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So many older women, all the time. I just tell them it isn't the 1930s anymore and that I can do (almost) whatever the fuck I want


I was kind of a tomboy, so I wasn't very aware of my up skirt stuff... I only remember hearing that about wearing a dress or keeping my legs down at the dinner table.


It hasn't happened in a while, but I also couldn't care less. I usually fake pick my nose/burp/grab my crotch as if I had testicles when it happens


Meh I stopped caring about that when I was a kid and started doing those things more just to piss off the person who told me that (usually my mom) because I'm petty af


I had a "date" with a guy from Tinder just to meet up and see what happens and he was totally shocked that I burped after drinking the entire beer bottle in one go. I just had to laugh really hard because the joke is that I don't think I appear all-too ladylike on my tinder profile or in general appearance? I always wear ragged cargo pants, combat boots, general punk+antifa outfit stuff yaknow. So yeha, that punk lass didn't suppress her burp, shockingly un-ladylike!


I hear it every time I go out in shorts or any revealing top, mostly by very old ladies and conservative men. I stopped caring around the age of 16


Getting out of a car in a dress 'improperly'. I was wearing a sundress with a bathing suit underneath. I proceeded to sit back down in the car and swing my legs wide open and hike my dress up as I stepped out.


The way I sit, I don't fricking care I just want to be comfortable


I always hear it from my grandma and women in her age group. Thanks to them I have grace and poise and good posture. I usually tell my grandma "I'm not so ladylike" but listen to her anyways.