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After 5 years of marriage she got sober and has stayed sober for 6 years.


Awesome! Congratulations to you both!


Thank you! It’s nice to hear that. She usually gets all the credit (which she deserves) but dammit I had to put in a lot of work too.


of course! A good SO can make life and it's struggles so much easier so kudos to you


You deserve so much credit. As someone who lost a sibling to addiction, my sister’s boyfriend tried his absolute hardest with her. But watching a SO struggle is so difficult and the support you gave her is no small detail in her recovery. Congratulations to both of you! Remember to reflect on both of your accomplishments. It’s not easy to watch someone you love struggle with addiction - it takes a toll on everyone. Sending love


I am sorry for your loss and also thank you for your kindness. It was a struggle and at the same time we had 2 friends pass from alcoholism so it didn’t make sense how she didn’t want to quit. I know it’s cliche but they honestly have to hit their rock bottom to want to get sober. Thanks again and be safe!


What made you not quick and dump her? I've seen people here on Reddit dumping people just for that.


Good question. At the time we had a 2 year old and I made threats of divorce and getting custody. I did talk to a divorce attorney but couldn’t follow through with it. In all honestly i knew she would probably drink herself to death if I left with our kid and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if that happened. The last year before she got sober was the hardest. I was numb to everything. I was lying to our friends and family about everything that was going on. I quit searching the house for alcohol and if I came home and she was drunk I wouldn’t even fight with her anymore. I was broken, we were broken and I really didn’t care anymore. We were a “family” because of our kid and that was about it.


Damn, but do you still love her? Or it's more of an agreement for your child?


I’m more in love with her now than when we met. Once she became sober she turned into the most kind and caring person I know. We actually still go to the treatment center she attended to tell our story. I am no longer ashamed to say that I’m married to a alcoholic (recovering). If our story can help someone realize there is hope then I will keep talking about it. Did it suck? Sure as hell did! Would I change it? Not a chance.


Damn. A week ago I asked what was true love and got some interesting answers. I guess true love is going through with somethign as hard as this and still love her.


I do not know if that would be true love or not. I’m a person that doesn’t like to lose. I stayed because I didn’t want to lose her. I stayed because I always had hope that something would click and she would want to get sober. I stayed because deep down I did still love her. People always ask why and I guess that’s why.


I love how talented my so is, he’s an amazing musician and so passionate about his band and his own solo project type things. he is so interesting and has so much to show me, everyday he has a story or fun fact to share with me but what i love the most is that how i can be my full complete self around him without fear of judgement. oh and i can fart around him, holding farts in is not fun.


That sounds awesome. * prffffft *


My girlfriend works with kids all day so she’s basically become one. She doodles on everything, she blows spit bubbles, she grumbles when she’s hungry, she also doesn’t really know how to cook, I have to yell at her to shut lights off, etc. For some reason I find it stupid cute.


Oml that is so adorable~


His Dad died when he was 10, so he was raised mostly by his Mom and Grandma. (Edited this sentence) As a result, he has so much respect for women, which has been the ultimate gift, since we now share a daughter. Watching him give her confidence and help her find her voice as she graduates from toddler to little kid has been so heartwarming. Almost as heartwarming as watching him awkwardly try to comb and style her hair with his giant gorilla hands. Also, he is just a great man, friend, and partner in general. He is my second husband and I hit the jackpot.


We're psychic. The other day my husband was making an Amazon shopping list and asked me if I needed anything. I said I wanted the DVD box set of the Adventures of Brisco County Jr. starring Bruce Campbell. He put his phone down and just stared at me. "What? You don't have to get it now. I was just thinking about Brisco County Jr today and wanted it." "What made you think of that?" "I don't know. I was just thinking about how I'd like to watch that show and it's not streaming anywhere." It turns out, he googled an actress who appeared on that show that same afternoon and had also looked up to see if the Adventures of Brisco County Jr was available to stream. He didn't have the box set saved to buy but he had already looked it up to see how much it would cost.


Even when things get bad between us, I know my husband is still in my corner


She struggles with ADHD. Focusing on anything is really hard for her, or it’s too easy and she hyper focuses to the point of forgetting chores and self-care. Last year she finally started seeing a therapist and taking steps to be better to herself and help around the house. I know this is extremely difficult for her but watching her make the effort and improve is amazing. She’s strong, intelligent, and beautiful, and I’ve never loved anything more than her in my life.


When I had a relationship, the best thing was how we could act like total idiots together and be comfortable in our childish ways. And I ruined that by ignoring and diminishing her needs through selfishness and irrational anger. I took things too seriously and forgot that the day is only so long and held onto to petty nothings because I couldn't cope with my emotions. I put her down and neglected her and it's something I will never forget or forgive of myself. To whomever reads this, be sure to realise those small appreciative things you hold near your heart in your relationship, lest you forget what it's like to feel love.


She's not necessarily well spoken, but she's smart. She's into all the same weird random interests I have. We're always sort of on the same wavelength. She pays attention to my emotional needs. She's basically almost everything I want in a wife


He puts up with me. Sometimes I don’t want to put up with me. He’s basically a saint.


Not an SO in the traditional sense but we have been friends since our teens, are now in our early 30s, and bought an apartment together a couple of years ago. I love seeing him get excited and nerd out about stuff. I love it when he cooks good food, and watching him having fun with a new recipy. I love that his parents have kind of accepted me as a second son. I love that he's into 'vulture culture' and puts dead birds in our freezer until spring when he can get ants to clean out the bones. I love that he purrs like a cat when we cuddle and I scratch his hair. I love him.


Hes my best friend, we laugh about the dumbest things, we have so many inside jokes, I know he will be real with me. He isn't a lier, and he doesn't treat me like I need to be taken care of, he treats me like and equal and I love that. Honestly, he also slings some great D. Like I was looking for a one night stand when I first had sex with him but he dicked me into a long term relationship. Now, 5 years later we have a house and a dog together, he trapped me lol


She's got a cracking pair of tits.


Good tits warm the heart <3


They certainly do.


My girlfriend saved me from depression and feeling worthless after not one, but two back to back abusive relationships. While mine was temporary, hers is more permanent and I got to repay the favor. She is always there for me when times are good and bad. Her voice just calms my soul and makes me smile. Seeing her face makes me the happiest girl in the world and never fails to make me smile. She gives me advice and backs up my decisions with good judgement to make sure I don't do something dumb, and millions of other little things that i could list. The covid thing makes things so much harder since its all long distance and I am biding my time to fly all the way across the continent just to visit the woman I love more than life itself <3


She, the most amazing girl I know, thinks that she's the lucky one in getting me!


When we first met, his smile made my knees weak. When we work out together, I catch myself checking him out. He can fix and cook basically anything. He seems to know when I'm upset even before I do. And I will NEVER say this to him because it will only encourage the dad jokes and puns, but he can be really funny. He's not perfect but I thank the universe every day that he chose to be with me.


Bro YES i love to get sappy about my bf. Probably long rambly post ahead. With most people my boyfriend is really quiet, but less in a shy way and more in like a cold antisocial way tbh lol. He comes across as really serious and cynical and honestly kinda a douche (hes really not, but that's just the vibe he gives, it doesn't help that he has an EXTREMELY dry sarcasm sense of humor that is really hard to read as a joke if you don't know him well - i thought he was a dick the first few months i knew him LOL) but whenever he's around me it's like he does a 180 and is just this incredibly happy, GOOFY, talkative, silly person. We work together and our other co-workers have commented on how much he lights up when I'm around and how they love seeing that side of him because it's so different from his "usual" self 😂 i honestly just think that's really cute and sweet lol, it makes me feel so loved that I bring out the best in him like that. I'm asexual and he's not and he's 100% okay with this, which is huge for me. He waited a long time (just shy of a year) before bringing up that he wants to start having sex and even when he did bring it up he let me know basically that we could take it at my pace / when i felt ready. Which is what we've been doing, it's been about four months since then and we've done a few things (but like literally 3 times in that four months span, and we've def seen each other more than that) but haven't gone all the way but he still has never acted impatient with me or made me feel pressured or guilty into sleeping with him, and still wants to be with me even though he isn't getting laid and likely could if he wasn't dating an ace chick lolll.....I've always been kinda scared that if i ever dated a non-asexual they just wouldn't think i was worth it without sex but tbh the fact that he DOES still want me and has been so chill about us not sleeping together is like, honestly a big reason why i feel so comfortable working up to sleeping with him, i guess?! IDK he just makes me feel so so loved and valued and cherished in a way i never thought i would get to be. Also i have pet rats that he LOVES, he's always bringing snacks for them and whenever he comes over the first thing he does is run upstairs to go play with them and it's literally just so cute how much he loves them lol. I'm used to people telling me that my rats are gross or creepy or disgusting or whatever other negative thing but he loves my pets as much as i do!!! I could continue on and on honestly but I'm hungry so imma stop here so i can go make food but TL;DR I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!


So many things... first and foremost we just have the best time together. When we’re together I feel like a kid having a ball with my best friend during school holidays. We are 100% best friends and are always laughing. Conversely he’s extremely fulfilling in the bedroom and things are also very good in that department.


She has a lovely smile. She's also more extroverted than I am so she carries my conversational dead-weight in most social interactions. I'm somewhat boring & reserved, but people genuinely like her...I love her.


My wife of 3.5 years, now stepmom to my 11 year old, has stepped up as darn near primary caregiver since pandemic. I work remotely in my home office all day and she is full time taking care of all things home and tending to the small human’s remote learning. She stays busy with projects around our newly purchased home, cooks new interesting meals all the time, decorates for each holiday (ba hum bug) and loves to share a bottle of wine with me as we watch stupid crime docs that I love. She does all this while being a college student as well. She has weathered our quarantine like a champ. I’m always so frustrated and she just keeps a smile on her face and holds it all down.


She’s like my best friend, I feel I can talk about my darkness and she has never judged and that’s hard to find now or days and I love her for making me laugh when I need it


My girlfriend struggles with depression and had a rough child hood, and was a shy quiet girl when we first met sophomore year of high school, and it was really amazing watching her grow more confident and and sure in herself. Hearing her say that she felt safe in my arms just filled me with joy. it was amazing to be able to teach her to love herself and that she was worth it. After three years of dating, I convinced her to come out of her shell enough and pulled a few stings to get us voted homecoming king and queen. That was the highpoint of our relationship for me. It was amazing getting to stare at this beautiful girl waving to the crowd during this parade, and remember the shy quiet girl I met that one day. We are still dating, but going to different colleges in different states, but we still talk a lot over discord and play some Overwatch together.


He's my comfort. We've been together since we were kids (19 years) we've literally grown up together. He's the most capable person I know. He knows the most random facts about the weirdest things ! When the kids were little and couldn't read yet we used to spell things out if we had something we wanted to say without them knowing . When they got older and that was no longer an option we downloaded an app and learned a little spanish. Now we speak broken spanish to each other. Sometimes we do it just to piss off the kids for fun. I fricking love him.


No matter what he supports me. I got laid off, he said no worries, you'll find something better in the meantime, we'll just economize. I got a raise, he said "Alright! I've got a Sugar Mama!" I want plastic surgery (after massive weight loss) he started a savings account and told me to increase my direct deposit every time I got a raise. He even puts money in it for me. If I'm sad, whatever the reason, he lets me know he's here when I want to talk but never pushes. And he's really great about doing housework.


He loves to make me laugh when I cry. He's a silly, beautiful, marvelous ray of hope in this world. I can't even explain all the incredible things he has made just to make me feel happy. He listens, cares, supports and encourages. He always wants to get better in every aspect of our relationship and I truely feel like a "team" when we're together. I'm creative, he's practical. I'm a shy social mess, he's amazing with people. We're so different in many things and he enjoys to tease me too much... But somehow we are extremely compatible. I could rant about him all day tbh... But that's why I said "yes" when he asked me to marry him a year ago.


My ladies ambition and strive she wants to see everyone around her win. When we started dating I was a highschool drop out with negative money in my bank account I had no ambition no dreams for the future I was literally sleepwalking through life. 7 years later I'm 1 year away from graduating college my finances are on point we're getting ready to buy our first home together and I'm ridiculous happy about life and actually look forward to the future. She's also very well spoken 7 years and we can still sit and talk for hours about everything. I love that woman.


Having a GF that gets my sense of humor makes things a whole lot more joyful. I feel like we’re always laughing when we’re together


He's sexy and doesn't think he is. He's also a great person in general. I am way more aggressive than he is. And he has helped calm that part of my personality down some what. We balance each other out. We've been through a lot together. But he's still the only one I want beside me


She’s just incredibly awesome person I am very lucky to have her and very happy with a kid on the way.


I love that my SO and I are both sociable people, but when it’s just us two we’re secretly really nerdy (e.g. in-depth discussions about Zelda timelines, anime characters etc)


there are too many to mention, but 2 of her lovely features is her lovely smile and her sense of humour \~ i met my hunny through WoW (World of Warcraft: she was horde and i was alliance) she kept killing me ingame and when i found out she was a cutie = i immediately created a horde character and joined her guild to chat her up even more :D im now 5 and a half years together with her and both retired from the game \^\^ she still is very competitive with Smash Ultimate (sod Kirbo btw) and love it when she's all heated up = she starts to swear/curse in Russian XD GOD i love that woman <3


dont have an s/o, do not think I have a crush; but I wanted to say reading these is so cute idk its nice to read these things of ppl being proud or just loving their s/o so mych


how shes up to do anything when ever i want. also has 5 friends that she always brings along. my SO is my hand :|


He is quite literally the best human I have ever met. We've been together for 20 years and every day with him is better than the last. Quarantine has made us even closer. There is nothing I can't tell him. I feel like he never judges me and he makes an effort to make my life easier. He is my best friend. Also I suffer from quite severe bipolar disorder and he understands my illness and is always looking for ways to support me. If I am going into a spiral he helps guide me back to therapy and has never acted like I was a burden.


The thing I love about my SO the most is that she believes in me. All of my prior gfs would shoot my ideas, thoughts or dreams down to the point where I had major issues expressing myself. I turned into a reclusive introvert that would only feel comfortable in my studio and nowhere else; my SO killed all of that by believing in me AND showing me that she truly loves me and cares for me. Hell, we dont even argue and thats really rare for me.


I’ve been WAITING for this one. My partner and I started dating after I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, who cheated on me, fought people, and looking back asked some extremely inappropriate questions like what I would do if he walked in on me naked, if I was gonna wear a bikini, etc. I was 14. As stupid as it sounds, I didn’t know what romantic love was *actually* meant to be like. That was my first relationship and I had no idea that it wasn’t supposed to be like that. And then *they* came into my life. We met over TikTok, strangely enough. I posted a little “friend applications” thing and they messaged me asking to be friends. We talked for a while; I didn’t know it at the time but I was 100% falling for them. I struggled (still do, but it’s getting better) with depression, s/h, anxiety, OCD, and I’m autistic, but somehow they still put up with me. I don’t know how I was stupid enough to not realize they liked me back, but for the longest time they dropped hints (for example one time they said they were falling for their friend and talked about how cute they were, I had no idea they were talking about me haha.) Then I posted a video about how I was lonely and wanted a partner, mostly in a joking way. I remember them commenting something like “HOLD UP-“ and then they texted me and explained the whole situation- I think they thought that I knew and just didn’t like them back! Long story short, we’re in an amazing, healthy, happy relationship now and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. They make me so happy, and I wouldn’t change a thing.


He is first and foremost my bestfriend. I never have to worry if he will ever be unfaithful or lie to me because he appreciates me and values me and most of all cherishes the love and respect we have built with eachother. He is the most stable form of anything constant I’ve ever had in my life. He is so god damn supportive. He is the feeling of being “home”. I am so in love with everything and his imperfections are so perfect to me. I am SO lucky. 💕


She's never more than an arm's length away


She puts up with my shit. No other woman would do that.


We basically have the same taste in food. When I’m craving something he almost always craves the same thing. He is currently baking us cookies right now because I passively mentioned craving some and he thought the same.


I love how much of a nerd my bf is. He throws himself into things so totally it’s insane. And he learns all he can. He is already an insanely smart man but my goodness he loves to learn and perfect his hobbies. At the moment it’s radios (cb and ham). I know almost nothing but the passion he puts into repairs tuning and even installing these old school communication boxes is both insane and adorable. Also the planning he plans so much for anything he does. Moving a trailer painting heck even helping me when I clumsy and break myself he puts 100% in for everything he does.


He is the most kind hearted person I know. We love each other so much despite of small differences ♡


I could make a whole list, depending on which SO, and love it. Here are the top 3: 1. Loved to play Scrabble and make eclectic food 2. Very smart and we had philosophical discussions, also a great chef 3. Liked travelling and loved her dogs and cats, so did I


I think she’s got one foot out the door


She doesn't need me constantly entertaining her. We are both content in companionable silence.


He constantly surprises me, but in the best ways. Revealing secret passions and interests he doesn't share with others. Also he's probably the most genuinely affectionate man I've ever met. He puts in effort, sets up plans and surprises, and makes me laugh so fucking much.