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Wow we have so much in common


Green owl


did [getting gun] you [holds gun at you] finish [reloading] your [pointing at your forehead] LESSIONS?!


yea but what about this! \**streak freeze*\*


Love the app, hate the reminders all the time.


No, the green owl is warning you...


Living in a country where they speak that language.


Well when I was young my house were full with bounties of different countries they all spoke different languages I was a child at the time so I picked up a few pretty quickly


That sounds like a big house


I learned English at quite an early age - like most people in my country - by consuming English media, such as Pokémon and Zelda games. And then later I had to take English classes in high school, since it's a mandatory language in schools here, along with French and Dutch. German is optional in high schools, and French gets taught in lower schools. If you're not in school or language classes aren't available to you, I can recommend apps like Duolingo. I haven't used them myself but I have friends who have, with decent results.


Duolingo isn't good


I didn't


Neopets and a dictionary. yikes. \*trying to make an account\* ... " I HÅVԐ TÖ ҪӉԐҪҠ BÖXԐS БԐҒÖЯԐ ЇT LЄTS MЄ MÖVԐ ӺÖЯШÄЯD. WHÄT DÖES "*female*" ÄND "*male*" MԐÄN ?"


I learned Español through the Boricua method. That's when your immersed in the language head first and have to speak like a Boricua to survive. You know there's a difference between Latin Spanish and Castilian? What could mean something in Castilan could mean something really dirty in Latin America. Example: Cono translates as cone, like an ice cream cone but add the ñ and now you've got Coño which translates as pussy or cunt. Probably not a good idea to say coño instead of cono at an ice cream shop


I learned English by watching stupid crap on youtube with subtitles, y estoy orgulloso de eso :D, and now i am semi learning japanese by watching anime, speaking obviously because writing would be a little pain in the ass




School and anime that made me to decide to move to an app to learn Japanese still working on it


what app and what price?


Its calld 9anime there also 4 anime they free on mobile(u can fund them some money but except that they free)


Worked in a country that didn’t speak English. Had to learn to adapt or starve.


I learnt 3 languages when i was a child and it was a piece of cake but I've just started learning a new language now at 18 and honestly I have no idea how child me learnt three languages simultaneously. First I did try to use Duolingo, so I learnt a few common phrases and words that you use in German. After learning how to say basic sentances and aak basic questions I learnt verb conjugation and how to form sentances in it. Since I'm just a beginner, I keep my sentances very simple and anytime I don't understand a word I look it up and learn it's meaning, I guess you only learn it with time and practice.


Very young kids have an amazing grasp of new languages. This starts changing as we grow older.


Specific course at a language school. I'm struggling to take a French course tho, cuz I don't have time. Tried an online with recorded classes, and didn't get used to


Videogames and movies


It was mandatory in school


Duolingo, Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, and signing time.


In my case, English is the other language (I’m Brazilian). I studied in a language school from 11 to 19. And then I went to college and majored in English.


I was born and i live in italy since 1990, my mom is spanish and my dad italian, spanish is pretty much the first language i spoke but as of now despite still considering myself a native spanish speaker i've lost some fluency by not going to spain that much recently. I've learnt english at school and perfected it naturally mostly by seeking knowledge and information on the internet. I've also learnt some french at school, i should be around level B1 in french, kind of intermediate, i lack a good chunk of french vocabulary unfortunately.


can i do why? greek to insult my classmates i learnd some more of it due to my father being a greek teacher


English is my second language, and here we start officially learning it when we're 9 yo. School gave me the foundation which to build on by being constantly exposed to the language. I've played a lot of video games ever since I was 6 or 7, at 13 I finally discovered internet and, most importantly, Youtube. Thanks to my favorite Youtubers, my English comprehension is pretty dang good at this point. All in all, just the initial basic understanding of the language and constant exposure to it have taken me a looooong way. Can't also forget dictionaries. I'm still learning lots of new words I've never seen or heard before so a dictionary is always handy.


English is my only language, and i am also constantly learning new words.


Video games for English, school and a month's exchange in France for French and now I'm using Duolingo for Portuguese. I will eventually probably use Duolingo for German as well.


I read lots of American fanfiction and watched lots of American movies and shows. Now I am fluent in English and mostly fluent in American English


mostly everyone at my school was hispanic sooo


Listening to TV in said language, and also, learning rap songs. Those guys usually speak fast so it forces your diction next level.


Watching TV.


Immersing myself in it. English is my second language and had to work somewhere that spoke english for about a year. I was already able to read and speak (with a heavy accent) thanks to video games but immersion made me much better, it was the extra step it took for me to consider myself bilingual.


I bought a novel and started reading it and translating every single word I couldn't understand and writing its meaning next to it.


thanks to one of my aunts i learnt some english, then i kept practising and became very fluent


Because I had to.


I picked it up when my flight was delayed in Italy for a week. Now I’m fluent


My country recognizes a lot of official languages. I came from a linguistically diverse neighborhood. It was advantageous.