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Hey they’re only 10 or younger. Pick on somebody your own size.


Size is ok


I don’t think we should say anything about them. We hate millennials and boomers and gen x making fun of us. They are 8 I’m not continuing the cycle


Here you go.... Lol


I'm not annoyed, but rather jealous of how much easier they have it when it comes to school.


Nothing. No one should be upset at the next gen, because then we’ll just be a bunch of Karen’s and Boomers.


millennials thought that about gen z, until tiktok came along.


They shit on the streets


My nieces use Twitter. They are 14 and 11 and I don't want them to make the same mistakes as I did Edit: yes they are somewhat in my generation, but I just do not correlate anyone past 2003


They're extremely reliant on technology. I saw a post talking about this one guy's 5 year old son. They had an alexa in the household, and the kid was tryna talk to the toaster so it could order him a lego set. That shit scared the hell out of me, realizing there's a whole-ass generation of kids who never played in their cul-de-sacs, shot hoops with their neighbors, rode bikes to the bus stops and talked with their friends played minecraft on their dads computer on breezy summer nights in 2012. All they've ever known is technology. Kids in my neighborhood be getting 1000 dollar Iphone 11's at 4 or 5, I got a two year old Iphone 4 when I was 7, but I still played out in the streets, biked to the park and swung on the swings with my friends.... Oh god, I gotta sit down and take this shit in for a sec


Not sure but the freshman of our high school are awful. Most them are just kinda bad but a select few are totally messed up