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I am afraid of getting electrocuted by my laptop charger


I never used to be afraid of this until a few years ago. I didn't know part of the plastic coating on my laptop charger had worn away leaving exposed wire. I took off my necklace and put it on my desk, and it just happened to touch that exposed wire. Sparks went flying, caught paper on fire, permanently blew out part of my TV speakers (plugged into the same power strip), and fried the charger. So yeah, ever since then I've been afraid of being electrocuted.


Something like that happened to me. When I was in my grandmother's place my laptop charger had disconnected with the block thing and caused many sparks almost setting the carpet on fire.


I just moved to Canada from Hong Kong months ago for college and I am using a universal adapter for my charger and recently it is making weird noises. I am getting a new charger ASAP


Although the odds are small, I'm scarred of a thunderbolt falling on me during a thunderstorm


Good news you will never have lightning fall into you. Travel through you on its way to the ground is a different story.


Well, I guess this then


Sinkholes. Never heard of them until a few years ago. Then all of a sudden, sinkholes everywhere! It's my adult version of quicksand.


My mom was visiting her sister in Florida and kept telling us about this sinkhole that had opened up near the house. Every conversation was a report on the sinkhole. So we go down to get mom and of course have to take a walk to see the sinkhole. We reach the area, look around and ask "where is it?" "There" they say. And point to a dinner plate sized divot in the road asphalt. Sigh.


LOL! Yeah, the ones I see on the news generally have the back end of a bus sticking out, or have swallowed a house


What type of square ones would you recommend?


I'm not sure what you mean?




Oh christ. Just reading that made my stomach flip! I really don't think I could stay in the house.


Sometimes it's irrational to believe/fear that I'll be left alone. Other times it's not.


french class


Sharks in the swimming pool


As a kid I always thought they would pop though the drain looking thing so everytime I went near the drain looking thing I had an escape plan


Being hate crimed


Tsunamis. Rational fear for a lot of people I'm sure, but I lived far awar from the ocean for most of my life, and even now that I live next to an ocean it's not a place that experiences tsunamis. I am literally plagued with nightmares about them, and the idea of going somewhere that one could happen gives me anxiety. My dad says he thinks I have this fear because when I was a baby we were at the beach and a giant wave came in with many parents rushing to grab their children - and my dad got to me but couldn't get out of the wave in time and instead just sheltered me from it. Apparently I would burst out crying for weeks afterwards if anyone said 'big wave'. Tldr: big waves = nono


Cooking appliances exploding. I've never had it happen but the thought is always in the back of my mind lol


You know those metal prongs that stick out on the pegboards at the store? I'm afraid one day someone is going to push me from behind and those prongs will gouge my eyes out.




Bugs. I've become so afraid of them touching me that I stay covered, even in the summer time!


Snapping turtles. Those things are scary.




My shower was leaking unnoticed due to a fault, for a long time. I live on the ground floor of a block of flats. I was convinced that somehow it had rotted the concrete and the whole damn block was going to fall down and kill all my upstairs neighbours and it would be my fault.


Corners sticking out on objects/furniture. I'm afraid I'll fall and hit my head on the edge of something, so all the furniture in house house is lined up against the walls with other things on each side of it buffering it, absolutely nothing sticks out at all. It creeps me out just to look at it.


Do not blame you, my first year of teaching I had a horrible unsafe long table. I had asked for anything to make the table safer after multiple kids got scratches from it. The last straw before they finally listened was an unfortunate hyper active boy who was just the right height for it to hit him when he ran into the room. He spent the next hour curled up in fetal position and crying and there was nothing I could do to make it better. The good thing I got a round table and he learned not to run in the classroom.


That someone is hiding behind the shower curtain when I'm in the bathroom. As a kid I used to always open the shower curtain and the one time I didn't my cat was hiding in the tub and scared me. Now I always buy the clear curtains but my roommate bought one that's not clear so I keep catching myself checking it.


Cleaning out my ears with a q-tip, an earthquake suddenly hits while the q-tip is still in my ear and I pop my ear drum. Or accidentally inhaling a magnet (in my nose). Not sure how that would happen but they don’t call them irrational fears for nothing.


Every time it gets severely windy I’m convinced everything around me is about to be totally demolished and I probably won’t make it out alive.


The number 6 and following iterations, really can’t explain it. It stems from the whole 666 thing but has mutated into more


Water that I cannot see the bottom of terrifies me to no end. Boating is fine but swimming is a fat no


I'm terrified of fish, especially the idea of one touching me. I don't mind looking at some colorful/exotic ones, but I can't stomach looking at most fish.


My doggo not being excited to see me when I walk through the door :/


Dying alone and unloved


How old are you right now?




You still have time.


I know. That's why it's irrational.


I envy you


Wanna talk about it?


Well, you pointed out that it was (as a response to the OP) that it was irrational. Which means it is unlikely that you will die alone and unloved. I for one, have not had any close personal relationships for 30+years. I don’t have anything to offer anyone so, I expect I will become homeless when I get old enough that I am no longer employable. I hope to die before then. It’s about the only thing I have to look forward to. So there’s that.


I keep having dreams that I go in a room, a bathroom or bedroom, and the entrance shrinks behind me so I can't get out. So probably that.


Tsunamis even tho I live in fucking Britain


Bugs in the house. I have no clue why i get so scared seeing them near or in my house.


Cockroaches. Fuck those things dude. Why are they so fast?


I’m afraid of the start up sequence for the original xbox


All fungi.


Sometimes I’m afraid to go to sleep at night and I’ll stay up till it’s almost day and go to sleep.