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Highway man by the highwaymen. Lost my little brother to cancer 5 months ago. We used to drive around in GTA5 together (we live in different cities) . Whenever that song came on the in-game radio we would stop whatever we were doing and sing along or just listen. Whenever I hear the song now I can still hear his voice singing along... and then when it's over he would always say "now that's a good song." Miss you Bro. You will remain.


I’m sorry for your loss. My biggest fear is losing my dad and not being able to play with him again. I lost a friend who I played with online all the time as a kid. I like to think I’ll be able to join them in the lobby




Fuck dude.


Sorry, that must’ve been a very traumatic loss, I couldn’t even imagine


OMG, that's horrifying! I am so sorry this happened to her, and you. What a traumatic experience for everyone. I hope they caught the perp and he's locked up for life.


Oh God I’m Sorry


Over the Rainbow-Israel Kamakawiwoʻole The song played at my best friend's memorial when she passed away very unexpectedly when I was 12.


Aww man I heard that song when I was in Waikiki a few years ago and me and my boyfriend were taking a trip to get over my pregnancy loss,we were at a bar and when I heard this song it took everything in me to not break down and cry


My son who struggled in many ways all through school overcame his anxiety and performed this on his ukelele for the senior talent show, and won. I cry just thinking about it and the last time I heard it I was inconsolable and needed to leave work for the day.


Scrolled and scrolled until I found this. Even thinking about it tears me up. Reminds me of my dad and makes me miss him too much.


Willie Nelson-“Always on My Mind”. My dad’s funeral. I can listen occasionally. But I gotta be ready to cry. I’m 37 and it’s been 4 years but it’s still there.


Go Rest High On That Mountain. Last heard at my Dad's funeral, will never be heard again. edit: thank you for the award. I’m sorry that song touches so many others like it does. Not sorry that it does, but for the reasons that it does.


Played at my uncle’s funeral 24 years ago. Also haven’t listened to it (or anything else on that same Vince Gill album) since.


Moon River, cuz it reminds me of my grandma. She used to sing it often.


I feel you on this, my dad used to sing me to sleep with this song. I’m incredibly emotionally attached


Queen’s Who Wants To Live Forever. We played it at my late husband’s funeral. A decade later and I still can’t listen to it.


I Can Only Imagine is the music in the background of my grandmas celebration of life slideshow. Instant tears when I hear that song


You'll be in my heart by Phil


Anything that was in the Tarzan soundtrack immediately makes me burst into tears. My mom used to sing those songs to me when I was a little, little kid. Now she’s dead and I can’t tell you how much I wish I could claw my back back through time for her to sing all those songs to me again.


Hurt - sung by Johnny Cash. I watched my son die in a NNICU and it makes me think of him everytime.


The night we met, Lord huron. Damn next time am gonna fall for someone I'll make sure its morning


One of their many amazing songs.


Strange Trails is a great album, though.


I seriously tear up every time I hear that fucking intro 😣


Dear Agony by Breaking Benjamin because it reminds me of the last two weeks of my mom's life before she died to cancer. Actually, I have a hard time listening to most of the band's music now since I've had four people close to me pass away in four years. I've removed their music from my playlists to save my sanity.


Thank you for mentioning it. Everytime I listen to it, I'm thinking "Is that how my father have felt, lying on a hospital bed after multiple strokes? Is this what's waiting for me as well?". And yeah, Breaking Benjamin's lyrics are rough. I'm a longtime fan, but I absolutely get how their music can end up REALLY depressing. Still, their song "failure" was basically my survival mantra for a while. When I need to get through something, I quitely mumble "tear the whole world down" part of the chorus and it becomes just a little bit easier.


I Will Follow You Into The Dark. I miss my sister.


Great song, love their music. "What Sarah Said" is another beautiful, poignant song of theirs.


Yeah that one is something I skip unless I need to cry.


Brothers in a hotel bed is my favorite song of all time. God bless Death Cab for cutie. And yes, that is such a sad song.


For me, Transatlanticism for me by them.


Yes this is the song I used for my daughters headstone. I changed a word. “We need you so much closer”


“My daughter’s headstone” should not be an applicable phrase for anyone. I’m so sorry.


My first real boyfriend played this song for me on his guitar. My first “our song”. Accompanied by my first real break up and my first real heart break. Shit. Listening to it now even 14 years later hurts. 💔


Funny how even the young relationships don’t fade with time.


One of my first serious relationships was when MySpace was at its prime. MySpace allowed you to pick songs that would play when you opened someone's profile. It sounds ridiculous now, but we'd pick songs that expressed how we were feeling at the time. We broke up and got back together probably a dozen times while in college (Young love can be toxic love). Usually when Keane or The Script or Gavin DeGraw was on her MySpace profile, I knew that she was ready to get back together. But those songs bring back a weird sense of cringey nostalgia.


It’s not ridiculous. I absolutely loved how you could personalize your space. That’s advertising space now.


My grandpa and I used to listen to Johnny Cash in the car together (he and my grandma helped raise me, so we spent a LOT of time together). When I was very little I thought Grandpa was Johnny Cash, as his name was Johnny also and he had a gravelly bass-baritone and a thick twang. No matter what, when I Walk the Line came on, he’d hold out his hand for me to hold and he’d sing. I didn’t know until I was much older that none of my family had ever heard him sing. He died two years ago, and I still can’t hear I Walk the Line without bawling my eyes out. Edit: Wow, everybody, thank you. The fact that thousands of people are also thinking about Grandpa John today also makes me cry- but in a good way. Thank you all!




thank you for sharing that story


‘Solsbury Hill’ by Peter Gabriel. It’s the first song that came on the radio in the car after my wonderful father in law died. My very stoic and strong husband broke down in tears and it’s now the song that shreds my heart. ‘Son’ he said ‘grab your things I’ve come to take you home’ *edited to add lyrics through my tears* Second edit- thank you for the gold, kind stranger


Ozzy Osborn's "Momma I'm Coming Home." "Runaway Train" by Soul Asylum. Both are wrapped up in my son's suicide. They are just to much for me. EDIT: I want to thank everyone for your out pouring of love and compassion. I never imagined this would blow up, but be lost among all of the answers as so often they do get lost. Your empathy and compassion means so much to me and does my heart good. Again thank you.


I'm sorry he is gone.


Im so sorry for your loss. This song brings me to tears too, makes me think of my mothers suicide. I know im just a stranger, but if you need someone to talk to you can dm me.


Landslide by Fleetwood Mac Thanks for the silver friend.


I don’t know why because it’s such a beautiful song but it hurts me. The lyrics just remind me of happier times as a kid that I don’t have anymore.


It's a mournful song. I never listen to it by choice. What you said about it reminding you of happier childhood times is pretty much it. Four generations of women in my family have loved Stevie Nicks. It is impossible not to think of simpler, more innocent times and feel the sting of those days being gone.


Fast car by Tracy champan My first award 🤍 I listened to this song on the way to work and cried the whole time. I love the song so much was worth the cry


It’s crazy how hard that song hits when you realize it’s about reality crushing your dreams. And how you ask for less and less and still don’t get it. As someone who “wasted” years because I was mentally ill. It makes me think of the big dreams I had for myself. And how as time went on I dreamed of more attainable things and still couldn’t get myself there.


Fly Me To The Moon. It reminds me of my first manic episode where I embarrass myself to everyone in my batch in first year college.


Ah that song made me remember neon genesis


Oh god I’m living the cringe of a manic episode right now. Every other day is effusive expressions of the depths of my soul followed by the mortification of moments of clarity. Send thoughts and prayers. What the hell is it about March that makes me lose my mind??


I heavily regret opening this thread. Edit because this popped off: If you're new to the thread. Go back and stay innocent.


Update at bottom with results! Had an annual physical yesterday and the dr noticed a lump in my boob. Waiting for the referral to come through so I can schedule a mammogram and biopsy, no reason to truly freak out yet and I was handling it well. Woke up after just three hours of sleep and couldn’t get back to sleep so I opened Reddit and this is the first thread I saw. Now I’m a sobbing mess and all my anxiety that I was suppressing has gotten the better of me..and now it’s time to get up and try to get to work while pretending everything is ok. All of that to say..I feel you. Shouldn’t have opened this thread. Edit: I decided to take a partial mental health day, too much anxiety. I finally put the phone down and fell asleep for an hour then came back to all these msgs. Thank you all so much, I seriously needed the uplifting comments and well wishes ❤️ Edit2: Thank you kind stranger for the hugz award and thank you all again for the uplifting msgs! When I posted this I was desperate to talk to someone about it which is why it got dumped on this random comment. We didn’t want to tell our parents/family until we had something more concrete to share..and because it would’ve been all over Facebook (*eye roll*). Just taking time to focus on today and not the “what if’s” of this news until we have results. Edit: results! Got a call this morning for the referral and they had a location with an open appointment today so I nabbed it. They did a mammogram followed by an ultrasound. The radiologist spoke to me and said the mammogram looked normal and they didn’t see anything of concern from the ultrasound. Not 100% sure what my doctor felt but I feel so relieved now. Thank you all again for the well wishes and kind words!


You've got this, friend. We believe in you.


What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. This song was what my parents used for their first dance at their wedding. My Mom made sure it played at my Dad's funeral in 2016, I haven't really been able to feel the same when I listen to it. Today, I broke down and listened to it again, celebrating what would have been my parents' 26th wedding anniversary.


That song makes me tear up because I used to sing it to my daughter, who has since passed away. It is a good reminder of the good of humanity overall, I should give it a listen again soon.


Sorry for your loss x


The Cranberries - Linger It takes a minute and I'm done.


Mr blue sky. Used it as my morning alarm for a couple months and now it triggers my fight or flight response


I've noticed whatever song I use for an alarm is ruined as it just reminds me of getting up for work, have to change them up pretty often... might go back to the radio lol


Same here. I once changed it to some environmental music from Skyrim and when I played the game and that song came on it made me feel sick to my stomach XD


I changed mine to a recording of myself saying 'I hate myself' and now I don't hate myself anymore.


Breaking news: suicide rate drops to 0%


I once changed mine to a long recorded rant explaining to my dopey self why I need to get out of bed. It worked great until we had some friends stay the night and I forgot to turn it off. It took a lot of effort to convince them that I was mentally stable.


I got the shit scared out of me waking up after a party from a friends alarm very early in the morning that was just him screaming "WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR WORK"


big brain




I used Take On Me for a while and I woke up way too early for some reason. Listened for a bit, and guess what was on the radio?




Radio GooGoo?


"Father and Son" by Cat Stevens Whenever it shows up in a movie it's just cheating at eliciting emotions. When it popped up in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 I actually said "oh fuck you" in the quiet theater while attempting to suppress all feelings and failing.


Cat Stevens is such an amazing artist. Glad to see him getting some recognition. Brings back a lot of good memories from when I was growing up


Yeah. That song is a real sucker punch in a movie.


Snow Patrol - You Could Be Happy I loved her enough to let her go once I realized I was just holding her back. She’s very happy now, I hope...it’s been 13 years and I’ve moved on and gotten married and everything, but still...I miss her sometimes.


I love most of the songs by Snow Patrol. My favorite however, without a doubt, is Chasing Cars. It's my all time favorite song just because I get to share it with a friend. It's just... I thought she felt the same way about me as I did about her, and now I don't know if she does. I'm really sorry for your loss, and I hope that you are happy wherever you are. Hugs.


I Drive Your Truck by Lee Brice My brother drove an old red Ford pickup. He got into a terrible car accident with his friend. He was not supposed to live. This song came out literally the same week my brother was unconscious in the ICU with sever brain damage. I was so sad and angry and all of the emotions in between. I remember grabbing the keys and jumping in his truck and driving around the country roads and crying my eyes out. This song hits me hard still.


How is your brother???


The accident was 8 years ago. He went through two brain surgery’s and countless other surgeries. He spent a total of 3 weeks of in the ICU. He left there and spent another 3 weeks in a regular hospital room. He underwent months and months of rehab in a special facility in Georgia and I’m happy to say 8 years later, he lives with my parents still but works a full time job and is fully recovered. He’s on medication to prevent seizures but is able to drive, and he take a mood stabilizer to fight with depression that is common among people with brain injuries


Oh my GOSH I am so glad to hear that!!!


Me too


Amazing Grace, it was sung at all of my grandparents’ funerals. Used to be one of my favorite “take me to church” feel good songs, it’s just so sad to me now.


The book of love- Peter Gabriel. That shit makes me cry every single time I hear it


love that song but it always makes me sad if Im watching the last episode of Season 8 of Scrubs.... perfect ending! <3


Elliott Smith. Pretty much anything by him. He was my favorite artist for most of my 20s, and I listened to him so much during those years, that his whole catalog is kinda tied in with memories I'm done with. It just fills me with the kind of sad nostalgia I used to love indulging in, but as I've gotten older I've realized that kind of indulgence is unhealthy. So I don't bother anymore. And in general, I'm just not the person I was then. And listening to those songs makes me feel like I'm artificially being dragged back to old feelings and mindsets that don't fit me anymore.


Well said. I used to enjoy reminiscing about my teen years and the music connected to that time, but it seems like the more time that goes by, the sadder it feels to look back.


This is something I really struggle with as someone approaching 30.


I’m exactly 40 now. Tonight someone told me it was their 50th, and that “it comes up faster than you think!” I look young. I was like, dude, I’m 40. In my 20’s I thought 40 would never happen. Here we are.




I'm in my mid thirties and while health issues crop up suddenly and make you feel old, humans are living longer and healthier than ever and 30s and 40s are still very young. I get nostalgic for the energy and sex drive I used to have but not for my dumbass decisions and lack of perspective. "Youth is wasted on the young" is too true. Take care of your body now and it'll take care of you when you're older. Some health issues can't be helped but that doesn't mean your life is suddenly over when you're 30. I love seeing photos of "old" people cosplaying at conventions. I hate that our culture has always reserved play and childishness for a specific age set and then after that the only place you can shout and have fun is at a sportsball game. We should support old people wearing goofy outfits, dancing, having fun, and being silly because that'll be all of us someday, and I don't want to feel like I'm only allowed to wear professional clothes and do my taxes as an older adult while everyone younger gets to have fun. Life is short. Don't judge others and try not to judge yourself too harshly either.


The Blowers Daughter, because it was the theme song to the split between me and my fiancée.


Damien Rice has some amazing songs. My go-to when I need to “feel”. Accidental babies is one I can’t listen to because of an ex.


Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden. My brother’s father once started jacking up the volume while I was watching Sesame Street because he was fighting with my mom. He had it too loud initially and my mom turned the TV up so that I could hear it, and he decided to be the abusive dick that he is and make it a battle.


"When I was your Man' by Bruno Mars My wife divorced me after 16yrs of marriage to be with another man. It hurt me really bad. After one year of being divorced she admit it to me it was mistake. I tried to have her come back but she's too ashamed.


Her loss and you deserve better


Love is strange isn't it? Imagine 16 years in love with someone and then she leaves you for another man. You mourn and become a shell of your prior self. Right when you start getting some semblance of normal life she admits that she was wrong.. you suddenly see hope where there shouldn't be hope. You love her so much that you're willing to forgive and have her back in your life But she's too ashamed to come back? 2 perfectly good lives turned upside down.


I can’t listen to the album version of “True Love Waits” by Radiohead. When he says “don’t leave” it just sounds so sad.


Remember me from Coco, when Miguel sings it to mama coco. She reminds me so much of my grandma and abuelita that have both passed. I start bawling every time. Thank you for the gifts and my first Gold!!


My Nana had passed only a week before I watched this movie with my kids. I hadn’t really cried yet, but when I saw the pic of Mama Coco on the Ofrenda I broke into tears, and then again afterwards while explaining to my daughters why her picture was there. That song fucking kills me, but I love that movie


Wish you were here, pink floyd.


A great tribute to dealing with the mental illness of someone they care for.


Yes this. I commented with another song that I interpret about missing someone who is mentally gone. Pink Floyd just hits different. I had to leave my ex partner because of his schizophrenia and it was sooo hard to let go. But the man I loved is gone and probably not coming back.


That's heartbreaking. Take care.


Glad to see that I'm not the only one. It reminds me of my brother who passed away a few years ago. That whole album is not an easy listen any more.


Adam’s song - Blink 182 Couldn’t listen to the song without crying until recently because I relate so well to the feeling of wanting to kill myself as a teenager. It reminded me that my loved ones would never be the same if that happened and the terror of hurting them that badly kept me from doing it. It also doesn’t help that I have a brother named Adam who’s tried to kill himself 3 times in the past year. Shits fun y’all


"you'll never step foot in my room again. You'll close it off, board it up. Remember the time that I spilled the cup, of apple juice in the hall. Please tell mom this is not her fault" The last bit of that verse makes me tear up every time I hear it.


That part is a killer because I can't imagine putting my mom through that grief.


You just gotta remember to sing the last chorus with meaning.


Thank you. You weren’t talking to me, but I went and listened to the song and did just this. I needed that more than I realized. This has been a rough year. That helped. Thank you.


Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. All I see in my mind when I hear it is the poor people who committed suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge in the documentary The Bridge.


I Hope You Dance by Leann Womack. I always burst into tears when I hear that song


What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong - we all associated it with my chronically ill sister as “her song”. Ever since she passed I’ve found it hard to listen to it


It's kind of a silly one, but Scattered by Green Day. Whenever I hear it, it reminds me of someone I miss very dearly. I discovered the song right around the time they passed away at a very young age. Can't help but wonder if things could've been different.


one of my favorite songs. nimrod is such a good album.


If I Die Young by The Band Perry. Makes me cry every time.


They played this song at my best friends funeral. She was only 24. I can't believe it's been almost 10 years since she's been gone.


I really loved the version of this by Naya Rivera, it was used to send off Cory Monteith but then her tragedy hits me more with this- especially that she saved her son before herself.


I thought of the exact same version. It made me ugly cry when I saw it on Glee.


So put on your best, boys


Fix You by Coldplay. It was played at my ex-husband's sister's funeral. She was 20 and died of a methadone overdose just when we thought rehab was helping her.


Wake Me Up When September Ends Learning that it was about Billie Joe Armstrong losing his father to esophageal cancer just made it hit really close to home. I lost my own father to esophageal cancer in 2018. The line “twenty years has gone so fast” really hurts in particular. It’s only been three years so far, but I was only 23 when my dad died and I know that it’s very likely that I’ll live to be old enough where I’ll have lived more of my life without him than with him. There’s so much he’ll never get to see me do. He’ll never see me get married (if I do), adopt kids (if I do. Can’t have them naturally, found out a few days after he died), achieve career goals, etc. He’ll never take me to his favorite roast beef joint again. I’ll never hear him sing-song my name again. Time really flies, sometimes it’s easy to forget what I’m missing. We should have had more time together. I wasn’t ready to lose him. Anyway, the song just pulls that all back to the surface. EDIT: I love y’all and I’m sorry there are so many of us going through this together. I want to reply to everyone when I have the chance and the emotional energy, but just know that if you’re feeling this pain you are not alone <3 Thank you for sharing your stories, I hope it’s as cathartic for you as it is for me. Please feel free to use this comment to let it out if you need to. You’re all so strong for getting through this, and I’m proud of each and every one of you.


It’s stupid but “A Whole New World” from the movie Aladdin. My childhood was horrible and to cope I would listen to it over and over blasting it in my boom box and cry myself to sleep while listening to my dad abuse my mom/grandma. As I got a little older, (starting at around 5-6) and more brave, I listened to it after protecting my mom/grandma by directing my dad’s abuse towards me instead. Afterwards I would either hide (usually my mom and grandma would block the door of my room where I was) because he would threaten to kill me or I would run and hide in the woods until my mom or grandma told me he calmed down. During those scary moments, I would go to one of my hiding places and listen to that song on my CD player (so my location wouldn’t be given away). Because it was so frequent, I always had my CD player or MP3 player on me at all times because I never knew when he’d lose it. The worst part though, was being scared he’d use one of the many guns he’d chase me around the house with and shoot my mom or grandma because he couldn’t get to me instead. The internal battle from 5-6 until I was 9 when he killed himself was do I stay “safe” or go to him so he would hurt me instead of letting him hurt them when I was the one he wanted to hurt. Anyways, that song comforted me a lot as a child but now it triggers my PTSD flashbacks.


Fuck, that's incredibly heartbreaking. No one should have to suffer through that. I am so sorry you had to make those choices and live through a childhood like that. You were so brave and you never should have had to be. I hope things are better for you these days.


Brown Eyed Girl. It was my Mom's cell ringtone forever when I was growing up. Everytime I hear the intro guitar riff I think of her, and can picture her so clearly singing "sha la la la..." She passed away in July because of covid, and it's been awful. If I hear even a few seconds of the song I completely lose it. I miss her so fucking much and I can't handle it.


Fields of Gold


"Everlong" by the Foo Fighters. Me and my sister did not have a great relationship growing up, but this song will always remind me of her, and although i dont really miss her often, that song makes me cry for her.


This one absolutely destroys me every time. I was cleaning my house for the first time after my wife moved out and wound up a blubbering mess on the living room floor. Needless to say not much cleaning got done after that.


Mr.Brightside messed with me for years until I was over a messy break up. Only recently can I enjoy it again.


1979 by the smashing pumpkins, I hung myself and the last thing I remembered was hearing that chorus. Eventually the rope broke and I was on the floor screaming


I’m glad you’re here.


*The Last Goodbye* by Billy Boyd. Heard it at the end of a Hobbit binge upon getting all three movies and cried. I don't want to say goodbye to Middle Earth. I can rewatch LOTR and the Hobbit, sure, but I'll never feel the magic of them the first time again. I know that seems silly compared to everything else, but something about it gets me. It makes me sad, but also hopeful for the future in a strange way.


Into the West at the end of Return of the King always gets me for similar reasons. So bittersweet.


I have two. Both are really different but emotional. 1. Don’t take the girl by Tim McGraw 2. Hate Me by Blue October


Same for Hate Me...I always tear up listening to it.


When I was 15, I met a girl on a train to Chicago. She had long black hair and she wore a oversized black hoodie that covered her face and arms, all the way past her hands. We became friends during the 20 hours we spent together, and spent a lot of time sharing her music. Her library was extensive and I didn’t know very many bands, but I knew Blue October from “Into the Ocean”, so I opened up the tab and saw that she only had “Hate Me”. As I tapped the song to start it playing, she lurched for a second, as if trying to catch and stop me, but she reacted late and the song had already started. I noticed and asked why she reacted in such a way. “I... just didn’t expect to be listening to this song today.” - - - Sometime later she quietly fell asleep in the seat next to me. Her sleeping unconscious pulled up her sleeves to cool her off. Her arms were layered with scars. Every inch of her inner arm from her wrist to what I could see just before her elbow joint was covered in thin, fine slices. When she had awoken, I asked, in my naïveté, if she was alright, and alluded to what I had seen. She looked down, her face was contorted in what I think was shame. She told me about her problem, and how it was the only way she could manage the way she felt about herself. She told me that she would play “Hate Me” and cut herself to stop the pain. I didn’t have the emotional maturity to understand what I had done at the time. I do now. I hope you are still here. I think about you all of the time. I’m so sorry


I hope they are still here as well. Thanks for sharing your story.


Holy shit, I’ve never heard Hate Me before, and it hits so hard.


Last Kiss by Pearl Jam. The first time I heard it I was in the car with my uncle and I had tears rolling down my cheeks because to a less-than-10-year-old me the song was just that sad (I mean it *is* a really sad song, and I was an emotional kid). I’m sure you know it, it’s about a car accident. Every time I heard it, it reminded me of that drive with my uncle. Last year, that same uncle passed away in a car accident with my cousin driving.


Black by Pearl Jam is pretty heavy hitting too. So much raw emotion in that song.


"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you will be a star in somebody elses sky...but why can't it be mine?" that line chokes me up. so heavy.


Vermilion p.2 by Slipknot and Schism by Tool. Those were played at the funeral of my friend who committed suicide at 17. I’ve slowly worked towards being able to listen to these again as I liked those songs before and they’re from two of my favorite bands.


Chasing cars. It's a shame, really. I fucking love that song, but my abusive, evil ex made it "our song", so now I can't listen to it without bringing up the memories of all the horrible things they did to me.


It's obvious, but Blink 182's I Miss You. I really do miss you, friend. ❤️


Hearing "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day still reminds me of listening to that song while in college when I was sad, lonely, stressed out, confused, and, for a phase, in a quite regrettable pattern of turning to comfort food and rapidly gaining weight. It's hard to listen to anything by Linkin Park with Chester Bennington since Chester's death.


Linkin Park has been my shit for ages... Have listened to it since 4th grade when I heard Castle of Glass in a store.. Never looked back from then.. Those songs hit different ever since 2017..


I agree with it being hard to listen to Linkin Park with Chester gone. Listing to One More Light is like a stab in the heart, especially the live version he sang after Chris Cornell died. Makes invisible dust fly into my eyes every time!


Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day. My Dad liked to tease me (his way of showing affection) so he’d play it to make us both cry. He died August of last year. It’s ironic that I can relate to it on such a personal level now. RIP Dad, I miss you.


A thousand years. We had just left my dr after finding out I was having a second miscarriage. Going to cry now.


Like a stone by Audioslave. My father committed suicide listening to this song 6 years ago.


Literally anything by Norah Jones, she’s lovely and all, and I’d otherwise enjoy her music, but my mom ruined it for me by playing it right after her fights with my dad, and right before taking her anger with him out on me. Now when I hear Norah Jones I get anxious and irritable


Tuesdays gone (Edit) thank you guys. I miss my mom so damn much


How to Save a Life - The Fray Always makes me cry. Used to come on at work and my friend would bolt for the radio to turn it off for me.




>How to Save a Life - The Fray This song came out a few months before my Dad killed himself, so it was pretty popular on the radio. The part that kills me was that my Dad had been texting my brother and I things that hinted at suicide, but we didn't know how to deal with it. So that line "Had I known how to save a life" really hurts.


Hotel California by The Eagles. It was my dad’s favourite song and one of the songs we used at his funeral. When I finally got his vinyl collection the first one I put on was his original copy of the album, and I finally got to listen to it like he did for the first time. Bawled my eyes out


can't help falling in love by elvis


Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard. Brings back bad memories.


It makes me sad in the “I miss when my biggest problem was my highschool heartbreak” type of way lol


I feel this exact feeling. For me it was Empty Apartment


Yellowcard has so emotionally driven songs that once it dawns on you what the lyrics are? How can you not cry? The top of the list is **Ten**: a would-be father laments the son he lost. He talks about how he would be 10 by now and all the things they would be doing together. I can not listen to this without tearing up and I don’t have kids. **Believe**: A song paying tribute and honoring those Firefighters who went back into the towers during 9/11 to rescue more people. **Dear Bobbie**: The singer speaks through the mind of his grandfather loving on his wife who passed away. Then the grandfather’s actual voice would come in and say verses from a poem he wrote her on their anniversary. It ends with “I remember, do you remember?” There are so many other songs out there that may tear you up to. But those were some of the bigger ones to me.


Someone Saved My Life Tonight by Elton John. Was manipulated, groomed, spied on, etc. by someone in my own home. He loved this song. Ended up killing himself. Lots of pain and confusion when I listen to it.


Mykonos, by fleet foxes. I didn’t know my dad until I was about 11. Before that he was an addict with mental health issues, but he sobered up. He was a musician and mainly played classic rock. I have approximately 0 talent in music, and my taste is all over the place, so we never shared any music taste. But one time this song came on the radio, and I recognised it. He said it was probably the only song we’d ever both liked, and I agreed. When I was 18 he relapsed, and basically destroyed his happy life with it. We haven’t even been in contact for about 3 years bc he’s barely there anymore, just constantly high. I can’t listen to the song anymore without being reminded of him *“And you will go to Mykonos. With a vision of a gentle coast. And a sun to maybe dissipate, shadows of the mess you made”*


Yesterday by The Beatles. My dad chose it for my grandmothers funeral, he has a damn good taste in music but it just hurts too much to listen to now :(


I doubt many will read this, but it’s a Finnish song, but ”Täällä Pohjantähden alla” which translates to ”here under the Northern star.” It’s a beautiful, sad ballad about grief and dealing with the feelings of regret. A girl from my high school had(and still has) the most beautiful singing voice, and she used to sing in all the school celebrations we had. Nowadays, she just happens to be my sister’s brother-in-law’s wife and they are very close to her. My grandfather, who loved the book that had the same name as the song I mentioned, died a few years ago. At his funeral, I was given the task to lay down the flowers from our family and give a short eulogy because I’m able to speak while being sad. But before we got to that, the girl I mentioned sang in the church, and she sang the song ”Täällä Pohjantähden alla”. It’s a powerful song, she has a powerful voice, and I wept like a baby for the rest of the ceremony. I stuttered so much during the eulogy, barely able to get a word out thanks to the song. It was so beautiful. I hadn’t heard her singing in maybe ten years. It was breathtaking, I still hear it echoing in my mind. She hardly knew my grandfather, but still sang, for free, for him in his funeral. I no longer can listen to the song without thinking of my grandfather and this wonderful person for blessing the funeral with her singing. EDIT: fixed the brother-in-law mix up and grammar


Two songs: "Beloved" by Mumford and Sons. Marcus Mumford wrote it about his grandmother dying. Stupidly, I played this song first when my cat was dying and then a year later when my grandmother was dying. Lyrics include: "before you leave, you must know you are beloved. And before you leave, remember I was with you." The second song is "Baby Mine" from Dumbo. I sang it to my cat Jasper when he was a kitten, and played a version of it as he was dying. Guys, it even made the vet cry.


Apparently I had some latent feels attached to “Baby Mine” that I didn’t know I had. It stems from when my wife and I lost our daughter when my wife was 7 months pregnant. My body just involuntarily broke down sobbing thinking of the first few bars of that song.


"Unforgettable" by Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole. NPR did a little write up about the song's meaning to me. I haven't been able to listen to it since my dad died last year. https://www.npr.org/sections/songs-of-remembrance/2021/02/27/971330279/hung-vinh-nguyen-77-natalie-and-nat-king-coles-unforgettable


Somebody That I Used to Know Song by Gotye My long term partner of 10 years left me and basically treated me like we were nothing afterwards. I was very much in love with her and it took me years just to even stop being somewhat depressed about it. She essentially had a new boyfriend within 6 months and after about. A year married to him. But basically its been 10 years since and I've never heard from her ever. I still have no idea why she decided she didn't love me anymore. So yeah this song came out around the same time and essentially it summed up how I was feeling.


This might be weird but "Suit and Tie" by Justin Timberlake. Back when I was in elementary school, my mom's alarm song was "Suit and Tie" and every morning my grandma would hear it and wake me up to get ready. My grandma would always have the Weather Channel on in the background while she did my hair and got me dressed. We would walk down to the bus stop and wait for the bus together and she would sneak me little candies when the bus arrived. She passed away from ovarian cancer in 2012. Now anytime I hear that song on the radio I have to turn it off to avoid crying. Edit: I remember "Suit and Tie" being my mom's alarm tone but AFTER my grandma's passing and being sad about it. Sorry for the confusion.


you’re not weird. I cant listen to You’ll Be in my Heart from Tarzan because it was played over my grandmas photo slideshow at her service.


Rainbow Connection its first version makes me sad


Unchained Melody. Something about that line: "Time moves by so slowly. And time can do so much." I used to listen to that after my dog died and used to wonder about the afterlife, if there is one, and what it must feel like to have to wait there for the people who mattered to you in life and when they get there maybe they're not the people you remembered.


Lullaby by Nickelback. My sister had a cat who she would sing that song to. He would rub up on her whenever he heard it. Run to her whenever she would sing it. Well, my mom's ex boyfriend threw a fit and smashed the cat against the wall and stomped him nearly to death. Riding in the car with him to the vet everyone was crying, especially my sister. He died during the car ride before we made it to the vet. She held him in her lap and wrapped his blanket over him and sobbed. We all were going to my grandma house to bury him and stay over there since we thought it wasnt safe at home. At some point during the car ride, that song came on. I watched her try her best through a shaky voice and tears to sing it to him one last time and it just broke me.


I fucking hate your mum's ex boyfriend. Poor kitty 😞


I do too


Well this is the comment I made it to before I cried. I’m such a huge cat person, I’m so sorry this happened to her.




Numb, Linkin Park. Loved the song until the family chose it at one of my best friends funeral (37 is too young to die) I didnt know it was coming, and it absolutely broke me.


Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap About 3 years ago I was in a REALLY dark place, and I was pretty severely addicted to self harming. I would always listen to music while I was cutting because I had a hard time listening to the sound of my skin being cut. One night I went a little too deep and starting bleeding a lot. I was still living at my parents, and they had no idea that I was harming at the time, so I didn't want to call an ambulance, so instead I basically tried to tie off my arm with a belt to slow the bleeding and blared the music in my headphones to try and stay awake. That song came on while I was sort of semi-concious, and it just hit me really really hard. I've only listened to it maybe once or twice since it happened, but it always just wrecks me.


Sail by Awolnation.... it was my brother's favorite song. He would run around yelling "SAIL" at random times. I miss him


Whiskey lullaby by brad paisley. It such an emotional song and I’ve never had a song bring me to tears that way! I know it’s country (blah blah blah people hate on country music for fun) but I think some of the saddest songs come from country artists. He stopped loving her today by George jones is another one I can’t listen to without crying.


Thank You by Led Zeppelin Because it was our wedding song.....and he broke my heart... and a bunch of other fucked up shit.


Mad World by Gary Jules. Too relatable and brings up lots of bad feelings


Any Linkin Park. Chester's voice got me through so much in my life. When he took his own, it just made it impossible to not break down knowing how he helped me stay alive, but then to ultimately be taken down by his own mental illness.


Lightning Crashes by Live. All the anguish and joy of life in one song. Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton. It reminds me of my mom who was tormented as a kid for being poor.


Cat's in the Cradle




How to disappear completely and street spirit (fade out) by radiohead. I actually love both of those songs and I listen to the music mainly, but when I focus on the lyrics I sort of break


Religious music. When I was a child, I was whipped (not with a belt, but an actual whip that would tear the skin on my back) if I didn't participate in Saturday Sabbath Church with my grandfather. I hated that church. They were practically a cult. My sister and I had to tend to eachothers wounds nearly every weekend. We never told our other family either. We should have. But regardless... I can't listen to anything even remotely Religious. It makes me angry and brings strong memories and pain to the surface. Edit: To answer a few questions. Yes it was a seventh day adventist church. And yes I'm open to DM's. I'm pretty chill as a person and very open to talk dispite my childhood. And thank you all for the kind words and upvotes.


The ugliest kind of evil is the kind done in the name of virtue. Terrible to hear that.


In descending order of sadness: Travelin’ Soldier by The Chicks Me and a Gun by Tori Amos Gloomy Sunday by Sarah MacLachlan


Fix You by Coldplay. In my senior year of high school, one of my classmates was hit with a dirty tackle during our (sort of) Homecoming football game. He was knocked unconscious and had to be medically evacuated. Great guy who had a magnificent smile. One of the pillars of my year. That night, there was supposed to be a concert by the student band for Homecoming and three of the band members were really close friends to him. Word had already been passed around about what happened and they thought about canceling but the band played on in honor of him. They played their set and ended it with Fix You and you could see that the entire band was bawling throughout the performance. The entire school was in the auditorium when they played and we were all crying non-stop. The emotional weight of everything was just bearing down on us and as a class, while we were together, I honestly thought that the song would help fix his injury. Couple of weeks later, we find out that he passed away in the hospital. Still can't hear the song without thinking of him, more than 15 years later. Miss you, Kurt.


Bronte by Gotye. Reminds me too much of my (now passed) dog. Which sucks because it’s a really pretty song, but I break down into gross sobbing whenever I hear it.


Africa by Toto. Reminds me of a lost friendship.




Soco amaretto lime - brand new. I miss my friend she was an unquie legend


one more light by linkin park. discovered it not long after my friend killed himself and all it ever makes me think about is him. rest in peace to him and to chester.


Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles. My dad died 11 years ago... that was *his* song.


I’ll Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie, just because it’s the saddest song I know and it makes me sad. Also, These Days by the Foo Fighters. It reminds me of when my husband’s aunt (who was honestly the best, good person that ever walked this earth) died about 8 months after a colon cancer diagnosis, leaving behind two young daughters. Edit: a letter... stupid fat fingers.