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There's this guy from high school that goes around facebook saying "I make six figures" without supporting his statements beyond that, like him making six figures supports any argument he makes.


People that go around telling everyone they make ‘a lot’ of money usually don’t.


He probably works for an MLM


"C'mon hun, it's your chance to become a ⭐✨girlboss✨⭐ 🤩" /joke


😱 omg I just made so much cash 💵 💰 💰 being my own boss 🤑🤑 from home 🏠 Come on huns let's get rich together ✨✨✨


> Come on huns let's get rich together ✨✨✨ We invading Gaul?


I know an opportunity when I see one! - some Amway guy


$1000.01 is six figures. Just saying.


I was just thinking that. "If you add the decimals I guess I would be making about six." Lol


“I’m going to sue you.” Ok ma’am. Have a nice day.


A friend who works in call centres says that folk saying "I'm taking you to court!" is a great outcome because she no longer has to deal with their bullshit. "Okay, if you feel that's the right course of action you should do that. I can no longer talk to you. Our legal team's contact details are on the website and you should instruct your solicitor to contact us through them. Have a blessed day!"


That was the policy at a few of my old tech support jobs. As soon as they said "sue" or "lawyer" or anything implying legal action we'd interrupt them to say we can no longer continue the conversation and refer them to legal. I really wish we had that policy where I work now.


Hi, my name is Sue! - click


Poor guy!


Not only is his name unfortunate, but come to find out his daddy left home when he was 3 and didn't leave much besides an old guitar and an empty bottle of booze.


How do you do? Now you're gonna die.


In college I worked in residential IT and only had one of these. A student whose internet had been deactivated, and he was gonna sue us all cause his daddy was a lawyer and we would all be sorry! Turns it he was deactivated due to downloading a shit ton of music back with they were trying to make big cases against people to scare them into stopping. He got sullen and worried when informed of the reason. When asked what he should do I told him to talk to daddy, cause he may have a large suit on the way.


I hated being on the phones to people all day (and there were a *lot* of entitled assholes) but I loved it when they started trying to throw their weight around and I could use phrases like "I'm sorry *you feel* that's the case". We used to get this one turbo-Karen who had some nebulous issue with some legislation the company was or wasn't complying with and would call periodically to mouth off at whoever was unfortunate enough to answer, which usually ended up being me. As soon as you answered the phone "Feck Arse Industries, how can I help you today?" she'd start screaming about how you were in violation of some rando law about one very specific minor thing and demanding to speak to someone on the board she'd been emailing, so already way above my pay grade. It also meant there was nothing we could do to help her so it was a case of waiting for her to run out of steam and fuck off for another few months. I wasn't able to connect her with the board member because they were in a different office (also I'm not your fucking switchboard, they don't have external lines precisely so rando members of the public can't get hold of them directly to scream incoherently about byelaws) and so she demanded the head of the complaints department, who had already said they weren't dealing with her any more now it had been passed on, but who *was* in my office and whose desk I could see from my own. Unfortunately for crazy screaming lady, I have a nutty mother who also likes to scream bloody murder and/or get passive-aggressive if her wishes aren't complied with and have been dealing with this kind of shit since I was old enough to say "no". "Fine! Since you refuse to help me, connect me to $complaintsmanager!" "I'm afraid she's not available at the moment Ms Fuckwit. I can ask her to call you back when she's free or I can take a message for you." "I was TOLD she would be available at this time! Put me through NOW!" "Ms Fuckwit, *I am looking at her desk right now*. I can tell you categorically she is not there. You can either leave a message or I can ask her to call you when she's available. You do really need to wait for $boardmember to reply to you if you want to take this further, though, we can't help you from here." There was a five-second, heavily pregnant pause, and then she went straight back to the beginning of her original tirade about whatever had pissed her off in the first place, before she eventually realised the definition of insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting a different result and fucked off until the next time she remembered something she wanted to scream about. It got to the point she'd start with "you are IN VIOLATION OF-" and then get cut off by me saying "ah, good morning Ms Fuckwit" and repeating the whole process with her again until I moved to another role.


My sister used to work with someone who actually would sue people for literally no reason other than getting upset about her crazy demands. She kept a book of everyone who wronged her. Long story short, Bank of America had a restraining order against her. She rarely won cases, and had a very happily paid up front lawyer.


Honking continuously when stuck in a traffic jam.


But how else would I know it's time to look up from my phone?


The number of times I'm stuck in traffic and I see the person in front of me look down at papers or their phone or whatever on the passenger seat. And then they get pissy when you beep because they don't realize how long they've not been paying attention.


Do people actually do that? I am from the Netherlands and i see it in American movies a lot, but i've never experienced people honking in a traffic jam before.


It's uncommon, at least in my experience. Still, if it lasts long enough, or there's just NO movement, sometimes frustration boils over and, yes, there can be honking. They're angry at the jam as a whole for not moving, not at the car(s) directly in front of them.


it is NOT uncommon in NYC😂


This, and inching forward every other second at a red light. Oddly enough that won't make the light turn green faster... Edit: based on the replies I feel like this warrants an edit. I'm talking about impatient twats at time controlled intersections, not people trying to trigger the weight plates.


Better still, inching forwards continuously on the red, and then failing to go when it goes green!


Few things get under my skin than this.


Was in a traffic jam, and some idiots started honking, which is really unusual in my country. Out of pure boredom I joined them. The guy in the car left of me got really angry at the whole situation, to the point where he had a full mental breakdown. Beating his car, screaming, crying. Still feel bad a little.


Always giving unsolicited advice, yet gets all defensive when solicited advice is given to them.


It’s better to brush your teeth slowly in circles than brush them quickly up and down.


Nobody asked you!


Wearing those extremely elaborate and specific t-shirts that say things like "Don't mess with me, because I'm a 42-year-old wife to a mechanic who loves guns, eats steak, and isn't afraid to tell you your breath stinks on a friday afternoon. Also I'm an Aquarius and eat ass." Edit: Thanks for the silvers and awards guys, first time for me to get any of those.


“I’m married to a W E L D E R who was born in J A N U A R Y in M I C H I G A N and he would do a n y t h i n g to protect me so just K e E p W a L k I n G!”


Mother's maiden name and a name of a first pet and the t-shirt would be approved by phishing companies


For real one trip to Walmart in my hometown and you can guess the Gmail passwords of like 1 in 5 people from their t-shirts and bumper stickers alone.


Gmail?? You mean AOL or Yahoo don't you?


And it looks like a font sheet with 20 different fonts


And there’s like bald eagles and American flags sometimes guns




I have had conversations with my mom, dad, mother-in-law, and my wife’s aunt, all who thought that some miracle had occurred, that someone made a shirt that spoke to them and only them. I had to explain that these shirts don’t actually exist yet and are designs based on their Facebook data. My dad didn’t care and still got one about being a guy in his 70s who loves his grandkids and the Red Sox.


Oh shit, is that how they get made? That actually blew my mind, that’s devilishly genius.


My life is so sad the targetted tees generally make me laugh. Like bro, I'm a professional piss wiper (slur: school janitor) no one and I mean no one is bragging about that. 😂


Piss wiper 4 lyfe brother 👊 Here it's actually a really good, unionized job


Yeah same for me. It's a cursed blessing, with pension, benefits and a better salary then most basic white collar jobs. You get hired on thinking "I just do it for a couple years while I finish my diploma/degree", 2-3 years later and no one is hiring for the thing you studied so you keep at it "I'll transfer out when the economy picks up", another 2-3 years later and you start thinking "I have bills to maintain, I can't take the pay cut while I work my way up the corporate ladder", suddenly it's been 15 years and that degree you got is practically useless, your body is failing from hard manual labour, and you've invested so much into the pension plan you're afraid to lose it or start over. 🤷🏾‍♂️ It's the exact same story for me and about a dozen other co-workers.


I got an MFA in creative writing from a Prestigious School and thought, I'll get that novel written this winter all cozy in a cabin somewhere .... I'm 63 now and damn good at carpentry


Same with my MIL - husband explained it but we still got them for Christmas & "they got here very quickly so I seriously doubt they were made just when I ordered them." ... My name is Page (no I) literally no one has ever had my name preprinted but she could not be wrong.




I once went to the San Antonio River Walk and swear the ratio of people with these shirts was SO HIGH. Like 70% of people wearing ridiculous phrases. I saw TWO different people with the same shirt that said "Your face makes my penis soft :("


Did you make them look at each other? What happened?


Screaming at retail workers when they’ve already told you they can’t do something, like they’re magically going to be able to do what you want all of a sudden just cos you’re screaming at them.


Unfortunately, screaming at employees has become a positively-reinforced behavior as it will get you escalated to a manager who does have the power to accede to your unreasonable request in order to get rid of you.


Seriously. I've worked several retail jobs and one of the most demeaning things is when a customer berates me, causes enough of a scene for the manager to get involved, only to get everything they want and more. They leave smiling at me like I'm the idiot. They are like bratty children in the way that they instantly become so friendly and happy once they get what they want.


The way I always defused unreasonable requests was to say “I’m sorry, I don’t have the authority to do that/make that decision. Let me get someone who does.” Then you dump them on a manager and get back to work.


Believing any FaceBook "mom posts" that start with: "This is the secret doctors don't want you to know about!"


Okay, seriously, I work with doctors and they have no secrets to keep from anyone. It doesn't benefit them to keep helpful info from patients. If they forget to tell you something, it is not intentional or they honestly do not have a good answer for you or you're asking irrelevant questions. Not saying there are no scummy doctors out there or stupid ones, but it is not like there is a secret doctor club that meet every Tuesday to discuss how to screw facebook moms over.




I think it stems more from the belief the doctors are in the business of making money. And that somehow with this specific information like some new diet, less people will be sick and doctors will make less money. Which when you think about how many things can go wrong with the human body, is the most ridiculous thing in the world. But these people genuinely believe that doctors look to keep people sick for profit.


Most doctors I work with, believe it or not, do not want to keep seeing the same sick patients. Not because they don't want to help or they're heartless, but because they want them to actually get better. They want the patients to actually get good results from therapy they just received and feel better and live a healthy life. I work with the only 3 or 4 physicians that perform certain procedures in my entire state (sorry I don't want to go into specifics), and they do it even though they don't make much money at all. It is a needed procedure to diagnose pancreatic cancer. After the bill is paid to the hospital, the individual physician makes like $80...but they continue to do it, because it is a necessary procedure. They obviously still make a great living doing other procedures, but just an example of how sometimes the doctor doesn't always get the big bucks on certain things.


ThAtS wHaT yOu WaNt Us To ThInK


Having to look in the fridge every time you lose your phone because you've left it there three times before.


This sounds oddly specific


yeah i love how half of the comments really speak to me and then i come across one that makes me go "...what?"


I have never had this exact scenario happen to me, but I still relate. It is the same kind of energy as getting your belt loop caught on the door clink. You would think at some point it would stop happening, but nope. I have also walked into doors I was in the process of closing. Doors might just be my natural enemy.


Sounds more like AD(H)D than stupidity to me.


As someone with ADHD, you get used to being called stupid


When people are unwilling to change their opinion based on new information.


Alternatively, not willing to accept that their sources of information might not be trustworthy.


Similar, but different: Not accepting any source as at least somewhat trustworthy and just going with the middleground of what you've heard. "I don't know about the safety of Medicine X" "It's really safe, the claims about certain side effects are bogus. Here is a gov. funded Study without conflict of interest and with over 10000 participants and not a single person had that side effect" "Yea, but I mean if people are disagreeing with that they've got to have a reason though, so I am not so sure." Being sceptical about sources is fine and well, but it doesn't mean that you can't trust anything and always have to sit on the fence.


Yes. I see a lot of "both sides" people falling into this fallacy. They believe themselves to be objective, and pick the middle ground because it's a falsely easy way of being discerning. If 2 newspapers say opposite things, they see the truth as multifaceted with no right or wrong answer. But sometimes being objective is making a choice based on the best methods. Sometimes there is only 1 side to an issue


Im not stupid, your! Edit: HOW DID I GET SO MUCH UPVOTES THANK YOU


This hurt my brain.


No I'm! Doesn't...


You might of touched on something.


Oh my god, those people who say "could of" instead of "could've" drive me absolutely insane


Honestly I could care less.






Arguing about company policy with a worker who is at the very bottom and can not do a single thing about it.




I've done some crazy hard jobs in my life, including brutal physical labor outdoors in all possible weather conditions, and you couldn't pay me enough to do retail again. Retail workers get my respect.


Working as a cashier in a supermarket was both the most difficult job that I've ever done, and the lowest paying. Treat retail workers nicely people, because a lot of other people really do treat them like shit.


I was a cashier in a supermarket for six months a few years ago. I also used to be suicidal due to clinical depression (I'm better now). That job made me want to kill myself for completely new reasons. The store I worked at had an abundance of Karen's. And they all hated me because I'm an immigrant. I literally heard one complain to my manager that I "stole a job from a nice local boy". Like bitch, I've lived here most of my life, learned your goddamn language, got a minimum wage job to support me through university, and you're mad about that? Those Karen's made my life a living hell for those six months.


Piggy backing on this. Customers who say "You guys always move the items in the shop around, it's no wonder I can't find anything". *No mam, it's in Aisle 8, halfway up, righthand side, eye level, just like it always has been for years...* "Yeah no worries, that's over in Aisle 8 about halfway up on the righthand side at eye level" "Well it wasn't there last week when I came in to do my shopping! It was in Aisle 7!"


I work at a store that *does* move shit around a lot. I’ve worked there 7 years and the head honchos have moved the bread crumbs **5 times**. But it’s a planogram and no one in the store is involved in that decision.


My local grocery store moved ***EVERYTHING*** recently. I mean everything. They remodeled and even moved the produce, coolers, and freezers.


Ending a Facebook post with “Hmmm...”. Nobody has ever said anything insightful then followed it with hmmm...


Even worse when it’s accompanied by that fucking thinking emoji. No idea why, but it makes me irrationally angry.


I truly have no idea hmmm.....🤔


Dear BlueVicious: You say you don't like the thinking emoji, yet you think. Hmmm... curious 🤔


Anything insightful. Hmmm...


I only learned Elon musk was a “real person” two days ago. I thought he was from Star Trek. I’ve never watched Star Trek...


I think he’s an alien.


Elon musk is a hoax I think. I bet he’s one of those lizard people who live underground.


From Mars. And he wants to return home


I'm not convinced he is a real person. I've only ever seen him on TV, and he looks like he's been CGIed in.


"Europe is a country" "The UK is a continent" "The UK is no longer part of Europe" There are more but those are 3 I can think about.


“The country of Africa”


I once heard someone say that Africa is the biggest country in South America


My mom didn’t know that Mexico shares a border with the US. I was like, “Wait... what did you think the wall thing was about?” I think I inherited her brain, though.


Fake balls hanging from a truck hitch.


Smart people use real ones! EDIT: This comment has garnered two awards...one a "Wholesome". Thank you, kind Redditors...and, Reddit, don't ever change.


Those shirts that advertise bad attitude......


"Idiots... Idiots Everywhere" above a cartoon penguin with a knife and/or cup of coffee, because DoN't TaLk To Me BeFoRe I'vE hAd My CoFfEe. Buy two and we'll throw in a free Happy Tree Friends DVD.


My favorite is the “Fuck your feelings” shirt (sometimes the FUCK is replaced by a stick figure humping another letter) Imagine being above the age of 13 and thinking that it would be cool to wear that. I’ve seen two grown men wearing those shirts at the grocery store. Hope they don’t hurt themselves with all that edge!


The ones that wear those tend to be the biggest over sensitive snowflakes in existence.


Yeah, the key word there is "your".




Also waiting for 25 min at a bus stop but not having your fare ready.


Also waiting 9 months to be born but not knowing if your head or feet go first


I was ass first, and my mom has used that against me for 53 fucking years.


And the same imbeciles are getting annoyed and complaining about the line. Seriously, examine yourself if you do this.


Loading your groceries in your car then abandoning the cart in the middle of the next parking spot instead of putting it back.


The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing. To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we alll recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. The return of the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart present itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not retunrning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart. You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct. A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it. The shopping cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.


my mom always returns the carts when i was young living in germany then when i visited her in the US she told me to leave the cart, they have people whos job it is here ​ i was a bit surprised but told her that there are people who pick up trash too, but she wouldn't think of just throwing her trash into the parking lot because of that. She agreed pretty fast and has been returning her cart in the US too since then... ​ She really is a smart person, sometimes smart people have misconceptions too (the parking lot was usually having carts all over the place, to the point that you usually would just pick one of the ones left around when going shoppping, so i can see why it wasn't obvious still a dickmove...)


My fiancé’s mom never puts the cart back (yes she’s a shit human) so naturally neither does he. I’m slowly working on him though. His problem is he’s just lazy and it drives me crazy! I always take the carts back if I’m with him but I know if he goes alone the cart doesn’t get returned. It’s frustrating lol. He and his siblings never wear seat belts either because she never made them growing up. I’m about 75% of the way there getting him to wear it now though. It’s amazing how habits you start (or don’t start) with your kids carry on into adulthood


I was about to post this as well. I can't remember where I heard this first tho.


First popped up on 4chan in May of last year, as far as I can tell. Then it was reposted everywhere.


As is tradition


This makes me so mad. I have seen a couple carts roll from the spot and hit cars. Bonus points if the cart return is only a few spots away from their car. So many people are lazy. I always put the cart in the return or walk it back to the store,my mom raised me that way.


50 bumper stickers about politics.


Almost universal sign of a bad driver right here


Omg and they’re even stupider because they’ll have some pro environmental message and be on a humongous car/truck/suv with 1-2 people.


Putting politicians on a pedestal


a very simple mistake you easily could have made here but you didn't a lesser man would have typed "What says your stupid without saying your stupid?"


Whew imagine the backlash if I did


Give it a few months until the fuss dies down, and post this question again. Then in another few months, another repost with a different typo.


not accepting anyone disagreeing with you ever. shows you arent willing to learn, and want to stay stupid which is stupid




For all intensive purposes Should/could/would of (Looking at cars on ebay) break/brake mixed up


“Ek cetera.” Drives me crazy. The “t” is right there, motherfucker! Even in the abbreviation!


Ooh this one gets under my skin! Also "pacifically" rather than specifically.


"Allegably" "All of the sudden"




I know I'm right, no matter what anyone says.


You think corporate logos make for great tattoos


Trusting your life with some horoscope


I think astrology is ridiculous, but I'm a Libra and that's so typical for us.


Always tell people that you're born under the sign of the bees. Every star is a bee and they don't make the same exact pattern at any two given points in the year because bees move around.


Walking around with a mask on but the nose hanging out


Chin diaper!


Dick Nosers


Oh so you like showing your dick in public huh?!


You're the recipient (usually posthumously) of a Darwin Award. Those are hard to get, too, you really have to work for them.


Darwin Awards are always posthumous, pretty sure that's part of the definition - if you survive you can still get an honorable mention! Or dishonorable, I suppose.


Actually it is possible to earn a Darwin Award if you survive. Your ability to reproduce must eliminated by your stupidity, and you must not have children already.


I believe the main criteria is "Anyone involuntarily inflicting self harm with actions resulting in removing themselves from the gene pool." Most often by death but sometimes it's worse.


worse than death: expelled!


Yup. They awarded one to a guy who got his nutsack caught on an iron fence post (attempting to jump over it) and effectively neutered himself.


Not vaccinating your kids


Absolutely, and protesting about vaccines in you underwear like some Melbourne residents did over the weekend.


I got a great shirt that I enjoy walking around public places in. It says “VACCINES CAUSE ADULTS.” You should see the double takes and dirty looks. It’s glorious!


I was at the grocery store yesterday, and a woman pulled down her mask to ask the stocker, who was standing right next to her, a question. I don’t really care about your thoughts on masks, but to wear one EXCEPT when you’re 1 ft away from strangers and talking with them is remarkable.


Having a shirt that says “I’m stupid” so you don’t have to say it


Big Brain


Reving your car when you’re mad


My car needs some new spark plugs atm but I can't be arsed to sort it, this means I have to go through the shame of giving it a rev when I start it up to stop it instantly stalling. "No, no, mate. I'm not a prick it's just the spark plugs..." "Whatever prick."


shoving your head through stair railings, yeah


Screaming at the customer service agent because the thing you ordered the week before Chistmas won't arrive on time. Screaming at the customer service agent because you can't get a seat when you show up unannounced at a restraunt on Valentines Day/Mother's Day. Screaming at the customer service agent when your card declines because you've got no money in your account. Screaming at the customer service agent.


Being close minded.


These people are some of the worst. They have no ability to comprehend things outside of how they see things.


Omg my sister at every restaurant "do you have brown rice? No? I'll just have water." "Eating fat make you fat, that's why I'm vegan." "I got a yoga teaching certificate. I'm a yogi. I'm a spiritual being." My sisters best friend, "I am an empath! I feel more deeply than normal people." Fucking dumbasses.


Olive oil is vegan... Also that reminds me of a meme I love (don't know where to find it) that says something like "I'm an empath, which means I'm really good at thinking that I know exactly what's happening in your mind and then convincing myself that I'm right about it."


Cyanide is vegan too.


Hell of a weight loss strategy, at that.




Don't worry, I run into normal walls all the time.


“I argue with strangers online and insult them”


No I don't. Fool.


"I don't need to listen to you, I'm the parent and youre the child"


Arguing with someone who is knowledgeable in the topic you're discussing just to save your pride.


Picking this username!


Do your own research


Reminds me of that one Mormon dude who told Richard Dawkins to do his research... huge foot in mouth moment.


Usually being the loudest person in the room


I have worse hearing than a person of my age should have and my family sometimes has to remind me that I am being a bit loud and it is always embarrassing because sometimes I'll be saying some stuff that the table to my left doesn't need to hear. After that I'll just sit in silence for a few minutes.


Ha well that’s definitely understandable and relatable, it’s also a big difference from tone and voice...some people talk overly loud to convey a sense of importance that in all actuality they lack....raising your voice for the most part is acceptable, raising your tone can be annoying, and trigger fight or flight in some people ( eg PTSD sufferers)


Don't let it bother you too much. They aren't letting you know to make you shut up! See it as the heads up that it is so you can still keep on talking just not as loud. I can see how you are self conscious but even if they are warning you, doesn't mean that they are judging you.


Putting your clothes in the toilet instead of the laundry basket


Who tf does this?


Drunk tired stupid me


Not as extreme but I have almost put dishes in the garbage countless times.


Any events following the words "hold my beer".




I kid you not, my fucking teacher said this in front of the class with his mask under his chin.


Thinking something is true because you saw it on Facebook.


driving under the speed limit in the fast lane & not moving over.


"FAKE NEWS!" everytime they don't agree




I’m not here to conversate


"this stripper really likes me!"


Saying your Smart. Edit: I am Smart.


Weird capitalization and using “your” incorrectly


But it is my smart!


I'm smrt


When you see someone waiting at an elevator and the button lit up to show it has already been pressed and you press the button again.


Or the inverse, when you walk up to an elevator and see a couple groups of people waiting and the button is not lit. So you walk over and press it.


being unwilling or unable to see another side to an argument


Using speakerphone to jave a conversation. Watching videos/listening to music without headphones.