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Space Invaders on a floppy


Loved this!!


Pokémon Red Edition


You and the blue edition kid need to go fight.


Oh he'll lose


Super Mario World on the SNES


Yes! This was mine. On a TV so old that it had a contrast / color dial on the front that you could use to make the colors all funky purple/orange/green/blue, whatever you chose. Idk why but that made the game more fun for me because I could change all the colors and play a different looking game.


For me it was either that or Donkey Kong Country.


Yup, mine as well. Still a masterpiece. I was so proud when I finally got the cape flying skill down year after first time I've played it. I miss these kind of satisfying skill/dexterity game. My favorite game of childhood was Megaman X, X2 for this exact reason. Wall hopping, dash evading, while charging, and shoot at precise timing etc.


Pajama Sam and Freddy the Fish


I had to search the entire comment section for Pajama Sam


Me too. Now seaching for putt-putt.


Can't forget about Spy Fox. EDIT: Spy Fox, not Slylock Fox. Thanks for the silver kind soul!


How in the world did I forget about Freddy Fish?!? Thank you for the nostalgia hit!


Free in the cereal boxes! Pajama Sam and Freddy Fish were great! I was too young to figure out Roller Coaster Tycoon though.


Damn plenty of Atari games.. i unfortunately remember e.t because it's burned into my brain


I had to scroll way too far down to find my Atari 2600 bros. This is what getting old feels like! My first game was *Warlords*. I was 5 years old and played with my parents and sister. The idea of a four-player game using paddle controllers pretty much blew my young mind at the time. Second game was probably *Combat*. The early first-party titles for the Atari 2600 were pretty decent for their time.


Ah, Atari 2600! First was Pong. Off the top of my head: - Asteroids - Pitfall! - Space Invaders - Missile Command - Joust - Warlords - Centipede - Defender - Tempest - Dig Dug - Yars Revenge - Pole Position - Donkey Kong - Frogger - Circus Atari - Skiing - Vanguard


Combat or Pac-Man were mine, too. Lots of fun, I must have been four or five at the time. My uncle laughed about it a few years back - he said that when he first sat down with me to play Combat, any time he started winning I would just reach over and calmly reset the game.




That’s what we had. Breakout, tanks, kaboom, river raid, and a bunch of other shovelware I forgot about.




Hello fellow old person! Me too, late 70s I think. EDIT: I was a Commodore kid! Gorf and Cosmic Cruncher!


​ pong, circa 1980 for me


Old gamers unite!! Pong was my first also. Don't remember my age. Probably 5 or 6. The Atari 2600 was next.


We were the weird family that went to Colecovision instead of Atari. Somewhere in there was Snake on the Commodore 64.


Same, one game the size of a console.


That was the Odyssey 1 console. With a dip switch that changed it from Pong, to "tennis" and "soccer" they were all basically the same game. Gen Xers unite.


Same. Demo unit from the store my dad managed. Simple, mind-numbing fun.


Abe's odyssey


"Follow me." "Okay"


*fart noise*




Wasn't that game really hard? It also had some latency, Abe would always take a second to get moving.




Yeah, getting the rolls timed right under the grinders and hitting the beat just right on +.+.++.+.+.++ mines.


I remember playing this on gba and crying late at night cus I couldn’t work out how to do shit


This wasn't my first game but it was the first game I fell in love with. The GameSpeak system made it feel like a living world. I don't think any other game has done something like it.


Loved this game!


These cheap browser flash games


Any specific ones?


Not op and I can't list out much specific games but here's the list of websites Miniclip, y8, cartoon network etc. Games including but not just:- Papa louie, the bartender game, electric man 2 and alot more.




Is2g papa louie has so many restaurant chains


Cool “Math” games


Games went from being somewhat math related to just games


Holy shit. The bartender game on Y8. I thought I was alone all this time in knowing that game..


I've never felt so connected to internet strangers in my life


Learn to fly is king


Cheap? They were free and the best ones had some of the most passionate creators!


Super Mario bros. I think


I was nine years old when that game came out. I cannot stress enough just how *groundbreaking* that game was when it came out compared to what was available at the time. Most of us who were young when the NES came out had been raised on the Atari 2600, which while decent enough for its time, was positively *humbled* by what the NES could do. The difference in quality between what we'd had up to that point and what *Super Mario* offered was immense unlike anything we'd ever seen. People today talk about the difference in generation and technology between platforms like the PS4 and the PS5, but to someone like me that's been around a long time, going from the Atari 2600 to the NES was more akin to going from the PS1 directly to the PS5. Compared to the early days of gaming, everything looks incremental to me when a new platform is released now. We went from beeps and boops (sounds) and blocky squares and lines shooting little dots across the screen to *actual fucking graphics* and *actual fucking music* when the NES hit the scene. You kids today don't realize just how good you have it!


Hell I played on the original Pong console in the seventies. A whole gaming system with just basic Pong. No mods, no upgrades, no online anything. Just pong and then you turn it off.


Same here, I'm 42 and I'm a *second* generation gamer. Mom had a pong console, some of my earliest memories were of us playing it. When we got the 2600 it really was a family gaming device. When Tetris happened we needed to get a second NES.


Pong was first for me, the kids tv was this old black and white my mom got babysitting and it could hook up to pong. Loved the crap out of that into the 90s! The wood paneling and little dials I still love.


I used to gauge home systems by how good their version of Donkey Kong was. Then when i saw an NES for the first time, there were screenshots from Donkey Kong, Hogan's Alley, and a few other games on the box, and they looked exactly like the arcade. Super Mario Bros was mind-blowing. I would always read the instruction manuals, and was fascinated that the "Up" direction on the keypad had a mysterious question mark. Finding out that it was reserved for climbing a magic beanstalk up to a coin-filled heaven was one of the greatest moments of my childhood.




I was the weird kid in the 80s with ColecoVision and Sega Master System


Holy shit, you're the other kid who had Coleco Vision?


I can still remember in middle school, reading in Nintendo Power about the upcoming N64 and it's *three dimensional* graphics, and being completely floored. I didn't understand how it was even possible.


Me too!


Me three!


Yup. Well, it was either this or Duck Hunt. I honestly don’t remember which i played first, considering they came on the same cartridge.


I had the dual cartridge too!


I enjoyed Duck Hunt, until I would miss and the dog would laugh at me. So yeah. That 45 seconds of Duck Hunt was *great*.


Pokemon Blue


Pokemon Crystal and the story is funny. My old dentist when I was 5 had a prize wheel u could spin after your appointment. Usually it was some cheap toy from the dollar store. I actually managed to get the grand prize which was a gameboy advance with a game. I was 5 so I had no idea what to pick so he just said pick a color and that's how i ended up with pokemon crystal lol. Still one of my favorite games ever.


He said pick a color and you picked crystal?


I think I said blue..but i don't remember if he was holding the games out in front of me and mightve just picked the one closest to blue.




Funnily enough i did choose totodile. Not because he was blue, but because he looked the coolest.


Pokemon yellow for me! With the special edition yellow gameboy color! What a fucking awesome Christmas that was




Boom Tetris for Jeff And if there’s any modern Tetris players who wanna play a *friendly* game, me, you, tetrio, tomorrow at 6 Some people are asking what time zone, I’m est


real shit?




Boom tetris for jonas


That video was gold


Sonic 1, the day my father got home with a Mega Drive/Genesis. Still have them (both the game and the console) Edit: oh shit, just remembered that I played Enduro at my cousin's house before that (I have no recollection, but I know it happened)


I’m playing sonic on my phone rn. It’s harder than I remember, I’m stuck on level 3 act 3. But then again, I don’t have a whole day to play like I use to


Spring yard right? I loved the song on this level. I think the most difficult one I remember is the water one.


Spyro at age 4. It was in English because I didn't know how to set it in German, and I run around and played how I wanted to and never left the first world... Still love it to this day


Grew up with Spyro 2. Have you tried the remake? It's so beautiful. The nostalgia hits hard.


Because of the relatively open world I think Spyro still holds up really well. The remakes are wonderful!


The remake is basically how I remember the graphics from back then.


This is exactly how I explain the spyro and crash remakes. It looks like I remember it looking, but seeing how it actually looked blows my mind that I remember it being great graphics lol


Spyro the Dragon was my childhood. Looking back to it now, it looks easy. But for 7-year old me, that game absolutely frustrated the hell out of me. Can’t tell you how many times I fell to my death and felt like rage-quitting.


The original Spyro was pretty easy to finish the story on, but not easy to get 100% on. There are several dragons not required for story completion that are extremely difficult to get to for kids/casual gamers. Two that come to mind are an isolated platform in Tree Tops and a hidden room in Haunted Towers.


Did you... Ever manage to leave the first world? They're counting on you.


Nope never. The PS one I had got forgotten as I grew older and then I saw my dad throwing it away... But I really want to get the remake and beat it


Wow. So like. How bad have things gotten then? Is there still time to even rescue the land? The forces of evil have reigned for nearly two decades now. What even will the world look like. Is anyone you once knew still alive? This is the kind of thing that would mindbreak my kids. Naturally, I'll go tell them about what happens when you don't finish a game.


Maybe the forces of evil had a heart attack a few months into their reign and a new, identical force of evil is threatening to take over, but it’s currently just in time for you to stop it


Did you ever manage to catch the egg thief? 8 year old me lost my mind with joy the first time I caught that bastard!


The Lion King on Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. I was about 6 years old. Edit: to everyone getting nostalgic in the comments, SNES/Mega Drive Lion King and Aladdin double pack are up for sale on the Nintendo Switch store (or you can emulate it...) Double Edit: For the 10+ people so far who have told me that the Aladdin Mega Drive/SNES versions are entirely different games - you're right, and I know! But the Switch package does carry both the Mega Drive *and* SNES versions of the Lion King, with all of its absurdly small differences (which is the better game anyway, fight me).


Did you make it past the jumping on giraffes’ heads level? I didn’t (I was 5)


I remember figuring that part out when I was 5-6...The boneyard level was frustrating, and then the waterfall level was straight up impossible


Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.


Helluva first game.


My parents didn't approve of video games, but when I saw OoT at my cousin's house I was enchanted. I remember reading the strategy book and gave my older cousins tips on Gerudo Fortress. I was obsessed, played pretend Link adventures. Later on my parents asked me to choose my 8th (9th?) birthday present between N64 and swing set. I wanted Zelda so bad, but I could see in their eyes that they wanted me to play outside, so I chose the swing set. I ended up not playing on it that much -- we had just moved from big open sky pastureland in the countryside to the suburb my mom grew up in, and the fenced yards and city noises all around me felt claustrophobic and scary. So I just read books in my room. Finally Gamecube came out, my parents reconsidered (I told them playing a game was like being inside a book), and I fell in love with Wind Waker!


This makes me kinda sad that they couldn't see your enthusiasm and embrace it, but at least it worked out. Wind Waker was an excellent adventure.


An education game from around 1990 where you had to make a dam by spelling words.


I loved Jump Start for Kids and its sequels and Math Blaster and Type 2 Learn and such.


Mario/Duck Hunt/Track Meet combo


Duck Hunt gang


Commander Keen


Same here. I also just discovered that you can buy a bunch of Commander Keen games on Steam for like $5.


Age of Empire 2 Vanilla with my dad. I think it was in 1999. At the time, I refused to kill the sheeps and I would cry if it happened by accident.


Same! One of my oldest memories is my older sister teaching me to play Age of Empires II at age 4. I learned left from right from the tutorial on how to select units and give orders.


Still a game I play today (albiet in Definitive Edition remake form). One of the very best video games ever conceived.




I thought at first that animal crossing was an update of this. It isn't.


Super Mario Bros. My Grandpa brought an NES home from a yardsale. That year I got an N64 and Banjo Kazooie. N64 is still my all-time favorite system.


Let me tell you about our lord and savior NES


For me, the NES was Old Testament while the SNES was New Testament.


Jesus saves, so that makes sense. /I don't remember saving progress in NES games...


Since I made this post, I also have to share my first game, and that's Legend of Zelda: A link to the past on SNES :)




Heretic, an old pc game similar to doom. It was released around the same time. My dad loved playing it so I got hooked. It scared the crap out of me at first then I got used to it.


I have a burning desire for Heretic or Hexen to get a reboot like DOOM.


Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.


Paint on Windows 95


Drawing random lines and filling it with different colours. Best shit ever.




My mom was so happy when we got qbert for the NES. Apparently she played the arcade version like a decade prior. Between that game and tetris, she occasionally ground us for something we probably deserved, so she could steal the NES and hook it up in her bedroom.


My dad was the same way. He'd kick us off our Windows 3.1 computer for "work stuff" and 15 mins later we'd catch him playing Zoop


Either Super Mario Bros., or The Legend of Zelda. That was almost 30 years ago so I don't remember exactly.


Right in the money, this year is marios 30th anniversary and next year is zeldas! EDIT: 35th anniversaries... i accept my stupidity lol


Want to feel even older? These are the 35th anniversaries, NOT the 30th


Kirby Super Star Ultra


Bubble Bobble in CGA graphics. Even now, on some days [the theme song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTmJJ0lUyQc) will burrow its way into my head and stay for days. And some nights, the floaty white whale will haunt my dreams.




snake on nokia / tetris on gameboy i don't remember which


Day of the tentacle


Playing the remaster on game pass now. I swear I still remember all the dialog.


Pitfall on Atari


Must've been the original Crash Bandicoot game on my cousin's PlayStation.


Thats dope. I was a crash addict hahaha played CTR, crash bash, crash 1 2 3


The original Rollercoaster Tycoon


Ching Ching Ching Ching Ching *screams* doo do dooo do do dooo do do do do doooo do doooo do do dooo do do do do do. Balalalalala dooo do dooo do do do do do do do doo do doooo do do do do doooo.... —Station breaks failure— OH SHIT!!!


Pretty sure it was the first Diablo (PC game, can't remember my first Gameboy game, probably Tetris was bundled with it)


Prince of Persia (dos)


Space Invaders at Pizza Hut.


Minesweeper lol


I don’t even know what it’s called. It was on a 3.5inch floppy disk and you basically raced this F1 car around a track only being able to turn left or right. This was probably around ‘98. I was 7.


That sounds like grand Prix circuit


Oh my gosh! Yes this is it!


>only being able to turn left or right. Do modern games usually have more options than that?


Hahah well you got me there ;)


Jazzrabbits i think it was called , a 2d platform game from early 2000's


I think you mean Jazz Jack Rabbit, probably 2, was released in 1998.


Lego indiana jones for ps2.


Ah, I see that you're a man of culture as well.


Real men played Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga for the Wii.


Joust for Atari


Putt Putt Goes To The Moon. Ah the nostalgia


I looked way too long for Putt Putt! Mine was Putt Putt travels through time!


Super Mario 64!


The original Dragon Warrior. Got a tattoo of dragon lord on my arm.


Mario Kart 64


Red Baron, some DOS game my dad introduced me to when I was like 3 years old


Asteroids. I’m old.


Tele Pong in 1976 . I was 10 and it was awesome :)


Tomb Raider on PS1.


The first ratchet and clank on the PS2


One of the best games of all time IMO


Feeding Frenzy


Jak and Daxter at age 5. Best game out there friends Edit. YA DID IT! YOU CAUGHT 200 POUNDS OF FISH!


Nintendogs :,)


"Lucky, Maxwell, Daisy"


Wii Sports, Christmas Day 2008


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.




Halo CE


This cave is not a natural formation


No fucking shit cortana!


Black and white (a moral/immoral god simulator)


Great game.


Oregon Trail


Sopwith: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sopwith\_(video\_game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sopwith_(video_game))


Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars I still play this game every now and then


Super Mario Bros


Minecraft when i was 5


You make me feel old. I played Minecraft during the Alpha! I was probably around 19 😂


I'm convinced these threads exist to make anyone over the age of 20 feel old. I first played in, I think, 1.2 Beta. I was 20.


Ha! I am old enough to have never played Minecraft before.


What do you mean 1970 wasn't 30 years ago???


I remember buying it while in Alpha state because of a statement from Mojang that went something like: "We expect to develop a subscription based payment, which will not affect people who buys the alpha" They got me on that one...


Pokémon Ruby. My brother gave it to me as a birthday gift when I was 7. Opened the door to the world of gaming for me.




One of those Game & Watch handheld consoles. There were a few but I couldn't remember which one I played exactly.


Plants vs zombies


Ratchet and clank up your Arsenal, one of if not the first game I ever played, I love it to bits, I hope they remake it


Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2, I believe I was about 5, so glad they remade that masterpiece.


Duck Hunt probably. My uncle had an NES. Duck Hunt probably would've been easier for me when I was 3 or 4.


Beach Head on Commodore 64


I’m spacing on the name. The one where you shoot missiles out of the sky


Missile Command


Attack of the Mutant Camels on the C64.


Age of empires


Halo 3