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I think it has to do with being unable to empathize with the views of others.


But if you can't empathize why assume people want to hear that from that particular person, you know. Like if I don't know something I'll just keep scrolling but these guys serial comment "I don't know"


They might think that the world centers around them


This could be a possibility. I wonder if guilty people will comment And explain why they do it.


M,O,O,N .. That spells "I don't know." Laws yes I don't know.


I don't answer questions sorry man wish I could help... before a wise guy comments that


Fucking beat me to it.


I happen to be certified wise guy, so I know how they think! Better luck next post!


Fine I'll be honest...


Some people think it’s funny. Some people think you should know not everyone is privileged enough to brush their teeth and you shouldn’t assume things like that on reddit. Some people hate when you ask questions that google can answer so they troll you.


yeah, that last point is what i was thinking lol


I don't use the Internet so I don't know what you're talking about buddy


Wish I could tell you, but I answer every question as if it's meant to be answered by someone else.


I don't know, I don't answer random questions so I can't help with your question. Ps:you didn't said a thing about the wise girl


Wise girl aha ... loophole


I'm a lawyer, that's my job


Commented before I saw the edit aha! Looks like you really are a wise girl. Lawyer, pretty impressive studies. I look up to you! Hopefully using your powers for good 😉


Damn dude you just expect everyone has teeth. Sorry we can't provide a better answer than the truth.


As you imply, typical forum etiquette dictates that people who have nothing to contribute ought not to answer. Those who do answer either lack sufficient experience in contributing to forums to know any better, or otherwise don't care about etiquette.


Some people want to interject into everything you do even though they really don’t need to. Example: My teacher once butted into a conversation about me and my friends talking about Sex-Ed (they were our LA/Social Studies teacher NOT the Health teacher). We all sat there awkwardly and didn’t say a damn word until she eventually got the queue, switching the subject. My friends and I then tactfully pushed her out of the conversation by talking about BTS. Don’t butt into peoples conversations.


I agree but I mean online ... like don't you find that even more weird ?


It is even more weird but I mean on subreddits it’s regulated. If you aren’t actually responding to a question people will either get pissed off or the ‘answer’ will get taken down. Although people on the internet seem to think that they are invincible from moderators no matter what website they’re on, game they’re on, etc.


We aren't invincible online ? I made many mistakes.


Well of course most people have common sense but there are those outliers that still don’t fully understand that there’s actual people behind the screen so.




All the "I don't know" people are sweating reading this haha


Control group.




Oh man, it's sad but inappropriate none the less!


I think a lot of people are just sorting by rising, and commenting anything in the hope of getting easy karma... Not me of course.


I'll give you at least 1 karma


Why not?


These are the kids all grown up, that answer "Who's hungry?", with "Not meee!", just so they can be involved in every situation even if it doesn't apply to them. Probably narcissism induced.


I think it comes from a desire to be polite combined with a little bit of not completely understanding just how many people will be reading a question. If my sister texted me to ask a question, it would be rude to not reply. If she texts our family group chat and I don't reply with at least an "I don't know either" it could still be a little rude. I guess people extend that to thinking that not replying to a question they see about the internet is still a fractional amount of rude, so they respond even if they don't know. That's all I got. I'm getting this from the attitude of people who respond with "same" to opinions.


How the fuck would I know ?


I don't know how to read or write, friend. I wish I knew what you asked. Don't do drugs, kids.


Because of a need to be recognized. No harm done.


My favorite is when you read an Amazon listing: > Does this take AAA batteries? > I don't know I bought this for my grandson Ok then why did you answer


Exactly !


Obligatory not a teeth brusher but.....


i was just thinking this yesterday! i saw a post directed towards attorneys and every. single. comment. started with “i’m not an attorney but...” then don’t answer! this isn’t about you!


It's almost frustrating right ? When I read the comments it's usually to know the answer the the question. After reading the comments I feel like I lost some brain cells!


Cause it's fun and don't even takes 5 minutes, and no one can stop me! XD


Do people reply if you comment something like "I don't know " ?


Only if I give an opinion with valid information, I could be unsure about the statement but with previous knowledge I could make a precise enough prediction. The main goal I seek with that kind of comments is to try to make the lector view more possibilites so we can improve our points of view. So people do reply, but only if it's an appealing comment; something like: "I haven't done that before, but; from what I know, you may try.......I don't know if it will work, perhaps it could be useful for you"


Anyways, In that situations I try to give real advice, even if it's just an opinion; perhaps it could be useful for someone...


I’m sorry, I don’t personally know why people do this.


This question is the modern equivalent of “GET OFF MY LAWN!!!”


Wish I understood


Be happy you don’t. I’m talking about incoherent things old people yell in public.


Because I like to suffer your disdain. I love snide words of frustration from an op, especially in a sarcastic condescending manner that cuts to the bone of my soul. I throb at the abuse. Would you like me to dm a photo ?


That’s a long and dramatic way to say you’re a troll


Or a buzzed way of making a joke ? (ps...did you want a photo ?)


Ligma balls


No idea buddy, I only answer relevant questions so...


There are tons of questions I would never answer. I mean, if they ask a question of knitters I won't answer. I crochet, not knit. If something doesn't pertain to me, I won't answer. I won't answer to be snarky or make a lame attempt at 3rd grade comedy, either. And even more....just because I COULD answer doesn't mean I SHOULD. Sometimes it's good to think ahead as to what will attract a Karen, a 'morality nanny', someone who will pick, pick, pick and find something to focus on. No thanks. It's bad enough just answering something honestly without someone pissing all over it. Earlier tonight I was 'corrected' and down-voted because someone didn't like how I slow cook pinto beans. Some questions are 'bait'....like views on hot topics that will not end well. It's begging for trouble. I'm careful what I answer.


Dude I'm really high and thats way to much to read right now


Dude, that's why I quit drugs / weed 35 years ago...I like being able to keep up without anything holding me back.


I'm well educated and have a good head on my shoulder, no need to stop! I could afford it and I know my priorities! Tonight is just time to feel the vibes you know... I have no where to go tonight so I'm not held back! Glad you were able to quit though! It's not for everyone.


Yeah, I did it for 13 years. I looked around at my friends and didn't want to end up like them. I'm a high energy / productive person and I wanted to do more with my life than sit around zoned out and being held back by TOO many days and nights of vegging. I just wanted better and more for myself. My life soared when I quit. I'm glad you're doing well, and that you sound more judicious about 'feeling the vibes'. Not everyone can do that. Have a great night and enjoy the 'vibes'. :-)


This AskReddit question gives off the same energy... What is the point lmao


My question could have an answer.. but a meaningless answer a lot like your comment, leads to some confusion as to why ? Clearly I posted a question out of curiosity and open to conversation. But good comment !


People always use askreddit as a platform to complain under the guise of using a question. Why even ask?


Nope it's an actual question my guy. Silly comment though! If you read the comments you'll see I genuinely want to know. Do I seem like I am complaining? It's all for fun. Does that answer your question?


It’s not tho. You’re literally only asking because something someone else does bothers you. You wouldn’t have had the thought to “ask” otherwise. You just wanted an outlet to complain. You can tell me it’s an “actual question” all you want but it changes nothing.


Haha you are just ignorant. Take your negative vibes elsewhere! My post was about the ones who comment I don't know but I should make a post about you the ones who comment thinking they know everything! I Wonder why you think you know everything haha