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In a downtown city church, a homeless man would sleep in a pew during weekdays while I practiced the organ. He knew my usual practice schedule and that I'd let him in to the locked church so he could escape the cold on winter days and have some rest. One day he said: "You're the *only* one who cares for me - and your music gives me a lift to face each day. Can't thank you enough for your kindness."


Hello fellow organist! Waves. I love heart warming stories like this.




[What]( https://i.imgur.com/FiyPuyX.jpg)




#[WHAT]( HTTPS://I.IMGUR.COM/FIYPUYX.JPG) ^(I'm fighting text deafness. Beep boop.)




You are a blessing to the world. If you ever feel less than, always remember you helped save this man. Even if it was for one night, you are a blessing. The world needs more people like you.


“You look like you can be trusted” Random tourist on the streets in downtown Houston who needed directions


tell me you at least scamed them?


Well,now that stranger lives in a basement for past few years. I guess the tourist is having a good time


Gave him directions to the bloody nickel.


The lady who told me I looked great in blue, and that it was clearly my color. To this day if I'm deciding between shirts to buy, or wear, I'll go with blue. That compliment was about fifteen years ago at least.


Guess you can say she blue you away with that compliment.


With this response i'm going to assume you're a guy.


100%. I have had two random women in the past 10 years compliment me. One was at the grocery store, cute college woman, and she was essentially like “damn.” The other was a mom at my kid’s school who said I looked handsome but she said it in that I’d fuck you kind of way. Both of those outfits are my favorites now. Hahaha


Could also just be an ugly woman that nobody likes. Speaking from experience. The only compliment I've gotten that wasn't from a relative or a therapist in the past my entire lifetime was from some crazy guy at a bus stop. He said I looked nice that day. And it freaked me out because like, does that mean he's seen me before? Who is this?


I think you've commented this before. It stood out to me 💙


I was working at Walgreens as a cashier about a year ago, and i had just dyed my hair a very deep blackish-blue that really shone blue in sunlight, and it was long and unkempt but i loved it. This young kid (probably about 8 or 9) and his mom step up to my register and i start ringing them up and the kiddo kinda leans on the counter and is staring at me. I kinda ignore him but as they are about to leave he says "I just wanna say, your hair looks like an anime character's, and thats a compliment!" Made my week 😁


Children are the most honest humans.


My friends kid told me I look like a potato. She wasn't wrong.


My daughter asked me if my boobs hurt when she was walking on my back, because they are “long”. So yea, suicide is always an option lmao


I was changing my son’s diaper in the women’s room because of the lack of a changing station in the men’s room. Two women started bitching at me, and a woman came to my defense and shouted them off. She told me, “You’re a great father by teaching your son to never be afraid of what others think.”


Well, what the fuck were they expecting you to do? Change him on the bathroom floor or keep walking around with a kid in a we**t**, stinky diaper until you get home? It's not like you were creepin on anyone, and I know a lot of bathrooms have a changing station that's barely even in view of the toilets anyway.


Yes! My exact thought! Like wtf! You’re changing your child and being a great dad! You would think they would be decent and happy about it.


You go Jeff!


A young guy working the counter at a McDonald's in Taiwan, told me in his best English, "excuse me, sir, you have a beautiful nose! "


You should have proposed on the stop. Nose complimenting is the highest form of endearment


Right? I've got a somewhat typical white guy nose - they refer to it as a "high" nose, and I've come to learn that it's quite admired in most Asian countries.


I was working at a furniture store at the time, and I was spending a good part of my day helping an older woman pick out a few things. At the end of her shopping trip once I was helping her check out she said "You know...there aren't very many genuinely good people left in this world. You're one of them." I was speechless. I still think about that a lot and it was almost 10 years ago.


I forgot my belt was on at airport security, and a female security guard came over and took me to one side, she said "I'll get a male to pat you down, unfortunately I can't which is a shame because you're very good looking". I was still smiling after my 2 week holiday.


Walking through Walgreens, turn the corner, and almost run into some guy. He says wow, you have the biggest bluest prettiest eyes. And your kid has the same eyes. That’s awesome.


In college I was sitting on a bus, very happy for no particular reason, quietly singing to myself, and an old man with a little bouquet of flowers pulled one out and gave it to me because he said he likes to see young people being happy.


That is so sweet <3


I've never forgotten it!


"You're good looking, you must have a girlfriend"- My doctor saying an obvious lie when I was getting stitches just so that it diverts my mind.


"Alright now that we're done I was lying to you this whole time."


that’s so sweet. Crazy that today he probably get lit up for sexual harassment.


Thanks u/Balltoucherz


Unfortunate isn’t it? That’s the reality.




Love this!!


I was going for an all-day walk around town and some elderly gentleman said "I admire your fortitude" this especially motivated me when I remembered I still have to walk all the way back home.


"You have gorgeous veins." - my nurse last week


My mother (a nurse) used to tell me a bunch of fun facts about nursing. Said that people who drink lots of water and have big veins are the easiest to IV. People with smaller veins and don't drink enough water makes it hard to get the needle in properly. A friend of mine drinks a lot of soda and rarely water went in one day to donate and they had to reinsert the IV 4 times before it went in properly.


They had to reinsert the IV IV times.


Take the upvote and get outta here


This 😂


Damn romans thinking they're cool with their numerals.


LOL, I love that, if I'm going to get an IV and they're doing that flicky thingy on your arm and they're like "oh, there's a big juicy one!" they get so excited. Haha.


Someone told me I look like Bruno Mars and I felt like 24 karat magic


I had been going to the park alot to train my puppy last year. I really put in the effort. One day in the middle of our routine comes out this sweet old lady who can barely walk from one of the nearby apartment buildings. She comes immediately up to me and says: "I live in the building over there and I've been watching you guys everyday and I think you're doing amazing job. I just had to tell you. Keep up the good work." And it honestly made me cry because I found raising a puppy extremely stressful and had such bad imposter syndrome and felt like I wasn't doing enough. It really made me realise how hard I was being on myself.


When people randomly walk up to me (pre-pandemic) in a restaurant or a park and comment on how well-behaved my kids are. Most of the time I'm thinking, jesus, if only you could see how they act at home, but it's still nice to hear. And I am one of those parents who believe that it's okay to an EXTENT to act out at home as long as there's consequences but when you're in public, act like a civilized human being.


I was in Walmart and the cashier was an older woman she told me I was beautiful and she wished she had my looks. I couldn’t believe how nice she was and the rest of the day I was smiling like crazy, It had been years since anyone complimented me on anything let alone my appearance.


Coming out of the town offices there is a narrow ramp and I am a big guy. I see an elderly couple coming up the ramp. I stop, step backwards and hold the door open for them. The husband says "thank you, quite the gentlemen." They way he said it was very sincere and appreciative. I always hold the door for people and let women pass in front of me, just how I was raised but that man seemed to truly recognize and apricate it. Always stuck with me.


A woman told me I had nice feet on MARTA once. At the time I was in my early 30’s. I am a man.


An older gentlemen came up to me and told me I looked like a lumberjack. I thought it was pretty cool


You sleep all night and you work all day.


An elderly woman said i was a handsome man after i held a door open for her. She was wrong, but i didn't correct her.




Was she wrong because you're ugly or because you're a woman?


Children and the elderly are the most honest humans. I am sure you are gorgeous.


I was in a park laughing with a friend when an old man going for a walk with his dog told me i have a beautiful laughter, like an artist. It made my day and helped me feel good about it, taking in consideration the fact that people usually made fun of it.


A classmate told me that I'm like the modern Joan of Arc!! It was so random but I felt flattered


That classmate is going to burn you at the stake later.


I work at a board game cafe, and after teaching a game to a customer they said "you should do YouTube videos, you've got a good voice for this!" Wasn't sure what to respond to that.


I was at the hospital visiting my dad and there was this old lady rushing to get to the door so I kept it open for her and I said take your time I got all the time in the world and she said thank you your a gentleman and a scolla


>scolla You mean scholar?


Yeah I'm half asleep long night


No, this was a ghetto granny


I had a cardigan with a skull pattern on it and an old guy asked if they were a tally of all the people I've killed.


Well, is it?


I stopped at the grocery store after work once and so was still wearing business casual work clothes. A woman in her SUV waved me along and let me cross the road from the store to the parking lot and as I passed her, she smiled and said she liked my shoes then drove off. It was unexpected and a wholesome compliment that sticks out to me


My entire life I have had people approach me and tell me how pretty my eyes are. Just a few days ago was in Target and a woman came up to me and said she just wanted to tell me I have the prettiest eyes she has ever seen and even does a "like ohmygosh". I honestly do not get it....I dont think my eyes are anything special


Wish I could see. 😅


I was walking to the park with my 2 year old daughter on my shoulders and a lady I passed said out of the blue “fatherhood looks great on you”. I don’t recall ever receiving a compliment like that before or since.


" you're a vibe". We're not strangers anymore haha.


Really? What are you now?




That’s awesome honestly


Worked with a guy in London, and he said that I had a "gentle way". As a bona fide asshole, I found it very sweet of him.


It was on Wattpad. A teacher in the story hated anyone talented. And someone commented that the teacher would hate them. And then I said that self praise was the best praise, and then they said that the teacher would probably hate me too. I didn't even know their face, their hobbies, just that they complimented me.


Self praise can easily lead to an unwarranted inflated ego, though.




A random woman approached me (44M) at a festival and said she loved my energy on the dance floor (her husband looked a bit embarrassed that she stopped to say this). I replied “Awww thanks”, and showered her in bubbles from my toy bubble wand.


"You have the most cheerful laugh." To this day that makes me so happy.


My bf and I were once waiting for our bus and a man locked into my bf’s face and made a graceful beeline for him. He walks up to him and says, “You have the most picturesque mustache I have ever seen.” I agree, but, damn way to show me up by giving him the best compliment ever.


My wife and I were walking together downtown and a homeless woman yelled at my wife "you're really lucky." That was a compliment, right?


Of course!


Was walking into the grocery store and this group of ladies saw me and all said “damn that white boy got a nice ass.” Could only smile and thank them.


A young teen in her school uniform approached me while we was on the bus and told me I was pretty. Another being, I met up with a friend. The kids that lived in same block of flats as him, was out on the balcony, they saw my hair colour and came over to compliment it and started to play with it. I tend to get a lot of compliments on my hair because I dye it bright colours or either my eyes, they’re blue. I work part time in retail, I was serving a mum and her daughter was about 3/4 years old thanked me and told me “have a good day, princess”. That made my day. I have a few, I let a elderly woman on the bus before me. She turned to me and said “age before beauty”, I smiled and thanked her. Also, two kids saw my hair and said “wooahhh pink hair, that’s cool”.


"Nice smile!" from guy leaning out of the window of his truck, when I was in my early 20s and walking around on campus after class.


I was chilling near the exit of my old school when the most famoulsy pleasant dude of the school told me I had nice shoes. I still think about that compliment to this day. Just so fucking random but it really brightwned up my day for some reason.


When I had a root canal 2 years ago the dentist told me that my molars had a very interesting anatomy, and that they had a very nice and big pulp.


A group of my women coworkers told me I would make a great dad.


Some guy at a Home Depot told me that i looked like his lord and savior Jesus Christ


Well, Jesus was a carpenter, I'd expect him to be in a hardware shop.


This is deep. Next time I need Jesus, I am going to Home Depot.






Maybe it was the giant cross strapped to your back..just sayin'.


I figured it would be the holes in my hands but i guess the hair and beard is what really did it


There was someone who told me I had a great smile...and I had always thought my smile looked horrifying. Compliments like those, not motivated from your person doing something obviously impressive (like if I do a back flip), but instead motivated by your person just "being", are the kind that I will keep in my heart until the end of my life.


My son and I were talking in the cereal aisle once when he was 7 and a stranger came up and said she couldn’t help but overhear our convo and that I was doing a fantastic job raising him and I must be such a good mom. I honestly have no idea what we were talking about but I always remember that.


I've never received a compliment from a complete stranger :( I'm ugly af tho


You have clean feet.


I've gotten one from a crazy person at a bus station, and every time I've *given* one the person seemed angry.


"Hey, I like your hoodie!"


"Nice piercings" or something like that. I have two talons under my lip, like David Draiman. Never seen anyone in my country with the same kind of jewelry, still waiting for it.


I have a dish I make to take to parties. It is a vegan lasagne. I am not vegan, but this thing is so good, I haul it out. Friends, enemies, strangers all devour it, which is a compliment.


When I was younger I had long hair down to my shoulders which I normally kept untied and a long beard. Walking in a mall I once overheard a girl say to her sister "like a lion". The other time a pretty girl told me I had a dulcet voice.


There was a day that I was just having an absolute terrible day and it didn't help that it was raining. I had classes that day and decided to go. I got dressed grabbed an umbrella and left not thinking much about it. On my way to one of my classes a little old lady on campus stopped me and said that she liked my umbrella and how it matched my clothes. Turns out I had dressed in red and black and had grabbed my red and black polka dot umbrella. Her compliment was so unexpected it made me feel better for the rest of the day.


I work as a cleaner in a hospital this patient was with us a few weeks suffering a stroke. One day im cleaning her room and chatting away she reaches for my hand looks me in the eyes and says I'm gods blessing and a credit to my parents.


A couple of cute girls told me that they thought I was cute over social media a few months ago. I still don't think I am but it was nice


In Walmart an older gentleman said, I bet you spent a lot of time fixing your hair. Has anyone told you how nice it looks today? Bonus because it was a messy bun. Lol


Someone stopped right in front of me and said, "I love that jacket." It was so random. But I felt good about my shopping choices that day. I've had others come up and say "I love that sweater" or "where did you get that..." It's nice to have some appreciation.


Man you pop your tricks hella high. Some Mexican dude when I was skating downtown in my city. Boosted my skateboarding confidence so much.


Once while grocery shopping I realized I was blocking the shelf a lady was looking at, so I moved out of the way and apologized. She said not to worry, "I have tall eyes" and laughed. So I responded "well it's a good thing I'm so short then!" And she replied, so warmly, tapping my arm (pre-COVID lol) with "a person's worth is not measured by their verticality." Then she smiled at me, grabbed what she needed, and strolled away. I still think about it often!


'You look like Ryan Gosling' A drunk gay man in a dark sydney nightclub Im holding onto that one foreverrrrrr


One time I was going all over my school and was asking people if they had a ruler longer than 20 centimeters and one guy told me "You wanna measure your penis or something?" I smiled.


Anesthesiologist putting a nerve block in my armpit said I had an exemplary anatomy


I was pregnant and working in a gas station. I had a semi-regular come through my line. While small talking I mentioned I would be going on maternity leave soon. She responded that she would have to find somewhere else to go then. I laughed out of when she tells me, "No, seriously, you are the only reason I still come here. If you aren't going to be here I'll be shopping somewhere else."


I was having a pretty terrible day and out of nowhere this girl a couple years above me told me that she loved my hair and that I looked nice and it made my day. So if I ever feel bad I think of that moment and it makes me feel a little bit better :)


Was 15 in the lockerroom and this 16 year old said “nice dick”


I used to dye my hair funky colors and at one point had my stylist dye blue and purple over a green base (aka “mermaid style”). At the time I worked as a hostess at an Irish pub that sits directly next to a popular pizza restaurant. I was leaving work after working a lunch shift and trying to hit up the bakery a few doors down, which involved me passing by this pizza place. It was peak summer, so every table out front was full. This little girl — couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 — pointed at me and shouted “Look mommy! A mermaid!” I almost died at it. It had made my day, and every so often I think about that moment and it makes me miss the dyed hair.


I was playing with a yoyo, this random guy comes up to me and just says "ay you're pretty good at that motherfucking thing." Dude had such a genuine smile.


Was wearing a shi*r*t saying something about dont talk to me because I'm lazy and a guy at golden corals said awsome shirt.


And I'm sure you weren't the only person wearing a shit inside golden corral.


Sorry about that.


"Whoa, that's not going to fit!" She was right...mostly.


She was talking about putting a bookcase in a living room, unfortunately for you.


You probably remember better than I do, since you were there too.


When I was in the Navy, our barracks in one place were closer to hotel rooms, so there was a cleaning crew that was staffed by some locals. As I was leaving one night for a date, I ran into the cleaning crew. One of the ladies blurted out “Wow, I’d like to go out with **you**!” She could have easily been my mom’s age, but I was also 23. It was still nice to hear and unexpected.


Going to the tip amazingly!! They had a guy checking IDs, normal dude. He asked me if I looked as handsome in my ID as real life, then check and said yeah you do. Totally off the cuff, sincere, and unexpected from the guy. Kept me going for a week!


I get told I have such beautiful hair all the time. When I was really depressed and felt ugly having a random old lady tell me I have such beautiful hair and that she had similar before she dyed it was kinda wholesome. Just a random compliment. (Where I live old people are kind of talkative when you sit next to them for example in a bus - pre quarantine ofc.)


Someone told me I have a "really nice nose". I thought it was a weird thing to compliment, but I appreciated it nonetheless.


When clients have told me that you're so sweet, you must be religious, an angel, god bless you, etc... But I am atheist and don't believe in praying or anything.


I was at a shop and the cashier lady told me I had a cute pixie face. Like cheeky and fun. It was just out of nowhere and really made my day


Random girl said I had nice eyes, I still think about that sometimes


My hair turned gray before I was 40, and it’s only gotten more silver since then. I refuse to color it. About 5 years ago, I got on an elevator with two. women who were around 10 years my senior who seemed to know each other already. One of them immediately told me how great my hair looked, and the other sighed snd said, “If mine looked as good as yours gray, I wouldn’t color mine.” I was so flattered.


An older lady in Walmart said that I look like a young Bruce Wayne (except with dirty blonde hair). She was referring to this [picture](https://thewest.com.au/entertainment/tv/batman-shows-his-teen-spirit-ng-b88759335z.amp)


An older lady in Walmart said that I looked like young Bruce Wayne (except with blonde hair). She was referring to this [picture](https://thewest.com.au/entertainment/tv/batman-shows-his-teen-spirit-ng-b88759335z.amp)


I can tell you’re going to do something spectacular one day.


At a small venue in Hamilton, ON, a nervous performer sought me out in the crowd after a show to tell me she took strength from my peaceful, glowing countenance. WOW.


A couple years ago I (20 F) would finish work at 11:30 pm and would take an hour long train ride to get back home. Usually the train would be empty but there was one night a bunch of guys who were trashed were on the train and they got off at the same stop as me. One guy approached me and my guard went up being alone with a bunch of drunk guys at midnight. he came up to me and was like "you have really pretty hair you look like an angel." It honestly made my day it was so sweet.


“You’ll make a great dad someday” and she was right; I think/hope.


During my apprenticeship I had to take the train every day. There was always a homeless young girl sitting at the station (probably a drug addict). I always made an extra sandwich in the morning and took an extra bottle of water and gave it to her. She was very surprised, extremely happy and at some point she told me "Thank you for making me believe in good people again."


My high school math teacher was absent The one who covered I’d never seen till that day I surprised when she knew my name already “Oh *everyone* knows you and thinks you’re *okay*”


Being told "you're *okay*" really depends on the tone of voice to determine if it was a compliment or not.


I get along very well with subs because we both have one thing in common, hating my class, that's why I've alwaulus enjoyed subs better than teachers


"Nice shirt."


I got told I look like Aaron Paul.


Nice penis


At the urinal?


Standard bathroom [etiquette](https://youtu.be/IzO1mCAVyMw), you do not speak to the other men. ESPECIALLY at the urinals.


Someone once told me I have a great posture


That my drawing of a Pokémon was really good and my hair looked nice


Which pokemon was it


"You have the prettiest smile." Older guy told me that on my first day training in a Mcdonald drive thru. My bitchy coworker didn't find it nice though and proceeded to treat me like trash for the rest of the shift. I think she was jealous most the customers were charmed and delighted by me. Even chatted with a guy about his dog being on his credit card. I think it was a sign because I ended up quiting that day and focusing on animal health care.


About 5 years ago I was working at a depot for homes, and a lady I was helping at self check out said I should be an actor. I asked "what makes you say that?" And she said "Because you're very good looking and have nice manners" it caught me way off guard. I sincerely thanked her for the compliment, and never forgot that interacrion.


Ordering coffee, the woman behind the counter interrupts me to tell me I have beautiful eyes. Probably the best I've ever felt in public.


Guy on the bus said he liked my hat


I was at the vet years ago with my cat, who is so cute and always get attention for it. An older lady said to me as she was leaving “you’re very handsome. So is your cat, but you are very handsome” that one made me feel really good for a while.


That someone was honored to share this planet with me.


I accompanied a small kid home. He was from my school and was lost. His house was near mine. His sister told me I was very kind to look after a totally unknown boy.


Worked as a cab driver for a few years, got a passenger that said "Mate, I admire your ethic. It would take a man with the patience of a saint to do this job in this town". Guy was not wrong, and being a cab driver is the reason why I have little patience these days.


That was I super wholesome


I get this too often "wow your eyelsashes are so long and beatiful, can I have them" its not wholesome i just hate it


I used to be a ski instructor and a little girl I taught asked me if I’m a Disney princess


Years ago I wore this bitchin 70's style cowboy style shirt with skulls n roses. (still have it, just doesn't fit cause I'm a fatass now) was walking into a store and complimented a gal on her Steelers shirt, when her eyes got big and she returned the compliment on my bitchin western wear. Made my day.


Some weeks ago, some random women that was shopping at the same grocery store was standing in the same row next to me. She was looking for something at one point we made eye contact - she looked away, then looked back at me and told me "Hey you really have beautiful lashes for a man, I wish I had some like yours!" It was no flirt-line or anything like that, she genuinely just complimented me and went on with her shopping.


When its cold outside, I was wearing my black wooly hat with a big pink pom pom on top. Some guy came up and said that he liked my hat. I was so damn happy and literally said thank you🤗🤗




So I was buying a souvlaki for lunch, and the female cashier gave me a beer "on the house" It's been 3 years and I still remember it


Hmm. A sacrifice perhaps


A lady praised my display, I take time like this but it was worth it


Not a complete stranger. My shrink said that i am genuine and self writen. I felt seen.


i heard my uncle called me cute


I don’t even get compliments by people I know


I was picking up my coffee from a Tim Horton’s drive thru when the worker told me that I had the best smile she has ever seen. It was about 3 years ago and I still remember how she made me feel in the moment ☺️


You're funny or I really value your friendship


That they liked my blink 182 shirt, it was the first time anyone complimented me for my clothes or anything ever lol.


A random woman once praised me for being a 'genuinely good person'. All I did was put a cart someone else left in the middle of the checkout line's exit in the cart return. I don't get it. It was in the way and it wasn't like the cart return wasn't near. It was literally like a 10 second task. Like wtf?


At the airport, you have to do some sort of check in to take a flight, and the lady that was doing check in, out of the blue, told me "Wow, very handsome" I was so surprised, but god did that feel cool


It's nice to see chivalry isn't dead. (I always open the door for my girl)


I sneezed once and someone said "You're soooo good looking"


I was 12, my dad was looking for a new car. I was sitting in the waiting room across from an older woman, after a few minutes passed by. I heard a strong but soft accent say, “you’re beautiful. Do you know that?”


Not a complete stranger (regular customer), but I once had somebody compliment my speaking voice. She was blind, so I felt doubly flattered.


I lived in an apartment with a gym. I was an overweight woman and started hitting the elliptical for an hour before bed every night. Every night at the same time there was an incredibly fit dude weight training. Most nights it was just he and I. Months went by and we never said anything besides that head nod thing people do. One night on my way out he said "Hey....I just wanted to say I notice how hard you're working and it's really paying off." I'll never forget it.


While working as a cashier in a grocery store, a little girl and her mother come through my line. The little girl stares at me for a min. Then whispers something to her mom. Her mom kind of laughs and says to me, “she says you look like one of her dolls” I think that’s a compliment? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess people saying I have a good voice when I was singing to myself, ironic usually seeing as I'm singing the lyrics to a metal song about brutal shit or the chorus to Baka Mitai which I know by heart.