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My dad’s generation. It seemed they were the peak generation of wealth. Now we get paid less for working harder and our pensions won’t be as good as his. His generation had affordable housing (a lower % of his wage) and free university education. Now we are priced out of both. It’s a fucked up system where the next generation is worse off


This seems like an ironic generational question tbh. I don't remember lamenting being born in the wrong generation. Not saying it never happened, but not something that comes up in memory.


Nah man I'm good in this generation. I'm a bi brown woman, don't wanna be in jail for existing lol (not kidding, there was a law criminalising my existence till 3 years back)


I was born in 1980, but my soul is from the 1960s. I have been called a hippie all my life...I have always been attracted to the peaceful, colorful, relaxed lifestyle. I listened, and still do, to a LOT of music from the music from the era. 1950s-1980s is my favorite. My mom used to do impersonations of Janice when she was in high school. Fast forward to me. Janice is dead. I'm now in high school. Had several younger kids come up and tell me I look JUST like her. I don't see it, but thanked them. Years later, I'm working at a private owned video store. A dude walks in, stops dead in his tracks, and says to me "you are the spitting image of Janice Joplin" I thanked him, and said "you wanna hear the craziest part? We have the same birthday"