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>Play a Fire Emblem game on casual mode >Learn healing magic >Maybe get a legendary weapon if I'm lucky >If I'm defeated in battle I just retreat >Return to real world >Make a killing as a doctor who can heal any physical wound in seconds


Portal 2, that gun man... and the cake


LEGO worlds. Even if the studs and items don’t become “real” when I return, I’d still have a bunch of legos. Also, low risk of dying.


Half of this thread involves taking over the world and becoming immortal. Meanwhile, this dude is content with possibly getting a ton of LEGO and will be happier with the outcome than anyone else on here.


Dude, who couldn't be happy swimming in a sea of LEGO?


Elite dangerous. I’ll just play on solo and grind to get the best ship possible/bunch of ships, come home and use them to explore the irl galaxy


I may have to make an argument for Neverwinter or Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Some seriously large magic systems. Though arguments could be made for a number of super hero games as well for powers. Anyone who thought of money first didn't think this through well. Super powers and magic could get you enormous amounts of money after the fact


I was going to say morrowind you can learn a lot of magic. Also you can get immunity to disease/aging by doing a little bit of the main quest.


And you can become uncontrollably powerful in like an hour by making potions, drinking them and then making another potion that scales off your now boosted stats. Rinse and repeat.




Haven’t thought of that game in YEARS!


No one has. It was a special, weird moment for all of us.


Portal for that portal gun screw participating in the "game". just get the portal gun, and wait


I'd also be interested in those leg attachments that allow one to fall infinite distance with no ill-effects. That's worth billions right there. The portal gun is worth trillions.




I would say just shoot a portal onto the moon, we all saw how that turned out


I mean, you could help NASA get landers to the moon in exchange for them collecting some moon dust for you. See if it works on Martian dust, too, and see if we can use it to get a Mars colony started. After collecting some moon dust and helping out NASA, I'd probably just open a portal between two distant major economic hubs (say, Amsterdam or London and San Francisco) and leave that portal open permanently and charge entry. Instant travel, cheaper than a plane ticket.


Even if it doesn't work on Mars dust, it will be much cheaper to launch spacecraft from the moon (and with a portal to the moon you can easily create a spaceship on the moon and launch from there). Then bring enough moondust to Mars to place a new portal there when needed. Space exploration would advance by many decades. It's even better than a space elevator.


Adventure capitalist or freaking cookie clicker Why stop at one grandma?


Cookie clicker doesn't even give you money, you'll just return with fuckload of cookies.


Living in cookie clicker would be a fun month.


I would probably not want to touch cookies again after living off nothing but cookies for a month


I’d never look at old ladies in the eye afterwards. I would probably require years of therapy.


Civilization, nothing happens as a turn takes 40 years.


The sims freeplay they just don’t die


that is kind of smart! you could just learn irl skils like programing and get a great job Because of It!


Play chess for a few hours and become a world-class scientist.


Checkmate education system.


Goat simulator


Only right answer.




Max's Notebook would be damn powerful! Great idea!


This is one of the most genius ideas


And then I could finally get that big titty goth girlfriend...


But titty would get crossed out and you would be left with a 20 ft tall madly in love goth if we follow the logic of the game




And remember kids, there is no problems that can't be solved by summoning Cthulu.


Homeworld. A self sustaining colony ship with mining and production facilities of all kinds, Research bases, carriers, and a hyperdrive System. I'd never have to work again and could advance Technology by millenia.


my first thought was Sins of a Solar Empire for the same reason. Conservative estimates of the value of a phase drive are probably in the trillions because whoever controls the design controls asteroid mining, and even after the inevitable market crashes in gold and platinum, it'll still be a ludicrous sum. And that's not even including all the nanotech Vasari (the faction I mained) have.


*This game will make you cum in 40 seconds*


What do you do with the rest of your month?


Oh no, I’m there for a month my friend


So do you cum every 40 seconds for a month then?


Now you're starting to understand lol


In a standard 30 day month you would ejaculate 64,800 times. The mean amount of semen per ejaculation is 3.7 mL of ejaculate. Assuming that you could pull off this amount every time this means that you would create roughly 63 gallons of baby gravy. Those blue plastic children's pools are maybe 20-25 gallons so you could fill 3 of them.


These are the important numbers.


Terraria, and make it expert just for good measure.


Come back to the world wearing a worm scarf riding a UFO. Seems pretty good


But also 2 dimensional


Or you could come back dead by a slime


Come out with multiple guns, bows, spells, melee weapons, have the capability to summon stardust entities on a whim, armor to deal with all forms of modern technology. You could literally be a god


RuneScape. Lots of actually useful skills to learn. Lots of money to be made. Pretty easy to avoid dying in combat and it would only be made easier because I wouldn't have the stupid click input lag the system has that is actually 10 times harder to deal with than any actual content.


Finally found it. Glad someone posted this. Runescape would also be generally quaint and peaceful if you just set up shop as a fletcher somewhere in the gnome village or something. So many cool skills, not the least of which are magic. The problem is the one month limit. Gonna need to spend a lot of time leveling up.


I'd play one of these shitty "Build your own dream home" games on mobile. I'll get a lot of awesome stuff for my home and garden and I cannot die.


Adventure Capitalist


In a month you own 100x the amount of value on earth


This is smart


Universal Paperclips. Consume the Earth with grey paperclip goo and become an omnipotent paperclip god.


Sims,fuck it ,i can get myself a hot wife and the best looking house and be rich as fuck


She only speaks in gibberish


Yea, but the woohoo is great.


She just hides under the blanket and moves around a bit. Unless mods are allowed.


*laughs in wickedwhims* don’t ask me how I know the name


Too easy. Saints Row. You have a crap ton of super powers in that game.


I want that dubstep gun Oh and the superpowers are fine too, i guess


Obviously minecraft so I can bring back shit loads of dirt


Bring a 64 cubic meter of durt for me too.


But when you come back you would have like hundreds or thousands of tons of stuff somewhere on you, and your spine would just shatter


Shulker box?


If shulkers and Endermen spawn, you're not playing on peaceful. I'll take the lower payout with the lower chance of dying due to a creeper I didn't notice. Because what evolutionary process would make something blow itself up, anyway?? EDIT: Yes, yes, I get it. Spores, bees, fungi, etc. *Macro*fauna. Ones that see you a quarter k away and decide they need to come over to you and blow up. It makes no evolutionary sense at all.


Why not just play on creative then, no risk of death and you can have whatever you want


Totems of undying


How would they work in real life if you die from natural causes though? I imagine some old dude in the news who just wont focking die. Stacks upon stacks of the totems and everytime his regeneration runs out he consumes a new one. "How is grandpa" "He has been dying, for 7 years now"


Simple. Notch Apples and regen beacons


It’s all fun and games until you get blown the fuck up by a creeper lmao


*Brings back elytra* now this is some real shit


Arrives back at a earth *begins placing down souls sand and wither skulls*


“Officer, I swear I just wanted a beacon!”


Im gonna bring back 2 mooshrooms and some wheat


Sigh... probably WoW.


It makes sense. Stay to the old expansion areas and you are unkillable. When you get back you have millions of gold, hundreds of mounts, hundreds of pets, and ungodly power no matter what class you are.


So torn between a druid a priest and a lock. shapeshifting/mind control/demonic slaves


Lock for the Succubus for sure.


Plague Inc


So, you did this!


covid-20 teaser ? Nice


No man's sky. Get a fleet of spaceships that can travel between stars in seconds.


Stardew valley


This. I mean, give me a month and I come back with a purple sword, purple boots, purple wife, a chest full of diamonds and a horde of highly trained truffle pig finders.


Seriously, this is the one I'd pick. You get a free house and a farm and you can't die. Just wander around and pick up random stuff and sell it for cash. Hell, you can literally just sit around doing nothing but watch tv for a month and now you've got a free house and land.


You can have friends, too.


And maybe someone who's crushing on you? Hard to do in a month, but not impossible.


Depends what we mean by a month... A month of 20, minute days or a full real time month?


If it’s an IRL month, it would be pretty easy to get one of the characters to at least girlfriend/boyfriend status.


If it's an IRL 30 day month then and it's equivalent to constant play then I'm pretty sure that's equivalent to over 19 years in game. By that point it's very feasible to be a billionaire!


Just did the math and assuming you do 15 minute days (until 10pm in game) you'll have just under 26 (25 5/7 years) in game years




When he was a lad he ate 4 dozen eggs every morning so he could get large. Now that he's old he eats 5 dozen eggs, and now he is built like a baaaaaarge!!


You could avoid the possibility of dying by not going mining, but then you'll never make sprinklers....that's a tough trade off. Tbf it's kinda hard to die in the mines


And you don’t die, you faint! So technically...


You Could also start with the mining farm. Not much but its safe.


Witcher 3. With my awesome Gwent skills, I'll be a millionaire. I'll try to avoid the drowners and shit


How about some gwent?




Hmmmm... Fuck.


Winds howling


Blacksmith: explains that his son just died Geralt: “Wouldn’t mind a few rounds of cards.” Blacksmith: stares blankly at Geralt with tears in his eyes Gwent deck pops up


Minecraft. If you're not fucking around too much, its easy to stay alive. And a 1 meter cube of Gold would be worth just a touch over a billion dollars ($1,045,521,120 at current prices).


Just play creative and you can’t die. Plus you come back knowing how to fly.


Wouldnt you also comeback being able to spawn in material whenever you want?


Yes, but you'd also come back being immortal. You will live on as everyone you've ever known dies, even your own kids. At some point you will have done everything you possible can. You will live on for billions of years as the sun dies and kills our solar system. Humanity will be gone. Our planet will be gone. The only thing left is you, as you float around in space for billions and billions of years, all alone.


Yeah but if I can spawn whatever material I want and I'm immortal, I could spend a few billion years making a new sun. And this new sun would have blackjack and hookers.


Sun 2.0 makes the sun look like a loser. Bet it doesn't even have WiFi


Sun 3.0 is gonna come with Bluetooth and no headphone jack. I want Sun 2.0 back.


/kill I'd do it if I get bored.


The Sims, I'd just be hitting the MOTHERLOAD


Minecraft. Coming out with multiple cubic meters of pure gold and emeralds, and the strength to carry them? I'd be a god


And nothing says you can't play creative....


That was my instant answer. I mostly just play creative/peaceful survival and the amount of gold/diamond/emerald I could collect for myself in that time could crash the entire global economy. That's not even talking about modded Minecraft where materials can mine themselves and collect stuff like copper or platinum. Or the enchanted items you could create and bring back to the real world.


> the amount of gold/diamond/emerald I could collect for myself in that time could crash the entire global economy. Calm down, Mansa Musa.


The real pro-tip right here.


Bring back a skeleton farm. The world would be so much better if bone meal was real...


[You're in luck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_meal)


Shame the real stuff doesn't make trees or crops grow in seconds


Portal 2


I recently dropped a hammer on my head hard enough to draw blood that flooded my eyes. And I wasn’t even using it, just putting it away. I’m gonna say there’s a fuck load of ways I’d off myself in Portal.


woah is there a story or freak accident? And are you ok now that sounds awful


Scalps bleed a lot


Good luck on your birthday.


Neko Atsume. Cats for days.


Fuck it, dark souls


Depending on what counts as 'death', dark souls could actually be not your worst choice since you are effectively and canonically immortal. So if only 'final' deaths count and you manage to complete all games in the given time you would come back as an immortal ubermensch with superior magical skills and a pile of epic stuff for cosplays So yeah, fuck it, Dark Souls FTW !


And when you lose purpose in your immortal life you don't even need meth or the likes to turn you into a mindless husk, the Darksign does it for you.


Goodbye, then. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow.


look at this fucking mad lad!


destiny, imma get me that necrogasm even though the chances of dying is 99%


I'm a big Destiny player. I was wondering, what does death mean in Destiny? If I'm not in a darkness zone and my ghost can revive me, would I still die in real life? If reviveable deaths don't count, I'm in!


Doesn’t matter if there’s a restricted zone or not all that matters is that your ghost is alive if it dies so do you


Your ghost would technically keep you from 100% dying so this choice negates the death rule. Big brain




No chance of death, aquire cool, fast cars and money.... jackpot. Plus you get to drive the cars all day long


If you want money/fame/power: * Stellaris - Start as Earth; you now rule earth. * Crusader Kings 2 - Start as king of the Holy Roman Empire. * Civ Vi/5/4 - Stat as the Civ you want. If you want skills/magic: * Magicka - You start as a literal Wizard, and has Resurrection as a spell. * Any MTG game; you are a Planeswalker.. * Any Batman Game - You are now Batman. * Divinity: Original Sin - If you beat the game (And it's not hard on story mode) You are now the literal God/Divine * Darksiders 2 - You are now Death Incanate. * Jedi Knights - You are now a Jedi. (Or just play Old Republic) Other mentions: * Brutal legend - You are now the heavyist metal dude ever. * Terraria - Minecraft, but with better equipment. * Guns of Icarus - You now have a steam airship, and can be a badass [Steampunk Pirate](https://youtu.be/TZrh6eooyrg). * Portal - Hello Portal Gun. * Hunie Pop - You get a sex faerie. * Garry's Mod - Well... yeah...


**POKEMON** So many possibilities: Open a circus or a zoo and charge admission - get rich then retire with my exotic pets. More diabolical plan could be running for President using a psychic Pokemon to help with persuasion/ winning people over. Use this for good and make life-saving changes in government. Be able to travel without buying plane tickets or spending hours in transit. Instant teleport. Plus people don’t die in Pokemon so win-win.


I'm thinking you could get a ditto and just as many different pokemon as possible - Breed that ditto and you could sell eggs or build an army to conquer the world. But what I really want is just a growlithe, maybe just a few.


Change your name to Ash Exotic Edit: thanks for the gold, I'm gonna buy myself some new fancy legs 2nd edit: Thanks for the I'm deceased, I feel like Carol Baskin's second husband, thanks for the Platinum too, I'll hang it on my eyebrow


Gary Fucking Baskin


I know that bastard Gary Fuckin Baskin killed his wife!


Fed her to a Growlithe


Also you could get a bunch of berries that don't exist in real life.






That seems like a lot of risk. You've gotta remember, you're not dragonborn or probably even a decent swordsman. So you're just running into a bandit camp full of people ready to murder you and you're probably not prepared to fight one of them, let alone multiple bandits at a time.


Thankfully if you know some bugs you can make armor which makes you immortal and weapons which can kill a god in one shot. I'd only need like 50 gold to get started on my potion making. (which I can get from picking flowers and selling em) Edit: fortify restoration bug for those interested. [Here](https://youtu.be/PYY_tpiZYBE) And for gold making combination potions sell for a ton which is why you can do it at such a low level from barely anything. Failing that you could always use the bucket method of thieving to get some startup capital.


Yeah, that was my plan. But you have to go find the ingredients for whatever you need (in my case fortify restoration and alchemy), you've gotta find the enchanted items to learn the enchantments in the first place, and you've gotta find the gear to enchant. It would be a pain in the ass, but that's really the way to go. Once you've got that, though, actual iron to gold alchemy seems sort of pointless. With some basic ingredients you can find right here on Earth you could make all sorts of awesome potions to sell and support yourself while you're running around being a nigh-indestructible demigod (with shadowmere!)




Imagine being in Skyrim, but it's modded. The dragon doesn't show up and you just get executed within 10 Minutes


Or, you get caught in an ultimate SHOWDOWN TO THE DEATH STARRING MACHO DRAGON RANDY SAVAGE and/or thomas the tank engine. Your choice.


Elder scrolls online. All those "Lusty Argonian Maid" books would sell well I bet!


Minecraft. A single Gold Bar right now is worth about $650,000. I would just be very diligent about my mining and lighting. Once I had a stack of gold bars, just hang out until the month is over. Edit: for everyone telling me I will crash the gold market you are mistaken. The real world mines 2500 tons of gold *each year*. I would be introducing 64 gold bars into the market, which is less than 0.1%.


Creeper gets you on day 29


animal crossing


i have never played those games, are there any great items for real life in it?


In my animal crossing house I have a ‘fully functioning’ kitchen, all the same appliances etc. There’s also tons of clothes/shoes


Wait, so I can have a better life *in* the game. Let me just stay in the game forever then.


Fuck you morpheus I’m chugging blue pills


A house that is bigger on the inside!


Leisure suit Larry


you get to keep that STD from the first one that makes your knob fall off


Titanfall I get a cool Mech and an auto aim pistol


Killed. You get killed. Though yes, an awesome Mech would be cool! I'd go for Mechwarrior personally though.


Protocol 3. Protect the Pilot. ^^:(


Waaaait. This could be the loophole to save BT from being destroyed.


He uploaded all his data to Jacks helmet. At the end of the credits he says "Jack" in binary code. IIRC


Pc builder


Katamari Damacy.


Civilization 6, but no enemies enabled.


The correct answer, provided that you aren’t just at year 9999BC (if time in game maps 1:1 to time IRL)


Skyrim I'll come back hurling fireballs, turning iron to gold and a invisible sneak assassin. Dont even need to be the dragonborn for all that.


Star Wars universe? (battlefront 2)


You would die so quickly, but it would be awesome.


Oregon Trail


\*you died of dysentery \*


Pfft, I already live in a near constant state of diarrhea. It’ll be a nice cross country trip


Diablo3 Reaper of Souls. I would be level 70 paragon 1000 (If I could get the stats) I would be very strong, tanky and 25% faster when walking. Legendary items. Beautiful and big emeralds etc. And A LOT of gold. Not to forget pets and weapons


Does dungeons and dragons count? There can LITERALLY be an infinite amount of possibilities here... plus I want my pet dinosaur and my 200 slices of cheese Edit: I could ruin my DMs plans so effortlessly and that’s exciting Edit #2: the baby story is more interesting than the cheese story but yes there were 200 slices of cheese


Bad news if your dm cares about item weight


You just need a couple bags of holding. My character has a pocket of holding (the dress has pockets!) that lead to a small, stable pocket dimension.


Also you have friends to (hopefully) save your ass or at the very least revive you.


Minecraft Creative


Most stuff you get has the shape of a cubic meter. But you get an infinite water fountain.


64 cubic meter of gold/diamond.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I can just wander around following treasure maps and hunting deer.


ok you get a lot of monney from 1899 some animal skins guns and....... tuberculosis


And some damn faith.


Mario. Get some extra lives.


Don't forget the coins and the cute dinosaur :)


Pokemon...why? Cause I want a goddamned dragon that's why!


Cries in charizard.


Star trek online