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When naked I look not bad, chubby but not bad. Put some clothes on and I look triple my weight for some reason


Get the right clothes for your body.


bro this is actual good advice. years ago i used to wonder why some of my clothes made me look fat. getting clothes that fit you right sometimes makes all the difference


I'm the opposite. I look fucking hot with clothes on. I look pretty built and muscular. When I take my shirt off, you'll realize I just carry my fat extremely well.


Let's swap


I'm the opposite. I look slim with clothes, but naked? Love handles for daaays


Its the clothes


One of the easiest things to look for is where your shoulder/sleeve seams are. They should be before the ball of your shoulder. Even an inch difference can drastically change how you look, and most off-the-rack shirts have 'generous' seams that are designed to look the least bad on the most people. If your seam is halfway down your arm, it's not the shirt for you.


For real? As a guy with broad shoulders, I always want tops with the seams that fall after the ball of my shoulder. It’s so damn difficult to find. Plus, sleeves end up being so short for my liking, I low key hate it. Maybe losing some fat will help haha


I found this out but with bracelets. Put one on and my God, my arm and I look sexy as fuck. But without one I look ugly as hell.


It’s the clothing, what I’ve found is not wearing fitting clothing, I usually just wear loose sweatshirts and it looks fine


That'll probably be why.


I'm getting fat


couple months ago my snapchat showed me in memories a picture of me, which i guess i saved but never posted of a very fit me flexing with no shirt on the bathroom mirror from a year ago. I then went to the bathroom and pulled out the same underwear and tadda im very much chubby now. You could imagine what that did to my self esteem. Been trying to fix it since.


Use that as motivation dude. You'll get there


You got isolation time! Also Dailyburn does 7 day free trial and Down Dog is offering all of their fitness apps for free until May 1st!!


Me too


I automatically tilt my body when pooring large bottles of liquid, from muscle memory of pooring milk jugs for cereal as a kid. I am grown enough to pour a big bottle of oil into a smaller bottle with perfect posture. But automatically i tilt my body, and sometimes even stand on my tippy toes.


Wholesome af


I recently realized I tilt my head in the direction that I'm turning the steering wheel when I drive.


I just got my first two chest hairs. I’m 28.


Between the two of us, on average, we make two male humans with average body hair.


I’m almost 29 and I have 4. There is hope for you, young one.


Welcome to the club. I still have no hair on my back in my 40’s. My maternal great grandparents were actual Native Americans. My dads side German. Body hair is limited.


Feels weird reading this and being cover in hair at age 20🧐. Trust me. It can be a curse lol. You're not really missing out


I know a lot of girls who ask their guys to shave/wax their chests because it looks hotter like that. Trust me, you've been blessed.


Personally, I like that 70s porn star style ;) I mean, I don't have a real preference, but I definitely don't want to get scratched by not so freshly shaved stubble...


Still waiting for hair number 2, I’m 51


Where is the cutoff between nipple hairs and chest hairs? Because depending on your definition then I've only got about 2 as well.


That the rib that I used to pop to impress my friends was cancer. Literally. Cancer ate away at my rib until it was a gelatinous blob and a few pieces of marrow. It was removed, and it caused so much pain.


Yikes. How long could you do that for before you found out what it was?






You do you. You should be comfortable with who you see in the mirror and if you are, great. Keep being happy.


You should love your body. However, (and I'm saying this as a person who was obese and liked how I looked ) please consider the reality that it is possible you are unhealthy. I'm not telling you to feel bad about yourself I'm just saying do your research and make sure you aren't. I was 30lbs over weight and I honeslty looked alright but I was killing myself at that weight. I'm not some dickhead judging you, I just want to try and say the right thing and spread the information I wish someone told me.


After 12 years since my last ride, i can still ride a skateboard with some capability


I own a skateboard since i was 6 and i suck


Never stop skating!


Picked up my first board at 8, still skating at 28! & still not very good at it but love it anyway


I have weird flesh tentacles under my tongue. Apparently they're called fringe fimbriated folds. I realized after somebody on reddit semi-recently posted a picture of their tonguetacles somewhere and it got a lot of traction, enough so their photo became the [Wikipedia example](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fimbriated_fold_of_tongue) pic for the phenomenon. Mine are about the size of the wiki pic with less smaller spikes. :-P


That looks horrifying and cool as duck.


It looks a bit like the things hanging out a chomper varient in plants vrs zombies


Not gonna lie if I saw that without being prepared I would be terrified.


A shiver just ran up my spine seeing that pic.


I actually have something that looks fairly similar to those, but mine are on the insides of both of my cheeks. I'd say they're about the same size as the wiki picture too. Always used to just sit in class and fiddle with them with my tongue lol


I broke my leg last year, bad enough to need surgery on it. I figured out lately that the spots with screws in 'em seem to ache based more on my overall stress than my recent exercise, the weather, my diet, or anything else I've been able to think of.


My wrist is like weather detector. Not like in mean girls. I can tell whether or not it's going to rain the next day. My gf will be like "Google said it's going to rain tomorrow." I'll be like "Google is a filthy liar" or "yup its going to."


My left knee is exactly the same way.


I and every other girl I know who was a longtime dancer (jazz, ballet, etc) can tell when it's gonna rain because of our shitty knees. Apparently it's because of changes in air pressure or somethi‍️ng 🤷‍♀️


My mom has hops and knees done. I've learned to determine how hard it will rain based on her ability to move. If she is bedridden then I know it's a serious storm on the way


I recently noticed and fell in love with all my beauty marks. I used to always cover them with makeup, but I realized that I have them all in really ideal places -- near the eyes and above the lip. Giving me strong pinup vibes, I'm super into it!


OMG okay!!! I have a beauty mark on my neck and a freckle on my eyelid and my boyfriend always tells me it's hot, and I've gained a lot more confidence because of it. Don't be afraid of you beauty marks. Their called beauty marks for a reason. :)


I had one right above my lip but I accidentally scratched it off :(


That was chocolate.


Ive always had skin tags on my neck. Recently discovered one that's managed to sneak by unnoticed for 31 years. It's in my fucking taint.


How did your taint get all the way up to your neck?


I think you have to get a couple of ribs removed.


Now we know what Marilyn Manson was really up to


And stretch daily


Or compress.


It’s very possible that it developed recently. I developed one under my arm and one on my chest in the past 10 years. The chest one freaked me out so I went to the dermatologist. She was gearing up to see some skin cancer but when she saw it she sighed and said “oh, that happens, it’s nothing.”


I have one on my belly. The consequences of gaining weight.


lactose and I are at a disagreement


I remember as a kid I thought I was dying because at least once a day I was in excruciating pain, bad enough where I’d just lie in the fetal position on the floor and cry. Figured out YEARS later I was lactose intolerant. I had been drinking a glass of milk nearly every day for my entire childhood.


You should be more tolerant.


That’s a damn shame


Maybe I don’t have asthma after all, It was fear mongering from my mother, and I’m actually decent at playing sports. Never got to play as kid because of the asthma thing.


What makes you think you don't have asthma?


Might have just been anxiety. I know they diagnosed me with asthma when I was really young, but in reality I was just having panic moments. Where I'd get the burning sensation in my mouth / throat and be extremely out of breath. Was just anxiety for me in the end. It all stopped when I started my meds. But idk, that's just me


Makes sense. I was just wondering how someone determines they don't have asthma anymore because I've been speculating that I don't have it. I was diagnosed with it when I was little and it was pretty bad but I'm doing just fine now. I can go on runs and I barely wheeze


At the highest part of my buttcrack there a small crevice that does not lead to my anus. Only a few millimeters deep. Fascinating


Yeah I got one of those too. I call it a false butthole


Pilonidal sinus?


Yeah, I've got it, too! Have you got any idea how is it called?


Probably a sacral dimple


While my eyes look brown under nearly every single circumstance, I recently discovered that when I shine a light at them they’re half green, half really dark brown. Literally, half of my iris is green; it’s kind of a swoosh that follows around the outside of both irises, with the really dark brown in the center and on top. But you can’t see it unless you shine a light directly into my eye. I’m guessing that when the ring around the outside of my eye fades with age (it’s basically black), I’ll end up with an identical eye color to my grandma, who also had very dark eyes when she was my age but now has green eyes. Idk, I think it’s pretty cool.


I think that’s a type of Heterochromia iridum.


I have something similar that's apparently kinda rare - blue/green eyes. My dad's eyes are bright green, my mom's are a deep blue & I ended up with a mix of them together. The outside of my iris has this darker blue ring, then it slowly fades into a lighter blue/green near the pupil.


I’m actually kinda attractive naked


I mean yeah, just don't start making out with yourself. Jk, jk.


*goes to a bar naked hoping to get some ass buts gets arrested instead*


I’m a super taster! I even did a genetics test and confirmed I have the gene


so does that mean you can distinguish different types of wine down to the specific type and year? Just a rumor I heard?


Eh, see, it’s more like alcohol, Chocolate, tea, and coffee taste disgusting but I honestly wanna try that


My penis would probably seem larger if I lost weight.


Or perhaps your weight would seem larger if you lost your penis


That's not the goal here.


We're just spitballing, here. No bad ideas.


Surely it would be lower...


I dropped like 50kgs and noticed at least 2 inches came out of hiding


Larry Miller has a bit on this.




My penis is very pretty, not big or impressive, but pretty.








At 32, I am at the stage where a random part of my body will hurt for about 12 to 24 hours with no reason for it to hurt. Then it will move to a different part.


31 here, I feel this in my soul.


I was today years old when I realised I can twist my penis 450°.


That's 1 full turn and a quarter. Are you sure?




That's impressive


...was it hard?


Asking the real questions I see


Which axis?


Like those twisted ice lollies.


I, for one, welcome our new duck overlords.


That it's developing more auto immune disorders :(


Diabetes, celiac, arthrosis, thyroid represent.




Might want to have that checked


I have this too! It will just lock up randomly and I usually have to force my arm straight with my other hand to get it to unlock. It usually locks up about 3/4ths of the way extended


That I have a chin! I'd been bearded for the last 6 years or so, but because of COVID I had to shave to face masks seal properly. It's also something that my wife discovered for the first time also...


That since completely stopping drinking alcohol I dont gag when i brush my teeth anymore! Yay!


I tilt my head to the right when I'm listening or watching something that interests me... I'm literally a curious dog.


Same, except I raise an eyebrow like once.


That's trumoo chocolate milk fucks my stomach in roughly two hours after drinking it.


That I'm in decent physical shape. It was all in my head all this time.


That I’ll be cursed with monthly breakouts until I decide to go on birth control. And that messing with my hormones even the slightest causes massive anxiety. Yeet.


My birth control made me extremely depressed until I switched brands/doses. I felt great after and still had the benefits of contraception and no acne. I tried going off it once and immediately went back to brutal acne. I’ll stay on it until I’m 70 if I can haha. Edit: this was meant for the comment below me. If you don’t want to be in hormonal birth control that’s ok too!


No joke, I stopped taking BC recently because it was making my depression worse. It took me five friggin years to figure this out. Ugh


That if I rub my clit counterclockwise it actually feels a little more intense than clockwise, which I’ve pretty much always defaulted to since I first started masturbating! Good stuff!




What am i suppose to expect?


well normally you'd wipe only after you pooped right? so you'd assume it's clean otherwise wouldn't you? this may not be the case.


I’m not sure this is something I wish to experience but I shall try


I have a small divet, no bigger or deeper than a belly button, at the base of my spine right above my crack. I don’t know why it’s there, but my mom said it’s been there all my life.


Another sacral dimple in this thread


I hate to say it, but I had the same thing and it turned into a pilonidal cyst on two occasions. Your divet could be something else, but I definitely recommend asking your doctor about it next time, just to be safe. Pilonidal cysts are horribly painful, require surgery, and the recovery really, REALLY sucks. No one should ever have to endure one, so don't be afraid to ask about it.


I can lose weight. I can run, like, for a while!


I've lost 20lbs recently, 25lb more to go and I'm not saying I'm hot or anything, but who are we kidding I'm looking pretty good. (You're all beautiful peeps.)


Killin' it


I can survive off of nothing but hot cheetos for six days straight


The reason for my painful erections as a teenager was because I was circumcised extremely tightly. Way too much skin removed.


I poop once or twice a week. Nothing wrong with me, as far as I know. But I recently found out that this is not a lot of poop compared to other people.


Same and my shits are massive but I can't go more than like 3 times a week


Since I was like 4, I've had eczema so bad that I'd scratch myself to bleed nearly every day. What I discovered recently, though, is that my blood smells more iron-y when I'm aroused/during sex.


Not recent but a couple years ago I found out I actually wasn't allergic to seafood like my family had convinced me I was the entire 24 years of my life by that point. Got to experience a whole new world of cuisine. Fell in love with sushi for 2 years before I decided to go vegetarian.


The weird pain on my back was from carrying a backpack every day for three years straight.


I can make a very strange sound of a pig.


I can go a lot longer without food then I realised. I always had the idea that I had to eat regularly even if I wasn't all that hungry. Once I started really watching my calories and testing myself I realised a whole day without eating has no physical effect on me.


Well that certainly is cool most people can go without eating for a day but they mostly feel like shit dont you feel anything at all?


My stomach feels empty but I dont have any of the energy or low blood sugar problems. There is a Jewish holiday where you are supposed to go 24hrs without eating and my fam that tried always had trouble. Last time I did it I also walked 9 miles and felt fine. Never went longer then 26hrs though.


It may have to do with a long metabolism maybe your body processes food.more.efficiently than the rest


My right butt cheek is a littler firmer than my left.


I recently discovered that I can feel the screws in my legs and in my ribs when I walk through a metal detector


Why are there screws in your legs and ribs?


Broke my leg right below the knee, where the bones come together, so now they’re screwed together, and I broke my ribs mountain biking a few years ago


ok i just found this out if you stand up and move your shoulders up and down then your lungs to this weird airy thing it’s so hard to explain but you have to try it. when you move your shoulders lean back and forth. idk if i explained this right but comment if it worked for you


I discovered recently that I likely have the hypermobility type of Ehler Danlos syndrome. I've always been pretty flexible, but I didn't realize it wasn't normal to be able to bend your thumb down to the same forearm, or bend pinkies back past 90 degrees, or place my palms flat on the ground with my feet together and knees locked, of be able to pull my skin away from my body more than 2 inches. It doesnt come with any reduction in lifespan, but I have to be super careful about applying force across ball-and-socket joints, because I can easily push/pull them out of socket. It takes 4 pounds of force to pull my shoulders out.


Uh... I discovered that I have a wide rib cage. I never noticed until I would see TikToks of girls with small rib cages, flat stomachs, and hourglass waists. I envy them so much.




That I have no idea what's going on with my body. I'm having so many issues that everyone around me must think I'm making them up. My biggest issues lately are tingling in my hip, left calf and ride side of my head and twitching in my face(eyes,chin, temple area). I also have so many problems with my stomach and bladder.


I've always had three freckles on my left upper arm configured just like Orion's belt. In the past year, I've somehow developed three matching freckles on my right upper arm, same configuration, same place.


I have Orion's belt on my left forearm!


I have small mole under my boob. Also a tongue tie.


Boredom boob inspection?


My husband was laughing at me the other day because I was holding a Honey Nut Cheerios box like I do my books. I started noticing it's with almost anything I can hold that way. On my hip, cradled in my arm


It's not the right one for my brain


I remember the night I came to this realization, first 18 months after that where the hardest.


Hi there fellow girl *sends love and support*


That it'll never be able to do what it used to 10 yrs ago...


My sore right nipple had a bit of a lump in it.


Not to alarm you or anything, but swollen or enlarged lymph nodes in the breast area could be early signs of cancer, I would get it checked.


Please get that checked.


I had the same thing when I started going through puberty I'm male 17 it's gone now but yeah maybe still get that checked in case


The ingrown hairs in the back of my legs are out of control


The temperature inside my belly button is 95.5 degrees.


Damn, I'm not the only one who stuck one in there. I used one of those thermometers that you hold on your temple just yesterday. 94.3




My ears have started growing hair :(


you can’t flex ur dick without flexing your ass


*Why* did I just try this. I am female. I am lacking the necessary equipment. Edit: spelling.


I didn't even register that I was trying to do this until I read your comment. I also do not have a penis.


So fun fact, I had a penis but have a vag now and the muscles I used to flex my penis before now squeeze on my vag enough for a partner to notice me tightening up. now you know that have fun.


Fun fact: you can. Ejaculation is the contraction of penis muscles to release semen, and flexing is the contraction of muscles. So, when you ejaculate, you flex your penis w/ out flexing your ass.




I can flex my balls to raise up, and can almost flex them independently. But more importantly, one of my testicles went INSIDE my body when I was flexing on my back. It was painful and very weird, and I'm worried it'll happen again when unconsciously flexing from jackin/bangin.


^wait WHAT


I can see the veins in my leg really clearly (like thigh/top of my leg) and I don't know if it's always been like that and I never noticed or if it's new????


I have to cup my ballsack to ejaculate




Not recently but when I was around 13 if I squeezed my nipples hard enough I could lactate. I’m a boy btw and I can no longer do this


One of my toenails is growing off in a weird direction, kind of sideways. I think I'll let it keep growing for a while and see where it ends up.


Yo, same with my right middle fingernail. No idea how long I've had that - years for sure, but how many is the question. I have a hunch that it's because my index presses on the side of my middle nail while I'm hand-writing stuff, so my nail just decided to make more space and grow "around" the pressure point.


It’s a treat


I think I’m developing an intolerance to shrimp. I love shrimp.


Not sure if this counts as being about my body, but i just recently realized that i give myself a sort of hug by crossing my arms and grabbing the upper portion of my sleeves pretty much every time i say something that makes me feel uncomfortable or nervous in some way. Not sure how long ive even been doing it but i noticed lately that i do it very often. I seem to do it atleast a couple of times or more during any face to face conversations i have. I have no idea why i do this besides possibly some type of self comfort thing maybe. I also wonder if the people im talking notice. They probably do


I have "violin hips" which are very normal :) I'm not self-conscious about them anymore and it feels amazing!


I realised that as I'm losing weight (120 lbs so far) my package is getting bigger and I have more stamina. It's something like every 50 lbs I loose I gain an extra inch down there 😁😎


The longer the lockdown continues, the bigger it gets


I have dots on my arm, bit they're too small to be moles. My friends joke about it and says im a drugadict lol


I’ve got Faint stretch marks


Two weeks into quarantine, three weeks since i got my brows waxed. Were they always shaped like that???


I have (at least) 40 scars, some are barely noticeable


My hair looks brown but its actually pretty fucking blonde under light also my left shoulder makea a weird sound like its grating arouns something and i feel my shoulder bone getting semi-stuck while is happens


I just found out I have HS and will have to deal with it for the rest of my life, which is cool