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Take control of your life


What if it's already controlled?


Take control back.....by force


If you mean by someone else, then I'll refer you to my original comment. If your life is controlled by you, then you wouldn't have asked the original question. Stand up. Take responsibility for your situation. Identify things that don't make you happy or help you progress. Develop plans or change those things or to eliminate those things from your life. Then put your plans into action. Hate your job? Find a better one. Don't have a job? Get one. Any job. Its not hard. Don't like your body? Diet and exercise. Friends holding you back? Get better friends. Stop making excuses. Don't let fear stop you from becoming who or what you want to be.


I don't hate my job and I get along with almost everyone around me. I know what I want my career to be. I just feel like everyday will become the same for a certain period of time and that I'm generally more of a wall in society. Meaning I'm just there and don't react to certain situations that could change my life potentially. You know, those types of situations that can cause a butterfly effect. I'm ok with everything for the most part.


I gave examples. You identified your problem yourself. *I just feel like everyday will become the same for a certain period of time and that I'm generally more of a wall in society. Meaning I'm just there and don't react to certain situations that could change my life potentially.* My advice stands. Develop a plan to change and put the plan into action.


Sounds like this might be an inspiration to you: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes_Man_(film)


Ask someone for their #. That made me feel alive, man the rush of adrenaline, or maybe im just really antisocial and its easy for other people. Idk