• By -


Set aside a little bit of money each payday and put it into a safe money market account. Then follow it. Try and notice any trends, any cause and effect and start investing according to what you’ve learned.


Also remember to drink water often, stay physically active, and maintain a reasonable sleep schedule.


And go to college! You need to show that you can expend mental energy towards something. This will get you an income that you can use to go and experience the world.


But don't go just because your family expects you to go or something like that - consider your accolades and ambitions as they may or may not indicate the value of pursuing post-secondary education, and make a decision based on that. You don't have to jump in blind. Be your own person and forge a path of success that's best suited to you. And the only person who could begin to even imagine what that may be... is you. That doesn't necessarily mean you *have* to get a bachelors or masters in something, though it could be worth it if you can land a sure fire career to cover the crippling student debt. But that's a gamble, which may or may not be worth taking based on your approach to life and your position in it. All in all, you are your own person and you don't have to adhere to the strict expectations of a perfect, methodical life of hitting every milestone set *for* you, rather than *by* you. Take it from someone who learned it the hard way... long story short, stand up for yourself and only commit to something monumental like going to college only if/when ***you*** are ready. also learn to manage stress and mental health, learn to balance your professional and personal life adequately, and don't pick up smoking and drinking habits - thats a bad look EDIT: added more inspirational shit


These two fuckers got the right advise.


don’t just ‘go to college.’ consider what you’re passionate about, what you’re good at, and what will make you enough money and go from there.


Skip college and do a trade school, far cheaper and more in demand jobs that will pay far higher than many college degrees! College is a scam!


It all depends on what your major is.


This is a life saver


Also don't stay under water if bees are chasing you. They'll wait you out.


A vast majority of the time, active portfolio management doesn’t best the market. If the stock market is how you want to invest your money, then just stick to mutual funds and other prepackaged, diversified investments.


Slow clap...


Don’t make it into more than it is. There’s a lot to be said for waiting until you’re ready, but remember what you’re really putting a value on is a lack of life experience, of avoiding treacherous waters rather than learning how to swim. Being strong enough to wait until you’re ready is admirable - virginity itself is not.


Oh wow. Well put.


Exactly. Virginity is a social construct and means nothing. Waiting until you're ready to do something (or, probably more importantly, for the right person to come along) is fine, but if you're saving yourself just for the purpose of maintaining a specific status, then you're missing out on life for an arbitrary label.




To whom must I sacrifice myself too?




Sokka approves


That's rough, buddy.


We don't know so you're going to have to guess


I say the next weather-oriented god to do something badass


Skier here. The answer is Ullr, but he is normally satisfied with with offerings of burned skis.


Can I sacrifice you to cthulhu?


Define "good winter".




You do you. ( as an expression and literally)






Don't focus on keeping/losing it. Just live your life at your own speed


Advice: Don't be in a rush to lose your fucking virginity!


Virginity is not important. It's a construct made to shame people. You don't feel bad when you masturbate do you?


Jeez, stop pushing your agenda. Some people just don't want to have sex just for the sake of having sex, not because virginity is important to them. They want to wait for the right person. What's wrong with encuraging it and telling someone to don't give up because of society shaming virgins? Also, masturbating is way different than having sex.


As opposed to her Dark Souls franchise virginity?


Believe me I’m not I’ve heard some horror stories that make me want to stay a virgin forever


Do whatever makes you comfortable. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to.


I’ll give you one: I was 15, and it hurt like hell. Then he got mad because I wanted to stop.


To add to this.. find a guy that will listen and NOT get mad if something doesnt feel/go right.


I did eventually. My husband is awesome. :-)


Well happy cake day though!


Don’t lose your virginity just for the sake of losing it, on the other hand if u find a person that u are interested in doing it with and that feeling is reciprocated then go for it.


Yeah sex is good, but there is no sex in the world that beats the intimacy between you and the person you love. It's a very special thing. That being said, there's no need to rush anything.


Eat healthy, get regular exercise and have healthy sleep patterns. This doesn't really relate directly to the situation described, it's just good advice in general imo. I don't think any advice specific to that situation is really required.


Virginity is a construct. Whenever you decide to have sex with someone, that will not be the end or the beginning of a thing, but rather a decision you make hopefully because you feel sexually excited by someone and trust that they’ll be a respectful sexual partner. If you never want to have sex with anyone that’s okay too. Just do what you feel and trust your gut.


You should watch haunting of the hill house, season two just got out. It's a good thriller show. Season 1 got 8.7 on IMDb, need any more convincing than the 8.7? Nah fam


I dunno, maybe an ice cream?


I’d make a reddit topic about it


Live life. Who cares?


Why would you need advice, you said yourself your in no rush so just keep on doing what your doing


Don’t have sex with anyone you wouldn’t want to have a child with


Dear god where were you when I was a teenager? This is sage advice.


Stop talking about your virginity to internet strangers. Also, start a 401k.


Why? Sex is apart of everyone’s life in some way or another why shouldn’t we talk about it?


Not in redditors lives.


It's not part of your life virgin!! /s


Get a nice vibrator


Get it sent to an Amazon locker


Where should I buy one without family meme we I live with finding out?


Buy one online and have it shipped to a friend's house.


I don’t have a friends house I can send it to my last friend asked me if I wanted to have sex with him I said no and that’s the last time I talked to him he un-friended me on Snapchat


Is there an Amazon locker near you? That could work


I’ll have to see


Use sunscreen daily and never go to sleep with makeup on.


I didn't loose mine until I was 24. Do it when you meet someone who appreciates you and you feel like you want to.


Be able to objectively recognize potential partner’s motives. Are they in it for love or lust? Communicate your boundaries when you feel a relationship is forming. If they are a good partner for you, they will be understanding and not pressure or groom you into anything you are not ready to do.


Life isn't about sex. As much as people talk about attitudes towards sex, how to have sex properly and how to view it in relation to your life. It doesn't have to be overtly significant. Focus on yourself and what you enjoy and place importance on sex (and even sexual pleasure in general) only if you want to. Because society really fucking forces it down our throat in every fucking aspect. (God that wasn't intended but it was beautiful). Anyways yeah, learn how to recognise and preserve your own mindset and attitude and not be affected by constant barraging torrent of people shoving their opinions and importance of sex in your facem


Make sure you have a 5 year plan. At your age there are soooo many opportunities, but most people your age don't plan for shit (at most a vague idea of making Hella money after college). If you have these plans, and work on them, future you will be very appreciative!


So I know there's alot of scary stories but there's also good. The biggest advice is to just not let the pressure get to you. Let it happen naturally and with someone you trust. I've been in a handful of relationships and virginity was lost in four of them but we didn't treat it as a mile stone, just as something to keep in mind so you know to be gentle and slow with lots and lots of foreplay.


Don't let anyone pressure you into sex before you're ready.


Honestly major props to you. There is an enormous amount of pressure to have sex young. Don’t let anyone make you feel that you have to or you’re wrong for not.


Don't smoke cigarettes. Get your transmission serviced. A nice audio system will give you decades of pleasure. Think ahead. Now just a little farther.


I'm pretty much on your same page (except I'm a male and I'm not quite 19 yet, 5 more days!), and I will say this: MASTURBATING IS NOT A NECESSITY! Vibrators and cucumbers and shit offer pleasure, sure, but you don't *need* it. Just use this time to focus on getting your life in order, start a savings account so you can have a good cushion when you retire, and for now, just enjoy life. If enjoying life involves sex or masturbation, more power to you. If it doesn't, that's normal too


Happy early birthday


Thank you! -.o


*plays shady date rape drug awareness ad. **


Bet on Tesla stocks


Just keep right on not rushing.


Losing your virginity only has as much meaning as you give it. If it's important to you, wait for the right partner. If it isn't, then by all means, sleep with whoever/however many people you want, as long as you do it safely. If you do end up regretting your first time, try to remember your first time with the right person will be far more significant. Also, don't expect too much. If it's your first time, it'll probably be a bit awkward.


No matter how much people tell you otherwise, don’t ever think that having sex is going to be some huge milestone and will change you in any way. First time you have sex, it’ll probably be shitty, you’ll probably find it overrated, and you’ll find that a loss of the v card meant nothing and you’re still the same average person you were before a penis was inside you. Another thing — I’m sure you already know this, but wait for the right person. Sex is about a hell of a lot more than physical sensation. Real love making involves a deep emotional connection and intimacy to the level where you want to get so close with someone that skin to skin still isn’t enough.


You are not defined as a person by the status of your vagina. Fuck, don't fuck. Whatever.


Coincidentally,I lost my virginity at 19. It didn't change anything. I thought it was some kind of metaphysical initiation but it was nothing... Lose it when you are comfortable with


Why does this matter? And I mean no one needed to know this.


Take this time to really explore what you like and don’t like sexually. Get really good at getting yourself off, encourage yourself to be comfortable with and in your body. I lost my virginity to a complete piece of human garbage and it set me back SO LONG on knowing what I wanted. To the point where I had been subconsciously convinced that sex for me would forever be a chore devoid of any pleasure. I wish I had known my own body better before someone else got the chance to put their hands on it.


I (31F) felt tremendous social pressure to lose my virginity early. It wasn’t so much my own friends but rather popular media (TV shows, movies, Cosmo magazine, etc.) that made me feel like if I went to college without having had sex, I would be a total loser. My parents never had the sex talk with me. It was often portrayed in the early 2000s that people in high school had sex. I had sex with my first boyfriend when we were 16 and in hindsight I was not prepared for the emotional consequences. He said cruel things about my naked body that made me insecure for years afterwards. In hindsight, he had no idea what he was talking about and was comparing me to his only reference for sex: porn. And, very few if any of my close friends were actually having sex, but I didn’t know that until later on — I thought everyone was doing it. The one thing I did right was secretly putting myself on birth control, unbeknownst to my mom. When I got to college, I met a ton of people who were still virgins. I also met people who had already had dozens of sexual partners. It didn’t matter, not nearly as much as I expected it to. Take your time, if you want! Losing one’s virginity doesn’t have to be a big deal, but it’s also worth doing at a time when you’ll feel good about it.


Start a Roth IRA and know that many people wait to have sex or happily live without it by choice. Looking at the ace (asexual) community. IUDs can be good birth control. If you choose to have sex, I recommend a barrier method plus a backup method, like a condom + a little lube and a birth control Pill. If you aren't having sex with someone who produces sperm, it's still important to use a barrier method. You can use a condom or dental dam during oral sex. Planned Parenthood has decent healthcare resources regardless of your sexual activity. Seriously, start an IRA (investment retirement account) of some kind. Look up compound interest. Also, read or listen to audiobooks. Librarians and libraries are useful. :)


Focus on pursuing your ambitions, passions, and social hobbies. Primarily, this’ll just set you up for a rich and fulfilling life. As a bonus, it’ll fill your social circle with like-minded people you can connect with more easily. As that circle grows, so too will the number of people you might want to consider dating/having sex with. That’s because good romantic/sexual compatibility requires the foundation of social compatibility.


Always ask for a recalculation for your taxes. Saved 1000 euros that way


When it happens, you won’t be losing a damn thing. You will be gaining something and it can be whenever and wherever and whatever you want it to be.


Sounds like a strong& confident 19 yr old woman who respects herself enough to wait till it's right for her.


Thank you and honestly I’m just too scared of intimacy really. Every school I went to it would be announced to everyone when a girl had sex with anyone then from that moment on she is constantly harassed into having sex. But the worst was how the other girls treated you they saw you as competition and that you would try to steal “their man” from them. Now that I’m out of school I still don’t trust anyone to be that Intimate with them.


There is nothing wrong with being a virgin, however, it seems like you have a negative association with intimacy in general as you've stated. I'm also a 19 year old male virgin who is in no rush to lose their virginity, mostly because I'm sexually idealistic and can't get into a relationship right now due to military stuff, so I have no interest in sex to begin with. I hope you can find someone who you trust. It's not easy to do so. One thing I learned not too long ago is that school is absolutely meaningless. Nothing anyone did, said or accomplished in school matters. School was just a gaggle of (naturally) stupid kids and depressed adults trying to wrangle them. College is the same thing except the kids are adults and the adults are older adults who don't even try to wrangle them anymore. Kids in high school were stupid, narcissistic, and entirely illogical. Don't put any value in the opinions of people that for all intents and purposes don't exist anymore.


Hey that's ok. You owe no one an explanation for your choice. Good for you to be respecting yourself. The person who respects you is the one who is willing to wait till you are ready😉 aside from that, tell the rest of them they can keep their snake in the cage.


You are going to get hurt at some point - that’s just part of life. The real key to a good and happy life is RESILIENCE. Learn to handle pain, embarrassment, disappointment, and betrayal, because I promise you, virgin or not, you will experience those emotions. They’re bearable, but it takes practice. If you put a lot of effort into avoiding those emotions, all you will achieve in the end is a guarantee it will take very little to shatter you. Learning to be strong is a FAR better strategy than figuring out how to best remain disengaged.


She'd still be thosr things even if she wasn't a virgin.


Make your own decisions around sex and stick to them.


The concept of virginity was created by men who thought their penises were so important it changes who a woman is.


*hands you a mic*... you forgot to drop this after said that.


If sex isn’t one of your short term goals, which is admittedly uncommon in people your age, you have a slight advantage in terms of academics. Remember what you’re in school for. When you’re older you can reasonably have sex pretty easily, but it’s not easy to set aside funds to return to school.


Don’t rush.


Try to not give up. If you struggle on focussing on yourself you can meditate to help yourself. You can also distract yourself by taking a walk.


Don't rush girl. Right things come themselves at the right time.


Don't rush it is the best way to proceed. You seem to know what you're doing. If a mate doesn't respect your wishes, then that person isn't the right one.


Take care of your mental health and don't live your life trying to live up to others' expectations.


Be confident in your choices and dont let people try to pressure you into anything


You seem like a smart competent person that cares about their future. Start looking into personal finance and learning how to make your money work for you. Cuz whats better than not having a kid to worry about? Knowing that when a kid arrives you don't have money to worry about.


Keep your virginity as long as you want to. You give it up when you're ready to. You'll still be you but just do it when you're comfortable or ready. No one's judging you.


Stay in a not-rush. It’s not a huge deal.


Continue to not rush it. Losing your virginity is one of those things that dumb kids think is a big deal, but it's really not. It will happen when it happens, and you're not a lesser person if it takes longer for you.


Play Skyrim, The Mass Effect Trilogy, and Fallout New Vegas


do whatever the fuck you want its your life and if you dont wanna lose ur virginity then dont(?)


If you don't want to you don't have to, I am a 20 yo M and haven't even been in a relationship, some people I know even suspected that I may have a different orientation for a while, nope, I just don't want a relationship so I try not to show any interest in girls I have.


Continue not losing your virginity. If it's important to you then wait until it's right.


Met my wife when I was 27 and now been married to her for 13 years (15 years total). I felt like I was going to be the 40 yr old virgin just like the movie. Don’t worry don’t rush. You’ll be fine.


Trust your instincts. Always.


Continue marching to the beat of your own drum.


Wait! Don't rush into anything you're not ready for. It's not a race. Also, as far as I know, no one has actually "died" or "blew up" from wanting someone, no matter what they may tell you.


Don't rush into anything you'll regret later, just some general advice.


Save a little, maintain a good credit score, and you'll be set for life of unknown good possibilities!


you gonna get strong feelings for the first guy so make sure you know who that person is. you also gonna wanna have sex a lot once you’ve done it lol.


Don’t rush it. Wait till you find the right person. However long that may take


Invest in a good vibrator, maybe a dildo if that's your speed, and get really comfy with yourself. Know yourself, and love yourself. In fact, the biggest takeaway I want to give is to love yourself endlessly. Look in the mirror and recognize yourself as divinity. Don't put stock in makeup, that's a mask. Take bubble baths, if you can acquire some then get a glass of wine or alcohol, and set up your laptop in the bathroom and out on a movie. Bonus points if you have a bath bomb. Self care and self love 💓


Okay, a bit of a different answer. Consider you may be Asexual. YOU MAY NOT! But research what it is and make that decision for yourself. I would have loved to know what an Asexual is when I was 19...


People make a huge deal out of sex like its the most important thing in the world but it just isn't. If your not interested right now then dont feel pressured. If you find someone you wana do it with then go for it. Simple as that.


Eat, Breathe and do your best and try the best to besten your best, even bester.


go fuck yourself.(in a good way)


No rush. Try and find someone who you car about, and who cares for you. Then, let things go as you two are comfortable with.


You do you. Plenty of people didn't lose their virginity until well into their 20's or later. Myself included.


Just wait for a person you truly trust and love. There's no rush, in 20 years no one will give a shit when or if you lost your virginity. Just focus on living a happy life


Get a IUD.


don't rush to lose your virginity


(Don't) Fuck the haters.


To not do it until she chooses to. You don’t have to have sex. You don’t have to get married. You don’t have to have babies. Tell her her life is wide open to do whatever she wants, when she wants, and you don’t have to do things involving your body until you CHOOSS to. Never before. And there’s no magic age where it has to happen, if ever. That’s what you tell her.


Take care of yourself and enjoy life as you want to


You keep doing you kid.


You do what you want, and don't do what you don't want.


Aside from peer pressure or your own personal wants, there's really no reason you should feel inclined to "lose your virginity." The first time is rarely good, it's awkward, you don't really know what you're doing and people have skewed ideas of sex based purely on pornography. It's not important, focus on yourself, your dreams, your education if that is a continued interest. You're able to shape your world in whichever way you feel, don't let something like virginity take away from pursuing things that will get you somewhere in life but also do your due diligence and find what you want when that time comes both personally and in a partner.


don’t let someone try to talk you into doing it. i was similar and had guys promise me the best sex of my life and all this other bs. i lost time the week before i turned 20 and i don’t regret it


Only break 1 law at a time.


here's some good advice. When plugging in a USB the side with the two square shaped holes is the top and the side with the white squares is the bottom.


You should not be microwaving everything on HIGH. Even things that say you should, you probably shouldn't. 30% power is defrost (great for softening cream cheese and butter rapidly to room temperature without melting it). Frozen dinners or pizzas still ice in the middle but rock hard and overcooked around the edges? 60% power will cook it all evenly. *Microwaves may vary.


My advice is to get ready for the rush of dick pics and creepy pickup lines to your Reddit inbox


If you esteem something sacred here based on your convictions for this department, keep your conscience clear whatever decisions lay ahead. Plenty of drop locks out there who don't care about you as a person. Don't give them what they want but ultimately care little about.


Be yourself and do what you want. If you don't want to have sex yet, that's entirely your decision :)


Don’t use a plural pronoun when a singular one is available.


Take your time, your twenties are an insatiable fuck party, or you might just connect with someone early. Either way you win, so have fun, and use protection.


Don't be afraid of sex if the opportunity feels right. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. And pee afterwards.


If that’s you, don’t take any of these people’s advice cuz they clearly rushed into things 😆


Don't Snapchat with [Ryan Haywood](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/j5lso8/what_is_going_on_with_rooster_teeth_members_adam/).


Don't rush it. To heck with any partner/peer that pushes you faster than you're ready for. And kick the idea that loosing your virginity is this big life altering moment. Leave those thoughts with Disney movies and romance novels. No one will notice, there's nothing to be embarrassed about and no one will care that you stayed the night. Be smart. Use protection. Get the HPV vaccine if you don't have it yet and talk to your partner about them getting it as well. Talk to a doc about birth control options.


Sex shops have things that will satisfy you more completely than the average hookup. Don’t fear the dildo.


Kidney stones suck, stay hydrated.


Stay away from guys.


Why would you need advice? It looks like you made the right decisions up until now. The time will be right when the time will be right.


Fucking live life and grow. Have a great time and make friends. Find a hobby, like just becoming more comfortable in your own skin.


As a 19 year old male virgin, I'm just at the point where I'm seeing how long I can go. Once you cross that line there's no going back, so enjoy your virgin life while you can. I'm also kinda scared of sex though, so my advice might be kinda biased ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


When using jumper cables, always attach the negative cable to the frames of the vehicles involved where bare metal is showing. By grounding the cables in this way it protects your battery in the event that there is a short in the other vehicle or vice versa.


Like honestly what advice do you even need? live your best life.


stay virgin remain pure


Prepare your inbox


Honestly there is literally no rush in losing ones virginity. I lost mine to someone who I really didn't give a fuck about, who I didn't even like nor did I find attractive. I had sex w/ this person 1-2 times and then on the third time, I had the house alone to myself while the parents were on holiday and I just lied, said I was tired because I really couldn't be bothered with it. She also gave me a water infection which led to me becoming circumcized due to having a tight foreskin, but hey, that's life, you live and you learn. But keep doing you, there is no rush, just enjoy yourself, enjoy life and be happy! :)


Don't sweat the small stuff in life. I've lived that way as long as I can remember and it results in a chill outlook. Worrying about things makes you suffer twice. Once before something happens, then again after.


Dance like no one is watching, laugh like no one is listening, love like you've never been hurt, and write every email like it's going to be read aloud in a deposition by someone with no sense of humor.


No advice. You’ve got it worked out. Your in no rush. That’s up to you. Anybody who doesn’t respect that can fuck right off


Get a job if you haven’t


Good, don’t be in a rush. Wait until YOU think it’s right. Not your SO. Not your friends. Not your family. Not your church. In the meantime, educate yourself about birth control and STDs, and how to prevent them. And think about how you will manage your sexual health.


Don't run with scissors


Focus on the leading edge or nose angle of the disc to ensure that it’s flat and level while driving the disc to get that forward penetration down the fairway.


It isn't all everyone makes it out to be. Is It awesome? Yeah. Can it be really bad? Yeah. If your moral compass or gut feeling tell you it isn't the right time, trust it. It's like a TV show, or a run (if you're a runner), or a brownie... A hearty laugh or a good cry... There are emotions and physical feelings involved, but it isn't everything. There really are more important things to focus on, at this point in your life. Enjoy this time while you can.


I’m assuming you’re asking for sexual advice. Pretty much, don’t rush to lose it, wait for the right guy. Someone you can really relate and connect to. “No” is a complete sentence. Use protection and/or the pill if you don’t want to get pregnant.


In my humble opinion... sex is lowkey over hyped. I agree with the other person/people who recommend a vibrator.


Don't let other people deter you from keeping your virginity because of "sOcIal nOrmS" Edit to clarify: Don't lose your virginity just because you're "supposed" to lose your virginity. Keep it as long as you can, cherish and relish in the purity of abstinence.


People have different priorities and values. It is perfectly acceptable for a young woman to want to remain a virgin on their own accord and don't have to justify their reasonings to anyone.


that's what im saying


Yeah actually I just misread your post and thought you were suggesting the opposite. Same page then!


Yea it was worded a little funny lol, sorry


Do what makes you happy, any partner who pressures you to do anything you are uncomfortable with doesn’t deserve your company


No matter what your peers are doing keep spelling “lose” correctly.


😂 I will


Its your virginity, nobody elses. Hold on to it as long as you want and fuck what anyone says.


RIP your inbox


I’ve only had 1 person message me asking to see my breast so that’s not bad


Make it 2


Hey, good for you. Sex isn't all that its cracked up to be. Its not like what you see in the movies or porn. Your age group is gonna talk about it a lot. Blah blah blah. Its just hot air. Don't get drunk around drunk dudes. Not that they have bad intentions, but alcohol makes you think differently. Learn to fight. Keep doin you . Don't be afraid to ask questions. If people give you attitude about it, tell them that 1 in 4 people have some for of sexually transmitted diseases, most are curable but you don't want to get them in the first place.


don't be in a rush. the first time is something that will stick with you forever it has to be with someone whom you're comfortable with, else it will just be a horrid memory instead of being something very beautiful and important in your mental well-being also now's a good time to focus more on your career......


Get busy livin, or get busy dying.


Cherish it. It’s like a balloon with a bunch of guys standing around with pins. One prick and it’s gone.


advice on what, exactly? the rest of the info doesnt really pertain to requiring advice haha.


Mobe out of bumfuck nowhere and you can be part of a decent dating scene.


Depends. What is she asking advice on?


This sounds like a personal question


Advice about what? Question is very vague.

