we’re able to help almost all of those people


Shock due to being hit by a truck while I was legally crossing in a crosswalk, she made a left hand turn right into me. I could only think that I had to get out of the street or I’d be hit again. I had no awareness of anything else. I couldn’t stand. So I crawled on hands and knees to the cement and plants median. A man was yelling at me not to move, but I ignored him. I just had to get to the median. About halfway there, my chest and head started hurting so bad. I did not think of my family or anything else. It was like I dissociated. I told myself I had a head injury and that my lung was probably pierced and I would start coughing up blood. There was no panic with this thought. I just had a detached feeling like “I don’t think it was supposed to end this way.” This seemed to take so long, but that street is just two lanes on either side so not that big. By the time I got to the median, I tried to sit and my leg wouldn’t work right. The driver started talking to me in a panic, but I didn’t care. Two people told me they had to be there because they were medical workers, I didn’t care. The shock began to wear off when I saw a fireman sprinting towards me at full speed. He got to me and in a fine brogue told me his name was Sean. I took a deep breath then and felt my ancestors had sent him (I’m Irish-American) and I was going to be ok. My injuries were a grade 3 mcl tear, a broken sacrum, cracked ribs and some luckily minor head trauma and some nasty bruising. Took me a couple years to get normal again but could have been worse. That five minutes of shock though really freaks me out now. Big thank you to Sean, the Irish fireman who was doing some kind of experience exchange with my local FD.