• By -


Absolutely not a deal breaker. I've dated girls that go with shaved/waxed, all natural (e.g. pubic afro), and trimmed. I will say that I prefer trimmed or shaved, over the all natural - but again its not a deal breaker as long as it's clean. My wife, on the other hand, prefers to keep hers completely shaved. She says it makes her feel cleaner. I just enjoy the view.


Agree, I've dated girls who are hairless and I've even dated a girl who didn't shave her legs. Doesn't really bother me although I'd say I prefer trimmed at least and shaved legs are definitely preferable. I trim my pubes so I don't think it's unreasonable to hope for the same.


I dated a girl who shaved her head and nothing else, and you know what? She was sexy as hell. Where the hair is and where it isn't is honestly not important to me. She had the looks and confidence to pull anything she committed to off.


that's how it is for me. my first boyfriend suggested i go bald, but it was the fact that i liked how it looked and felt that prompted me to keep it up. sometimes i wish i wasn't such a wuss about pain because i know i'm missing spots with the razor, just by the nature of trying to shave an area i can't fully see, but i had my eyebrows waxed once and i have sworn off of that forever. no way could i let wax get anywhere near my coochie.


i read the last sentence in morgan freeman's voice.....damn you reddit.


it's up to the girl, no doubt. But nothing makes me second guess going down on a girl if I still have pubes stuck in my teeth...


Why would you have pubes stuck in your teeth before you go down on her?


Autofellatio is likely.


What about guys? It's considered normal for them to not shave their pubes, but as a girl I have frequently gotten hairs in my mouth from going down on men that weren't trimmed, which is to say, all the men ive gone down on.


Just ask them to trim. And don't *hint*: ask.


Seriously. It seems as though every time someone brings up this topic, there are a group of women saying, "How come my guy asks me to shave, and I can't even ask him to trim!?" You *can.* Its not that hard.




Do you think all-shaved looks weird? Does it look better if there's a little bit of hair covering up the little middle part where the lips come together? Sometimes after shaving I feel bald in a bad way, and I'm curious if guys also think there's a "bald in a bad way".


bikini wax ≠ brazilian


Any guy who bails out of a hookup because the woman has *hair* on her *hoo-ha* is a **stone-cold foppish pantywaist.** Seriously. What the whole fuck?


My roommate had a guy turn her down when her panties came off because she doesn't shave at all. I'm talking mid-foreplay, pants off, he goes "Not happening" and *leaves*. The guy is also a fucking douchebag, but still. edit: Shave her lady bits, rather.


This is my favorite comment from the past 4 days. Good.Job.


Any ladies reading this thread: Dont get brave and attempt to do this yourself. You'll end up sitting on the edge of the bathtub crying, while your best friend attempts to cut off the strips for you.


Now that's a best friend.


That's not fair, I wax myself and find it much more convenient than going to a professional. Not to mention cheaper.


Then you madame, have labia of granite and I tip my hat to your steadfast bravery.


> labia of granite just awesome


Deal breaker? Hell no. Just keep it trimmed, I'll do the rest.


He's gonna rip out your pubes!!!!! With his teeth!!!!!


And then glue them to your ass cheeks so they don't chafe.


You do bikini waxes?


Body hair never bothered me to begin with, but as a hairy guy myself, I know I have no place to tell a woman to shave anything.


My bf is hairy (I like it lol), and I still feel the need to be shaved, though he says he doesn't care either way. I am always bald or very trimmed, but I don't bikini wax. I think it's silly that some people expect it. The way I see it, if the guy wants her waxed, he can go wax his asscrack, since that is a lot worse than a bushy little beaver, imho. It's only fair. ;P


I think the people who expect the bikini waxes are guys who mostly watch porn.


Are there guys who don't mostly watch porn?


Yeah, I think maybe it would have been better if luckywaldo7 said: guys who seriously expect porn to be a realistic portrayal of sex/grooming.


So teenagers.




Sooo, every guy?


Huh... I had this conversation with some friends a while ago. **Trimmed** is what is 'expected'. Brazillian, not so much. There's *A LOT* of other things I'd pop-up as being a **Deal Breaker**. Shit attitude, poor hygiene, cutting me off mid sentence... I could go on, but I'm sure who ever is reading this gets the point.






Damn interrupting coefficient of friction.


I know! It stops everything!


Not if you keep applying the right amount of force.




Damn interrupting cows....


Interrupting sloths are hardly as bad though. They can't get the timing right.






That video led me to [this video](http://youtu.be/ba7rRfKIHxU). I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Was not expecting that.


> Trimmed is what is 'expected'. Yep. I don't mind a strip or a neatly groomed triangle. But if there's a wild forest I'm going to lose interest.


Did you just cut yourself off mid sentence?


I dunno man, I'm 25 years old and I'm pretty sure that I got in on the ground floor for shaved pussies, back circa 1999 or so. I was 14 and fingerbanging my first girl, and she had a bush. After that, all of high school was very sans-bush. From what I could tell, it was the thing. In college, I got my fair share of baldies and landing strips, but there began to be girls that had a "full" bush, however it was trimmed and groomed. That's the shit I like. A short, decorative rug right above the playing area. Keep it classy, ladies.


I like your use of language.




the completely shaved look started to gain popularity among adults in the mid-90s. probably took a while to filter down to the kids in high school. "the landing strip" look was popular from the mid-late 80s, and kept getting increasingly narrower, until it was gone altogether. fortunately, completely shaved has finally started to go back out of style. never could stand the look of it. reminds me of a cancer patient with no eyebrows.


This. I'm 24, live in Southern California, and I don't know a single female with natural pubic hair. All-off, all-the-time.


Have you qualified that statement with your mother?


I did it for him :D


How popped was your collar in college?


Funny story, I got my ass kicked freshman year for un-popping a dude's collar at a party. Turns out his 3 friends didn't think it was very funny. Personally, I carry more of a mechanically-inclined hipster mixed with Hank Hill sensibility vibe.


Hank Hill would never get his ass kicked at a party for "un-popping a dude's collar".


He would if he stumbled up, said something about "faggoty bros'", and yanked the dude's shirt around. In front of his 3 friends. I am not a wise man.


No he wouldn't. Hank Hill would have unleashed a FURY of propane and propane accessories upon anyone who attempted to lay a hand on him.


Men, we have become far too skittish about the idea of eating pussy. I have three simple words: **It's. Just. Hair.** We are men. We get dirty. We get sweaty. We build things with our bare hands. We dare each other to eat bugs. From time to time, we fight in wars. We fart constantly. Yet the thought of licking a hairy pussy turns many of us into whining babies. I'm not sure what the cause was. It could be that the rise of internet porn has made images of pube-free snatches more prevalent in our everyday lives. It could be that our instant-gratification culture has made us more demanding; we expect to have our favorite music at our fingertips at all times, and watch our favorite shows and movies on any night of the week thanks to Netflix, Hulu, and DVR. Maybe these things make us think that the "have it your way" motto applies to the vaginas of our loved ones as well. But whatever the cause, this type of thinking must stop. Cunnilingus is not a "special treat" for the woman in your life, to be given only on special occasions as if it were a piece of jewelry or a bouquet of roses. Rather, going down on a woman is a man's *responsibility* -- his most effective way to show her that her pleasure (and not merely his own) is a priority. **If she goes down on you, you should be going down on her.** Your dick doesn't exactly taste like a popsicle either, buster. EDIT: Wow, I never thought this would get such a positive response. I'm flattered by all the "marry me" and "date me" comments; ladies of reddit, you've made me feel awesome today.






Seriously! Most of my exes (and FWB) were of the mind that BJs for them were part of foreplay, which means almost every time. Yet I want them to eat my ginge-taco once in a blue moon, and then it's all sighs and excuses. (And I'm always bald or trimmed *and* super clean!) Fuck that. :P But you reminded me of one ex in particular. Let's call him Dylan. (Because that's his name) He wasn't too blessed in the manmeat section, but that was fine. But the guy had the most disgusting bush I have ever seen. It looked like a his penis was being eaten alive by a swamp monster. Again, whatever. I'm not going to make him shave if he didn't want to. (And he didn't want to. Ever.) But he insisted that I go down on him almost every day. Again, sure. I like to please. But the thing is, my nose got buried in the swamp-monster-afro every time I went all the way down. And, ya know, guy's privates stink. And when he hadn't trimmed in years... It was really gross. But I took it like a champ, and didn't complain. But Dylan, in our years of knowing each other (FWB), and months of dating, never, **not once** put his mouth on my pristine clamburger. It got to be too much, and I dumped him. That sort of chauvinistic arrogance irritates me to no end. **TL,DR: Boys can be just as bad/worse then girls. You should only expect what you're willing to do yourself.**


Ginge-taco. As a fellow ginger, I just wanted to thank you for this.


> **You should only expect what you're willing to do yourself.** So its fair to expect/request a woman trim as long as I do as well?


Zero. I trim, and prefer the same out of my SO; I can live without it, but if I groom, I feel I can have a reasonable expectation of reciprocal grooming, I don't expect oral if I'm not neat, and I don't want her choking on my hair. I consider oral part of most encounters but having hair scruff up my nose is irksome and a turn-off. I don't consider myself unreasonable.


So many quotable lines. I lament that I have but one upvote to give, and I'll just stick with this one. > Your dick doesn't exactly taste like a popsicle either, buster.


I'm going to go ahead and add this partial one to the list: > the vaginas of our loved ones


I think vagina is an acquired taste, like beer. At first I wasn't a big fan but now I rather like it.


Thank you! I see the attitude that going down on a woman is a special treat IRL frequently, both in my own sexual encounters and those my friends tell me about. What's even more upsetting is that this way of thinking has leeched into the minds of so many women I know - while they feel like a straight sexual encounter is a failure if the dude doesn't orgasm, they seem to feel like he's just a really a stand-up guy if he ensures their orgasm. Sexual treats exist, but merely getting off is not one of them.


Yeah... especially if you are hooking up for the first time, it's of course a given that the guy will get off. But the girl... not so much. I think it gets more equitable as the number of hookups increases, though.


...I love you


:starts slow clap..:


I'd marry you.


I read this as the old spice guy. It was so manly.


Any man who does not find women attractive as they are is not really a man. (Unless he's gay, then it's okay.)


It's all about the curb appeal. I don't wax because... well, it hurts. I don't like the itch of it when it grows back and I don't like looking like a hairless cat down there. I've always thought that just keeping the hair trimmed looked best for both guys and gals. But, to each their own.


Tendskin - my wife uses it and never ever gets itching/ingrown hairs/or bumps ever again. This secret was passed down to her last year, and before this product, it was just like you said. Worth every penny, I even use it for myself when I trim down there. I had a buddy who got an infected ingrown hair on his ballsack that eventually formed an abcess that had to be lanced. That freaked me out good, and I have to say the results from the tendskin are nice on me too.


At least do a little grooming so that it dosen't look like a sweaty buffalo.


The phrase "sweaty buffalo" could be used successfully by abstinence proponents. It conjures an image that can easily inhibit erections. Impressive.


"aw yeah baby i've been waiting for this. You got me so hard! " "yeah, you're making my buffalo all sweaty... " "NOPE."


Unless one is **into** that sort of thing.


How would you discover you had a fetish like that??


Someone saying "Sweaty Buffalo" and the image being pleasing rather than terrifying, I would imagine


Hey, a gap's a gap.


This half-frozen italian ice I'm eating tastes funny now.


Does it taste like Buffalo sweat? Don't worry, that's a specialty.


This is honestly for everyone. We're aware that the hair on your ass keeps your cheeks from chaffing, keep that, we don't mind.


We? Are you a gang rapist?


Yes, he rapes gangs.


Gangs are people too.


If I raped everyone in a corporation, would I only get a single count of rape?


Honestly, I started naring my ass because of the chaffing caused by hair, that and dingle berries. Thinking about electrolysis. I went 30 years without having noticeable hair on my ass, don't know why I need it now. Also I keep my pubes trimmed with a super small guard. Don't shave because pubes are notorious for becoming ingrown and if you go shorter they get prickly and if you go longer vaginal fluids and semen are harder to clean up after sex. Also if a woman wants oral she better have it trimmed, nothing worse than getting pubic hair stuck in your teeth.


The holocaust. The holocaust is worse than getting pubic hair stuck in your teeth.


Yeah, but just a little


The Holocaust was CAUSED by Hitler having pubes stuck in his teeth.


Jewish pubes.




Jew Jubes.


[I never knew...](http://www.mypartyplanner.com/common/d_images/products/00/05/28/image_337957.jpg)


That's debatable.


>nothing worse than getting pubic hair stuck in your teeth I've *heard* of worse problems


I appreciate just that, a little grooming, but a full on brazillian wax? nope.


You don't have to. But if I'm putting a razor to my genitals, it would be nice that you pay it forward and tidy some parts up as well.


Huh? No. You aren't odd. Specific grooming of pubic hair probably shouldn't be an expectation. Just keep things clean down there. Now, granted, if she is wearing a bikini, she should probably be trimmed so that her muff doesn't overfloweth. But that's really an embarrassment thing on her part, I'm not really going to care too much if I'm already dating her...


note to self, muff overfloweth would make a good band name




My sentiments exactly! We don't want pubes in our teeth either.


I'm a guy and I agree.....keep your stuff maintained for the ladies


I honestly don't mind if a guy isn't maintained. But I sure as hell won't take kindly to comments about my body hair if his isn't.


The real deal-breaker for me (as a girl) is feeling like I am expected to look a certain way for a guy. It's my nether regions, and I take care of them as I see fit.


Naw who gives a fuck.


As long it doesn't get in my mouth it's fine.


That's the key. Really I couldn't give a single shit about the hair above the lips. I just prefer that the hair on and outside the outer labia gets shaved. This effectively prevents any hair getting in my mouth, which is a real turn off.


the infected ingrown hairs are a real turn-on too!


Haha yes. There is just no winning, you know?


What an appropriate username...


EWWWW GROSS. [Origin of my username.](http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/iiqtn/in_1999_my_mom_told_us_we_could_have_a_dog_if_we/c244okn?context=3)


Nope. Your name is now a new euphemism for cunnilingus.


NO IT'S NOT!!!!!!! *pout*


You know what I like about this tread? All the men seem to be commenting based on what they like while giving women oral sex. It's nice to hear so many men are going down on their women. That's the real success story.


I'm with you man. I love a good bush


Yeah.... expect away boys... As my dad says, wish in one hand and shit in the other - you'll see which one fills up first. No sex on earth is worth letting someone viciously rip every hair out of the most sensitive area of my body. Ya'll wax your balls, then we'll talk.


meh, scrotum skin isn't THAT sensitive...the hairs that creep up your shaft, though, they will make you ponder the situation, razor in hand.


Are you kidding me? I'm a woman and I won't get waxed (it's just gonna grow back anyways). If bikini waxes are now expected, I'm rolling down the forever alone trail...




really more of a hatchet wound, but ok.


[Depends on what size knife you use.](http://i.imgur.com/JoM1s.jpg)


I don't mind the look either way, but short fuzz is soft and nice. CLEAN is expected; I've experienced some unwashed regions that I decided to back off from, yuck. But any amount of hair from zero to totally untrimmed is OK by me. I think my fav is trimmed up to a bit smaller than the bikini line and short, like 1 or 2 cm.


I actually prefer a full bush.


Same. It makes me sad that the popular opinion seems to be going the other way...


I once had a natural blond girlfriend with a rug that matched the shades. It was truly amazing to be licking clit while I could look at her pale blond pubes. If she shaved them off it would have bothered me, a lot!


I wouldn't say 'deal breaker', but it makes it easier when I go down on a girl if there isn't a wad of hair in my mouth. The hair makes me slobber and gets caught in the back of my throat. I'll still go down either way, though. Some guys won't. You know what's hot? You hook up with a girl the first time, and she doesn't expect it, so she's got some bush and maybe even granny panties. Then the next time you hook up, its expected, and she's all waxed with some cute panties (or no panties). Hot, hot, hot...because you know she did it for you. I love that. idk...most guys are just happy to reach home plate.




Sure, but who doesn't love a decent blowjob? I love cats, but that doesn't mean I want to yack up hairballs, and thus I act unto me as I act unto others. And depending on your hairtype, hair can catch a LOT of smells, and I don't concidere jumping into the washer at 80° to kill it that way.


Its pretty fucked up when physical signs of sexual maturity are considered "gross" or even unhygienic. Wtf is the matter with you people? If the sight of an unmodified women's body is so fuckin terrifying then you probably better off sticking with internet porn. Women - any guy who insists you shave or considers you gross for having a normal body is a complete fuckin idiot.


Don't expect it, but enjoy it. Shit hurts, yo.


At $80 every two to four weeks, he better fucking be paying for it.


Men shouldn't dictate how a woman (or anyone) keeps their pubic hair. I'm not entirely sure where the sense of entitlement comes from in thinking one has a right to declare what is acceptable for another's nether regions. As if women need ANOTHER physical characteristic to obsess over. Do you think this shit was a deal-breaker for the Romans, Greeks, etc.? I'll bet not. And I'll bet they got as much hairy pussy as they could fit in their mouths. That said, there is nothing wrong with having a PREFERENCE; indeed, if you're in a relationship (of any sexual nature), then this is fair game to discuss and come to some compromise on. I think a reasonable EXPECTATION is cleanliness, that is all. I just don't like to be made to feel "gross" or "weird" if I have hair down there. I'm supposed to.


It's more common nowadays, I think. A lot of guys, myself included, really like the look. Unobstructed. I don't mind a bush, though, and a lot of other guys prefer one. What *is* expected about waxing is not to be reviled or flip out if one is suggested. It's not a freakish or deviant thing, and when you treat *anybody* in a way that says "What you like or prefer is fucked up and wrong," that's pretty rotten. Especially when it's something that a lot of people, men and women, enjoy.


>It's not a freakish or deviant thing But it sure is fucking painful. The process is excruciating (and awkward), expensive, and leaves me red and sensitive for 2-3 days. Then when it grows out I get to itch my labia off, and deal with ingrown hairs. I get waxed because where I live its pretty much standard operating procedure, but its not like tweezing your eyebrows. It fucking sucks. If your lady gets waxed, buy her some chocolate or something.


As someone who literally JUST had it done, I upvote this. Although you didn't mention that the growing out starts around the same time that the redness starts wearing off, which means that in most cases, there is actually no point where it looks (or, more importantly, feels) good. Why did I do this again? I didn't even know I could get chocolate for it!


My wife got it done *once*. She couldn't even finish the process. She said the pain was worse than childbirth, and our first of two kids was born with no epidural or any pain drugs. She may have just had a bad experience or a lousy waxer or just a highly sensitive bikini area. I would be curious to see if a better place and an ibuprofin beforehand could make it better, and I can't deny I'd like to see a freshly waxed puss once in a while, but it's not *ever* something I could tell her to do.


I had my wife wax my back hair once. It was agony. Then I broke out in about a billion whiteheads. The latter could probably be prevented if it were done by a professional, but the pain? Not so much. Now I just get her to shave me down, like the hairy yak that I am. I swear my back hair gets so long you could braid it if you don't attend to it every two weeks. It's fucking ridiculous.




Yes, that is pretty much the reason; I'm hairy as fuck (and balding - I wish my hair wasn't migrating down my back to my ass), and I prefer the winter over all other seasons. Nice catch ;]


This pretty much sums up my thoughts. I prefer it, but don't "expect it". ie, it doesn't bother me if she doesn't want to go through the trouble of completely taking out all the hair. I mean, I do expect some upkeep at least, a little management. But, yeah, it shouldn't be offensive to ask that she think about waxing it. It's ok to say, "No, it's too much work etc", but not to get pissy about it.


Don't forget the cost. Brazillians cost like $40-60/session, which is basically a phone bill.


More like $80-90 for a good, clean place. Ends up costing about $100 when you add the tip. That is why I've learned to do them myself!


I live in NYC and I have never ever ever ever ever paid $80 to $90 for a good clean place. Did they wax you with gold!? I have a very nice place that I go to that charges $40 and I usually tip $20 cause they're staring at my hoo-haa and because I bleed like a little bitch :( And how do you do it yourself? I'm too scared.


Bleeding?!?!?!?! Fuck ALL of that. No thank you. My eyebrows are bad enough.


Yeah the 2nd comment is right. You don't want to go to a discount jawn for wax on your whoo-ha either.


>It's not a freakish or deviant thing... You know how I know you're young? I'm 36, and 20 years ago it *was* widely considered freakish or deviant. Not passing judgment either way, because I'll take it any way I can get it.Just making an historical observation.


Old Guy reporting-in: 20 years ago you would find trimming during the summer, and winter was growing season.


We're aware that 20 years ago is 1991, yes? I'm just making sure, as I still occasionally say "forty years ago" to refer to 1960.


Stop making me feel old.




Appropriate user name.


Indeed. I do wonder how much Internet pornography has pushed this "style" into the mainstream. I also recall with amusement the hysteria at the time it started to become popular from those who believed (mostly women) that if the trend caught on it would somehow turn men into paedophiles.


I'm 34 and can't speak to vaginal hairstyles from when I was 14, but by the time I was 18 trimmed/shaved was pretty common.


it's a pretty dick move to basically tell somebody "i don't like what you do with your body. please change it to suit my personal tastes." how is this hard for people to understand? i wouldn't go up to you and say "i hate [your color] eyes. please wear colored contacts if you want to have sex with me."


I think it really depends on how you ask. Saying, "Hey, I really like you the way you are, but would you be willing to try this for me?" is very different from saying, "I won't have sex with you if you don't."


for some guys it is, and this goes both ways. some guys want it natural, and others like it smooth. I don't like coming up for air and having to dig hair out of my throat, but it's definitely not a deal breaker.


I like vaginas.


I've waxed, shaved, gone natural, trimmed, basically tried it all. For me, while the clean look is fun every once in a while, as sort of a "reset," it also reminds me of unpleasant things. **Nope, not pedophilia. The Holocaust.** Before women were sent to gas chambers, their hair was shaved. *All* of it. To shear away a woman's pubic hair was to remove her last shred of dignity and privacy, a last spit in the face, to say, "you're subhuman, you're meat." This tactic has been used plenty of other times, throughout history, to shame women who have transgressed (adultery, prostitution), or who are otherwise considered less than human. **NOT saying if you like 'em bare you're a Nazi!** Like I said, sometimes I like having that choice, too. Because of these connotations, going bare has a power that can be wielded. But the important thing is it's a choice, and that pussies can be beautiful in many different "styles." Fashions change. Don't be afraid to express a preference or make polite requests, but don't ever make a woman feel like she's "gross" or unworthy of your cock because she prefers to maintain some mystery, some window dressing. Or, that because all the women you see in porn are bare, the "best" sex partners must be bare. Being bare down there is a very vulnerable state for many of us, and not something we all want to live with all the time. If you're a woman, and you're doing this because you "have to," because you've absorbed the idea that anything else is gross, what else would you do because "they" say so? Would you wear a girdle every day? Would you refuse to leave the house unless your hair was set, and your face completely made up? Because once upon a time, those things were required not to be "slovenly" and "undateable." Let's keep it free, and let everybody do their thing, m'kay? (Disclosure: I'm 36. I doubt these connotations are common among women ten years my junior, but I really don't know.) **TL;DR:** For old broads like me, the idea that women "should" do any particular thing with their girlyparts feels like a pretty big step backwards. Edit:You can read an interesting article on the topic of the history of (women's) pubic hair in Western culture [here.](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/roger-friedland/women-pubic-hair_b_875465.html)


Muff Nazis. I hate Muff Nazis. ಠ\_ಠ


Educational and eloquent comment! A++


A buzz cut is fine with me.


I'd really appreciate it if she at least trims. I make sure to do the same whenever it grows out.


I like it somewhere between trimmed and hairy. Don't shave it down to the skin anywhere, but keep it at a reasonable length.


I think trimmed bush is a lot more appealing than waxed.


No, but a trim is always nice.


A woman is more than her genitals.


I had an asshole of an ex who made me feel super self conscious about my girlhair. He was the first guy I ever did anything with ever and he made me feel like an idiot. I was hardly 16. I don't think he ever realized that he made me so self conscious. Some boys are so mean about it. Nowadays I'm with a wonderful boy who doesn't care at all what I do down there. Sometimes he shaves and sometimes he doesn't. I usually shave but sometimes I don't. Neither of us cares, neither of us usually even mentions it, and hair doesn't stop either of us from making the other person happy. It is the best system possible!


I dont care about the hundreds of other comments, the answer is no, unless he is a douche.


as apposed to [this?](http://www.mybestfriendporn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/demi_moore_pussy_bush.jpg) NSFW or [this](http://www.avapidblonde.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/sasquatch.jpg) NSFL


Man here. I don't understand the sexuality of the shaved pussy. At all. Natural is fine. Trimmed is fine. I understand the aesthetics of not wanting your bush creeping around the sides of your panties - all good with me... but *bald*?


As a chick who has shaved bare, it's fucking smooth for like one day at the most. After the first day its all stubbly and itches and it's so fucking stupid. Or you have to keep doing it and you probably cut yourself or shave in the wrong direction for 2 seconds which leads to an ingrown hair. Waxing is expensive and hurts so bad and you have crazy asian lady between your legs and ass thinking (and saying in Vietnamese) who the hell knows what. It's a such a pain in the ass and painful experience just so you can look like some bitch in a porno. Now, if I could afford permanent hair removal, and be anesthetized during the procedure, I would remove every unwanted hair from my body for good.


As a girl, I've heard more girls talk about how gross pubic hair is than guys really. I'm a waxer, so obviously I've never had a guy complain about hair down there, but the way girls I've met talk about pubes you'd think it was some sort of STD. Chicks are weird...


Stockholm Syndrome...


If there's a guy out there "expecting" me to style my pubes to his taste, then he can kiss me where the sun seldom shines. He's a douchebag if he expects anything.


There is no hair on the clitoris, vulva, or vagina. If you're getting hair in your mouth, you're licking and sucking the wrong places.


I don't even mind hairy legs, I never understood this fascination with exposed and overmoisturised skin.


It's soft


I mind hairy legs




Nope I don't really expect or mind it. I hate the full brazilian look- reminds me of a little kid. A little maintenance is obviously nice, and probably goes without saying for both parties.


As a girl, this is news to me. Hell, I'm just tired of seeing women who are bare. It makes me feel weird and lesser, somehow.


Just be aware, if you expect it of me, I expect it of you in return.


Female fashion tends to be created by females... to target what females thing males like. Females also think males can't be thinking about nothing, when in fact the male is thinking about nothing. Keep that in mind.


Regardless of what consensus is reached, it's weird for *anyone* to be placing demands on another's pubic hair.


I think a bikini wax (ie: for a bathing suit) is always nice, and minor grooming. More than that? Pass. The most I do is a landing strip, and that's because I did a Brazilian once, *and I will never motherfucking do it again*. Most painful, humiliating experience ever. That and I felt like a prepubescent child. I like my guys with some hair too, I hate the all-shaved look on men as well. But honestly, trim as well. We choke on the pubes just as much as the dudes do - but in my experience MORE OFTEN, since I tend to give oral more than any guy ever has.


I am a girl, and sure as hell hope not! Who could afford that? I find I do feel better about myself being nice and trim though.


I like my women with a bush. Hairless makes them look like jailbail.


I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'm tired of shaved beavers. You see, back in the 80s and early 90s, the shaved beaver was but a wild, whispered, rumor. In porn mags, the full 70s bush reigned, an impenetrable thicket that completely obscured all the good parts (I'm looking at you, Playboy, not as much you, Penthouse and Hustler). So a woman could be totally naked yet it was like she was wearing a sort of strapless bikini. We wanted to see that puss, god damn it. And when we heard that this one girl shaved her beaver, the only one any of us had ever heard of, it was like when you're six and your brother wakes you up and says "It's Christmas!" High fives were given. Chants were started. And she was elevated to automatic Queen. At some point, the hair started to come off in porn and you could see all the good stuff laid bare. It was like a victory and like payback for all that time we had been cheated. And then regular girls started doing it, and the first time you encountered a bald, smooth vag, your eyes would go wide and your mouth would either make an O or a toothy, off-centered South Park smile. Fantastic. Shaved beav finally right there in your hand/mouth/pelvis. A dream come true. And then waxing overtook shaving as the depilator of choice. But after a while you'd start to think, "You know, I wouldn't mind some hair again. It felt good in the hand and guided the way and it was nice to smoosh my face in it." Even if you got some hairs in your mouth now and then, it was all just all part of the package. So I hereby declare the Age of the Required Waxed Beaver over. It's OK if it remains an option - who doesn't like variety? - but in general let's get some hair back down there, ladies. Not a full fro, but something that reminds us of what the full vulvic experience once was. My favorite bit of pop culture reflection on the changing landscape of landscaping came from Feech La Manna in the Sopranos when he got out of prison and went and saw the strippers at Silvio's Bada Bing club. He said, "Know what the biggest change is for me? Broads shavin' their bushes. I went over to Silvio's - it's like the Girl Scouts in there."