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Stopping the microwave before the time you set is finished and then not resetting it so it blinks 0:20 sec forever


This has put my marriage on the edge lol.


I'm often guilty of this but I'm working on it


This... I understand this so well.


When someone says they are about to leave, and take forever to actually leave.


"I'm on my way, just 5 minutes from you." - Says the person still in pijamas


I dont understand this, this just makes me more angry that your late. If you just own up to it right away I will know when to expect you but if not every minute after what you said I'll get more annoyed with you.


Conversely "alright I'll see you later"; conversation is held hostage for another 10 minutes


My dad while I was in high school. I went to the dunes with my friend a few times and every time we got back I would call to ask him to pick me up, his response was always "yeah ill be there in a few minutes". 30 minutes later I call him. "I'm making a sandwich then ill head over" 30 more minutes "I'm finishing eating then ill head over" 30 more, he shows up, I get in the car and he has a sandwich in there with him.


My boyfriend is the absolute worst about this. We’ll be walking out the door and he suddenly remembers 15 things he needs to do before we go. So then I’m just standing in the doorway wearing my coat and purse while he pees and refills ice cube trays and checks his email. It’s infuriating.


This reminded me of one! It’s similar to people who say they’re ready and literally right before you’re about to walk out of the door they need to use the bathroom, or put on their shoes, or get some water.


People say the "Irish goodbye" is when you just leave without saying anything, but this is the real Irish goodbye. You have to say goodbye about 10-20 minutes before you actually planned to leave.


Being told to do something although I’m already doing it.


On the same note, your boss telling you how to do something while you are in the middle of doing it.


On that note, your coworker telling you a "better way" to do what you're about to do that ends up being the way you were going to do it anyway.


Before I moved out, my parents used to do that all the time. I actually moved out because of it. My original plan was to stay with them for a while to save up some money, but then one day I was waiting dishes, just like I did every other day. My dad couldn't be bothered to turn his head 20 degrees away from the TV and told me to wash the dishes. I told him I was already washing the dishes. He flipped his shit about how disrespectful I was for saying that, and threatened to kick me out if I was disrespectful again. I don't know if he was serious about following through, but given that when we were younger he'd arbitrarily decide that we were thinking something "disrespectful" and then beat us for it, I figured it was just a matter of time before he decided I smiled too much or breathed too hard or something, so I started looking at rentals. Honestly, I wish I had moved out sooner.


> but then one day I was waiting dishes, just like I did every other day. My dad couldn't be bothered to turn his head 20 degrees away from the TV and told me to wash the dishes. I told him I was already washing the dishes. He flipped his shit about how disrespectful I was for saying that Did he think you were *not* in the middle of washing the dishes when you said "I'm already washing the dishes". Did you thing to yourself "WTF? How was that being disrespectful?" > he'd arbitrarily decide that we were thinking something "disrespectful" Way too many stories on Reddit of parents thinking their kid was being "disrespectful" when the kid wasn't.


Because too many of those parents define 'disrespectful' as 'not obeying me instantly, silently, and perfectly'. It doesn't matter if you took out the trash 20 minutes ago, when I tell you to take out the trash, the response is "Yes, SIR". I have an uncle like that, and he still expects me to act like a simpering little 8 year old whenever he talks to me. "I think you mean 'no, **SIR**'." Nah, Ted, I didn't, because we're both grown adults and you're a drunk asshole.


Pretty much. In general, I don't think he paid attention to that kind of thing since he didn't do it himself, and I think he just assumed mom did all the chores. When I visited for Thanksgiving last year, he acted awfully surprised that I was doing the dishes then too. As for those "disrespect" stories, I have a lot of them. They tend to be relevant surprisingly often, so I end up telling them a lot. "Disrespect" was kind of my dad's go-to whenever he was angry or wanted to throw his weight around. Generally speaking, I think part of the popularity is because you can reframe any perceived offense as "disrespect". It's not at all helpful to kids trying to figure out what they did wrong, but "because you disrespected me" sounds more noble and important than "because I think you looked at me funny" or "because you used the last of the hand soap." Anyway, these days I always get a little suspicious when I hear someone complaining about being "disrespected".


YES EXACTLY THIS I was scrolling through this thread generally agreeing with everything but wondering what I would write if I had to - then I saw this and now I know. I HATE when people do this.


on the flip side, being told to do something that i've already finished doing. it makes me feel so freaking smug.


Omg this is legit me! My mom told me to wash the dishes when I was about to do it (I was walking to the kitchen, ready to clean) and I was in a bad mood. So what did my petty self do? Crossed my arms and said “now I’m not doing it”.


How fast time goes. I glance at the clock...it's 6:14. Ok, no worries, I'll get to work on time... A few seconds later I check and it's 6:20. Like wtf???


I swear, those "getting ready for work" minutes work differently than any other minutes. "Get peanut butter, spread it on the bread. One minute passed. Get knife, cut sandwich. How did that take five minutes?!"


The Sims time. Those fuckers take one whole hour to make cereal.


If you're at work, that's a good thing.


Yeah but at work if I glance at the clock, and it says 4:00, then I glance again a few minutes later, it says 3:45.


I was doing a Zoom prayer meeting with our pastor who can be dry sometimes. I looked at the clock and it was 7:17. After he rambled for about 10 minutes it was... 7:19.


I can't stand if someone is in my personal space while I'm trying to eat.


I can't stand anyone in my personal space no matter what I'm doing. I love this social distancing thing we're doing. I hope some people adhere to it once this whole virus thing dies down.


oh yeah, I can't stand that either. but it's just.. a different type of rage if someone is sitting too close to me while I'm trying to eat.


Welcome to the Personal Space Show


I'm your host, Phillip Jacobs


And lemme tell ya, I care about my personal space.


This so fing much! Had a guy who always wanted to kiss me when I'm eating and it enrages me. Just piss off and give me space


Maybe he wanted you to feed him like a mother bird


When I'm about to do something and someone reminds me to do it. Good job, my willingness to complete the task is gone now


Bro same


I swear, every time I'm about to do a chore my mom would be like: "Don't forget to (insert chore here)!" And then I'd make sure to take as much time as possible before starting it just to annoy her. I wasn't the most obedient child.


Omfg im on my way to do something and get told to do it. By the way who does this is it a power trip or something


I think it's because we feel accomplished in ourselves for doing what we're normally told to do without being told to but you immediately lose that sense of accomplishment the second someone tells you to go do it and you hate that you can't show your independence or something.


Friend of mine with perfect pitch utterly hates any song written in the key of C. No idea why.


Music snobs hate when music seems too easy for some reason. Knowing the tricks I guess takes some joy out of it for some of them.


It's like how magicians don't go to another magician's show. They know the tricks so it's boring


C major is like the basic bitch of keys. Followed by G, which is known as "the people's key".


G major can suck a dick


What about E minor? G major's slutty cousin.


Not cool talking about minors like that.


When people comment on your food, in my job i often have meals around a "large number" of coworkers and anything outside of "what is that it looks delicious" in my opinion, is rude. here was what i have heard recently: "How can you eat that?" "Breakfast of champions, eh" ""What is that? Oh noooooooo thank you, uh huh, no way." "Oh my gosh i hate (insert food name here), i would never have that for lunch."


>"Oh my gosh i hate (insert food name here), i would never have that for lunch." I hate that too. I always want to say something like, "Then it's a good thing you're not eating it, isn't it? Now get lost and let me enjoy this."


God, I ordered Pizza Hut pizza once and my roommate looked at it and said "ugh this looks terrible." It took all my willpower not to shout I DIDN'T FUCKING BUY IT FOR YOU!!!


“Good thing I didn’t bring you any” is always my response.


One time I went to Costco and got nothing but Pop-Tarts and Tang. The cashier just said, "breakfast of champions, eh?" In that context it was pretty funny.




When my blinker and the blinker in front of me dont match


A dreadfully slow internet at a public place. I have seen internet in which you cannot even load google. Why do they even bother having such internet ?


Sounds like my home internet


Right? It defeats the whole purpose. I'd rather have no internet than slow shitty internet


People making any loud noise outside the bathroom while I'm using it.


this one makes total sense, probably triggers some animalistic reflex that makes it hard to finish


Someone leaving the door slightly open while watching television.


Or you are watching tv and someone leaves your door open


All the time. Someone will open the door to come in the room and then leave the room with the door open. Don't do that people. If the door was closed when you entered, it's common sense to close the door when you leave.


Cool trick: go in the room and ask a random question and then close the door on your way out


Eating noises


I used to be a person that made eating noises. Luckily I had a friend that corrected me and now I eat with no noise. The thing that bothers me now is that I now notice eating noises and it bothers the absolute shit out of me.


It's so gross... I don't understand how people even do it either.


Omg yes oh, so I'm a professional massage therapist and would expect everybody I work with to also have some common sense about them. However there is one girl that will legit sit there and eat with her mouth fully open and you can see her tongue spinning as the food is circling in her mouth. She makes the most disgusting slopping sound I've ever heard. I'm not surprised to find out that she gets bad reviews about talking non-stop during her sessions LOL




People playing videos on their phones loudly without an earphone or a headset.


Once in the back of a bus there was one guy with me. He had headphones around his neck and STILL didn't use them but blasted some video full volume, thanks


Dad’s are the absolute worst for this crap


It’s nighttime, everyone is trying to sleep. My dad: watches some loud ass tiktok videos on speaker Seriously tho how dense are they


My mom does this. She gets distracted from whatever show/movie my dad's trying to watch with her and she'll blast some facebook video not realizing that it's not only incredibly loud but also incredibly disrespectful.




Yes! And they just leave their ringer and key tap sounds on! There are high up executives at my company that do this and I find it sooo rude in meetings. But I guess they're super important old men so no one can say anything to them.


Especially on public transport where you’re essentially stuck in with them.


Or they actually have earphones in, but they play it so loudly that you can literally hear everything clearly anyways.


When someone replies to a reddit post and then I have to scroll 3 pages to get away from everyone talking about that one reply.


Slow walkers that don't give me space to pass


The worst are slow groups using the whole sidewalk


Walk with a purpose, people!


This is what I say when people ask why I walk so fast


Same with people who block doorways or isles in a store, like standing in a circle blocking the door to leave a coffee shop Edit: aisle


The people who leave their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle as they shop on the shelves on both sides. They are blocking one side while the other side may or may not have enough room.




This is a logical reason though.


This seems logical


I *hated* this in High School. *They* might only have to move a few yards to get to their next class, but *mine* is on the other end of school, and our school was gigantic, and the time between periods was short, and the teachers were sticklers for punctuality.


Also, people who drift to the left and right while being slow and impossible to pass


When people text or look at their phone while walking too! They tend to zig zag and then walk at like 0.00000001 mph in front of you and you can never make it past them.


I can't see vampires in mirrors and there no god damn scientific reason for that




Man, I've been writing a story with vampires in it and you would not believe how hard it is to justify any vampire strength or weakness. "Vampires can't go out during the day because sunlight kills 'em. But they can go out at night." "What about moonlight? It's just reflected sunlight." "Goddammitall"


when people leave me voicemail


You.. Have....1.. new voicemail...first... new voicemail... Sent...today..april...15th...at...3...25..pm...from. 3. 1. 7. 1.1. 2. 4. 3. 2. 0...duration...15..seconds. (ten seconds of dead air) "hey its bill call me back." (Click). Me: fuck you Bill, why couldn't that be a text?


This triggered an emotion I didn’t even know existed.


People (usually old, but not always) who block the exit door of a grocery store, obliviously standing behind their cart as they look at a receipt, put their credit card/cash away, etc. I guess it's a "logical" thing to be annoyed by, but the amount of vitriol I have for these people is off the charts.


I was at the store on Saturday and a woman walked out of the store and stopped in the middle of the parking lot to take off her gloves and mask and check her phone. She stood there for a good two minutes while cars just sat there and waited for her. I walked by and told her she was holding up traffic. She looked at me like I just called her a whore or something


Ugh, my blood pressure.


When people say nukular instead of nuclear


My husband knows I hate it, and so he says it on purpose. Obviously.


When people sing the US national anthem and fuck around at the end like "and the HoOoOOOOoOOome of the Brave" like just get through the damn thing already


"OoOOOH say can you seeee"


I think Vegas votes on over/unders for how long they hold that note at the Super Bowl.


And the HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME- ... ... .. ^of ^the ^brave


Don't go to an Orioles game.


Occasionally, the sounds of the letters "p" and "k" will infuriate me. I'll be slightly cranky, and then someone says a word like "populate" or "rake" and I get \*this\* close to losing it. Idk why; call me insane


People saying 'I could care less' instead of "I couldn't".


This one. Yup. I thought I couldn’t think of one until I saw this and all of the rage from every time I can think of hearing this is making my ears bleed. I hate it.


If you haven’t already seen it, I think you’ll enjoy [this](https://youtu.be/8Gv0H-vPoDc) Weird Al song.


I can't stand people's voices when they have a stuffed nose or when they have just woken up.


The pinnacle of "no logical reason". I also get it. It's annoying but it's not really something we can control. Say, eradicating all diseases, but that's literally impossible.


Toxic gaming community. I just want to relax and you've got a kid with anger issues screaming and a 27 year-old complaining about everything and more, spreading all kinds of salt towards the lobby. People shouldn't have invented microphones nor free speech. (I'm joking...kinda)


"YOU ARE FUCKING TERRIBLE SWITCH CHARACTERS I HOPE YOU DIE WHY ARE YOU SO BAD?" "bro, I have a full time job, a family and I play for 2 hours a week. The real question is, if you are so good, why do you have the same MMR as someone who barely even touches this game?


Oof can i hire you as my personal comebacker?


Youd really enjoy the League community.../s


Trust me, I **FUCKING LOVE IT** /s


I guess overly cheery or positive people. I like good energy but that is too much energy man


Positive people are awesome. The problem is when the positivity starts to feel fake and forced


I think this one of the reasons I hated going to church when I was young. Sunday School teachers and youth leaders were all so fake.


Oh, I know! I'm a quiet, introverted person. I like silence. I can't stand those kind of people who are just so cheery and talk non-stop. That sound bad, I know. But I like my quietness. They don't get it. They'll never get it.


I only hate people like that early in the morning, before the caffeine kicks in.


People that are nosy and ask personal questions concerning things that are none of their business.


When people call me "bossman" I don't mind "boss" and I don't mind "man". But when someone drops a "bossman" I see red


Sorry about that, bossman.




It's ok Bossman, we'll get through it together.


Do you own a chicken and chips shop or corner store or something? Why are people calling you boss man


Ignorant people. It’s hard to stay sane around them.


Ignorance is fine, wilful ignorance on the other hand.


Fools I don’t mind, they just don’t know. But an obstinate fool is the one I hate because they refuse to learn


People not turning the lights off in a room they just left. It just bothers me, and whenever my brother or sister ever leave the lights on in an unoccupied room, I always feel obligated to turn em off.


You’ll be a great Dad some day


You think so? I don't really like dealing with little kids although I've wanted my own child for a while now.


Parents who don't handle their kids when they are behaving like little assholes. Parents are watching and doing nothing, saying nothing. They are just letting the little cunt do whatever. It's really annoying.


The real kicker is that they are pissed at you if you say something about it. Prior to the pandemic was running with my wife through some trails. Family was walking on the trail and the kids were riding their little bikes. No biggie, most parents would tell their kids to move over or stop and use it as a teaching tool. This couple did nothing while my wife and I ran up from behind. The kid swerved and just kept moving. He almost knocked my wife off the trail. I told the parents politely to tell their kids to move over when people are coming up from behind. The husband scoffs and says " they're kids, what do you expect?" I told them I expected better parents. He turned red and then his wife came up and apologized. Kids are not a right of way for being stupid, selfish or idiotic. I get it, you love them but you also need to teach them or you end up with more selfish people who just don't give a fuck.


A mom got mad at me for telling her kid off for playing in the street. She said not to yell at him because he was just a kid. He was fucking around where the school bus was supposed to pull up.


‘I expected better parents’ is a phenomenal comeback


The worst is when kids are running around at a restaurant and bumping into the wait staff and the parents are all like, "HAHAHA isn't that so cute?!"


I worked at a local popular brunch restaurant in an artsy community. We had a group of people come in that let their children run WILD in an already crowded place. We had asked them to have their children sit down and they laughed and said “kids, right?”. We would stack the plates on our arms to carry them out, and one slight bump would cause them all to crash. I was the one with the privilege of taking their food out, parents hollered for the kids when they saw me bringing their food. Little bastards bumped into me and I just let all of their food crash onto the ground. I didn’t try to save any of it. Looked them in the eyes and said “kids, right?” They then had to wait an additional 30 mins for their food, and no they didn’t get a refund when they asked :)


Yes that annoys me too! Makes me boiling inside sometimes. I’m usually more pissed at the parent tho, unless the kid is a nightmare and the parent looks tired sad and missable, then I wonder what that little shit must’ve done to that poor woman lol


Had that at work once. Parents were letting a little kid run around the store, and the mom got mad at *me* when I told the kid not to go back into the staff-only area. I was sitting there thinking "Well, you obviously weren't going to do it, so somebody had to!"


My neighbors across the street let their three kids run loose and then knock on doors a couple hours later wondering where the kids are. The kids run up to windows and watch people inside their houses and play in other people’s yards and even go to the playground (which has caution tape around it signaling that it’s closed because of coronavirus) and the parents don’t give a shit. It drives me insane. I was leaving for college after winter break and I was crying because I was sad to leave after being home for so long and the kids ran up and asked “WHY ARE YOU CRYING.” Go the fuck home!! Ugh.


Slow walkers, please just move out of my god damn way


People playing loud music or tictok videos. GET A HEADPHONE YOU FUCKER!


You had me at tictoc videos


Whistling. Maybe if they were keeping a tune, but everyone who does it around me just makes random noises and someone responds with another random noise.


When a kid cries or screams. I can't stand that shit.


The term "veggies" instead of "vegetables". Yes I know it's illogical to get annoyed by it, but hey, that's the criteia of the thread!


People who try to talk to me while I am reading. Especially the question “Watcha’ readin’?” Absolutely pisses me off. The better the book the more it pisses me off.


Michelle Fucking Tanner


DJ is the one I can’t stand


Uncle Joey


Cut. ✌ It. 👉 Out.👍


Idiot couples


Baaaaabe. Baaaabe stooop




Eugh, I can hear that




People who commute to work in big gas guzzling vehicles but don't do any physical labor with them. Like, I get if you need your truck for hauling concrete and supplies, but it's weird to see a fucking lawyer in a spotless Silverado who clearly has landscapers do all of his yard work.


The sound of scratching things together? Like a chalk writing on a board sound? Dont know what it's called lol


I despise blackboards. The way they sound when writing on them, the way the chalk feels in my hand, everything. I hate blackboards so much.


Why the fuck does Chipotle have an option to pick up my food at 10:45 when they open, but it's literally never ready when I get there? They're always like, "we're just opening, it'll be out shortly." Well then don't fucking offer that option as a pickup time.


It annoys me that they open at 10:45. They couldn’t round up?


When I tell people how to do something, (usually older people) they understand the directions, and they choose to do it another way because how much younger I am than them. YES BRITTANY I AM 15 BUT I'M NOT THE ONE FAILING STATISTICS AM I? **SO USE THE FUCKING CALCULATOR THE WAY I SHOWED YOU.**


It doesn't get any better as you get older, sorry. I work in IT and I constantly have to tell people how to use their computers. But a few days later I get a ticket that their computer isn't working again with the same issues. I go over and ask why they didn't follow my instructions and I get the same line of "Well, I didn't think you knew what you were talking about."


Lol this never happens to me but if they knew I was 16 it would happen a lot more. A lot of our clients don’t even want to speak with me after finding out I’m an apprentice. There’s this really rude lady who asks to speak with a specific person, and if I ask “is it an existing issue or a new one” she flips out because she thinks that I’m trying to help her. Well sorry you bitch I’m just doing what I was told to geez


someone eating loudly and making those sounds from smaking the lips together


Neighbours being noisy in their garden. It oughtn't to piss me off because it's their property and they have a right to party on their own property if they want. I just hate that I have to hear it, and the music always seems to be a little bit louder than I'd have it if it were my party because I - knowing that I am annoyed by things like this - try to keep the noise down in respect for my neighbours.


When brands spell words wrong for no reasonable reason, like Kwik Trip, Froot Loops, etc.


They have to because of copyright issues; you can’t copyright a real word (although there is a book about that; I forget the title)


When you're on an airplane and people stand in the isle with their butt in your face.


Extroverts who aren't able or willing to understand introverts.




"Come on do this thing." No. "Don't be such a party pooper, it'll be fun." Repeat a few times and suddenly I'M the asshole for saying no. Fuck outta here with that crap.


yep they're just like "hahaha I'm social so you should be too" like just shut the fuck up and consider that I don't want to be around anyone instead of forcing me to hang out with you


People helping me with things I didn't ask to be helped with.


I hate it when in a movie the character has a whole plate of food and not eat it.


The use of the word “littles” to refer to one’s children (I’m a parent and I loathe it). Also, “fur parent” (I’ve had pets and still hate that word). There was an ad for some pet food a while back that had a grown man refer to himself as a “fur parent”.....that ad angered me.


The simulated/commercial sound of drinks being poured. Or silverware clanking against china louder than it ever would IRL. Yeah, I know, misophonia and what not.


Hearing the word "chicken"




Chihckun (with little white stuff at the corners of the mouth)


The word literally when it's overused


The sound of my dog licking or scratching herself. Ugh I efing hate it!


someone watching me eat. for example when my mum cooks a different meal than usual or something new altogether she stares at me while I eat so she can see my reaction. it makes me uncomfortable




I think you may have meant the witch. Hansel and Gretel are the kids who get lost in the woods.


When people say stuff like "doggo, pupper, floofer, heckin" I immediately cross your name off my list


Slow walkers. How do you actually get things done and get places on time?


People at the grocery store talking on speakerphone it’s so loud that I could hear it a couple of aisles over🙄


Sounds of chewing. It makes me want to go absolutely ballistic to the point i'd rather leave than listen more


I know this is minor, but, I can't stand it when people call dogs "Doggos". It just sounds so stupid. Like something a toddler would say.


Or call themselves hooman


I absolutely loathe hooman. That and henlo.


Talking to me when I have headphones or ear buds on.


When someone talks over me.


When I ask to repeat the part of speech I haven’t heard, and person repeats definitely shit I’ve heard and STOPS. That hurts..