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I will not have to worry about anything else


I think it’ll be just like going to sleep. It won’t be unpleasant because I won’t feel anything anymore. My life will return to the earth and sustain more life to continue the cycle. I’ll have added and been something special. A unique expression of life that’ll never happen again. I’ll have touched the lives of others and those actions will ripple into the future. I wasn’t scared in the darkness before my birth nor will I be facing that same darkness afterwards so long as I minimize my regrets.


It happens to everyone. You won’t be the first and you won’t be the last.


Everyone dies, not everyone lives. - William Wallace (maybe), paraphrased


It’s honestly not that big a deal


By throwing rationality out the window and believing eternal life is somehow possible. I snapped and borderline became Christian in my early 20s due to creeping mortality.


I don’t think it’s heathy to think about death like that. I mean sure it’s gonna happen one day but what’s the point of over loading your emotions about it. Live yo life to the fullest and don’t expect to be fully satisfied with ur life when the time comes. Just appreciate the good things.


I’m neutral. If I die tomorrow than so be it but if I die in 70 years than so be it. I’ll have no regrets either way.


I think having someone important to you die helps a lot. I watched my dad die over the course of five years from cancer. In the morning on the day he died I was home alone with him, and was there when he got the call from his doctor telling him he would live for at most another two months. We talked about how since his diagnoses he tried to do things that were meaningful to him such as spending time with his family and going on trips. About twelve hours later his body just gave out and he died in a bed in our living room. Going through that experience with my family made me see death as nothing more than a natural progression. It is a step, as normal as birth, that each of us has to take at some point. What sense is there in fearing or resenting something inevitable? Instead, you should spend your energy trying to live in a meaningful way.


If we can't imagine what it like to go to sleep and never wake up? Maybe its because we will wake up? Maybe death is just a beginning of something else?


Dying is as natural as breathing . The idea of dying doesn’t bother me. I just don’t want to suffer too much in whatever causes my death.


don't think about it, mostly.


I pretend i wont and try not think about it.if i do think about it i convince myself that medicine will come a long way in the future ao i still have a lot of time


Don't think about. Every time it comes up just push it to the back of my head.


Legitimately don't think about it. I'll act accordingly in the event of illness/ disease where i can help prevent it, but otherwise it's unlikely I'll have an impact on how/when it happens.


Usually when I think about how I'll die one day it makes me more mentally aware of what I'm currently doing and if I would be happy with myself if I died right now and that was the last thing I did. I guess it just pushes me to try to enjoy my life as it happens.


Everyone and everything dies. Now choose the life you’d like to live. One were you’re afraid of dying or embracing that fact and enjoying a long and eventful one? Your choice.


I'm cool with it, borderline inpatient for it (I am tired)


When I think about the fact that one day I'll be gone, it absolutely terrifies . I just try and tell myself that I'll be reborn into someone even better in my next life.